200 IQ TACTIC VS CAMPERS ☝️ | DayZ #17

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i'm ready to go okay are we i mean should i like throw a [ __ ] flashlight down mine or are we just going nah we just go we're two different ones so okay it's that now you're hitting up on the ladder i'm hitting that right now i'm sliding shift sliding sliding slide i mean it's if one of us might die but no no way both oh it's guys guys hold your fire hold your fire okay he's telling me he's holding me up really no i'm getting held up this guy's robbing me in the [ __ ] water he's telling me to wait [Music] [Music] [Music] a good line though okay maybe get some for this tree right here yeah yeah i'm gonna run up the top just so i can start engaging if someone's here okay this this push right here i think we're good you want to grab that one i'll get it okay he's [ __ ] waving but what do i do do i kill him i'm killing him where is he oh bottom i'm [ __ ] sorry he's dead he's dead he [ __ ] waved but dude i'm not trying to make friends here not with you okay he's got sticks he's already got sticks okay he's gonna he's gonna film it he's got food all right let's jump in then he's got the gauss [ __ ] scope portable cooker [ __ ] documents all right you ready uh yeah let's give it some spacing just in case okay i'm throwing my ghost through all right i hope it doesn't get lost i swear you can make it but nah don't risk it [ __ ] it just toss the ghost toss it oh you're right i can't jump but this is more exciting get in there all right dude it's been fun see the other side okay i'm going hard i'm in i heard you're really close to me closing this door okay you know where i am i'm in that with the window room the window room where are you okay i'm at the fire where we warmed up i'm in the tip top where we warmed up we got the heat buff cylinder okay we want you want to meet the reactor you know how to get down there because i'm in the window room here you know you know the reactor where we can climb the ladder yeah yes oh this looks so cool you have to come down here this looks so cool wait is it down or up it's remember that side staircase yeah yeah yeah you got to go down there oh you're you're too high you're too oh you're yeah you you need to go down the little yeah there you go you need to go down the little pipe thing oh you're gonna miss it oh no no and then you need to go across across the giant reactor thing and then up right and then down did you just close the door yeah yes me i found my girls yeah no go then go down you passed it you passed it it's the first door on the on your right if you go look towards the reactor oh someone's here someone's here okay someone someone else is here so be careful i'm still in the reactor [Music] okay i'm in the reactor i'm at the bottom okay you're at the bottom look at it before you get knocked out or before it happens hey i'm in the window this means me dude i hope you don't die down there i don't know maybe maybe go in the staircase just in case go on the staircase i'll watch from up here just just i don't think you will die but just stay in the staircase for now someone else is here though for sure another person well wait that same sound happened at the very end the last okay i'm reloading holy that was i freaking i feel like that last sound is not a person but let's hope that i think there's at least one guy because it happened last time it happened at the very end last time too okay well we know someone here someone's with us yeah yeah for sure dude it's snowing down here you see this um no but i do really want to give you my night vision dude because it looks cool as [ __ ] and you need to see this you can but i i wouldn't mind because i'm tired of being tired of it being so dark please please do it um i'm bringing you a uh just me bringing you another velmeg hold on stay up there dude it's even darker than last time holy crap i can't see any it's way worse last time wasn't that bad this time it's way darker because it's the storm probably bleeding in i think the storm is doing its little atmospheric thing right now but yeah are you sprinting i'm bringing it yeah yeah i'm bringing this mag to you are you climbing the ladder no i'm not i'm not oh i will i will i guess i'm climbing a ladder right now uh two seconds reactor ladder you mean right yep i'm up i'm going up right now okay i'm just holding this door i see the snow holy [ __ ] that was cool being in there i still didn't get to see the tip top but we will one of these days okay here take this mag and trade me your head torch oh i'm dark blue oh so am i i know well let's go back back to my fire where's my head torch sorry wait a minute i can barely [ __ ] see what have i done okay let's go you're the leader dude my envy what doesn't work no it's not green oh yeah that's what i was trying to tell you it's like white dude that's cause the storm i guess that will change i think it's just the po like right after the storm it's like that here's that okay someone's here someone's walking to our left unless that was the water dripping so you're saying it will go green we need to get to a fire man this sucks the same way i came we're the same whereas i spawned right on the fire okay we've got to go up top um you know how to get there just go up top you lead with the night vision i'll get your back hold on i'm thinking what's through here oh wait what is through here this is the very bottom isn't it this is the lowest level right yeah yeah so we gotta go this way dude this is so weird how i can see but it's not green i think i have the extra dark effect right now yeah yeah that's just really really lame that the storm is bleeding through here but yeah i think it'll change once we get to a certain area or after time passes let's do this let's assume there's two guys but maybe just one this guy could be anywhere it's you right yeah yeah yeah i see morphine we shouldn't probably lose though we should clear first huh yeah yeah i'm open this door i'm gonna go clear the hall okay oh whoa dude come back in here this is up to you that's where i found mine last time too maybe put it somewhere sneaky just come back for it where's yours where's your goss rifle on my back i found it it was like in the ground it's all right we'll remember looking up really quick because i don't want someone looking down at us okay i'm just gonna grab and move it slightly i don't see anything down the hall i don't see anything upstairs yeah we got to continue clearing oh it's green now okay okay nice yeah i just dropped it somewhere random in the back room there so your lighting should be a little bit better huh yeah this is good did you open this i don't know i really don't [ __ ] know dude i can run past it though i'm gonna run fast go for it [Music] should i throw a stun no i'm gonna do a little jiggle okay we're good oh that's is that you right here i have an extra mag now too but the thing is the ammo the ammo is rough yeah looking around okay let me take this mag of my inventory then just in case we don't make it back hello hold up i don't want to get frostbite wait where's my oh i don't have more i'm wearing my hood oh it just got so bright for me yeah they're good all right let's do it so we're going up right anywhere where the fire like it's all the way up yeah i feel like i'm sorry you're like ups pretty oh god okay sorry i feel like up's pretty safe but who the heck knows yeah i mean technically we could also go down to the maze it's up to you i'm so scared of getting blasted through here hold on i'm going like with right click just in case you know yeah i'm giving you some space i just don't i want to jiggle it sorry right i haven't gotten shot at through i have one flash as well okay clear clear doors are closed these doors are open that's kind of scary i'm opening this one yeah you can clear it land in the hall open this other one what the heck is that a gospel i don't see anything in this other side i think we're good dude there's got to be someone with us railgun battery another valve mag mega camping or something are you in the like the circle i am now okay all right behind you i went right one last thing to clear let me go with you cool i can see your light since the snow is in here i wonder if it's getting us wet i think it is which is really lame another fell there but no mag it's gonna be a bug documents i'm gonna take a picture of this just in case i haven't yet what i don't understand is i swears like we heard the tp august right there yeah well i guess we don't really know yet like how many times that sound plays but i would assume we at least heard one dude yeah like maybe that sound plays twice naturally i don't know it's gonna be a guy all right well we gotta get warm we cleared this whole thing yeah we cleared this whole thing across over there so we're pretty safe here because the only way up here is through this so let's just make the fire i don't want to get frostbite okay i'm lighting too i put two rags in i'm lighting these two eggs we can do one or two sticks as well let me do mine i have a stack of five um you wanna get on that side i'll get on this side like uh opposites so we don't uh mess up our gear sure you know what if they spawned in the maze no way right well like you said earlier 24 spots they got to be getting creative with it oh my god what if we're being camped they teleport and then they just camp the exit yeah true like scumbag tarkov [ __ ] yeah we learned in tarkov that people will do that [ __ ] can you only get frostbite on your face hands and feet good question i think i've only ever had it there because i was like tried not let it go any further i thought somebody told me that you could actually get it so bad that was under 50 like the worst i had is my health was at 51 so any piece of damage put me in yellow limping and that was three frostbites we're just gonna get wet again right let's see i mean luckily the storm's probably gonna die off here might just be light blue instead of dark did i hear something i thought i heard water probably heard when i heard that water drop i got one piece of me to cook gonna suck if somebody's down there now okay i'll get behind this oh i gotta get the heat right well yeah how about you like here i can still be close and you can kind of get behind it and watch that watch what like if you come to my side and take cover behind the barrel and watch that hallway right it's not the only dangerous fighter the hallway no they can't come through there oh okay okay the only well the only way up or down is through this spiral behind us because in front of us is the rooms to the left the rooms to the right the portal room and then that that room with like all the glass and cabinets and stuff right right okay drop my npg's for a sec i can't believe the snow is bleeding through here yeah we'll see if we get wet maybe we jumped in wet uh yeah we did so maybe it's not actually getting us wet still show some wet which is weird i put everything away not my backpack i have so many mags i gotta start i gotta start taking some 10 rounds out to put the 20 rounds in that's when you know you're super [ __ ] geared up with that gun and that bell is so good i guess we go down i got the buff and i got some hot meat not much more to clear scary part is leaving this freaking place oh my god scary so loud holy crap worst feeling ever and what an angle this guy fought at okay we can loot this right or did we did we loot i don't really remember it's a new report by the way this one i don't think i've seen this one yeah we kind of did a half-assed job yeah back in this room real quick took a pic i dropped in the hole another sewing kit it's the portal room but we know no one's up there so we've already seen a vel a fell in a gauss did you do a good job looting reactor you don't know this is where we found the ghost rifle right so you hit it somewhere i uh yeah yeah uh let me show you i didn't do a great job with anything yet it's back here it's kind of floating so you can move it if you want got it sweater i should cut up this sweater i need more rags a canteen this is crazy i feel like there should be someone with us but i don't know i don't think so we've cleared everything the only place they could be is me the only place they can be is under us so if they spawned under and they're just holding down there in the maze or i don't know right i wonder if they're like some people are doing this so much they realize like oh i got this spawn that means i should camp this area i don't know well because i really do feel like we were followed you know maybe next time we should um we should hold the outside of the orb until the very end right well let's think how does that work though because at a certain point you can't jump any further so we need to figure out like oh that's true what is our last moment is there like a that's true even before yeah yeah you're right right well if we do it enough i'm sure there's something that we can be like oh that means we have two minutes or some [ __ ] you know i just need to keep doing it all right well think back so last time we heard two of those sounds and there was two guys in there but we don't know if they were already here so like if someone i mean people could tell you like from their experience how many times they heard that noise i guess but we don't really need to know all right well let's hope no one's down oh wait wait no no let's uh no no we need to go do you want to bring the gauss down just oh exit plan oh that's right i don't have that thing i mean you're so [ __ ] heavy though like maybe we should stash it like make a shelter later i don't know i mean i'll throw it on my back yeah screw it kind of walk through here anyway uh where was it very last room um how do i make it so i triple carry i see right you right click on the one that's in your hands so you get it out of the top bar like you right click on the icon on the very tip top of your inventory okay just get that yep see my stamp tank yep all right so now we need to go down this here we need to go here and we need to go up let me go down all i have is a valve that's the one that you saw another absolutely yep i took a 20 round mag off of that for you earlier got it did you loot that yeah not really it was really cool in here i liked it no lead i feel like i feel like there should be nvgs but whatever yeah and not a whole lot of time past i am seeing fresh loot here but like you know we were just here too i wonder if there's a way to turn it off or force it from the inside off you know like like shut them from coming be like i got her first you can't yeah like you know maybe the timer it can be spontaneous because of that right because the fact that this is your hood by the way uh oh oh cause you're wearing the headlamp thank you yeah i spawned uh right here it's actually kind of scary i'll show you where i spawned and what it looked like it was scary because this door was already open i spawned right here and this door on the left and behind me was already open this door i closed this door right here so this is the one floor we haven't cleared by the way so if anyone's going to be anywhere it's going to be here okay here before we go in before we're going come back here real quick um i want to check this control panel before we commit seeing if it's different codes i was checking that red button somebody somebody brought up the red button i just want to see what it looked like weird that the codes there can you turn off your light that's why it goes all right all right so if anyone's going to be there it's going to be it's going to be in this hall here we go all right let's do this you want to open it yep i got you i'm gonna turn my light off and everything yeah see anything yet see anything yet nothing i was like running across keep going forward there's an m4 down here i'm in the side left doors open careful clear right this hallway still clear always slightly i'm sprinting nothing i really hope we're not being freaking cam we'll kill him we'll [ __ ] peek that [ __ ] like we mean it hey there's a soda in here first piece of food i found m4 vel another m4 yep some of the code for the game probably yeah it looks like we go down now what's this document we've seen that one i think ao14 pretty confident yeah now we gotta so should we okay so since we have some more experience being in the maze um should we take a ladder each so that we don't both just get sprayed down or should we no you know what we should do not take a ladder each because it's unlikely that they're both being held by because you can't hold it as one person i mean it's unlikely that's a group holding each one but right you go down like i go down first and then if it's clear you come down so at least we're together we'll probably do that okay yeah yeah okay i think we'll also be able to hear each other's footsteps down there if we do get separated but yeah let's do it and remember if you want to do the whole bullets thing cool if not cool dropping bullets jesus is scary okay clear okay so i'll just go down one okay and i'll wait for your clear and then i'll come right behind you yep right okay while you're doing that i'm just gonna make noise on the other side real quick can i throw a stun grenade down there's no way they're sitting right on top of it though maybe though if they're looking straight down yeah i hate to say but it's probably just gonna give them a warning that you're coming just just because the stun sucks so bad for damage yeah but if you're just lighting if you're just sitting there anyway do it do it i mean [ __ ] it dude let's do this [ __ ] i like it don't shoot me don't be camping please i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive okay holy crap i just pushing a land mine right here all right looking terrible through the maze dude that poor [ __ ] outside the orb waved but like he ran at us and waved like instantly it's like he must have heard our snow steps or some [ __ ] [ __ ] him sure that's what happened i don't want to be that guy trust me even if you even if you are that guy like even if it's like slightly implied they'll think you call out that all the time and the one dude i don't call out was actually stream sniping so there it is well we know there's a ladder down this way we remember that right yeah i think yeah right there did we take it we didn't take it last night okay so we so that's our very first right out of out of the tunnel the very first right was the ladder and then we found going right because we wanted to see what the option is before we committed yeah um and then this goes up oh that's right this is the only way down because this is probably back up to the yeah okay so that is the only way down that's kind of scary so no matter what the two the double forks into one so if you were smart you would just hold that first one drop down if you were to hold i mean right or just find one of these hallways that's just a one-way eventually yeah yeah like this hallway or whatever and you sit there and hold it yeah listen for the footsteps fly out i'll let you go and uh time to die please don't be doing it [Music] we're good yeah we can even do [ __ ] where like i'm halfway in the ladder when you start sliding or something just so i'm here a little bit faster for like the trade i don't know gives him more time to look up at us though i need to uh got you fix my gloves sorry oh god i can't see my sewing kit do i not have one they're probably holding the tunnel exit that's unlikely because if they're holding the actual exit there's no um there's no way of getting that there's no way of getting that loot if you actually hold the the legit exit there's no way does it look like i know where i'm going gonna happen when i don't expect it man i just know it yeah well if he has to camp down here to get a kill [ __ ] him anyways he can oh [ __ ] okay so now we know this one is pointless interesting oh this is like a little dead end yeah let me repair my stuff then cool nice this is like a little camping warm-up spot or not camp but like yeah warm up i'm fixing my stuff now we know this is a dead end a very this feels like a very long ladder it's the secret loop room you're wolves oh my god [ __ ] i don't know where this is taking us by the way you'll see what happens when you get up here i'm coming up this is new i'm glad we're taking a different path at least get to i'm going down okay i'm almost up imagine there's wolves in the tunnel dude we need a [ __ ] boss down here i'm down already we're good look i gotta go down again yeah that's interesting right this is cool that we found a new spot or well you did i'd be totally lost in this place waiting for you on you i thought i heard a snap and i'm scared um well we're in the deeper part where it's a little confusing i think i think this is the lowest we just passed the right did you know that yeah yeah i did okay okay i just want to see what's this way up got it that takes up some you can see through the ground some places but i don't think it matters i don't know if it gives us any hints probably can help you remember something yeah yeah i don't know if it like showed you an area down below something interesting okay that's two ups the s val is trash sounds like the best gun in the game one shot people valid vss to own okay so those were two ops and this dude if somebody oh my god if somebody was down here and they peaked me i would yeah it would be over for me i think i would like alt f4 yeah if i just listen for your footsteps and swing out what are you gonna do i'd have a heart attack right now shoot these dudes i think there's a guy in the tunnel probably okay that's what everybody's trying to think thanks for everybody saying thanks for saying that yeah there was a point where i thought i heard a step so i don't remember this down part at all unless this is the down down out it is it is this is the exit that's the water water yeah what do you want to do wait am i going to be blind am i going to lose my gun some triple carrying no i think you can swim with a backpack in your hands just like you can climb a ladder with something in your hands um should i have my m4 out just in case yeah i'll do it yeah yeah i mean i can go first dude like isn't it the same [ __ ] because like we're weird we're not freezing cold here like we were in the last exit is this a different one you think remember the last one was like freezing cold once we hit a certain spot true but i also looked down and realized that like two of my clothing garments were like damaged wait am i here some no cross resistance i mean we have come a long way we've gotten a little bit more geared up since then maybe for us for us yeah i want to fix my gloves can't you just jump you probably could jump but i'm scared of catching a lip here ready to go are we going in the same hole oh what if we found another hole that's actually a genius idea hold on here we go again here we go again we're going to [ __ ] lose the main hole yo that's sick okay okay but we were just in the tunnel right we saw there's only two two doors in the tunnel no but yes i'm saying two exits what if you find the other exit like if we oh you mean like you want to do both exits at the same time we both drop in the water doesn't sound cool okay all right um do you like it or no well no no no i do because like potentially we could both get [ __ ] because like if they're camping the water we'd both be dead no no no you're gonna die and then no no no no no my point is that you we find this is one exit and we find the other one and we split up right right right yeah yeah let's do it let's do it let me see it should be really close right like right oh this is the [ __ ] upstairs no it's gonna it's gonna be somewhere completely different that's what i'm saying we remember this one okay and we go find the other one that's what i'm saying i love it i love it you're master navigator bro so you take me there and i'll [ __ ] wait until you get back here i love what i'm hearing i feel like it's gonna be i feel like it's gonna be this way god if wolves get down here that'd actually be really cool if they had some monsters down here like little like sewer rats or something just mutated yeah whatever follows the lore i mean it should be it should be and i think it will eventually like dude in a few months we're gonna come down here and we're gonna be fighting something it better happen better i think it will you know what the worst part about this is you have no [ __ ] idea how to get back there yeah once we find the other exit it's going to be hard for me to find the but the last one that was at i should have left some bread i left um i left the heat pack but it was at the exit already so that's the problem like i didn't think i was gonna be reliving this [ __ ] from earlier but here we [ __ ] are it's all right no it is smart though i need to get better at figuring this out up okay i think we've burned our our ways through here unless there's more oh i'm yellow hydrated i have a candy hydration i have a full canteen we're good let me down this real quick do you remember if we went remember we went up yeah to me it all looks the same like i would need to come down here about 40 times before i memorize this [ __ ] tunnel system somehow you played a mosque like four times you just know the whole [ __ ] map i can't do that type of [ __ ] okay um i want to see if there's one more here just come with me i want to see if there's one more i feel like we might have missed one more like direction in this level okay i'm playing this makes me wish stalker had co-op i'm such a bomb i haven't even gotten the full stalker experience yet i gotta research what i should play with what mods i think you only need one mod really yeah i just want like the most or the best most up-to-date experience i guess holy [ __ ] this is a long sewer so long i feel like meeting peak that's why i have my gun out right now nope okay okay so where we came from was here not the way down it should be just i want to make sure i'm right so this should be a ladder going up um oh god oh god oh god yeah okay and then i remember correctly this should also be a ladder going up um this and then ladder yep and then this should also be a ladder going up right here yep okay the triple ladder got it this is the two ladders that we found and then we came from right here so up there is where it was the double the bridge is what i'll call it i'm having lineups for this place they're not lineups call outs when i call bridge you're gonna know what that is bridge is the the dead end that we're at or the fire the first fire spot we're at yeah yeah yeah okay okay oh god okay so i don't think we've been down here like a little rodent like a little rat in his tunnels searching for some cheese or something i like it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on no no that's where we came from no no i don't think we've been down here this is this is where i don't think we've been unless this goes full circle in which case i'll know pretty quickly dude this is so crazy actually it's so confusing it all looks the same yeah okay you're telling me you're over here like yeah we're going this way i'm like yeah okay dude this okay so we found it this is the other exit so i was right they're both on this floor okay so i'm staying here yes i'll go find them i'll go don't move all right dude i'll go i'll go find the other i got the easy job i got you okay now i now i got the multiplayer now i gotta find my way back i think i know where it is but i could be lost here for a while dude take your time i'm just happy that i don't have to be the confused one here this is definitely the last floor i think i kind of understand it yeah so i mean so what that means then is that means there's three ladders minimum i don't remember another one but three ladders minimum that go down four here's the fourth one four ladders minimum that go down to the very very last level that you exit five five ladders oh my god like another maybe another one's like a dead end right which is like a fire pit down below i don't know if you want to explore explore dude oh wait i was dark blue but it's because i took my dreams up to repair them so i'm good again six that's a six ladder six i'm here already there's six ladders that go down here by the way six i'm ready to go okay are we i mean should i like throw a [ __ ] flashlight down mine or are we just going nah we just go we're two different ones so okay that's that's no you're hitting f on the letter i'm hitting f right now i'm sliding shift sliding slide slide and slide i mean one of us might die but no no way both always guys guys hold your fire hold your fire okay he's telling me he's holding me up really oh i'm locked up i'm locked in he's he's holding me up are you trolling me no i'm getting held up this guy's robbing me in the [ __ ] water he's telling me to wait he told me to wait he told me to wait dude i don't remember if it's a left or a right into your either bro i don't know but you gotta [ __ ] mow this guy down how much time you got you think keep talking maybe yell do the yellow one do the yellow one like the loudest one the three the three lines are you doing i am okay so it's gotta be the other way keep keep talking are you yelling and i still can't hear you yeah i'm yelling i'm yelling i mean you're close dude um i hear you i got a bell i got a four or i got a uh i got a saiga i'll no no i'll die in the water so you don't get any of it or let's strike a deal um i don't know what am i gonna get out of [ __ ] coming up there you got some food why isn't he talking is he talking um what'd you say dude you got food yes he's probably whispering to me okay uh you're good you're good you're good [ __ ] that guy dude [ __ ] him i mean i'm a discord calling him out but he's camping his [ __ ] dick off like a cop i'm so glad i'm so glad i decided to do the double dude let's go bro good [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] camping he's been camped this whole [ __ ] time because he can't get normal kills good [ __ ] dude um oh my god he's what the [ __ ] what is that item he has the same of oh batteries tons of [ __ ] batteries oh gauss rounds tons of dude [ __ ] [ __ ] tons of gauss rounds dude i feel kind of dirty but [ __ ] that guy man [ __ ] him good [ __ ] bro i'm so glad i had a [ __ ] valve for that good [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm putting my uh i'm loading up my gas wait this guy has an svd dude could could he be the guy that was popping off and then he decided to camp instead bro what if this guy's been waiting here for god knows how long he probably has dude here can i get the night vision scope yeah take whatever he's got 308 by the way he should dude he should have closed this door if he closed if he closed the store i would not that would not have worked that well no way i'm just happy that he wasn't watching our [ __ ] streams that he actually let that [ __ ] happen i mean i'm not trying to act like it does but like after that last guy at the storm i was just in a bad mood got that wave to us okay yo do you have the night vision scope i'm sorry uh yeah okay open it it's got a battery in it does he have nvgs he's got a head strap with no nvgs dang it okay we're cold as [ __ ] by the way i'm wet so okay we should we should dry off before we loot this guy okay okay let me scope this out that's why i wanted the night vision to go i don't know how we're gonna oh god there's no barrel here uh it's just down at your door uh well do you have sticks yeah okay we're clear we're clear well we should at least i don't want to get frostbite you know i don't know how much time we have yeah yeah let's get it done do the same [ __ ] we did before i'll just sit here with the night vision scope watching every every angle dude i had to here you go i had i felt like i had to go so far i think i just went the wrong way to start and that was the problem dude he locked the other door that's so crazy yeah here can you uh [ __ ] light this or i'll light it but can you uh either use my sticks or no no sorry i'll find him i'm just blind as [ __ ] here uh where are they they're there got him got a battery in my hands thought it was a i thought it was matches what if what if he did know and he let us kind of kill he didn't know but he like didn't yeah yeah he was like trying to micromanage how he was gonna yeah he kind of i think about that [ __ ] too much dude i'm trying to stop thinking about that type of thing i mean it's very possible it is dude i can't find my match can you find you did react to me pretty quickly but it might have been because i made like a quick sprint i probably shouldn't have done that thinking about it now because lightness i probably um i probably should have done a anything about it now because i didn't think that door would be open it should have been closed yeah i thought he had a friend what for sure i was like yeah you know what he's got a buddy watching your side too i bet but nope i'm so glad dude you know what's funny though if we took the first one the initial one that we saw we would have been fine because the initial one that we saw was was the one what they could imagine but imagine if if you didn't think of that and we took his he would have had us both trapped in the water true and he was going to have me come up the water with my back turned which would have immediately pulled out my gun and i would have [ __ ] turned and tried to kill him but he probably would have got me what uh oh you'd have done if if it was just you down there would you just just me would you he was willing would you have no idea no no i wouldn't give it i would have i would let him have it i mean he's a camping piece of [ __ ] but i had no choice um i would have let him have my stuff i would have went up and tried to probably [ __ ] him like i would have pretended i was going to drop it and then whipped out my gun and i just would have [ __ ] went for it you know like i'm down to let people rob me but if i'm too geared i will try to whip out my gun like i'm dying for situations where like you just press the hockey and [ __ ] turn and burn them you know this doesn't happen much you take your clothes i think so i could drop mine oh yeah sorry i'm too busy [ __ ] reminiscing about what just happened good i'm good i mean that was pretty crazy yeah like he wanted me to come up i was gonna be like dude what's in it for me because like if they do camp that you can just be the [ __ ] that makes sure they don't get the gear with the water maybe that's what the thought right but it still sucks you can camp that [ __ ] oh especially i mean if there's like if there's a like if there's two of us so here's the shitty part if there's two of you or even one of you i feel like you have the moment to most likely jump into the portal and make it there yourself so to choose to camp instead is a little strange you know because you definitely could you have plenty of time to get down there well he's scared dude let me do this [ __ ] talk of exit campers that live for that [ __ ] they're so scared they just want to let you loot the whole place and then they get the free kill like he probably just wants us to loot a3 so he can get a freak house and didn't work out you know speaking of that i have like seven gauss rounds give an extra mag oh i [ __ ] forgot about yours dude yeah we both got one now it might be in his uh i think it's still in his inventory like you know i only see one mag right now hold on let me see stuff's minimized here there it is i feel like i should drop my m4 at this point like i don't know it really comes down to like how much ammo you have for that val if you have enough you could m4 is pretty universal though with how much how comedy ammo is man this has been crazy i don't have the buff yet i don't either fire's blazing hot though 900 gave me some vitamins i just want to go back so hopefully the loot doesn't respawn apparently the timer is uh that was good work dude yeah let's go back um i got the buff i'll start what's going around here that was so fun i did not expect him to let you do him like that i thought he was gonna have a buddy i thought he was gonna flick behind something but nope [ __ ] got him did you mention that i was around that there was no no he's no so he was like he was like what i i thought there was two of you and i'm like i'll [ __ ] tell you what happened to that guy but if you give me some food or something he's like well i don't know he's just like bullshitting him he huh he thought there was two people i mean that he probably heard that zoo zoo earlier you know yeah all right all right i'm gonna um i'm gonna drop it i'm just gonna keep scoping the okay yeah yeah just just keep scoping around oh my god he had so many batteries this guy i think he had plans to sit here and camp for the long haul he's got a deagle man multitasking that's probably why he's camping nice finally svd i don't even know like what do i take do i take it do you take it uh he had a vss as well holy [ __ ] i think i'm sad like i have the fell so i i'm that should be my one and only gun really if eleanor goss is like oh can i take the gospel uh is there an extra or do you want mine i'll give you mine oh no he's got one dude oh cool we each have one then i think yeah yeah i have one this guy had so much [ __ ] like actually bro that was so cool like actually i can't get over how dope that worked out what a day pretty [ __ ] sweet that i can't believe it worked out like that dude i thought for sure he was going to [ __ ] us over i went down and i saw movement and my heart sank i was like yeah it's been a good run dude like he didn't burn me because he knew the gear was gonna be lost in the water you know it's like he's trying to think of how he's gonna do this that might have been his first uh like first ambush here because it seemed like he wasn't really sure how to approach it but he locked the other door so he kind of he kind of had an idea yeah he's probably been doing this [ __ ] all [ __ ] week all week all right um there's some stuff left there's he's got a like a lot of batteries i'm gonna refresh this nvg he's got a lot of batteries that you can take does this uh does this gauss scope need batteries it does but only if you want to see the uh point to impact or how long until the impact do you have gauss do you have railgun batteries like the real ones big ones blue ones yeah i'm good okay i mean i might as well get away i might as well get an extra oh i don't need an extra knife too uh i thought i saw some 308 but i took some i took some he's got some uh bear meat too yeah i took some meat i'm just to eat the meat on him i'm glad you went to the the loud one because the distance was very different from what i could hear i heard you like pretty far away and i never heard him oh the shell yeah that was a good idea like i don't know why i didn't think of that in the beginning like for some reason i thought we were so close that you were going to hear my normal talk but yeah the shouting is definitely crucial there raw meat dried meat just smoked that i've cooked i don't want to suffer the same fate yeah i was just checking i'm gonna do it again i wonder how he knew there's two of us if it was the portal if he went if he was the third guy you know and he got a spawn so he decided to camp instead let's be honest he knew that he couldn't [ __ ] take us in the in the arena so he bitched out yeah that's so good that's what i think i think he jumped in [Music] and he got he didn't like he didn't want to fight in there so he made the decision to camp but then why not camp the tunnel instead that's an easy win so that's why i don't think he did that i think this is our svd guy from way earlier yeah uh research that's what i think you think he never even showed up he just came in it just got super dark bro yep i can't see [ __ ] with my head torch on i'm ready to go i have a triple carrying that's because the battery died it's still dark i can't use these with nvgs i guess the knights are the gospel right so i mean we got to get two of these like i'll give you this night vision let's go back oh whenever oh no it's fine it's fine i don't care about that yeah i mean you have the night vision goggles yeah yeah so that's good for now god i can't believe he didn't have fricking yeah i'm getting unlucky with our night vision kills today we're like not getting it from kills i'm so happy you went down like that man oh people are saying he was wet though he was i think they're right i think he was wet oh oh but what does that i mean he could have been on the storm or it could have been the water most likely that water so maybe he was ahead of us yeah i think like you said we heard those two zaps pretty much can guarantee somebody came in there yeah he came in behind us and he went down yeah and we shut him down it was cool from my perspective too because like i actually got to see his body flop over it wasn't just like an audio thing like it was perfect hit him in the freaking head yep you ruined that night vision head strap that i was gonna pick up but it's worth it i mean i have one i've always i've always had one i have i have the nvgs you're like you gave me the head strap yeah and then i have my own and i have an app see i'm taking up so much space yeah at the end of the night i'll take the the naked strip scoping up the hall the clip from smoke's pov was funny you just want to like get up there and like get one of the little nooks on the side and then i'll push up further yep i'm hiding in a nook all right coming up could be someone like prone holding it that'd be so crazy yep go ahead and go a little bit further i'm watching the corners angles don't look like i see anyone good keep going i can actually i only have enough stamina to run one kind of door oh my god a wolf oh cool that's what i put a bear the other day they met me right at the gate i kind of like that i think they were ready for us because of a3 so they're just here please be sunny yeah it looks good out there go ahead and pick your stuff up is that what is that on the tracks they're wrong it is god the the areas that you can get camped in this game terrifying right well you want to be you want to beam somebody we can't end the night without shooting this [ __ ] we got two of them we got two of them with like three bullets each like every game okay uh well it i don't really care dude like honestly if it's not night time it's not going to be by the time we get off um just hold on for now i just need to find a space to put my [ __ ] night vision scope here i'm dropping some [ __ ] yeah we gotta beam somebody we both have a goss with this with the gosco so i have uh four i have five shots total so i could actually give you more shots in a little bit hold on hold on dude i love that it says the time the destination that's so cool oh yeah yeah like i think the biggest ever scene's like 0.5 seconds but i'm sure it gets bigger you're like 4000 meters out you want to climb this hill to the left yeah dude let's get the let's get eyes on or do you want to this way this way you want to go on that hill okay yeah yeah we go up here and we see all of this facility and also you're trying to go for like a thousand meter shot that's what you're oh man that's what you're saying it'll be easy you're trying to get a banger okay yeah yeah like 1100 yeah from the spot i'm thinking of the research group we have to stop here this is the gout spot as far as i know that's true someone said if you just fire around everyone's gonna come for the rifle that's what i do if i hear goss i go in that direction unless you encounter somebody like that [ __ ] dude in the tunnel he wouldn't run after us he'd be like waiting at the [ __ ] at the research doorway or something but yeah yeah i'm glad we played that as well as we could have but it's still shitty that it can happen yeah i think about some dude that's like oh yeah e3 and then he's like stuck in a pond of water while some [ __ ] like uh come out with your [ __ ] heads up there like i don't know we need a few more exits that was cool though without we gotta go this way right more right that was the tower that we're using is our oh yeah yeah let's just we just gotta go up to like right where that snow starts i mean anything that looks good up here we can stop but we only have eight minutes to shoot somebody until the server restarts oh okay is that our guy that's our guy there it is okay uh it's actually up on the snowy hill maybe no i zoom to the left of the heli i am shaking unfortunately i'm gonna turn on these seat packs shaking because you're leaning to the side no i'm good sometimes the lean makes you shake no okay just cold yeah like my barrel is shaking but not my uh scope i was full on shaking oh [ __ ] okay so was the shot at like a one site or somewhere between the site and the heli um that is hard to say he's killing a bear or something there's a lot to clear yeah well maybe those are the shots that we needed to bring people to research you know i mean even though they're not right there but keep going get up on this really good spot yeah that's good we'll still be able to see everything going higher so this fun thing enough we can like see one of the green sniper towers of sriracha five minutes no oh i can't forget about that okay are you saying that you're done at five no i wanna no i wanna i wanna shoot somebody i don't wanna not like i'm triple carrying and everything am i gonna lose a gun because a triple carry no no no no way all right the spot ain't bad i'm taking a peek we don't have enough time okay do it do it we're almost there but like any of these spots are good i'm just going through and go look around for a second yeah yeah this is perfect wait what if it was the barracks on the left side of something yeah exit yeah i feel like it was wolves this would be a good time to do that backpack thing eventually like put all of our heavy [ __ ] in the bag and drop it when we're parked like this oh true but in our case it's the plate carrier and the goss that's heavy yeah i mean i could probably still load this backpack up a little bunch of the other [ __ ] but yeah it's not this side that i should drop i mean five minutes to restart i'd imagine people are just getting ahead of it maybe i don't know they're picking their logout spots hiding yeah i'm thinking i'm too scared i'm going to lose my gun so i'm going to have my m4 out instead yeah yeah i actually have actually a pretty good zoom on the m4 what scope is it it's the acog or whatever but it's like not terrible yeah dude i can't i'm sorry i can't not log in again with this loadout i can't dude don't apologize me like i wanna i think we should shoot at least once like one we should get a gas kill and then we'll i'll go to bed um i don't care who it is but let's do it how many shots do you have yeah so i have uh five total so i'll give you at least one yeah that's crazy we did it i'll give you one after the reset yeah dude i don't believe like we did it and now we both have loaded galaxy we did it what the [ __ ] holy the sounds kind of like a pain in the ass but do you want to potentially maybe get a goss kill and stash away some [ __ ] or no yeah yeah i mean the amount of time it takes to make a stick shelter it's really no time at all right yeah cause i'm thinking if i have this m4 and i don't want it wouldn't mind just stashing it yeah yeah uh you i mean or the vss instead like i don't care yeah do you want to do it like for everybody or do you want to hide it no i don't like i probably want to hide it at least a decent bit yeah well how do you want to do it you want to hide your screen or just do it like after end either yeah i mean if for you oh there goes the reset for you it's like you know it's totally your call man like you're the bigger [ __ ] target for that [ __ ] so whatever you think is safest we could either hide our screen and then run to a random neck of the woods or just do it after the stream like i feel like it has to be flat that's the problem like it might take us a while to find like a flat slab of sneaky i don't know i think we could do it on stream if you'd like yeah yeah i'm fine with that because that gives me more time to run ads like i said i'm super behind no that's cool man i'm gonna i'm gonna do a quick bathroom break but i'll be back in like two three minutes okay holy [ __ ] i'm geared jesus okay we are getting off very soon my goal is to shoot my goss rifle make a tent and call it i've been on for so long and hannah probably hates me [Music] me is
Channel: Virb
Views: 22,372
Rating: 4.8245616 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, dayz
Id: BIgoaepNbhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 14sec (4214 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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