NOW YOU HEAR HIM NOW YOU'RE DEAD 😅 | Escape From Tarkov #61

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[Music] [Music] the only way you could do it really would be like with a connect or something and you said check chamber and it does it for you just download me into the game okay you're about to spawn in don't shoot any of the people you see you immediately exist us right and there's no like indicator above your head absolutely not so you're going to be saying this a lot is that you what's that [ __ ] terror hold your fire that's clean he shouts a lot okay how do i okay that seems normal oh that's the least i don't really use any of the default keys so you guys are gonna have to tell them what the keys are for like you q and e is like alt q is like a side step alt e is the side step um okay i believe b is the check the yeah by selecting fire select yeah if you press b it'll save single fire and then press it again it should go to full auto you want to be on full auto go ahead and press t for me real quick nothing is it alt t maybe maybe it's all tea oh for checking the bag yeah yeah yeah and you could scroll if you look bottom left and you scroll your uh mouse wheel you can change your movement speeds to like go like walking you scroll all the way down you can walk scroll all the way up another thing you can do well that's crazy another thing you could do really cool hit hit control so crouch yeah okay oh uh yeah and then let's see oh [ __ ] i'm doing squats that's awesome so that's like if you get a thousand of those you use that in certain situations where you have to like line up your barrel and you're like oh you got to get through this window oh yeah so you can like peek out yeah all that stuff sick yeah man this is taking me back to warrior week holy hell yeah dolly g willikers i can't wait to murder people i think z z is z is default prone i think z is default to get on the ground prone yeah yeah can't can't go prone if i can't go pro makes sense where are you guys i'll open the tower just start watching you guys clean and you're right i'm uh just prone behind the barracks here just looking out towards me so what what's the game plan when we first start should i be looking for things or it's whatever you want really yeah it's like imagine this is like a mini open world game so you get in these little locations and there's no specific objective you just kind of do whatever the hell you want yeah there's no right or wrong way if you want to shoot players you can shoot players if you want to avoid them and just search for loot then you can do that um if you've got a quest to do because you get quests of missions you can do those but you haven't picked any of those up yet so don't worry about it i wish i could read that i'd learn well i can i can't translate it but i can read through that no try to jump in though there you go oh okay there's nobody there's no vaulting yet who opened marked you guys right i did i did was me i'm gonna move over to the train station here yeah we can go train all right behind you typically if you hear something it's going to be an ai because it's pve the pvp oh so there's so there's so there's like ai yeah so they'll just shout russian [ __ ] at you so typically if you hear that then you know oh okay it's an ai how do i search what's the search why not just usually open a container and automatically search if you've never seen something before you could like examine it because what is this what is this magical thing that looks like a water bottle what is this metal tube oh it is a suppressor basically imagine the complexity of veram this is the fbs equivalent of it running out to uh six is that clean okay yeah i'm looking [Music] up cause you can prone under that oh oh uh clean where are you just gonna pop you i'm underground and hermetic right now i'm just seeing the bosses are down here okay i'm still in the tower mike got it oh i think it's just good well guy coming in oh that might be uh okay someone's coming back a train station that's me okay same uh just you have to sometimes you have to stand still and name on it okay some actions are kind of weird if you're moving at the same time it's not very fluid what is it i'm just kind of holding the are you back in the train station where are you guys i'm above you uh k-top snow i saw someone move is that you the center of the train yard no no no no no no shoot him pop him okay i'm on top of it shoot him all right i'll go i'm going for ready yeah sometimes you're blocked can't physically prone i'm like a snake in the glass where are you now uh clean you say you're on cable thanks yeah okay build a scale that was you all right is that so he just cleans the skeleton ai okay are you in front of the building to the left of k there is that n or m what is that i think i see we're good you got him yeah some sound travel in this game like a mofo the sound in this game is garbage actually uh you should come outside with us arcade i think he's with clinton i'm working yeah i was in the grass come on i see this is like session zero fps style that was in the glass that behind us yeah it says okay clean cleans around here yeah i got this like half uh moon window above like my bay windows where my desk is and around like 140 to about 240 the sun just like blares right in my face and i i ordered a custom uh electronic like uh curtain that's not gonna be here until like the end of next month jesus yeah it kind of sucks you can ignore the damage just try and jump over as best you can but it's fine hey you did it oh it's so bad barbed wire isn't effective [Music] hey oh gee willisters i can't wait for my first kill okay the problem is statistically likely it's going to be one of us because team killing is one of the biggest problems with squads in this game yeah there's no huddersfield and then you shoot them depends what kind of player you are right some people if they're learning they quite literally won't shoot until they're told to and others will try to take the you know take initiative themselves and get in there and that's how you dk when you're a new player uh play uh someone's at the back of the um school jumping up and down in the metal that's nice nice nice i saw another one but okay right side of his building run to med yep get arcade him like here because then at least he'll be yeah oh whoa guys what are you from bed car i'm i'm prone i'm pruned out here there's two of them stacked are they in med yeah yeah they're on the the the um metal container side they were both peeking you other shots straight through his helmet i think shade i'm knitting over there two two stacks guys the top floor yeah the top set of windows to help them not the roof i'm getting this gear for the homie is it to my right yeah that building you're looking at yeah don't push any further they're super geared they'll one shot you very easily okay just stay stay safe by that vehicle for now yeah i'm ready i haven't seen any movement all right i'm at the uh the guy that i killed if you're seeing somebody in that building that's not clean that's not clean that you're seeing yeah cleans to your left i'm out yeah like far left i think that's it okay okay yeah the guy's on the ground floor left window now yeah that's the guy so yeah he's dead he's dead he's got to make it this guy's still got a homeboy in there here got it right here i'm shining my leg to your right over here right here oh second floor just above that guy you killed zack yeah watching running out of harm stamp sets of everything yeah well now i have to figure out what a helmet is rolling take this take this backpack right here and use that other gun you should have searched the rig that you just put on as well okay how do i if this boy's getting his gear he's gonna be in the bottom left window it's gonna be close to you guys so uh yeah i got you i got you how do i equip this backpack though you gotta examine it and then uh grab it yeah you have to drop your bag make sure you're not wearing your backpack yeah middle mouse to examine and if you ever want to pick something up alt click it and if you can pick it up it will equip it there you go okay and then how do i access my inventory one all right press tab sorry tab i thought i thought he's gonna say pull his gun out what's the quick for the gun okay yep all right he's dipping he's dipping he went into the uh building across uh king sure yeah that's attacking yeah oh that you guys all stacked now yeah yeah we're we're in bed who's got the as arcade and got a face visor on now yeah okay cool somewhere in here i'm putting your kill right now suck sorry i said i'm looting your kill right now okay cool do you want do you need a close range gun yes okay so was it tense was it tense yeah play a scam stay right there dude i hear this guy in this building dude i heard him shuffle he's in here somewhere just just trip to go down there clean now come grab it on a transition all right thank you he's somewhere in here um whether it's the the gym or past it i heard him though okay i've got all the floor windows here tech in in line this did you see you come come to where are you come come put this body armor on the body over there and put that on that could have been him possibly just made a mouse button on it and examine it then just equip it to the body you are on a road yeah yeah yeah that's him yeah yeah okay i hear sprinting to my right is that you clean nope i hear that the [ __ ] where is this guy it's not top floor it's not top floor match built in that's protective i'm sorry came to the campsite i came like third floor uh somebody just traced me with the blue laser somebody just traced me with a blue laser i think from night buildings i have no eyes but you've got one guy top floor tech [Applause] getting you good i'm behind you right now who's with me who's this i get him you could arcade him i think he's with me i can't hear him though they're not speaking if you think i'm sorry i'm sorry i hit alt accidentally yes i'm here i'm right behind you all right let's go hello full attack again top floor attack again the windows facing bad yeah lead the charge and shoot anyone i am expendable shoot anyone in front of you shoot them all clean should not be in front of you we're clearing the the top tech go one more floor up i'm throwing nades up on that bill that room right no reason yeah look left here stop the running knees oh that neighbors that age was on target where he last saw him oh no you stood up i think oh that's just you i think that's you shoot anyone i see you guys on youtube we're in here now clean he's on your left end of the whole way left we're not a saw okay i'm gonna hang out in bed i'm in the hallway still where you came you got it go uh go you guys in that room you go this way clear this with me ready oh he's right there hey there he's dead he's here damn typically how long firefights last arcade in like one second yeah they can be really fast well i i saw him but i turned away because my brain didn't register the color yet yeah that's a good one i've never heard that one before all right i'm gonna come to you mike i'm okay i'm coming to you guys now i'm appreciative here i'll cover your transition okay my chats my chat's thinking i'm baiting you but it wasn't bait that's how you learned you know we found out where he was yeah you got it you had you had to take the fight yeah i mean we got to make mistakes at least he shot me hey on your right on your right on your right yeah i think it's scat boss man that's scab awesome needing it get some hard cover yes was it scout boss yeah okay so arcade one thing you can probably do just to learn the game a little bit is you can actually do offline raids while you're waiting for us which is basically puts you in a map where you're fighting against other like okay and if you die you don't lose anything okay okay yeah third floor uh the balcony door so just a quick bunch of [ __ ] like guns ammo meds any old [ __ ] you can find maybe ask your chat to give you some advice because i'm sure some people don't talk in the hallway and then um let me know when you've got some gear on that was raiders by the way i don't think it's buzzcards you sure it sounded like uh scout scavos uh voice lines but now he's got um black tactical things uh pants on with the timbers timberlands yeah yeah i mean that's what that guy had that you killed so uh there's another guy that killed over here at campsite somebody who's glassing me with a laser from uh night buildings over here blue laser yeah like as soon i saw a blue laser as soon as i transitioned into the door i'm gonna go down check these guys i'll [ __ ] break my legs did it actually break yeah i'm good the heavier you are you do way more damage now yeah they they increase the chance of fractures and fall damage what building are you in ghosts uh we're at campsite right now okay i'm approaching campsite from that from chopper's side stealing my [ __ ] legs you need splints no i'm good all right oh i don't know if there's gonna be good or not kind of pinned on this [ __ ] uh vehicle i hate that they could see me through the stream man like i can't see he's trying to transition can't see him at all he's just popping at me i'm gonna get inside night and try and get him from the window someone said that yeah me me me okay okay okay i'm inside night or white knight yep coming in the rear window white knight project can't see him i got this sun blaring in my face right now this is freaking lame it's literally only for an hour a day at least i didn't shoot any of you that's actually an incredible positive like that yeah most people kill the teammates immediately you just hit the key have you got any gear on yet okay uh yeah i think so i've got a pistol i've got a backpack and some guns like some uh clips or excuse me magazines hey i like it really sure do i need to take water with me no not really so who was so if you click on um if you go back to the main menu and click on play uh escape from tarkov and [Music] pmc and then next i only got one of those raiders i've got one too since that's two down all right let me know when you're ready okay okay i'm uh in offline mode for this raid yeah so take the offline mode but you don't want to do i would say you don't want to do reserve you probably want to do what's called factory because it's a much smaller map so you can just kind of get used to the keys and shooting and looting and the basic stuff like that so go back to the main mix i just play pmc and then factory and then make sure you tick the offline box and then below it will be like an option that says ai and you can put as online difficulty then you can set the difficulty to easy so they don't instantly kill me all right i'm ready and then just like next next next basically if you die you don't lose anything i'm dead what the [ __ ] when did that scab get there i'm dead he was in the jump room uh where you at um i'm in the building i'm in the same building as shroud that's that clean waiting somewhere yeah there's a player's cab he just killed me with a shotgun in what room uh jumping room i don't want to jump in oh okay gotcha yeah when we came in yeah like you're [ __ ] literally oh he's right he's first floor right yeah i hear this guy first floor i hear him he's somewhere on this first floor i'm second i'm second floor i'm just looking around on the second floor that's him firing there he said okay and you're [ __ ] up yeah oh i have so many blacked out limbs oh my god gonna be here a while okay i'm just gonna grab clean [ __ ] and we'll just bounce oh your guy is screaming dude yeah i saved the leg at 180 oh it's a thorax not my stomach i'm stupid i thought i was that was my stomach for some reason and my thorax is gone my chat's telling me i shot you i literally have a full mag in my gun but they're like you you shot him i got [ __ ] up i don't know what he was using on me but it hurt real bad just weird cause i thought it was a little shitty oh yeah queen's kind of thing i thought you walking around yeah okay i need a bandage some of the other medical items allow you to bandage but they're not called bandages so what other items you have i have none okay i'm probably going to die but i'm feeling it that's fine because you don't lose anything so literally when you die it just takes you back and then what you can do is just equip some more meds from your stash and then do the same thing again and just get used to oh that's how you bandage that's how you feel that's how you loot people yes it's just a really clean exercise excellent i need the gtfo yep i'm sorry i'm sorry crap [ __ ] i'm all healed up what the did you need more cms or meds or anything like that no i'm good it's just my thorax is gone that's all okay welcome with yours um the akm that's the one well um okay i can bring one of them which one do you want uh no don't worry about it just drop it off i'll grab something actually i mean if anything take take my 7 31am just so you guys have it for yourself i have a bunch of it i'll take this akm they got seven and thirty one on all the bags prince this spring there was mike i can't hear because take some painkillers because loud as [ __ ] actually i'm going to take a break for a bit just because the sun's like straight my face never can like roll a video for a little while so i'm going to let the sun pass i'll be back a little bit jesus freaking ridiculous yeah it's literally from like 140 to like 240 the sun just like blares right in my face and i kept like leaning really close to my monitor and i will be back in a bit okay i'm good to go yep i have to scroll down okay i didn't know you could scroll down when it when in an enemy's inventory yeah sometimes you need to depends on whereas you're playing okay um should i play another offline one no we're about to expect okay let's try everything with them in case someone's here people are very excited that i killed four people on my first offline one good no you should be that's it's a really really good way of learning whenever someone's new to the game i always recommend just just so you get used to like oh that's what the meds look like that's how what i believe it's like you don't want to learn that [ __ ] after sneaking around for 30 minutes in a raid and you get shot and like oh what's this red icon and you spend 10 minutes figuring out your bleeding especially now with the heavy bleed you by the time you figure out what the heck's going on you'll just die oh yeah amen let's go let's go do a scavenge what if you will have to add me because the one who added me is now gone uh taking a break yeah yep craig uh shroud off to add you so that we get any service how's the new monitor for eft um i mean it's about the same i'd say there's nothing really different you know what's your name mr main man it was no main man stan was my name stan that's the one there you are sir i see it i'm accepting you're very accepting i find mike i have accepted all right let's go do um scav what's let's just be a scav yeah scav on the left let's do something easier uh i guess it doesn't matter because we're to reserve again scav left side only click next once because it'll throw you into the game the menus are different when you're pmc or scav do you know what a scav is okay i don't know how much talk off you've watched uh i i picked up it's basically a random mpcs bandit with random gear yeah yeah whatever whatever you get out with you get to keep and transfer to your main guy yeah so it's kind of no risk yeah but you can only do it like once every 20 minutes or something like that and you have a base for the hideout which you can upgrade and it lowers that cooldown you could transfer leadership so like you could have made the group gave it to me and then i queued it did not know that i'm nipping to the bathroom are you back in a sec me too actually turret oh jesus is that a turret yeah there are lmg turrets and grenade tours is that a turret hold on i will keep them safe with this i'm back his child jfk still he is still afk but you're in the tower i see i will keep you safe promise yeah i'm back oh my god there is a god and he is cruel that's a dusty tour of babylon up there oh all right what's going on my friends we got someone up in the turn yeah that says um do you have any meds okay don't make you press tab sometimes just one with med sometimes you don't i do not have any meds i think i have duct tape do you guys need duct tape that's like a med right it's a met for tanks yeah could you actually you think you could duct tape a wound probably probably right it's not very well but stop support superglue because of world war one the fixed runes yep really yeah if you get shot they just literally super glitter at short and it just stops all the bleeding externally quickly and then people went that's useful i figured it'd be the other way around they have glue first and then they realize wait why don't we make glue for wounds yeah the super glue was like the first glue that dried in like two seconds flat and became like a proper i see deal they had glue but it was like not fast to the right to my right do you see them i only hear them i don't see them okay let's go to brush them okay i'm gazing freakies you see me and children in the open ahead of you running up one of the ramps ahead of you left i see you i see you like on your firing will pretty much one shot anything you can hit with it but it has recoil like insane what kind of yes it's on the [ __ ] lmg oh [ __ ] i thought she meant like the gun in his hands i was like what does he have it's natural range the limit of my turn range watch the back dude it's so [ __ ] cold so cold let's hear someone under me no way enemy spotted back on the way other side of where you guys are mike i had a this red one red one mike okay red one mike yeah come on he's here a scare i don't think so i think it was a player oh it's just a breaky uh three three three three three here the pressure me from my position where i'm pointing right now fellas there's some people down buildings there's more over there i can see does this have bullet pierced can i paint this no not not brick walls or anything but really light color balls and stuff like that i'm very confused we're this meeting might bled out somewhere because i hit him with this big round that's weird [Applause] that probably the scav it's just so hard to find there are enemies by white bishop all right let's go back let's go back down or black bishop excuse me one on the right where i'm pointing with my turret like right now the direct opposite corner of me okay okay dude okay do you know where the tower is where i'm sitting right yeah i'm looking at you i'm the opposite corner from where i am sorry i don't call it call-outs okay actually actually okay you can learn you can learn something cool here uh get off the gunner sack and press are you are you in there that's me yeah yeah we don't have compasses oh [ __ ] do these guys have compasses oh never mind that would be really cool yeah you guys are going towards it you're looking at the building they're in probably the same building that we were fighting at earlier oh this one oh yeah that's the one i meant don't want the little cafeteria the one the little balcony on that second floor there [Music] pretty common spot for people to hang out i'm watching your back thank you where the gun does suppress you guys looking at they went in the bottom floor they shifted up to the top i bet i don't think they stayed down the bottom well we're going in so he's an able you're behind me right yeah i'm outside on the block anything okay that's the scene if he was camping in the corner there he's in there for sure we could hear him where are you at huh oh coming in now oh you're dead we're good i'm i'm assuming i'm assuming that was him they're brushing you they're rushing you outside suppressing them they're outside right where you went in hi thank you they're pushing you oh yeah i see one don't go in towards the door i'm hitting it dude they're pitched where are they where are they um right next to the tower the little building right next to the tower one of them's right there the other one is at the uh you see that little blue hut right next to it somewhere i got you there's two of them one of them made it to the building with the camera on it yeah you're still on the balcony i assume yeah taking this guy's loot i am the watcher on the wall this guy's peeking us from that building mayor body shot i'm not sure behind the near side green container from the building with the cameron on it i'm hearing so many footsteps i don't got a sight on him who's coughing no they're under you i don't hear the cough they're under you coughing away am i in calf yeah i've only got a bolt action so i don't want to push one of the we've still got one person out towards the green containers this is a party i don't got eyes on him i'm looking though mike if you go to the other end of the building and jump and jump out the rear window and go underground you can come up underneath do you know what i mean yeah i do carpenters come with wait in our building other side right now yeah i'm right next to you he's on the other side of the top of the hallway opposite hallway he's coming up now i'm just holding the hallway with you i'm right under you i'm out of ammo coming to help you guys sprinting away med bay now the media are the meta building this guy's still in this building so we're in between two groups interesting well what is the plan i'm moving towards you guys careful there's the guy between us and you out there so be very careful i got seven and three nine in this [ __ ] bush let's really go i think i had it on him oh my god it's okay can you guys tell me your exact positions we're still in the top climb up same like balcony area i'm going to the watchtower opposite of where you guys are okay careful there's a guy out there somewhere in that general area yeah i may have let it out because i think i hit him well i heard that those guys that you're shooting there yeah that's me in this uh the med building right next to us they were in there for sure you got an ak mike yep spotted him he's down i got him nice dude am i here uh what ak-24 yeah yeah sorry five five probably not suppressed but there's a suppressor and if you have a grip there's a b25u we'll check in the tower just in case good job dude i'm sick when you get up in that tower look back towards us and halfway between us there are two green cargo shipping containers i shot a guy in between them see if you can see a body you may have you may have finished them off i don't see anyone i'll sort of scav on scabs so there's a very good chance if we got hits they just ended up bleeding out and stuff yep let's clear this you want this mp5 yeah some cqb would be great it's only got one mag but oh i hear shots actually the guy i killed on this on this lower floor here had an aksu i think with 45 round you can loot him real quick on these stairs so curious if i have to i have to choose between that and an sb98 i think i want the sp98 just drop the mp5 i don't know how many bolts are in that mag yeah i don't know where this guy is but it definitely hurt him in our building make our way to arcadium i guess they were in this building as well there's no blood on the floor so these guys didn't heavy bleeds oh that's true because audio audio is [ __ ] they could have went down the stairs and sprinted across and it could have sounded like it went to the med building but they could have just been underneath the [ __ ] was that from i don't know okay can you get back in that tower and look back towards us again we're being shot by suppressed pmc somewhere throwing grenades us you probably have good eyes over there i'm just listening with my contacts waiting just i've heard nothing all i heard was the grenade hit the ground and that was it does he still need the make sure you get all the way over top tower you're really easy to hit from where you are okay you guys remember the uh the places you were at the very beginning that's where they are okay you just look back at the building we're in and just see if you see anyone sneaking around outside yep outside bottom floor they just went in that might be that might be us yeah so i'm gonna stand up was that you i'm jumping yeah that's you okay that's you okay just look at that if you see anyone approaching our building from out front yes scan around all the greenery are ahead of me to my right to your left yep i don't see anybody you're good okay pretty sure this guy was in our building because remember how i heard that guy and then he just disappeared i'm pretty sure he was in the building so we could try to go under to him from here is looted here as well anyone you see is okay then so let us know if you see anything you got it i'm looking yep hit him once oh that hurt [ __ ] oh shoot i'm gonna be coming taking shots at him that's that's arcade i'm shooting at him man i hit him once he's bleeding for sure yeah oh where the [ __ ] is he the to the right the right little hill there he's just over it okay oh he's far right at the tower the extract scavenge you want proud this is 2v1 this guy nice nice suppression arcade and you forced him out of his position yeah i get the feeling there's more behind us probably this is one thing you should probably learn in this game there's almost always another person is there a is there a breath mechanic yeah what was it shift i believe so you won't hear anything you'll just see your crosshair stop swaying as much but this guy wasn't suppressed and we got suppressed shots fired at us my outside calf so i'm fragged and then suppressed might have been from med or something roof is that you two on the outside wall there yeah okay people in chat saying alt so if you right-click and then just yeah that's also that's also my music though yeah you just change it to shift i don't know why it's all this game's keybinds are tricky especially because it's 5000 is that a train oh yeah okay train's coming in so that's one of the ways off the map the train turns up and then you've got five minutes to get on it and when it leaves your extracts when it arrives it also spawns in tends to spawn in elites ai someone just flashed up on me someone just flashed into the building we were in by the way yeah i saw that yeah there's somebody else in there really i can get on the grenade launcher and if you see him i can [ __ ] light up that building i definitely heard him flash yeah you can light it up and i can look for movement multiple enemies coming in the back side of the building you left rubbers that you guys were originally in at least three i saw oh [ __ ] okay yeah get ready it's about to be christmas let's go stay frosty that's me that's your shot it might be a pmc squad dog i've got this nade launches i might be able to do some work here the problem is all the windows are black to me i don't know yes yeah i'll try to see him even like i'm trying to look through the windows back here nothing nothing too dark or nothing don't say anything too dark i'm getting closer but it's still dark okay i see some light now okay oh yeah i see one on the uh the dead body that uh you looted with the mp5 he's on that same exact stairwell which that what is that right right right right okay here we go it's a little lower and he's probably dead seen size table let me look for other movement man this is fun dude yeah did you see the grenades in the uh in the locker locked room right next to it hit it if you can the the drop down room yeah oh i see him dude the far right window a little lower a little lower nice nice nice nice see did that kill him he's not peeking anymore me get closer just listen for a sec yeah i'm gonna push him now i think arcade saw three and we may have killed two i hear one still there was three there was three in there i'm ready to go here i don't hit him where left side okay that is outside left side now he's got is it gazebo okay gazebo right behind you he's little i'm low i'm low he's lit up five or six rounds he did nice thank you inside now i'm inside okay i need to grab a score more i've got no armor been going ammo give me a sec it did sorry he's dead we're good nice dude all right i'm coming down with you guys sure we getting on the train nope oh okay what's the plan then continue killing everything we find for profit well i'm gonna move out to you guys yep juicy stuff i'm checking the drop down room really quick to see if this guy actually blew up yep dude this guy this guy had double sugar fuel conditioner oh yeah he did blow up he is dead in here level 38 dude i think there's somebody behind me two sugars in a [ __ ] um two sock realties someone's on me i think we're at can you see that shroud no no somebody took a shot at me i don't know where though yep you're good i'm down [ __ ] a little bit on the map i don't know how to get you guys a little vepr hunter cracking okay um where are you at whether where you kill the guy okay i'm gonna go loose sorry i'm gonna come to you this is me sprinting to you just smacking up you blew this guy up by the way we can loot the the third guy once you're ready does the grenade don't you did kill that guy yeah perfectly no the second had an m1a five seven suppressed it was a it was the m1a that you find on uh it marked pretty light there's one more body though whenever you're ready got two sides where's that gun and here this is the last dude being a little [ __ ] wait there's no way that guy was part of the team i think it was just some random guy got me in the back i need that bt if unless you need it um it's got sugar in his back that's like 70k if you want it i do actually need some bt just to fill like a mag so let me go ahead and do that real quick is there a way to check to see how much damage you did yeah so when you get the final when you get the screen after you die you can click next it will tell you how many people your kills and if you keep clicking next it'll get to a screen with loads of stats and you can scroll down and it'll say like hits damage to body damage absorbed by armor do you need this 10 bt no no i i split it already i won my first draw down though that was very nice nice yeah um what did i want to say you still need mats i have tons i have cms so many [ __ ] it was the same that guy never died but he moved i guess to the locked room he was right here looting it and then he went and he went to the drop room um where to extract uh we should probably subtract and just get arcade well you got i've got holding fenced by mountains actually same i made a 200 meter shot nice dude yeah that's nuts for your first game yeah i was hitting people with the lmg when i was suppressing them i was actually hurting them that's awesome yeah i think i'll [ __ ] you up yeah that thing's terrifying when i saw it i was like yes the heck you just sound like you're running on metal there's no metal there okay gg well if this was the pre-patch i'd have my kappa because it says i have fire steel but i'm still missing the other new streamer items that they included so [ __ ] one of them is mine actually yeah i'm missing uh the guitar pick yeah and one more i just don't know what the other one is the new one man that was a lot of fun i felt like i was i improved drastically that time you did [Music] great uh i really like the uh the survival feeling yeah i really like that yep wait till you've been shopped a bit so you've just won a firefight and you're drastically like applying tourniquets to cancel your bleeding and applying stems to heal up and starving to death because your stomach shut out and you have to eat and then you like crawl into the extract with a bag full of gear it's super stressful but it's really fun heck yeah [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 40,773
Rating: 4.8497653 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, TARKOV, ESCAPE FROM TARKOV
Id: QGckfDVmobk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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