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[Music] [Music] i love that you get rushed like this but when you shoot well jacket search just got kind of weird are you going in there i can't hear you if you're talking you're a you're an animal we don't even need to kill these guys drop your weapons just drop strap thank you it's got an m16 bro [ __ ] what do you want me what do you want uh i don't know i just wanted to see your friend dead body you got you got any friends man what the [ __ ] that was scary dude i was just drinking some water next minute he dropped what the [ __ ] is that about man oh wait is your buddy is your buddy dead at the at the fountain was there three of you i was solo i ran into this guy so there was two yeah uh can you drop your jacket because uh he needs a jacket that's [Music] and there you go this guy's a [ __ ] kid [Music] here we go disrespect i put this [ __ ] back in my backpack all right is that all right yeah yeah yeah [Music] i mean it's better than dying okay did you hear did you hear the car drive by man i did you did or you did it oh [ __ ] we drove right through here that's crazy you guys could have ambushed us oh really yeah and i've been here for like five minutes uh maybe that's why dude we got the silent mobile bro i'm telling you somehow somewhere i think i heard a shot okay i got to go back to my yeah yeah hold on hold on hold on he's he's not just come with me for a sec yeah i pit i just don't want you to get your guns and shoot me in the back i want to see what this guy had this guy was your friend was he a random or your friend random random okay okay i just want to go get that yeah before i [ __ ] lose it oh [ __ ] this name sustained right sounds like starry you need this it's a hunting sky no no no this guy doesn't really have much you could okay you can feel it feel free to take whatever you want from these guys sorry yeah yeah yeah it's a take take it you're good we're leaving now i'm going to come downstairs i'm just going to sit right there away from you all right yeah also here wait for your sleeve i ain't going to shoot you no [ __ ] die thank you i'd salute my friend all right i left him he said he's waiting at the front he's not gonna grab his guns yet oh there was three i knew i [ __ ] popped him my chat was like zero zero no dude i knew it he i think he said that you bought them i'm coming here you still need a shirt no i took that guy's green shirt it's pretty nice actually that's pretty good stuff all right that was actually work taken from him that's a good idea i didn't think of it well i checked out the top of the uh please yeah he had literally nothing he had an mcdm16 though they all three of them had m16s just no mags no bullets kind of crazy damn too bad too bad i knew i popped that guy man i was losing my mind mcquarterson uh dude i have like uh i'm 140 shots aka just chilling not even that nick someone's [ __ ] geared holy [ __ ] we're both scared what do you mean he just has a gilly we have the same exact gear we have a 556 weapon we have a sniper rifle um we have uh bulletproof vests i'm sorry uh uh plate carriers we're both like equally geared he's just running gilly and i'm running backpack i can't believe they didn't hear us what we drove right through there i'm telling you this card is i mean when you're sitting in it doesn't sound loud you know all right so we're one road this main road that we're on takes us straight to electro like literally straight to it so i don't know i don't know what you probably what do you want to do i don't want to like hey i don't know actually maybe before we get to elektra we get out of the car we can maybe go to sniper hill for a second i mean do you really want to go okay that was not him by the way that was someone else no no no that was off to the left how sure are you i'm pretty confident because we heard shots when we were talking to that guy i don't know if you did but we heard it in that direction yeah but that was farther than that that's true i don't know what do you want to do wherever i'm not like particularly like too down to go to the coast because like what's the point we're just gonna bully like like newbies like what are we gonna do we're eventually gonna get murdered yeah that's not that is not the same guy i don't know why the [ __ ] car up there no ah maybe not i don't know should we go up there sure i could drive the car into the tree line it's close enough that we might it is close yeah yeah it is i'm just gonna hide this real quick do you think it's past the barn yeah yeah caught cars functions so terribly in this game holy crap that's crazy you have a hard time getting through this forward i'm just gonna drive another street line with it good idea can you hear me oh okay okay i hit a tree um nope nope it's not broken just a little buggy oh my god oh my goodness anyway as i was saying can you hear this thing right now at all no no i don't know where you i kind of kind of lost you i went i'm on the left side like kind of like i went out to the tree line across the big field essentially where i'm i just passed the i'm passing the barn right now right here now i'm still pretty [ __ ] low though i'm gonna hide it in the street line a little bit there should i take this guy okay he's here on me jeremy he's down at the end of the barn okay i see you you're running to it oh my god is there multiple bodies i'm just curious what those gunshots were if you killed someone you got zombies coming in right now exactly i saw him i saw him run left to right down to the barnatono and i'm at the bar now yeah i saw you go inside he had a yellow what's it called i'll be rushing you i had a yellow punch what was all those chapters he had to have killed somebody i mean they said this guy had a hammer he got some stuff on him but i don't think he had a gun well it sounded like he shot back at you did he this guy yeah this guy's got his back was turned the whole time he does have a bk18 uh which is that shotgun no takes 8k shots yeah like i would have loved to kill him he has a pistol with bullets strawberry damage real quick uh yeah nothing really his rope i almost wonder if he was shooting zombies the tree line that you killed the guy from i'm there too looking around we could look for helicrashes true to take advantage of the car a little bit do you still have a melee weapon for those legs uh i have like a knife but i feel like i don't want to use that i'd rather use it for bark cutting and [ __ ] and then everything else too much space on the backpack what's the plan brother not keen on going south i mean this doesn't sound sounds like we're just like who are we going to find there like are we just going to like talk to trolls or talk to like newbies and like kill newbies [ __ ] with them help them you know shoot them you want to kill all the newbies i mean you can't if we want we around here what even was where even was that it was definitely to our east i [ __ ] see him oh hold on i see him yeah oh i barely missed oh i thought i had a water bottle on it sorry poor guy there's no way that's the guy that was shooting right now we're giving our position here pretty fat in the dangerous area do we get here you know it's a muzzle flash even if it's uh even if your thing breaks it's still kind of the muzzle flash really it's gonna be kind of weird zombie [ __ ] kind of weird to get out of here maybe we just maybe go after that guy in the car bro [ __ ] you the poor guy you know where he went right let's go hunt him oh this poor guy never went right yeah yeah he's like all the way at the top of that mountain take the road and we'll look on our right dude imagine this guy get caught bro it would be so [ __ ] funny so mean i can't believe we saw his ass that was the forest night mine even had a little bull drop to it oh yeah for sure oh okay someone's car got wrecked here that was okay this this is kind of sus hold on what okay so i don't think that was the guy shooting i think somewhat decently geared that was their car right there they literally smashed it i think we have more people here so i don't know if you want to just cruise right past it we can if you want i don't know whatever you want i don't know what you want to do i don't really you would like you want to go to a tree line try to yeah i was going to try to do that i was going to go this way right so my plan was to go this way and kind of go around instead but we might oh my god this is a weird hill i was gonna i was gonna chase him this way oh my god oh my god that was weird everything went invisible for a second i was gonna go this way and then chase his ass because i do you want to go through the street line it's really really hard to jump out of a moving vehicle so i say we get the [ __ ] out now okay hold on let me hide it at least okay why is there so much action here what's going on i'm not really sure anyway i want to go this way towards that car that got ruined this guy ran off this way for sure nothing here baron hmm i lost you by the way i'm just kind of patrolling the area i'm going to go run to the [Music] like a cross here where that car was busted i feel like that was pretty recent i don't think that happened a while ago because those things despawn really quickly when a car is ruined like that i think it's on like a like a 20 30 minute timer like max you see me in this open field or not so this hill is steep bro oh my god and expect it to go even more like down oh i thought it was the road right here which was crazy oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] getting a train i just went to the left a little bit i'm gonna find this car i see the car okay where'd you go broke your car down right side of the treeline right now heading toward the car myself you should be on my left i think yeah i'm just looking at the trees i don't see the car yet um where'd these guys go i wonder i guess we could check the car's uh trunk i'm gonna go to the car actually if anything's in it i'm by the car right now wow nothing they okay i guess they just don't know how to drive that might it might have been that guy actually it's possible because there's nothing in it and there's nothing in it um and i don't know drove it up here crashed i don't even i don't think he even crashed i just think he blew the uh blew the engine because the radiator's fine the spark plug is fine the battery's fine i'm gonna take the extra parts i think i don't have space i grabbed the battery dude let's go it even has a radiator but i don't have that much space all right well what do you want to do damn i can't run at all want to go down to electro and pick on noobs or do you want to go look for helicrashes or you want to go back up north kind of anything with those cars kind of nice oh there's some good old baths in the chat i like how easy it is to get cars on the server it is nice having my ram spawn every once in a while you want to get to our car and do one man what do you want to do where do you want to head i don't care your call if you want to go to the coast go to electro [ __ ] with people it's a high i feel like there's a higher risk than being up north uh i want to go down south and kill [ __ ] that's up to you i think we'll find we can potentially find geared people down there too it's not completely against the laws of nature i'm not the only person who likes to get guns to go down south and assert my [ __ ] my my mmo dominance you know i mean basically it's like it kind of feels like an mmo to me where it's like i went up got level 60 and i was trying to go kill low 40s i guess yeah and there's in their zone that's how i know that's like you know we all like we all like to play we like to play it's like i do it all the time but yeah you do it you're just getting out of here jesus christ get out of here come on come on this thing off-road is a not a smooth it's right dude it's bumping bumping everywhere what i kind of like about cars with this game is this like if you're in like it like a hot moment you kind of have to be clutch with the controls of it because you still have to make sure you're you know swapping gears correctly or else you're gonna really screw up i definitely think it was making them making the cars manual was a good idea oh since it was bumpy off-road i think it's just remaining bumpy i think the only way to fix this is taking off the stupid tires um i'd kind of like to try whatever screw it i'll deal with it is it bumpy for you that's pretty smooth i'll just deal with it all right like i said this is taking us straight to what i say journal or electro i don't remember now electro yeah it's taking us straight to electro it's going to go down that path where the fire station is you know you know i'm out i'm pretty sure that's the path it's going to go okay where the church is and [ __ ] we can even park it up we can even park it up in the hills that's true we could work towards building a base with this car that's so cool that that could be a cool goal but yeah bug it oh [ __ ] i wish there was more of these across the map true like just a little military spots oh it's a player i don't all right there's nobody yeah he was waving at us oh what the [ __ ] was he shooting at us did you hear that i don't know if i was shooting at us or if that was our [ __ ] tires like getting weird i thought about running him over we're playing a dangerous game going down this road like i said we're close dude i know exactly where we are a decent gear that guy did have these he had like a vest and everything he didn't shoot us right away though maybe he did later which is insane yeah if i was him and i had bullets i would have taken that shot immediately that's a free kill go back and take his pants all right we're driving straight through or not oh hell no hell but you want to drive through electro calm down good uh all it takes is one lucky shot i think i bring it up this hill right here oh there's rocks there a gap here on the left nope i'm just trying to find a gap all right send it oh no we're fine okay since we're this close to electro do you think we should take the spark plugs out yeah all right bro i i can't uh i need you to do this i'm too heavy i guess i can take my backpack off and do it okay with spark plugs yeah with this thing you need to i'll just drop my bag with this thing you need a vault on it and then take it off like so i got it we've been getting some crazy action like the past like 30 like a minute like for the past like hour and a half rather damn electro's fps is not it oh my god all right now we have to go punish people for not being as geared as us you're such a bully dude oh man i mean dude when's the last time you ran down to electro and got shot at from douche rocks you know what i mean has it been a while yeah like i don't think anyone does this yeah we're gonna kick in at old school bro are you so sweet if you could shoot from the car man that guy on the road would have been dead you would've owned him for sure i mean we could have just gotten out of the car [ __ ] [ __ ] on them but they've been kind of weird yeah it's so awkward jumping out of the car you have to like open the door pop out it's also just awkward because it's like the guy's just trying to be friendly he's like he's probably just been like hey man you guys friendly unless you've got [Laughter] i just feel bad doing that [ __ ] the further they are north i feel the more i feel bad about killing them if they talk to me i'm the opposite i feel bad when i kill them down here why why they spawn down here yeah but like oh i don't know you know true you hear that by the way i don't hear anything okay i shot my suppressed pistols curious where are you even i just literally am on the left side of the road just trotting up the mountain like just kind of like on the side of the road waiting to see someone man i'm getting like nice snipe shots on people like collabing bullies at the coast the frames here are so bad though unless i got this game memory leaks or something i don't know what's your fps right now i don't actually know it doesn't feel bad though i think it's because you're higher up i'm closer to electro true that might be it getting out of here i'm actually getting to douche rocks as we speak well not quite there i'm not at the turn yet oh you ran all the way down this dirt road i'm the daisy player right now that everyone hates oh yeah i haven't done this in years by the way so don't be too mad at me i mean this probably since uh probably since i'm two i would say the only plus side to this is if one of us gets out alive can cover the body and then the spawn is really really close the downside is you're just bullying outside we're not going to die the obviously the doubt anybody bro people are trying not to survive and we're trying to kill [ __ ] we're bandits dude yeah where do we go where we find people where we find people we're not looking to get geared you need to gear every single person you kill around yeah i just want to kill him no no i don't i don't i don't like to kill innocent people you know okay i i think i agree with that sometimes but sometimes i do like to but there's a difference with me if they're up north that's that's kos if they're past a certain line they're dead i agree i agree that you should kos uh in the north um as much as possible but down south everybody out here [ __ ] making making groups and [ __ ] yeah you know i think it's kind of fun though when you're when you're super geared and you come down here and you just like look like a boss to these people i that's fun i mean it's not like you have to if you're doing it all the time i can see how it gets boring but i mean like you know i haven't done this in forever i want to try again i'll sit up here on these rocks maybe get a little stretching kick back you know what i'm saying don't remember those days it wasn't about all streaming in those days shroud i'd sit on juice rocks for an hour watch a goddamn tv show you know what i'm saying now we're streamers we don't get to do it anymore you're right i better not be walking down this street [ __ ] i'ma pop you this is summit corner right here this is my avenue watch there's already a team up here fully geared on do sharks i feel like i should have drove here bro i didn't think it was gonna be that far dude we should bait the car uh we should drive the car down here and put it out there and see if the [ __ ] just go for it that's so messed up a good way dude people would die all along this road all day long all right well i'm gonna go bring the car around hopefully uh no one's camping it because that would suck ass no chance no chance is your chance actually i need to make another suppressor i don't need water bottles anymore since i have so many canteens the amount of times i've actually died on these rocks though from stepping the wrong spot because back in those days the rocks were deadly they're like they were sucking so much wasted time i'm sure oh yeah it's saying i'm not supposed to have time like that good news is you die nobody else knows you died up there and you can go loot but you know it's pretty popular spot let's just see if anybody even comes down this road oh there's a guy in her car what the no conveniently running away okay okay that was convenient timing he didn't even see me he just dipped oh bro what if he took the battery and [ __ ] that'd be so annoying there's no way why would he he would just drive it away i mean you know how stream snipers are like or he would like there's no reason for him to take [ __ ] like screw you oh he didn't actually he opened all the doors dude i'm so s i'm so obsessed right now dude i don't even wanna i don't even wanna jump in bro i just feel like i'm gonna die i'm not gonna die you might die don't do it not worth it are you shooting over there do i just go in and just risk it and hope whoever's shooting at me misses i don't know if someone eaves all right make your way over here real quick i'm gonna be sitting in a bush around a tree are you going afk chilling for a second yeah just for a second for a little bit mate so so uh give me food oh my god what a [ __ ] posse bro there's a car here oh never mind i thought it was the gunter give food go back not without summits overwatch bro [ __ ] that i don't know i did something online [ __ ] i got the bait car i don't know where he is i need to turn on uh admin messages no game messages maybe i need to know when uh i need to know when server's restarting you know is there permadeath in this game pretty much yeah you'll lose everything when you die in case the server is restarting i don't want to take the spark plugs out because i worry that it'll um it'll despawn it i don't know when the server restarts though so this is such a cheesy spot right here it's kind of a cool spot actually i like it sucks i'm getting so wet though i should make a fire you know whoa thank you sinful games for the gift of subs thank you thank you i guess i'm gonna have to make a fire i don't really know what else to do sucks that i lost my bush though cover right there um oh that's not gonna work i need like i need them logs oh here we go what else do you need this plus this no um a short stick huh so you should just grab a beer and enjoy the shroud honestly a beer sounds kind of nice summit i don't want to i don't want to break my cover so i need to chop down like a bigger tree oh hey now you're good you're good you're good i just i need you i need you to keep going that way all right keep going that way what the that's messed up man keep going so he'll come back one day just camping bro i need to hold the car down i can't like i can't do anything else about it i need to this is my role it's my task damn that guy made it all the way down there already holy [ __ ] look at him crazy a big old stretch goddamn oh did you call me hey you're back oh i'm not quiet yo let me let me let me let you it's my first break of the day bro 10 hours in let me get a little break oh you know what i'm saying how are you doing you dying or what no i just have like she told me to bring the car the car is literally in the spot and i'm just sitting here holding it and people are running by trying to yeah hurry up people are running by it yeah i got flipped off a couple times hell yeah bro that's what i'm talking about yeah i'll be like five more minutes just hold it down don't die in like the next five minutes all right brother oh my at least getting warm what the wait someone's here i don't summit i may need you to log on maybe dude what was that noise am i crazy or some did someone just i don't understa it literally sounded like somebody grunted above me definitely not me i'm so confused maybe you stepped on the fire hello that's why you have a fire here uh i'm just camping i can't hear a word you're saying camping fire camping yeah okay uh just so you know you look pretty weird there's a couple of gear guys in electra they just killed me like maybe a minute ago okay you know thank you and if i'm not mistaken you're the guy that drove past me oh no on the roadblock that's the same car which yeah oh like the military stuff yeah yeah the roadblock isn't you you're waving like this that was me that was you you died yeah uh yeah i got killed by the gear guys in the electorate so okay trying to find poodles out of food how geared are they they actually look like you okay okay okay i'll remember that i got my buddy in the hills there watching hopefully they come this way uh i'm not trying to go back in there i'm just gonna go go to kami's show okay so good luck thank you oh what the okay summit summit please play the [ __ ] game summit why is this fire getting so [ __ ] lit right now hello okay can i put the fire is that a thing i don't think you could put it out unless you do this yeah i don't want to use my whole water for it come on man i need that to survive what if you put gasoline on a fire oh [ __ ] it uh uh a cool spot i'm a little exposed from over there though maybe if i'm lucky they'll just run down the coast right to me on my way sir okay um so there's two geared guys and electro's bullying people you know i told you [ __ ] do that bro we can get on sniper hill and probably snipe those [ __ ] my car dumb ass sitting there [ __ ] trying to bait people like you're acting like you're taking a stop doing campfire no i'm not baiting anyone i just came i you left as i like got here so i wanted to i wanted to leave your leave the car here and do the actual bait but i don't know what to do now someone they're just sniping people over there let's go to sniper [ __ ] hill what do i do with the car well this is where we just hide the car somewhere and become ninjas we need to go dark okay i'm waiting for you i'm waiting for you to join because uh yeah i just want to know positioning cue numero my friend just want to know how close you are to the car uh over there should be a helicopter spawn there let me cool so i'm getting in right now brother okay i should be like on a pretty decent sniper spot i know my game didn't freeze on this yeah some random [ __ ] happened and a dead guy just spawned under my car or something i don't know what i don't know what happened it was just weird i was just sitting there holding and chilling by my campfire and then i hear like a loud grunt and there's a dead guy under the car i don't really know what happened there but that's that's daisy right there bruh that's just daisy i guess i'm not getting in my game froze on load up so i'm restarting the game uh i haven't heard any shots in a while it's not weird i feel like the guardian of the coast right now just i don't want to kill any of the newbies i haven't heard a gunshot in a while but they were popping off in a lecture earlier dude when i drove the car through electro to the coast here where i was trying to light up for you i drove past like six people yelling at me asking for food they were they had like no gear they're just screaming food give me food my game is freezing every time i try to join it hmm baby well this is unfortunate games having problems i'm stuck here right nick right next to cami shovo what do i do guy jumped off the cliff landed on the car and died was it on my screen i didn't see it i didn't see it so how was i supposed to know that actually happened you know i guess that could have happened though did every time i try to throw my m67 or sorry my m7 um frag grenade like i said it is an m67 they just reworded it um every time i try to throw it i just like get so scared it just doesn't work i don't know i press g nothing happens so i just get scared and i pin it [Music] imagine that was summit's body you know someone was on the hill why do you have any gear on it i don't even remember oh where'd you get those pants though it's so weird how did i get up to where i was nice little nook the rain doesn't get me here somehow i'm like under at the rain a little bit it's cool probably stop this game sorry my game's all [ __ ] up it won't open again well open but it won't uh connect i won't verify the integrity i'm going to restart same are you sure that you couldn't just wait and it would work it wasn't actually frozen i'm sure yeah because i couldn't even i can't even all pat when i can't even all tab out of the game and choose this [ __ ] up also saying not responding in the thingy and i don't think after you load after the five four three two one thing it takes very long to get in doesn't you know what i mean can sometimes but i don't know still alive huh yeah i'm just chilling i'm guarding this car with my life i don't want to do it surprise nobody there's only been like three people that ran past so far and those guys that were an electro are probably long gone now and i haven't heard a shot in forever yeah sorry it's my bad i don't know what's going on all right i would just see if you can wait a little bit longer it might work you could practice throwing with a smoke grenade just don't unpin it i mean i've thrown a smoke grenade just fine oh oh my goodness i think it's going to work this time about 100 so um i really want to take this uh take this vehicle and go bring it um i'll wait oh a man with a poncho is running up to me he sees the car oh man he might see me oh i'm in i'm in okay he's running directly to the car right now this [ __ ] guy tell him to back up i believe i'm to your right is that cami shovo yeah how far are you around the corner yeah i'm relatively close oh these two guys do you see these two guys on the road one of the punch they don't see me not yet i don't know which way what direction they had when i spread you in the summer dude look look at this car over here bro by my car holy crap oh that i don't know that wasn't me i promise you that i promise you that wasn't me um friendly are you guys friends you're a nice suppressor that is sick holy crap you hold them up right now no no no they're talking to me that's pretty cool i think one of them's not discord with someone oh was that you whoa no oh my god okay someone is shooting at me that's me bro huh i shot that guy in the face oh what the [ __ ] no my friend your friends got a stray found them my friend you scared the [ __ ] out of me dude oh my god the most casual no popping that dude in the face oh my god i didn't even see that guy died that's what was the scary part about it i thought like the guy was whipping all right well what do we do all right i thought that was fantastic by the way good job good distraction yeah yeah way to get him to stand for him he's still fine brother no problem i know that you i know you don't want to be you know but uh you know i go to court for this you're definitely you know no i had no idea explicitly i can't remember i definitely wasn't complying okay you didn't i don't know yeah yeah hold on completely hold on i'm not explicit it's completely is it complicit hold on accomplished yeah but what is it what what's that mean then the uh the [ __ ] i don't know my [ __ ] my words are not working right now dude it's not that well i see a guy running at us on the coast oh i do too i see two guys i see two guys are you gonna bully them that depends if he sees me or not if he doesn't see me in these eyeballs oh you're looking that way i'm looking the other way i'm looking at electro we're getting converged on by enemies brother but they're they're literally bam oh my god they're bambi's it doesn't matter they're stats okay we're here guys you're evil don't teach that guy to casually walk down this road okay this is a scary area they're just trying to survive man this was my camping spot right up here yeah oh dude bro they literally they literally didn't see me well those guys that were they were talking right here how can you see i'm gonna put i'm gonna turn my back like this and you see me i mean i can see you breathing but you kind of look like a bush yeah you're hard to see for sure you're right that face mask is pretty bright see what i'm saying the face mask kind of lose it right okay though this guy that was running this way i don't think he's running here anymore yeah what do you want to do what do you want to do what happened to this guy okay i this is the guy i randomly heard heard a grunt and then there he was just there i don't know what happened what happened to this guy that's the guy you should okay i know oh there's a guy on the road you want to go on that oh he's limping did you do that to him uh wait he lived no no i don't know that guy i thought that was a zombie so i didn't shoot him [Applause] he's limping bro we're saving him lots of time there that tracer looks so cool oh my god yeah it looks sick all right i'm gonna ask again would you i don't know dude i'll go i'm [ __ ] that i don't want to go like guilty right now there he is i feel really guilty i haven't killed any of these people though that's the guy i saw he actually ended up coming this way oh my wait i think i just saw a guy in that bush am i crazy nah [ __ ] which bush no no no we're okay we're okay making sure yep all right yeah you're stat padding too much what do you mean it's just clearing out the area for the for the the close spawns you know what i'm saying you ready to run you want to go down to like maybe churno or we don't have to be in this area we can head down to the plate you know sure know they're gonna be a little bit more geared oh my goodness jesus this is so bumpy you're accumulating bad karma i know i would love it dude let me give me give me uh a game like this that's an mmo right and uh and even with bosses and pve and [ __ ] you know i'm saying run this guy over a shot that's my boy he ran into me you're now in the gang shroud welcome listen i didn't do it he ran into me okay [Laughter] that's a little different you just didn't want to like swerve too hard because we could have crashed true and you already know the brakes are bad in this thing there's no chance we were stopping at times so why you know why even trying god my this is so bumpy for me hold on i want to do something really quick what are we getting out of here no what's going on hold on i'm trying to oh i thought somebody just said something it was your guy hunting the tires this is it's getting all buggy dude i don't trust it like i'm bumping around like crazy okay let's try that now see if that did anything all right nope i don't think it did but that's okay oh wait maybe we're owning dude we're getting insane group kills our squad wives right now yeah insane look at these poor guys i'm in the driver's seat now i'm taking you north it's okay i understand murder can't stop me on myself there's a car spawn over there oh [ __ ] i almost want to see if i can take that hold on do you want to take this or do you want to swap yeah [ __ ] it i have this we already filled it up and [ __ ] i like this car is so slow here hello listen all those guys would have betrayed you in a heartbeat for all your gear you understand that right if they had [ __ ] brass knuckles a [ __ ] axe goddamn you could give them a chicken in their [ __ ] hand they would have made an attempt to your life you know i don't believe that okay okay i don't believe it i think you just say that to make yourself feel better after all the murder wait someone said trout spitting facts what'd you say uh i i don't know i just called you a murderer i don't i don't know i mean bro i feel like oh that's a dangerous place it always has been and now it's like wussy land it's time to change that you know this car is out of control i'd like to say i have no idea where i'm going i almost feel like we're about to be an electro again or something that's perfect i'll only kill the bad ones actually i think i have an idea where this goes i definitely expected you to be more ruthless in this game i mean what do you mean i have ruthless okay not against you there's just a line between ruthless and murderer yeah yeah there's difference between killing a man with a gun and a man without a gun you know what i'm saying so you wouldn't give a guy a bottle of gasoline if he was thirsty okay well that i would do but that's a little different i don't know i'm all for strolling people i can't i don't know where we're going uh daniel from sl i've ever asked that yeah yeah yeah he'd like break people's legs no you've never seen his arma 3 taco store nope he'll be like you want a taco and they'd be like oh yeah and as soon as he takes a bite of the taco his character like their character goes limp falls to the floor and he pulls him into like a freezer in the bag and he starts taking like cops hostage it turns into like a big thing where like it's a bunch of man you gotta watch it's hilarious bro daniel from sl taco shop i would look up it would be trust me that's a million views on youtube for your reaction right there someone just got he's gonna get paid but yeah he does one where he trolls a guy for like three days keeps meeting up with the same guy to hang out to play and he keeps killing him over and over again he'll poison him and and then the guy will have to kill himself and he'd be like i'll be back man i'm sick so i'm just gonna kill myself and then he'll go into like a building but daniel will be like posted up on the other side and he'll start shooting at him and [ __ ] kill him and he'll be like oh someone killed me man and he started making it seem like he was a hacker have you seen that he started doing the whistling noise like he was oh actually yeah actually i think i've seen that i don't remember very well that was so long ago what if they're all scripted you know this is not faster it's better just to stay in the first gear rather than go second there's no reason to go second unless you're on the road yeah i'm gonna stay first there's no reason to go second gear dirt on off road what the heck is this this is a military area hello my [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] we're dead what is i don't even know where we are military base hey i also get the feeling we're dead oh we're up here oh i see i know i don't know there's a military area here that's pretty cool good check it out where are we at oh my god bro why is my sprint so [ __ ] crazy bad yeah it's bad i have like nothing mm-hmm i don't even have a backpack because it's because we're soaked oh that's [ __ ] wrong yeah that's brilliant actually i don't like that but that's okay come on dude when's the last time you were soaked and all of a sudden you couldn't [ __ ] run anymore dude is that a thing the only reason you couldn't run anymore is if you had [ __ ] like shorts that went right down to the back of your knee and gave you like that one little rash of the back of your knee your knee length or a little lower bad idea bro always above the knee on swim trunks if you're smart you'll get bad like rash at the back to back your knee from swimming and [ __ ] because it'll rub there constantly and rub there constantly rub it you know i mean eventually all right where you at i'm right let's get this i don't think there's any more [ __ ] here what unless you want this stab that's what i doubt it oh no did you just i'm so confused shorts rash swimming okay all i'm saying is wherever you have your shorts just make sure the bottom of them don't just sit and linger right at the back of the knee it will murder you eventually below it or above it whatever you want to do i'm telling you i had a bad experience when i was a kid and when i went to a lake with my friends you know my dad my you know my family and [ __ ] and just remember [ __ ] really being really painful man i bet i don't know i feel like i've always had shorts that were past the knee yeah me too me too just not ever again on swim trunks it's just different they're different unless i want to be like super like bagging out on my shorts and go below my knee like pretty below my knee you know uh anyways let's get the [ __ ] out this place sucks uh all right let's go then i'm bringing out my [ __ ] jacket dude hold on don't worry i'm trying to get i'm a bush out here nobody [ __ ] even notices bringing out my pants now cause i'm like freezing my nuts off here let me get sick i think this [ __ ] is drenched i don't even know if that's i can't even bring this out you see me i don't want to like run you over oh you couldn't tell you couldn't tell where i was no i didn't know if you were a bush i hate how bumpy these [ __ ] cars are holy [ __ ] all right well we can drive around for air drops or helicopters we can drive around for uh uh military camps okay this should take us back to that gas station we were at i think uh-oh i mean dude these characters been alive for a while yeah and not to mention we got both to an inch of our life today very true okay this is not taken to the taking me to the gas station so i don't know where the [ __ ] we are i guess i'll just drive okay do you want me to drive and you guide um that's fine i just got to get it just find like a major city and then i'll be fine i've had the car for a little while i'm not gonna lie it's pretty [ __ ] nice oh yeah saves a lot of time i do want to look for helicrashes i think it's very easy to do with this thing because like clearly clearly no one's hit us yet well that's not true you got hit once actually true bro if this takes me back to the coast i'd be pissed all right we got to read this we got to read the sign okay ready oh wait well maybe i know what this is uh says rear robo okay let's go globo got it that's what i thought it was that's what i said yeah rare robo all right [ __ ] this takes us straight to novi and there's nothing about it there's like no turns nothing which literally takes us straight through novi we can just go there and just ditch the car and start killing [ __ ] or the reason why i want to go through no v is because i want to take a right and then go to gorka dude then nobody's not starring we drove the start that's true but we got no we got shot when we went through novi remember true oh did we yeah sorry we didn't but we got to know if they got the shotgun no i thought that was in sorry though no no no no that was adobe okay what the [ __ ] was that on the road how dangerous hello this is such a bumpy ride for me oh boy this is gonna be scary stuff let's smooth it out okay okay nice and smooth okay i can't miss this turn i might have to slow down so i miss it we're [ __ ] guy in the left real guy in the left behind us oh that's not good that's not good we gotta get out we gotta get out we gotta get out where is he i don't know what happened did we do a turn where i i don't know which way he went we just did it's 360. i don't know what happened where was he i don't did you even see someone yeah but i decided that he's blind yeah he's on the left over here you sure it wasn't a scarecrow oh yeah man you think i make that mistake twice yeah no if i think i saw what you saw and it might have been to the left here by this red house no no yeah he was right by the left house some or somewhere on the left side of a period 100 percent there's a guy he had a gun i don't know dude i don't think he's going to call him hit [Music] [Music] here's the red house i think that's where we saw him friendy man you gotta get closer dude [ __ ] you get close i'm scared you sure you don't see the scarecrow right here bro yes uh friendly man you just gotta try listen don't go into this not trusting me shroud okay trust me all right there's a guy here or a left or around down here okay this is good news bro i'm so slow oh my god i'm no sprint literally none i don't think there was a guy dude bro oh you're gonna you're gonna do me like this right now you think there's no guy you think i saw things twice yeah right back-to-back yeah come on bro i saw a scarecrow then i seen a guy you think i couldn't determine two scarecrows in a row they looked exactly the same right i mean the fact that you thought one looked like a scarecrow that one looked like a guy i'm telling you i'm telling you i can't believe that my first [ __ ] scarecrow kill or i call out is like hurt my second call out this hard he's around here bro he ran though for sure because he saw us you don't need to carry all that you put stuff in the truck that's true that's fine i think i'm gonna jump back here go to a house and like get [ __ ] warm you wanna do that instead i don't know what i want to do there is a [ __ ] guy here shroud all right i i don't even think that was him actually there's no way that was there could have been him that was so far what do you mean that wasn't that far that was like in the tree line if he saw us at the red house and started running immediately to the tree line bro you didn't see a guy there's no way we he's you you think he just ran from us no yeah that's it yeah we're in a green vehicle all greened out of our minds and this man is just getting here probably just trying to get some [ __ ] food dog of course he's not here trying to fight us but he's here let me watch the clip oh you did see a guy oh yeah okay okay i believe it let's go get his ass bro i can't even hold my breath for like two seconds i need to know why i'm like excited we might have to go get some we need to dry up for sure like we're in a weird position right now where are you i'm in the church next to where we uh spun out okay see if you could find it oh apparently you missed two guys did you bro that's in the tree line out there brother what do you want to do brother i we need to i can't snipe i can't snipe my [ __ ] weight is too crazy dude i don't know if play carrie's worth it bro i'll be honest right now it's not the play carrier we're just soaked well let's go get it let's go start a fire in a house then you down with that um in the church yeah i'm actually in the church i'm just peeking out of it or cook some meat or something bro like i have i have nothing i used to have like burned meat on me and [ __ ] right i have a i have a thing of fat i can cook and then put it in my uh chest and it'll help let's go to a house with fireplace i need to get i need to get warm so you right um i mean i'm not cold my shit's just soaked that's the problem okay um we can do that or we can keep driving i want to get dry man i have no stamina i have like a sliver 10 you really that cold do you want some meat you take some meat right there put that in your pouch or something yeah freeze nuts yeah the reason why we're so heavy is just literally because we're wet and then all of our items are wet too that also sucks that help do you need another piece of meat can i fix the bottle on my sniper hold on with duct tape you gotta ring out your clothes too that's ruined i did bring out my clothes already or what i could i don't know brother but i think the only way to stop this is by getting warm a salt vest with butt pack is goat butt pack i just want i just want i think i just want to get rid of this uh display that's just too heavy rain is just never letting down at all huh making it hard mode for us it's not raining right now it is are you staying with enough for me so uh i'm gonna make a fire all right we could do it in this house right here actually right yeah yeah let's do this house because it's close to our okay here i'll get some logs let's see if the fireplace started good oh what the [ __ ] there's an improvised backpack in here bro um can't oh i can't do anything do you see me i need a re-log yeah i can yeah i need to relock i can't do anything i can't swap weapons i can't [Music] okay is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 49,350
Rating: 4.7281551 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: awPxocV2QOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 58sec (6058 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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