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[Music] [Music] see zombies in the center just walking around makes me think nobody's there but i don't know did we leave any landmines here i don't think so right i haven't placed any now i'm gonna stay up on the hill and take care of this wolf if my shot lands i think my sights are okay and i probably don't need to re-log anymore oh is that why my makarov when i was shooting it wasn't perfect one time if you think something's [ __ ] up yeah it could be misaligned yeah what happened to you i just was aiming and my my shot was just never it was never straight ever yeah i thought it was just i thought it was iron sights i thought the gun was just shitty yeah yeah all right i don't know what causes the bug i'm in the base so let me know when you're here right now i'm on full throttle okay shoot anything that's in there i'm outside i see a lot of zombies in front of you i don't think anyone's here like you said usually there's less zombies right maybe i could find some freaking military yeah i was gonna say 45 acp and weapon cleaning kits are gonna be number one for me you probably clothing tired of this bomber jacket all right i'm on the outside of the walls killing zombies oh both some rack pants and jacket right next to each other nice huge it finally stopped so dumb yeah i guess i could take like a best insulation jacket later on too i don't have a kit to fix these pants but i got you within a sec [Applause] oh my god i just anchored all of them all the zombies i thought i killed most of them no it was like three it wasn't that bad what it's just zombie hello running past it [ __ ] so silent oh my god what there's like no footsteps i was gonna say that white patrol hitting there is best insulation i don't know if you want to go white though banjo uh i got this helmet not like hey railgun battery oh that's right the helmet oh nice i don't understand how sometimes zombies get one shot other time nothing am i just not aiming high enough or is my axe damage it's all about looking each other in the eyes face to face if you're not looking face to face you like end up hitting him in the shoulder because of daisy oh some more some rock pants oh i'm just do you want these pants cause i'm gonna want my damaged ones i got i got jager on so jaeger high insulation at warren this is also are those best no it's yeah higher okay oh some rack hood oh [ __ ] look at this dude you look [ __ ] sweet maybe you should um [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] the hell yeah [ __ ] the helmet and i'm gonna wear this combat bag because i like this one better yeah wait do you want my white bag oh no no no okay do a little runway for you no but i'm flopping everything i like this bag better oh yeah what did you need for me again sewing kit um what do you use to fix a bag i think it depends on the type of bag it's how they're gonna i got something um let's try this try that try that i got something nice yeah one of the one of the options yeah duct tape it's crazy i just went from zero to hero in terms of looks you look like sam fisher like before he takes off his like winter clothes and like jumps into the facility good all right um suppressors are prepared we got a bunch of raw meat on us sharpen my axe really quick before i forget so now we can go to the heli and check the heli we have the battery and one bullet but no mag yeah i got the one bullet yep okay we can see if it gets chambered at least all right let's do it we still have some more loot don't we um yeah i haven't really looted much at all here jungle boots more some rack pants worn you want to look cooler okay this long barracks uh i think it's worth a second look i don't i don't i didn't leave too much at all another rail here like battery nice i'm hearing a [ __ ] zombie or something getting sick holy [ __ ] a full stack of five five six just 20. that's crazy that's been a lot so many bullets hey you right here just you oh yeah i just ran fast i'm looking for you yeah where are the summer cats uh in this little one corner to the left okay i want to take a look at these thank you actually they look very similar oh my they're the jager they're so similar the jaeger's a little darker green what i was going to say some wreck might be a little darker right here let me put these on for you swap again yeah the the some some rack is like brighter green yeager's dark okay i'll keep jager then yeager actually looks pretty good i think it might look better yeah yeah i like them both all right uh the is this way uh we should probably go on the right side well yeah the left side might be scary someone just rained down from up there on us i don't see any zombies though usually i see zombies on the edge i don't know if anyone's actually there just your [ __ ] railgun go off kills one of us yeah let's stick them let's stick on the right side dude a rail gun from here you have line of sight on [ __ ] everything when the visibility's high yeah you can see institute look at it you [ __ ] kill somebody on the roof actually i don't think they i don't think they render that far i think players render range is only a kilometer that's definitely more well actually let me see that is okay it doesn't i don't see the grid on this map that sucks wait maybe at that range you probably want to like probably need the official scope for that weird i don't have grid view not have grids here you talking about are you looking at the map yeah on the online map i'm just surprised they don't have a grid i just want to know how far this uh base is to a2 holy [ __ ] are those wolves or people oh my pack of wolves see him all the way down there behind to the right of mohawk to the right oh yeah yeah up into the right i thought it was uh i thought it was a squad i was like wow let's just [ __ ] shoot some shots right now that's so [ __ ] far away oh that's a pack of four wolves or five volts whole pack they're just never ending it's crazy so we'll we'll hit this helicopter then we'll go straight to either the top of the big base or straight to a2 because it's in that direction anyway okay yeah by the way that's so far out that my rangefinder is going to get a reading on it that's funny there at the hell we almost i see the zombies anyway this is like the perfect peak right here you're safe from everything right right when you get a little bit lower here nobody can see you yeah i'm just lagging behind a little bit i shoot these made me bleed you search the hell yet or no no i'm just clean up these zombies wanted to deal with them well well you found the gas trap no well it's pretty bad there's a oh suppressor like that go and take it once yeah mine's good yeah nothing good here i mean there's i feel like there's always a gun though which is pretty cool it's not what we're doing yeah early on i thought the helis were pretty good too like even if it's kind of [ __ ] at least you could come here and get like a gun like i found a fully decked out ump once like a fully decked ak what whoa what the [ __ ] what is that that's me jesus dude i just [ __ ] i hear i hear a shot and you scream whoa my bullet went right through them i don't know what happened the [ __ ] looking i thought you were getting [ __ ] shot in the back of the head up here no way what slide down the hill break your leg no i'm saying in terms of getting shot i feel like in mod you got shot from so far away always people took ev people people took any shot they could yeah i'd say scopes are fairly accessible on this map too like i'm always seeing hunting scopes and pu scopes especially if you check like the rooftops and [ __ ] we've been out in the cold forever and we've just been good on food and the warmth too i like we've made a fire in a while i'm getting kind of thirsty though can you fill up at the coast i tried to fill up and everyone was saying now because it's salt water i drink salt water all the time i thought like well i thought i could like somehow purify the salt water but i guess i don't really know how that [ __ ] works oh we can do snow dude oh yeah right if you want to fill up and like pop a vitamin where's my can actually uh yeah i'm gonna chug i mean i have tabs well i think my current water is clean so i'm just gonna chug it with a pill actually getting sniped right now some people are saying like you like let's say you take the snow you boil it and then you chug it apparently that helps get the heat bonus yeah a lot of water a lot of people said that you'll get it you'll get the heat puff right away okay well i have a cooker i could fill my pot and just cook it yeah and boil it up that'd be good actually what am i trying that yeah we should also try to like thaw out a can in the portable cooker later wait we're above the tunnel by the way it's not very cool oh i have never mind i have a frying pan damn it that's okay the tunnel and we're above a2 the tunnel exit is now the the giant tunnel that is just a waste of time to run through it's the start right there or one side of it oh right right okay i ran from it starts uh it starts near the institute and it just keeps going a big empty tunnel that was a bad idea by the way i am freezing i didn't make a fire i should not have done that yeah i need to make a fire really bad oh you drank that yeah oh i just put it in my bottle i didn't drink mine i made a mistake it's okay i'm losing hp rapidly okay here i'll get a piece of paper out [ __ ] out i got it here here's the paper all right let's get it i'll pick it up you wanna grab another log i'm gonna put it in between these two trees so we can get a little bit of wind resistance i'll light it up holy [ __ ] i went i went blinking real fast just [ __ ] chugged a big slush i didn't know got like brain freeze immediately i can't imagine how [ __ ] shitty it would be to chug frozen [ __ ] water just so fast it's the whole canteen i gotta pay attention dude i guess like even if you just carry around like a frozen bottle i think it cools you off really quick like this one here even with nothing on it how do you drop an item from your hands i see you do that a lot i just hold down g you know like nades all the time oh so that's how you can pull a pin and hold down g you don't have to drag it off correct yeah yeah like do a little run by a grenade drop you know that's cool like no inventory action at all yeah they they let you run around with an unpinned grenade and then if that person goes uncon well it's a [ __ ] live grenade on the ground yeah i'm cold too none of my stuff's wet though you know i've been like trekking in this i guess we haven't been getting snowed on yeah there hasn't been that sounds so funny yeah we're getting slowed off yeah i guess it never rains here so they got to do something to get you wet do should i get a long stick to cook some of this food or would we rather wait till we get a grill to make it quick oh i i have a i could use my frying pan oh i keep forgetting about that yeah i mean i'm not hungry i just don't know if we want to run around with all this like meat weight on us yeah we probably should make it and it'll let us stay warm for longer here um all right just drop the bean drop okay drop all my meat it's an interesting spot to make oh god i have the stupid audio oh that's choppy ugh i hate it yeah is it just the music or is it just the game in general just the game uh okay well then you definitely realize you say it's just the music you can turn it off i got my water um do you need more water uh no i chuck that whole thing okay chilling all right what else are you looking for like i got two sharpening stones like a bunch of batteries anything that you need most ammo uh no i think i'm good i have the most bullets i dropped the piece of media seems pretty tuned up wait coach me oh it's in the tree actually this i should put these in my pants actually bags don't get really bags really don't get ruined anymore i feel like pants do though i actually only have oh what the hell my audio just came back out of nowhere holy oh what is that oh it's happening dude let's get some sticks it's happening it's happening okay okay okay you got all the food right you got all the food i'm gonna get some sticks it's happening you know the way yeah another way okay well we both need like at least like 10 small sticks bro all right i guarantee we do i'm getting them right here okay we have we have we have time i think we just got to make a beeline straight there i'm chopping up some long sticks let's just get we can get the other ones on the way you want to just see if we can get there first yeah yeah let's do the others in the way i got six sticks i'm glad to [ __ ] die man like by the end of this you know i mean let's just go and check it out all right let's just straight straight you're going right yeah just keep going that way we're just gonna have to make a b line there the apps i don't know if you know but it actually tells you where it is oh right i'm gonna turn mine up and well i i wouldn't turn it on the audio tells you where it is too just go to the drums wait how do you turn on the app see when you have night vision on uh you can't you have to take the night vision off and then turn it on you can't be wearing the night vision um let me make sure my app see has batteries oh [ __ ] i don't have batteries uh here take this take this right here i just drop them right here you got the meat right yeah okay go go go go go get my night vision off boom oh there's my absi [ __ ] that's weird let me turn mine on real quick make sure we're going our way i'm pretty sure we are oh this battery's low dude trying to kill me no i give you a full one bro i got another full one nah that's it's half but it's fine okay sorry i thought it said it was full for me okay we're we're 1500 kilometers yeah okay let's go we're in a perfect line right now we're just gonna keep going okay i got a stack of six rags i got some banjos i'm just thinking like kindling there's no trees out there huh i don't think so man all right well if we have time we can rack up more it ends once it ends right like the everyone gets knocked over and that's when that's actually over yeah okay i just turned mine off by the way because you're right it eats battery yeah it eats it really quickly and i'm only at 47 i'm gonna probably have to take out my batteries from my nvgs that's fine i'll do that oh i don't even have batteries in my g's the hell out my batteries bro stop real quick stop real quick this other battery here here come to this uh dirt road be easier for me okay i don't know if we're gonna have enough time man this is a [ __ ] hike okay here's the battery right on your feet right now there it is right behind you yeah keep going uh we're in a perfect direction 1100 kilometers yeah we're this might be if we don't if we don't make it though there might be like a bunch of gear guys that are just lurking outside of it like what you know yeah we're gonna be cutting it close man do you have an epipen uh no all right well i ain't going without you so [ __ ] it i'm sorry one point one sorry i just say 1100 that's what it says but it actually says one point whatever gotcha go go go go go go keep going we're almost there we're so close dude [ __ ] i think we got this you still with me oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] we haven't heard the whispers yet so i think we're okay i think we have time should we have our gun out right now people might be doing the same thing we are there's a zombie in here hello zombies i think we got time i still literally don't hear the whispers i hope they're coming they're coming i hear it i hear it okay we're running out of time let's start no stamina should we get some more sticks right here oh oh oh [ __ ] i say [ __ ] everything dude we let's do this end it on some content oh they are fighting there holy [ __ ] we gotta make it man [Music] if we see like a group of four i think fighting them takes priority over this but let's try to get to it 480. we're getting close we should probably take our gun out gotcha we could get more sticks we're so cold we can i just want to see the site before we do i've never seen it before i don't know what it looks like here we go here we go should just be over this hill [Music] oh [ __ ] this is scary yeah we could probably get some from these trees right here wait do you have space for logs or no uh yeah actually okay i'm just gonna start accident once i see it i'm just gonna start acting in a tree right right away not like oh my butt nice nice i'm bleeding he says that [ __ ] him [ __ ] him he's unconscious he's not dead i'm fixing my bleed okay we gotta have hp all right all right let's go let's go [ __ ] him do you have a painkiller uh nope we got here take both of these take a little pieces you want me to pop them or not yet yeah well you you pop them and dance i'm gonna cut some i'm gonna cut a tree okay okay i'm not pop-ups logs galore bro hold on i'm ditching my [ __ ] pistol to take a log i don't give a [ __ ] right now i got three logs okay there's one more right there right here right there yeah oh you mean full-on logs yeah like a [ __ ] log dude i can't take logs you can break it you can break it down i took firewood but i can't take logs all right let [ __ ] everything dude let's go do i need to turn my uh my my apsi on let's just do it let's just do it why is mine not turning on oh drop it you have to have empty hands and then put it back in put it back in your hands good call good call good call okay so how do we jump in this [ __ ] you just [ __ ] jump in the [ __ ] dude here let me go first let me go first okay so you can see it [Music] wait wait what wait what wait this isn't this isn't where it took me last time wait no wait we're going to go somewhere else what the [ __ ] no i guess it is a it is a random spot no this place sucks we don't want to go here [ __ ] we gotta go back are we going to make it i don't i think it's just going to take us back here bro dude that sucks we're not going to make it to the trimmer why don't you guys here man all right i'm turning well no i'm going to leave my effort on dude am i going to die nah you got your epsilon all right yeah yeah let's get on top of the hill and get a nice little view here that's so lame man yo you know we can still go right we can still do this [ __ ] what if you want to go out we can go to the ice if you want it like you mean on foot or swim yeah we can go we can go on foot yeah yeah that's what most people do that actually here let's just see this real quick that sucks we were scammed hey actually this is kind of a cool spot we can continue looting we could go find that guy dude i think the guy that we shot went unconscious and i think he's gonna totally yeah he's gonna die should we go back should we go back to him yeah let's go find his ass dude okay that was dude tonight are you going to take no i hope you're okay i should be fine all right last time this happened i didn't take damage that's 20 though it's kind of scary yeah i'm good tanked it like a [ __ ] man jeez there's a heli down there obviously we checked out it ages ago but it could be a new new [ __ ] gun damn it man i'm so excited [ __ ] dude come on man take us to the [ __ ] other spot uh why did it do that look like i heard i i heard that it takes you to like a few different spots and it's totally random but like since you went to the same spot as me i feel like the portal determines the outcome right like it's not random per person you know what i mean or else you could have gone somewhere else i think is that a wolf right on top of this hill i dropped my blog it's good dude nice killing the [ __ ] he told dude the second you said that bro you said hey like the portal determines it i was like wait let me turn around right someone else is coming through the pool yeah someone else might be coming through the second you said that i was like wait a second let's check if there's more oh my god i'm so glad i turned around i'm turning my fc off i'm going up on your left zombie be aware got you dude that was [ __ ] epic looking for my povs i'm so glad i'm so glad you said that i would have never turned around well that's all you bro if you want to lay down or whatever i got this we could have just camped a quick run we could have been camped yeah someone could have just been holding that true he was probably right behind us he probably came from the institute [ __ ] out um oh dude he's got the he's got the night vision scope i'm gonna get a bunch of wood too we had the same idea okay yeah he was doing the same thing he had a bunch of wood unfortunately you can't use that night vision scope unless you take his ak i'm all good he's got it's your call he's got a bloodbath i'll take it it's got a campfire tripod that's pretty cool epi he's got a map okay oh he's got attack help oh wait no i'm not using that i got this no helmet holy [ __ ] you done yeah i'm good that guy's probably so bad he's coming up behind both of us and all of us sorry holy all right we made off i'm just laying here trusting you yeah we're good they're all dead did you do you need a do you need a weapon cleaning kit probably going to be later yeah i just don't have those batteries too i just i have to drop my wood all right i'll drop um [ __ ] good damn it all right um i'm good i'm getting up nice all right um yeah here do you do you want me to hold on to something for you uh right dude my [ __ ] m4 is disgusting it's so broken it's all good i got a kid with i got two kids they're both half though that was [ __ ] intense that whole thing right there that was insane everything that just happened you should you should have seen it you need to look at it from my angle man you should have seen how last night you should see how fast i [ __ ] turned on that first guy before we jumped into the portal oh my i was doing my cs thing where you start shooting before you even like lock on the target yeah yeah yeah oh my god both of those guys got turned on like we should be [ __ ] dead right now we're both well you're almost dead but yeah yeah that wouldn't hurt yeah i'm jumping inside for you my plate carrier saved my ass you go thank you sir i can't fix my plate carrier as well it's duct tape right or is it the kit it's the leather kit now okay there's nothing outside that's oh play carrier pouches for me that's [ __ ] awesome it sucks it sucks that it's so rare for that to happen and it sucks that we got ported here but still that is pretty cool dude a kill before and after i'll take it man yeah actually we've had three storms and i've been on for like nine hours so i think that's actually very lucky yeah no i'm insanely lucky yeah i heard it's like maybe one within four to six hours so we went big there all right i gotta get in this tree and i gotta fix something up too oh you should have stood it in the alley well i'm i'm my brain's slowly processed and everything so sorry [ __ ] hell everything that just happened was awesome oh my some rack chest is ruined wait somewhere oh the jacket i was gonna say i thought there was something back there well [ __ ] you're gonna be getting cold quick where do you want to go i want to go to the milly up here maybe i gotta find another summer jacket all right let's do it i have low hp and limping half limping but yeah let's get you to hold out in here for a little bit and just heal up to white climb this left side okay i wish i knew what my blood was i could have used that blood bag well actually i'm not missing blood nevermind missing health that [ __ ] was crazy dude i did not know what to expect jumping into that portal that was [ __ ] cool man i mean yeah i wish we would have went somewhere else to like a spot that we haven't been to before but oh well it'll happen next time or like i said we can go out to the outskirts of the map but it's just gonna take some time no i'd i'd rather go to the outskirts of the map through the portal i got you yeah that makes sense it would be cooler that way oh left or right uh left there's uh wait no we'd have the vault for the left but i can't vote oh so there's zombies that's left here zombies over there to the left there might be there might be people in that left compound yeah i think you're right i think i need to chill i need to get into cover here and just let my hp heal i'm gonna die in one shot to like anything at this point yeah let's get you so you just like watch the door really safely i'm killing zombies for you there's a snow it's a snowman here what under the helipad oh yeah i heard there's some easter eggs on this map well we've already seen a couple like g-men i feel like the portals of easter egg and away yeah i didn't do all my homework and i'm really glad i didn't like i didn't research all the lore look into the old the malls like all this shit's been so new to me yo you could go up here what the [ __ ] you could go up there uh it's our ladder yeah you go all the way to the [ __ ] top dude holy [ __ ] what if the ghost rifle's up there on one of the balconies i don't know i could check imagine being up there with a gas right uh i'm going i might go chill yeah let's we'll get you to a safe spot and then i'll go up there and check for loot like after you're situated yeah i don't know what to expect up there [Music] oh my there's i saw loot on the ground and then zombies coming oh [ __ ] attack helmet there why is that zombie running let me go see what's out here zombies here like there's like zombies oh there it is right yeah yeah that's crazy it was running attack helmet nah i'm not using a helmet this gun cleaning kit though i'm gonna drop this wood because obviously we don't need it anymore all right i just didn't know if you want to be able to wear night vision with the ace ac or whatever there's definitely some crazy memory memory leak going on dead down here dead gender back room uh oh super dead oh [ __ ] uh-oh oh wait dude he probably died from the storm bro i can almost guarantee it oh right cause well he looks kind of looted actually he's got like a few missing spots it's got a mag with a goss round in it and it's got the secret if you want to take these uh secret documents and take a screenshot of them they're in his oh i've i've looked at this i've looked i've yeah i've read all of them and just three ignition crisis athena i think those are the three the athena one is interesting you haven't read that one i haven't read him fully yet i just like kind of skimmed through him he's got another cleaning kit for you though whoa check out his icons it looks like he actually had frostbite on his boots and his face oh yeah i've never seen that yeah if that actually shows you accurately take some of his nades there's two of them he's got an iv bag yeah he might have uh he might have died to the storm it's possible yeah uh how's your blood he's got a sailing you could pop my blood's been fine it's just the health that tanked okay ah and he also has some batteries there's like one battery and it is the best if you still need i'm okay i have a bunch now okay i'm still just laughing at what what just happened like across the board i've never had i've never seen that in this game everything that just [ __ ] went down dude it was [ __ ] epic man like when i looked back and saw get on top of the hill and like saw you crouched in front of me it was almost like i was just the cameraman for youtube fighting like it was like a little movie scene and just to see like the bloods come out of the top of his [ __ ] head when he killed him like it's epic when we went through the when we went through the portal on the other side that would come up yeah like on the opposite end yeah i mean both were epic like [ __ ] fighting both them but like at the end that second guy yeah that was awesome i'm checking up top you might have a friend here oh there's more dropped gear up here dude my railgun battery got ruined sad times oh i have two it's okay dude there's so much [ __ ] up here man like like blue you gotta come up here like like another [ __ ] couple of guns yeah oh my goodness oh my goodness svd i could give you i could give you a mag that svg if you want to ditch your mosin hell yeah all right mag is right let me fill it up there it is and he also had a extra night vision scope on his dead body oh what kind of scope can i put on this thing hunting no cobra pso night vision got a problem looks like i'm going to put a night vision scope on it because i don't have any options um let's see unless there's i know there's plenty of pso's around [ __ ] it dude i'm going up the ladder i think we saw a pso like within the last 10 minutes like maybe that heli you put an a talk no not until the mods come in with like the rails and [ __ ] oh my god this night missions go it's huge can i like turn off the night vision maybe i don't think so i think it's night only all right well we got to get we got to get me something there um maybe we go back to wasn't it was the one with the heli i can't remember we saw one very recently or maybe these barracks down below or maybe these rules would just show up and [ __ ] wreck our day well we'll kill him easy oh people are saying i could put battery in that's what that does oh that's when it actually turns the night vision on i see that you walking around i'm upstairs just dancing around looking for people yeah you're okay so i'm holding the stairs because i'm i can't tell if i'm hearing you can't stand still maybe it was you probably was i'm making a lot of noise chilling now though oh my gosh rifle what no no it's got the battery it's got the mag bro we got it and it's got the scope it's got everything everything's here what everything where did you find it it's just here someone dropped it oh my god it was in there yeah dude that probably is a forward is on that loop no no just i don't i don't know i don't [ __ ] know that has to be a fresh spawn okay here let me give you everything i have here meg two shots over here that's all i got oh [ __ ] i got bullets dude [Music] okay um what do we do on the roof and how to [ __ ] snipe somebody i don't know i didn't expect to have this thing right now look at these pouches and think about it all right um it's pretty risky up there but if you want to take a quick peek like barely peek out of the door once you go up top when i go to see somebody what if i go to the tower well check this one first because it's safer like there's a little door that you climb up to and then you can decide if you want to go out on the balcony well but should you just take [ __ ] calls dude you got the gold gun should you you should just take my sv svd like i don't the mag like i don't want to have gary i don't want to go here i mean okay okay so how does this thing work do you know [ __ ] if i know dude i mean if you have one if it says one in the chamber and you got the battery in then i'm pretty sure you just pull the trigger and [ __ ] ruin somebody's night well the scope zeros so it zeros all the way up to just a crazy number it's hit i think i think it's hit scan up to like 4k so i think really that the xeron is going to come into play when you put that scope on other guns i think you just point and click i don't like can you zero it with um yeah yeah yeah yeah you need zero yeah and zero what the scope zeros let's see i think it's point-and-shoot because i heard somebody tell a story about it and he was just so nonchalant like yeah dude you just pick it up and [ __ ] shoot like he didn't say anything about zeroing so it it yeah it zeros up to 2000. everyone's saying no zero hit scan point click yo yo well there's so much gear drop in this building right and there's this dead guy so somebody is coming here to get some of this [ __ ] and they might be right outside well you wanna leave no no no i'm think i'm saying like if you want to take a little peek up there maybe you immediately dome somebody then at least you got to test the gun out all right and then after that dude you're in the [ __ ] driver's seat because mission accomplished you know i'm just gonna make sure nobody comes down here and gets in our doors let's see if i can get a lock pick and lock some [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] the zeros i could see everything it zeros all the way like i could see 2000 i could see everything i could dude i could see the orb from here that's cool i wonder if you can put the little baby red down on top of that scope not that you really need it it's got a rail on top of the scope though dude i could see athena i could see the the roof of athena perfectly the spot owns just a matter of time till you see somebody so is it point and click at any range no drop no lead no just point someone told me it's point click up to like 4k so i wouldn't even think about it dude dude i could see all of athena that's crazy is that you know no i hear footsteps in snow well is there a ladder that can go up here probably not right i don't think so okay i need to get really familiar with my my doors here there's three doors one in the garage one that we came in and one by the body that's it this thing's [ __ ] crazy i i feel like i have too much power all you need to do is put all that power into one [ __ ] kill and then no matter it doesn't matter what happens after there was the snow again i'm low-key scared up here i don't want to like peak my head [Music] i don't know if you're gonna feel any better about that tower well no one's gonna wait no one's gonna look that high that's you locking doors right i'm locking doors yep yep all three doors are locked dude the sway when i'm the sway when i'm standing is absurd oh my god holy [ __ ] this way is insane yeah they really want you to crouch or like lay down i guess why wait so many [ __ ] i have two yeah i just have a bunch of mags oh there's a ladder in the back hopefully we would be able to hear that dudes people are at athena i can see zombies okay please i just wanna i wanna uh the research institute i just want to [ __ ] obliterate somebody please you know what we should do though is we should it was a big snowstep what the [ __ ] was that um we should get to that spot outside of the research center that literally sees the whole research center and the rooftop of that most common building i think that would be our best yeah i don't i don't like being on this roof because like i can see everything but everyone can also see me i think the outskirts of research center like out in the trees would be [ __ ] awesome i eat this am i [ __ ] i can't eat my meat um when you turn your head on does the animation just stop at like two percent like the loading bar yeah yeah oh i put my hands up it worked hands up strat never fails yep you're good oh that's a good point i could drop my bag and it'll give me more stam i'm not carrying so much that barely gave me stamp i hear sprinting on snow towards the police station i don't know if there's a zombie or what look towards the the little shack the guard shack yep this dead zombie out front of it so they're gonna see these bodies i don't know if that was a person or not i'm i'm i'm kind of okay just waiting still because i'm still so low hp i'm just kind of scared to roll out yeah yeah yeah heal up i got all doors locked and i'm kind of glancing out the windows right now apparently ladders are silent that's good great this way is so crazy i'm gonna drink a little bit and see what baits him in dude that sounds like a guy that's just camping outside of our door like occasionally turning his hips or it's a [ __ ] zombie probably a zombie i just heard a faster movement as well dude i could see the dead guy outside of our wall outside of our wall close up dude okay uh um what's up sees this he find the gas station find the gas station um the little it's like a little square [ __ ] industrial building he just shot at me he just shot at me yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa two guys two guys two both in the corner i'm hit i'm backing up i'm backing up okay well zombies are swarming i might see you on the street inside the compound yeah yeah they're inside our compound i'm gonna watch the stairs we're good we're good one is a shitty uh carbine otherwise they are one's dead reloading how did that not hit him yeah i'm alive i'm [ __ ] low though two are dead there's one more i might bleed out bro my gosh went right through him dude i'm not hearing a gog i think it's a ghost bullet dude i'm not hearing any goss is he still in the same corner oh two are dead they're behind the the long berks the last one is behind the long barracks kind of left to where you killed the first one yeah your first two yep right okay dude so we might be going yeah the handbook gave you the ghost bullet yeah yeah yeah bullets that don't sound like anything worst time ever so you didn't hear my gospel no no i got yeah i got bugs i'm pretty sure okay he's back he's back in the corner he's back in the corner i think i just hit him once dude i'm gonna push out there i think i'm unlocking this door i'm gonna push out there it's all on you i'm wounded soldier am i still bugged yeah i'm still bugged something's something scuffed with me okay i'm on his the dead two teammates i'm on his dead guys right now okay i'm creeping up on him [ __ ] he's in the corner i missed him he's about to be peeking he's looking at me right now i don't is he a gilly what does he look like i see you i see you no no he's got it he's got a normal gun out yep and what corner uh the back right where i'm looking like a back left horn oh oh no he got me he got me i think my dad got him though i think my knee just blew him up no i can't believe he just got me that quick dude i'm almost 100 sure he's dead but i just left you on your own okay there's only one door that's unlocked down there somehow i [ __ ] missed him again oh my god i don't see him was he on the outside wall yeah okay he's in the inside wall it's so hard to explain dude in the corner okay so right where you kill those two dudes from your angle to the right in the corner inside the wall um he should be dead though i just threw it in for an m67 did you hear that go off yeah i heard it go off i saw the nade i never saw him which is super weird okay the nade went off right on top of that guy's [ __ ] body i think you locked me in here no no no i only i unlocked one door all the other doors are unlocked i can't believe my goss didn't go off i'm so sad i literally was so ready to evaporate this guy i don't know dude all i know is that there might be one left but if that grenade didn't kill him then [ __ ] it's crazy you think i should try to loot him maybe not yet i don't i try to play the long game dude i would try to play super safe to play long game oh i ain't playing safe we're past that all right yeah we're way we're way past the safe game i'm so [ __ ] wounded that i just don't care i don't know if you killed him dude dude i mean anything goes right now like i can't hear your bullets at all you probably can't hear my [ __ ] grenade or my grenades aren't doing damage who knows dude yeah i saw your name never saw him my gosh shot nothing happened my hands are my hands are so [ __ ] bugged right now and i don't know if it's because the goss rifle is causing my hands to bug out or maybe it's because every part of my body's [ __ ] ruined because i'm kidding i oh sorry i thought i heard him maybe i like i don't know if i'm like a [ __ ] like a punching bag right now i'm just getting hit over and over and over again what the [ __ ] just happened i think i just got killed by a ghost rifle what the [ __ ] was that oh [ __ ] you're dead yeah what the hell was that what just happened oh no dude i'm like i'm mad that i died but i'm more mad that the first time you get to shoot the goss you're [ __ ] bugged and it makes no sound and does no damage like i'm mad that i died but that is such [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that's such a buzz kill man it literally sounded like i died of a goss rifle straight up it sounded the exact same as when i shot it at least somebody's worked yeah the same [ __ ] like fart it's kind of what it sounds like all right well at least we all at least we we had a great we had a great end that [ __ ] was [ __ ] crazy dude that was fun but like if you see it from my perspective i peeked the corner on that last guy and i have the easiest kill ever but somehow i miss i [ __ ] it up and then i like go to throw a nade and i'm trying to like jiggle around to keep him there so it blows up he [ __ ] ices me so quick and then obviously your goss is not doing [ __ ] so it's like everything went from so good to so bad but it was still so much fun dude [ __ ] a i'm just so mad about the goss not doing anything i just wanted to hear that thing man i heard it dude what happened to me it sounded like my whole body just left my [ __ ] soul it's it sucks yeah i'm pretty sure somebody killed me with a gospel you actually heard it yeah i heard the same exact noise when i shot it it sounded the exact same damn dude well there's probably like i don't know how many are on the server at a time i want to say there's one like one on the map like at a time but obviously over like people can have them from day to day so there could be like three people running around with them right now that just [ __ ] evaporated oh my god well what are you doing i mean no it's uh it's [ __ ] lazy all right all right i'm gonna get some food too i really wanna dude i'm not pissed i really wanted to snipe i didn't care even if the goss worked at close range i don't care i really wanted to get a long range snipe that would be so [ __ ] funny so i'm just yeah i'm just so pissed that it wasn't working like if you would have re-logged it would have worked but by that time you had already used up all your ammo that's fun i mean we'll get it again i mean whether we're together is separate we'll each get it we'll get to [ __ ] use it eventually just sucks yeah that was crazy just [ __ ] exploded dude every time i go there i die that's two times i've been there and i've died twice in that [ __ ] compound that place is so hot yeah this first time i got into a fight there but obviously like there's a big tower it's kind of like green mountain on chernarus right where like everyone can see it that was fun that's fun a lot of a lot of fun yeah yeah dude that was a good day too bad the portal didn't take us out to somewhere else but maybe next time [Music] is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 24,391
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, DAYZ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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