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[Music] [Music] all right i'm cruising in any second now just where are you are you at the military spot just so i know right moving into the military i'm gonna come back to the main come to the main road you should be able to see me no [ __ ] way we're good you should if you're coming through to me you should be passing through a bunch of broken down [ __ ] cities our city like uh well there's there's two main roads here one's in the the main one main road is off to the side and one's in the city are you in the broken city area yeah broken city okay well i'm on the main i'll i'll be there you shouldn't even hear me maybe i'm right above you are you coming off road on the road i'm going on the road i just have to get past this crazy barricade i hear you i love driving in this game i don't know why even though it's kind of like buggy it's fun okay i'm right in front of you yep yep that's me hello you have no wheels currently okay there you go there they're ready did you loot this military spot in the right no i haven't yet but i'm scared too but i didn't want to do it because i was like this is this is definite shroud summit syndrome right here waiting to happen i was like i'm just gonna wait in a bush okay you know what i'm saying i thought i was gonna die before you got here i'm gonna turn this thing around really quick and then uh park it in this bush not really in the bush but off to the side let's go in i like it i like a good parking doing good parking cabin mp5 what do you have for a weapon right now shotgun shotgun right yeah i like your get up brother i like it i'm so lightly geared i'm so simultaneously still looking cool i'm so lightly geared rough remember i got a blue ball clava and uh green helmet i remember you got the green uh and the gray backpack uh the green [ __ ] whatever zambia so i'm gonna grab them up i'm just looting one of these barracks if i get anything good i'm leaving the door open or draw the sabby in thinking maybe i should grab that this one's looted yeah i would say these ones are pretty common ones like anyone that's gonna respond right like we want to go to the military spots that are not around spawn so we should probably take advantage of our car on that on it yeah you're probably right what the [ __ ] they just opened this door i did i did oh i'm trying to fight him and i'm trying to find him up let's go there's there's so many okay this is how you would yeah you two or 1v2 but that's okay i just hit you i'll bleed it so bad no you don't take on four at a time oh okay he's running through the door he's right there door he's running through the door he's running through the door bro they're running through doors they're on me though how are they running through this door i don't that is [ __ ] it this is how you do it bro what do you mean i'm yellow hp he got [ __ ] up yeah i got hit so many times you can't just bring in a bazillion of them dude that's so hard man i didn't expect them to [ __ ] walk through the door they're doing it still even right now i don't trust that door dude that door should not be trusted ralph found a soda on a zombie though bro should i trust that i'm trusting it oh i didn't hit yellow nice i know but in real life would you trust it you know what i'm saying if you had to grub your hands on it i don't know i'd have to leave that in a [ __ ] boiling pot of water for like a good while you know yeah there's no loot here honestly maybe there'll be something in here ah someone already pretty much looted this clean let's get the fudge out of here then brother man all right let me back up the car i might get a black field vest to match my uh to match my face a little bit more my screen is gray dude my colors uh sure the colors do the colors we can even look for heli crashes technically i'm not the car you have any 308 by any chance for my blaze are you running no i'm at the car it might be a zombie then what is he doing all for the [ __ ] color swap dude oh he's changing item can't come back so far oh that's what i was hearing the [ __ ] on the roof how do you want to play this do you want to play this like driving like we should go find military spots that are down south personally well no matter no matter where we go it's going to be occupied right besides helicrash is like i guess that's better yeah but the thing is we're going to be servers like it's so bad oh my god the thing is um one there's a helicopter going right in front of us him see him i'm not moving right on the floor i know i'm not moving only one guy seems um but yeah my thought is let's go to places where there's no bambi's uh just going to military spots that are easy to get to we should go to the harder ones to get to in my opinion i don't know whatever you want to do if you want to look at helicopter crashes i'm cool with that too just anyway you want to play it there's only there's only really there's only really one difficult military that bambi's aren't going to be at but we can go down there it's the bigger one that's 100 up to you brother i just we just want to go to the ones with a higher chance of but not being loser on the road again always scared to go up one of those hills in case of cars coming at us and we smash into each other so all right this city's tricky to drive through but let me plan my course here well actually i know exactly where a spot wouldn't be looted it's not like a huge military but i bet you nobody's there when i go there so which side that i know a military spot that isn't like massive or anything but i'm pretty sure um i think it's this way i'm pretty sure it won't be looted plus we could find helicopter parts if we even want to do that i'm down i mean hey a car i feel like maybe we should have got some crack in because what's the stop list from doing the same [ __ ] you did last time yeah you fly no me fly i think holy [ __ ] it's gonna be different than you home shift i'm lightly geared so i can fly i hope i have this mapped out right unless i hella [ __ ] it up i guess we'll see so so on the road again hopefully i'll run into smoke dude uh apparently your landing gear got caught on something when you took off and that's what it like uh made it do what it did yeah i mean [ __ ] that happens i was scared it was gonna hold on i want to loot this really quick i was scared it was something like that like that it just was caught on something when i took off i feel like if it was flat it would have been fine i just want to loot these couple barracks here which seemed to be looted but maybe stuff respawned oh there's an 8k 76239 ak do you have a mag or anything for this assuming that's a no i'm gonna change my look i think a little bit here i'm changing a pristine for a warrant but it's worth wait hey yo you have a shotgun right you have the uh the one that you can turn into a sawed-off shotgun yeah you want a sauna shotgun i have a [ __ ] song no i don't know i already have it as a sought-after shotgun yeah oh you already have i'm good i'm good you have any mags for this ak uh which okay the sav z58 uh yep i have one mag how many bullets where are you oh man come on bro it's my ammo bro oh [ __ ] well i have i have 18 shots and i'm single tapping them basically with my bk yeah then gear you take this thing i have stuff you take this aka okay though we'll take this ak then where are you um that's a good question i'm in uh industrial right next to some barracks that you're probably at there you got to shoot me bro and drop that bk see what i can do to this thing let me see what i can do to this thing real quick let's see let me see if this stuff works all right there's also the zenit mount which might go on your gun if you want to put a sight on it maybe you could try that zenith this thing doesn't take [ __ ] i want the 545 one i think this goes on the k a base guns basically i'm set up for a 545 ak right now i thought you just said you had bullets for this i got 18 shots and a [ __ ] mag that's better than your b18 you think so absolutely bats gonna hit harder should i absolutely take that i try to put this rail on it i don't know if it goes on this ak though just try it right here that's the same rail i have and it already has an mrs on it and it doesn't go on it goes on the 545 ak sucks but i mean like yeah like you said better than just shooting better just to shoot uh a single tap rather than one in the chamber i think it should do the same damage probably i imagine so um there's a bunch of these little police guard shacks around bk you can saw your bbk yeah you can you can actually the gun you were using before you could sign okay yeah really i don't know it's kind of funny i want to look at that yeah what's it do you can put it in your [ __ ] backpack [ __ ] there's no reason shaky big i'm gonna take the spark plug out because i'm gonna lose some of this there's like military clothes and a lot of these industrial like this whole place is kind of military it's not like insane or anything but it's something i just got closed so and then we could go to a bigger spot an m4 just chill in here that's sick badly damaged oh it's an m4 in this [ __ ] car what the hell oh i mean dude i pristine nine [ __ ] six five five six rounds you found the m4 it's pristine yeah what the [ __ ] it was just in the it was in one of those cars the wreckage looks like i don't have any bullets where are you exactly i just went um the other direction there's a usg mag here do you need a usg no yeah this i feel like all of these places since they're this is i think this whole place is known military like even in these sheds i'm getting military loot that's why i wanted to search it okay well i'm always down to search a big [ __ ] area like this all i it it's fun every military spot so far seems so small on this map my [ __ ] weapon's about to break and [ __ ] taking too many zombies [Music] zombie heard me that's crazy there's so many [ __ ] zombies up here how you getting around without fighting these fools there wasn't many where i was i wish i had a [ __ ] silencer so many mags for like different pistols but i just don't have the right pistol which way did you go in direction of the car where is it you know i can tell you i'm heading i can't even look at my compass right now i want to say it's north it's like i'm facing north definitely not that's where i came from but that's okay i'm gonna assume you went where the zombies walking so i'm gonna go this way actually there's nothing there's nothing this way there's only stuff in his direction okay i guess i can loot stuff in his direction because chances are he missed stuff oh a tactical shirt oh oh i like these jackets they're always damaged though every time this is where i found my m16 so i'm gonna search this a little deeper next time oh nice a box of 308 dude oh my goodness i'm saved i could use my sniper i should ask to add some oh okay i asked earlier but you know oh did you yeah [Music] i didn't hear anything do you have anything to repair my place nope i don't know which direction did you go by the way if you didn't go this way i want the way we came with our car but now i'm going up to where you are in case you missed loot [Music] where is this more 308 summits missing out on the good stuff i can't get around here somewhere i see a bunch of dead zombies i'm on the main road um now going back into the compound past the uh like all the broken down [ __ ] there's like tons of like broken broken [ __ ] like a [ __ ] tower fell over oh man i found an m1a what the [ __ ] really what the [ __ ] even is that that's pretty dope yeah pretty dope you can get a [ __ ] a sight on this bad boy oh you [ __ ] can okay uh okay this thing would be [ __ ] handy with a uh what's uh oh what's it called the um the 4x whatever the [ __ ] that's called the acog did i not just find an m1a mag or did i find it m14 bag i swear i just picked up a mag of course is his take it has to take i've never seen a gun be drenched it has to take 308 right maybe i don't have the box of 3x and that was my last playthrough i think actually i wonder if the m14 mag can go in the m1a mag or whatever i think it can um you're saying can the m14 mag go in the m1a yeah wow it does all right well i got a mag for you so do i all right then you have two banks what kind of do you have a 10 rounder or 20 yeah you'll have two tens unless you don't want to use it i'll gladly take it so i can uh um you know use a weapon that isn't a blaze um you shouldn't you want to use the m14 all i have is like a little side on it though it doesn't have like a it doesn't have like a like a your medium range weapon i mean you actually might be able to put your scope on it you want it i'm down to give it to you i could try yeah i don't know where you are if this goes on let me check if this goes on it oh yeah bro i got you something nice with this one brother you're gonna listen you owe me big time for this okay well i got you a better essay sa58 that's pretty cool yeah i'll [ __ ] take that deal um i am it's really hard to say you want me to shoot again real quick no oh i just found an m1a no you didn't and a gun cleaning kit your you're a line sack of [ __ ] right now dude let's go we both get the m1a i'm dead i'm down i'm super down with that i like i said before though i have a better sa for you you you got that uh that rifle right that's a shitty one i got the good one mm-hmm okay i'm thinking i want to run mp5 m1a to be honest [ __ ] if you don't want to run this gun i'll run it so i have a rifle but that's up to you you run that i'll give you my ak bullets i'll give you my ak mag i'm going to run m1a mp5 i think that sounds more fun to me okay sound good yeah i don't want to be [ __ ] running around trying to figure did you just unload one of your guns too much i unloaded my my gun and my mag yeah i like took a bullet out of the main slot so weird i heard that so should i drop my m16 then you think um what what guns are you gonna rock you're gonna rock blaze and then you maybe use this as a mid tier no my i'm dropping the blaze right here i'm dropping the blaze so what's your mid-tier weapon then i don't have one m4 for that oh you're ak you're you're right well yeah i just don't i don't have mags for i don't have any mags or anything you know yeah so why don't we just you run m1ak i'll run m1a mp5 we'll just give each other a [ __ ] and we'll just run that until we find something better okay i'm at the big [ __ ] giant red building um that's on the [ __ ] right north of you just right just keep running north and it's like a big giant red [ __ ] building oh did you loot this actually did you loot this building that has the m4 and the same gun you have um uh i don't know to be honest oh yeah yeah wait wait wait are you in the little hut yeah right next to it i think you're right next to me somewhere i mean if you're in the m4 i'm climbing i'm climbing this red building right now oh yeah this is your busted em for you yeah so yeah right here yeah okay hello i don't want to do any trading up here whatsoever by the way getting the [ __ ] down [ __ ] that so this place has some great loot i'm finding these in like random like industrial buildings all these guns what's that then i found all of these like in industrial buildings this place is crazy look at this look at this thing this is like a [ __ ] crazy zooming uh like uh like uh like i said yeah yeah variable [ __ ] scope so you want this m4 is that what i'm understanding no no i'm np5 man oh so what about your well [ __ ] can i have the mag so i can use this [ __ ] thing yeah that's what i was gonna give you oh oh oh well should i give you nine mil i got a bunch yeah i want 9 mils that's cool okay and if you have an mp5 mag there's another tracer around but it's only one sorry i don't have i i don't have an mp5 mag either mount give me a sec um so hold up all right so twenty-five three uh 9x19 box yeah there it is so that's like uh 40 something bullets right down here perfect perfect though my friends thank you i can actually have a full mag of mp5 do you need a lot of 308 how much do you have what'd you say how much 308 do you have um i have just one mag 10 or 11 or yeah 10 shots oh i thought you had two mags or could you not fill it um i did not have too much i thought i did okay i thought i had a box ammo turns out i didn't have that either it feels bad man what you do well i have an extra box and i have 10 to spare so i can open up this box and you can have it i'm sure i'm cool so i'll have a little reload here let me split it ready to go otherwise there here's 10 tracer oh right there three wait thank you my friend now i just need to find a red dot of sorts that's true i guess we might as well put the m16 in the car which goes you never know i'm gonna run over the car i feel like we looted just about everything doesn't summit have a red dot i think it's on his mp5 you don't have an you don't happen to have another red dot do you have an mrs i don't know if that'll work on it try if it's extra i'll take it i think it can go on my gun all right that was our car dude it was like one opportunity to pick one up i don't think i did actually unless i could detach it from this i think once i mount this thing oh yeah unmount there we go yeah i have one nice all right made out the car i guess you'd be a backtracking if you found a pistol suppressor i can use that from mp5 okay dude how the [ __ ] is there millions hobbies in between this car and myself i'll go inside a little bit all right now do you want to two choices one we can go to the big military spot and we could cruise up there and try to clear it or two we could just go around trying to like look for helicrashes or just go on foot down near newbies i'm actually 100 down for whatever you want to do i wanna go [ __ ] kill some [ __ ] in the military all right we'll go to there we'll go to one more military spot i guess because we could use more bullets true i'm at the first set of barracks we were at i'm coming down to the car i think okay we both found m1as i've never seen one before and we found [Music] two this is a spot driving down to you i think unless you got lost you're behind me these zombies are kind of annoying let me go ahead here okay damn yeah let's get in that was swift hey nice m1a you got there bro thank you sir this thing doesn't do as well as the other car on off road the zombies are catching up come on climb shift i don't want to shift because it's gonna i can't like the spark plug is gonna get [ __ ] destroyed if i shift up like that is if i shift up it's gonna [ __ ] push it and if i push it i can't change gears it's just going to break it so i need to like slowly climb the worries the worry here is this if this goes uphill i worry we won't be able to climb this i'm really scared we won't make it up this hill we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it hey holy sh holy [ __ ] dirty this is pretty sick we're [ __ ] hauling ass i'm only scared if there's like a piece of if there's like a log on the road or something like we're [ __ ] you know scary holy [ __ ] yeah this is scary all right we're close should be a t in this dirt road we take a right and then that road takes us straight to that military spot okay you're the you're the young god when it comes to knowing where the [ __ ] you're at you can see it's right up there actually hell yeah hell yeah there's also a helicopter spot on the left but it's well not here so it's not here true that's correct it's not i killed a couple [ __ ] running away from a helicrash yesterday really did you take their [ __ ] it was the same guys that robbed us or that that i surrendered remember he they killed you and then i surrendered and then oh oh yeah yeah that was my focus yeah hell yeah i took their [ __ ] i think they were stashing stuff out there because chad said one of them had a backpack and they didn't after a while but he could have been stashed into making sure i didn't find something that is all right well this is it i don't really want to i don't really want to drive in there so i'm going to put it right here all right brother oh can i have that red dot before we go in yeah um how nice it works let's go all right all right dude it's been a long journey to get here actually kind of has been yeah it's been a couple hours [ __ ] like three hours i think and i got a feeling you got some dope weaponry right now so this 308 [ __ ] semi-automatic 308 rifle that's pretty gangster dude yeah i don't have a helmet though so i'm scared if you see them before they see us going up here dude i got a good feeling balls deep nothing actually not bad to like i got a decent sight line on the barracks on the right i don't see [ __ ] all right go just back up i got a feeling i'm gonna die but i don't really care if you switch your poncho off let me know okay yeah i don't think i will unless i find a black one but i think i'm just gonna get right in these two barracks over here nice and early let's go right in straight to the point um oh a tactical helmet should i swap my poncho yeah you think you're gonna blast me that's a know it's that's tough to figure that out there's a cz 805 in here all right i got i dropped my poncho so i got a tactical helmet okay are you in this next barracks i am in the next barracks okay i'm in here with you oh a cz805 you gotta clear those corners around those doors [ __ ] i told you there's a cd you gotta clear them corners dude yeah not listen then you're gonna [ __ ] hate me oh wait what is this helmet oh it's the one that i could get a visor with oh i'm flying that thick helmet yeah the thick assault helmet okay i got the big boy helmet look at me verify you've been verified roger that i shoot anybody without glasses 50 round belts i don't know what bullets this carries though oh seven six two five four i'm kind of set up for that to eventually get that ak i'm gonna pull the zombie in wow let me know if you find an assault helmet visor oh all right sorry [Laughter] door stuck i'm gonna get a visor and i'm gonna tell you to let me know when you find a helmet got it it was a [ __ ] mp7 mag bro i haven't even found an mp7 me neither i heard they're pretty nuts though probably only from helicrashers i had to guess i imagine so oh my goodness okay what did you find in there another belt oh those are mosin rounds not five four five rounds uh-huh yeah okay interesting make our way up top this way gun out thank you yeah that's a lot of zombies a lot of zombies 308 bucks i'll take it i gave you my other one oh [ __ ] hell yeah interesting all right let's cut left i don't wanna deal with this there's a gun in there got in here 236. dude there's so many guns what happened another gun here is this an m4 cz805 eric's looks clear god damn it zombies sorry you shoot [ __ ] man all right well i apologize that all the zombies are coming courtesy of me courtesy of spanish holy [ __ ] there's so many shovel dude that's the best man weapon scare the [ __ ] out of me dude bring it now [ __ ] got myself a pristine ass [ __ ] it's like 300 up in here what's that mean means they're all on the [ __ ] line and i'm [ __ ] them up one by one they're seeing 300 bro you've never seen like you know like that the whole idea of drawing into you know using their numbers against them in small corridors are you owning all these zombies right now hell yeah well done no games zombies god damn murderer so many of these [ __ ] where'd you go i'm inside oh i see i'm far left yeah yeah i'm like far left you'll hear a bunch of zombies in that building that's where i was now i have moved i'm in this like red brick there's a jerry here and you're building okay it's crazy i heard you breathing oh green field jacket actually mine's [ __ ] up and take it we even take a jury do you have any duct tape or things that i can help my outfit with um i do have a roll of duct tape yes okay i need to fix my pants from this corner duct tape a little wet mate still works duct tape fixes everything except guns i didn't fill this with gas right this bringing this whole [ __ ] thing it's making all my [ __ ] wet what is this box 4.6 by 3 3 am by 30 mm armor piercings i think that's vss armor producers i should just give you a a kit instead of duct tape two of those kits yeah [Music] yeah you definitely want to get rid of those first am i just out of it or one of those days every day brother let's go every damn day is like this whoo shut down what is that combat backpack isn't that small 63. it's not too bad it's the same as my sloth that's badly damaged is it i'll fix it it's [ __ ] ugly too to be honest i've been like pretty sure it like fits on your butt or something i'm fixing it up i'll take it actually it's so big bro i mean it's not gonna look big that's what matters oh i mean yeah it's a little bigger but i would take that over yours for sure and we're off we're off to see the wizard have you had loot in those towers yet i would highly doubt it we got that big building to loot i think that's it unless we missed a bear which is impossible this building's not bad okay in this case it's got nothing folding buttstock huh and we go i think you're behind me i'm fighting a zombie back here sorry good kept coming i'm in this big building just upstairs oh nothing so far big building indeed hey there's one of those big helmets that i have um might as well take one then i'll take one you wanna if you wanna match yeah might as well where are you upstairs it's to the right uh hello there you are oh did you start moving yeah and the chopper is one yeah chopper's flying by server's lagging heart i might you i was about to say i just heard you like [ __ ] i feel like three seconds later i didn't see the helmet either unless you grabbed it nice look at that dude let's put on a shelf for me and everything oh yeah get you a [ __ ] cool ball clava now not a blue one though looks stupid you look dumb as well no i don't dude it's messed up man well we looted it should we check the do that gunshot i didn't hear anything okay yeah we looted it i guess we just go back to our car head somewhere else wherever that may be this tower though it's gonna have some good loot i could sense it probably just check without going up there but i feel like i have to by calling damn a lightweight buttstock yeah well i mean lightweight dude yeah lightweight gun memphis uh the cz805 i hope there wasn't one in there we had bullets and mags that probably would be using it right now which we don't i can't believe there's so many choppers flying by man we should try to find someone's face i don't even know how we would do that you would just have to literally you'd literally have to guess out south and just drive through all the tree lines try to find some like pencils like over there over there's nothing there's literally nothing that way on our map there's absolutely nothing so okay i guess the convenient thing is if you'd catch somebody like one i guess you could sit here and scope out the whole thing and see if you see a tent or two you see a chopper fly back home or something but yeah um true that's like the only way you're not gonna oh we go to that what was that that was where we came from where was that shot sure what it sounded like yeah oh in the compound no i don't think so i think it's past it i think it's in the tree line pass i think we go for it why not we haven't had any action i kind of want to cut this way though instead of cut through i want to cut left i'll just follow you because you you have a better sense of direction on finding [ __ ] i'm just going to keep you in my sight yeah dude this is just outside if we can get on that hill that we were on oh yeah it's in that tree line they might be finding a bear i only hear one gun no return fire nothing yeah oh there it is there it is a lot faster than that imagine taking your time shooting a bear that's true yeah you probably [ __ ] panic shots oh no this is where we died before no we died no no no no we died in the other rock formation to the right oh okay okay rock formations though i gotta keep you in my sights so you like glue they're probably in this tree line i just don't know how deep we can wait or we can just try to hunt them i kind of want to see if we see them it's pretty good that's so many eyes yet a little further we could keep our main road on the left here we could stay on it and look all the way in not a bad idea okay that way at least we have a good sense of like where we are so we don't lose each other in a tree line we'll just keep the road to our back and we'll just try to clear from up top come on guys just a little more shooting a little bit more i'm on the road now nice little rock formation here i wanted to stand on had to be a woods fight bro i think it was yeah i don't know how we're gonna find them in here though look at this [ __ ] um well i mean where else can they go they might go straight to military from there or they might go straight to the road right yeah i feel like if they i think they were on their way to the military base so they have to come through here this path almost that see those little christmas trees over there the tiny ones i feel like waiting in those might not be that bad brother man you just did you say let's see if you see those two tiny christmas trees no no no over here there's a whole line of christmas trees but it goes in the middle of this forest the break in the forest so like we could maybe get a good line of sight okay i think it's just a matter of waiting for them to come to us or just trying to blindly follow them and find them in the street line be kind of tough or maybe you stay up here and i go down here uh i don't know i feel about this at all to be honest it's kind of weird being on the rock moving into a tree line where we have no idea even like a general area oh no i don't want to move into the tree line i just said i wanted to go right here where i could see a different line of sight are you there already i just have a different line of sight over here i wonder how deep it was let me go back down the road where we came from a little bit to get like a little bit of a lower view see if they move in to the base because right there it's like i have like a high view but i've just seen christmas trees i get a low view here and be a little easier for me let's go catch somebody do you like christmas trees what's that don't you just love christmas trees i do great i absolutely hate them i'm not getting on this here if i do get one this year i'm gonna i'm gonna take a picture of me hiding in it this sucks yeah i just have to i don't know i just have to guess somewhere they gotta yeah i just gotta guess that they're gonna come this way are you near me no no no no on the road no no i think there's someone on the bot on the rock behind me i just heard you're not down on my tree line right now you didn't go back towards the road yeah i just got passed he's right in front of me no no no no i'm on the road now now i'm on the road but no no he's he's in front of me he went up the tower he's in the tower okay okay i got him to stop he's peppered right in front of me a little bit okay he's still in the tower bottom of the tower in the tree line bottom bottom okay in the tree line bottom oh is that you i see it wait do you have do you have a press fest uh blue vest okay i just saw him hold on hold on hold on no stand by stand by hit down is he close to the is he close okay you got him yeah i don't know if he's dead but he's down i hope that was the guy he had a tactical helmet and a press fest blue vest i couldn't really get a crazy good uh uh look on my guy okay well that guy's down we're moving into the tree line right at the bottom of the tower right now was that guy anywhere near the tower yeah he was excused to the left yeah that should be him working out here i'm near this tower now so don't you see me i'm on this dirt road where are you going to make sure this guy's dead real quick i'm going to find you i see i see you you died on this side yeah he's dead that's a big boy bullet that gun felt good that felt good didn't have much recoil it was nice oh dude he was out way out here damn he [ __ ] got out completely i caught him at the thing and i went wide right and he must go left i just peppered at him a little bit to try to get him to turn around and stop i'm just dropping his body you got balls brother he doesn't really have much he's got a box of 9 mil duct tape um and an epipen i took the 9 mil oh he's got a glow plug that's cool i ruined his black pen oh no yeah he doesn't he really doesn't have [ __ ] sks bk he's done so i got rid of him we're good took his epipen though and make my way back to the those rocks that we were on earlier okay i don't know what a leather kit's for he had one but i swear i haven't found a use for that thing that guy passed right behind me on the tree line i heard his little footsteps sounded like he had like slippers on bro you can hear sound all right i'll drop this box nine mil right here in this opening that's really all that i have to give i didn't have much leather kit for backpacks but it's not all backpacks it's just some backpacks i'm more than happy brother i don't know if you could suppress that m1a but it felt really good um i could put it can we put a bottle on anything probably good probably it's almost guaranteed again let me try yeah oh wait i don't abduct anyone oh i picked up an extra i don't know if it's worth it to be honest i didn't pick up it's two shots with m1a i don't know how you're probably the guy though that was probably the guy thank you maybe yeah i don't think so though he had an sks and a shotgun that's not what that sounded like right it sounded like a full auto gun and like uh like a blaze or 308 gun yeah i sound like a 308 weapon shooting but i don't know how we're gonna find this guy i think we just come this way and i think we just make our way towards the other military spot which is down here and then if we see him we see him if we don't whatever i just don't want to wait around forever you know just for a chance like so i like knew that wasn't you but i still had to ask i don't know [ __ ] i hate it yeah what i hate that i knew it wasn't you but i still asked like i saw his tactical helmet i knew you had assault i saw his press mess but i thought like maybe you were wearing a blue vest too you never know when i swap without telling you yeah i could have very well taken a press fast you know just because it's better and we could do armbands if you want to i forgot about our car what do we do we don't need it we need to be ninjas if you want to this place isn't very far so we don't need to drive to it so yeah uh i need to get suppressor for this mp5 would be so much better when i pepper at somebody that won't know right away well you know where that car is kind of like an injury it's not like hidden but who knows what is sure he was a guy not a girl it's hard to tell the difference for me her tell if someone's a girl or a guy depending on their clothes right if they're all they're all camoed up and [ __ ] i can't tell the difference so you're amazing thank you are you playing in a sec you're playing in like 15 minutes right have fun if you're still playing later and you don't have like a group or you're missing people i might join might join the summit's actually going to play among us today too hannah made me a sandwich oh roger that doesn't hear me out what's the chance that they backed up and they're taking they're hiding out in these buildings a little to zero i don't know dude buildings are open the rooms are open no way oh a burlap interesting interesting i think i'm gonna make a backpack oh you're gonna get rid of the big dog okay i might take your backpack then okay i'm making it in here what do i what else do i need duct tape right or yeah um bro duct tape three sticks no no you don't need duct tape you need three sticks rope and uh burlap one second you sure you don't use duct tape all right small sticks right yeah three small sticks you can split a stick too a long stick into two small sticks i always forget this i don't know why i don't know why i always think duct tape you got duct tape on your eyebrow it's okay hmm i love this part of the game for some reason man i don't know it's because it's unmatched dude no one no one else quite does it like daisy does with all this little stuff you know it's like done simply too it's not like yeah it's pretty nice i don't know hold your hand do stuff in your hands thing you know is pretty much how they what they work with nobody else really does that right okay there you go i actually think this has nine mil in it here take your uh take your backpack here what does the mp7 take bullet wise 380 45 realistically it's not worth it the size difference i like the way the backpack looks better like the backpack looks better but realistically it's so much bulkier looking dude it'll just get me spotted easier i think for gucci mane rip the combat backpack say hello look at this backpack you look pretty cool now almost as cool as me if you had a ball quality yeah but i have these cool shades true true but realistically it's like we hold two pieces of the best look you know what i'm saying i need the shades you need the ball clava if you were like anyone else besides shroud that would be a really good moment just to kill them you know what i mean take your shades you drew on them when you shoot when you shoot me in the face you're doing it sure i'll just shoot your toe off i wonder if there's any good sight line on this building this military spot uh that's a good question how many bulls did you shoot at that guy to kill in the last one two one or two shots yeah you get them both you missed i missed the first one so damn one tapped his ass huh yeah but you said you peppered them there's a brown poncho here right here you want it no i mean i i peppered him as and like just [ __ ] shot around his ass to get him to stop you know what i mean okay basically like i guess uh what i should have said was i suppressed him okay so you didn't actually hit him i'm sure you hit him at least a little bit maybe if i hit him with like one tiny bullet or something like that but it was just mostly to get him to stop because he was about to get into an annoying spot to follow this place isn't that big doesn't seem so it seems open and obvious which i'm digging right now i'm on your left on the opposite side of this wall killing a zombie okay i'm moving on your side of the wall now yeah i'm inside this first in front of me i'm inside this first rush the big one yeah you're in the 10 one right yeah the 10 one got a 10 building it kind of looks like i'm on your right oh what's this oh it's an sks i hear zombies in here bro like what like somebody put them in here oh i see i want to doubt it oh now they're anchored on you oh a 20 round m14 meg hello where'd it go really you i didn't even aggro on me i don't understand did i not pick it up where do these items go sometimes oh shut up where's everyone at today i mean we murdered one guy true everyone's probably building their base setting up their settings building server well not like base but like building their their hideout you know like they're camping i don't think so and if anything we'd be seeing more people on military bases for that reason that's true are you one of these like sheds on the far far right with the shipping containers moving forward okay i'm now at that build the building we hate the most right um at the very end those stupid [ __ ] 18 room [ __ ] ball buildings get a zombie on your ass oh never mind nice little m4 with a mag and 11 shots right here bro you [ __ ] kidding me stop man are you in the long barracks or the the fat one with millionaires the fat one with the million rooms i want a vss so bad i want a vss and m4 here uh be too bad i'm thinking maybe over mp5 if i can find enough bolts for it in a little bit you know what i'm saying but i might just hold on to it as a third gun until then yeah i only have like three bullets for it so i'm not really helpful i have 20 20 shots 21 shots you hear me walking this side though no oh hello you're walking right here oh you're in that one okay i just speak your little head nice we actually found a gun five five six hit me if you have any if you have any um uh excite get me with the site too if you have like a [ __ ] red dot and that you're not using or some [ __ ] i don't think you do that right i got those three bullets that's all i got i'm sorry all right couldn't have been more helpful oh you're good brother 25 shots in this i'm okay i just need to find a site actually the sight on this m4 is not can we realistically do this m4 size [ __ ] gangster i almost like it more than the red dot is that weird no if this actually works i might just keep it like this i like it because it gives you a wide uh fov when you're aiming yeah [ __ ] i'm gonna use this [ __ ] the red dot down all five five six and mags whenever you see him brother i wonder why someone left that unless you think it respawned it seems like it doesn't seem like this place is like looted looted i'm gonna go into that big fat building there's nothing here this one next one yeah or the other one to the right one right here there's a zombie locked in this room second room on the right food in here weird that these doors are closed like all of them are closed we means no one's been here bro they know it's bad or what i mean that hasn't been too bad oh it has been good um there's some sweater in here so good dude so good a white canvas bag with a long stick bro someone's been in here i don't believe that oh hell yeah oh yeah true that's not a smile no chance someone's definitely been here but how long ago man did you check the integrity of that stick but it did not sir sorry it's okay i'll go upstairs shots that's where we just were the milli bass mm-hmm okay i'm in this long one a new one new and improved 20 round c-mag wait i've already been in here or is that wait a second did i just go to the same [ __ ] yeah i went in yeah yeah i'm a dumb ass no a land mine hello dude i found one of those yesterday and i [ __ ] left it behind by accident i don't i'm too pleased i'm too scared to grab it are you kidding me i don't want to pick that up okay give it to me then i'll [ __ ] right here right there on the shelf i do i want it on the shelf where the [ __ ] are you over here you're crazy you don't want this [ __ ] land man bro what [ __ ] walked on one yesterday and almost killed my you know i was almost dead on the inside i thought it was like i thought i was about to blow up you know dude what i want to do is i want to put a bag in the middle of the [ __ ] road with nothing in it right just like when we and then and then bait it like i want to put this landmine in the car and put a backpack in there put in the middle of the [ __ ] road for someone to go look at and then blap they just blow up well conditions just cover their mind can you step on it is that like how does it work does it for vehicles i you know i'm pretty sure if you step on it you die that's terrifying i know yeah be careful bro i've only seen two though so oh that's pretty much this should i single tap this i'm far i think i'm going to tell you more ammo oh forgot about good thing we got inside i guess good time to get time to get in there though yeah [Music] oh is
Channel: Virb
Views: 24,143
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, dayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 48sec (5088 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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