The Craziest Start! - DayZ - Episode 1/3

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[Music] hey everyone sauer here today marks the start of a new series adventure takes place in the lands of lavonia where i begin alone on the coast i would have to make friends along the way to overcome the dangers that would take place in our journey now it wasn't going to be easy for there were already established groups on the server that we'd have to keep an eye out for but it was definitely possible to succeed if we were willing to put in the effort [Music] so as always i hope you all enjoy uh what's your name i'm dania man oh nice to meet you man can i ask you why you're so friendly usually people is not friendly oh well yeah why why why so much friendly you know yeah why so much friendly i don't know it's just i like to talk to people right like there's no reason to kill everyone in which part of uk you live man do you know where cornwall is it's all good you don't have to be sorry oh you're another guy oh hello oh my [ __ ] god is not friendly at all man icked [Music] i think it's a zombie right we need to move he's definitely got friends let's go over this way do you need my meal because i found like milk something around um i think keep it keep it oh oh my friend is coming i'm really sorry it's so good but oh it's nice meeting you can you remember your name maybe we see each other another time we never know yeah sure i mean i go by soap so we'll fill right if you hear any of those names it's me all right man all right cool cool man all right well best of luck have a good day with your friends by the way [Music] you too [Music] it's not dead [Music] oh i'm not the only one that cracked myself then am i this is cool [Music] this is like a survivor camp or [Music] something it was my intention to head down south and attempt to build some sort of a base to start myself out on this new server however things weren't going to be as easy as i anticipated them to be [Music] oh no like i've not heard so many shots before from one place [Music] where's that from that's from the big tin [Music] that's one of their bags [Music] oh there's a guy down there there's a guy on them [Music] [Music] what's this spawn [Music] um sobotka okay yeah this is good this is good we can take this one i doubt anyone's gonna loot the bodies in the field there wasn't much time before the bodies would be spawned so i had to be fast [Music] [Music] i need to get around below the field and um back towards the bags and maybe see if i can find a gun yeah they're raiding they are 100 raiding i need to be careful that there's not someone in this field right in front or in the trees on my left i believe it's right here or i left the bag yeah there we are what can we do with this stuff there literally is nothing we can we need to find some sort of weapon on the floor where was i when i died it was over towards these hay builds right i was right here i see a guy there green armband same group no there's nothing right we need to go into town or something water swarov to try and find a shotgun because right now i can't really take that fight i've got anything to do that but no there's the industrial military just over here okay and we've got something hello hey who am i uh my name's soap uh no i'm on my own man i'm mad i'm playing solo i can hardly hear you because of the mask there right whereabouts not ball yeah there's a few green armbands there too gotta be really really careful yeah we'll just keep an eye out he found him nice i'm not gonna go near him i'm not gonna go near him okay i'll let you uh light you looter you know who killed him mind if i take the shotgun [Music] we need to move now come this way [Music] [Applause] where's our friend gone though hello it's probably still around the area i'd hope so ping kanban wiggling it's wiggling with a pink armband [Music] down there at the orange brick he's just stood still i don't really want to try and take that fight because i have a chambered weapon he's got a shotgun on his back probably full of ammo i need to find our friend first should i try and talk to him i can give it a go maybe i can get something out of it if i talk oh no no no no [Music] i don't even think it's worth me staying here i'm just gonna keep moving i'm gonna go to um jerol town see if i can find a mag for the mp9 i've got we can fill that up and then we can go take a fight if i take it's right down there i'm gonna talk to him i'ma talk hey hey hello no what go away [Music] what are you doing with a pink armband on water oh oh yeah do you want to hear the story okay so uh i met these seven dudes and we were going to raid in nadpal but then we got jumped by these uh these i think there's red armbands maybe really we had like we have literally like 20 grenades we were ready to raid and everything and then we got jumped and i was the only survivor [Music] i mean i i was right by nadpa and really yeah right by nadpa take the armband off and we can run together because i need some gear and so water and i decided to head towards the east in search of not only some better weaponry but also building supplies to go towards our main goal there's also a group that i don't like we killed already today the blue armband blue armbands yeah we killed we killed ourselves they're not very good at pvp we'll try and get you one or blaze hello hello hey way up man [Music] he's never going to stop in that [Music] just see which way he goes it's annoying but i gave it away you gave a car away how come it's part of the orange i mean ping-pong bag really well he's going to g-town right now we might actually find uh where he lives we're too nice could have gone left or right here i i'd assume he went right because it is um the furthest the way i i don't see why he'd go north he could have gone tell you what the other day um i went to donut orange mountain backpack tactical helmet karen face aviators i i'm pretty sure it's attack helmet well i've only got a close range weapon oh hey yep yep either what's your name what's up girls it's mitch mitch nice to meet you my name's uh my niece yeah i haven't got a gun you see me hey what's up yep i put mine away oh you scared the crap out of me i'm thinking i heard you guys talking yeah i dropped oh bloody hell where are you headed oh where are you i'm coming from um i'm just looking for a shovel i got like everything to build a base so this is the last thing i need wait actually a shovel is there a shovel you need yeah that's the last thing i've literally stored one from literally down here i don't know really are you are you playing solo then would you have um a group of you oh i put the yarn band on to throw people off just yes that's clever uh just to warn you i wouldn't wear the blue yeah i think we're all cool if i'm being honest yeah because i thought you were actually part of the blue uh our vans i don't actually have a shot oh [ __ ] if you're not part of the blue iron bands feel good i mean if you're if you're looking to build i think we are too like we've got the same kind of plan we could probably build together i don't mind i think it would be um yeah i got three boxes i have everything we need other than a wasted i got stuff in here yeah well i guess we keep moving the quest for the shovel begins indeed it does [Music] we could definitely build around here this wouldn't be a bad place oh you okay the zombie's invincible i can't get ready which one oh there's a guy with a shotgun come back this way come back this way come back here come back here hit once he's hurt he's behind the building [Music] [Applause] [Music] zombies for you yeah the guy's dead he's dead yeah yeah you're right yeah i'm kind of hurting um uh yeah here one box there that's a big fight going on over that way you want to try and contest it i'm i'm kind of hurt yeah we can know we can go search a few times nearby i'm down to half i just kind of try to find this pickaxe or the shovel yeah well there's a couple little houses out the way we could probably yeah that's true we could just check cynic and we probably would find it straight away [Music] literally nothing left uh what's your name he's got the shovel [Music] can we uh can we trade with you by any chance awesome um the one thing we like is the shovel if that's okay we can trade with you yeah yeah yeah awesome um what do you need is there anything you're after i don't really need anything i mean i've got this thing hey do that might be useful for you later on thank you man uh you need any food or anything no i've got the blending [Music] i'm pretty sure it's not no it's not in the no build zone no build zone is like right by the river right yeah we need to be careful now [Music] we'll live here [Music] we have a hatchet in an axe right [Music] here oh [Music] you know i'm interested maybe we'll run into a guy on here called nikolai i know he i saw him earlier i was he was part he's part of the um pink nikolai like 100 nicolas for the pink yes hundred percent okay i need to speak i need to speak to him he's one of the leaders of the pink armbands do you know where they live uh they don't have a base they just raid everyone okay i need to talk to nikolai because he was one of the people i was based with a while back let's go for that you're up in the tree still uh yeah just across the road oh [Music] [Music] what oh wait that's a raid that's a raid going on right now there's a guy there pink pink armband wait pink armbands nikolai should i speak to them because i know who they are trey try try just ask is that nikolai or something but don't get yourself killed there's there's a guy outside right now knock me out not knock me out kill them [ __ ] knocked you out are you good right now or like are you dead did you try and talk uh yeah i put my hand up and he just aimed his gun [Music] he's hit you're not dead yet yeah are you no [ __ ] okay well he he's he's hit him i'm running i'm running if you run towards where i shot from i can give you a gun [Music] oh you just annoyed me yeah i need to back off i can't really stay here if it's a full group and i'm on my own [Music] they've raided a base right next to us there's a base next to us in another like industrial building [Music] oh my hello hello i thought you were a different guy for a second man oh [ __ ] did i scare you my bad uh i found some more stuff just found another cold block and uh stuff like that so i'm just dropping it off do you have any food uh yeah do you mind if i have some all yours my friend right well we need to uh gear ourselves up at the bottom not you but yeah the rest of us do well i'm i've like it might look like i'm kidding but i have no ammo to back this up oh that's true [Applause] there's dead zombies at the police shack okay right here right here in front hello hey hey hello hey uh what's if you you can put your hands up and then go into the tree line behind you if you want we won't um we won't shoot you what were you shooting at were you shooting at zombies yeah i was um what what is to put my f5 yeah uh right the only things i'm going to take is a bit of 308 and then i'm going to let you go okay okay all right you can uh you can go on your way be careful though because there might be a few green armbands around they normally hang around here with it well at least that's where i've been running into them best of luck man we wouldn't need an ad for i can give you an ak if you have a bit of ammo 545 by 39 on the road on the river right now v3s is the same thing same things the other day the one i mentioned remember exact same car right right right to dural town yeah yeah okay okay oh no he's going through the woods down here to that to the right to the right to right down the the path he he's heading towards like donick way but he's following the dirt road did it stop for a minute because it seems like we were catching it for a minute yeah i think it did stop you must have picked someone up see any sudden movement no see nothing i'm gonna turn my radio back sure me too all right i'm coming up now play it down below play down below right these houses below ruined buildings just saw him walk from left to right out of donek did he carry on here at the house at the house i saw him in the window he's still at the window [Music] he's down could be a different one though yeah he went straight down well base is like right guy in the field coming from base right now uh he's running towards the base he's like moving up the field in that direction he is long gone we're not gonna get him he's scouting out the compound right that's what he's doing right now he's gone [Music] yeah we have a lot a lot of a lot of goodies we need more crates oh 100 we do yeah you're not wrong i think we might have found our neighbor he must um it must be the guy that we just saw right so that that compound on the far side got broken into as well really well you know what we should check out and there was nothing in there what's your name well i noticed there's a few of you so i kept quiet and this probably might be the last thing i do yes that's i mean that's fair enough um no we we weren't she as long as you don't have a gun out that's all huh i couldn't hear you with the shots [Music] oh you did well there was another guy just ahead of you i'm gonna come down this ladder sure i mean we'll we'll cover you i mean we need to be careful all together because of those shots right well where are you planning on heading do you got anywhere in mind or just uh dude i'm just running i'm just running solo man nowhere in my mind really just as far south as i can i can survive you know fair enough not too bad man not too bad yeah well what's your what's your name my name's jim dude my name's jim what's your name nice to meet you jim my name is soap soap yes so like dishwasher cleaning that kind of thing yeah i hear you that's like a proper a proper tag man yeah yeah yeah so what are you guys doing i mean if you want to check out these shots with us it's up to you but that's probably what we're going to do uh yeah i'll join you i mean i've been looking for uh for people to run with the last few hours so nice to meet some more friends you can you can track along if you want you've got a radio too right you do okay if you hop on 94.6 that's the one that we're on right now 94.6 yeah okay just keep an eye out now oh yeah 100 don't even take any risks because uh what do you call it patrick died down here earlier because he tried to talk to someone these guys down here you have to shoot whenever you come to this little town just shoot everyone okay don't even take a risk there's a dead guy or dead zombie out front of the uh double beige right now it's open the beginning is open yeah it was raided earlier we were right here when they were raiding yeah so where were we down inside the compound which one i hit him back in the house back back right well the uh double beige no no no the uh the barn battle roof on the roof okay what's inside inside yep inside he was like trying to climb on top of the house oh there's a dead guy on the roof of the house yeah yeah oh he's running shut you good where is he lying down i think it's a dead body did you have to give it a few shots why armband dead body here blue armband dead body there's so many dead bodies here and they're all geared okay i'm dropping some guns off in um the woods just on the edge right [Music] we were oh inside the yellow inside yellow inside the yellow right now yeah double beige double beige you're good jim yeah double basil bun right now 100 i think i see a guy in the window on floor is that a guy there i can't tell oh shot who are you shooting at i mean i think i think that's a body uh back left corner do we have any flashbangs they've got more gates they've got more gates i mean they do they do i'm inside are you ready yeah so they've rebuilt then i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea if you can if you can somehow run towards the uh towards like the dirt road and up towards the main road part if he peeks that window i can kill him yeah yeah if you're inside because he'll surely he'll peek the window right i see you i see you i see i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking i'm watching [Music] don't see him in all honesty we should move oh there's a fresh one going inside fresh morningside [Music] me behind the house right here he's dead all right i see we move yeah we're not going to get anything out of this now [Music] they're just going to sit inside their base and keep coming back as fresh spawns there's no need we've gotten practically everything we are probably going to need some numbers right would you like to join us what is it you guys are thinking well we've got a little base okay like a very little one right now but if you want to join us and help out and um you know eventually raid with us still shooting at that place uh well one of our guys does patrick does he um he ran into them and died and like they they shoot everyone they see just got to be super careful i don't see anyone yeah i'm on your right oh yeah he's shooting me i don't see him oh he's like oh shot am i right okay yeah two guys two guys two guys [Music] i'm shooting a guy right now i think he's dead [Music] jim and i had both died i wanted to get back as fast as possible and on my way i met a friend of mine who offered to give me some backup [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what would you have right now keep sh yeah you need some sort of do you have any nine mil you can spare um i've got eight bullets left okay right um i'll give you the mp9 then over the last couple of days i'd accomplished a fair amount of things and gained plenty of information starting from the coast i ran into the green armband faction who were based around nadpa mehn teamed up with water by pure luck and teamed up with our new friend mitch too me mitch and water then built a base and recruited jim to join us along the way [Music] just as everything was going so well these blue armbands began to show themselves and this was when we really found out what exactly we were going to be dealing with hold up we're getting we're getting raided yeah we're getting ready right now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SourSweet
Views: 1,346,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz pvp, dayz series, dayz sniping, soursweet, dayz soursweet, dayz gameplay, dayz pc, dayz xbox, dayz ps4, dayz new update, dayz new map, dayz standalone, dayz mods, dayz modded server, dayz base, dayz base raid, dayz base building, dayz update, dayz episode 1, dayz building a base, dayz survival, dayz xbox one, dayz livonia, dayz movie, dayz 2021
Id: EOe-RaTWtUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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