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[Music] [Music] all right so i think he's coming from yeah you're gonna see me you're gonna see me i hear you what the what a coincidence bro what the [ __ ] i just log into you right here you'll see me you'll see me right in front of you don't run me over please hey hey everybody out everybody out man hands up heads up stand up put your hands up i'm i'm broken f2 press f2 press f2 where are you going what are you guys doing hey i'm waving at you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing i ain't got no problem what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is there more what's going on where you going what what's going on oh one of these [ __ ] asked me if i sounded like i was castrated at birth or something like that and trying to figure out who it was there's a wiggle that's a nice gun man you've been kidded out uh-huh uh-huh it's up to you brother i leave everything to you my hands are up listen do you do you guys mind if i take one of your one of your on your seats here which which one are you which one are you what are you gonna have to walk who's it gonna be i got a sewing kit so what are you wanting to repair anything put the door down my heart's up put it down [Music] did you shoot him through the door yeah this guy armor penetrating around this guy was an accident though i don't think these guys got [ __ ] on him but hey neither do i brother come on are you being truthful uh i got this one gun it's called a long horn but it doesn't even tell me what kind of bullets i need so listen take three away bud don't move okay and then make sure you're i need to make sure you're telling the truth here okay okay well that's awkward just stay still don't turn around okay stay still don't turn around i'm feeling some weird yeah don't turn around okay oh oh all right some noises i'm here all right [ __ ] just bro bro it doesn't work you just yes it does i've seen a guy do it it doesn't work no i'm telling you look give me the thing give me that can i can i give me can i can i turn her no no no no no no no no hold on hold on hold on dude what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] what okay oh i'm tied up man i didn't know you were into this kind of stuff man hey man throw me in the back seat and see what's going on now what about this you can have my helmet man i want [Music] oh oh okay i mean well [ __ ] i mean it's cool looking gun you had to use it right i've never shot it before so i really wanna never seen one of those i really wanted to see what sounds that poor guy had to come on our drive that whole way good shot all right well hey all right indeed that's kind of crazy that this just happened well we brought all these guys to their execution like uh they thought that we were going to so expectations were met what can you say all right brother now we have a car okay so i have an m4 with 360 rounds uh do you want it give me 308 rounds i can use that on my [ __ ] pistol if i can get a like i can use this but i need uh but i need like a sight and i need to wait well servers are restarting n10 oh we go helly crash hunted we're actually in like prime spot for it i'm down oh [ __ ] uh df308 uh no i was gonna say i just give you the m4 and then i'll use this m14 i only have one mag which kind of blows yeah you're right about it let's go somewhere i'll get something i can't believe that guys uh now you can if you want i feel like i should give you this gun these [ __ ] i'm gonna take this guy's jacket actually hunter jacket let's go there's a jerry in the back of this thing you guys are good you know that yeah there's there's an insane amount of gas in the car like like we're not running out you know should i not have killed them or i mean i mean it's daisy brother who gives a [ __ ] we don't feel bad about it not really anything you feel bad about i'm ready to go and you are they at me bro but we went on like a [ __ ] a two-minute car ride it's not like those guys are gonna be they're fresh bombs you know it's not like we [ __ ] killed those dudes up north and they were geared out of their mind let's should we like play it safe with server restart or just go just don't go 400 kilometers an hour i hate how like clunky it is to get out of these stupid cars that's true that was too i think it's better than allowing people just to jump out at any time though you know because i hate that [ __ ] like cod and each one yeah true you gotta like stop safely i've never been to pilano before but it's just down this road but i can't believe you just went like i was sitting there in the bathroom with your stream open and i'm like holy [ __ ] i know that road i quickly hurry back and i'm like yo keep going take a left and then you're just right there that's weird that's funny you're perfectly on the [ __ ] on the dirt road beating the the mane that was great all right it's going to take us right to a city if you want to loot it what's the is it is it uh five minutes do you see the message the admin message i think it was five minutes like a couple minutes ago so we probably only have two two one to two minutes left i'd say i'm gonna stop this thing right here okay it's like it's a good spot to getting out of the car all right i can loot this plot isn't very big but the taser here all right getting out there's some stuff here he's on yeah yeah it's like a small city it's not like huge or anything but um i don't know while server is restarting loot it up a little bit and then we could just go back and then we'll ju i just don't want to dc in the car while driving and [ __ ] oh an m14 meg in the car bro oh get the [ __ ] outta here m4a1 right here just chillin we found an mf what in the tent yeah yeah yeah bro i'll give you one of my 60s some green cargo pants too actually i'm going to take this green cargo pants over these blues and i should be good what do you mean the 60s i have 260 rounders full possible dude you want one um yeah you want one yeah i'm [ __ ] down here take that m4 out on let me uh let me repair this just hold on to it until the next restart and we'll change it then so we don't [ __ ] it up it's right when you drop a dude where's the servers and restart then it's not going to be one of the things that stays somehow somewhere in a bag zombie's got one zombie you have one drop it on the floor drop it on the floor quick before it restarts i did one minute we have one minute just give someone warning right now oh what he gave us to one minute warning and just immediately kicked us what the [ __ ] would you ever think about starting your own organization probably not all right i meant oh the m4 is on the floor you dropped it or you never picked it up or something there's an ak on the floor too what the [ __ ] is going on i think luke just respawned in the tent there's another [ __ ] what the hell is another gun there's three guns here chances are [ __ ] respawned and it reverted a little bit yeah you have an m4 there's an m4 on the ground here see how my pants or pants just got they were yeah here's the bag by the way so there's an m4 on the ground here there's an ak over here in this tent wait did you pick up the bag i have an assault bag already okay so i got you that bag for no reason okay and then there's this ak here and then there's another ak over here anyway um this is the better one for sure yeah take the 60 60 round for your m4 here can i shoot this thing like this look at my stream right now yeah you can't that's how i got my first kill it's kind of weird but okay i mean i like it like that it's kind of cool do i can i can i trust the front side yeah okay damn that's [ __ ] crazy you have a 60 around never even seen these who the [ __ ] did you kill that the guy that the there was a group of two i said they were fully geared coming to like murder you guys and i was right they were coming to fight yeah they're coming to fight you guys and topolini or whatever crazy and then i killed the one he was getting chased by like a million zombies well good job my friend well played oh we got gear again do you need water because there's a pump here before we go it's a military sweater i'm interested in what this looks like kind of looks kind of makes my body look girly somebody's weird he said he needed a bag right he did say that he's i asked him he needed a bag he's like yeah can you think of this huh i kind of like it if i'm being honest but it's so small it's only 20 slot versus 42. it does look cool but yeah i think you wear a backpack with that but if you're wearing a gilly or something you need to you need to have the 42 slots do you need water um i'm not really sure what i need right now i'm pretty i've like sardines is the only thing i have but my food and water is on white so i think i'm okay i'm just think there's a pump uh just back here somewhere as well yeah i just need got one yellow water up here actually [Music] um grandma jesus jesus i'm sorry i'm sorry wait what hold on dude why do i have two m4s that's what i'm saying you had one on your back and you picked the one up the ground and i was like what did that like do well oh i didn't i didn't realize i had one on my back the whole [ __ ] yeah that's why i was like okay it just reverted but i guess not okay what the [ __ ] what's that dude there's three there's three [ __ ] three things i must have yeah i don't know i don't think i duped it but or just like coincidentally we randomly got spawns in that area yeah sure on the respawn because the aks and [ __ ] you know there's a water bottle here yeah i think we're going to need water for the car radiator okay where's uh oh is this water bottle wire where are you at at the pump just a little bit down the direction we're going from the open here by the screen talking [Music] oh nice sick find there looks sick zombie said no you're taking this well true or this is her poncho was that ball oh you got it typical okay up here just chilling here i'll take that that's some crazy loot here i mean nobody goes to polana like this is so far south bro okay good yeah we should check fireplaces and [ __ ] then apparently people use fireplaces to store stuff down south on this map so if we're that far down that sounds a south idea all these doors in the wrong amp how do you know what did you drop the one with the 60. it's okay 58 shots right now i gotta fill my canteens check some if i'm gonna check a couple fireplaces in this thing we'll see if people are right i'll be blown up the [ __ ] away if i found anything in the fireplace i might bring my car up here i don't think these ones count it's just like a certain type of fireplace what do you mean your car you have you have a car what do you mean the car that we drove here oh yeah i'm stupid i don't know i'm being a dumb mess i forgot we drove here because we're gonna need to i just don't want to run back and forth and fill the radiator so i'm checking these fireplaces up here because this would be a fantastic spot to hide it okay whatever you want to do man wait did i go to the fireplace in this is there any in here what the [ __ ] some dev was just like oh yeah this is gonna look so cool it's gonna look great people do this in real life no sounds kind of big well not big but it seems bigger than it actually is i don't know matches that's a duct tape nice and beans and one rifle slug or shotgun slug that's crazy these definitely do last a while because there's a fireplace here nothing in it but good check out the check check right here oh nothing somebody completely forgot that we drove here i like the zombies i know summit doesn't like it but i really like it like yeah they're kind of like annoying but that's their purpose they're supposed to be annoying they're supposed to kind of keep you in check that makes sense ugh wait do you not i don't think this car can overheat i'm being honest i don't know wait what that's normal okay hey all right how good is your loot i'm good i'm i'm ready to go i'm ready to search for some heli crashes or something yeah i'm done get some plate carriers rub it and i should be pretty good on food water let me just plan the route really quick let me go straight oh yeah okay i know we'll do we'll go straight down check the helicrashes down there turn around straight up we're really we're right next to that big big military base that one that we died in last time actually died twice where you tk'd me and then tree i don't remember that happening dude i blacked out what's uh you guys you ready i'm let's find each other but they're gonna say i'm at the car because i don't know where that is okay okay gas station okay don't worry i'm figuring that out as we speak yes it well there's a house that hasn't been loaded real quick see this fire station i'm in a fireplace a black ushanka that's kind of cool an all black ushanka like even the furs blacked out on it pretty cool looking all right brother universal flashlight i don't know that goes on this i wish it's a pistol flashlight actually i only look where'd it go there's actually bro what is the chances you know that car or that gun that you found the sa in this container wait again so the sa that you found in this container i don't know if you took it but there's a mag in the car right next to it right here i do have it absolutely right here i could drop some 762 here i'll drop some 762 right next to it and then you can load up that gun so you can swap if you ever need to right here drop that [ __ ] thing hold on i want to look at this oh the light went on the ak automatically how do i how do i use it you need a battery probably not batteried up yeah i have a battery though i'm gonna put can i put this on the m4 instead let me see i think so i don't really bother i'll never use flashlights uh no it doesn't go on it it only goes on the ak it's still cool though i mean dude maybe maybe a blind a difference yeah i'm blind some [ __ ] yeah turn it on l i think hold on let me try hold on let me get the battery in it no l doesn't do it um oh it'll probably say turn on hold on put your gun down it'll probably take left click to turn on at the bottom there just like click yeah that is not blind and [ __ ] that's not blinding [ __ ] is it even a light you sure yeah it's odd i see it look if you look at the ground yeah all right here take this the the bullets on the ground and the mag here mags in here feel it yeah do you have any [ __ ] dude i'm not gonna lie the iron sight sucks huge [ __ ] wieners on this gun this ak um i don't have any additional let's go find some sites then bro let's [ __ ] this all right let's jump in i have the i have the m4 for now anyway it's not a big deal you know what i mean it's just look at i don't know if you've seen this site but it's like without a site it's like it's basically set up for a site you can't take that piece off you can't really see at least i don't know if you can say i don't think you can take it off oh rip battery for sight [ __ ] my battery yeah it's probably way better at night but i doubt it blinds you like tarkov does you know oh yeah true tarkov it's [ __ ] actually useful double-edged sword i think i think it should be that light or bright i agree all right we're in the head it's brighter at night i don't know yeah maybe i can help looting and [ __ ] loot spots oh nice bandage nice good spanish that's 380 rounds for uh dude flute spawning here bro dude spawning everywhere probably good good fish right behind you brothers if you get a headshot i'm saying [Laughter] i mean you left it open your pulse is fine by the way it didn't remember it on the first gears crazy server restart big dump god it's so scary driving past those all right looking for heli crashes oh damn that scared me my guard rail i thought we're about to die i wonder what happens if the car rolls over you probably can right once we pass the these train tracks look for a helicrash okay all right i might i'll let you know whenever i [ __ ] peel on the left and the right you cracked windows yeah that was my fault he was holding it before we met you oh really the left one i mean the left your window is cracked oh yeah that one already already but i thought i shot one one of those well no it's back on my butt watering car we're not smoking yet no i already i already did that it was good he already did that chad told you by that i mean it was already good it didn't need water so that's exactly what i told them already i was like look the car is fine trout either filled it or it didn't either way it's fine bro what there's no train tracks okay well turn around okay we're on the wrong road got it got it you're your uh u-turn skills are fantastic by the way troll no that's a nice future all right well there's clearly no helicopter told me that they said that they can uh beat you in racing i can't [ __ ] remember someone said and i was like yeah i don't know about that i can't remember who said it though a random person no i don't think it was a random somebody we knew i can't remember romney thinks he can take you don't know ronnie gta rp chain gang rami no if he plays gtrp he can't drive back oh oh [ __ ] romney's gonna be real sad when he finds out you don't know who he is oh there's a train track so i was looking at power lines i'm a [ __ ] idiot all right oh you know there's no helicopter i can't see out my left window you see anything any smoke no no no yeah if we didn't see it now i i don't think we're gonna see it unless it's through these trees which would just suck i don't even care if it is okay we're gonna go uh i guess we're gonna go to that big military spot it'll be kind of scary but okay unless you want to keep looking for helicrashes we could drive right past it i mean we have so much [ __ ] gas we can we can go on a goddamn road trip for all i care shot man i really want to find like bigger guns the 714 is cool i mean dude this m [ __ ] this i've never had an m4 shot i haven't shot i don't remember shooting in five five six out of this thing in a long time not to mention the [ __ ] 60 mag bro i'll be dumping single tap shots into people's legs why in their legs uh oh yeah i wonder if they're gonna be able to break legs uh soon in this game because i know you can't right now but i think that they plan on bringing that back eventually i hated that [ __ ] dude just [ __ ] keep it out what i didn't like it i don't know what do you mean dude just like pop dude in his leg laugh at him for a little while even there laugh at him and leave him there there it is millie on the right up there i honestly kind of want to drive past it look for the healthy crash i just i got a feeling you know oh it's lagging i don't want to go to third i'm scared the server's like hiccuping a little bit and whenever the server hiccups that's when the cars are not to be trusted gonna need to go to third though when i pass this for sure i'm gonna need to go to third gear when i take this right all right we might get shot at here we do um i wish there was a brace key but there isn't really doesn't make much sense sorry i was on the phone also saying we might get shot at here but probably not right here we already got a bunch of [ __ ] we already passed it anyway so okay okay i'm going off road a little bit here i was born off-road looking for a helicrash i think it's i think we'd see it though so that kind of sucks our luck his ass [ __ ] domain it's crazy dude how helicopters are rare bro what are you gonna do i mean there i feel like they're not though like they're they gotta be they gotta every time um they like they have to spawn right there has to be at least one right or two and i feel like there isn't many something that's always up i think so yeah i just don't think it's many of them holy [ __ ] it's hard to drive up am i even gonna be able to drive up this i might have to get up and start potioning if you stay on the road we will i don't think you will if you don't i can tell you right now no one's going to be out here because there's nothing here what'd you say i said no one's going to be out here it's perfect unless there's other people look at the choppers we've run into another guy with car and then we all have like this awkward thing we stop our car we get out real [ __ ] slow i'm nervous such a good tree university all right we got to make it up this [ __ ] hill right here so i got to push it get some speed get some speed maybe get some speed baby i remember doing this one time and it was snowing i didn't make it up the other side and i regret it because i didn't go fast enough [Music] all right we have to be in first gear yeah we are listen man i'm trying to guide us okay [ __ ] hard because now i'm not looking at main roads it's all a bunch of dirt roads that all like connect to each other so i got to make sure we're pathing correct oh my god another big ass all right here we go i can't look at the map right now i can't i'm too scared just keep trucking just keep tracking i'm looking around it's crazy dude this is definitely an adventure the amount of like hidden bases we probably drove past it's probably pretty crazy bro telling you me and you should just make a get a couple miscreated servers first person only is all you need to do to them and then you will love going to these big [ __ ] loot areas with these vaults or these in these like these i don't know trust that's like when we go do [ __ ] like this we're gonna be go like we're gonna be ending up at like some [ __ ] like fault that we can open where we can go inside looting there's pretty gonna be people in there there's only two [ __ ] ways in and out you know so it gets hyphy and there's like a one spot where it's like real high because there's like mountains around it and [ __ ] so okay i'm pretty sure this okay i'm pretty sure this is gonna take us straight to a military base and i don't know if that's a good idea like it's this dirt road leads right to it hey oh i know where we are hold on i'm turning around okay it's kind of nice i kind of like just having a little road trip man this road is hard to see it's like earl this is really nice this is relaxing are you guys sleeping nice right now nice and cozy in your little comfy blanket yeah i think we should give it a shot i think with me and you both uh playing it at the same time we can do like because what i would do is i would do just uh a white list server right so that i can trust the people that are coming in not to streamside me because it's only one server right but i mean like i guess if me and you got maybe a few servers made them all exactly the same and just kind of hopped around and stuff that um and telling people like we'll ban the [ __ ] out if you stream swipe us we'd have a good time yeah then you also have to have a bunch of admins watching and making sure that people aren't sniping i mean i yeah i think that you can do something like that i'm not 100 it's definitely not going to be as moddable the game is the daisy obviously i mean well can you have these sweet road trip adventures that miscreated yeah there's cars there's there's it's not a it's not a small map you know what i mean you definitely travel you definitely go to like heavy military spots you can definitely go to like some vault military spots um there's like underground tunnel i personally like going to the huge [ __ ] city um there's even a spot where you have to like um you go into this [ __ ] building and you can get there's like a generator in there for the elevator to go up one more floor and um you have to get like uh like like fuel for it you have to get like a [ __ ] belt for it uh uh [ __ ] for it you know to get it working and you turn it on you get an elevator and go up one floor to get some heavy loot it's like they got some cool stuff man really cool map design in my opinion um a lot of fun pvp the zombies don't get in the way really they uh um they're more like just a nuisance and they cause problems you have to kill them individually they're not as they're not as like jumbled up as zombies are they're like more monster-like and uh hey man i don't know i think it's nobody i personally like the game a lot so see how he crashed to your left let me look i see nothing god damn it all right well i might as well turn around i don't think this takes us anywhere yep okay well we might catch some spawns you never know it's crazy oh i put it into neutral giraffe it's okay now i just have to plan my next route um you want me to drive no i mean that might be a little easier for you to navigate and look for uh choppers definitely but then you don't then you have to pay attention these roads do these roads are scary trust me oh bro i know how to drive them off oh i know you know how to drive but these roads one look at one look at chat might be it like right now you can't send it but it's really tempting actually i'm scared going down these hills that's what happened last time where my car bugged out so ugh it's just funny that we're doing this brother it's a road trip man i love it sometimes in the nighttime servers when it's raining at night dark as [ __ ] you got your fire going into your pad you know what i mean in the house with some random dude you guys are you know having a bonfire eating s'mores and [ __ ] it's kind of fun there all right so chat i got to go down this dirt road um the second i hit the main road take a left then take my first right on the dirt road um and then i should hit a helicrash so what do you think about the miss created thing you want to try it or you want it that you think a negative negative i'm down to try it yeah as long as it's like our server i guess right yeah or official i would even bro i'd even try official like i don't care i i remember playing it it was fun i'll go look over and see if there's any officials that are running first person only and see if they're populated but i would almost assume that they aren't going to be not to mention with base building turned off as well because i don't like base building in that game i think just turns oh it's on by default so that's what i do i go first person only i turn base building off and it's good to go apparently there are no first person official servers see what i'm saying brother they are deprived over there bro deprived of the good [ __ ] the first person no base building i mean every time i played for like the week that i played the server was always filled every single time these dirt roads man they just sneak up on you all right i don't know what a red line means i hope it's not a river i don't think it is okay but there's a helicrash supposed to be on our right here i don't see any smoke but we're about to find out what this red line means i don't know okay because if it's a road that's good because then it could take full speed oh right there helicrash hello oh [ __ ] where right there right what the [ __ ] dude i had this big you know i had the car actually in my way blocking that spot that was weird oh we're dead let me take the spark plug out all right brother john oh my god this is the most annoying thing ever just trying to okay i'm jumping on the cart okay that isn't working either let me get spark plug i got it all right i'll be honest i really doubt anyone's gonna get this but let's just run out again i guess we can be cautious i just don't think anyone's here this is kind of a hidden one actually i knew we'd find one eventually dude it's gone did it just disappear am i crazy oh no i still see the smoke i just keep running hold on just do not just keep running to it i think it's gone dude all right don't say that if it's [ __ ] gone then i want no keep going keep no keep going keep going keep running at it you're good cause who the [ __ ] else is gonna be out here looking for these no way i just don't know the timer on it though you know it's scary it's good it's good yeah damn you are glowing up there holy [ __ ] i'm glowing yeah like you're just because you're yeah still a wedding right so it's easy to see you oh [ __ ] i'm not worried about silhouetting for the guys behind me you going 1911 tactical belt i'll take that lap i actually thought it just shit's easy as [ __ ] when you got a car um 15 round m9 mag i'm here with you don't freak out dude no way it's gonna be this bad no way it's gonna be this bad um i don't really know how far out [ __ ] is like oh there's a uh ak with a scope and a mag right here um you found an ak yeah oh [ __ ] could find an m4 rail i'm actually gonna take that and swap mine okay here's a seven here yeah this is the mag right there swap this m4 rail now i can put a grip on my m4 that's pretty cool i feel like i don't know how far the loot spreads out like yeah i don't know either i don't know if it's right next to it i don't think it's wide i don't think it's very wide off of it i think it's pretty [ __ ] oh there's a 35x jesus where'd you find that now so i know where's your hands oh just under the tail okay there's a piss what the [ __ ] it's a 7 to 35 by 56. what does my dmr have it's called it's an engraved cult look look look it's got a [ __ ] skull on the on the handle if you look at it it's not a normal 911 huh that's cool this 1911 right here you don't see it no i see it yeah i'm trying a different scope okay i don't think that's that cool huh this thing's insane i think it's pretty [ __ ] badass it's kind of bullets does this thing take 45s really it that's [ __ ] lame yeah that's i guess they're not all going to be good you know you got to hit the jackpot you heard he's i feel like you're already hitting the jackpot finding it you know that's a [ __ ] true church but it wasn't very hard to find once you get a car you just go around the spawns and you'll probably find one in correlation to this heli there's actually another one you're not gonna take this ak i mean dude i don't have a sniper i'm wondering if i could put this pso scope on this i don't think so that scope is super rare yeah scope is also super [ __ ] ass you bet your [ __ ] ass you can see garbage aka people it's a five four five [ __ ] rat mag though okay well [ __ ] it i wonder if it like because we hit it like maybe now it's gonna start to despawn wise or like just spawn wise i guess you might as well put the pistol in your pistol i kind of got like a little bunk ass sniper here wasn't all for nothing apparently it works like that now that someone's hit it now it's gonna start to despawn interesting spawn like what's gonna start to despawn the chopper okay so now it starts the timer yeah okay well when that one goes away another one might pop up right yeah i mean i know where another one is it's relatively close if we want to keep searching let's go yeah dude i really do you have any seven six two three nine ammo you don't need no i gave you all i had okay cool cool for perfect then should we close this back here how we close this thing i gotta put the spark plugs in right there oh [ __ ] sorry all right road trip i want to just break this window man i can't see out of it well let me just unload this real quick if i get shot in the face dude well my life is a [ __ ] lie that's how i can get names go i'll [ __ ] a deal let me get to the next spot i'm really liking my loadout right now dude me dying is uh is uh gonna be a sad day we don't have to keep looking for helicrashes you know we could just go like fight no i'm down to do whatever the [ __ ] you wanted i still got like a couple more hours so how long have you been on 4 10 um yeah about 10 15 from hey you need a day off bro tomorrow just saying good one good day tuesday tuesday raid day where would you say all you mean saying take your day off with you tomorrow we've been on this road once before uh just the one where we ran into the guy and we crashed no this is where we drove up to this tower and we found that car and we were going to swap cars and i was carrying the door like an idiot yeah the helicopter you're trying to get the yellow yeah i feel like i remember the map so much better when i'm actually mapping it out you know what do you mean like because i'm mapping out our route and stuff like i'm remembering the map better oh no dude what i just have no [ __ ] idea where we're at on my screen or on my map waiting there should be a right here somewhere on a dirt road take us right to a heli crash if we find it let me know if you see something on your right yes i'd make my base right in this house to the left again we can go hide our [ __ ] guns right now let's start fresh let's go find a fireplace let's attach a couple guns down south this kind of sucks something in the day off tomorrow dude this update sounds sick i hope it updates livonia too not just trinaris i'm sure they would there's a lot of videos a lot of the videos i saw it was a lot of trainers buildings but i guess they're kind of the same there's trenars buildings here too less christmas trees on this map all right so the heli crash is gonna be off to the left right here in this opening i can't [ __ ] i'm not seeing anything i'm just gonna go a little bit further in case there's another opening but i don't think so i think that might be the only one but i'll check for one more opening in the woods there's two openings so stupid window i can't see anything on my left i don't think it'd be this far down me just see where this road takes us oh [ __ ] this takes us to a cool spot actually we're gonna follow this i've never seen this place before it's like at the very very very very bottom of the map well i'll just be i'm going to step out of my chair i'll be watching right here headset on i'll be listening everything give me segundo i hope we didn't miss a helicrash but it's hard to see out my left window wait what what hello what happened oh there you go oh it's like the angle if i angle it correctly i'm scared to haul ass down dirt roads because of what happened last time where my game just like blew up i hit i hit one bump going down the road really fast and that was it literally my game said nope okay this is taking us to a city in a second here i don't know if you want to loot it or just drive right by uh what are we doing here so this is taking us this took us to a city i don't know i don't know if we want to loot it or if we want to drive right by that's 100 on you brother i'm down for whatever i say we drive by and see what we see see check for doors that are open because like if someone's down here bro like that would be weird okay door closed on my right first building uh i don't know if that gate spawn's open door open on the left here on this yellow yeah i'm pretty sure that one spawns open right one just closed beds are closed yeah i highly i highly doubt someone's here but going back there closed i don't know if it's a car spawn or not i'm kind of scared driving past this but look look on the right here this red car is it a car spawner broken looks broken police station here is closed actually interesting none of this seems to be looted if we want to check oh car spawn like an actual one let's actually just let's leave this [ __ ] want to loot this area pop the car in here hide it i didn't play inside i hate getting out of the car man i hate it so just bad i wish there was more of this [ __ ] like towns like this far away that nobody goes to but you can only do with a car that's kind of how this map is there's little towns like this that nobody ever is ever gonna run to oh i mean that yeah i like towns like this because uh when you do actually find something down here they're probably gonna be pretty ready and looted and be fun fight because it's an unexpected fight yeah this is 100 not looted but there's also no loot true probably the shotgun that's crazy um there's a police station and then there's if you do find a site i mean i'm looking for our site for the m4 by the way oh box 556. there's a military building here but it's kind of a shitty one as well check it though i wonder if this car is better than our yellow one this white one does anyone know i found the uh carbine oh yeah yeah chad do you guys know if this car is better than the other one the bayonet on there the olga you wonder what now i wonder if this white car is better i'm not really sure dude there's like four cars here our car has a [ __ ] load of gas and uh i don't know if we're gonna be able to match that just you right from your right yeah all right this building right here the tracer rounds actually kill absolutely sneaks those are trail shoes those are quiet oh there's jerry too we can take this these are quiet they're [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] take this jerry it's filled with gas too we might want to take this white car people are saying the white car is way better jerry hey green cargo pants here if you want i already have some personally oh you like those ones they're man you take this maybe alice i'll make some space i can grab the jerry i have space i just carried my hands real quick i'll carry two i got one in my bag and one on my person okay they both have gas yeah let's take the white car apparently it's better so they both got gas oh then we good oh yeah so good oh then we'll take this road next to another heli crash this one's going to be harder to see though unfortunately checking this little police building i'm checking this little corner building i'm gonna grab the extra parts too not like it really matters but i'll take the engine and all that or the battery and all that stuff out all right when you left the compound you go right or left uh what go towards the car or away from never mind it's all good we're in the same area what are you wearing right now i forgot uh green camo actually this backpack might actually look better than this one with this outfit sits lower on my back i kind of like it because it's got more of a chill look to it not so much an army look that cool yeah i kind of like it i'm digging it i dig it ready to fill this thing with more water that's the only downside but that's okay can i swap radiators i don't think i can swap radiators until i get a certain part right oh i can hold on i did find one of those oh my god what the [ __ ] what what's that this guy there's a fire here and there's two slabs of meat on it just chilling what i need uh matches or something do you have anything i have to go pee real fast hold on this is dope we got ourselves a new [ __ ] car batteries new radiator beautiful i could kiss it someone might be there um no i think it's because it's in the fireplace what does that mean trap i think because it's in the fireplace it exists too so that could have been from god knows when you know i don't think that means anyone's there if the fireplace doesn't exist for 14 days then so can the things inside it lighter um or matches i sure have matches or a knife i'm not just anything bro i have nothing hello couple things of me never bad i get close to it not i can't even you want me to do it here give me the matches here yeah try it i don't know it's weird why'd you pull the fireplace i pulled the other there's two there's a fireplace in a fireplace so i don't really know why that happened yeah it's not giving me the option to light it either let me try and grab this can i grab this out no i don't think i can maybe that's why oh wait oh let's do this grab that throw that there advantage in here grab that throw that there where did your fight where'd the fire thing go the fireplace thing come on it's in there it won't let me grab it yeah i just think it's bugged i don't know i just pulled out how about that craft a new one [Music] oh yeah it work yeah there's a zombie down the street what the [ __ ] yeah they spawned finally ready to go or no i'm [ __ ] hold on why can't i light this thing what is happening here i think this fireplace is bugged there's also no i just made it there's no kindling in it oh maybe that's why i heard her let me add some of this maybe you're right let's try that oh is that why is that why the main fighter you called it that's what we were missing the whole time we needed bark i just threw some rags in there in its place thank you chat sorry i wasn't looking i was trying to figure it out on my own i'm stubborn i'm sorry i need a big ass stick you have a knife for a big ass stick i do yeah uh wait oh yeah i do i gotta go cut something and get a big stick big stick like this yeah she's got bushes cut bushes i'm using a car 98 bayonet that's my knife another short stick keep trying oh that works actually you know no yeah that should work there you go there you go oh yeah we're ready should i go hunt like an animal i think there's like she's got two things i need to share one with you so we're literally the middle of nowhere bro i mean i love it i think it's cool if someone shot us here would be nuts or if we got into a fight with anyone here it'd be nuts what if a car rolled through right now bro i'd [ __ ] myself i almost wonder if i should take these wheels i don't know extra tire i know it won't go in my car but we could find a messed up sarka or something okay i don't know dude you're cooking anyways i gotta fill some time here it's not gonna take too much longer last one and should go faster or the exact same speed i wish i could just roll this thing yeah right you should be able to run pretty fast with them back in the old daisy days people used to carry them around for uh protection uh you know really block shots and [ __ ] tires and that's got i think that's why that guy was carrying that uh door he was thinking it would block your shot yeah he was just [ __ ] around though like fine just being funny you were like give my door back i think i'm overheating over here dude i'm about to faint there you go brother thank you would you like to [Music] like to drive uh yeah you want a guide if i drive no i'm in light i mean oh you want to like drive away guys yeah you don't want me to drive okay that's okay that's cool that's cool i get it oh [ __ ] this gas is low okay hold on let me uh take one of these white car yeah let me take one of these jerry's and fill it in complicated and now we're getting what we have we got a tire missing now bro we got oh my goodness we got three jerry's we're gonna be okay [Music] i bet you one of these jerry cans fills this thing up so it's like so hard so what's that swapping radiators makes it so that it empties the water in it that kind of blows i'm gonna have to take this thing to the water pump down the road unfortunately we get to what i said i'm gonna have to take this thing to the water pump i'm pretty sure if this is actually true people were saying that because i swapped radiators it automatically empties oh really i don't think i don't think so oh no it says refill yeah [ __ ] oh that sucks okay where's the water pump that do you know yeah i do i'm just using my current water bottles to fill it and then uh you can get in or you can just actually run it's really far just run the way we came or not really far oh the way we came from or when we were going uh the way we came it's not that far it's by the church if you see a church wanna drive over there oh yeah smoking already i'm just going to lightly drive it over holy [ __ ] that was my bonfire smoking good luck my friend i'm driving so slow you see me yeah damn people just don't go here that's crazy never thought i'd see just a ghost town and on such a small map you know like an unluted ghost town that's kind of weird yes ah you just gotta get in front of it all right the pump is here where is it oh it's a little deeper okay grab one of these jerry's and fill it up fill your canteens too how much uh how much do i need to fill this jerry you think yeah this is weird a ghost town it's crazy i kind of like it i won't be surprised if someone strolls in eventually though randomly someone could drive a car through here just completely randomly i literally think the only way someone's here is if you look at the map dude we are as low as you can go the edge of the map is just to our left well i mean [ __ ] dude works for me food lucky's i like to see it what's on the actual edge just an invisible wall nah all right radiator's full i'm just gonna fill this jerry um bowl of water so that like we'll have a full jerry of water you know i don't know why we'll need that but you never know me i guess what's the [ __ ] look even the cooking parts of shitload can only imagine it takes forever to fill so what is it uh the edge of the map is essentially like an almost endless plane where it just looks like it's just green not textured and it's just hills going and it just looks like it's just green like that's literally it there's no there's no texturing there's no trees none of that just green and then eventually um i think eventually there's like a wall that you tricking you spawns with full water and then feed them the gas one and you're like yeah yeah drink some drink some drink some here i'll give you that's some all right you ready you near the car okay i'm in front of it okay jerry's almost full oh [ __ ] this is heavy 24 kilos that's how much this dairy weighs god damn i have to [ __ ] over here all right jump on in oh weird car why is it weird because it's like a boat it's like to my right directly to my right is not a window you know oh really oh you're so deep back there what the hell yeah it's weird you want to sit up front nice windows dude that's cool nice and warm put the heat on i'm good man go on your toes road again on the road again all right hella crashes to our left in this open plane the problem is it's a big-ass hill so we're not gonna be able to see it from here bernie to off-road a little bit but we're gonna climb this hill first on the main road what's that again so the heli crashes up this hill but the main road is like cl the main road climbs it so we gotta get a fire hold on you're good for now taking my first dirt road on the left i mean there's only one dirt road out here but jesus driving in this game is so weird because when you when you hold left to turn your wheel it like it turns the whole wheel and then it delays because you have to swing the wheel back to the right and it's like i don't know you think it'd be more responsive because it's a [ __ ] video game but like no if you crank your wheel to the left you got to crank it all the way back and your car is going to keep going left until you crank it it's weird no other game has it like that [ __ ] all right this is a weird dirt road kind of nice it's gonna take us to a little house okay and then we're gonna have to just peek uh west actually might be a car spawn here too oh cute is there any zombies here it's a little sketch last time they spawned late [ __ ] oh we actually don't even need to get out hold on we could just just look out here see anything i'm just gonna go a little deeper though oh this thing handles way better off-road holy [ __ ] okay good i'm seeing a whole lot of nothing out here yeah i'm not seeing much either [ __ ] helicopter crashes huh all right we're going off-roading a little bit taking a shortcut i don't want to go too fast because i'm just scared okay here we go sucks we can't find these things huh i think we found one very true my friend all right we're back we're back home this is where we live now i'm gonna find a special house with a fireplace use it what is this car doing here what dude bro this car was not here when we drove in the city like a hundred i got a hundred percent that car was not there when we drove in what um that was weird could have spawned there right i guess i just okay i passed my man i passed my freaking turn oh that's true i didn't actually i drove it from the dirt road i wouldn't have seen that even if it was there never mind it's crazy that one looks sick mhm all right this takes us literally this main road literally goes right to a helicrash so maybe we'll be lucky who knows yeah that's not our dr that's not a car spawn at all so that's why it was weird and the car door was open or the driver door true including the guy that went crazy we just missed them this is the only road out of there camp the road all right assuming i'm on the right road this should just be kind of relatively straight here on out power lines yep i don't know i hope i didn't somehow take a wrong turn which is possible actually i think we'll be fine either way i don't see the hell they crash though the helicopter should be just before a right turn on the main road this is annoying drive-through yeah it should have it should have been on our right right here i don't see it take a little peek you know you never know nothing nothing at all okay [Music] you see something no i'm just trying to i don't like i'm trying to get back on the road these like little frickin rocks man rocks okay we're back we are back we got more inland here so okay if i'm on the right road there should be a t it should go left and right means we're kind of going back into civilization there another heli is going to be up in front of us here soon once we go down this hill assuming it's a hill i don't actually know oh no it's just a straight shot apparently there actually are helis that don't smoke and you have to actually see them and those are like the better the better loot ones no way apparently they all don't smoke that's kind of crazy let's um stop here quickly because there's another one that there's one that spawns to our left and i don't want to like drive through all these trees let's take a peek well man where's the rng yeah it's supposed to be right in this open field nothing let's throw this little hill right here there's a lot near us bro a lot of hilly spawns like a [ __ ] ton like we might even be able to see from this hill more of them but i'm not seeing any there's a big town up there and right next to it uh we wouldn't be able to see it it'd be covered by these trees right here actually be perfectly covered by these trees and then there's another one to the right and then there's two more okay dude there's a lot this way let's roll this we're also going into a huge town so this is where we expect to get shot we're just gonna try to drive through it yeah we don't have another choice it's our only road either that or we i mean we don't have to we could take uh our second right off the dirt road and it'll lead us right to a helicrash and we can look we could find three on that same dirt road heli crash-wise and then we can go drive through the town or clear the town with our guns or whatever let's do that yeah i like that actually because there's a three on the same dirt road that's kind of good thank you all right roll out this is by this is by far my favorite part of this game even if there isn't any action driving or hunting driving hunting alleys is just like a bonus you know i just like driving it just you we're getting around the map so fast true that's our first dirt road okay our next right there's going to be one more dirt road on the left but we don't take that we keep going straight should pop up on the bends actually don't see there it is okay so we keep going straight now and now it's relatively soon [ __ ] so slow it's so hard to see sometimes man it's coming out nowhere all right we're in a pretty hot uh tree line so let's see what happens ready go right this way actually there's a heavy crash perfectly sh we're is we're gonna have to go through the trees a little bit to see this one um but i'm gonna turn the car right and then we're gonna get out and we're gonna look through our left here come on now where's the rng ah i'm gonna go a little bit further just in case it's a little bit further um i don't think it is though i think it would have been right here where we're standing okay so this one didn't spawn got it all right back in ah suck mine like i said on the same dirt road that we're about to drive on there's two more and then the third one's next to that big ass down i'm just going all the way down this hill real quick just to make sure it's not like no smoke type helicopter hidden in the valley or something no i wouldn't have been that far you sure sure okay so i can see it and it's right next to this dirt road it's literally just we would have perfectly it's just out it would be poking out of the street line that we came out of so i feel like we're alone when we drive you know you know how to get back it's a very good question i'll turn the car on for you maybe it'll help bro you i think you just got lost dude i go i think you just got hella lost all right here to rub huh i see a dirt robe i think you might have went to a lower dirt road i think you heard me i think you completely i think you completely went the wrong way dude how's this possible i honestly don't know i don't even think you fully turned around bro i think you just lost yourself i don't know how i'm gonna find you now how does he do that i understand that's crazy you should just remember that 180 from the position wait go back to that pile of logs actually i think this yeah i think you i think you just like hella passed it but i think i came up to that same pile of logs pretty sure this is it on the dirt rug yeah yeah i'm pretty sure this is where you came down let's go down that dirt road you might be able to see me hopefully i do see you fingers crossed yeah i see it yeah you didn't you didn't even fully turn around bro you just went completely right so instead of going we were going east so you should have just went west but what you did is you went south so you didn't 180 you gotta pay a chance to accomplish more i mean i only really accomplished for that i listened to this okay i get listen when i'm on the street and i have to turn in to a carl's jr or something and go through a drive-through oh bro you know how artists find out where that street is that i turned it from and how to get back on there go that way oh jesus i'm really bad with such direction all right we're looking for two helis here wait there's gonna be there's gonna be a fork in this road here i'm just gonna go straight past a pond there's the fork and should be on our right not this it should be a little further than this opening this one this one's sneaky i hit this one i can't believe you're successfully getting us around this map turning this around cuz we're gonna have to turn around after we check this but there's one sneaky one over here it's like a big open i mean the map's so easy it shows you every opening it shows you every teeny tiny detail this one they hide like there's a big open plane here so you'd think you'd see it in the open they actually hide this one like right over here in these bushes over here but it's not here clearly but they would hide it right here oh my gosh this game sucks yep but good news there's one more just up this hill no smoke so we're high hopes the game looks better turned down to 936 by the way yeah i have an idea to make it even look better bro i'm excited about i'm about to give you guys the best vid visual i'm about to give you guys the best visual quality in daisy i promise once i get my new streaming computer it's going to look [ __ ] incredible i know exactly what to do to make it look i know i know what to do to make it look butter perfect trust trust it's gonna look good i just need to get my new computer which um it depends right if i want it to look really really good i wanna took the absolute best i wait for amd's new cpus or i can make it moderately better by getting an amd upgrade right now but then probably have to replace it anyway whenever the next builds come out downsize 4k to 1080 through streaming rig um i actually could do that but the only way that that would be possible is i would need to play 4k myself you can't really get 4k without playing 4k yourself to then downsize that's not how that really works nah nvnc is just not good it's not it might be better with the new cards uh the 30 90s but the cpu encoding just beats that [ __ ] any day any [ __ ] day okay so this guy says two types of crashes one that smokes one that doesn't it says tell shroud the wiki says only three four if lucky crashes occur every server restart that makes sense so during an entire restart there's only three crashes maybe four but then what happens when they despawn because we clearly saw one despawn that one time is that it just well anyway this one is perfectly well we can't miss this one if it's here we'll literally see it on our right like almost touching us and uh it's not looking so good oh how can they be gone maybe they spawn throughout the day i don't know every server might do it differently i have no idea this one would have been right here on our right like we would see it right now but it's clearly not here so i really want to find i really want to find the ones that don't smoke that sounds fun [ __ ] i don't want to see the ones you know what i want to see i want to see a [ __ ] helicopter crash you know what i'm saying okay why are we just finding helicopter crashes and you can't shouldn't a helicopter physically [ __ ] crash didn't know is that how you used to be in daisy uh arma 2 we can you can actually see it crash now maybe i'm wrong actually i don't know i think some of them are scripted yeah i think there's some servers that actually have scripted helicrashes it's not an easy task i'm sure it's very intensive that's probably why it's not done yeah russell's on a [ __ ] source engine though i think wait no it's on unity but unity is still insane i mean he's really i don't think he's very good yeah that was worse he was like well unity is totally up to the devs tarkov is made on unity and that's pretty [ __ ] good oh is it really yeah unity's unity's uh unity is a really really good engine it's just not many people know it learning an engine is like learning a new language you know like if you're good at one engine like you pretty much are gonna stay to it you're not gonna learn a new [ __ ] language unless you have to i guess dude [ __ ] helicopters bro whack i'm sure you're itching to frag though so it'll happen very soon i mean we're so close to what that you're probably itching to frag and it should happen soon i don't know how we haven't gotten shot at i guess this is still kind of in the side streets it's been interesting going for helicopters dude they probably just spawned throughout server um randomly so we probably actually checked randomly this sucks [ __ ] that right here roosters this would be another one on our left it's probably not going to be there but you know should be that's audrey wait we'd see it by now be right in this little spot on our left it's okay how many helicopter spawns are on the map a [ __ ] ton like 30 40. oh [ __ ] okay that's why so we're trying to find we're buying trying to find the needle and haystacks and [ __ ] look okay so kind of look on your right here we're gonna go down this main road okay and where the [ __ ] am i okay sorry it's gonna be down this hill somewhere this one's gonna be hard to see i'm gonna lean it over a little bit this one hold on i have a better idea there's a dirt road here i think unless we passed it pass it i have no idea brother oh yeah we hella passed it it's crazy i was reading a sign to make sure we're not [ __ ] lost but no way come on you [ __ ] choppers i understand [ __ ] this dirt road this isn't this is a different road that i'm seeing here i might just send it down this [ __ ] hill to figure out if this [ __ ] thing's here is this a dirt road see what i didn't see anything oh here's the dirt road okay i just naturally found it i found it by accident it's gonna be towards the end of it so i'm wearing down here not looking so hot though ah it would have been it would have been right here i think [ __ ] also ass bro what the hell this thing's sick i'm glad we swapped cars i didn't see the dirt road man they're hard to see [ __ ] there it goes again it's hard to see guys oh you're you're what you guys see is way washed out because i have my filter on um for i have my filter on for uh night time okay so i passed this there's another one on our left in this giant [ __ ] hill but i'm sure this sure this one's seen by the world so i'm sure if it was here it's probably gone place is huge fair enough i don't see anything to the left do you no i'd say okay hey it probably was one of these white things that i've seen right out there you know what we just [ __ ] drive through it there's two helicopters in this field so like i had just taken yeah just taking the road isn't the play i don't think okay so it's past this dirt road on the left of course there's a bazillion bushes let me try to get past it you literally can't miss them if they're here like we're just driving through there's one right to the right oh yeah eleven o'clock or one o'clock let's go good [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god we actually found one bro round two should i go like try to be more low-key straight up just drive straight to it i mean it's better cover than us running to it right the [ __ ] if someone's here it's better let's drive up to it than run across an open field to it right that's true because we'll have extra cover there let's just drive right the [ __ ] up i'm looking for players not seeing wait is this broken down tractor or something that's crazy dude we found two that's actually pretty sick happy about that one holy [ __ ] i honestly was losing faith and i was snoozeville all right let's find some [ __ ] oh take this wait what is that dude oh hello helicopter is coming near us bro dude they might see this [ __ ] thing let them get here what is this an awm oh [ __ ] bro oh i've been keeping mags for this thing or not mags keeping bullets for this thing take it take it you want to i have mags for it and i also oh no i didn't take that scope my chat was mad dude they're like at least take the scope don't forget oh take the scope off this one oh it's variable oh does it already have a scope oh you're good i was like all right here take this box of bullets boom oh my god the scope is sick what okay so i just need a mag and then i'm good i have way more bullets than that actually um well not way more actually four bullets yeah i got four more bullets right here come with me there's two [ __ ] sniper rifles here by the way i don't know if you saw there's this one too oh dude that oh wait it's a box ammo and i have to pull him out i was like dude i can't single it there's too much there's two there's two sniper rifles look there's one right here what the [ __ ] what is it this is c's okay this is the three c750 okay that's three ways i'm gonna take this uh uh dirty take it yeah you should keep the arm that thing's gonna [ __ ] destroy you kidding me should just murk whoever the [ __ ] hits combat jacket here if you don't if you want it oh an acog nice pouches yep um i might just hold the pouches here just in case we come across something let's go dude we got something good this is a good heli it was do we keep looking at this point or do we just own people uh that's a very good question my friend i'm not totally sure there we go it does love the bullet let's go that's crazy there's three helices in this field there's actually like one down that way too i don't see it this feels huge this is a big [ __ ] field i was very surprised that helicopter didn't see us i thought they were well you gotta do you gotta remember it's right you gotta remember it's first person so like when you're looking you're looking out the cockpit which is really hard bro can you imagine though hunting for choppers from a [ __ ] helicopter dude it's probably so [ __ ] good yeah if you could keep track of your where you are on the map absolutely all right well we got this [ __ ] i guess let's just roll you dropped your rifle by the way i don't know if you meant to do that i think you did yeah you think i should keep it maybe just rock three guns nah nah if you have an m4 it's fine let's roll i can't believe you have a [ __ ] arm bro that's so sick i might actually take the sight off of the egg something though yeah jump in okay the [ __ ] awm people are saying put it put it in the car oh yeah we can put the ak in the car real quick we could put the sniper too i guess yeah we can put the extra sniper in i don't know why we'll need that many guns that's a great idea actually but it doesn't we can go stash this car after bro at the end of the night bro what do you mean yeah um whoa what the [ __ ] a box of four by six 33 meter millimeter [ __ ] armor piercing guys just kind of chilling on the back i couldn't even see it okay i got it i got it i don't yeah i mean i guess like if one of us dies at least we can like bring these guns back you know like if one of us keeps the car i guess that's one way of looking at looking at it you want to be gangster right now oh knack okay so normally when this happens from that like we can uh we can bring this [ __ ] to a [ __ ] spot and like put these guns somewhere for ourselves and stash it yeah it just sucks it just sucks it sucks today out of all days we're like popping off with this right but yeah but it was really easy like we should actually every time we play livonia we should if we get a car like this we should do this this actually isn't that hard it's i mean dude i think we would benefit more by looking for helicopter spawns like flying them that's hard working well you got to realize at least heli crashes are marked on the map for me heli spawns are not so we have to know the server we have to know the server we play on because that's all custom uh spawns gotcha yeah that one's tough car spots are easy those are those are vanilla but cat was saying a non-smoking spondy right i just don't believe that uh i would very highly doubt it my chat's not saying anything but i mean i wasn't really look i could have not been looking on my screen they're not wiping just suggesting community wipes i know that doesn't that mean they're gonna take that suggestion i guess we can always ask ask if they're going to serve if they plan on living yeah that's what i was thinking about doing just asking my so many people are saying it was there dude i don't believe though you know what i think you know what i think the best play is for having extra guns what's that either if we can't find a tent and go stash it somewhere we should find a town that is spawning right like one that's near a spawn like topo or whatever like and find a [ __ ] house that's obvious for us and with the fireplace in it and that's like our stash spot dude we go [ __ ] find our [ __ ] after a spawn get a gun by the way i'm driving here because of the heli spawn i figured we're we're here so you're looking like yeah you guys they convince you no no no no this is a this is different it's a separate spawn and i figured i'd check because they probably hit it they're smart they hit it right over this lip so you wouldn't see it yeah it probably would be around here yeah it would right to our left somewhere but it's not here it's all good that's cool i was tempted to shoot at that heli bro i was so tempted i should have i should have been that close well i had i have a suppressed m14 i could have popped off just kept shooting you know just spammed my i could have just spammed my gun what kind of bulls does that take three weight oh man i got like 40. i don't know yeah i guess i feel like most of the time you die before even shooting your gun i haven't even gotten to shoot this thing besides that bambi i have not been able to unload it on anybody whenever i get good guns it's almost guaranteed i'm just gonna get shot without doing [ __ ] okay yeah we're getting into we're getting into possibly shot at right now yeah we're getting closer and closer and closer and we might actually start seeing people on roads and shits i got to be our hauling ass i need to slow down for a sec spin out i feel like those guys might have been looking for healthy crashes too helicopter guys yeah i mean i mean dude what i mean honestly if you have a helicopter and you know that helicopters exist you're definitely using it to search for them we might actually come well they came from this spot right here and there's a heli crash here too i don't see it but they could have that's where they flew from so i don't know they are going to do a much better job than us at finding them where should we go to [ __ ] people up somewhere you know we need to do we need to hire an innocent bystander to use his power of diplomacy to get people to stand still and we'll just lurk them snipe [ __ ] for them but you can keep the gear that we shoot you just gotta be our our guide or guy we just hire someone like that people stand still for us yeah get people stand still for us and we'll let you have uh you know part of the loot you just gotta be real good convincing [ __ ] he's friendly you know i don't know where this road's taking me by the way i'm worried that there's gonna be military left in fact i think there is i have i honestly have no [ __ ] clue where we are it's all good sometimes just gotta hold the road do the driving i wanna find that chopper and [ __ ] murder we'll be hard but you never know yeah i mean i think honestly it'd be easier to see them than that like them cs because they have they would they wouldn't notice us following for sure yeah it's just hard to think of so fast the heli wait we're by the train tracks holy [ __ ] i guess so oh my god we're up here oh [ __ ] okay yeah we're scary scary areas this is like we're gonna get shot areas oh my god oh we just hit a we hit a bump oh i just don't i don't know where we are we're hundreds we're at borax oh [ __ ] we're in borac okay well we might get shot at here hopefully they don't have shots this is like a military spot so people might have cars uh reading these signs okay oh jesus all right i know i know where we are now road wise what the [ __ ] is that noise i am not driving through these barricades where i'm going around all right what does the sign say i would say we're leaving he says we're leaving actually uh hell he crashed her left but it's not here so that sucks there's still the helicrashes everywhere man wait people are saying you saw the heli top left flying top left my whole chat's freaking out about it too saying helly in the air [ __ ] well top left i mean it's hard to tell what they were talking about though because there's a little delay i don't know when they said it or when top left is this way yeah we're kind of going to it's hard to see because we can't like look out these [ __ ] and stick my head out the window that'd be sick like east ventura i wish i [ __ ] had the keen eyesight that the chats had i guess thousands of [ __ ] people are going to see better than you though well i'm putting oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we found him they're gonna crash they're gonna crash no they didn't oh my god dude what in the world they must have done that on purpose bro no way no way that was nuts yeah they definitely knew they definitely knew we were here and they flew over us like that on purpose i don't know if they know it's us us but they know that we were a car [ __ ] off dude they're so fast there's no way we keep up with them they went left i just wish i'm thinking bro there's no chance we're getting them oh oh [ __ ] car man all right don't mind me you're just gonna i thought she wasn't that bad getting out of there getting better at this [ __ ] it's just it's slippery man that was so s so scary they're so close to us i think we're hitting the newbie town right now i don't like this oh god oh we're [ __ ] i'm dead we're knocked out knocked out i'm knocked out what the [ __ ] oh we're rolling still dude i'm dead that guy was so geared oh i just [ __ ] hit fired the [ __ ] out of him and i'm knocked out from his boy though oh i [ __ ] crapped on the one guy damn it man okay so [ __ ] hear me out okay i think i don't know if this is you guys were geared as [ __ ] yeah they were super geared so here's what i think and i don't know if this was true someone told me if you jump out of the helis you do not die you just land you think those guys are waiting for us i wonder if they strategically get a helicopter right about i wonder i wonder if they did that on purpose they might have because you can do that is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 61,642
Rating: 4.7716703 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: s93vvClJZdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 30sec (7710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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