Ultimate Fighter Class Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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you've purchased balers Gate 3 installed it and are now on your third hour in the Character Creator trying to decide which class to play all of a sudden you're gripped by an unavoidable realization you want to swing a giant sword and chop up bad guys with it or good guys I don't judge regardless of who the sword is destined to chop up the fighter is definitely the one who's destined to be wielding it welcome back Travelers I'm glad to see you made it I'm Colo and today we're going to be taking a look at the fighter class in balers Gate 3 we're going to look at each one of the sub classes individually and take a good look at the skills and abilities that you get as you level up so let's get started shall we a bunch of the information and images in this video was also obtained from the balers Gate 3 Wiki at bg3 Wiki I'm going to leave a link in the description below make sure to check them out as soon as you choose the fighter class you're going to get a number of immediate benefits such as the proficiency to use any weapons or armor that you find or have available they're proficient in all of it so you can pretty much use whatever gear you get the second wind ability which is a bonus action self heal that heals a respectable amount of Health throughout the game and can be used once per short rest that's very powerful and then you'll also be prompted to choose a fighting style the options for the fighting styles are archery which grants you a plus two bonus to range weapon attack roles and it's important to distinguish here that the attack roll is how accurate it is not how much damage it does so this is a plus two bonus to your roll to actually see if you hit somebody so still great to have but it's not going to increase the damage damage that your attacks do defense the next fighting style grants you a plus one bonus to armor class while you're wearing armor this is super straightforward plus one AC buff if your fighter has any armor on which they almost certainly will so anybody can benefit from this the next fighting style is dueling this one is a plus two bonus to the damage rolls when using a one-hander and no offhand weapon you do still get this bonus if you're using a shield in your offhand you just can't be using another weapon so if you're planning on playing with a Rapier and an empty offhand or some kind of one-handed weapon and a shield this is a very strong option this is the opposite of what I said about the archery fighting style this one is a plus two bonus to the damage rolls not the attack roll to see if it hits say you're swinging a weapon that hits for 10 plus two bonus to that is 20% extra damage this ends up being quite a bit of extra damage you do so it's a good one to have the next fighting style great weapon fighting is also incredibly good when you roll a one or two on a damage die for a two-handed melee weapon you get to roll the die once so think about it this way you're swinging around a giant weapon it's already hard enough to hit people with because it's so huge and unwieldy and you man manage to hit somebody with it and then you go to deal damage and you roll a one so you're swinging a freaking School Bus around you hit somebody and Deal One damage to them that sucks that's not fun so this right here Will Roll that and you may end up hitting for 10 or 12 damage instead like you should have it's really good to have anything that'll roll a bad roll for you is fantastic the next fighting style is strange it can be good under the correct circumstances but you pretty much have to change up how you play the game to revolve around this fighting style if you want to min max how you use it the fighting style I'm discussing is protection and here's what it actually says when you have a shield equipped if an enemy that you can see attacks one of your allies while you're within 5 ft of them the Ally you can impose disadvantage on the attack so basically you're deflecting an attack against one of your allies so this can be really powerful it's imposing disadvantage on an enemy's attacks is very good disadvantage means they have to roll the die twice and then take the lower of the two numbers so if one of the rolls passes and the other one fails the attack fails it's great but you have to be really close to the Ally 5 ft is not that far in this game you have to be like standing on top of them to be able to use this ability and like I said if you're not like actually planning and playing around it it's difficult to make enough use of it to justify taking this over one of the other ones the final fighting style is two weapon fighting when you make an offhand attack you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack this is a big damage buff to anybody that's planning on playing a dual wielding Fighter character you will definitely want to take two we fighting 100% this adds a ton of damage one thing that I have read is that offhand attacks with hand cross bows already add your dexterity modifier to the damage so this fighting style is not necessary to use if you're planning on playing that way but if you're planning on dual wielding melee weapons and you know being the the guy with heavy armor and two swords standing up there fighting two weapon fighting absolutely needs to be one of the fighting styles you choose as you can tell each one of these fighting styles can potentially have a very big impact on the gameplay of your actual character so like I said if you want to be swinging that big sword we were talking about at the beginning of the video great weapon fighting is the amazing choice because it'll end up causing a ton of extra damage passively so you can get back to chopping up kids or whatever it is you do in your free time alternatively the protection fighting style sets your guy up to be like a tanky protector style of character where you can mitigate some of the damage that your teammates take as long as you guys stick together and everything it's a cool roleplay thing but it's just difficult to pull off in the game somebody in the comments right now is probably blowing me up about how protection is the best fighting style and I probably am wrong but I just it's hard for me to justify taking that one over one of the other ones and you know don't forget the fighter is not limited only to melee range either you can absolutely play a dual wielding hang crossbows fighter or bow and arrow fighter there's all kinds of options for you at second level all fighters gain the action surge ability this thing is a fraking monster once per short rest you can use action surge to immediately Grant your fighter another action for that turn that already sounds broken right now at level two and just wait until you see what a fighter ends up being able to do with one action point later on this thing gets gross When You Reach third level you'll be charged with one of the most important choices you're going to make for this character you see the fighter has three available sub classes the Battle Master the eldrich Knight and the champion and this is the level where you have to make the decision which route are you going to go each of these sub classes is going to gain you unique bonuses and abilities that are going to drastically change your play style so we're going to take a deeper look into each one of these after I go through the list of levels that each one of them shares in common so we'll get all the normal fighter levels out of the way and then we'll come back and do a deep dive into each one of the subass specific things that way it's much easier to understand what each one's giving you at fourth level you'll receive a feat and as always way ability Improvement is always a good choice to get your main stats maxed out but there's a number of actual Feats depending on what type of weapons and armor your character is using that you can make pretty good use of with a fighter the pole arm Master Savage attacker great weapon master and dual wielder Feats are all really good for certain fighter play Styles just take a look at the Feats list when you're going through this and see if anything sounds good if it sounds like it would be good for your character it probably is fifth level is huge for Fighters This is when you get the extra attack ability and you're about to start to see what I was talking about earlier with the action point thing the extra attack ability allows you to attack twice per action point per turn so when you swing your sword to do your first attack you can just attack again for free and you can already see how that's just doubled your Fighter's potential damage per turn just wait six level for Fighters is going to Grant you another feat this is a fighter unique thing every other class in the game only gets Feats at Fourth eighth and 12th levels for a maximum of three Feats the fighter gets this extra one at sixth level for a maximum of four Feats because you still get the other three also pretty awesome Feats are very good and the fighter can get four of them seventh level is going to be purely subclass specific stuff so like I said before we're going to come back to this let's just go through the other levels first but we'll be coming back to seventh level for sure eightth level you're going to get your third feet so two extra feets within two levels of each other really nice at Ninth level all fighters are going to gain the indomitable ability this will allow you to roll a failed saving throw and use the new result once per long rest like I said before anytime that the game will R roll a bad roll for you that is an incredible bonus to have because that can get you out of some really bad situations so this thing's good and you get it for free just for hitting ninth level on a fighter 10th level is the next subclass specific bonus level so we'll come back to this one here in a second 11th level all fighters are going to obtain the improved extra attack ability and as you can probably imagine this increases the amount of ATT attacks that you can do to three three attacks per action and then if you throw haste on top of that now you've got two actions that turn six attacks and then you've got action Surge and you just got another action back so now you can do three more attacks it's ridiculous on a good turn with a fighter you can clear half the battlefield by yourself basically you're like a a whirling tornado of Steel across the battlefield just chopping everyone to pieces you you seriously end up with like an irresponsible amount of attacks per turn on the fighter you end up being able to do like 1,200 attacks per turn something like that that's not the real number but you'll be doing a ton of attacks at 12th level you're going to get your fourth and final feat feet levels are always good all right so that's all the levels that the three sub classes share bonuses for so let's go back now and revisit the three levels where you get subass specific things things that are different we'll start at the beginning with the Battle Master subclass what is that a Battle Master let's take a look at the description that we're given Battle Masters are Paragons of tactical superiority combining combat manuvers and experience in the field to dominate every fight that's a fancy way of saying the battl master is essentially a person who has trained in different combat techniques and perfected them which allows them to produce different and more advanced results with their weapon strike such as disarming people or knocking them prone or knocking them backwards stuff like that we'll see a little bit of that here in a second when you first select the subass at third level you will be granted four superiority dice these dice are d8s which means they're eight-sided dieses when you use your battle Maneuvers that we're about to discuss it's going to cost some of these superiority dice to use you'll also be allowed to choose three combat Maneuvers from a list of 14 total if you end up sticking with the fighter all the way to 12th level you're going to end up being able to choose at least seven of these 14 combat Maneuvers the effects of the Maneuvers range pretty widely from like we discussed before knocking people down knocking them backwards disarming them you can go people into attacking you there's a lot of different effects that you can choose it's pretty cool you get a lot of variety one cool interaction that you might find useful one of the combat Maneuvers rally you can actually use this to bring back to life a Down Party member as long as they aren't completely dead if they're downed and still doing death saving throws any kind of heal you can throw a potion at them and it hits him and splashes healing stuff on them that'll bring him back to life well rally will too because it grants them eight temporary hit points so it'll res them like I said before you can just throw a potion but sometimes you can't sometimes you don't have a potion on you or sometimes the Arc of the throw is going to hit the ceiling of the building you're in or whatever and it won't let you throw it though it's just something to know that you have available at seventh level the Battle Master is going to get a fifth superiority die as well as two more combat Maneuvers that you get to choose from that list pick two more that sound cool that you can make use of and now you have one additional use per short rest so not a bad level and then finally at 10th level you're going to receive two more combat Maneuvers so that brings us up to seven out of 14 total and more importantly the superiority dice that you've been using for these combat Maneuvers are going to get upgraded from being d8s to being d10s so now all the superiority dice rolls you have have the potential to do even more damage or you know higher effects pretty good buff so all in all you can't go wrong with a Battle Master you get 14 million attacks per turn like every other fighter and the attacks are fancier than theirs because you get to put some flourish behind it and knock somebody off their feet knock them prone and then slap the weapon out of their hand and smack them on the head and they go flying 15 ft away you can do all kinds of crazy stuff so if you were wanting to play a character that gives their weapons names and knows them inside and out like an extension of their own body the battle map Master is your subass for sure next up we're going to head back to third level again and this time we're going to discuss the more arcan focused Fighter the eldrich Knight the description of this subass is as follows eldrich Knights study magic to supplement their Weaponry allowing them to overcome resistance from the toughest foes sounds pretty sweet but what does that actually mean let's take a look when you first choose the the subass you're going to be granted two level one spell slots two canant trips and you're going to be allowed to choose one spell from the eldrich Knight spell list and one spell from the Wizard's entire spell list now what's the difference between those two spell lists the wizard spell list is much bigger you get access to all of the level one wizard spells the eldrich Knight spell list is the same list but it's only the abjuration and evocation spells from the list all the rest of the schools of magic are not there you also get the weapon bond ability which is going to cast a buff on your mainhand weapon that lasts until long rest this buff is going to make it to where your weapon is impossible to disarm from your character's hand and if you throw it it automatically comes back to your hand so think of like Thor's hammer or kratos's axe you throw it and it comes back pretty good this also opens up potential cool throwing builds where like if you have a really good throwing weapon the ability to have that weapon just come back to your hand can drive an entire build it's it's pretty good seventh level is going to Grant you one more level one spell slot as well as two level two spell slots you're also going to be able to choose two more eldrich Knight spells and the list of options now includes your level two spells also so you'll have more choices than last time you'll also gain the war magic ability this is a passive bonus that allows you to make a weapon attack as a bonus action after casting a can trip this is the beginning of a gameplay Loop of mix and matching spellcasting and weapon attacks together to Grant bonuses to each other and it's a pretty cool way to play the game at eighth level on top of the feet that everybody else gets you as an eldrich Knight will also be allowed to choose a single spell from the level two wizard spell list so you get all the choices again from the Wizards list there are some very powerful options here that are definitely worth pointing out mirror image is a very strong spell increases your armor class by three per mirror image and it summons three of them so you get a plus n to your AC right off the bat every time an attack misses the character that cast Mirror Image one of the images goes away so the second attack you're going to have plus six to your AC the third attack you'll have plus three and then finally the buff will wear off really good spell misty step is also absolutely worth talking about being able to teleport across the room is super strong any kind of Mobility increase or movement ability like this especially a Teleport where you don't actually move through things like dangerous terrain is fantastic in a tactical game like balers Gate 3 movement is King the more movement you have the better off you are so this is a a really good spell I definitely recommend at least considering it at 10th level you're going to gain another level two spell slot one more eldrich Knight spell and the eldrich strike passive ability this is kind of a continuation of that idea I mentioned before this one is going to cause your weapon strikes to Grant the target disadvantage on its next saving throw against the next spell you cast as long as you do it before the end of your next turn that's super confusing what does that mean you hit somebody with your weapon and then as long as next turn you cast a spell at them they have disadvantage on the saving throw against that spell there you go boom so this plays into that Loop of weaving spell casts and melee attacks together pretty cool idea at 11th level you're going to be allowed to choose one more spell from the Elder tonight's spell list and then you know you get the normal 12 level feet like everybody else in summary as an eldrich Knight you don't get access to a massive amount of spells and you're definitely not going to be like a full spell Caster you're just not going to be able to fill that role but you can absolutely pick which spells you take strategically and use the magic to supplement your your weaknesses in physical combat and stuff like that and you can absolutely have a nightmare of a character here I like to think about eld's as kind of like a Darth Vader style of character like you're there with a weapon this is it this is my weapon right here this is what I'm going to kill you with but if I need to Thunder Wave and blast you backwards a couple feet I've got that too if I need to Misty step across the room and teleport right behind you because you're trying to run away boom I've got that available too you're like this creeping wall of Steel and Magic that they just can't get away from it's it's it's cool am I crazy for thinking about it like this I don't know I'm I'm probably looking too far into it let me know in the comments how do you like playing your eldra tonights how do you imagine that character rping if you're enjoying yourself also if you've learned anything leave me a like down below leave me a comment subscribe to the channel come hang out let's rewind back to third level one more time and this time we're going to look at the third and final Fighter subass the champion the description reads you approach the complex problems posed by combat with one distinctly effective solution you hit those problems really quite hard so this may automatically sound similar to the battl master subass to some of you so what is the actual difference well the battl master is essentially a fighter who has trained in all these different combat styles using their weapons to the fullest advantage to disarm their targets and all those various effects we described earlier the champion on the other hand their body is essentially the weapon they're like the big just really strong guy that happens to be swinging a sword at you also but he is the dangerous part the sword is just the tool he's using immediately after choosing the champion as your subass you'll be given the improved critical hit passive ability this reduces the number you need to roll to get a critical hit by one and the effect Stacks with other Buffs that Grant you the same effect so for a lot of people reading that it's going to sound kind of weak I mean you you understand right away having a better chance to deal Critical Hits is obviously a good thing but how good is this really well let's look into what a critical hit in balers Gate 3 actually is when a character performs an attack roll against another character you roll a 20-sided die when you roll a 20 it results in a critical hit the damage roll for a crit will be done with double the normal amount of damage dice so for instance just using round numbers if you swung a weapon and it had 1 to 10 as its damage range on a crit you would throw double the amount of dice so the range would be 2 to 20 for the damage potential so the sounds pretty straightforward you roll a 20 on your attack you deal possibly double damage so why is reducing the number by one such a big deal let's do some math rolling a 20 on a 20-sided die is a 5% chance one in 20 so that means every time you roll an attack roll you have a 5% built-in chance to perform a critical hit under normal circumstances reducing the required number by one means that a roll of either 19 or 20 will result in a critical hit so you've doubled your crit chance to 2 out of 20 or 10% now each time you reduce that number by another one it increases your crit Chance by 5% so that is insanely strong especially for just choosing the subass like you get this bonus right away it's super strong at seventh level the champion fighter gets two passive Buffs you get the remarkable athlete jump ability which will passively increase your jump Distance by 10 ft so that's good like I said more Mobility is always good and you'll also get the remarkable athlete proficiency ability this one's more unique it allows you to add half of your proficiency bonus to any strength dexterity or Constitution check that you aren't proficient in this just further reinforces the fact that the champion fighter is essentially like their body is the weapon they're they're really good at everything that's physical they're The Jock character that just is really good at being strong and being coordinated and he's also swinging a sword into your head wearing heavy armor 10th level will grant the champion their final unique upgrade they will be allowed to choose one additional fighting style from the list we saw at the very beginning of this video so if you went with two weapon fighting at the beginning now you can take defense or archery if you want to use a bow also while you're using your two weapons whatever you want to do you get a choice of another fighting style help you know mold your character's identity to recap this final subass a little bit it's not necessarily as flashy or fancy as the other two sub classes when it comes to you don't have combat Maneuvers to perform you don't have spells to cast as a champion fighter your bar actually looks pretty empty like there's not that much stuff to do and it's not it's not there to be fancy you're there to do a ton of damage you take your 47 billion attacks per turn and you do twice as many crits as the other Fighters do and then if you find gear pieces that increase that anymore even more crits you're throwing crits left and right so you can put out quite a bit of damage that pretty much covers all the information about the fighter though we went over all the normal levels that they shared and then we've just got done covering all of the individual sub classes let me know in the comments what do you guys doing with your fighter which subass are you choosing what kind of weapons you going to use you're going to make your fighter a dual wielding hand crossbows kind of fighter or you going to be up close and personal with a sword and shield or swinging a giant axe one thing I will say is that even though the fighter might not be the most complicated class in the game you're not going to have as many minmax opportunities as some of the other classes in the game but even though that's the case an argument can be made for almost any other class in the game to dip at least a couple points into Fighter for multiclassing because of action surge it is so strong it's worth giving up a third feet for most other classes just to get action surge depending on how you're playing because of the fact that it's so easily usable by every other class I think the fighter deserves a a top rank amongst the classes in this game I think it is simply one of the best and with the amount of attacks per turn you can do you can get so much stuff done that it's it's almost like you have two people in that character slot it's ridiculous how productive Fighters can be in in combat that does it for this one though Travelers I appreciate you watching all the way through leave me a comment down below let me know how you're playing your fighter what kind of weapons you're using and what fighting style you decided to go with if you enjoyed your time here like the video subscribe to the channel if you feel like supporting the channel even more I've got a link to my patreon in the video description down below I appreciate all the support you guys have given me in these past couple of videos it's definitely greatly appreciated anyway I'm glad you guys got to see me do your best to stay alive until next time see you
Channel: Panic Rolling
Views: 4,091
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Id: e0H8w_cUrP8
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Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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