Banned for Making a New File? Let's Test It Out. | Dragon's Dogma 2

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welcome back Travelers I recently recorded and posted a video discussing the fact that you can't delete your save file in Dragon's Dogma 2 you can't restart the game there's nothing built into the game to let you do that anyway and in that video I showed off a technique that somebody else had posted about how you could rename and move your actual save file in the folders and basically replace the save file with a blank one blah blah blah there's going to be a link to that video in the description of this one if you want to go watch the actual technique I'm not going to be going over the full thing in this video I showed this with the intention of informing my audience so that they could avoid a potentially terms of service breaking situation and getting the pee PE slap by old Capcom slap com but wouldn't you know it in the dead of night when your boy was asleep disaster struck and some people got their entire accounts banned For Eternity for doing this technique no that's not actually what happened some people reported that their accounts had been suspended by denuvo which is the anti-che software that Capcom uses in a bunch of their games I'm not going to get into that Shenanigans in this video because we have plenty of stuff to talk about anyway anti-che is not going to be the the focus of this video but you know I know a lot of people are pissed about that as well but a lot of people said a lot of people a few people who knows how many people said that there accounts had been suspended for doing the exact technique that I showed in my video five times in a 24-hour period that was the claim that was made if you did it five times in a 24-hour period that your account would be suspended for 24 hours by denuvo anti-che that was the claim so when I woke up this morning and saw these reports that a bunch of people were getting banned for doing the same thing that I just showed my audience yesterday yesterday that they could do I had a freaking lump in my throat I was like oh my God I just got these people banned like obviously I didn't think I was the one responsible for getting those people banned but I was thinking man a bunch of people watch my video somebody's going to get in trouble so obviously I didn't like that that didn't sit well with me so this morning I put my account on the line so that you guys wouldn't have to and I set out to answer the question can I do this six times because that would answer the immediate five times in 24 hours question and then you know that would be debunked at least the footage that you're seeing behind me starts out with my actual main Arisen and yes her name is actually Arisen and my main Pawn's name is actually Main Pawn I explained this in the other video because I'm just an actual idiot and I forgot to name my main characters when I made them didn't realize realized that there was no way to change that at all until it was way too late I was way far into the game and I was like okay well screw it that's their names forever so that's what it is that's the shame that I have to live with so when you see my main Pond named main pond in the freaking rift why don't you kick me some potions or something this is me begging on the internet for potions in a video game pretty sick after I show my actual main file I then proceed to go and start doing the process that I showed in the video yesterday I don't have the folders open on the computer today cuz I didn't feel like censoring out the my actual steam user number from 2 hours worth of footage so I did all that stuff off screen but I was doing the same technique that I showed in the video yesterday I'm going to keep saying yesterday this video is probably not going to be up till tomorrow technically so anyway after I show off my main file I speed up the video as I show myself creating new characters I went through the whole process that I was showing off in that previous video doing the same stuff same techniques and I set out to do this six times do six refreshes in a 24-hour period I was hoping to actually have video of my account getting suspended if that was the case well as you can see I made it past 6 and once I made it past 6 I realized okay well let's see how ridiculous this actually gets when I started out I had started making each Pawn's moniker a letter of the alphabet so I decided screw it we'll go for 26 I'll do one of these Arisen I said Pawn one of these new save files for each letter of the alphabet and that's what I did I ran through all 26 and we got it and I didn't get banned and we successfully got it and nothing negative has happened to me so far so I did this process 26 times today back to back with only a small couple minute long break in the middle to go let my dogs outside and uh nothing negative happened to me so far am I saying you're not going to get banned for doing this no because I don't know what all the rules are I'm just saying that under the conditions that I did it I was able to do it 26 times in a row without getting denuvo locked or anything like that so the five-time rule might apply under some circumstances I don't know but it didn't affect me so it's obviously not a oneandone catchall situation where everybody's going to get banned after five attempts it's just not the case so there is a risk involved in doing anything that might be potentially terms of service breaking obviously but if it's a risk you're willing to take you know how to do it there you go if you want to do it go for it I have personally done this over 40 times now and my main file is still trucking been playing it all day so it's ridiculous that we have to do that and that's another thing we need to talk about some of this other stuff I want to go go over kind of my final thoughts on some of the microtransaction drama and some of the other stuff that's going on right now because I don't want every video that I make about this game to be super negative and I like a lot of you guys I'm sure have been watching a ton of content creators voice their opinions on the current situation with Capcom with Dragon Dogma 2 and there's a lot of stuff going on amongst the content creators that I personally watch there has been a pretty General consensus agreed upon the idea that most people have agreed upon is the microtransactions are absolute nonsense to include in a single player game with which I 100% agree I think it's stupid to put those in here I think as a freaking a PR move oh my God horrible idea the problem is they're going to make money from them people are going to buy those things so that bad move that everyone's talking about they're going to get monetarily rewarded for that and they know it that's why they do this they're willing to take the pr hit because it pays off every time they do it so it is what it is this is a it's a situation where everybody feels like right now they need to be taking a super principled stance they either need to be protesting the game or they need to be completely down playing mic microtransactions and saying things like it doesn't matter and stuff like that which I 100% do not agree with it does matter that they've put these microtransactions in a single player game because every time something like that happens that's basically us giving these corporate Executives permission every time you buy into something like that you're basically telling them yep I'm good with this and it sucks because I mean they've made me a hypocrite I bought the game I've been playing it and they it it pisses me off because it's like a freaking they basically hold your game hostage so if you want to play a game that looks fun you have to be okay with or ignore the Freaking Shenanigans that they're trying to slide through at the same time it pisses me off I wish they would have just not put it in there this could have been a huge PR win for them instead of just being you know them selling PR for microtransaction money which is exactly what happened I mean 100% it's going to pay off of them and that sucks but it's true but a part of the conversation that I think a lot of people are not touching on some people have and I can't remember where I actually heard this today somebody else mentioned this as well the game developers themselves are probably devastated that these microtransactions got added into their game they probably hate this stuff most of them are probably Gamers just like me and you some of them might might even be watching this video I doubt it because I'm a freaking teeny tiny fish and a freaking melstrom out here but they could be and uh I think they have a lot of stuff to be proud of in Dragon's Dogma 2 this game has a ton of problems there are optimization issues people can't run this game on any computer you know without losing a ridiculous amount of frames when you walk into town all that stuff yes it lags like crazy when I walk into town it lags when I turn too fast the motion blur is horrible highly recommend turning it off I'm going to keep hounding on that what the hell is motion blur doing in these games who is using motion blur are do any of you play with motion blur on this is a freaking tangent I didn't even mean to go on but what the f and why do they default that to on it's a worst setting in games that not having freaking field of vision or whatever the hell field of view the devs of the game have a lot to be proud of the game is very very good even with all of that other stuff considered I want to stop making this video again right now so I can go play the game again do I recommend the game on gameplay alone 100% yes the game with all of its flaws is freaking great and I love every second of time that I've spent playing it that's why it bothers me so much like I said it feels like they've held the game hostage you either have to go on the internet and say okay I'm not playing this game Capcom go f yourself or you have to say oh hey everybody don't worry about it microtransactions microtransactions are great oh let me have some of them Capcom dollars like what you either have to make one choice or the other but why I think we can all agree that the microtransactions in any single player game first of all and in most games in any full price game disgusting it's gross stupid but the devs probably didn't do that so I still think it's okay to like the game and give those people their due the credits list at the end of the game those are the people that matter the freaking execs making the damn decision to stuff microtransactions into it that's not the guy we should be celebrating right now which is kind of what's Happening those are the people being talked about they're the ones being brought up in this conversation let's talk about the actual devs let's talk about the people who spent years and years working on this game and did a freaking great job yeah the game needs work they need to fix it and they shouldn't have released it probably when they did but uh I'm still glad they did because I've been playing the [ __ ] out of that game and I freaking love it so anyway uh the the moral of the story My verdict on the situation those of you who are Furious and refused to buy the game for any of the reasons that people are talking about the frame rate the performance issues the microtransactions that they snuck in at the last moment the review embargo waiting till the last second so people didn't get fully informed all those things if any of that stuff is preventing you from purchasing the game you are 100% correct and you don't have to justify that opinion to anybody however any of you who know about all that stuff and still buy the game anyway because it looks fun enough to play and the other stuff doesn't you don't care enough or you straight up do not care about what's going on with current media thing about X new game because this is what always happens it's a freaking rage hype cycle and I know I'm part of it I'm absolutely part of this those of you who just don't care about what's going on in gaming news and just want to play a game that looks real cool you are also 100% % correct and don't have to justify that opinion to anybody else and I think that that can be the whole conversation two people can be right and disagree because this is a purely opinion thing as much as people don't want to agree on that it is an opinion thing and we can either carry on with the rage bait stuff or we can go down the other path and talk about a cool game and that's what I'm going to do so this is going to be I'm if anything negative happens obviously I'm going to report on on it I'm giving you guys the honesty I'm just not going to farm rage where I'm not actually that pissed there's not rage here this situation it's up to you guys vote with your Wallets on this one and I agree with whichever vote you make as always Travelers I am glad you got to see me do your best to stay alive out there until next time see you
Channel: Panic Rolling
Views: 11,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xhO7dJblWlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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