Ultimate Sorcerer Class Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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raw talent is a rare occurrence in life usually being skilled at something is the result of practice or experience but for the Sorcerers of the Forgotten Realms this just simply isn't the case when it comes to the casting and manipulation of magic they are better than you and they know it just ask them they'll tell you I promise so if you are the type of player who wants to not only cast spells but use your innate talents to shape and manipulate the magic itself as you're casting them then the sorcerer class is right for you welcome back Travelers I'm glad to see you made it I'm Colo and today we're going to be taking a look at the sorcerer class in balers gate three we're going to go over each one of the Spells and abilities that every sorcerer gets between first level and 12th level and then after that we're going to go over each subass individually discuss the bonuses that each one of those offers you and that way you'll have a better idea of which route you want to go with your sorcerer also be sure to also be sure to stick around to the end of the video because I've got a couple of non DND related characters that may or may not be Sorcerers so we'll talk about that should be pretty fun and lastly before we get started a special shout out to the curators over at the balers Gate 3 Wiki at bg3 dwiki a lot of the information I'm going to be telling you in this video came from that website and the those guys do a really good job Gathering and curating the the database of information so be sure to check them out show them some love they do a really good job over there and with that covered let's begin so what is a sorcerer before we dive into making one and all that stuff what is it Sorcerers or sorcs as I'm going to be referring to them in this video regularly uh because the word sorcerer has three syllables and the word Sor has one syllable and I'm lazy so I'm going to do this one most often anyway whenever Sorcerers are brought up in conversation it's often in the same breath as Wizards and warlocks because there are similarities between these three casters but there are also some very very big differences so let's get into that and talk about what sets the sorcerer apart from the other spellcasters the main class mechanic for example metam magic this is what allows the sorcerer to tap into that innate magical ability and manipulate the spells that they're in the process of casting what do I mean when I say manipulate well there's multiple different metam magic options that you have available to you as a sorcerer and we're going to go over them here in just a second so you'll see exactly what I'm talking about each one of these metamagic options will cost you a certain amount of sorcery points which is the sorcerer's class resource but we're going to cover these more in the leveling section after I go over the metamagic stuff first up we have careful spell this one costs one sorcery point and the effect is that any allies that get hit by whichever spell you're modifying will automatically succeed Ed on their saving throw against that spell that's great Colo but what the hell does that actually mean so if the spell is some kind of crowd control ability that they can pass a saving throw on and have no effects whatsoever then that's what's going to happen they'll pass that saving throw they won't be crowd controlled everything's fine and dandy where things get kind of iffy with this one is if you're using damaging spells because a lot of damaging spells have a saving throw like Fireball for instance has a dexterity saving throw and if the Target passes the saving throw they still take half damage from that fireball so be prepared when you go clicking on careful spell and blast your teammates with that fireball they're still taking half damage and Fireball does quite a bit of damage so half damage on a fireball is still a pretty good hit just be careful keep that in mind careful spell is a great option to have I absolutely am not trying to talk you out of choosing it just know what it works for and what it doesn't and also watch where you're flinging those fireballs hos jeez Gale distance spell is a much more straightforward option and it does probably exactly what you think it does it costs one sorcery Point as well just like careful spell did and the actual effect of distance spell is that it makes the next spell you cast have a 50% greater range of casting so let's say you're casting a spell that you can cast within 30 ft and it has a 10t radius so you can cast it 30 ft away from you the radius is 10 ft if you use distant spell you can cast it 45 ft away from you and the radius is still 10 ft one cool interaction this does have is if you're using a spell that normally requires melee range like shocking grasp or any kind of touch range spell distance spell will actually increase the range of those spells to 30 ft that's pretty ridiculous that's a big big range increase next up we have extended spell this one also c one sorcery point and it will double the duration of any surfaces summons or conditions caused by the spell you're about the cast this one's a bit disappointing to me because of the fact that dumping a ton of fireballs into your enemies is usually the correct choice just absolutely nuke them off the face of the planet and then they don't have a chance to do any damage to you because they're dead there are exceptions to this it's not a terrible choice I don't think you're going to regret taking it but I'm willing to bet you that you will not use it nearly as often as you probably think you will I know I didn't twin spell is the next one and it's a bit different from the others because instead of having a fixed sorcery Point cost it will instead cost different amounts depending on what spell you're casting and modifying with it when you use twin spell and you cast a spell that normally only targets one creature you will instead twin the spell and Target Two creatures and the amount of sorcery points that it's going to cost you is equal to the spell slot level of the spell that you're twinning that sounds very confusing what the heck does that mean so let's say you're casting a level two spell and you want to Twin it onto two Targets the total cost of that is going to be an action or a bonus action whatever the spell itself costs a level two spell slot and two sorcery points because each sorcery Point counts as a spell slot level basically if you want to look at it that way so if you are casting a level six spell it is going to cost you a level six spell slot and six sorcery points and it kind of goes into the whole idea the whole premise behind Sorcerers in combat a lot of what Sorcerers do ends up feeling like okay I'm going to make this turn twice as good but then later on I'm going to have less resources cuz I'm burning up those turns worth now so it can be really great and honestly there is a reason why Sorcerers do ridiculous damage there's a reason why they're on every s tier list that people make Sorcerers are busted they're so good the amount of damage you can put out in a single turn by twinning spells it's ridiculous you can absolutely annihilate rooms full of enemies as a sorcerer almost effortlessly the next one on the list is height spell tightened tightened I can't say this word very well heightened spell it cost three sorcery points and it's going to cause the Target or targets of whichever spell you're modifying to have disadvantage on their saving throw against it for three sorcery points you might be thinking that sounds expensive that doesn't sound nearly as good as it is and I'm telling you it doesn't sound nearly as good as it is it's very good forcing an enemy to have disadvantage on a saving throw against crowd control ability can drastically change the outcome of a fight if you manage to land a crowd control on somebody like polymorph or aar's black tentacles for example and I did test this out if you use heighten spell and drop an AOE spell on a bunch of creatures every one of them gets disadvantage on their first roll against it if you need to land a cc a crowd control ability and this forces it through absolutely worth three sorcery points quick and spell is the other metam magic that along with twin spell kind of defines Sorcerers as a class it costs three sorcery points and will allow you to cast your next spell for the cost of a bonus action instead of a regular action so for you astute listeners you may have picked up on the fact that that means you can cast two spells in the same turn that's true basically for any spell that you don't necessarily need to Twin on the two Targets or any spell that can't be twined such as Fireball because Fireball doesn't just Target one creature but what you can do is Quicken it and cast a second one and each one of them still cost you the full amount like I said you're borrowing happiness from next round that's basically how this works it's like a hangover you're getting drunk now on power next round you're going to be hung over cuz you won't have any sorcery points left or all your spell slots got used up in a single turn blasting half the battlefield to Oblivion was that worth it yeah probably but later on in the fight you might be slinging can trips cuz that might be all you have left if anyone survives the name of the game is a sorcerer is to make sure they don't live that long you're there for first damage and the final metam magic option is subtle spell which will cost one sorcery point and will allow you to cast the spell even if you're silenced this is obviously pretty situation but let me just tell you there's at least one situation in the game where you're going to have to deal with silence no questions asked you're going to have to do you have to take your sorcerer in there and have them cast subtle spells no you don't you can deal with it in other ways but having a Caster that can still cast while they're silenced is very powerful especially for the cost of one sorcery Point that's not even that bad so as you can see through metam magic all things are possible except for some things that still aren't possible through metam magic 7 things are possible anyway let's move on and talk about what creating sorcerer looks like see you there upon first choosing the sorcerer class you will be immediately granted proficiency with daggers quarter staffs and light crossbows that's it no armor no other weapons no Shield unless it's built into your race choice though really really pay attention to what races you're looking at because some of the races offer armor proficiencies to where you could use light or medium armor while also still casting spells as a sorcerer which was very very powerful just be careful if you don't go this route if you don't end up taking a race that has armor proficiencies or Shield proficiency or something like that because in the early game your sorcerer will be incredibly squishy and easy to kill so don't be getting yourself up in melee range and getting into a dagger fight with somebody that has a sword and shield your guys's good at Magic not poking people with a stick you will also choose your subass from one out of three options the subclasses that the sorcerer has to choose from are basically you deciding which source your character got their inherited or innate power from the options are the unpredictable fluctuations of wild magic the potent benefits of being born into a draconic bloodline or the unyielding torrent of storm sorcery and like I said before we're going to be going over what each one of these grants you after we cover all the generic sorcerer levels that way we know what these are actually affecting your three main stats are Charisma dexterity and Constitution Charisma is your spellcasting stat this makes your spells more powerful and more effective dexterity will determine your character's armor class your character's initiative roles and damage with certain weapons which is good and finally Constitution will determine how much health your character has as well as how hard they are to interrupt when they're concentrating on spells and that part's very important because Sorcerers are well known for concentrating on specific spells and we'll get into that a bit later but just know you're going to want some points in Constitution so you don't get interrupted all the time you will also get to choose four can trips from your sorcerer spell list as well as two level one spells you'll have some pretty excellent choices right at the beginning like ice knife Mage Armor magic Missile Shield sleep all these spells are excellent especially in early Gam if I had to pick two of these level one spells and just forsake the rest of them forever I'm taking magic Missile and shield every time those two spells are good in every situation those are all arounders and I recommend them for any build you don't have to take them but they're good for your build no matter what alternatively to magic Missile since you're playing a sorcerer chromatic orb and Ice knife are both strong choices because both of them can be twinned and they have Elemental effects rather than slightly less damage from magic Missile but it's guaranteed damage there's different options you have available now that we've got our sourcer created let's talk about what it looks like while you're leveling [Music] up at second level you will receive another level one spell slot your choice of another spell from the spell list and then starting at second level which is your first level up every level up that you have on this character you're going to be allowed to replace one spell that you know with a spell that you don't know from the spell list if you want this is optional and you will be unlearning the one you know to learn the one you don't know you'll be swapping them so if you see another spell on the list or say you unlock your level three spells and you want to get rid of one of your level one spells for a level three spell perfectly fine you can do that no problem you don't have to you can keep the ones you got if you like them just know that the only time your character can do this learn different spells is at their level up they can only change one at a time so you can't swap your whole toolkit you just keep that in mind also that's a lie you can swap your whole toolkit all you got to do is go talk to this dude no this dude pay him some money and he will basically reset your character you're going to keep all the levels you've earned but you'll be able to change your class change your character build pick different spells and abilities as you're leveling up whatever it is and then you can just pickpocket your gold straight back from Withers he doesn't care here's a clip of me getting caught like 500 times pickpocketing with a character that has no slight of hand whatsoever so they were never going to get it and he just doesn't care he'll stand there and watch you do it don't worry about uh consequences coming back to bite you Withers does not care about you stealing money from him so if you do end up taking spells you don't like as you're leveling your sorc resp change them out steal your gold back simple as that at second level you will also be granted your first first two sorcery points the create spell slot and create sorcery Point abilities and your first two metamagic choices the list at this level only has four options pick two from these four choices and then later on the other three options will become available also be aware that every level after this one you're going to gain one sorcery point for a total of 12 by the end if you level your sorcerer all the way up to 12th level so at second level you get two and then every level after that you get one more you end up with 12 the create spell slot and create sorcery Point abilities are another example of the sorc twisting magic and changing it to suit their needs specifically you can either use sorcery points to refill your spell slots and cast more spells per day or you can use spell slots to refill your sorcery points and do more meta magicking per day yeah that's right metam magicking why don't you jot that down in your little notebook because it's going to be on the quiz later at third level your sorc will receive one level one spell slot two level two spell slots your choice of one more spell from the sorc spell list and you can replace one if you want like always and your Sor level two spells are available to you to choose from when you're picking your spells from the list from now on there are some really strong options available in these level two spells but just remember when you're picking your spells to keep your metamagic options in mind mind because some of these spells are not going to benefit as well from metam Magic as some of the other ones would so for a sorcerer some spells that might not be great for somebody else or have the potential to be really strong on a sorcerer the main example that I would give you is the scorching Ray spell this is a super strong spell that I would recommend under almost any circumstances to somebody but you can't twin the spell so one of the other options that's a slightly weaker spell but can be twincast might be a better choice it's just it's up to you it's what your build needs it's what your party needs you're going to have to decide and now for this terrible segue speaking of metam magic you will get to choose your third metam magic option at third level and this is the level where the other three choices become available so now you have the entire list of seven you've already picked two at level two you get to pick your third one at level three you won't get another one of these until 10th level so really make sure you pick what you need now now and then way later on in the game you're going to get to choose another one so just keep that in mind at fourth level your sorc will be granted one level two spell slot your choice of another cantrip and another spell from the list and then you can replace one if you want and you're going to get access to your character's first beat those of you who have seen my other class guide videos you know what I'm about to say shicken frax and chelis I lied no one knew I was going to say that anyway at your feet levels which are 4 8 and 12 for most classes some of the other classes have different levels where they get different Feats but for most classes it's 4 8 and 12 when you get your three Feats look through this list of Feats and if one of these Feats sounds like it would work well for your character or if it would just be fun to try out try it out we talked about Withers before respecing your character at Withers will allow you to reselect your Feats and then like we said you can just Rob your money back from him he doesn't care so you have options here you can mess around and try these things out no big deal if after looking through the list you don't find something that interests you you're perfectly capable of going to Ability Improvement and just bumping up your main stats the main stats in this game are so powerful that even if you did ability Improvement every time you got access to a feat your character would still be good to go as long as you're bumping the right stats don't be bumping some nonsense that has nothing to do with your character hey high five just kidding at fifth level like almost every other class the sorcerer is going to get some ridiculous tools fifth level is considered to be a turning point in balers Gate 3 because this is where your characters get a massive jumping power for the Marshall classes this comes in the form of extra attack which allows them to do two attacks per action and for the spell casters these upgrades come in the form of your level three spells and let me tell you ladies and gents there's some good stuff on this list but we're getting ahead of ourselves when you hit fifth level you will be granted two level three spell slots and I obviously just told you that you're going to get access to your level three spells so that also happens you're going to get to choose a spell and replace one like always and your can trips are going to scale up in damage by one damage die so I'm just going to use nice round numbers let's say you have a canant trip that does 1 D4 damage after this scale up it's going to do 2 D4 damage this is important because it keeps your can trips viable to use throughout the game otherwise they would be totally worthless after a certain point so now let's look at those level three spells why all the hype over these but it's easy Fireball and haste I'm being sarcastic but also not really there are definitely some other great options here like hypnotic pattern counter spell which I think is almost a mandatory spell for anybody that has access to it cuz it's freaking strong especially in honor mode counter spell can save your life but there is definitely a reason why so many Sorcerers end up taking Fireball and haste at this level or after this level because they're ridiculous Fireball is just good damage has a pretty big AOE it's a freaking exploding ball of fire that you can shoot across the room that's awesome but also as we discussed before your sorc is a crafty little bastard and you can metam magic those Fireballs Quicken them cast two per turn and uh that's a lot of damage haste is also in a similar situation because Sorcerers are probably the best characters in the game at hastening other characters because you can twin cast haste onto two people at the same time and as long as you maintain concentration both of those targets remain hastened for the duration anybody who knows how good haste is knows how absolutely absurd it is that one character can hasten two people at once yeah you twin cast haste onto a fighter and a barbarian that are standing up in the front lines fighting your enemies and they are about to find out what the inside of a Slap Chop feels like of pizza and uh you're going to love my nuts at sixth level your sorc will gain one level three spell slot their choice of another spell and a replacement if they want and at this level they will also receive their next subclass bonus so we're going to go over those here in a bit seventh level will grant you one level four spell slot a spell in a replacement your choices now include the level four spells on the list as well and once again there are some very very strong options on this list you got crowd control you've got Mobility you've got area denial straight damage all kinds of good options and as I said before and I'm going to keep harping on this keep that meta magic in the back of your mind because your ability to manipulate those spells is almost as important as what the Spells do themselves eighth level will grant you another level four spell slot your choice of a spell and a replacement if you want like always and your sorcerer's second feet same deal as before look through the list if there's Feats you want take them if not bump your main stats and let's carry on Ninth level will grant you another level for four spell slot a level five spell slot a spell in a replacement and your list now has access to level five spells as youve probably already guessed same deal as before this list has some really Heavy Hitters especially with the meta magic that you can cast to manipulate those spells you fancy special little son of a gun upon reaching 10th level your sorc will gain another level five spell slot another spell and option for a replacement and their can trips are going to scale up by one more damage die so that example I gave you before went from 1 D4 to 2 D4 at level 5 at level 10 that would go up to 3 D4 and as I said at third level 10th level is the one where you get to pick your fourth and final meta magic choice so really make sure you pick the one you want here at 11th level you will gain your one and only level six spell slot access to your level six spells obviously your choice of a spell and a replacement and every single one of these spells is at least good with most of them being incredible twinning disintegrate into two Targets at the same time it's disgusting and I love it don't sleep on eyebite or globe of invulnerability either because both of these are very strong tools and then obviously chain lightning I mean come on now there's a reason why your character only gets one level six spell slot in this game and that's because the level six spells are so busted that they can single-handedly change the tide of a fight in some cases 11th level will also grant you your final subass bonus which we will talk about here in just a moment Now ladies and gents 12th level is finally upon us we're there 12th level and with it you're going to get your final choice of a spell and a replacement and your final feet so as I said before pick the Spells you want pick the feet you want or buff your main stats and then Withers is always there if you make the wrong choice but that's it that's all the generic sorcerer levels that every sorc's going to get as they're leveling up so now we're going to rewind back to first level where you chose your subass and first up we're going to cover wild [Music] magic your powers come from ancient forces of chaos they churn within you waiting to burst free at any time wild magic Sorcerers are strange and unique when compared to the other two subclasses because whenever they cast a spell that is level one or higher they have a chance to cause what is called a wild magic surge which means that it is going to trigger a random effect from this list look at this list of random crap that can happen to you whenever you cast a spell that's higher level than a cant trip you can set yourself on fire turn yourself into a sheep you can slow yourself you know all the good stuff there are a couple of options that do work out in your favor but this is random and I know my luck I don't know how yours is but I know my luck and uh I'll put it to you this way I'm not going to be taking a wild magic sorc into freaking honor mode anytime soon and I don't recommend you do it either disregard that I do recommend you do that as long as you post a video for science cuz uh I want to see it on top of this random passive shenanigans you're also going to get the tides of chaos ability at first level this one will grant you advantage on your next attack roll ability check or saving throw for the low low cost of increasing the chance of triggering a wild magic surge so you buff your roll and then immediately Surge and turn into a sheep and get annihilated while you're helpless cool beans at sixth level you're going to get the bend luck ability this one costs two sorcery points can actually be cast in two different ways you can cast it like a regular ability from your ability bar or you can use it as a reaction when somebody does something the actual effect is that it's going to either add A+ 1 D4 bonus to one of your allies role or it will do a minus 1 D4 penalty to an enemy's role if you trigger it as a reaction if you cast a spell from your action bar it actually lasts two turns on the target so this ability is like if guidance and Bic inspiration got together and had a baby and it wasn't nearly as good as either of its parents and also the baby is stapled to a crazy person that has feathers for a beard because of a wild magic surge for any of you who think that that beard thing sounds stupid look at the DND fifth edition list of wild magic surge effects look through these things changes to your character's height age skin color turning you into a potted plant that is vulnerable to all damage and if you're reduced to zero HP your pot breaks which is just too depressing for me to even consider in balers Gate 3 the wild magic table has 23 options available in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons there are 50 options for things that can happen so it's real random and finally at 11th level the wild magic sorcerer will get the Controlled Chaos ability this is a reaction the sort can trigger when an enemy casts a spell and it will cause a wild magic surge to occur near that spellcaster so that sounds horrible and I went to look for other people's experience with this just to see how bad it is the general consensus is that it seems to usually cause negative effects the enemy spellcaster when you trigger this on them however this is wild magic ladies and gents sometimes you're going to buff that person and I'm going to tell you uh especially in honor mode I don't want to be buffing my enemies at all under any circumstances I can't afford to be giving them Buffs I need Buffs I need them to be debuffed so anyway Let's uh wild magic surge our way back to first level and talk about the second subclass option draconic [Music] bloodline your veins Harry draconic magic the result of a powerful Dragon ancestor so easy enough draconic bloodline Sorcerers gain their magical abil ities by being directly related to a dragon so you know just do that that sounds cool these SS get quite a few bonuses right away so let's check those out firstly the draconic resilience passive states that because of the badass dragon scales you have growing on your skin your base Armor class is 13 when you're not wearing any armor so this is essentially your character getting built-in Mage Armor which is very very good and you can pretty much consider this to just be a plus two or plus three to your armor class permanently just great as long as you're not wearing armor definitely nothing to sneeze at draconic resilience also has a second part that will increase your sourcerer maximum hit points by one per sorcerer level so if you level your sorc all the way up to 12th level it's going to give you a plus 12 to your maximum HP and that might sound like a low number to some of you but by the time you get to the end of the game your characters are probably going to have right around 100 Health something close to it anyway so an additional 12 health is 10 12% increase that's very very strong even though it sounds like a low number it's really good percentage wise I mentioned those dragon scales on your body earlier so what's the deal with those well at first level draconic bloodline sorcs get to choose which draconic bloodline they belong to so each Dragon color represents a certain element of magic and will grant you a spell immediately upon choosing it related to that element of magic there are definitely some very power powerful spells available to you just for choosing certain draconic bloodline colors here but keep in mind that the element you choose here is going to have a pretty big impact on your character later on at six level it's now later on remember that later on I mentioned 5 seconds ago that's now so let's talk about it you will gain two Elemental Affinity abilities damage and resistance Elemental Affinity damage is going to add your charisma modifier to any damaging spells you cast that match your draconic Bloodlines element so if you choose a red dragon for your bloodline and then you cast Fireball it's going to add your charisma modifier to that fireball cast and the elemental Affinity resistance portion is a reaction that you can trigger when you cast a spell matching your Bloodlines element that will cost one sorcery point and will grant you resistance to that element type so both of these are very very good and some sorcerer builds can end up with resistance to like four four or five different things which is very strong in this game because resistance means half damage so any resistances you can pick up along the way are good and finally at 11th level the draconic sorc will gain the fly ability you're never going to guess what this one does yeah that's right it lets you fly so by this point in the game for some of you I would wager a lot of you this is going to be insanely disappointing and pretty much worthless because depending on how heavily you've been shoveling t poles in your eyeball sockets you might already have the ability to fly through other means that I won't elaborate on for those of you who didn't go shoveling tadpoles in this is going to be a good one it's going to be really good having the ability to fly is fantastic if you don't have it from another source it's going to be awesome to get this at this level but for an 11th level bonus it's kind of weak in my mind especially since storm sorcs pretty much get the ability to fly at level one so anyway speaking of storm sorcs let's go uh back to first level and talk about the final subclass the storm sorcery [Music] sorcerer whether crackling with the energy of ancient deluges or pierced by Gales and hurricanes your lineage is a strange tapestry scrawled by a tempest when you first choose this subass you will be granted the tempestuous magic ability which will trigger whenever you cast a spell that is level one or higher and you're probably thinking oh great more wild magic nonsense not at all when this one triggers instead of turning you into a sheep and setting your balls on fire it's going to allow you to fly up to 30 ft as a bonus action without triggering opportunity attacks when you're attempting to use this and you're standing next to an enemy it is going to tell you on the screen that it's going to provoke an opportunity attack when you use it I tested this extensively and in my test testing the only time that an opportunity attack was triggered when I used this is when I accidentally chose to fly to an area that was too far away and my character tried to take a couple of steps before they flew the steps triggered an opportunity attack but if I had flown somewhere that I could reach from where I was standing it would not have triggered an opportunity attack you can fly right away from these enemies and get out of their face which is awesome so needless to say this is insanely powerful especially as a first level ability it's very disappointing to get fly as your only level 11 bonus but to get tempestuous magic like this at first level is pretty strong storm sorts are easily one of the most Mobile subclasses in the game because of this ability but wait there's more at six level the storm sorcerer will receive a few more awesome bonuses first up is the heart of the storm ability this one will allow you to trigger a blast of additional thunder or lightning damage in a 20t radius after you deal damage with that damage type so so you cast a lightning spell it's going to trigger and allow you to cast this if you want and it will deal a little bit of extra lightning damage to everybody in that radius if you do a thunder spell it'll allow you to trigger and deal a little bit of extra Thunder damage to everybody in that radius there is also a second portion of this ability that just flat out permanently grants your storm sorcerer resistance to thunder and lightning damage both and as I said before picking up resistances in this game is very powerful you get two of them as passive permanent Buffs just for being a storm sorc at six level which is ridiculously good with this subass and a couple of the items you can find in the game you can easily get your character four or five resistances no problem without even going out of your way too much not too bad but that's not all you will also receive five storm related spells which is great because these are going to help you trigger the extra bonuses and effects that come with your subass because they're storm related they're all good spells too none of the spells on this list are bad by any means you're going to love having all five of these and you get them for free that's not bad drink some water hydrate and for the final finally 11th level as a storm sorc will grant you the storm's Fury ability this is a retaliation effect that will deal a bit of Thunder damage to the Target and attempt to blast them away from you when they hit you with a melee attack this one sounds a lot better than it is in reality obviously being able to blast the target away from you create space between you and an enemy as a spellcaster that's always always a good option but for an 11th level ability this one's pretty disappointing too I think because of how disappointing it is I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you about some multiclassing options you have as a sorcerer because I would wager that a lot of the people playing sorcerer are multiclassing it with something else to get a little bit more power out of it because of the fact that the sorcerer is a Charisma based spellcaster you can easily multiclass it with quite a few things The Bard warlock Paladin any of these things are good options you probably noticed in this video there's a bunch of footage of my honor mode sorcadin slowly but surely making our way through honor mode I'm going to go ahead and tell you I'm at the point where if I lose this honor mode run I might just cry about it I might just uh make a whole video of me crying on camera with snot just for running out of my face like The Blair Witch Project so make sure like And subscribe to the channel for that good wholesome family content and uh hopefully I don't ever have to make that video and because we're talking about the storm sorc the multiclass option that I wanted to bring to your attention today is the Tempest cleric storm sort combo because the 11th level ability for storm sorcs is such Dy poooo you can instead take two levels of Tempest cleric and I think you gain far more than you end up losing firstly you will not get access to your sor level six spells but you will get a level six spell slot so you can still upcast a lower level spell to level six you just won't get access to chain lightning basically as a storm sorc uh there are other ways in the game to get access to chain lightning obviously you can use Scrolls and stuff like that but there's items that Grant you abilities and this Staff Mark a hes here is one example you can use this to get chain lightning and lightning bolt as a short rest ability really really strong this staff is probably the best one in the game for most Caster builds there's going to be you know Niche builds that need a different item but this one's really strong for any Caster so what the heck do you get from The Tempest cleric that makes it worth losing what you lose not much just uh this little baby right here destructive wrath is your second level Channel Divinity reaction as a tempest cleric which you can trigger when you deal either lightning or thunder damage and it makes that damage automatically do its maximum possible damage roll so let's say for instance we cast call lightning at its normal spell level it will normally do between three and 30 damage to every Target that it hits if you trigger destructive wrath when you cast it it's going to do the full 30 damage to every Target that gets hit by it so let's go over scenario where we cast a spell on three people because that's not unreasonable I often hit up to three people with a spell normally hitting three targets with call lightning would do between 9 and 90 damage total so you can cast this spell hit three people with it and do nine damage you probably won't but you can well if you activate good old dth whenever you cast it it is going to do 90 damage guaranteed if they have resistances and all that crap it's going to get factored in but the the damage roll that you do is going to be the maximum so this is ridiculous and that was just an example of call lightning as a low-level spell so uh imagine a situation where instead of using call lightning on three targets you are twin casting chain lightning onto two different people and then it bounces around the room hitting everybody else and does maximum chain lightning damage twice to everybody that gets hit by both chain Lightnings most of them are not going to survive Sur one so they definitely won't survive two but you can absolutely annihilate an entire room full of enemies by triggering destructive wrath with the right spell it is absurd the amount of burst damage this thing can put out probably one of the highest burst damage subclass multiclass combos whatever you want to call it in the game and that's it Travelers that's all of the generic levels for sorcerer as well as all the subclasses covered so you know what each one grants you and we managed to fit it all into a gigantic way too long nutshell nice be sure to let me know in the comments down below how you built your sorcer if you know any other cool multiclass options that I didn't mention I'm sure there's plenty out there there's people come up with all kinds of cool stuff but I'm I'm happy to learn about it from y'all we can learn this crazy game together there's also a link to my Discord down in the video description so if you want to come join the Discord talk about any nerdy stuff RPGs comic books anything you want to come and nerd out on the more the merrier you all are welcome but now travel it's about time I make good on that promise from the beginning of the video we've got a couple of nond DnD characters that I want to talk about that may or may not be Sorcerers or are they who knows you can't have a video talking about Sorcerers and not mention the old sorcerer Supreme could you but here's the thing does Doctor Strange actually meet the requirements to be a DND sorcerer I don't think so he wasn't born with his powers he learned them at school he went and trained and practiced and learned how to use magic before that he was a surgeon so Doctor Strange the sorcerer Supreme you're a wizard Harry he's a wizard some uncultured inferior spellcasting swine just kidding obviously I love doctor strange and he's ridiculously powerful regardless of how much of a sorcerer he is which is none he's not a sorcerer but the wizard Supreme doesn't sound that great so sorcerer Supreme it is and secondly while we're talking about uh Marvel characters I might as well mentioned this one too the Scarlet Witch Wanda maximoff I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that the word Witch is being used to mean female wizard it might not be the case but honestly it doesn't really matter for the point that I'm about to make so this is absolutely not the hill I'm going to die on but that is the Assumption I'm making the movies did this character super dirty in the comics the Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters in Marvel Comics overall and definitely one of the most powerful spellcasters there is the reason why I've put her in this section is because the Scarlet Witch is actually a mutant which means that her powers are genetic and I think the Scarlet sorceress might be a more fitting name for this individual but uh you know let me know what you think she's so strong it's nuts she has probability manipulation reality manipulation chaos magic oh my god this chick is a freaking wild magic sorcerer just get away from me stay away from me no oh all right Travelers I'm going to end this one here let me know if there's any other cool Sorcerers you want to discuss like and sub and all that jazz if you want to support the channel even further there's a link to my patreon in the description I greatly appreciate all the support you guys have been giving the channel and as always Travelers I am glad you got to see me do your best to stay alive until next time see you
Channel: Panic Rolling
Views: 11,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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