Ultimate Bard Class Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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it's no secret that words have power a simple greeting can be the ray of sunshine that breaks through the clouds and brightens A stranger's day while a condescending reply can be a dagger plunged straight into a lover's heart the bars of fyon know these lessons very well and have mastered the use of words and Melodies as a means to focus their Magics into the world around them so if you are the type of player who gets joy out of aist in those that are closest to you as well as literally adding insult to injury for your foes than the b class is right for you welcome back Travelers I'm glad to see you made it I'm Colo and today we're going to be taking a look at the Bard class in balers Gate 3 we'll take a look at all the skills and abilities you'll get as you level up your Bard and then we're going to come back at the end of the video and we'll look through each of the individual subclasses on their own that way you know which route you want to take your Bard as you're leveling up also a special shout out to the curators of the balers Gate 3 Wiki at bg3 Wiki these guys do a really good job compiling and organizing this data and a lot of the information that I've used in this video has come from this website so make sure you check them out show them some love and do a really good job over there also stick around to the end of the video where I'll be talking about a few notable bars from popular media and we're also going to cover one character who might secretly be a barard in Disguise but we'll have to figure that out together now I'm going to show up shut up and we can get started in the worlds of the Forgotten Realms where balers Gate 3 takes place BS are not merely musicians or performers they are fully-fledged spellcasters who are capable of tapping into the power of the words of creation which are said to be the words of the gods that were used to speak the world into existence in the first place so that sounds pretty busted and in the game what that translates to is your your Bard is basically going to be able to use either their voice or instruments to tap into that magical music or word power and cast spells with them bards get access to damaging spells Buffs debuffs crowd control pretty much a little bit of everything which is a common theme among bards in bed so the life of a Wandering rock star appeals to you and you want to make a Bard well that sounds great let's take a look at what you're going to get when you choose this class when you first choose the bar class you will immediately be granted a few things first up you're going to receive proficiency with light armor simple weapons hand crossbows rapers long swords and short swords you will also get to pick your Bard starting instrument this is not a set and stone thing any character that has the performance skill and is able to play instruments can play every instrument so if you find a different instrument later on you want to try it out you can swap it out no problem you can do all that stuff without having an instrument equipped at all and your character will actually whistle or sing for casting spells and whistling songs it's pretty awesome that larion actually took the time to script this whistling and get the voice actors to record the whistling scene so you can have access to this in the game whistling actually sounds pretty good when you put it with the other instruments as well in case you end up with multiple performers in your group if you want to have one of them be a whistling musician that's a perfectly viable option I actually made a whole video about the performability so feel free to check it out if you want to learn more about that you will also be granted two level one spell slots as well as your choice of two barard cant trips and four level one spells from the bards spell list when bards learn spells they are always prepared which means that you won't be preparing and unprepared spells like a wizard has to do you're just every spell that your character learns as you level up they have access to during the day but because of this fact bards learn less spells than the other classes do you're going to have plenty of tools available for multiple situations on this character though I assure you I've never found myself on my bards turn without at least some kind of plan or something that I can do that's going to benefit the group in some way whether that's throwing an off heel to help somebody whether it's putting a off-handed crossbow shot into somebody from across the room to try to you know finish off that one enemy whatever it is The Bard always seems to have something that can contribute to each turn of combat which is great on top of all these spells and cantrips you will also be granted The Bard's class defining ability Bic inspiration is an ability you'll have access to three times per long rest at this level and as you level up you'll get more and more charges of this per day so what does it do well it's basically you're barred giving another character some kind of magical pep talk and what it actually results in is them adding a bonus to that character's next attack roll ability check or saving throw at this level the bonus they're going to add is 1 D6 which is an absolutely massive bonus to be adding to dice rolls especially at such a low level when you have you know barely any bonuses from anything all of a sudden you're getting a 1 to six added to important roles obviously you can't do it on every roll but for the important ones if you need to pass a check have the old Bard strum off some guitar riffs real quick and uh try to pass that check I need you to understand that this ability is so strong that it's actually absurd this is the reason that everybody loves having BS in their parties because not only as you're going to see are bards just good at everything but they make everybody else a little bit better at everything too you will also be allowed to choose three skills for which your Bard is going to have proficiency and you will have main stat points to allocate as well just like always the three main stats The Bard typically wants to buff as they're leveling up are Charisma dexterity and Constitution Charisma is your spell casting stat which means that as you raise this your spells are going to do more damage it's going to make you a better Caster basically and also it helps you in Persuasion roles deception checks intimidation checks all that stuff dexterity will help your Bard with their Armor class and their initiative roles to potentially go earlier in combat as well as influencing the damage that they do with certain weapons and finally Constitution will determine how many hit points your character has as well as how good they are at resisting having their concentration broken when they're concentrating on spells so if you're planning on having your bar to be more of a Healer or a buff character to buff some of your allies putting some points in Constitution is definitely going to be strong because it'll help them concentrate on those spells to keep the Buffs rolling on your party members now let's go over what every Bard's going to get as you're leveling up and then we'll come back and we'll talk about the sub classes like I [Music] said second level your Bard is going to gain One More Level One spell slot your choice of one more spell from The Bard spell list and as with every level up that you're going to get you will also have the option to swap a spell that you know with a spell that you don't know if you want this is entirely optional if you like all the Spells you have you don't have to swap one but know that every time you level up your barred this is the only time you can swap out what spells your character knows unless you go talk to Withers so if you end up with a list of spells by the end of the game that you just don't like you can go talk to Withers pay them some gold Respec your character and you basically get to build your character from the ground up again and then since Withers is such a freaking gangster he doesn't care about money he makes you pay it just because you can rob this dude blind you can sit here and pick pickpocket him he can catch you pickpocketing him 500 times he does not care he's never going to go hostile he's never going to have any kind of negative consequences on your game play just steal your money back you can just take it back from him he's basically like a savings account just sitting there holding your money for you until you need it you will also be granted the Jack of all trades passive ability which will add half of your proficiency bonus rounded down to Ability checks that you are not proficient in so everyone understood that right no confusion at all good all right let's look at that a little bit better and figure out what the hell that actually means shall we right now at this level your Bard's current proficiency bonus is plus two so all three of those skills that you chose when you were creating your Bard and you chose Proficiency in them what that was doing was giving you a plus two to any kind of rolls or saving throws or ability checks that require that skill well now that you have this jack of all trades buff every other skill that you did didn't choose now gets A+ one bonus to it just because your Bard's good at everything that they try so they get a plus one to all of it right now which is ridiculous the Jack of all trades buff as we said before it's half of your proficiency bonus rounded down so as your proficiency Bonus Goes up while you're leveling up so will your jack of all trades buff to everything else that you're not proficient in this right here is another class defining feature of The Bard this is where the Jack of all trades master of none thing comes from except in this universe bards are kind of like Jacks of all trades masters of most trades and pretty freaking good at most of the other ones they're like good at everything but wait there's more on top of all that stuff we just discussed you will also receive the song of rest ability at second level this is a song that you're Bard can play while you're not in combat and it has the same effects on your party as taking a short rest so essentially having a Bard in your group gives your party an additional short rest per day easy enough so obviously regardless of what group makeup you have having additional short rests is always good because you can use it to heal up in between fights you can use it to replenish some resources based on what classes you have and that's the kicker for certain group compositions or setups if you have a lot of warlocks or maybe you want every character in your party to have Devil's sight and your party can stand inside of the darkness spell and still function perfectly fine while no one else in the room can see them because warlocks packed spell slots replenish on short rest having a Bard in your group adding one more short rest per day to your group that's one more time that your warlock gets all of their pack slots back and I made a warlock video just recently some of you have seen it I appreciate you watching it anyone who hasn't seen it go ahead and watch it it's it's pretty good I recommend it but we talked about about it over there warlocks don't get a lot of spell casts per day that's one of the main drawbacks of being a warlock but the spells that they cast are freaking they're nukes so adding more and more spell casts per day for a warlock is just super busted this whole idea of taking multiple bars to have access to multiple songs of rest per day was actually recommended to me by one of you guys and I really appreciate it I love when you guys give me this information down in the comments if you have a cool combination of spells or beats or uh maybe one of the subclasses works really well with one of the race bonuses or something like that any kind of interactions like this I live for this stuff I love love the little minutia and there's no way in the world I'm going to learn it all on my own so anything you guys are able to teach me I'm eternally grateful for and hopefully I'm teaching you guys some stuff too so we'll all learn this crazy game together how about that and now that we're freaking 25 minutes into our discussion about second level I think it's probably about time we move on to third level luckily this one only has about 400 more things that your Bard's going to get so you know hopefully you're sitting down first up you're going to get to choose two of the skills that you already have Proficiency in and gain expertise in them what the heck does that mean expertise just doubles your proficiency bonus in those skills so now you have skills that you're an expert at so you have a double proficiency bonus and then you have skills that you're proficient in so you have your regular proficiency bonus and then you have everything else which has half of your proficiency bonus just because you're a freaking Bard and you're good at everything you will gain another level one spell slot two level two spell slots and you're going to be allowed to choose another spell and swap a spell if you want and now the spell list includes your Bard's level two spells you have access to those when you're choosing spells now and then also uh one more little thing you get to pick your Bard subass at this level your options are going to be the knowledge seeking spellcaster focused bards of the College of lore the inspired ing leaders of the College of Valor and the dancing Blades of the College of swords as I said before we're going to be taking a closer look at each one of these after we go through all the generic Bard stuff I just wanted to give you kind of the like lore implications of each Bard subass we'll get into them though when we get to that part so that being said let's make our way to fourth level first off you're going to get another level two spell slot and a can trip you're going to get to choose another spell and swap one if you want and importantly at fourth level your Bard is going to get access to their first feat now any of you any of you who have seen any of my class guide videos knows what I'm about to say any of you who haven't welcome to the video I'm glad you're watching it I appreciate it um I'm sorry that uh this is the face that you had to see when you clicked on it but you know thanks for being here anyway as always on your feet levels feel free to look through the list of all the Feats because there are some good options on this list if something sounds like like it would work well for your Bard or if it just sounds like it would be cool to try out try it out give it a shot if it ends up not working out the way you want it to or it's just not performing as highly you know you want to try something else out no big deal go talk to Withers like we said before respect your character and then you can rob your money back from him it's not a problem if you don't want to do this because you want to keep like a pure non-respect run I understand that as well if that's the case just make sure you pay attention as you're choosing your Feats that way you know what you're getting yourself into and as always ability Improvement is always always a viable choice because in this game your character's main stats are so powerful that just buffing your main stats is a super strong Choice every time you get access to a feet you could buff your main stats and you would be perfectly fine you would not regret it I about assure you so once again look through the list pick something you want if not buff your stat stats let's move on and now Travelers we've made it to fifth level this level is one of the biggest jumps in power that most classes in balers Gate 3 get and The Bard does get some incredible tools at this level so let's take a look firstly you're going to gain two level three spell slots you're going to be allowed to choose a spell and swap one like normal and the spell list now has access to bards level three spells as you might have imagined do not underestimate the power of the spell that you're going to have on offer from this point forward level three spells are where things start to get crazy and it just keeps getting crazier from here on out as your board levels up though you're going to realize there are not really any bad choices at some of these levels so look at them whatever fits your situation it's going to be strong almost no matter what at fifth level your damaging can trips are also going to have another damage die added to their damage rolls so this is just helping your canant trip stay usable as you level up because without them scaling up in damage like this they would be completely worthless by the time you got the end game you are also at this level going to get your fourth Bic inspiration charge and your Bic inspiration buff is going to go from being 1d6 to 1d8 now I went and googled this to look up how big of a percentage increase this is going from a D6 to a d8 because I'm not super well first with these dice now I'm about to drop some numbers and if these numbers are wrong please feel free to correct me and I will pin your comment in a heartbeat as far as I know to the best of my knowledge these numbers are correct from what I could find when you roll a D6 the statistically expected average roll is a 3.5 the average roll of a d8 is 4.5 so to keep this as simply as possible possible so that I don't confuse myself it's not you I'm worried about trust me it's me and I'm probably already confused you're now adding one more on average to each roll that you buff when you're using Bic inspiration this is an almost 30% increase to the potential of the buff which is not bad at all that's freaking huge and then on top of all that we just got done going over how ridiculous Bic inspiration is now you just got another charge up so now you have four right and they're 30% stronger now ridiculous that's a freaking huge buff okay sit down because you also get access to a passive ability called font of inspiration at fifth level this one doesn't do a whole lot it just makes it to where instead of getting your Bic inspiration charges back on only long rests now you get them back from your short rests too do you know how many freaking short rests you get per day three with just the one Bard in your group you're already up to three because of song arrest so now you can use four Bic inspiration charges and then use your first short rest for the day then four more Bic inspiration charges second short rest for the day four more Bic inspiration charges song of rest your third short rest of the day four more baric inspiration charges you went from having three charges per long rest to 16 baric inspiration uses per day 16 uses and they're buffed by 30% so after that ridiculous freaking Avalanche of bonuses and Buffs we just got it fifth level it's a good thing sixth level doesn't really have that much to offer because we need to take us a breather and slow down for a second yeah that was a lie on top of another level three spell slot and as always your choice of a spell and your ability to swap one if you want your Bard will also be granted the counter charm ability which is a buff you can use that will buff The Bard and any allies within 30 ft for three turns and the buff will grant them advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or frightened this is good to have this is like uh calm emotions which is a spell that bards actually get access to later on can get you out of some really sticky situations if you have a bunch of your party members get Charmed all of a sudden combat can very very quickly go south the enemies just get to do whatever the heck they want while you're running around doing they bidding as well it's not a good situation to be in you will also receive a very powerful subclass specific bonus at six level and I could go into them here but I'm going to save them all for the subass section so we will get into those just know sixth level is massive and you're going to be stoked to get these subass things so we'll talk about it when we get there at seventh level your Bard will gain one level four spell slot as well as a choice of a spell SP and a replacement spell if they want and as you might imagine their spell list now includes the level four Bard spells every spell that's available on this level four Bard list has a very strong use case in some way so any of them are viable choices you definitely need to read through each one of these and figure out what's going to fit your party's needs the best that's what you need to look into eighth level will grant your Bard one more level four spell slot their choice of a spell replacement if they want and also their fifth Bic inspiration charge bringing you up to a total of 20 per day if you use all of your short rests once again just like before this is just another added level of group utility that The Bard's going to have access to you will also be allowed to choose a second feet at eighth level so just like we said at fourth level look through the list if something sounds cool try it out go talk to Withers if you don't like it if you just want to buff your main stats perfectly viable option at Ninth level your Bard's proficiency bonus is going to increase to plus 4 so let's recap your Bard adds a plus4 bonus to everything that they have proficiency with they add a plus eight bonus to everything they have expertise with and now they add a plus two bonus to everything else once again they're just good at everything you will also gain a level four spell slot a level five spell slot a choice of a spell in a replacement like always and when you're choosing spells now your list will include the level five bar spells once again every single option available to you at this level is perfectly viable and has a super strong use case in some situations you have three insanely powerful crowd control abilities a big AOE heal which is always good to have a debuff cleanse and a party-wide disguise self buff which you can use to squeeze your party members into small cracks that they wouldn't normally fit through if your character model was too large you can sneak through those little holes and then you can change yourself back if you want so this is not a bad level at all you're going to get access to some really good tools you're going to love to have these 10th level is also no slouch you're going to get expertise in two more skills you will also gain a second level five spell slot choice of a spell and a replacement if you want and a can trip and ALS so your can trips are going to scale up in damage Again by another damage die being added so they're still usable when you run out of spell slots and hold on to your freaking bag pipes because your Bic inspiration dice are getting buffed again so instead of giving d8 bonuses from this point forward your Bard will be able to provide 1 d10 bonuses when bartic inspiration is used to buff the roll so let's get back to my potentially incorrect math and keep this train wreck going hopefully you guys are still watching the train wreck happening cuz you know I'm just I keep wrecking it so we'll just keep on doing this anyway the average roll of a d8 as we said before is 4.5 the average roll of a d10 is 5.5 so once again you've added another one to the average expected roll and as long as my math is not incorrect that is a further 22% buff on the effectiveness of that Bic inspiration buff which is great and you have like 20 7,000 charges per day now so you're going to be flinging out Buffs left and right it's absolutely ridiculous it's absurd I dare you to try to be in a group with a bar to not be inspired and absurdly enough that still isn't everything you get at 10th level you will also be allowed to choose two spells from a special list called the magical Secrets list what's the deal with these you're wondering these will be nonar spells from other class spell list and you can add a wide variety of tools to your bards Arsenal from Fireballs to lightning bolts to Fireballs to lightning bolts to Fireballs I justest but you get what I'm saying you've got crowd control options you got Pure damage options Pure Healing options Buffs debuffs cleanses a little bit of everything you might be noticing a trend that's the freaking trend for bards that's what a Bard is a little bit of everything with a ridiculous hat on top and usually no pants but I'm not going to stand up 11th level will grant your Bard their one and only level six spell slot you're going to get to choose a spell and replace one like normal if you want and now you have access to the bards level six spells and because there's only two of these on the list we're going to Spotlight both of them because both of them are ridiculously good and I want to talk about both I bite and Autos irresistible dance both of these spells are level six crowd control spells that require concentration so with that being said let's figure out what these things do I bite which is a strange name but whatever ibite is a spell that will turn your Bard's eyes into empty black voids of necromantic magic in doing this it will allow them to just by looking at somebody attempt to inflict them with one of three status debuffs as I said before this is a concentration spell and if you're able to maintain concentration the Caster can attempt to reapply one of these debuffs each turn as a can trip without using a spell slot so that can be really powerful you can cause quite a bit of disruption in your enemy's team if you're able to get off multiple crowd control effects on different people the three debuff choices you're going to have are anic sickened and asleep each one of these has different saving throws different situations where they're going to be more useful sometimes people are immune to being put to sleep but they can be feared and you can hit them with panic it just depends on what kind of situation you're in having access to multiple types of crowd control in one spell is very strong it's always nice to have choices Auto's irresistible dance is probably one of the strongest crowd control abilities in the entire game without any exaggeration though its range is only half of what you get with ibite so what is it and why is it so good well Autos will allow you to Target an enemy and force them to dance in place for up to 10 turns while they are dancing they can't move or take any other actions they have disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws and any attacks made against them will have advantage and also they're stuck here river dancing the night away like a ridiculous fool all right then it's enough of that so yeah I mean this is a crowd control ability but why all the hype that I gave it at the beginning well uniquely when you cast Autos irresistible dance on somebody they are not given the opportunity to make a saving throw against it immediately so what this means is basically short of you getting counter spelled when you cast it which will happen sometimes and it is going to waste that person's next turn so this is an almost guaranteed at least one turn of crowd control against that one target which is busted in certain situations being able to guarantee a turn of crowd control can absolutely save your life in a bad situation don't sleep on it plus look at how much fun they're having look at this you don't want to be this guy God look at the horror on their face though they're like and finally ladies and gentlemen we've reached the final level of our journey at 12th level you will get to choose a spell replace a spell for the final time if you wish and you will also have access to your third and final beat same deal as at fourth level and eighth level if there's any Feats you're interested in look into them if not buff your main stats and call it a day and that's it that's all the bonuses and passives that every Bard is going to get as you level up so what we're going to do now is go backwards in time back to third level where we chose our subass and we're going to start with the College of lore take a look at [Music] that you pursue Beauty and Truth collecting Knowledge from scholarly Toms to peasants tales and use your gifts to hold both audiences and enemies Spellbound upon first choosing the College of lore subclass your Bard will immediately receive Proficiency in three more skills of your choice yeah that's right at this level lore bards get twice as many skills to be proficient with and we've already talked about how ridiculous bards get with proficiencies and half proficiencies and double proficiencies and all that so these guys just get even more ridiculous proficiencies lore bards will also receive the cutting words of ability this is a reaction you can trigger when an enemy is performing an attack roll an ability check or a saving throw it will cost a reaction as well as one of your Bic inspiration charges and it will basically add a negative btic inspiration debuff to that person's role so lore bards can do baric inspiration on their allies just like normal you can still do all the normal stuff to buff your own rolls or cutting words is essentially the exact opposite against your enemies roles when they make them so you can also do that if you want now when your Bic inspiration dice upgrade your cutting words debuff will upgrade by the same amount like we said before d6s have a 3.5 average roll at this level -3.5 average when you're using cutting words that's busted and then as you level up you'll get up to a 4.5 up to a 5.5 average this debuff is absolutely Bonkers and you are going to love it at sixth level lower bards get to choose two spells from that magical Secrets list we talked about earlier that list of spells that were the nonb Spells well the lore BS being the spellcaster focus BS get to choose two Spells at level six as well as the two that all Bs get at level 10 the Restriction is that since we're level six you only have access to the level three or below spells from the magical secrets list which sucks because you know there's nothing good at that level to choose it's a real shame I tell you that's it those are all the bonuses you get for a lore Bard so all bards get most of the same stuff the differences though are while there're not that many differences they're big ones and we're about to figure that out the lore bards are more spell casting focused you get access to more spells more variety of spells from other classes this is a very very strong choice if you want your Bard to be more of a range caster or more of a Healer or anything of that nature College of lore is absolutely the way to go for sure so with that being said let's head back to third level and we'll check out what the College of Valor has on [Music] offer you wander the land to witness and relate the Deeds of the mighty keeping alive the memory of Heroes of the past and inspiring Heroes of the future Valor cards are very different from their college of lore counterparts with just the few minimal changes that we're going to talk about here you could have a very different character by building it this way when you first choose College of Valor you'll immediately be granted Proficiency in medium armor Shields and Marshall weapons so basically this gives your Bard access to all gear in the game except for heavy armor that's it so now your Bard has the tools they need to be a capable Frontline fighter if you want to play them that way on top of this just like the lore Bard how they got cutting words as an upgrade to Bic inspiration all of the subclasses get a variation of the Bic inspiration skill The Valor BS version is called combat inspiration you can use it just like regular Bic inspiration just like before it has all the same stuff that you've had from the beginning but you can also add the bonus to either the target's armor CL class or their next damage roll so just think about that adding a 1 d10 to somebody's damage later on in the game that's ridiculous once again six levels an utter disappointment all you get is this stupid extra attack ability and no one what the hell is this larion what what am I supposed to do with this just like casually double how good my Bard is from now on okay so yeah obviously that was also a joke extra attack is absolutely busted what this does is it lets your Bard have two attacks per action from this point forward so if you use haste or potions of speed you can end up stacking up multiple attacks per turn on top of these it's it can lead to a crazy amount of attacks per turn do note however that if you're playing in honor mode the haste action won't let you do two attacks from what I understand this is actually how it's supposed to work in DND so we've kind of actually been spoiled in balers Gate 3 up until now but I think larion just changed it for Honor mode difficulty only I don't think they have any plans to change this for the other difficulties but obviously they could at any moment so just keep an eye on that just know you know uh three attacks is better than two and four attacks is better than three so if you can get more attacks per turn do it just do more attacks per turn as easy as that so as you can see like I said there wasn't that many changes but the that there were between the lore and Valor bards are massive the differences are big enough where you could have two bards in your group and both of them could fill totally different roles and still have two completely viable characters in your group so it's good The Bard is good at everything they can fill pretty much every role and now we're going to rewind one more time back to third level we're going to take a look at our third and final subass the College of swords BS of the College of Swords are called blades and they entertain through daring Feats of weapon prowess since the description literally says that they're called blades and that's much easier to say than College of Swords Bard I'm going to be calling them blades from now on unless there's a sentence that already ends with the word blades and it would just be confusing it's not easy to keep up with did you see that blades blades yeah that blades blades were very BL blades blades blades you see the wire what over over okay immediately upon choosing this subclass you are going to be granted proficiency with medium armor and scimitars so you don't get quite as many options with the blade as you do with the Valor Bard but still more choices here what you will get that the College of Valor Bard does not get is your choice of a fighting style from one of two choices either dueling or two weapon fighting dueling is fantastic if you're using a one-handed weapon in your main hand and either a shield or Nothing in Your offhand if you meet these requirements dueling will add plus two to any damage roles that you deal with that mainhand weapon and that might not sound like much but adding a plus two to every damage roll that that weapon does is a ridiculous amount of damage especially over the course of a playr hundreds and hundreds of damage be adding two weapon fighting on the other hand will add your characters ability score modifier to their roles when they attack with their offhand basically this is required if you're intending to play your Bard as a dual wielding damage dealing class because without this buff your offhand attacks are pretty pitiful with this buff your offhand attacks are very strong and finally the blade will receive blade flourish I wonder why they named it that this is their upgrade to Bic inspiration as before you can still use Bic inspiration for the regular buff toer allies if you want you still have access to that none of the Bard subclasses loses access to the regular Bic inspiration buff which is great because having those Buffs is awesome blade flourish gives your Bard access to a bunch of skills that they can use in combat these are basically like combat Maneuvers from the fighter class it's basically three choices and there's a melee and ranged variation of each choice so there's six skills one of them will add Armor class to you when you land a hit on somebody with it which is great it's a offensive and defensive attack which is great there's one that will allow you to attack multiple people with one hit which is fantastic especially if you're doing multiple attacks per turn now you're attacking multiple people with each that can add up to a ridiculous amount of damage and finally you have the option to knock enemies away from you and then teleport to them so for for different situations obviously these are very very VI able you get access to all of them you can mix and match you can use one of them for your first attack a different one for the second attack just use whatever you need in the situation you're in especially since you end up with like 45 Bic inspiration charges or whatever it was we said earlier some absurd amount 69 charges something like that nice that was all just the third level bonuses too that was all stuff you just get right away for choosing College of swords at six level just like the College of Valor Bard the blade will receive extra attack same deal as before you get multiple attacks per action now as we just said you start stacking some of these combat maneuver things on top of that you can have a ridiculous amount of hits per turn striking multiple people causing status debuffs on them it's it's crazy that's it for the final subass the blades of the College of Swords the blades blades these guys are the fancy blade dancers spinning and twirling around firing off crossbow bolts left and right or flourishing their Scimitar gracefully slashing down multiple foes at the same time also don't forget even though the last two sub classes we talked about have the tools you need to be up close and personal they absolutely still have the tools to be a fullon range spellcaster if you need them to do that so if you need to retreat and drop back to being a Healer for your group or something guess what The Bard's good at that also I definitely recommend taking at least one ranged healing spell of some kind because especially if you're playing in honor mode being able to get off a heel on somebody across the room and bring them back from being down and possibly save them from getting killed completely I could save your whole run I'm telling you right now little things like that in honor mode make a big difference so now that we've seen what each Bard gets as they level up and what each subass has to offer you I want to talk about a couple of notable bars from other popular media and then I want to make a case for that super secret bar hard in the skies that we talked about [Music] earlier the first three bars that I wanted to talk about are very similar in a lot of ways and I've actually been using footage of each of them in this video already first off scandin short halt from box Machina if you haven't seen box Machina Legend of box Machina I highly highly recommend it it's an animated show based on the campaign that critical role ran and they translated this over to an animated show super well highly recommend if you've not seen it definitely go check it out second up dandelion or yasier from The Witcher series it's harder for me to recommend the Netflix Witcher series because of the whole Henry caval situation I really liked Henry caval in that role it just it's not as good as Vox mackina was to me but The Witcher 3 video game I did play and it was fantastic and I highly recomend recommend that one you run into dandelion in the game which is one of geralt's friends and he is the bar he's the toss of coin to your Witcher guy from the show also Yasir fantastic character and thirdly Edan Darvis from The Dungeons and Dragons movie honor among Thieves if you haven't seen this movie it's actually fantastic I really really had a good time watching this thing and the main character Edan obviously Chris Pine is a fantastic actor and he did a freaking hilarious job in this movie you're going to love this character so definitely check it out I highly recommend this one the thing about these characters the similarities they're all very witty they're charismatic they're sarcastic they're very intelligent even if they don't normally act that way they are they're very intelligent cunning very good at coming up with schemes and plans too and each and every one of them has at some point or another acted as the Beating Heart of their group and were able to inspire their allies to overcome important obstacles it's also these traits that led me to consider the super secret hidden surprise B in Disguise that I mentioned earlier Peter Quill much more commonly known as Star-Lord I know I know I can hear the groans from here oh man yeah this isn't really a Sherlock Holmes level Discovery here but surely someone out there didn't make this connection so I'm going to bring it up I'm a huge comic book nerd uh any opportunity I get to talk about a comic book character when I'm talking about Dungeons and Dragons stuff as well if I can combine these two things oh man love it it's two birds with one stone for any of you that doesn't actually know who Star-Lord is that's fine he's the main character of the Guardians of the Galaxy the leader of the group The Guardians of the Galaxy and absolutely witty charismatic intelligent even though he doesn't normally act like it inspires his allies to go above and beyond and break through their limits and freaking music is like this dude's whole shtick his whole thing is music he's always listening to his mixtapes that his mom gave him before she died and that is the soundtrack of the movies so these movies have ridiculously good music in them and it's woven into the story because Star-Lord is a damn Bard so what do you think is Star-Lord a Bard or am I just grasping at straws here I feel like there's no question that he's got at least a couple of levels dipped into Bard I come on now you guys got to give me at least something he's at least multiclass Bard but let me know in the comments what do you think about The Bard class what is your favorite Bard subass are there any other notable bards from other popular media sources that I didn't mention that you guys think are cool worth talking about what's your favorite dinosaur let us know the answer to all these important questions down in the comments below and while you're down there be sure to click the like And subscribe buttons If you like this video and want to see more of this type of content and hit the notification Bell if you want to be notified as soon as I upload content as well I do appreciate any and all support you guys have been giving me the support on this these videos has been really really awesome to see so thank you for that as always Travelers I'm glad you got to see me do your best to stay alive until next time see [Music] you
Channel: Panic Rolling
Views: 36,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GMQL3a4bg5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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