Explaining a LEGENDARY Pokemon Battle Royale! | Gnoggin X TerminalMontage

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it's time again we did it again we helped write an amazing animation over on terminal montages channel and this video is my attempt at explaining it because that's possible so you just make sense that you should go watch that video before you see this so go have fun it's good I'm pointing in the wrong direction entirely it's over there click it it's probably gone by now intro the animation begins and we see ultra balls falling from the sky the most common ball to use for capturing legendary Pokemon there's also a Pikachu because Game Freak sometimes treats Pikachu as a legendary Pokemon you know various legendary and mythical Pokemon pop up all around if we get our first casualty of course at the hands of YouTube one of if not the most powerful psychic type Pokemon on earth he tram one of the lamer legendary Pokemon has a very soft body and thus it is of no issue at all to Mewtwo's telekinetic crush easy-peasy Jenna sects fires its plasma cannon of Giratina who is having none of that really Giratina has a pretty good chance of winning this as it can open portals to the distortion world a world where time and space are all jumbled up and it's a mess and definitely qualifies as out-of-bounds disqualifying all Pokemon who go into it Darkrai who doesn't like sunlight as its most active during the new moon hides inside of Landorus is mine likely causing nightmares which Landorus definitely deserves after all of its meta ruining and then we get to my wife's favorite part fun facts according to the Pokedex every time Entei barks a volcano erupts somewhere even specifies somewhere around the globe so at least it's earth and that seems like kind of a lame attack hey hey don't you dare come any closer or I'll cause damage somewhere I don't know where but it'll be on you go away lugia basically rules over the three legendary birds and it's also said that storms start when lugia appears and also if it collapse its wings it causes 40-day storms and that its wings blow down houses sounds like a hurricane to me a super hurricane so Logie is just going around making hurricanes now it's showing the birds who's boss now here comes Furby I mean Zahra aura it stated that it approaches its enemies at the speed of lightning and also that even if its opponents dodge its attacks they will be electrocuted so let's just say it's fast so it is capable of putting up a good fight even against Mewtwo but even still you to psychic power is just ridiculous so it still leads to victory no it does get shocked plus I mean it is stated that Mewtwo was created solely for battling and that its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level whatever that means it also is completely uncompassionate of no mercy is just I don't care I'm you to dodge the laser zygarde the protector and guardian of the ecosystem and maintainer Pokemon of order hunted out Mewtwo specifically as Mewtwo is man-made it's heresy unnatural to the world it must be destroyed but you know how zygarde is made up of 100 zygarde cells sure would be funny if one of them got taken out which is exactly what hoop was thinking the little trickster genie or as the Pokedex puts it a troublemaker that sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop which can work space always messing with things so it does so and outcome 99 cells worth of other forms also Koopa then escapes before there can be any repercussions is just travelling all over the world and we get to see a scene of mill metal consuming the of Modena because that's what it does it absorbs metals to essentially eat them and microRNA is a living automaton a soul in control of a metal body eventually Palkia catches wind of hoopa's space shenanigans and put a stop to it being the creator with total control over the boundaries of space it doesn't appreciate hoopla's actions so it breaks hoopla's loop while it's midway through one killing yeah which brings us to the desert where Reshiram and Zekrom are still having a staredown they've tried handling their debate of truth versus ideals peacefully but now well there's only so much that can be said during a staredown it's battle time theoretically speaking these pokemon have the most powerful fire and electric attacks at all your plasma it's no wonder that their pokedex entries mention how they scorch the world with fire and lightning and in doing so the heat energy moves the atmosphere and changes the world's weather hence the cloud being cut in half along with tornadoes torna this tornados torn dues and obits ear comes krm capable of absorbing either russia RAM or zekrom as they were all once one original dragon it goes so does Ekrem and then easily kills Reshiram and notably it would have made more sense for it to complete itself as the original dragon but that's never happened to pokemon so we don't know what it looked like or if anything is possible it's just this is easier it's easier to explain killed ego was having none of this though it wants to be a real hero so it does so and decides to fight to blackie qrm a matchup similar to what happened in kill dio's pokemon movie you know you would know that if you were one of the six people who saw it meanwhile Reggie Steele is still walking around just talking it's what it does and it happens upon Taku Lele who creates a psychic fields before attacking it it doesn't matter though as registeel is unable to be even scratched and also resists psychic and fairy-type attacks top of the least two types but Groudon is kind of crazy I mean it created the land and expanded the continents it even is said to make volcanoes erupt upon just waking up so that happens but not before it creates a massive fissure gotta do that first a poor planet global warming it's great on its fault all this magma bursting forth causes many of the lane Mons catch on fire or melt but notably regice is perfectly fine with this after all the Pokedex states that its icy body is so cold that it will not melt even if it is even worst in magma so it's fine meanwhile up in space loon allah the emissary of the moon and as the Pokedex puts it was known by the name of the beast that calls the moon does just that though is it actually capable of doing this controlling the moon very probably not but there's still chance does it chance dies this power just kind of showed it but still probably not that's still funny just like Reggie Reggie gigas my body is ready funny it's able to just hoist the moon away after all it said that regigigas is strong enough to pull the continents around it's the reason the continents are where they are it's stupid strong but oh butts here come the ultra wormholes they were probably made by Sol Galileo or loon Allah wanting to keep the moon by the planet but all this noise dang it it's waking up poor sleepy Jirachi which only wakes up every thousand years though it goes back to bed also did you notice the little glitch all of these ultra wormholes are messing with the space-time continuum that's some risky business meanwhile the legendary beasts get squished which makes hello freaked out as they are in a way horrors creations as oh oh resurrected three recently deceased Pokemon into those three beasts theoretically a Jolteon flee around and Vaporeon by the way but anyway ho-oh revives them again but then youtube moseys on over and just defeats all of them i mean really if you look at Mewtwo cannon and think about it realistically it truly is a ridiculous creature easily godlike abilities with such psychic adept ax tude now then everybody makes fun of Groudon for being four times weak to its rival legendary Pokemon Kyogre so it's only a matter of time before they meet and guard on gets flushed also lugia is still pissed and it creates another hurricane and uh canonical its canonical that korra quaza is basically the boss of Kyogre and Groudon the guardian of the earth and the atmosphere and the theoretical creator of air so it does not like loogie as actions here and being statistically one of the most powerful Pokemon ever it defeats lugia with ease and then because the accessing require have constant beefs with each other they fight notably recalls it does eat meteorites and deoxys came from space inside of a meteorite maybe recalls at 1.89 of deoxys as friends Mewtwo and Victini are watching these goings ons in space and cosmo i'm just shatters because it's just a stupid sleeping egg and YouTube just teleports the moon away it's gone now and now it's time for a Victini lesson pokedex quote this Pokemon brings victory it is said that trainers with Victini always win regardless of the type encounter it creates an unlimited supply of energy inside its body which it shares with those who touch it when it shares the infinite energy it creates that beings entire body will be overflowing with power so I guess that's why Mewtwo is I think it lived there sorta teaming up going buddy buddy Mewtwo was smart enough to know all that inter Nick Rosa Nick Rosa absorbs light and energy for its own game and it has an extra ordinarily vicious disposition according to the text it's also extremely ferocious and impossible to control it even managed to absorb all of the natural lights in another dimension that of ultra mega appleís and the people there now live in total darkness beside their artificial lightning brutal Nick Rosemont will do whatever it needs to achieve victory even absorb the energy from Victini beefing it up it even absorbs the light from u2's attack and it knows what to do next it's immediately defeats evil tall according to the Pokedex when it's life comes to an end it absorbs the life energy of every living thing in terms of to a cocoon once more the crosnes gets away from this life absorbing power but the Pokemon all remaining on earth are no more the crows ma then takes over absorbs Nala and then absorbs all of the light energy from struggle AO as well what's olga Leia was doing up there Oh No who knows but I love it but play that bit again oh no very few Pokemon remain and ultra no crows ma knows what it must do it must absorb all the light it must win and the only place left to go is up it absorbs the Sun and heads towards our chaos but the guardians of space and time will not have their Creator harmed so they protect it Palkia splits space but ultra nack rosemont withstands the blow and begins to glow according to the Pokedex it's capable of firing laser beams from all over its body and that the light pouring from its body affects living things and nature impacting them in various ways in this case vaporizing Palkia whose very existence keeps pace together with bulky agon reality begins to warp further and Dialga the creator and protector of time has had enough and puts a stop to the flow of time a moment of peace Celebi is here too it's capable of time-travel after all but too much energy is being cooped up in a single point in space-time it's more unstable than ever so ultra and ocurro's man is able to escape and defeat Dialga whose existence ensures that time continues to flow on normally with both Palkia and Dialga defeated space and time have no force holding them together any longer reality is breaking and as ultra no crows ma approaches our chaos the creator of the universe reality splits into two separate timelines not uncommon for the Pokemon multiverse fun facts it is in game canon that each game is its own little universe my version of pokemon emerald is a different reality a different universe from your version of pokemon emerald fun stuff and there was also the firing of the ultimate weapon 3000 years ago which caused the timeline split in and of itself all that energy in one place is what it took to cause a reality split so this pokemon battle that's happening right now is definitely capable of that too in one of these new realities nick Roseman avoids the judgment of our chaos and absorbs all of the light energy from the creator deity ultra no crows ma wins but in the other reality our chaos uses its thousand arms which the Pokedex says it has though it's likely metaphorical we took it literally because it's funny to eventually grab Ultra Nick Rosa it then summons it's unknown army which is the metaphorical thousand arms we talked about to put all of its power into a single Thanos style snap or chaos we and the simulation crashes so why did our KS win because obviously while in the game its stats aren't actually that good in Cannon and pokedex lore stuff it is the creator deity and also all types at once so it has tons of resistances and also in the r KS movie it takes the full power of dialga and Palkia just to hold our chaos back for a while and that was a vastly weakened form of our chaos at that so why didn't a Crow's ma win well even in game it has higher stats than our KS and that's without absorbing an entire new Sun and if you dive deep into our KS as Laura and inspirational origins it is in many ways a creator deity of light something of being like an ax crows McCook very well absorb and that whole timeline split thing at the end was inspired by a recent theory of mine that explains some of the goings-on in the Pokemon timeline recently I'll link that video up here if you're interested in the details but long story short the Pokemon let's go games may be part of a new timeline one where nações MO wasn't defeated during the events of ultra summon ultra moon and it succeeded in absorbing all of the light from the world how that leads into let's go don't you see that may be a better now other notes Mewtwo made it super far Game Freak loves Mewtwo and is constantly upgrading its capabilities a lot of folk Amon only got brief cameos where they died and that's because they really had no chance be honest with yourself meloetta had no chance and really no earth-dwelling Pokemon had a chance because whenever yveltal gets defeated that's it for all of them on earth ain't it I mean if we take the Pokedex literally which is the whole point of this simulation Mewtwo is capable of going into space so it might have had a chance at winning til you get to the very end though really in a way and YouTube does kind of win it would definitely have the highest KD ratio overall but once that D is one you're done anyway what do you think of this animation and did you find all of the little Easter eggs there's quite a few of them there's also one master ball on the whole thing did you see it and if you did like the animation be sure to check out our other collaborative project which is all of the non legendary and mythical Pokemon doing a battle royale admittedly a lot more interesting on my end than this one I think personally anyway that was a super fun little thing to do should we do more let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin also special announcements next month we're doing an entire month about dragons and Dragon type Pokemon and then the following month we're doing an entire month about fairy-type pokémon so look forward to that subscribe oh c'mon [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 5,180,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon battle royale, pokemon battle royale reaction, terminal montage, something about, terminalmontage, terminalmontage pokemon, legendary pokemon battle royale, legendary and mythical pokemon battle royale, Legendary & Mythical Pokemon battle royale, pokemon fortnite, ultra necrozma, ultra necrozma vs arceus, arceus, battle royale pokemon, battle royale legendary pokemon, legendary pokemon, reaction, explained, pokemon science, pokemon lore, mewtwo, rayquaza, deoxys
Id: nlPXypsss60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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