Baby Pokemon Battle Royale EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin 👶🤜

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hey have you seen this video over here yet I'm gonna link it right here because this video that you're watching now he's about in that so watch that first it's another awesome animation by terminal montage that I helped to it first we did a big Pokemon battle royale with no legendaries and then we did a legendary battle royale all of them taking pokedex entries in the context including out of context because some of them can't be taken into context because they're just so ridiculous so after doing regular Pokemon and legendary Pokemon what's the next thing we could do to offer the stakes obviously baby pokemon battle royale so again watch that first link is also in the description and then watch this alright and by now you should have seen it so if you're new to the channel hi if you're into thinking too hard about Pokemon Lawrence Science I'm your guy so this pokemon battle royale is set at the Pokemon daycare where highly competitive Pokemon players and try-hards spend their years biking in circles we see various baby Pokemon doing their thing including Pichu chocking itself Biju's are unable to properly control their electricity so they often shock themselves as most commonly seen in Super Smash Brothers where Pichu hurts itself with all of its electric type effects because it's a baby dude um no better Magby has magma like blood and an internal body temperature of 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit which is 200 degrees cooler than magma it's just a baby it can't handle much more than that yet it's using all that heat to dry the tears of its friend bond sly who isn't withering like the nearby Badou this is because bond sly isn't actually a plant it's a rock in the shape of a bonsai tree it must be pretty sly to trick you but why is it even crying well because it's a baby but actually according to the Pokedex it is actually adjusting its body's fluid levels by eliminating excess isn't that what crying does to basically it hates having moisture in its body so it sweats it out through its eyes which makes it look like it's crying because it's a baby Pokemon but its friend Magby is helping it out but the heat it's creating oh it's wilting a nearby Badou and the pond that man tyke is in this upsets the group of Pokemon so the angry Badou do what do according to its pokedex it lives alongside clear ponds which is why it's here and it is sensitive to changing temperature which is why it wilts so easily it scatters pollen that induces harsh sneezing and runny noses so it does that it scatters said pollen in Magda bee's face notably according to the Pokedex from AG B each and every time it inhales and exhales hot embers dribble out of its mouth and nostrils when flames drip from its nose that means it has a cold if a Magby is spouting yellow flames from its mouth it is in good health when it is fatigued black smoke will be mixed with the flames in other words this poor thing has a runny nose and gets cold easily the dumb baby it's because it's a baby all the baby pokemon have something baby like to them it's really great it also says if Magda B falls into a small enough pond the whole thing will dry up which is also what inspired this whole bit so the pollen makes Magby sneeze and since its nose is always running it sneezes up a bunch of super hot flames and embers which evaporate the pond and the poor but do away upon witnessing this horrendous action jingling gets really sad and or scared and starts screaming as babies do pokedex it emits a high-frequency cry that people can't hear once it starts it can cry for an awfully long time it deafening high-frequency cries it's like a dog whistle except painful to everybody nobody likes this besides a goalie buff who sings along poorly because it's still a baby Azurill wants to hide and does the only thing it really does the Pokedex Azurill spins its tail as if it were a lasso then hurls it far the momentum of the throw sends its body flying to using this unique action one of these pokemon managed to hurl itself a record 33 feet and it does this to hurl itself into a bush to help muffle this sound a bit this intense sound actually manages to wake up much Lex and it upsets tae rogue who then punches and knocks the absolute heck out of Ching Ling who then bounces off of a wall and right into iggly puffs and for those who remember the regular oh c'mon battle royale according to the Pokedex once a glee buff starts bouncing it is impossible to stop so it flies into space and knocks cliff off of a satellite what was cliff and doing there pokédex it's believes to be a star reborn for some reason it loves mini are on late nights illuminated by shooting stars it gazes intensely skyward as if thinking of its home this whole line of Pokemon come from space jingling is still bouncing around and snacks right into elekid pokedex elekid stories electricity in its body if it touches metal it accidentally discharges all of its built-up electricity this Pokemon begins swinging its arms and circles to recharge itself like those crank batteries or a wind turbine meanwhile ty rogue is quote always bursting with energy is famous for its eagerness to fight and it will challenge anyone it has a very strong competitive spirit it will slug any handy target without warning so it sees this arm flailing by elekid as a challenge it looks like an inexperienced fighter fighting you know like this so it attacks but then they get knocked away by munchlax doing what munchlax do quote anything that looks edible Munchlax will go on and swallow whole it Wolf's down its weight and food once a day so it's scarfing down anything it can find until it bumps into why not why not loves to eat sweet fruits it cleverly picks fruits using its ear like arms they gather in fruit Gardens drawn by the fragrance also notably why not are like punching bags you hit them they counter and hit back harder so it knocks much legs away insert why not joke which was used quite often in the anime cuz why not Munchlax continues munching and mime jr is doing what it does it habitually mimics foes Munchlax comes across an egg eggs are pretty tasty whoops it's togepi don't BP hide in there eggs all the time but Pete you and Smoochum come to the rescue and save togepi did you know that Smoochum used their lipstick on two things gross and togepi is dead this cruel and unfazed munchlax just wants to wolf down more food so it goes to pick berries off of a berry bush and eats a zoo rules tail ball this is fine though for the munchlax according to the Pokedex zoo rules tail is filled to the brim with nutrients but obviously this hurts the zoo rule so the very caring Happiny comes over to help heal it but all much Lexie's is its egg of course it's got to eat it problem though Happiny is a baby Pokemon it's too young to actually lay eggs but like a little girl playing with the baby doll peponi quote is too small to lay eggs yet as a surrogate it searches for round white stones it carries an egg-shaped rock in imitation of chancy so much let's just say to flip and rock that's not digestible welcome to tummy ache town population not bonsly or much lacks anymore because they just exploded meanwhile ty Rogan Ella Kate are still fighting and Pichu decides to help its electric-type cousin together they summon forth a massive thunderstorm and in response Maggie summons forth a massive volcano and the Lightning brings riolu out of meditation they beat up some Mons and oh crap was that in the sky oh it's cleffa pokedex it is believed to arrive riding on shooting stars people believe that it came here on a meteor klappa are often seen in places where shooting stars have fallen that means it could survive this impact the Honorable riolu tries to warn tae Rove about this but oh my god he can't hear us he's got hair pads in Thai robes design is based on scholastic wrestling outfits which include these ear protection pads which is why it can't hear very well riolu easily takes out Klepper and now only has a single opponent why not who charges but of course can only counter-attack this leads to some animation arrogance of constant attacking and counter attacking notably Rio is a baby Lucario which is one of the most anime Pokemon there are in Smash Bros Lucario gets stronger the more damaged it is thanks to the power of aura which is somewhat inspired this moment and what led it to victory but it turns out they were all just playing it's cute it's like Rugrats and that explains all the overpowered thunderstorm and volcano and ripped mine jr. and stuff imagination imagination aside really would win most pokedex entries about baby pokemon are just about how they suck Pichu hurts itself Magby gets colds but do wiltz tyro rushes into battles it has no chance of winning elekid loses its electricity when it just bumps into metal and then like togepi makes people happy what kind of battle prowess is that at least it's not as bad as man Tyco it's friendly and it has a pattern on its back Wow why not has high endurance sure but riolu it's pokedex entries easily make it the strongest and best baby pokemon by a long shot it has the particular power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves its body is little yet powerful it can crest three mountains and cross two canyons in one night it can crest what surrey yolo can climb up and down three mountains and cross two canyons in what like seven to ten hours think of the endurance and strength on this thing think of the speed not to mention that being able to see the emotions of others is almost like a sort of light mind-reading ability you can't know exactly what your opponent is thinking but you know when they get enraged which usually means they're just about to attack it's a super useful ability which is why riolu is the winner of the baby Pokemon battle royale oh and look it's me as a toon I'm the big care guy now I'm so cute working on these battle Royales with Jeremy that's terminal montage is super fun absolutely love doing it so stay tuned for the next one and be sure to go and subscribe to his channel too is something about series is absolute gold go do it the dudes an animator it sucks to be an animator on YouTube so go give them support go and thanks so much for watching never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,437,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon battle royale, pokemon battle royale animated, legendary pokemon battle, pokemon legendary battle royale, baby pokmeon battle royale, baby pokemon battle royale explained, baby pokemon battle royale reaction, pokemon battle royale explained, terminalmontage, terminalmontage pokemon, terminalmontage pokemon reaction, terminalmontage baby pokemon, terminalmontage battle royale, terminal montage baby pokemon, baby pokemon explained
Id: V_RhSqbdXK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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