Ultimate One Planet Challenge

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[Music] but you can never strike one planet one galaxy that is the challenge we're going to be doing today ladies and gentlemen yes welcome to a one planet challenge of galactic proportions so we're going to go out and play a game on maximum difficulty yes grand admiral no scaling will also bring the crisis forwards by i don't know let's say a hundred years and make it an unbidden crisis for extra spiciness because as some of you may know the unbidden are really a very tricky little crisis to have they clump up oh so tightly oh my goodness me and then you've got this kind of death ball oh no and to do all of that we will be stuck to just one world that's basically what that title means and we will try to make that world as tall as possible we won't be declaring victory and that is victory over the game victory over the entire galaxy until we have defeated both the crisis and all of the fallen empires in addition to all of the regular empires out there in space so sit tight get your popcorn ready to make it a little bit more interesting we'll also be throwing a bit of role play here today and so ladies and gentlemen let's dive straight in and meet the holy jeff imperium will be trying to touch the face of god our home planet babel or babel depending on how you want to pronounce it is an ocean world we're going for ocean paradise and we're going to be doing something of a one planet challenge we are going for yes a one planet challenge and we're gonna make this planet as big as we possibly can in stellaris ocean paradise means we will start with a size 30 home world which is very good and as long as we take the hydrocentric ascension perk we'll be able to use these frozen worlds to boost some of that size up to juicy juicy stuff aquatic jeff is a noble and peaceful people though uh they do have some authoritarian issues but generally speaking they love the aliens as long as they fit somewhere into the feudal structure of the holy jeff imperium if you want to recreate this game here are the settings i'm using today let's get ready to rumble oh yes here it is the holy babel absolutely massive size 30 we've got some beautiful ocean paradise here and of course we have our lovely governor hanno everything presided over by grand architect jeff who lead us into a great and glorious future as the tower of babel reaches right up into the sky to touch the face of god and little did the people of this currently tiny backwater know the great role they would have to play in events yet to come as it turns out when you strike a god a god strikes back but for now their journey is only beginning unfortunately for the imperium they have found themselves trapped in a nebula right at the start now that is a benefit as well but it means we have no expertise no knowledge of what lies beyond our home to this end another science ship has been commissioned crewed by the mighty eshbayal who will go out into the unknown regions and try to discover what's out there when faced with determining a first contact policy for the mighty jeff imperium the holy empire of jeff of course jeff decided to greet the galaxy with complete and open arms out in the depths of space lies the planet of wexalia now this is an ocean world very much suited to our own needs very much suited to the people of jeff but we will not be touching it we will not set one jeffian foot down upon the surface of this accursed rock because as every jeff knows to leave the home world is to caught death however down on the surface we seem to have found some creatures who could be coaxed into sentience and it would surely not be wrong for them to set foot on their own world right in the depths of the halam system we've made contact with our first ineffable and a noble alien race only time will tell if they accept the true wisdom of jeff or not sharonia iv stands as a testament to what can happen to a world without careful cultivation by divine hands this world share it for is a tomb world a desolate inhospitable planet which not long ago definitely supported life beautiful and technological but was of course led down the wrong path they didn't build a planet big enough for them and that is just the kind of nonsense we're trying to get away from here at jeff hq and if you're enjoying this video please use the like button to make it as tall as possible with the advent of hydroponics farming that now gives us the opportunity to once and for all and all agricultural production on babel every single farmer will be turned away from the fields as we can now produce enough food to support our entire population in the depths of space after a long and extensive process of first contact we now have communications with our first alien race the universities of jolnar of course we should open our arms these people love is a friendship set to music noble hilar they have reached out to us with a research agreement surely they wish to share their technology to build our towel of babel right up to the stars to that end the grand architect jeff has now decreed we must form a federation with these vastly inferior yet amazingly magnificent alien people to our north we've met yet more mysterious space fare is the pie aliens only time will tell if they are more of an apple or a cherry flavor we've got quite a few alloys saved up it would be a fantastic idea and the grand architect has completely agreed with me on this one that we need to reinforce our fleet and throw out a whole bunch more of the luminary of creation class corvettes the pie aliens turned out to be the divine hadeshi nation another race of interestingly ocean-going aquatic cats we must further the project we must make sure that babel is the largest planet in the known universe to effect we brought in some external contractors the universities of joel are and they together with us have now formed a mighty federation this legal agreement should bind them to our political goals to our north east we've now met the prime aliens little is known about this crazy gestalt consciousness but we will investigate and find out more we have offered them a gift of consumer goods which they have lovingly accepted we're not entirely sure what they're going to do with all of these new ipads we we're not entirely sure what they're going to do with all of these new jeff pads we've sent over but i hope they have fun with the completion of our diplomacy tradition we've now unlocked a complete mastery over nature this will be the first stage in many of our project to increase the size of babel the tl galactic league a belligerent avian race very close to us uh bordering us both to the north and to the south which is as you may well know very dangerous have gone to war with the hitherto unknown rolling space stones the rolling space stones are subterranean in origin so my scientists tell me they'll find this ordeal less threatening than a gentle tickle so as to push the goals of our grand architect yet further we've helped to establish a galactic community this interplanetary body will help establish policies such as regulatory facilitation which will enable us to build bigger and better than ever before through our force of arms the divine hadeshi nation has come to realize that the only way to truly stay safe in this turbulent galaxy is to sign this subjugation agreement when the choice is to sign or to starve there is no choice what followed next was a period of great instability for the jeff people as agreements and diplomatic ties changed and shifted like smoke in the wind yet by remaining vigilant resolute and always keeping friendship peace and love in their hearts they rode above this wave of transgression into a bright and more glorious future or at least that's what they've written in their history books in a stunning move the universities of jolnar actually left our federation apparently we had some artistic differences with our vision it seems the divine hadeshi nation did seem to upset them somewhat we may never leave the mighty babel and set foot on other worlds yet still we would like to have a home away from home and for that reason we will be setting up an overlord garrison on skildaria the home of these aquatic cats weather control systems a key aspect of our policy to build taller and higher will be necessary on the planet of babel and we will find it out how to do this peace could not come soon enough for the tr galactic league not only did they lose dramatically to the rolling space stones the akano centralized dominions a rebel faction with beautiful coats has broken away from them and the akano actually have agreed to do some remote work on our new towers meanwhile the teal had been left as a vassal a mere vassal under the rolling space stones the passing of a titan jeff the grand architect the visionary who believed that babel should reach as far into the night sky as he could possibly see is dead in his place grand architect jeff ii has stepped forwards he has some new ideas about the optimization of lesser species we're going to sign a new diplomatic agreement with the divine herdessy nation we are going to alter the deal i am altering the deal pray i don't offer it any further oh how the mighty have fallen the universities of jolnar our much larger southern neighbor who were once don't forget external contractors working on our project lost a long and bloody war to the prime aliens to the north and we are now forced to reach out and offer our protection and bring them back into the fold of the faulty towers we have established a colony space belgium now that would seem to be counter to our principles of only having one planet in today's challenge but don't worry i'm going to get rid of them almost immediately new space belgium which we will establish as a scolarium should offer keen new technical insights for the expertise of building on our new capital and to our deep south we've just founded a new company a fun company the space hardware store these are going to help us with all of our hardware needs because we're going to set up this space hardware store as a prospectorium so we're going to get lots of juicy juicy resources that we can use to expand the tower of babel and unfortunately for our neighbours to the north we do require even more resources from 15 to 30 of their basic income in order to make sure our construction projects get well underway our empire must become more and more specialized and find new and exciting ways to live on the only world that we have chosen to have at the heart and center of our galactic empire galactic terraforming project and for that reason the great architect the grand architect jeff has chosen to go for hydrocentric anti-gravity engineering will finally unlock the module we need and the ability to build our towers taller deeper i'm not really sure where we're going forward not backward upward not forward and always twirling twirling twirling towards freedom with great fanfare the expansion of the planetary sea the expansion of babel is beginning and it's clear with all of this that uh grand architect jeff ii has developed quite an eye for talent reeling from a lost war with the prime civilization to our east the galactic transport guild has finally agreed to join our mighty construction project as an external contractor this brings the total number of external contractors all the way up to six and we're doing pretty well babel itself is currently at size 35 it is beautiful the grand architect jeff ii is very pleased we're getting some of that from the expanded planetary seas we've also begun constructing habitation modules in orbit around the planet in addition to our alloy processing facilities this is making babel an economic powerhouse in the year 2275 grand architect jeff iii instigated a massive change in the faulty towers galactic union we are now having a galactic fleet centralization has moved up the federation fleet has been born and every member must begin constructing ships as soon as possible at the universities though they are not a scolarium they've taken on the main contract here for our research production they're paying quite a nice tithe and the grand architect is very happy with their progress the last of our wild neighbors the primes have finally agreed and come together with the grand architect to join in this mighty construction project and the holy jeff imperium has brought peace and prosperity to its new empire if you're enjoying this video and the other videos on this channel you can help to support the channel by either becoming a channel member clicking the join button down below or becoming a channel patreon there's a link to that down in the description you can also use these super thanks to directly support the channel as well or finally you could purchase something from the humble bundle store using the link down in the description below until the 15th of june you can get your hands on a great city building game by paradox interactive city skylines for as little as 1 euro you can also get the full bundle on humble bundle including 9 expansions and 21 add-ons for less than 20 euro the link is down in the description below but all of this all of these external resources and external partners mean nothing they are but tools to further the great work of our grand architect babel currently supports a total of 39 districts and it is a beautiful site we have 25 industrial districts working away feverishly a whole host of city districts and the generator and mining districts on the outskirts on the orders of the grand architect are being phased out over time thankfully our lovely neighbours the primes a collective consciousness to the north east are now supplying us with enough subsidies to cover our basic resource requirements so it won't be a problem there in a moment of great beneficence the great architect jeff himself has agreed we should remove the garrison buildings on our vassal uh on our partner world and replace them with aid agencies such that we can greater help these poor poor people that don't have the power nay the magnificence of being jeff babel that holy cradle of civilization is now full to the brim with districts yes that's right we have 40 districts on this single planet but in order to continue expanding and creating a larger bigger and better world we have to change tact we can no longer expand the planetary seas and for that reason we must embark on a new project an arcology project on this a size 40 world the rolling space stones fearful due to their bordering of the macaw citizen republic have finally agreed to join the great project just as it nears completion for reasons we cannot quite fathom the universities of jolnar are destroying our local neighbors that is the rehab marauders i i couldn't quite work out why they're doing it but doing it they are nonetheless with babel encased we can now strike out against the gods themselves as you see this gives us basically double the number of districts to work with we can in essence double the size of our already enormous planet and migration is now going to go through the roof as we have so many available jobs for every member of society due to our very low empire sprawl we can get one of these ambitions for as little as 170 unity absolutely bonkers uh spies are now reporting the divine hideshi nation is about to open the l cluster that could be a little dangerous though the holy jeff imperium stands ready economically to step in what with our single planet and all we've noticed something a little terrifying it seems that trans jeff yes jeff that have been cybernetically altered by some nefarious power in the galaxy are now on the slave market and being sold as slaves well we're going to uh obviously bring them back to babel for a bit of genetic testing babel will also ascend by ascending we reduce the burden of this massive world on our empire's resources and it gets a little bit better terrifyingly the universities of joel na have now upgraded themselves well they claim to have upgraded into uh what we can only describe as some sort of cybernetic suit we assume they're still alive inside of that thing but we we really can't know for certain although hopefully this helps them with their role as an external contractor the divine hadeshi nation our vassal our subject our external contractors sorry there was a bit of a translation error there they seem to have opened the l gates luckily they have not appeared to be occupied by a hostile entity at this time we've met the decimal consonants the prime aliens have completed a science nexus this is beyond our technical capabilities at the moment but we would like to get our hands on some of that juicy juicy technology so we are going to do a little bit of contract renegotiation we discovered a shielded world now the world in question does seem to have something of a crack in its shielding we see some alien creatures down below on the surface uh for that reason we've decided to interrupt the time loop possibly we could learn something about planetary construction this way i'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong as it turns out by ending the time loop uh we did cause the civilization on the planet below to nuke themselves into oblivion unfortunately that leaves us with something of an interesting two world here but we could colonize this if we really wanted to we are running into something of a population issue on babel so we've got plenty of plenty of space plenty of jobs but we just can't seem to get the migration in fast enough to that end we are going to uh purchase some sentient individuals from the sentient market just to fill up some jobs unfortunately we did immobilize the scavenger bot somewhere in the galaxy and then brought its wrecked husk back to babel what this allowed us to do was get an extra 20 alloys from jobs it is nonsensical let's go over and check out our lovely planet um we're just regular biologicals here and we're making 18.7 alloys per pop which um yeah that's that's a lot yes and very soon the imperium this great project would need those alloys everyone for a great storm was brewing in the galaxy not a physical storm but a storm of warfare a storm of bloodshed and a storm of devastation that would sweep aside any vestige of the old order and put a new order in place the culture who are currently a vassal under the mighty maca citizen republic our antithesis on the western fringe of the galaxy has pledged secret fealty to our empire along with that the zinn empire has also pledged their troops and their support to us and now it is only fair that we bring in these new partners these new uh contractors into our great project as it is the only show in town uh this is going to be a war of galactic proportions but there is nothing we can do about it we must find a solution that enables the freeing of both the culture and the sin we will have a vote in the in the faulty towers federation and it seems with our vote to be yes that's a that's a yes overall uh and yeah we are now at war ladies and gentlemen we are at war unfortunately it does seem that zinn are somewhat being decimated i don't know how to put it in that by their evil oppressors the maca citizen republic not to worry our mighty faulty towers federation fleet the very reason that the city that is in felt they could actually stand up to their evil overlords well they're on the way to do the job and great news in the midst of this galactic war for the soul and future of our galaxy the triarch vestige the would-be gods themselves have decided to attempt to humiliate the holy jeff imperium in response to this direct threat to the republic mr proponent that the senate give immediately emergency powers to the supreme chancellor riding on the back of this obvious crisis to the galaxy the only power capable of standing up to the evils that exist here we the holy jeff imperium have been nominated as custodian of the galactic community [Laughter] it is with great reluctance that i have agreed to this calling i love democracy i love the republic the power you give me i will lay down when this crisis has awakened to that end grand architect jeff has proposed a galactic defense force is needed to counter the evil citizen republic if it's got republic in the name you know it's not democratic and as my first act with this new authority i will create a grand army of the republic and we've pushed that through as an emergency measure so it's on the floor immediately thankfully our mighty subsidiary friends are also voting in favor of this praise be jeff the grand architect his vision enshrined forever in the mighty towers of babel that are breaching the sky don't forget ladies and gentlemen just as our forefathers always wanted and believe has had to dissolve the peaceful advancement league yes it was a great tool to get him into power but between you and me the obedience loyalty and duty vanguard have completely supplanted it in usefulness and need meanwhile in the saratoni system our ships are brave boys have engaged the enemy the first fleet of the citizen republic will be attacked and defeated in the hethara system a large fleet of battle cruisers and escorts has already made their way through our space and are continuing on the aggressive we are forming up indorelyon at the moment though i'm not sure we have the military might to resist them the first casualty of this war has been a noble construction ship their lives will forever be remembered in the journals of our people meanwhile the moka citizen republic are aggressively pushing they're pushing into the rolling stones and the tl block uh cutting us off down in the south here but our boys in blue our brave republic fleet has moved in we have brought a super weapon uh that they have not expected and we're not accounting for to drown the stones to death yes that's right we're going to use the power of water because everyone knows water always beats rock and it seems just in the uh nick of time we have had a reinforcement fleet arrive here thank goodness together they might be able to hold against this uh evil and deceptive enemy force and there we are we've engaged them uh we served some massive losses to our federation forces though our own personal armies are doing fine and we've also had amazing we also had another fleet arrived just in time to save the day the brave federation forces have now besieged the enemy capital this is the citizen republic's capital and we are bombarding it down however it is taking some time in order to do this more efficiently the grand architect has agreed we can move from a selective bombardment stance to indiscriminate allowing the full use of all orbital weaponry with no regard for the apparent life on the surface for as we all know rocks are not alive the people's republic of north birchville have taken being a vassal to the next level they're a subsidiary of the marquar citizen republic yet not only is the makar citizen republic their overlord there is actually a marker in charge of the people's republic as well truly terrifying one can only hope and pray for the future of their society unfortunately we also seem to be having something of a crime problem has broken out on our capital the ever trustworthy governor asceniation seems to not be quite as righteous as he claims uh yes and and this will need a swift a swift change in policy precinct houses are being built hopefully we're going to be able to uh get rid of this we're also coming to the rescue of one of our contractors the tl block we've flown into what seems to be something of an ambush quite a few fleets set up here two attackers hopefully we can survive but this engagement is not a favorable one for us crawlers the capital of the rolling stones is under bombardment they are doing a laughably tiny amount of damage though if you can see here point not one percent per day and the cavalry have just arrived the universities of joel na are now having a bit of a problem with triac vestige luckily we jumped in there and annihilated the enemy pretty much instantaneously then allowing us to reconnect our hyperlane network and it's beautiful to see our allies here working together in concert to attack the enemy it's it's it's lovely actually to see that happening truly a sight to behold teamwork makes the dream work the remaining concentration of birchville ships and citizen republic ships are great enemies in this galactic war have mainly been contained here in the yathmir system to the south are mighty federation fleet outfitted with five titans no less stands ready to jump in and to the north with 12 titans strong and that's an important point you could just build titans in a galactic defense force fleet if you really wanted to is preparing to jump in and seize the moment bringing you the action live here we go and there are the titan beams firing up from both sides it is a glorious sight to see i wonder if we have brought enough ships though from what i can tell the devastation and the damage is astronomical it's it's it's glorious and there we are an overwhelming and devastating victory here lie the corpses and the destroyed ships of our enemy who i don't think they will any more be able to mount an effective defense against us meanwhile a galactic power surge has been detected our scientists are analyzing this don't forget we are fully at war with half of the galaxy and a fallen empire let's see what we can do with just a single planet finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary and it seems the unbidden have broken through we are getting a transmission directly from them and it doesn't seem good um no the grand architect has received a message from the econo centralized dominions they have engaged the enemy but the situation is dire yes the unbidden have actually spawned directly in amongst aldebaran 2 with around 2 million fleet power unfortunately this all seemed to have proved too much for the grand architect jeff iii who died at the ripe old age of 117 [Music] his successor grand architect jeff iv promises swift and decisive action while still suppressing pacifism don't forget and it seems the unbidden already have reinforcements and are moving out to attack other locations we must move quickly if the republic is to survive all fleets are now being recalled directly to the home world and we're going to be upgrading everything to make sure that it has the correct weaponry in this time of crisis galactic mobilization is the only way forward it's a clear path and we are going to follow it there is now also overwhelming support and a clear case for gdf expansion the unbidden have begun an invasion of our space this is now the time to react all fleets are being sent in that is this giant blob of monstrosity here including both the galactic defense force fleet and the federation fleet we're preparing now for our very first engagement our first catch of the day and here they come here are the fleets it's quite a bloody battle it looks like our forces are giving it a good show but we may be slightly outmatched here in terms of our manpower requirements we do need to defend medgar to the north if this fleet from falun gong manages to get there we could have some real big logistics issues it is also now the time for desperate measures we uh yeah yeah we need that too due to the hyper relay network we've managed to move some fleets up in defense but i'm not sure it's going to be enough what can men do against such reckless hate and thankfully here come the major reinforcements just in time this is now a fair fight analyze this fight pattern scanning we've analyzed their pattern and now we're going to attack countermeasures ready let's kick his ass we're gonna jump straight in here oh there we go but the unbidden have they backstabbed us they've jumped they've used their jump to get into our space she can't do that or something faster than we could react we need to get back and defend our people immediately and there we are we've made it in we arrived in a bit of a haphazard fashion it seems but we did achieve victory nonetheless the largest of the unbidden fleets fleet 1.1 million is moving into our space now it's taken the amu and it's moving up to south droppas it is only four jumps away from babel apparently apparently well it might be possible to fail and now we really do have a bit of an issue the unbidden moving up three very large fleets along this corridor towards haven star towards our glorious planet we've regrouped our forces here in the haven star system and now we're going to press the attack because a good offense because a good defense is a good arm because offense is a good defense you know that's the line i don't know we're using the hyper lanes as well too devastating effect here because they are not being destroyed immediately by the unbidden so we're able to still use them to press the attack even after we have lost the system here's a great example of this we've just jumped in to the core dip system and we're going to take this fleet apart the glebzig foundation seemed to have awoken in order to attempt to deal with this galactic threat they've called themselves the galactic defense league and claimed to be the guardians of the galaxy complete hogwash as everyone knows the seat of true power in this galaxy is the mighty babel in haven star and that is ruled over by the grand architect jeff and his subsequent generation this is probably going to be the biggest engagement so far here we come in with thousands of fleet power i'm hoping yes here come the reinforcements the gdf fleet arrived first but they were quickly followed by everyone else and while they did not know it at the time this battle would turn out to be the main turning point history books would mark this day as the day that the imperium the holy jeff imperium drew a line in the sand and said this far no further the triac vestige one of the first nations to think themselves above us have been completely subjugated we now accept their complete and unconditional surrender there is a dimensional anchor here in the cam system once we take this anchor out we've only a few short jumps away from aldebaran and then we should be able to once and for all remove this stinking filth from our galaxy that will only lead the maca citizen republic who generally speaking have been pretty much subjugated yeah they've lost the war and we finally managed to roll colonial bureaucracy in 2350 that's kept us out of having things like uh code breaking quantum hacking encryption all of that lovely stuff yeah we've been unable to benefit from that because we simply couldn't roll this technology i know it's a little ironic as a minor piece of technical legislative change we have uh changed up the custodianship agreement now it will no longer have a specific term limit the galaxy can choose at any time to end the custodianship if they want to be unprotected and die a horrible death we have another dimensional anchor here that we will have to take down it should be destroyed it will be destroyed we can achieve victory for the whole galaxy with our main fleets away these two smaller fleets here of 300 and 160 000 are going to present something of a problem we have a minor task force here of 350 000 but they are too far away to help immediately we will prepare by initiating a jump they'll get there in 14 days and we'll time that to coincide with the arrival of our other forces here is a galactic pincer maneuver let's hope it pays off we won but we did suffer massive casualties our other forces have been left scattered but this seems to be the culmination of our long campaign a gdf fleet matching a federation fleet they're going to fly in here to aldoran and hopefully we can get the job done this is the final fight against the unbidden let's see if we can prevail i have hope and faith in our good soldiers there goes the last anchor and there is the dimensional portal the galaxy is now a safer place but with the greatest military threat dealt with political threats are starting to creep out of the woodwork yes the jeffy and people and their project are still not safe and there is more work to be done the last possible threat to us in the galaxy is the glesbig peacekeepers an awakened ascendancy that claimed the mantle of responsibility they are imperious to us and believe with their superior with their apparent superior technology and floating cities in the sky they can dictate policy to us as a galaxy we will end the threat that they currently pose to all of us war will be waged and we will succeed stage one in this three-stage plan is going to be to intervene and attack their forces where they are strongest wiping them out in a blitzkrieg we're going to go in with a triple their numbers and hopefully we achieve victory we've engaged in illya that is uh yep that's the confirmed engagement ilya has fallen the star base there was also engaged here at hexa they have three titans but that won't be enough to defend them from our ships fearsome firepower cannot defend them long enough their time has come to an end my friends the grand architect has seen the end of all things glesbic and we must make it so they have not one but two weapons of mass destruction colossi that can render an entire planet dead we must for the sake of the galaxy eliminate these weapons before they fall into the wrong hands or are used in anger there the terror weapon has been defeated and we are one step closer to achieving peace in our time the ancient glesbig peacekeepers a precursor state has finally been defeated but in the midst of this great war tragedy has struck an evil cabal of maca generals and admirals obviously disheartened by their loss and subjugation and final inclusion into our federation have attempted to assassinate the grand architect jeff v has been left scarred and deformed but he assures the galactic community his resolve has never been stronger yet through the actions of these dispossessed maca it is clear the current order is not working in order to ensure the security and continuing responsibility the republic will be reorganized [Music] your society [Music] and with his position cemented as the ultimate ruler of the galaxy the eternal emperor jeff emperor of the eternal empire ruling from on high on the planet of babel the largest and most populous world in the known universe with a district size of 40 districts and a production capacity i think in combination equal to every other empire in the galaxy eternal emperor jeff has revealed himself as a psychic indeed the entire jefferian people have been ascending the veil has been lifted and they have now taken their place on high as the psychic rulers of the universe there are no other threats there are no other enemies there are no other powers at play only jeff and his eternal throne at the imperial palace where metal urges are making 19.7 alloys per population holy moly but that was the one planet challenge i still have only got one planet there were times when i grabbed an extra planet but i quickly made them vassals and did get rid of them this has been a long playthrough we've managed to get to the end here of our fun one planet challenge and we've made the biggest planet i think it's possible to make in stellaris a size 40 world yet insane absolutely insane given it's just one of the starting worlds we begun with wow uh yeah next level stuff having only one planet was a great challenge but what would happen to an empire that was forced to both adopt communist and capitalist principles if you'd like to know how that goes click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 543,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris story, stellaris let's play, stellaris let's play 2022, stellaris overlord, stellaris one planet strategy, stellaris one planet challenge, stellaris one planet, stellaris one planet build, stellaris one planet challenge 3.4, stellaris 1 planet challenge, stellaris 1 planet strategy, stellaris challenge, stellaris challenge run, stellaris challenge ideas
Id: nP8sZgpY3ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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