Stellaris No Conquest Payback Challenge

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victory is mine look your stupid bastard you've got no arms left just a flesh wound look stop that chicken right all right we call it a draw today we'll be playing Stellaris and we'll be trying to do a no Conquest challenge that means we will not launch a single offensive War Liberation Wars are still fine and under some specific circumstances we can also grab a planet or two but we can't out and out decide to attack our weaker neighbors we are also going to be throwing it a little bit of role play along with this challenge of course and for that reason today I present to you the United Earth government will be attempting to get their revenge on minimar Specialized Industries we're going to be playing with one of the new Origins from Stellaris first Contact payback this is a challenging origin we're going to start with 10 fewer pops than normal which is going to be quite an economic hit we'll also start with several important Technologies like the ability to build military ships completely disabled we will be getting two benefits though the first is a special archeology site in our system which is the destroyed Battleship of the former Invaders and the second is a bonus in damage to militarily Superior Empires and I can tell you we might end up facing off against just a few Superior Empires but this challenge video isn't only a challenge it is of course also a role play so let's discuss the backstory of the United Earth government and how on Earth we got to this point well minimar specialized Industries one day came down from the sky and invaded the planet Earth now MSI would like us to believe that our forefathers signed some form of contract it's entirely untrue no human would ever be so stupid as to sign a contract giving away all of their rights I can only assume but when the inevitable war against these invading despots broke out we fought back we recovered some of their technology and we used it to annihilate them in the space above the planet Earth and in the aftermath of this battle the Myriad governments of Earth that were left over came together in the spirit of unity which is kind of unheard of for the human race but let's continue in the spirit of unity and formed the United Earth government times however were tough a fnatic egalitarian point of view from the veterans and survivors of this long and bloody planetary war for independence meant that when the government came to distribute its resources nothing less than a shared Society a shared burden would be accepted by the veteran Elites Elite so I'd like to point out had decided that War or conflict as a means to an end is a ridiculous concept It Is by its nature destructive and destroys what was to be obtained in the fight for the freedom of Earth Earth as we know it was entirely lost but anyway yes we're kind of communist shared burdens ignore the communism part of it today ladies and gentlemen we are rationing we're still rationing on going that sort of thing that's what we're rping this with any distinct belief that everyone should get their fair share but of course to balance that we need good representation and thus a robust parliamentary system was enacted by the United Earth government from every level all the way down to the people on the street you the public are represented it's kind of a dystopian future but in some ways it's kind of better than what we've got look let's just go through it um of course I've kept humans pretty much the same as the bog standard ones adaptive nomadic and wasteful you can't seem to help yourselves with throwing your trash in the ground pretty unique human trait that while most other aliens would either burn it recycle it or just not create trash in the first place I've been told but anyway moving on today we're going for a no Conquest challenge that means I will not be launching any Conquest Wars I may claim some system items defensively uh yes defensive claiming to fully enforce this I have taken the pacifist ethic which means I cannot use the unrestricted Wars policy also can't do indiscriminate orbital Obama but like that's fine this means I can only do The Liberation or defensive Wars policy I'm going to be going with Liberation you'll see why hopefully a little bit later we're gonna have some fun with that and I of course a bit earlier did have to somewhat bend over backwards to explain why in the aftermath of this fight on Earth the people that had just won their freedom through military means decided pacifism was the way forwards they have decided that get over it we're moving forwards ladies and gentlemen if you want to play along at home these are the settings I'm going to be using today and speaking of playing at home let's take a moment to talk about the sponsor of today's video Odyssey your space your way by 505 games the fate of humanity literally rests on your shoulders in this thrilling space adventure build explore and manage your or crew to collect resources repair and expand your ship and upgrade its technology you can mine nearby asteroids discover lost alien Tech and defend your ship from a host of alien creatures you and your crew are responsible for the arc Mothership and only you can save Humanity from a doomed fate you can try the game out for yourself in Early Access by following the link down in the description below and if you're still not sure you can also check out my recent playthrough of the game Link in the description the future of humanity depends on you will you rise to the challenge in Odyssey your space your way Legend tells that when the visitors from the Stars revealed themselves they offered us a fair contract technological Enlightenment to be repaid in installments turns out the price they wanted were the very people from our world when our leaders protested The Outsiders turned violent and we fought back we won though barely and own only after suffering sizable losses our scientists have finally reverse engineered the secrets of FTL travel from the ships we destroyed it's a big Galaxy out there but sooner or later we're sure to meet our benefactors again in fact we're looking forward to it it's time to get some payback allegedly the human race is even forgotten how to do the scientific method don't worry Ibrahim kadam is on it and in only a short time he's going to tell us exactly how we can do the science again good job Ibrahim the arrival of the Invaders did unite our planet now that we have regained control of our destiny there is work to be done and Candace cross knows it ladies and gentlemen that's why she is your Governor today tomorrow forever we've also got quite a bit of Devastation and this nasty debris field the orbiting debris from the wrecked Minima ship frequently rains down upon the planet below any surface infrastructure will require more regular and intensive maintenance to repair the dam Damage Done the destroyed MSI warship stands resplendent as a testament not only to the strength and Ingenuity of our people but the oppression and hostility of Minima specialized Industries together citizens as one we will explore the universe and fight fascism or something probably with the war over the needs of our populace must become the priority economic might not military prowess is what human civilization will be founded on we're gonna have that sweet sweet plus 25 extra consumer goods so that we can actually have a Fighting Chance Larry dogger the presiding speaker of the human race is a space Miner that's going to help us set up our initial civilizational stuff and also a little bit warlike he does not shy away from conflict but ladies and gentlemen courage is not the absence of fear it's being afraid yet getting on with the job anyway with our first in Interstellar ship built the UNS Mississippi a construction ship debate is being sparked all across the planet Earth on what we should do if we ever find non-minima aliens that might not wish us any harm some are advocating for establishing friendly relations as quickly as possible others advise caution pointing out that our friendly nature is exactly what led us to imprisonment and betrayal a third more radical group push for preemptive action the best way to avoid a second invasion is to hit them first they say no more will we bow to the will of the xenos well we're going to go with caution at the moment and now that we have peace we're going to have peace festivals all across the planet the Triton mining station stands as a testament to human achievement no more will only the resources of Earth be used to fuel the industries of human Ingenuity a new time of prosperity has dawned for us all and with this Prosperity it is time to construct our first exploratory vessel and venture out into the cold darkness of space Salvador Rodriguez will go where no man has gone before clean up crew reporting a successful job the Skies over Earth are now clear in the nearby Syria system our scientists have made a Monumental Discovery a planet capable of supporting Earth-like life a rushed colonization project is currently underway citizens no longer will the human race keep all of their eggs in a single fragile basket this new world will be a Haven to all and if you're enjoying this video please liberate that like button our Diversified network of the full enfranchisement Society party which uh now receive 100 of the support of the population well they're happy to report that everyone is at maximum happiness there is no further happiness that could ever possibly be achieved it's simply bamboozling all those in favor friends carried you animus Lee uh we have a bogey I repeat we have a bogey unidentified spacecraft this is the UNS Sojourner come in and the only thing we get back is garbled gobbledygook in the year 2206 we found a nascent civilization in the pre FTL era above knock and three the UNS Sojourner will be investigating further we shall not however be repeating the mistakes of the past these people will be protected from outside interference on that beautiful Jewel of a world around the serious star world called haven we found something a little strange we found what can only be described as a doorway to another dimension our crews are cleaning through the debris of the destroyed MSI warship have found bodies bodies of the ship's crew or rather what is left with them what to do with these remains is a matter of public debate some demand we parade them through our cities others claim that even villains deserve a Proper Burial or as we are going to present them over to our scientists so as to fully understand the nature of this alien threat from the edge of the solar system a small self-propelled cash entered loudly announcing its arrival with a signal Beacon once retrieved this cat revealed its Grim content a lengthy list detailing all the military assets we destroyed during the war against our Invaders complete with crew casualties and the estimated value of each destroyed vessel this will not be allowed to stand these lies shall be put to rest for good allegedly some form of debt collection agency will be contacting us to settle the matter little did Humanity know the arrival of the capsule at the edge of the solar system was the beginning of the end it continued a long path that had been set in motion hundreds of years before with the arrival of minnamas specialized Industries If Only They had known that this was a harbinger of Doom they may have been more careful in vetting their allies but alas they clung to their ravaged Homeworld unaware of the catastrophic events that were about to unfold the capsule's message became a subject of ridicule but its ominous presence alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of all who dared to guess its true meaning presiding speaker is now ji Zhao who was the leader of almost the only party the full enfranchisement Society his 2210 we're going to begin researching Corvettes for the first time the small astrometric lab on our observation post-orbiting nakam 3 has detected a class IV asteroid on an incoming trajectory unless action is taken this asteroid will impact the planet's southern hemisphere with enough Force to cause an extinction level event a National Emergency has been declared as the fate of this knocker Nation completely unbeknownst to themselves lies in the balance our mission of massive observation would typically prohibit us from intervening but many of our scientists have argued for an exception in this case to do nothing would mean to condemn the Yukon Society on nachem 3 to certain Doom our star base has engaged with its mass driver hopefully that can weaken this asteroid before it hits the planet meanwhile we have made contact with the Council of tesnar fnatic egalitarians yet distrustful of aliens rightfully so we'd have to assume peace be with them tesnitz in light of this threat on our borders in light of the asteroid hurtling towards the people of norcom 3 an Interstellar task force of peace and defense will be established led by these era class Corvette ships with helpful lasers that can remove obstacles they will be at the Forefront of human exploration be used for good not evil okay just before the asteroid reached the planet our forces managed to knock it out what fragments reached the atmosphere burned up safely but they were witnessed by the pre FTL aliens of the yokanan society they do not know after that light show however how close they really came to Absolute Cosmic Annihilation we've just gained complete control of the derelict warship systems we must now decide what to do with it depending on our needs it could be a powerful asset for either war or research presiding speaker Zhao has decreed after much soul searching and to speaking with many members of the community that a warship would be most necessary to secure our position in the galaxy and continue enabling human sovereignty today tomorrow and forever right on Q in 2215 the used car salesmen have arrived we refuse pay Bring It On You Evil cretins oh they have more ships than us we've lost some ships but overall we can comfortably say not today the fight was Bloody the fight was brutal 20 of all service Personnel just died in that conflict we came out Victorious nonetheless this fresh attack on our sovereignty demands nothing less than immediate action clearly the presiding speaker's path of choosing a restoration of this destroyed MSI warship is the correct way forwards together ladies and gentlemen of the United Earth governments let us Safeguard the future of the human race the first speaker's fateful decision to re-arm the MSI warship would later prove to be wise as time marched forward ominous events began to unfold hinting at a bleak future for the Earth what those events were no one could know for sure but there was a palpable sense of impending doom the air was thick with tension and unease as people waited anxiously for what was to come the path of time seemed to be leading towards a dark and foreboding destination and the rearmament of the warship may have been Humanity's Only Hope for survival ladies and gentlemen citizens of Earth and her Associated colonies I have grave news data on the alien vessels we encountered in the nemolan system was met with a shudder of recognition familiar ship designs marked by an emblem we learned to fear the winged logo of minimar specialized Industries our former Invaders have been found and it's only a matter of time until they realize the ships they cited are ours fueled by their own technology a new contact may be unavoidable we can avoid repeating past errors we will be watching them the restored warship is resplendent and now represents the greatest in Firepower our nation has to offer coming in with basic strikecraft and analog Mass drivers its cloaking field is state of the art never before have human borders been safer well there's a size 25 Relic world just around the corner from our Capital but I cannot conquer it of course silly me no Conquest yay it's great war broke out on nakam three a small group who had managed to accumulate far too much wealth allowed the entire world to plunge into chaos we stood by as our policies made clear that we must and did nothing the war on knock em 3 is now over one by one the defiant revolutionaries fell as the bodies piled high the dominant faction continued to profit from a war triggered by their own greed the status quo has been restored and cries for Revolution have gone silent this is unacceptable the Council of tesnar whilst allegedly cordial have been very very difficult to convince that their xenophobia is simply wrong for that reason we're going to impose use an ideology war on them we're commencing wealth redistribution and through that little portal we found earlier well it turns out yeah there's a Mirror Universe back there weird right here we go we're fighting them in the capital we took it we're taking it back we're gonna knock them out once we're all they are just no match for our recovered asset the Earth's Navy had believed they had won the battle but the forces against them were not so easily defeated little did they know their enemies had not retreated in defeat but in preparation for a surprise attack on the heart of human civilization heads would roll for the admiralty's failure to imagine such a devastating strike the looming threat hung heavy in the air and the realization of what was to come fueled the hearts of all with foreboding as alien warships once more flew above the Skies of Earth well they've come back again but this time our defenses really are ready our Fighters decided to tell them not today we will triumph over them not just with words but mainly actually with weapons we can't buy it back we'll have no choice but to fight we are so close now to enforcing our ideology on this Wayward flock it but a single more planet should fall I believe we will be able to achieve peace in our time and the Council of tesnar will be no more there we are we are forced president Cole in all to abdicate and now finally the council are a representative democracy we've got the Supreme alloy oh my goodness me yes the people of knock them thank goodness we've intervened in their plight because now we're getting more Alloys than ever before four eons Humanity had believed they were the soul sentient inhabitants of the Galaxy the only Vestige of civilization a solitary Beacon of Hope in the vast expanse of Darkness minamar specialized Industries had shattered that belief now they might not even be the only human civilization the very idea of another human presence seemed unfathomable yet what if the impossible were true what if a glimmer of hope awaited them a true Ally in the great Cosmic unknown when we first made contact we marveled at the speed with which they deciphered our language We Now understand why when our former Masters tried to bend us they kidnapped our people some of these unfortunates wound up on an MSI ship to their lasting credit along with the other indentured assets on board they mutinied crashing onto an uninhabited Planet this Brave active Rebellion eventually resulted in the birth of the human Star Alliance we have a common enemy and a shared history and perhaps we can forge a future free from oppression together we have set aside our differences and formed a defensive Alliance along with the likes of the Council of tesnar the malgowell interstellar Union and the techarancen audience our allies grow thick and fast as we prepare for the inevitable war that is to come though this is costing us quite a lot of influence oh goodness me it's going to be worth it though breaking news Minima specialized Industries has just issued a trade embargo against the United Earth government restricting all transactions unsurprisingly we're now gearing up for the fight that must be coming minus three and a half thousand proposed secret feel to you kidding me what could that be they really don't want us to be in charge in 2244 the scientific community of Earth made a tremendous Discovery we cloned a healthy population of gargantuan slugs from fossilized DNA reaching maturity within weeks and weighing up to 20 metric tons they have developed a primitive level of sapience responding to simple one-syllable commands though they have yet to show any violent tendencies they produce a thick toxic mucus when vexed and their Hue seems to shift with their mood the research team has named them azizians for the hissing sound with which they communicate amongst themselves now it would be wrong to put these creatures in a zoo or to force them to do labor instead we will give them a job within the freedom Corps as if there weren't already enough humans out there in the galaxy thanks to Minima specialized Industries we've now met the Commonwealth of man the United Earth government does share a past with the United Nations and apparently that is the government that the Commonwealth of man remembers they left Earth during a chaotic period on the Ulysses Arc ship probably around the same time as the Invaders came they assumed we had destroyed ourselves in another world war or Fallen victim to the Alien Invasion yet here We Stand United as one people through time together we will greet the Commonwealth of man as friends and equals what minimar specialized Industries is allegedly overwhelming Superior and overwhelming to us we're not gonna let the public know that yet though that would be bad um Yes again the debt collectors come and we will not pay Bring It On our freedom forces are better than ever and we shall not be overthrown but with that minimar specialized Industries has decided to declare war Upon Us the Great War that we feared has now come we will never bow down to them again we are calling in every Ally every defensive agreement every favor ever taken and together as a United Galaxy we shall throw down these oppressors hopefully our listening Post in the fianita system watches anxiously for any signs of enemy movement the border is set we must see them before they arrive in order to muster an effective defense we may have to declare war on the jatma Dominion in order to push through the enemy space at present they keep opening and then closing their borders to us this is entirely unpalatable and we have contact our repeat we have contact we are going to form up ready to fight this enemy and we have not won but two Fleet totaling twenty thousand that is some scary stuff mainly a Corvette Focus Fleet and we now go live to the Parliamentary chamber we're presiding speaker Xiao addresses the nation on the nature of these invading Minima forces we shall fight on our soils we shall fight in the heavens we shall fight in the asteroid belts and in the hyperlanes and in the nebulas we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength amongst the Stars we shall Never Surrender let's see if we can catch them and convince them to attack in the Syria system where our defenses are our core worlds are protected by the serious defensive Outpost as well as the Outpost in Alpha Centauri these stations have a defensive Zeal God bless all those aren't fionita the first casualties in a brutal and long War we're also going to have to declare an ideology war in order to break the human Star Alliance out of their Funk their Jetman Dominion have closed their borders to a majority of the defensive Fleet we have mustered as the human Star Alliance passes over its first speaker to a magnet a non-human the wolves are closing in we will move forwards United in purpose attempt to take on these enemy forces oh no they've declote in Alpha Centauri I repeat Alpha Centauri is under attack all forces must Converge on Alpha Centauri at once because we just lose it we just lost Alpha Centauri the Alpha Centauri station is down they have entered the soul system I repeat enemy forces are now in the soul system they have frigates oh my goodness me salt station is falling mayday mayday Earth is under bombardment they're raiding damn it they've just abducted a robot from Earth we cannot allow this the alliance has engaged above the Earth we've engaged one of the devices they just went FTL Soul station has been recaptured moving out now on to Alpha Centauri let's take them on again build a combined Fleet shall not waver we built Alpha Centauri strong taking a lot of forces to whittle this thing down habitats or Star fortresses it's a difficult decision I think habitats will serve our cause better in the long run darn it these cloaked forces are a nuisance behind our lines knocking out our stations disrupting trade they must be put to bed we need detection technology I never thought I'd say this uh we didn't just claim the capital of Minima specialized Industries we decided we needed it for the research purposes eight years into this long and bloody war the presiding speaker XI Zhao has died of apparent natural causes the electorate now stands poised to push Candace cross currently governor of the earth sector into the Premiership oh and the Church of Jeff would like to form an embassy for the future betterment of Jeff human relations excellent as predicted the leader of the full enfranchisement Society has won the presidency other members of society were a little upsetty spaghetti about what's been going on but you know we'll just suppress them I think we're going to catch them with their proverbial plants down and we did we caught them literally in space when he destroyed a few ships but it will be worth it in the long run you simply need to get this Fleet through into minimal space and then we will have Victory okay there's quite a force coming for us this could be bad we're gonna form up ready for them set focusing crystals to maximum all fleets coordinate on my mark engage to do or to die him this guy oh oh that is glorious Victory we are burdened with glorious purpose my brethren they brought the big guns in now in come the battleship class okay this could be dicey only three of them is that that's something I'm hearing no no nothing couldn't be anything and that is another presiding speaker dad oh no the commander of the First Fleet is now putting his hat into the ring for the presidency it could have disastrous implications a lot of things in society I suppose yes and the first Admiral is now leading our entire nation in this time of War well the First Fleet is having some problems there we did lose quite a few ships I think only one maybe only one John well done I'm getting something a bit of a headache actually that was a bit weird anyway let's move on okay we've got 20K coming in this could be dangerous for us Starbase lost solid victories though bizarre our forces are starting to run a little thin as we approach the front lines here oh crikey they paid for Mercenaries luckily the mercenaries are overblown in how strong they are let's push in to the final hurdles we're gonna get to their Capital worlds and take them here we go more death and destruction to the enemy there is but one system left before itsa the capital and we are engaging [Music] one Fleet down transport's taken out is this another Fleet yet another Fleet down excellent we're taking some considerable losses though this oh it was a bloody day a red day and they have the indecency to send slave armies to fight us how Despicable so far they have lost 367 ships and our combined allies have lost only 68. come on survive yes the reinforcements arrived just in the nick of time right we're going to achieve War goals on this first war okay okay this is all right we've liberated Two Worlds remember they declare war on us so it's fine it's fine right we're putting these folks to Residents these people were evil and we're not giving them voting rights gosh darn it they need to earn it you need to prove their loyalty to the regime right let's try and fix our economy babadook I think a good first step here could be to become masterful Crafters we can't afford it we're not unified enough damn it presiding speaker you've failed us for the last time the war against Minima specialized Industries had been won and the old capital of the ruthless megacorp now laying in human hands finally the people could rebuild and look towards the future yet the call for peace was a dangerous one for it often bred complacency and weakness Hard Times had created strong men strong men had created peace peace creates weak men and weak men in turn create hard times in these time times of safety and prosperity Humanity had failed to take measures to ensure their own protection they had grown too comfortable too sure of their own safety little did they know that their enemies were already Gathering waiting to strike when Humanity would be at its weakest The Winds of Change were coming and with them a darkness that threatened to engulf them all this speaker may have been a speaker of War but we now need a speaker of Peace one who can unite the new peoples in all of their various factions goodness gracious me the imperialist faction are very happy with this we didn't conquer them we liberated them from minimal specialized Industries darn it would never conquer anyone but a small amount of Liberation is very reasonable we've got 10 000 Alloys though that's not so bad together we will build a brighter future comrades who even is this who who are you well I'm glad you're guaranteeing my Independence but who are you and why have you come I'm thinking becoming a meritocrac Mercy would be the way forwards shed burdens parliamentary system meritocracy the first amongst equals equals amongst firsts seconds thirds tasty tasty dinner we're losing so much energy I think we're gonna have to re-employ the clerks at this point I don't want to do it but I have no choice given the unemployment massive problems across the Empire this should solve pretty much everything though sadly no God no God please no no battleships excellent oh here come the debt collectors one more time am I building some ships somewhere I remember building ships oh I built them over here that was smart very smart Earth may be under bombardment but what we have to ask ourselves is is it really a problem it would be fine don't worry about it ladies and gentlemen just stay in your emergency shelter rooms okay we're engaging the hostiles well that's a problem they're losing our neighbors to vassalization requests oh my goodness me there's too many voices somebody turn that thing off everybody has my own voices now it's happened we all have to make our Beast with it wait a minute how did this happen we're at war with minamar again the galactic sethwarian Imperium declared war on her Ally with attacker and sentience right and now we're at war with minimal specialized Industries again oh goodness me this galaxy is just red burning oh they've got bigger fleets than we do well this is going to be a problem you know I was meant to take them over with the war goal in the last war and I didn't realize it wasn't that war golden that was kind of the plan it's interesting how it didn't go well this is a problem we've only got 50k first speaker is ready together we shall Engage The Enemy here it goes okay not good very not good pull back all units full backs well you know you win some you you don't win some we're falling back on every front here and they're Landing troops goodness gracious know they've got a massive Army of slaves and clones well it's been an honor serving with you ladies and gentlemen I'm going to put all available forces into battle and the worst bit is we're not even in control of this war there's basically nothing we could do if the AI surrenders we're just dead oh no I think we've got ourselves in a diplomatic situation we cannot get out of even if we can beat Minima here with its hundred thousand Fleet power oh goodness gracious that is a lot where are they going they're going this way our outer defenses are still holding Terra Nova must not fall they've almost taken back their stuff okay they're going to go for Alpha Centauri forces form up on the other side wait they're splitting their forces jumps into the system come on faster faster please people draw them away from the station we need to keep them away from that station good this gracious a lot of Firepower coming in there I'm not winning this oh wait a minute oh no they've hit it on the other side their Torpedoes have come through our forces must have been destroyed and routed Alpha Centauri held but the rest has not oh no we have managed to trap them in the Haven system though a double fortress stronghold maneuver that should show them you see we've now got an FTL inhibitor and it was created whilst they were still in the system they're abducting pops this is bad this is very bad I think I've got after another go at this one sometimes it's a lot of fun yeah the wall system has been kind of cumbersome at three walls at the moment I'm at war with nobody as well isn't that excellent the nobodies of nowhere rebelling against nobody oh goodness but what do you think about a no Conquest challenge is it possible or is it just a boring way to play the game let me know down in the comments below I would love to hear from you oh they brought up ground forces but they won't be enough we're going to now recruit human clone army other attacking Haven Ah that's bad Haven has fallen the first human Colony created by the United Earth government are they just stealing our Pops on new Africa they are those Sons of Guns good this is not going well wait we lost violence how did they oh of course oh no we have to defend procyon new Roanoke the alloy World there it's necessary without is that we just lost a scientist okay okay she's gonna form up I'm gonna attack them as one we've engaged them we annihilated that Fleet definitely we we inflicted no losses oh my Lord we inflicted no losses we lost five ships To None that's a problem a new Africa is falling that's also bad this is fine I'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently we're now forming up on the capital all available defensive forces are preparing for a Last Stand see if we can hold Alpha Centauri we are engaging it's only jehatma forces they tend to be the weaker of the two or four how many nations were against five I think we're all with six nations right now oh one of the wars just pieced out that's good where are they attacking oh no they're taking over new Roanoke oh that's really gonna hurt her alloy income okay okay okay everybody back to the capital we hold two systems Alpha Centauri and Saul that is all that remains of United Earth government space procion Prime has not Fallen though that's something with the Wolves closing in and The Barbarians at the very Gates the first Speaker gave a decisive parliamentary address and if which I do not for one moment believe planet Earth or large parts of it were subjugated and starving then our Empire beyond the stars armed and guarded by the United Earth Fleet would carry on the struggle until in God's good time the new human world worlds with all their power and might steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old we've begun the fight back we've just retaken procion a couple of systems the presiding speaker has unfortunately passed away it's very very sad but we're going to go forward into the future next Barnard star and then some other bits and pieces well that's GG though there's literally nothing I can do the United Earth government is gone the great project has failed why pray tell did that happen why was my Empire destroyed let's take a little look at the galactic map shall we well oh there it goes yes boom it's gone um so minamara claimed the things back they'd also claimed a few other systems their vassalid claimed some of our systems I don't know why Alpha Centauri is uncolonized that's weird and then in their Almighty wisdom the tekker and sentience decided that they should surrender it reads the right acceptance level and they did surrender I mean we lost yeah yeah we lost on the other hand the human Star Alliance while they're doing really quite well actually they've got quite a lot of Fleet power easily enough to fight off minimar or pithok on the galactic Seth weirdian Empire it's a shame that they were not called into the war alongside us that was a really fun wild ride thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining me on this no Conquest challenge if you've enjoyed this challenge video and you'd like to see another challenge video where I attempt to play the game without ever leaving my home system yes a no FTL challenge click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 59,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris challenge, stellaris no conquest challenge, stellaris pacifist guide, stellaris pacifist playthrough, stellaris pacifist meme, stellaris pacifist, stellaris pacifist run, stellaris challenge run, stellaris challenge ideas, montu plays stellaris challenge
Id: zBlJ31O3RbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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