Stellaris Crime Only Challenge

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today I will be attempting a crime only challenge in Stellaris not only will I be attempting to make all of my resources from crime and additionally some crime adjacent behaviors like the criminal ideas of having clerks yes this might be something of a clerk only run too I know it's disturbing but I will not consider this challenge complete until I have spread my crime to the capital world of every single Empire in the Galaxy no one should be safe from the illicit trade of ground up alien corpses which I invite you to snort I'll also try and become the Supreme Chancellor of the galactic Community just to prove that crime really is Top Dog in this Galaxy's war on crime and I might get up to a little bit of Mischief besides to complete all of this I will be playing today as the noble Hut Clan coming from the desert world of now hutter these venerables slug-like well apparently it's a bit fishy but this is the closest portrait I could find things are going to be slowly oozing their way into everyone's home we are of course going to be going with a Criminal Heritage this means I cannot form commercial packs but I'll be able to set up Branch offices on the planet of any regular Empire as long as we have no war or active truce we will also get crime on branch office Planet which increases the branch of its value we can build Special crime increasing corporate buildings they are going to be very good we're going to get reduced Branch offers cast more infiltration speed a little bit of code breaking yada yada to add to this we're going to need quite a few more envoys and so I've grabbed Public Relations Specialist give me two extra envoys so that I can do lots and lots of Espionage and other such nonsense of course the Huts are a very long-lived species so we're going to go with venerable they are definitely decadent definitely repugnant which shouldn't be too bad as we're going to have so many clerks oh my goodness me it's going to be awful um and I'm going to say they're a little bit weak as well but you can't say they're not Thrifty they'll give us a 25 extra boost to our trade value I'm also going to be going with common ground now this would seem a little odd I won't get any guaranteed habitables but this build is going to be very very tall and we're going to have very few planets whatsoever what I really want though is a Trade Federation as soon as possible that will allow me to get more unity and more consumer goods from trade right out of the gate we're going to go with authoritarians so that we can have proper traditional Hut slavery and fanatic material is because underneath Jabba's Palace there was of course the robot Workshop we know that the Huts do robot related Shenanigans so here we are fanatic materialists I need to depict something and honestly I didn't really feel like any of the other choices here really would have gone well with the Huts they're definitely not militarist I don't think they're pacifist either but what do you think about a Hut Clan build is this close enough let me know down in the comments below let's go out there and start shifting some knockoff Jeff pads and if you want to follow along at home these are the settings I'm using today decades ago when when the Hutt's first crude sublight Pro visited the star systems neighboring our own we discovered the presence of two distinct alien civilizations despite the radical differences in our physiology it quickly became apparent that we had more things in common than not and they definitely needed to work for us like us they were also on the cusp of unlocking practical Interstellar travel a bond of sorts was formed between our three civilizations which eventually led to the birth of a Federated State the Hutt syndicated worlds we would combine our efforts they'd work for us and when we were ready to spread out into the cosmos whatever was out there would be faced by us standing together well we'd pushed them a little bit in front don't worry don't worry it'll be fine of course the first thing we're going to have to do here is transition our economy away from all of this crap as you can see we have a lot of things which aren't crime related now crime is going to have a somewhat wider meaning here all of the executives were there of course criminal Executives the managers are crime manager so we'll have those in there as well and clerks to two there doing crime related thingamabobberies however researchers they're going to be a no-go metaler just Artisans Farmers definitely not miners technicians all of that has to go and don't worry we are going to get rid of it so first things first let's demolish a bunch of buildings isn't that fun well we now have only crime related jobs isn't it wonderful ladies and gentlemen what an Optimum way to play I think we might need to form some research agreements that sort of thing with our lovely neighbors here the league of ident idiot spiritualists and the star dynasty of relia some sort of vertically challenged Wren people who are apparently very wise Kings the planet of eggroll 3 is right next to our Capital as well that's a lovely desert world I think we'll go and try and grab that now of course there are a couple of extra bits and pieces I need to mention here we are going to be making a Trade Federation because of course the Hutt syndicated worlds are first and foremost a Trade Federation that means we will unlock the trade League policy right out of the gate which is very very tasty and probably the only reason we're going to be surviving just a little bit technologically progress will be very very slow early on we have no researchers but a lot of technologies will do nothing for us Global Energy Management Field modulation completely useless things like xenol Linguistics pop growth speed additional Unity off-world trading companies they're all great and we can even get powered exoskeletons for some crime robots sounds fantastic I mean Jabba the Hutt did have a robot Workshop below his lovely little Capital thing we are going to make Nell hutter a trade Capital that's going to boost our trade value even more granting us lots of tasty benefit we've gone over the month our economy has slightly flatlined but we are still actually stable here we're making a few Alloys we're making a few consumer goods thanks to the trade we're buying some food in and we've got some minerals as well so actually everything is fine the Hutt syndicated worlds are doing great thank you for asking please go away we will of course be building up more um commercial zones read these as crime districts basically because yes in essence it's a clerk challenge with extra steps oh my goodness me unfortunately we are getting a bit of crime on our Homeworld which is a slight shame definitely a slight shame but you know it's not too bad it's just a little bit of crime just the one criminal we'll jump straight into Mercantile and start pushing our criminal agenda forwards don't forget the secret ingredient ladies and gentlemen is crying all right the drug trade has just expanded onto Nell hutter this is bad this is going to decrease our trade value which is going to hurt us quite a lot economically I do need to get these commercial zones up and running before we collapse that's the main goal right now there is a trade value Governor available I'm going to be buying them and putting them straight onto the job welcome Toba malice under the great Jabba we'll all be doing fine who's apparently a scientist interesting jab is a scientist did you know that I didn't you know I'm something of a scientist myself oh no we're the center of the drug trade that's a shame game tricola economics is going to really help us let's see how much trade our clerks are making now 6.2 trade value per clerk putting us up to a healthy 130 trade value and infinite opportunities is just fired let's expand the count so I'm sure there's a role for some disheveled person somewhere all commercial Enterprise is fantastic that now means we're gonna have a whole host of new Merchants brilliant further reducing our unemployment problem we've actually eliminated unemployment ladies and gentlemen I'm very pleased to say aren't we doing a great job oh Cartel Wars have just broken out on the capital who would have guessed it crime causes more crime we have managed to sneak our way into a nice matter decompressor system though can't complain about that we're going to need quite a few envoys let's take shared Destiny see what happens with great trumpets and a bit of fanfare we've opened our very first branch office on the capital world of our neighbor here they're going to absolutely love our new illicit research Labs that's the only way we're going to get science ladies and gentlemen and we'll put one on the other neighbor too isn't it wonderful the only other the planet worth really mentioning would be the planet of Tatooine here right next to our home well this is a great world there's atmospheric aphrodisiacs no wonder the chosen one was born here uh definitely Immaculate Conception though nothing to worry about here and an asteroid belt for extra minerals that will definitely be allowed to mine unfortunately the planet Phila van Siva over here yeah they've hit 100 crime already and they have five criminals that's such a shame who knew Crime Pays well at least it pays us anyway we're making a nice number of energy credits from this influx of criminal activity now normally climinda would be amazing all those bonus worker pop resource outputs Etc but we don't make any resources we just do the trade so it's a no from me today I'm afraid we're also going to be doing some lovely trade deals with our neighbors buying some monthly alloy output from them because of course they're such lovely fellas we've also had factions just fire off The Institute of technocratic Reform they are doing great Imperial Unity less happy but you know it's all fine we will of course be jumping over to academic privilege didn't you know it all the Huts they're scientists see Jabba scientists it all works out it makes sense quantum theory completely useless we don't do the research that's someone else's job and our neighbor over here the obvenian autocracy well they are desperate to become our bulwark and you know what the Hutt Clan thinks it's a great idea we should protect these fellas as well slight economic downturn as we're paying a bunch of their stuff but you know what it's fine it's all fine don't worry about it did he say don't worry about it taking the simulation seriously we're basically going to let the rest of the Hutt syndicated worlds do all of the exploring for us it's going to be fine now it would seem like these terms are absolutely terrible we're paying so much but they're not making any strategic resources they're making very few Advanced resources their research is pathetic and their basic economy is also crap so it's actually not a problem not even a little bit and in 43 months we might just have a minor renegotiation to this contract because they're getting very very loyal to their new Overlord who needed any other job than trade value and crime it's excellent annoyingly we are getting that little Annoying fact where there is negative trade value on the planet and that is hurting our income please fix Paradox because you can get trade value below zero and then when it is doesn't work with the crime it was below zero it's worse see so even though we have five criminals taking away 25 trade value per criminal here that only gives us 37 extra Energy Credit so the net gain there is pretty low and oh my finger slipped there's a branch office on obedever monoi the capital world of our little bulwark vassal our research income definitely leaves a lot to be desired but the rest of the stats are absolutely great I honestly can't believe that we managed to get the Hutt Capital here to be the center of drug trade in the Galaxy that wasn't intentional but it's amazingly effective in this RP I'm loving it well it looks like our first 20-year term as president is about to come to an end unfortunately we'll just extend that to 40 years and everyone will vote Yes Yes unanimous fantastic I love democracy I love the Republic and our syndication agency officer is about to come into Force let's see who we get oh ask emiac here is going to be giving us some extra food that would be lovely kaisha yes we'd love you to help us so kaisha is going to give us two extra envoys more infiltration speed more experience gained yeah we'll lose a bit of happiness but you know what I don't give a damn Kai shark could go straight in as well as our syndication agency officer that'll give us an extra one trade value per criminal makes crime tastier than ever before and if you're enjoying this video please steal that like button finishing up aptitude because of course the Huts are the best leaders in the Galaxy Prime just makes the universe go round they're also just Next Level thinkers beautiful our hive mind disgusting I guess we'll have to do something about that let's try and switch these guys into a scolarum unfortunately it looks like they didn't have the influence to decline our proposal that means they'll become our scolarium and we're gonna get a whole lot of research from them it's year 26 and we're already out 11 envoys that is just completely balmy um yes we need the envoys to do all of our criminal crime related Shenanigans in other Empires we've moved over in the Hutt syndicated worlds to low centralization very soon once we hit 100 cohesion we're also going to propose that we change the type of succession to a challenge succession possibly the golden rule that couldn't help us at all could it it's year 30 and we're only making 33 Alloys at 170 research per month everything else is fantastic but these are relatively low numbers given the fact we have zero researchers and zero metallurgists I'm very pleased with these numbers and even though we are decadent even though we're repugnant even though we have Kai Shahi giving us minus five percent happiness across the board we're still at a whopping 78 pop approval and we're starting to build more and more Branch offices the jibiru Star Nation for too long haven't experienced the true snuffiness of zro it's time for them to snort some dead alien corpses and we'll be rolling out a new branch office right on their Capital that's Jeff that's a weird bird person I don't know what that is but I do know they need a spy Network so we can find out where their tastiest planets are and whenever a branch office spot opens up we will of course throw down analytic research lab just to get the kind of research juices flowing and with another unanimous vote we've moved over to a challenge succession type and let's go straight to Golden Rule yes absolutely excellent now only the biggest Spenders in our lovely little Hut syndicated system will be in charge I wonder who that will be we also only have two worlds making this a very tall build that's technological ascendancy as everyone knows the Huts are renowned for their slug-like Tech stuff I guess and oh no it's time that we do the Golden Rule challenge let's see how much we'll pay to vote to get Jabba the greatest scientist in the Galaxy back into the job of grand Hut of the Hutt syndicated worlds I guess we could bid at two and a half thousand Pocket Change really another two and a half thousand no problem another two and a half that's that's worrying another five that's bad surely they don't have really really they have more all right well guess we could bid the bid is up to the pot is it like seven what is this no way I don't I don't believe it how how have they got this much cash I guess I'll do one more bid finally we had to spend 80 000 to win that oh my goodness me um I think we'll we'll keep it we got it we didn't we have we need to we need to put some of those buildings on our star bases um oops we got it all back and we couldn't even hold on to it that's so stupid you can have a branch office and you could have a branch office everybody gets a branch office finally at year 40 the galactic Community has risen up we'll get some cloaking fields and we'll we'll see what we can do in there maybe we'll stir the pot just a little bit one of the first things we need to get going is a galactic Market that would allow us to trade better with the rest of the Galaxy even though we have no jobs other than a few darned clerks we still have the sixth highest Diplo weight in the galaxy and we could put a bit higher if I assign one of our 11 envoys and there we are we now met basically everyone else the Huts are gonna dip themselves into Galactic politics just a bit we do have representation in the galactic Senate now which is bizarre but you know it is what it is we've renegotiated the deal with the obednians again now they don't pay us anything and we just get lots and lots of tasty research from them they're absolutely fine with this though why wouldn't they be on a slightly more annoying note there seems to be another megacorp out there in the galaxy establishing Branch offices on worlds that are rightfully ours I think it might be these guys another criminal Syndicate a rival Syndicate the barcal and Monopoly damn these barcalids before I started this run I wasn't even sure it would be possible to rely only on crime and clerks and to be honest if you ask me clerks or a crime against nature so that's completely fine but we're doing all right we're actually kind of doing pretty good if anything say what you like about the Huts their efficiency is great because the competition between hot leaders is darn right ruthless I'm pretty sure Jabba ate somebody just to get into his current position and of course the Hutt's Reigns Supreme as the most important Galactic power in the Senate that's definitely something we've almost hit a thousand trade on our Capital this is so stupid I love it I'm not saying I love clerks I'm not saying I love clerks that's not what I said you misheard all right we're on the border of these puny neuter whatever they are probably time we declare war let's go animosity yeah we'll just humiliate them Federation says yes war is a go we lost quite a few destroyers there that must have been a powerful Starbase oops let's just slap him about a bit excellent a victory a fine victory and it looks like it will be another victory for the Huts oh and and a third Victory it's nice that they've lined themselves up one by one just to be shot out of the sky we might be causing a few minor stability issues on the world of our vassal that's not our fault though they should manage their crime better oh there's debris there's something for us scientists to actually do let's go and well let's go and do that they can't even beat their own station anymore this is this is embarrassing new to Collective go home go home we did gain Victory and we've smacked our fleets about quite a bit we've almost got the galactic Market to form once we do this minimal alloy income will no longer be an issue we'll be making more Alloys than you'd believe we'll nominate Nell hutter as the galactic Market Hub it's only got an adequate rating even though we have a thousand trade value like that doesn't make sense to me I don't get it oh a few minor cybernetic upgrades to our probably already perfect Hut what could go wrong and we've put a Ministry of science on the capital of our scalaria and that means we're stealing even more research because each of these researchers will now also produce a little bit of research for us their Overlord a hundred pops it's year 60 that seems a little low but we're making a thousand research 400 Unity yeah the Alloys is a problem but otherwise look at these resources across the board it's all looking great our trusty brain dead robots are receiving a bit of an upgrade now we're going to give them trading algorithms double jointed and mass reduced well done e3pos you're doing your job swimmingly there are so many worlds now with massive crime problems the Hutts are now meta Huts it's all getting a bit fourth Wally damn it we didn't get the galactic Market it's all evil they're against us I tell you the Galaxy they're evil right I guess what we will do though we'll buy some Alloys and then we'll start a monthly buy of or how about a hundred yeah let's buy a hundred a month brilliant now we're making 170 Alloys that that's definitely something that's more we should begin to expand the Fleet given these new production increases now the galactic Market has finally been founded we can actually get our hands on some rare resources we'll need them so I'll buy them we're accelerating away now excellent I can also finally give my Huts proper trading algorithms we'll get rid of their weak Tendencies what oh no oh no oh okay oh that's almost fear of the dark look what happened to their home World it went kablooey that means they don't have as many researchers they used to have it also hurt us in our pocket quite a bit because we had quite the build up on that world we were getting a lot of research from them because of it not getting that anymore it's all right we'll uh we'll change things around it'll be fine it'll all be fine we'll go to humiliate the new to Collective again Amsterdam lutely I'm on board oh brilliant jab of the Hutt is also an embezzler apparently he doesn't believe anyone notices oh he just got a embezzler trait upgraded literally one while I'm watching but I will take a tasty robot Admiral why not well they've jumped in the new town we're gonna have another fight 20K is a lot bigger than anything we saw last time but I don't think you know I don't think it's going to be enough yes the neuter haven't learned their lesson from before and that lesson is don't mess with the Huts I've never done it before I think I might actually do it now I might put down a giga mall on a capital Nell hutter that's going to give us extra trade value it'll boost the amenities from our clerks by one but I really don't care about those amenities I do care about is all of that delicious trade value what the Huts really want to do though is knock out their rival criminal Syndicate the barcalan Monopoly these guys are just the worst the price of Alloys right now has gone all the way up to 20 to buy the damn thing that seems a little pricey even if you ask me ah we're at level four with the hot syndicated worlds this is now giving us 25 extra Naval cap to the Federated Fleet which uh we don't have we don't need that 10 extra diplomatic weight nice and extra trade value gotta love that trade value ah we won excellent and we've grabbed these two worlds now we're assimilating some nutty nuta we've also got these Saran folks they look interesting cool and when did you just we're just gonna put a few loyalty implants inside of these fellas it'll all be fine they do have some rather strange infrastructure here that we simply don't need exotic gas refining actually you know I think we can keep the Exotic gas refineries you know the true democracy Association suppress suppress now these guys aren't hot bad the Whetstone uh Whetstone initiative yeah I couldn't get behind that they actually brought up a raiding Fleet you know I'm kind of annoyed right let's go kick that butt let that be a lesson to them none of these Technologies really do anything for us I guess we'll extend our little lifespan how long are the leaders got left to live Jabba here is another 120 years on the clock okay the main issue is Kai Shar might die soon wait a minute the league of ednick managed to make the jibru Star Nation their vassal I'm I'm sorry what we're gonna take defender of the Galaxy now now this might seem a bit weird for the Huts to do but it will make the entire galaxy absolutely love us and when the crisis turns up because oh it's turning up it'll help out a bit there we've also noticed that on the borders of the barceland Monopoly Here the ildaran Free State have quite a pathetic Navy relative to ours that means it's the ample opportunity here to make them our subsidiary and gain their two vassals as well it's uh oh my goodness me it's gonna be good the league of ednitz said no right well we're gonna have to change that then let's go to our Federation laws War declaration can be a majority vote everyone's in favor of that now we'll try again with the legal representation of our Federation change someone oh yes there we go now we are in a state of War we should probably do something about this stage of War yes let's bring our fleets up to the borders we do have a slight issue and that is the pole of an item cabal these evil Rock Pion types I guess we're gonna have to declare war on them and take some of their stuff we will have to close down a couple of Branch offices that's a real shame benefits will hopefully outweigh the costs of her in an entire Federation um yeah we can handle them two Wars at once why not the Huts are pretty awesome just need one more yes vote there we are War is a go and we've sent in the Slugs The Meta Huts are doing God's Own work probably oh planet does have a lot of crime the barceland Monopoly been busy there there probably our next targets have to be subjugate the ildaran Free State over here yeah we're we're kind of the west side of the Galaxy here at war with the Eastern side minus the darker lands of course and the South are just kind of looking on an annoyance not really doing anything it's year 90 we've just unlocked megastructure restoration and that means this ruined matter decompressor won't be ruined for very much longer we've also got a system entirely ready for a ring World very soon and I guess I could grab one of the systems over here and claim it just to put a Dyson Sphere down well we finally got some big fleets over here from the holvanite in cabal our fleets are quite a bit out of position as well we're gonna have to do a bit of uh running around just to get out of this get out of that get out of that don't attack by yourself you silly scolarium you can't win it no oh fools they've really got a lot of fleets here I'm hopeful we'll win our allies are so close now as well look we've got all these lovely allies that hopefully will come to our assistance it looks like we're gonna be fighting in the faragon system that is a neutron star meaning everyone here will get a 50 sublight speed reduction oh but they've run away they have decided they've bitten off more than they can chew and the enemy are fleeing let's chase them down oh it seems like some of our fleets flew into the wrong place I think we just lost a fleet badly that's that's quite unfortunate luckily we do have our allies still [Music] yeah we just lost our Minister for defense that's a real shame actually we've engaged the big fed Fleet this is gonna be quite a close battle I think uh oh we're knocking them down though it looks like we are winning but not by much come on survive survive oh I think we've done it I think we might have done it no yes oh come on come on you Beauties that's just the one ship left is that a battleship running away from it oh no the star base come on it's just one lone Cruiser nope oh we lost never mind gave it a good go though uh that means we don't have any forces left at the front we've got one Fleet coming up but that was the last of our fleets that's a problem a little bit of an issue we will rebuild uh as fast as we can I suppose taking a look at our ship design we've got all lasers um maybe I want to swap those over to disrupt it's just a really effectively cut through the enemy forces you know what let's go full torpedo on this bad boy the price of Alloys has reached another high here 22 energy credits to buy just a single aloe that's entirely not my fault not been any Market manipulation how dare you suggest such a thing let's convert now hustle why not let's make it into a lovely Q monopolis with our arcology project oh that's not gonna go well why have they done this right my my battleships long range battleships I should add managed to jump into the center of a massive Fleet concentration let's just Retreat them we lost yeah we just lost we just lost we lost one Battleship the war seems to be going not so good uh that might be partly because it's a very warm day and my brain is boiling but uh no I don't think so I think it's it's someone else's fault probably right we've got two fleaked about 100K between them Let's uh let's use these two to actually do some damage there they come right on top of us excellent absolutely excellent great and that's one task force dealt with let's push forwards on our front now all right we've got quite the Armada here let's go and there'll be no more mistakes in this war no more we've had enough of those mistake things thank you very much you know what let's go a bit off-brand here we'll also make Tatooine into an acumenopolis as well we just need to build three more City districts then we can cue the damn thing up aha we've won the war excellent well I guess we can now use the open space because they can't close their borders to us of these people to go and finally vassalize the ildaran Free State we need to do just a little bit more to achieve the war goal there and then we'll be set up and ready to go against these despicable individuals the barceland Monopoly we're also going to change our Federation around a little bit we're now high in cohesion everyone's into the Hutt syndicated worlds kind of point of view luckily because we are at war no election has been triggered and we are still of course the Supreme president I think we should also move the voting weight over to diplomatic weight that means that actually we get more votes wait a just a moment we managed to take the worlds here and we've entirely massacred the population on one of these planets the plant and I end here is at 100 Devastation that can't be good we're also gonna mess around just a bit with all of our uh resident population brand new loyalty circuits will be installed Rejoice ladies and gentlemen you're now going to be more loyal than ever you see loyalty as an ideal is a distinctly organic concept it's much more efficient to Simply program compliance directly into your brains we've just hit 2 000 research without a single researcher of our own these illicit research Labs that I keep putting down they're just oh so good crime is great we're finally in the middle of the uldaran space and along with our allies there can be no stopping us they didn't expect us to fly around on their little Trixie Maginot Line equivalent basically we went through space Belgium to get here it was pretty good there goes the capital of ilda meaning we should almost be it yeah we're almost at 100 War exhaustion here beautiful Bea beautiful wait a minute did these folks get independence no no no no no really what right with that last Starbase I think we've done it here looks like the conclusion of a successful campaign let's see what this does for our Federation yeah let's achieve War goals now well excellent and that means we've triggered another election it's time to get our checkbooks ready and pay all of our energy credits in and probably a lot of other stuff too I've held on to a lot of Alloys just in case we need them so I can actually go over my energy credit capacity I already won well you know what let's let's actually invest it let's spread it out between the the different members of the Federation but what do you think of this crime only challenge have you tried it at home have you succeeded I'd love to hear from you please let me know down in the comments below we did just grab a whole bunch of other vassals we can't change the terms of these Arrangements just yet but we can make them love us eventually we've done the unthinkable we've made now hutter into a better version of Coruscant it's pretty nice really um yeah I guess we'll just build more residential arcologies they don't cost any special resources and they give us lots and lots of extra clerks to do more and more crime we've also incidentally just hit a whopping 2 000 trade on our Capital here now you could be getting more out of your clerks if you're a regular Empire but then we wouldn't have 39 Branch offices spreading crime throughout the Universe oh and we're now the galactic Council I have um the Senate not yet I've just realized that we can buy slaves from the slave market and I'll be doing that straight away honestly as the slave trading Arts I can't believe I forgot about this even for a little bit I'm not entirely convinced this is a good idea but we do have to start somewhere in this first war we're only going to go for a single claim apparently our allies have nine claims I don't really care about that to be honest but we're gonna go for just our one I think we've got the Diplo wait to yeah we can swing it now we have the overwhelming Force Major amongst the Hutt syndicated worlds they do also have an ally in their bologna Xanax multi-system however these guys are apparently just completely pathetic so bulwark definitely a strong word to use for them here they come in piecemeal we should be able to take them out yep massively Superior forces on our side take that knockoff version of our cartel they're apparently attacking our vassals that's fine that's absolutely fine that's not our problem they should deal with their own stuff this seems more like a local border dispute than part of our overall War problem did I say problem I meant plan War plan well it's not exactly Star Wars canonical but ladies and gentlemen I present to you the best version of Tatooine I guess we'll ever see ah this seems good enough let's end the war and that has really taken quite a big chunk here out of the barcalan Monopoly and we've got a full matted decompressor online oh well we're just gonna have too many minerals yeah 2000 Energy 3000 energy 2 000 minerals foods of minor minor inconvenience let's increase our food expenditure we're making a lot of consumer goods but we are selling them all plenty plenty of Alloys plenty of unity and we're almost very nearly almost at 3 000 research not too shabby if I do say so myself there's only one more thing we need to do to eliminate this rival and that's claim all of their worlds and Destroy them wipe them out all of them we're also starting to stack some Hefty ship build cost reduction bonuses here I'm up to 55 I want to push that higher but I do need to level up more leaders in order to get there alright it's 23 27 it is finally time to wipe out our only competition once and for all all once we've done that I need only set up a few more Branch offices and I will have a crime branch office on the capital of every nation in the galaxy and at that point I think I basically completed the challenge no I lost my general the good one darn it the great General that's very disappointing I guess sometimes these things just happen it's really annoying he had such great traits as well holy crap what happened to the price of Alloys it is suddenly dropped through the floor okay well we'll buy some more then that should I believe excellent ended the bar Clan Monopoly allegedly there's some stability issues we can fix that oh I see the problem here there's far too many of the wrong type of District yes people are very upset they have to work in mines and Farms all of that sort of nonsense and now I can put down Branch offices and all of those capitals I didn't manage to grab earlier the Hutt trading empire expands yet further we should probably Ascend now hutter as well we've got plenty of unity sitting around currently half a million in cap let's set let's make it even better trade oh look we just hit 3 000 trade on a single World Isn't that glorious oh praise the clerks right am I right um in order to boost our Naval capacity to get those fleets up because the crisis should show up any day now I'm putting down pirate free Havens absolutely everywhere every planet now will be its own little Tatooine they're going to be a wretched Hive of scum and villainy and ladies and gentlemen I'm pretty sure the Hutt can't tell have finally done it we have a branch offers a presence on the capital of every single Empire in the Galaxy now of course we don't have them on the guest out Consciousness world we can't do that but otherwise we've achieved the goal we set out a long long time ago we have one on the justcon interstellar Empire the obednian autocracy our sclerium the relicath Mandate the leader of the pangalactic trade exchange and allegedly rival trade League to our own syndicated worlds but honestly I don't know what they're talking about the league of ednit the pool and Allied Stars the Paul vaniton cabal the United wiserakian Imperium the jibru Star Nation the bilnok high Kingdom the star dynasty of relia the eldaran Free State one of our subsidiaries the Assembly of hasukan territories our lovely lovely bulwark the gray Mansion Galactic autocracy the protective shabtec mandate the Empire of khizar the wee zirakian Union the DAR hesta regime and last but by no means least the havaragan regime and now we wait for the crisis what's this they'd like to become our vassals while absolutely the new tech can come and join the fun I guess the only thing really left to do is to give emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor Jabba the Hutt I must mention actually though there is one biological Empire that I've not been able to set up a branch office on the Kelsey oaten Remnant over here well let's have a look if I try to set up my branch office on their Capital I'm simply not allowed that won't do and for that reason my people are on the way to remedy the situation immediately we've got a Colossus let's go for a total war we have a fair few Army transports as well now they're forming up into the regular army Circle snake could jiggery um but yeah everything's going pretty all right oh and we've got our first taste of Engagement here let's see we can bring in the rest of our forces now I think actually we'll drop the rest of our forces on the capitol nice little Blitzkrieg then we'll bring up our Colossus don't worry I'm going to leave their worlds and their pops mostly intact but I will return them to monkey yeah basically eviscerated by our fleets we'll use this lovely beam no idea what it'll do some sort of Mind wiping cannon on the core 124 pops 62 of them kelsioti the other 62 some sort of nerve stapled monstrosity which as you can see at the moment the calcioti are pretty Advanced they've got rapid breeders docile natural sociologists quick Learners and communal the arzenophobic though that's a problem charging sequence seems to be complete we're now going to go for the firing I'll just keep this up here so we can see what it's going to do to the population uh oh the planet got devolved well what does that mean yes ladies and gentlemen these calcioti are now stupid absolutely stupid I mean they were already stupid not allowing us to set a crime office up on their caps sorry not allow us to expand our Market our trade of um fantastic work supplements and the like uh you know things like that that great rare Crystal that gets smoked in the pipe but now now they can no longer say no they can't actually say anything but that's beside the point annoyingly we don't actually get to take over these worlds once we forcefully devolve them as it does seem one pop survives in this case a calcium Etc that means they do have a couple of armies but nowhere near enough to hold us back especially when our armies blot out the sky yep we'll land all of these that won't be a logistical nightmare oh there they go the core is now ready and open for business yeah no I'm gonna put down a zoo though well it looks like they're voting no on our custodian ship but I have something that Ace up my sleeve yes I've been collecting favors for quite a while and that means I'm going to win the vote with a stonking majority and there you have a Jabba the Hut is now the Supreme Chancellor Grand hot jabber long may he Reign is very old already but he's going to get even older and now he can finally get things done and as his first act with his new Authority Jabba legalizes crime and slavery galaxy-wide isn't he just generous red year 2350 the crisis which I tempted to spawn in a hundred years early is now 25 years late we're also hitting two and a half thousand Naval capacity very soon we're making a reasonable amount of Alloys I could change my contracts around a little bit to increase that alloy income even further as well as buying more from the market if I really wanted to but I honestly at this point don't think the crisis that's coming in it's either a five times or a ten times would stand a chance and you know I simply can't be bothered to wait around for it we win ladies and gentlemen crime well it's the way now yep yep we don't call it crime anymore we call it um trade if you've enjoyed this video and you'd like to see what happens if I actually fight the crisis not one not two but all three crisis at 10 times with an ultimate defensive magino build click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 67,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris crime, stellaris crime syndicate, stellaris crime syndicate playthrough, stellaris crime syndicate build, stellaris criminal syndicate, stellaris criminal heritage, stellaris criminal heritage 2023, stellaris criminal heritage build, stellaris playthrough, stellaris playthrough 2023, stellaris challenge
Id: AqJGclhcPDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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