Extreme One System Challenge

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there was no other way one system challenge that means we will not be allowed to go out and colonize and conquer other systems in the galaxy we all have to stay in a single system i don't know if this is even possible i don't even know if we can get there but we're going to attempt to get from the start of the game all the way to the very end of the game to the end game crisis and defeat it all the while only owning a home system not just that we are of course going to throw in a little splash of role play and by splash i mean a whole bucket's worth we'll be trying to play in the constraints of this challenge and role-playing at the same time it is going to be pretty wild so stick around to find out if this is even possible if you can actually play stellaris the whole game whilst only owning a single system we will of course be allowed to venture outside of our solar system to explore the rest of the galaxy make friends potentially make some enemies and generally have a lot of fun out there but if you're not satisfied with just this galaxy and you'd like to explore a unique galaxy filled with rich detail then you might want to look at today's sponsor infinite galaxy take direct command of a warship to play the a strike mode in infinite galaxy you'll be commanding your own star base and from the command center of your starbase you'll oversee everything you'll be able to customize your own flagship to lead a whole fleet of other warships each of a unique design and class like any good space game research will be key to victory as you'll be able to find new and improved weapons to put on your warships you'll also have to do a bit of zenos management because you'll have to hire a crew each crew member not only has their unique skills but also their own backstory together with your minions you'll be able to explore the unique storyline infinite galaxy has to offer you'll also be able to compete in pvp against other players there are a whole host of different pvp events you can take part in you'll be allowed to customize the appearance of laura and her body ratio use the link in the description to play infinite galaxy and receive a gift worth 60 dollars but for now let's look at today's campaign where we'll be playing as the alliance of free sentience a beacon of hope in a dark dark galaxy yes they are egalitarian they believe that the state should provide for all citizens they are emphatically opposed to any other ideology that might prohibit the freedoms of sentience anywhere whilst every citizen in the alliance of free sentience does have a nominal vote behind the scenes somewhat a plutocratic oligarchy is running the apparatus of the state corporations and guilds have banded together in a common commercial interest to make sure everything runs smoothly for the zirin people and here are the zirins their original homeworld actually is lost in time port freedom a space station built above their old home planet is all that is left of their original settlement in this system the system of fredonia as they now call it and due to the calamity that befell their ancient home they don't wish that any other civilization should be allowed to take freedoms away from anyone else and they are fanatic militarists they use this to back up their so-called democracy when you vote you are exercising political authority you're using force and force my friends is violence the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived they are thrifty rapid breeders and charismatic they are led by the lord protector florence windermere they will go out into the galaxy to find peace freedom and further the rights of all sentient life they will however be restricted to only a single system for that reason it will be imperative that they find other empires to take care of as well as franchising and putting branch offices out on other planets this is of course a one system challenge we are now going beyond our home system our starting system if you want to play this game yourself here are the settings i am using now how are we going to explain in game through role play why we are doing a one system challenge because yes this game as i mentioned before is a one system challenge which means that the triple stars of fredonia that's fredonia a b and c are the only places we are going to inhabit this will be the only star base we will build why is that well the lord protector florence windermere and previous generations have in their constitution decided that the depths of space are actually not just far too dangerous to live in and i mean not not the habitats they live in space that's that's completely fine oh no no the depths beyond the triple suns of fredonia they are the domain and right of any sentient life that lives out there that must not only be protected but be allowed to flourish and expand and for that reason it is constitutionally illegal to expand this civilization beyond the triple stars of their home the syrians have enforced a policy of utopian abundance every single member of their society should enjoy the same endless luxury which uh is definitely not going to have any impact on the economy of this nation now it should be absolutely fine and uh straight away as you join us there is something of a consumer goods issue in our civilization in the drabia system our scientists have made something of a startling discovery yes they did predict a life to exist elsewhere in the galaxy but we had no idea it would actually be so close to home the planet here of darabius 2 does indeed support life and they do appear to somewhat be sapient possibly if we can establish some communications they could be a bridge to further the alliance of free sentience amongst the galaxy whilst out exploring the galaxy our scientist victor grosvenor has come across an interesting artifact this artifact belonged to a civilization that seemed to be some sort of confederation it consisted of many different alien races that called themselves the first league they appeared to have co-existed in somewhat relative peace about two million years ago what this discovery will do to our culture and our people only time will tell but it is a very interesting discovery to make a few neoliberal ideas seem to have taken root in the hearts and minds of the zirin people a flourishing of the entrepreneurial classes has paid the way or paid the path to the alliance of free systems prosperity because as we all know the free market can look after all of the citizens much better than an overbearing state quick to step in and realign the political balance however the lord protector florence windermere has enacted strict laws and regulations on the free market there are a small subset of the population that are outraged by this but generally people haven't even noticed it happening this does now mean that profit and taxes will take second place to improving the lives of all xerian citizens and they should focus their trade efforts towards the manufacture and distribution of everyday necessities interestingly this mixture between utopian abundance and regulating of the free market has created a condition for a stable uh economy whether it's an abundance or enough at least consumer goods to go around in the figures our system we have now made contact with the pay aliens or that is at least what we are calling them we must determine what kind of threat they pose to our civilization above the world of aliceberi a molten world our lord protector has decided to embark on a project of monumental expense the building of another habitat another place for our people to live whilst we shall not live permanently beyond the system of fredonia as we would not want to encroach on the rights of any sentient potential or existing worlds like this completely devoid of life offer us a great opportunity to increase the dwellings for our people with this new state project it is no longer acceptable for the state to not prioritize alloy production over the consumer economy and for that reason the lord protector is moving us over to a militarized economy with all speed and haste and above the gas giant awful mouth another habitat has been commissioned by the lord protector before even her first project has been completed some are saying this is overzealous spending of the national budget that could plunge the country into crisis find out tomorrow night on channel 3 news it's channel 4 news at 6 00. the two political parties that make up our civilization are the vanguard of democracy a militarist imperialist faction that desires dominance over other empires balancing that is the citizens front a progressive egalitarian faction that desires non-discrimination within existing social structures and dislikes non-representative forms of government at the moment the lord protector florence windermere is the leader of the vanguard of democracy and that could change everything in the balance of this civilization the first true rival empire we have found the rukai hive the nature of these ineffable and quite frankly unfathomable aliens is that they are a hive mind we don't quite understand what that means we want to promote our egalitarian virtues and ensure liberty and democracy but we're not quite sure how to do that here with the discovery of the rukai hive we now have an election on our hands florence windermere leader of the vanguard of democracy current lord protector is the front runner however the citizens front governor winston windermere which ironically is the brother of florence both stand in good stead to win this election they have instead elected hubert windham leader at no party in particular to be the next ruler the next lord protector of the alliance of free sentience hubert windham has said no more no more to the large egregious building project that have saddled this nation with debt unimaginable instead he's going on a different kind of building spree all those alloys are not going to be building new dwellings but they will be building a defensive protection force ready to protect themselves and protect anyone else that might fall into the clutches of the possibly devious rukai hive i need it for protection i need to protect me i need to protect my family harriet grosvenor uh who did actually complete first contact with the rookari hive has been placed in a deep undercover position gathering intelligence on this ineffable alien we have been able to find out they have equivalent fleet equivalent economy and equivalent technology to us this means they should be right for coming under our protection harriet grossner is now beginning the unenviable task of trying to find an asset amongst the hive what form this asset may take we have no idea but we must have more information on the workings of these possibly nefarious aliens to our north we have made contact with aliens that finally we can understand will you have a cup of tea you like a cup of tea yeah sure thank you they are fanatic egalitarians aliens actually after our own heart we will be improving relations with the united kingdom of great zuma and northern keg and hopefully their prime minister will allow us to form something of a trade agreement and so we have met our nearest neighbors the board is set and the pieces are moving we will just have to see if the lofty ideals of the zirin people will survive this test because as we all know no battle plan survives contact with the enemy and with a formation of a trade agreement all of our financial worries have been laid to rest our first branch office that is a branch of our egalitarian ethos has been established on don long the capital of the united kingdom and we must learn more about these aliens about all aliens and for that reason we are establishing a private research enterprise here supremacy in space will probably be needed uh that is the wishes anyway of our illustrious lord protector and that should enable us to protect all sentients everywhere which is our overarching goal here the rucary hive have taken the system directly adjacent to fredonia this is an insult to everything we stand for and for that reason we have announced they are now indeed our rivals yet further on the holy jeff imperium led by their grand architect have also shown up i wonder what kind of relationship we might have with them while they were more than happy to allow us to set up some branch offices on their worlds which we of course jumped at the chance to do harriet grosvenor seems to have grabbed hold of a behavioral regulator this is part of the hive minds defense system the object actually identifies deviant drones for destruction conveniently for us this one has been subverted to serve our cause with the death of the lord protector hubert windham we have once again brought florence windermere back as the new lord protector all praise be for the glorious election and its sanctity whilst this has been happening a new faction the church of divine guidance a new political party in the spectrum does seem to have cropped up they have demanded the outlawing of robotic workers and this has somewhat gone along to satiate their desire for a spiritualist state the rookari hives are at war with an empire yet unknown in order to protect this unique type of life we have had no choice but to declare war to make them a subsidiary the lord protector florence windermere does this with a heavy heart yet from the ashes of this conflict we hope to resolve the new and build a better freer galaxy in what is clearly a nefarious act by the rukari hive they have assassinated the lord protector florence windermere this warrants nothing short of a campaign of untold aggression against this hostile hostile race the new lord protector walter bork who has come in on a platform of fleet expansion shall not rest until we have once again secured peace in our time but where will this new path lead walter bork may have the full support of the zirin people but building a fleet like this a weapon like this will give him absolute control over the entire nation as we all know absolute power corrupts absolutely in the year 2241 we actually met enough of the other civilizations in the galaxy to begin the formation of a galactic community this should prevent the lawlessness that has so far plagued us to be set aside rules and regulations should come in to allow an easier and freer way to trade whilst we are attempting to take apart the rukai hive the terrorist compilers seem to have got their first a catalog index which is about as nefarious as it sounds well we have achieved victory over the rukari hive they are now a subsidiary under us though vastly diminished right on our border at the old rukai capital is a massive concentration of techrust compiler ships yet at the present moment we do seem to have a higher fleet power than they do and if you're enjoying this video please liberate that like button the lord protectors admirals are desperate and i mean absolutely desperate for him to launch the offensive immediately as this may be a once in a generation chance to knock out the local driven assimilator we've of course provided the rukai hive with a plethora of consumer goods to help them out in their time of need because i assume these guys need some ipads and without any further ado we're declaring war on this bug-like threat in this grave power perhaps the most fateful in our history for the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war this first engagement will be the most crucial and we've actually managed to only hit one fleet but the other fleets are now joining the fight only time will tell if our forces are actually strong enough to vanquish this great threat thankfully due to the skilled leadership of benedict artwright and our other admirals we have actually won the day here at bukhari and we've engaged another hit-and-run battle here with attackers it is a great back and forth we have lost a couple of engagements but overall we are pushing them back and maintaining the safety and sanctitude of fredonia striking deep into the heart of the terrorist systems we've achieved yet another victory in the tivander system we are now almost a stone store away from the heart of this infestation of darkness teca ubas takara ubas or the techus planet is the final nail in the coffin for these driven assimilators if we can take them out here if we can defeat them at their heart they should never again be able to rise up to challenge any other empire in the galaxy and therefore take away our freedom liberty and justice our war exhaustion is very high we're at 100 percent our people do indeed falter but we have taken tekka ubas we have arrested it away from that machine intelligence now that we have actually won this war we must go about dividing up this territory and giving it back to the people they have acquired who are these people i hear you ask well they are the polismus cybernetically modified by the evil tacarius but soon soon they will have their freedom as they are egalitarian just like ourselves this stands as a clear warning against the evils of automation and machine intelligence to the far south the polysmus block a military junta has formed in the heart of the old techerus domain whilst the northern territories have become the polismus union we will help to guide both of these civilizations as they make their first faltering steps back into the stars and to ensure the continuity of these two new empires aid agencies are being established on their capitals to provide assistance wherever we can the techarus compilers have finally come pleading to be helped and given a chance in a new era of liberty and justice we will of course be allowing them into our domain robotic workers along with artificial intelligence in general have now both been outlawed thanks in no small part to the actions of the church of divine guidance the committee of technocratic reforms are an absolute uproar at this but the other party seem to not really mind at all whilst yes it is absolutely necessary for the protection of the galaxy to educate those around the alliance of free sentience because as is very clear they do not hold the egalitarian beliefs close to their heart one must proceed with caution does this structure not stray away from the principles of freedom and democracy that this civilization was built upon only time will tell if they've truly lost their way the lord protector benedict artwright in order to celebrate a fantastic achievement has announced a week of celebrations and festivities what is this achievement i hear you ask well here in the system of freedomia every single available space to build an orbital habitat has now been filled there are 10 yes 10 orbital habitats in this system it is by itself producing currently a combined trade value of 1285 and contains a relatively modest population of 143. from this beacon of civilization the alliance of free sentience power extends outwards cloaked in the protective embrace of the now free rukai hive a bulwark between any outward threats and the capital of this alliance further afield the polismus union a prospectorium under the alliance is providing a generous amount of resources to support our freedom efforts across the universe and the polisma's block another power freed from the evil grasps of the texas union before they turn to the light is beaverously focused on being a research institute and giving all of the technological needs we will have in order to achieve victory in the galaxy even those who were once thought of as evil can no longer be seen as such the techarus compilers a driven assimilator catalog union have now folded and joined freedom and equality everywhere as a subsidiary under our alliance but there is definitely trouble on the border to the south east the grolfer hegemony a despotic hegemony filled with such evils as overlord casseg the first are apparently neutral towards us but the lord protector benedict arkwright will not let the question should we be free go unanswered anywhere new naval contractors have been drawn up new contracts have been made and with the largest fleet our civilization has ever seen currently upgrading it will be very soon time to go on another freedom initiative while fredonia is currently uh full of habitats we can't build any more of them we can however expand the size of these things by finally unlocking the advanced space habitation technology which our hasouka scientist yundana is working on yes you will notice we are a fair free and multicultural society we will soon have access to the habitat world upgrade which will allow us to expand our habitats to a size hitherto unseen and yet trouble brewed in the alliance administration in the very heart of government itself drunk on the power drunk on the success of the campaign to the south of the apparent indoctrination and rehabilitation of the species around them they look to extend the authority of the alliance and create a supranational body the holy jeff imperium though they have been led far astray for a very long time they are a feudal society and a feudal empire through fierce negotiations with their leader grand architect jeff they have agreed to form the freedom front together we will bring freedom to every corner of the galaxy a new era of interstellar commerce i i mean freedom has begun unfortunately within days of forming the freedom front the holy jeff imperium has decided to leave it i'll be here when you get back not coming back chief what that could mean for the future of freedom everywhere i do not know but it is a deeply deeply saddening moment jeff is no longer by our side we no longer have a commercial alliance with this party to honor and celebrate the success of the new freedom front the capital port freedom will now be upgraded into a habitat world now that we have a federation it does seem like the time to offer any military conflict terms to our subjects protectorates friends given that well they don't seem to realize federation law supersedes a contract law in order to further our crusade for democracy we have established at the behest of our lord protector the cerberus spearhead this is a state-of-the-art security service which will uh yes you've guessed it privatize freedom i have successfully privatized world peace our embassy has been withdrawn from the growth of hegemony and now we do declare war right across the stars in a unanimous move the entire freedom front have voted yes on this declaration of war the black tide and tsunami are both attempting to attack deep into techerus compiler territory fortunately our legions our soldiers are on route at the moment hopefully we can engage them here in the trinary system of set you off opening fire and that is a massive salvo there the the admiral in command admiral margaret primrose has been promoted to grand admiral of the fleet in come the grothfap hegemony fleets again pushing into tekkera space but there's no need to worry our boys are there to save the day once more following their mighty defeats to our fleet the growl flap hegemony have sued for peace and been humiliated though this does leave them in a position with uh quite a weakened fleet and definitely in need of protection in order to protect the growth rap and help them find a new way to live outside of their hegemonic ways we have offered them subsidiary status to our empire with that the freedom front expands eastwards on the gros threat homeworld the accumonopolis of growl a terrifying discovery has been made as we have begun to set up a garrison to better defend and protect we have uncovered the reason that they have been so far astray from the traditions of freedom and democracy the krillin church of prosperity has set up an evil temple of prosperity along with other degenerate officers only by seizing these assets and affecting a hostile takeover can we hope to bring the groll flat people into line when is something random chance or when is it a sign an omen the two are very distinguishable and yet intangibly different these are the questions now that are pondered highest and foremost in the minds of those leading the alliance of free sentient and yet soon they may have answers what the future holds is a mystery yet the deep past does apparently has some clues as to the direction time might flow in having recovered a great deal of first league artifacts our scientists on port freedom have actually managed to deduce the location the exact galactic coordinates of this previous uh center of the galaxy fenn habanis interestingly the once home of the galactic community of the galactic republic the first league lies just west of our capital fredonia what greater omen could there be of our manifest destiny to lead all three peoples of the galaxy than this sign right here and the alliance of free sentience are not the only race of people that believe more order and legality is needed in the galaxy the holy jeff imperium and the ferengi alliance though their motives may be questionable have all joined together with us to form a galactic council this executive body will lead the galaxy to greater prosperity or at least they'll try the lord protector beatrice spencer the champion of the people has ordered the envoys of the alliance to use all of their emergency powers to put administrative oversight directly on the council floor by using this emergency measure we will have a greater deal of control over our wayward uh subjects friends advisory partners to ensure they get back on the straight and narrow the forest a group of fanatically purifying tree people known uh as the trees led by their high executioner trunk of three will be put to rights they can no longer impose their evil will on the galaxy and take away the rights of other sentient lifeforms so we're just gonna end the threat and uh yeah kill him but what do you think about the alliance of free sentience and the zirin people are they the good guys are they the bad guys let me know down in the comments below by removing the forest that does remove an obstacle in the way of our access to the krillian church of prosperity and once we have access to the korean church we will then be able to seize their assets in a hostile takeover thus safeguarding the souls of the people on growl meanwhile the freedom front have unanimously voted to form a federation fleet this will enable us to uh bring even more freedom than we've brought until now we're closing in here on the forest's home system panaxana prime and it looks like their defenses will not be up to the task of repelling our freedom forces and just as we liberate these worlds this is the world of triumph full of the freest people who have been so graciously liberated from the trius fanatic purifying cult ignore this word here this is their slaves to freedom now um no this is a minor technical logistical issue uh that the gloss growth hegemony they they just haven't quite moved beyond some of their uh more primitive instincts but we are helping them no sooner have we freed the trees people here then the subversive krillian church of prosperity has set up a branch office ahead of us this cannot stand we have issued a declaration of rivalry and we are about to prepare for a declaration of war with the fall of the forest capital they have now sued us for peace and we have accepted we have brought peace and freedom once more to the galaxy but first we should probably seize a couple of assets freedom isn't [Music] have apparently awoken and now become the zelvin reclaimers this could spell a time of unprecedented turmoil with these increasing threats on the horizon to the north the fallen empire has awoken and to the east we are now at war for a corporate reason the lord protector beatrice spencer has commissioned the creation of a gene warrior army in the name of freedom and enlightenment for obviously all peoples gene warriors gene warriors we're making lots of gene warriors though this honor is of course reserved only for the zirin bloodline no need to uh muddy the waters so to speak in some ways this was the very height of zero in society the apex of their power they believed themselves unassailable they no longer feared the other sentients around them they believed their mission in life their purpose to bring freedom democracy egalitarianism to all corners of the universe to all corners of the galaxy could not be halted the word manifest destiny isn't used enough yet here and yet there might still be events that could prevent them fulfilling their ultimate purpose freedom isn't free and they would soon learn the true meaning of that we are bringing the krillian church of prosperity under hill however our scientists have now noted that um several tracking stations are picking up peculiar subspace echoes coming from somewhere in intergalactic space the echoes are faint but getting stronger and they seem to be approaching the galaxy we will continue to monitor the situation but we do not as yet believe this is a cause for any alarm the strange subspace echoes we detected in intergalactic space uh recently are now approaching the outer rim of the galaxy several small contacts appear to be racing ahead of the main body of echoes towards a number of rim systems but don't worry our scientists will continue to monitor and update you on the situation as it unfolds currently the uh breach point as it were is part of the old techerus compilers what is now the polismus block a large amount of trade and resources do flow from this area towards us we are being assured there is no reason for alarm and we're getting a transmission coming in right now [Applause] well there seems to have been some sort of uh malfunction there with the uh communication software we will try to re-establish contact with those areas of the prismus block very imminently but as of yet ladies and gentlemen there is no need for alarm several outlying systems in the polismus block have now gone dark they are no longer transmitting anything to us uh but uh we are sure this is just a technical malfunction with their audio recording equipment in other news our brave forces in the krillian church space are continuing to win victory on all fronts nothing but good news coming through the comcast uh communications with the tekker system have now failed there seems to be some sort of blanket uh failure in our communications sweeping across the southern fringes of the free sentient space the latest planet to cease communicating with the rest of the galaxy is tolsboro in polismus space experts assure us the rumbling we are getting from this planet is definitely some sort of audio malfunction and that is why we're hearing that on the subspace bands there is nothing to fear continue spending wisely continue uh purchasing and uh generally going about your business as normal citizens of the alliance of free sentience please nothing to see here please but luckily those subspace echoes we were hearing have now completely vanished we can no longer discern them they are probably a sense of malfunction that you do not need to worry about at home ladies and gentlemen our gene warrior armies are landing on the capital of the krillin church of prosperity and they have now taken it fantastic news in financial news the pollismus block do seem to be defaulting on their loans they actually have not made contact in quite some time we believe the government has gone into a hiatus to discuss the current crisis uh unfolding with the communications issues across their worlds meanwhile in the galactic community the issue of workers rights is being discussed uh feverishly victory over the krillian church of prosperity has given us access to a whole host of new branch offices which will be a fantastic economic opportunity the holy jeff imperium has decided it is no longer reasonable to stand apart from the freedom front they have agreed to join us join the alliance of free sentience extending the reach of our union right across the galaxy the communications issue has now spread to the politis union that is our prospectorium they are we're no longer receiving any communication from their central government either i have no idea what could be the matter but uh hopefully everything's all right a delegation from the policeman's block here to our south has reached the capital and they are stark raving mad we've had to put them in an insane asylum because they are raving about monsters and space aliens and things eating them in the dark it is completely hi yes reapers the immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space now we have dismissed that claim the communication issues are getting worse and worse we've actually sent a flotilla we are sending a flotilla of military ships over just to help them and assist them in their time of crisis here meanwhile our scolarium has completely reneged on all of their promises and all of the uh things they told us they would give us we haven't had a single scientific breakthrough sent by them in quite a while in fact we are not even sure if they know how to pay tax anymore at all a task force sent out to uncover the nature of this communications issue has now uh has now come into contact with what can only be described as an abomination what our scientists are calling the prethorian scourge or prethorian swarm are now moving across space that is the reason for our communication blackout and we can only hope that our subsidiaries our lessers have been able to survive this onslaught on their worlds at this time uh we have decided that in the interests of uh liberty and egalitarianism every world should be allowed to stand on its own merits and for that reason all military forces are moving back to fredonia to defend our capital and of course the nagadi archivists a fallen empire have decided this is the perfect moment to attack the alliance of free sentience well good luck to them in order to combat this massive new threat to our sovereignty our scientists have designed a new type of ship the terrorizer class menacing destroyer this rather than using the conventional alloys is built of substandard minerals but that does mean we can produce more of them than any other ship class uh we don't seem to be getting any uh anything from the prospectorium and scalarium they they don't seem to be providing any resources one can only assume they're they're busy fighting off the pro-thor and scourge on our behalf yes and we've got a prethorized fleet of 1.2 million moving to the fredonia system here we go ladies and gentlemen this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill we're on the edge of our space we should probably go and engage them our forces have moved forwards this could be a do or die battle we do seem to have won the engagement thankfully all forces should return back to the safety of the starbase and we have another engagement here in fredonia we can only hope that our forces are once again able to carry the day all hands to battle stations thankfully it does look like we've achieved success but at the loss of many many lives and another fleet have jumped in oh goodness gracious me due to the wonton aggression of this new enemy the prethorian scourge the fallen empires around us and the other civilizations in the galaxy the lord protector beatrice spencer in an emergency session has declared the treaties that bind the freedom front together to be in abeyance yes we have dissolved the freedom front and in fact the council met and unanimously voted that it is impossible for any sentient lifeboard in this galaxy other than those already in the alliance of free sentience to be a liberal democratic nation and for that reason we are going to explore other possibilities other worlds other universes in order to achieve this the scientists are building something they've described as an etherophasic engine by utilizing the underlying currents of the universe we shall ascend into a new plane and escape the barbaric nature of the walls around us as we no longer want to engage in this kind of silly behavior with those who simply cannot understand the freedom that we need to have with those who simply cannot understand with those who simply cannot understand and do not care for are democratic and freeways our bulwark the rukai hive are reaching out to us asking us to provide aid and assistance um well for now though they are on their own in order to harvest dark matter to improve our ethrophagic engine and build it up to scratch we will have to uh remove that dark matter from stars in the galaxy luckily our neighbor the united kingdom of great zuma northern keg has an abundance of stars welcome ladies and gentlemen to a concept we call galaxy forming by taking master builders we should now increase the upgrade speed at which we upgrade our ethrophasic engine and that is exactly what we're going to do and here comes yet another another fleet but we have managed to capture a brood queen from that fleet thank goodness we're going to get a whole extra plus 30 society research well goody in a show of defiance our bulwark the wakari hive has reformed into the rukai collective and declared war on not only themselves but also us that means that we are now a single sea of light in a vast ocean of darkness the brethorn return again ready to test their metal for the umpteenth time and they're launching fighters that's because our starbase should have engaged already we have managed to put a titan beam out there and there it goes in other news the galactic economy is in turmoil as the price of minerals currently at 4.9 base surpasses that of alloys and basically everything else in the market and our single starbase here is working overtime to try and put out enough ships to defend our borders luckily we only do have one system to defend so that makes the task of defense somewhat easier elizabeth lovelace who until now has been the governor of the entire port freedom system ensuring our defenses were up to scratch has put herself forwards on a platform of fleet expansion and one an overwhelming majority i love democracy and another one i'm pretty sure we yeah we are pretty much single-handedly exterminating the pre-thorium by just sitting at home and minding our own business it's as if they have a vendetta against us the first phase of construction is now complete we have some panels on our engine but we must gather more dark matter in order to escape and ascend this reality part of the reason we're able to defend fredonia the last bastion of freedom in all of the galaxies so well is we have a mercenary garrison giving us plus 15 fire rate and a command center giving us another plus 10 for a total of plus 35 percent interestingly the mercenaries recalled their own fleet because they were getting shot out a little bit which then meant that we they paid us 44 000 energy and that we could rent it from them now for 22 000 we can rent off the fleet back from them so we just made a nice tidy profit of 22 000. they can give us a lovely plus 15 percent here to damage to prethorian creatures which we're obviously going to go for as we do want all the support we can get from any member of the galaxy that is uh honorable just like ourselves as we complete the second stage of the etherophasic engine and prepare to move on to the third we are starting to suffer some energy credit deficits what is this why are we having this and what is going on well most of our income used to be coming through branch offices unfortunately a large number of our branch offices are being shut down due to the unscrupulous behavior of the people on the branch offices uh for instance here they have behaved uh terribly and are no longer honoring their debt obligations apparently our experiments into our breaching the shroud which is our current escape method for this entire calamity have made it into something the state of turmoil they're across the galaxy a whole load of entities are popping up luckily not in our space so that is uh down to the free market to work out i believe interestingly the fleet call recall seems to have happened again giving us yet more energy credits we appalled the taking of sentient life however sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and in this case the planet of gold with a population of 72 pops unfortunately turns out to be the view while we are still the many oh no no and unfortunately that is the second star eater to have fallen victim to the scourge we will rebuild we will build a new star eater and continue the quest our economy is starting to buckle under the weight of these continuous assaults whilst we are putting so much towards this aethrophasic engine i am unsure whether we will actually be able to continue to survive at this rate if their attacks do not slow down with the end of the nagari archivist the fallen empire over here that did declare war on us that is one war we won't have to worry about anymore unfortunately the toric mog and vipella both had to be sacrificed for the greater good only a few more panels need to be nailed to this darn thing and we will finally be free of this wretched reality with so many hegemons and uh basically bad guys you know i mean that's the thing here we're just so darn good very soon our second of the new star eaters will be built we do need to acquire another 40 000 dark matter so there's quite a few stars around us i can see that would be excellent targets for cracking and once we've done that we will finally be able to ascend unfortunately for the star base the regenerative properties of our boar cube here are unsurpassed it continues to regenerate its hull points and armor much faster than the onslaught can even attempt to damage it and that's why we're going to keep winning apparently the united kingdom of great zuma and northern keg how the current galactic custodian how they're managed to custode given that almost all of their systems are now gone is beyond me a long time has passed since the beliefs that allowed the zirin people to flourish their sense of egalitarianism their freedom their democracy were first established oh how their ancestors might weep on the acts of their current generation for they had managed to explain away the violent and vicious crimes they were perpetrating throughout the galaxy they believed they really did deep down that it was all in the name of freedom it was all in the name of achieving something something that they no longer believed was possible a deep malaise had settled in the hearts and minds of the zirin people and it could not be moved aside very easily selak the home of the kingdom a race of pacifistic tortoises or at least they used to be uh until they seem to have moved to fnatic xenophile and spiritualist well unfortunately they are the latest who must suffer the ignominy of defeat as our star mining operations are in full swing and there goes salah may they rest in peace if only they'd chosen a better freer way it does seem like we are the only race actively fighting the scourge in the galaxy though we've killed 1426 ships and the rest of the galaxy only 55 truly we are the protectors of freedom and democracy everywhere unfortunately for the galaxy with the destruction of the united kingdom of great zuma and northern keg that's this black hole written space over here the custodian ship has come to an end and they no longer have a custodian but not to worry somebody has proposed the galaxy may need to focus on the prethorian scourge there are only a handful of branch offices left to us out there in the galaxy still under our existing subsidiary the growth hegemony who have a little pocket over here next to the forest that is actually the worlds we liberated for them from the forest and aren't they lovely yes full of these very free trees i mean honestly at this point i think we have to i think we have to elect to give up on the growl for hegemony i mean they they simply cannot be changed slavers despots and evildoers all of them it does seem we might have accidentally pruned too many leaves from the char kingdom it has completely collapsed all uh evidence of the kachar people is now gone we will remember them though in the annals of our people so they will live on forever we're just a couple of systems away once we mine the reador system here of its dark matter and we get one other one we should then be able to begin the final stage of this project and then we will finally be able to end this war in heaven just as the pretorian fleet flying we do now have enough dark matter to complete the final stage we will begin the preparations immediately for the end of time we will initiate the final sanction the end of time will come at my hand the rupture will continue until it rips the time voltage apart and that's yes two million that's two fleets one after the other have flown in to attack us yet even they are not enough to stop our might we do have a bit of a store of unity so architectural renaissance will be triggered and that will reduce the amount of time it takes to upgrade this down to 1 800 days just under 5 years they really are intensifying their attacks now as they can sense we are on the cusp of victory the daleks know that something is happening they're increasing their firepower multiple fleets converging on the capital but the armadas are holding and it's just wave after wave here the economy is really straining we are running very low on things like food energy and consumer goods the fleets from the prethorian are getting bigger and bigger this one i believe might actually be their biggest ever attack in a single feed 1.5 million but it won't be enough we are 160 days away from cracking open the void like an egg and scooping deep deep deep into the psionic shroud once inside the shroud we will be able to reorder our society in such a way as to be free and egalitarian and democratic far away from all of this war bloodshed and nonsense with just 30 days to go they have one final push at us the scourge are tempted they are hoping they can stop us unfortunately they are just too little too late the skies are filled with battle the galaxy itself the western half has been completely subsumed by the scourge the east uh quite a bit of it has been strip mined by us yes that that is unfortunate and the remaining peoples there are really not doing well very well in banding together they are currently voting on whether or not they want to attempt to even defeat the scourge in their so-called galactic community but the time has come for us to put aside all of these petty concerns and to transcend beyond all of this nonsense we will ascend to become creatures of consciousness alone our creation itself ceases to be and with that we have pressed the button the alliance of free sentience have ensured peace democracy and freedom everywhere in the galaxy we can come here to fredonia boom goes the stars yet from the ashes of this defeat and although we thought we had destroyed all life in the galaxy it seems unfortunately some of our very own people they are the cerberus spearhead the mercenary company we set up right at the beginning of the game have survived unfortunately they don't seem to have transcended with us and they are still alive in fen habanes in fact these three ships represent the only life alive anywhere in the universe we wish them a good luck and god bless them and what that splinter group of zirins the last life forms in the galaxy might do time will only tell but that is not a story for today that is a story for another time we have traveled together with the zirin people from their very first steps into the cosmos to their eventual destructive acts at its undoing yet throughout it all they believed what they were doing was right if you've enjoyed this stellaris story this challenge video and you'd like to know what might happen if a race of people attempted to build the biggest and tallest planet in the universe click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 275,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, one system challenge stellaris, stellaris one system challenge 3.4, stellaris challenge, stellaris challenge run, stellaris megacorp, stellaris megacorp build 2022, stellaris megacorp build, solar system, one system, montu stellaris, montu challenge
Id: z-9tSJvnMsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 35sec (3215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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