Starting As The UNBIDDEN

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this mod allows us to play as the unbidden can we use all these shiny new mechanics to consume this galaxy before the 25 times crisis spawns at 22.50 let's find out the First new mechanic is our origin extra dimensionals this mod starts us on an aurora habitat as you can see here linked to the black hole pretty cool and we can build more on black holes it also starts us outside of the Galaxy but that's fine we start with jump drives so we can uh do a bit of Hit and Run tactics to consume a Galaxy so we can increase the capacity of this Capital even though it's already absolutely massive by using a tactical nuke I mean it just makes sense does it not alongside the origin we are using two new Civics Stellar devourers we get minus 500 opinion from all other species but we can devour stars to gain pops um yeah you know where this is going we can also just Neutron wave bombardment which gives us huge damage to everything a prisoners are definitely not a part of this operation just to get some nice Buffs to energy weapons more Naval cap and less upkeep and we get a nice free Caster spare line on other species alongside this we're using industrial electromagnetism which gives us more Alloys but gives us a higher energy cost Empire white that's fine though we're just going to do a better murdering and there's also a new species traits such as electroid which essentially just turns all of our upkeep into energy so obviously we're going to go ingenious and overheating which gives us more resources from jobs but more energy up keep it on our Pops we don't start with any super cool Tech so we have gone intelligent now aim is to uh consume this galaxy before an even bigger threat spawns first thing we're going to do is survey all the systems in our starting little cluster and I mean we don't need food so uh we may as well just sell it honestly and consumer goods all right and they will buy minerals and a key Ascension perk I think is centrifugal horror once we get battleships and three other Ascension perks we can destroy planets and gained 0.25 pops of our own species per pop killed yeah um that's pretty crazy first thing we're going to do is build a singularity anchor it gives us just unity and research jobs so why wouldn't we we need to get to those battleships can we just take a moment to appreciate how good the system looks so a science ship has already done surveying our cluster we get two more black holes which we will be able to do eventually once we have the energy build more habitats but for now we'll go discover into the proper Galaxy we found nothing go explore I thought we didn't have any consumer good upkeep but I was wrong we still do I guess on the jobs we do on the pops we don't but minus 25 energy credits from jobs that's a bit annoying the first sentient perk is here but there's nothing really too helpful we'll just go attack it then we have found a potential first bow oh we get a new policy tools of Destruction bugger will be dead World afterwards generates energy for each killed pot the wastes negative energy to the surface cause chain reactions thus creating large amounts of energy which is vaporizing people I guess we'll go Supremacy first a lot of our stuff revolves around murdering and they can't actually kill us so even if we fail an attack they can't get to us it's beautiful they need to remember our energy weapons do better so I really need to get as many energy weapon upgrades as possible and fit I'll call that with more energy we still do need to break their Shields so one small goal gun's probably best we can do some other sections on the species that are over here that will be uh great I think what could go wrong look at them we definitely need to pull them apart to see what the heck's going on there it's actually so nice having jump drives this early are we getting Society from that that's pretty cool and more Intel alien scum we should start spying on them they're overwhelming but we are superior in Tech right good good good they have so many planets to bomb oh this will be fun you know what I'm just gonna go start building Corvettes probably make the design for this because I don't trust all the you know it's probably exactly the same as what I would normally do I think Max armor is better early game yeah more evasion yes thank you the one I call Vets to die oh plasma weapons earlier on a very good and their energy we have if we have to start researching that the Yeet Fleet probably won't get those ships fitted but who knows we might not be stronger than them they're still Superior that's a bit annoying the eat Fleet does have many ships such as our slash Loris is a meme Flying Dutchman a flying rat and more these beautiful Corvettes will be going into battle named by my patreons and YouTube members if you want a chance of appearing in the video it has a ship name a fleet a leader or even a planet check out the patreon and membership rewards you can also get access to multiplayer games and submitting custom Empires that can appear in the Galaxy they're still Superior to me ah well we'll just have to make another Fleet banana Armada now we found someone else by jumping here hey we're gonna equip plasmas because they're slightly better damage wise but they also just do more benefits things that aren't Shield it could be a ballsy play they might have lots of Shields and it could destroy us but oh well no her sign chip was just seized block of nightmare alien scum he killed our signship we're finished off Supremacy I guess we go executive bigger and we can now do War doctrines didn't we have Corvettes it's probably better to go no retreat they're only equivalent to us now that's great I am a bit scared though I mean we could just jump straight on their star base here actually it's probably better to jump far away because when we jump in we'll have less damage and less sublight speed for 200 days you want to start low or even in this system okay UV lasers might be better now the third level anyway we'll switch back okay I'm bored now let's go with that they're equivalent who cares Essence devours energy Harvest time I need that energy and we'll jump down here so that we can chill a bit and this service is dead oh they're here they're Superior already what the heck where did all these fleets come from I guess because I did the jump well we'll go around them until uh oh gosh they're coming Ron now we can actually fight I think we have 2.9 again I'd love to fight with a star base though so we'll actually try and take their star base and fight here and keep we'll just bomb them while we're here because we can always Retreat oh uh can we fight that I don't think we can run away I need to try and hold a star base so that I can heal up again that's my issue right now wait we could just build one here when we have the Allies genius genius and we can just jump in reinforcements oh we can get destroyers next as well no they're coming stay there stay there stay damn it uh it's got 119 days um okay am I no those well that's that Jordan can't jump yeah now we can let us leave and heal and we'll be back goodbye and they can't get to us yeah maybe we do need Shields um especially now we have shields two at least one destroyers are here perfect they're insulting me oh that is cute you will be next okay it's time to go back and just hope we don't jump on top of them you're good get the plan upgrade the star Port as soon as possible this will be our base of operations oh they've come in oh they've come they've come in we've got 49 days that we get the Allies back we have over 3K but in 20 49 days I will get my weapon damage back we should probably I can't Retreat either well we have to run cold 12 days nine days no they got another runaway is this possible oh that was so close yeah they would have killed us I would have been able to take them if their second Fleet didn't come in it's fine we're stopping them building up because they have to run around and deal with us well I just keep building more and more destroyers ugh we have to accept that we can't fight them yet okay surely 6K is enough now and we're gonna land straight on this star base hopefully they're not there they're not there okay now we have a foothold it's like we're trying to Naval invade quite literally and it's an Anchorage we'll turn this into a non-anchorage so we can Retreat back here if needed oh no we ran into them and we're engaging already well let's see how this goes come on luckily it was only one of their Fleet that was actually huge oh another one just appeared okay we lost a good few culverts all of our no the Pokemon lives they're the chosen one status quo oh we're 100 yeah we need to go quick then I just want to bombard some pops so that I can get some energy bomb them it is a 3.1 just staring at me do this we should probably take them before or they might kill us actually oh wow we are so weak though the Corvettes just die instantly Cruisers what the okay what are they doing oh dear okay we need to peace out actually yeah well we got a foothold that's the main thing right now we can just wait for Cruisers and Destroy them all yeah we can start building cruises very nice no retreat kind of screwed us so we we're gonna go rapid deployment for that extra ship weapon Ridge as we can tear through their Shields the better I mean become the crisis kind of just makes sense right we should just do it we should just do that but wait there's a tutorial maybe I could eat the Stars let's do that oh it caused so much energy though I'm currently saving for for this we can actually just make a planet around a black hole so we should probably do that first but I can join the community no I want to be the hidden threat threatening the community will give away uh that position why is everyone's appeared to me run adroll AI is is strong and a second habitat has been made Let's colonize that and we can make one more I think these first are better than consuming all the stars I think plasma accelera is a better than these UVS now would be nice to get a better computer and we can get another habitat beautiful but can we we can only build one or a habitat every five years why let's consume this star then okay we're finally equivalent Claire War Essence devourers now I can finally devour their planets and go straight to their Capital Ford consume their planet look how quickly it goes up beautiful okay there's no animations but I will energy should go through the roof every time a pop dies is it an army as well it's just going up like crazy oh my okay pops a sign to die now her energy is just taking our eye a lot look at them just die oh my I feel a bit of evil but we can make another habitat now oh they have a 7K going for us that's annoying but the capital's gone blue and it creates a team world and let's go deal with that Fleet snack oh we've run into them no match reform government we can get another one of these new Civics whole damage Shield damage armor damage last I'll keep on ships is less but for Alloys energy is more well we just have an infinite supply of energy so that could be good yeah let's go that more ship up keep energy but less on Alloys and another pretty big fight actually but we're fine oh cool we have that Colony now so we can designate these planets what do I need honestly we shift this more into Alloys our Empire Capital can be just a bit of everything fight them again easily let's go take down the new capital guys keep getting humiliated by these stupid Fallen Empire ah we can't afford a war against them though what we can do though is just get unlimited energy by just bombarding everything we now have the subterfuge evasion and tracking to help us destroy even more another planet gone beautiful we're just currently farming up energy so that we can uh consume more stars which gives us more Pops which then just give us some more resources over time oh and another habitat done beautiful and any black holes we see we will gladly take there's actually one up here that would be perfect and another planet dead oh there's an enemy sweet Hello nice to meet you you're dead we better make a move on the crisis can actually spawn in six years but I feel like we're finally hitting our power curve now I don't actually know what tradition suits us now I guess we just finished subterfu so we can get centrifugal horror once we get battleships we'll get so many more Pops then I need to take that black hole huge if we can get that wow they've expanded so much they come okay all of our destroyers are gone another planet gone even if we get Force pieced out they're going to be so weak the unbidden is coming for them another planet gone Dodge and we're forced into peace that's fine though now we really need battleships so that we can uh use that Civic battleships perfect finish that then finish subterfuge and then we start the next wall and we'll get so many pops battleships are done now we just wait for an extradition and we can get this book it is done now we can get centrifugal horror lots of ship type Focus that can be armed with the particle Ripper to destroy planets so we can just Bomb Pops here we have to make a new ship I I don't know exactly how this works is it only on Battleship maybe it's only on Battleship uh I don't see any I'm deeply confused oh I need to oh it's the pet yeah well I just want to go murder something so let's go murder this oh they've got an Overlord and this Empire is very strong apparently why is everyone a barcel of someone the crisis can actually spawn me have been able to spawn in tennis I just wanted to get this thing done but it's going to take forever I don't want to start a massive war without it look at all those precious planets we can destroy basically I'm playing extremely greedy so there's no difference there really I did just sit here and wait for um it to finish but hey I fixed my economy while we were at it okay so what is that Focus article this just gives us part of everything that's on it cool please tell me we can build it you need to sit though why I don't even have star Fortress okay we're gonna just go kill while we wait I don't even care anymore I've had enough jump in boys I've had enough Skillet oh they have a 13k oh whoa they have quite a bit oh I might have made a mistake the longer this battle goes on the better because we will lose the debuffs oh this is bad they just call that spam me to the ground how did it happen because game is all going well for me because they're all hyper relayed up they can just get to me before the 100 day cool down on the jump happens yeah we can take them though I believe let's just hold on here take the star face hold here run away from the hyper relay we have 150 days Citadel nice okay now we're a full power let's kill him oh wait you need to go to the proper nuke run wave start there we go much better okay they're coming again this time I Believe in Us they will win that's how it works we should definitely take out their 14k before the rest gets here it's easy easy easy at full master class now they're just sending fleets one by one oh we got 10K energy um let's get some more Pops going then assume the star again and we have a black hole here that we can uh almost build a habitat around I had to be an engineering thing in the crisis next it will build another habitat more the better another planet dead so we have taken all of these systems we've gotten a lot of pops and now they're coming from the north I'm not I think it's these who just declared war on me for some reason we'll just murder them but our focus is almost here with less than a year the best thing about neutral notes is that they're energy we get more energy weapon damage and quite a bit sleepers awake oh uh I'm not a threat but I have enclaves now apparently our focus is done it's time to be mcshit face must go into battle and we can just jump over these closer borders oh whoa they've got lots oh my cancel the jump cancel the jump this Fleet is probably dead damn that's wrong what that was uh unexpected well good thing they can't get to me they're apparently very very strong at least we can uh start harvesting energy so they have 17 pops which will be about four for us once we Harvest it look at it go we went from 110 to 114. and this planet's gonna die it's got 22 so we'll get about five pops oh I haven't looked good and they're dead I think it's time we wipe these out though let's just jump on that Capital oh no no no no no no no we don't have the range oh this has a bigger jump drive range oops we're fine they have almost 100K that's quite scary I can't crack the habitat that's annoying oh they're they're Envy um stop oh we got some uh cubes now wait we can make black holes which means we can go around them with a habitat matter I'm surprised the crisis hasn't spawned yet thank you they're trying to kill my cue oh no they're actually killing it the cube survived okay that just destroying me we need to get as much dark matter as possible so we can end the Galaxy oh we can actually do the Tactical Nick thing wait we can just Spam so many that's insane I'm just trolling the AI by sending the cubes behind them with my jump drives because they can't get to me oh no that's the unbidden isn't it the true one button first upgrade can be started in a minute though Obama okay look we can we can move our Pops around and give them better stuff unstable element we're about to pull on Blackwell's increase let me just grab some pop group speed not that it really matters wait I could just go into the guy that declared war on me oh yes we're jumping there after this planet sir done jump to the capital look how many planets here hello I've come to say goodbye the fact that the cube has weapons on it makes it so strong hopefully it can kill it this is the longest fight I've ever seen there we go crack quick go go go go go go before they get here they're not even coming goodbye your Capital with loads of habitats lagging my game say goodbye and there's some more planets over here oh no I may have made a mistake there's a lot here oh well maybe they won't come are they coming they're gonna they're gonna jump in as soon as it cracks no blowing up no yes that's actually hilarious that was completely outplayed them I'm just literally going around cracking everything they own while hiding over here probably a bit abusive of the mod but it's fine oh no the cube might die and we just have a coming storm don't worry about the 25x crisis don't worry I should be able to kill it with the engine baby I just need a lot more Dark Matter oh no oh no no no no no this is tweet oh no get me out of here no the Cube's gonna die Retreat it survived the cube can never die no I just jumped into 40K run ah no oh no it's a five cube good night yes let's survived oh no this is 25 times um it's gonna kill everything I'm done getting humiliated by this stupid Fallen Empire come and get us if you really want us to be humiliated the first stage we just need to keep upgrading it now we're actually going to be low on Dark Matter so we need to go back into the unbearable Galaxy and collect more oh no okay we managed to survive yeah they're spreading oh no they have so much Fleet power oh my gosh all million in one Fleet come on engine hurry up um yeah getting close we're only on the stage two trying to get the edicts that speed it up not happening but we've got the dark map pretty much so if the I don't think they have jump drives they might not be able to get us at all because everyone else is gonna die which was gonna happen anyway next upgrade while I'm uh just waiting I'm trying to pick the biggest spider ever there we go Central Theory oh yes it's all coming together that is 70k oh dear get out but it's just oh no go over here I love how I can just jump around Rock a bunch of stars and leave [Music] 1.1 million geez a bit scary and let's jump over here away from The Surge no one of the cubes died it's fine I think we have enough thoughts and we can build more actually we should probably just build more than cost stock but well we'll build two if I need the dark man I can cancel but we can grab master Builders now megastructure build speed plus 50 and we got the technology to work on megastructure build speed plus 50 do these actually work on here maybe they don't even work on here because that hasn't moved maybe the next one will be quicker but it does work so that it was to even double this because we took the pert but if we work on megastructure build time it's now 1800 days which is nothing compared to what it what it was before and we've done it we just have to sit here and wait then they can't jump here uh so we're just gonna watch them eat the Galaxy [Music] foreign wait did it not fire oh there we go we need to activate the event bam we won we saved the Galaxy uh ignore that ignore this this is this doesn't count we won did you like this video then you'll love the time we played with mods that gave me 10 times on everything yeah it's ridiculous but it was so fun go check it out
Channel: Ep3o
Views: 157,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ep3o, stellaris, paradox interactive stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris playthrough, Stellaris, Stellaris gameplay, stellaris edited, ep3o, stellaris game, stellaris modded playthrough, stellaris modded, stellaris modded let's play, stellaris gameplay 2022, stellaris unbidden, stellaris playing as crisis, stellaris playing as unbidden, stellaris unbidden gameplay, stellaris unbidden lore, ep3o stellaris
Id: 9Oqj5087GBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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