No Research Challenge

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is technological progress necessary to expand and maintain an interstellar empire or can we conquer the galaxy without it in this video we'll be trying to play stellaris without researching a single technology of course we will also be throwing in a dash of role play too and so without any further ado i present for your delectation the authori crusade now this is a very special race that i've concocted in order to try to attempt this challenge that challenge being the no technology challenge as i've mentioned before what are we playing with what are we dealing with here well we are of course fanatic spiritualist only the tenacity of a fanatic spiritualist could force an empire force of population to give up on all technology and the tenets of our dogma basically state that technology is bad why is that well i've gone for a bit of a role play origin here and that is with the remnant start our capital our home world is a relic world it used to be the seat of a vast and powerful empire the empire of atharia but deep in the distant past our ancestors our forebearers unleashed a cataclysm not only upon our capital but across a myriad of worlds which almost led to our destruction relegated and forced to occupy only a single world for generations the survivors of that cataclysm eeked out a meagre existence living amongst the rocks and it was only through our deep fanatic beliefs our deep religious beliefs that we were able to survive as a society to unify in this apocalyptic world and reclaim some of our former glory now something we do believe because of all this is that technology is not only wrong it should be hunted down dismantled and demolished only the old reliable basic technologies that we have had for generations on our world can remain if we want to guard ourselves from repeating the mistakes of the past so whilst we are a remnant and that does mean we will get access to some technology caches which we will be taking don't worry so we might get a couple of technologies we won't be doing any other research i'm going to be dismantling all of our labs we're going to be burning down the heretics and we're going to make sure that we don't have any other heresy around the galaxy now that makes us into a crusade led by our exarch here hostess herrenius we will crusade across the stars to bring enlightenment and the freedom from technological burden to all other civilizations in the galaxy to guard against any heresy our civilization is ruled by exalted priests the religious council consisting of the wisest and most pious members of the clergy but amongst the priesthood the politics is cutthroat that's going to give us some nice edict upkeep benefits and increase our code breaking a little bit and of course no crusade would be complete without a dogmatic belief in authoritarianism in terms of our pops we are traditional charismatic and somewhat long-lived but due to our long exposure our long time living on ortharia basically a dump we are a little bit wasteful and of course a little sedentary here are the settings we are going to be using today we are going to be having the crisis 100 years early and we're playing on grand admiral let's see how it goes if we can actually survive without researching a single technology and if you're enjoying this video please crusade in the name of that like button for 10 000 years the authori people have struggled on their ruined world little knowledge remains of the great cataclysm that sundered their empire and their worlds that which has survived the centuries does so as myths and whispers in the distant past from their seat of power on atharia the athari people ruled over a vast and bountiful empire a thousand worlds paid tribute to their greatness but in their hubris the ancients of atharia thought themselves untouchable they pushed the boundaries of knowledge creating new and terrifying technologies and then one day the ships stopped coming cut off from its empire without warning without food or raw materials the popular city planet of atharia became a prison brother turned against brother as society crumbled fighting for such basic necessities as food and heat much was lost a dark age reigned for generations but with time the athari people reclaimed much of what was lost though the trauma of this dark age left scars scars that run deep and now we come back to the galaxy ready to save all from the dangers of technology here on the blue marble or somewhat grey marble of atharia the inquisitors are saddened to tell us saddened to bring this news to the high council that heresy has been found after months of work months of investigative analysis they have uncovered a research laboratory yes the very core of our beliefs has been challenged here somebody is attempting to bring about the apocalypse bring about armageddon and we shall crush them immediately this scientific cabal led by the evil proclass vibenius has been found and will be purged each of them have been permanently removed from the position of living and this is how things should stay now whilst scientists are inherently evil we all know that don't forget they bring us uh damnation and destruction in their path explorers however are an essential part of the expeditionary fleet but we must be ever vigilant the likes of lucius or galanius who could so easily turn from the light of religious dogma to the dark depravity of scientific inquiry must be guarded and watched the planet of auster here was once a core world of the athari empire now we have brought it back into the fold of the athari crusade and we will turn its resources to the expansion of the fleet luckily these colonial remains can serve as a base of operations making it easier to recolonize this planet as we make our first tentative steps out into the cosmos we have discovered heresy everywhere we must guard ourselves people guard ourselves against this our faith must be supreme the a collective consciousness of machines yes autumatans the very peak of heresy i tell you well they seem to occupy space around here some 600 000 years ago our explorers now turn to archaeology to uncover more of their decrepit secrets the more authority explorers uncover about the cybrax the more terrifying the picture becomes this ancient race of genocidal machines occupied authority space long before our ancestors had even learned to harness fire our explorers have made disturbing parallels between their crusade amongst the stars to wipe out organic life and our crusade to save it given the harmful nature of this information were it to be made public the high council has decreed it must be classified and sealed within our vaults they have banned all future exploration of cybric sites our explorers are beginning to uncover some fact about the nature of the athari empire and the cataclysm that befell it long ago it is clear from the surrounding hyperlane network that a large factor in the apocalypse was the destruction of most hyperlane routes there is now only a single hyperline route connecting othor and the surrounding core worlds with the rest of the galaxy and we can only assume this is a new route plotted by our explorers what kind of destabilizing effects this had on our civilization are lost in the deep past but we can only assume the galaxy may have moved on without us whilst watching a light show in the epsilon erid danny system the explorer drew suskotius has strayed away from the line whilst exploring and uncovering an anomaly he has constructed a new technology blue lasers now whilst this technology will not be used except under the most dire of circumstances we must of course adhere to the tenets of our faith and unfortunately drew says kotius will be put to death whilst clearing the ruined arcologies of our home worlds the explorers there have uncovered technology they have uncovered the secrets of building robotic workers we will of course be doing nothing with this whatsoever we will submit this to the archives to be hopefully lost and forgotten with time to be kept safe yet those excavation teams have again been put to death do not worry noble citizens our crusade will be safeguarded from heretic elements the two main factions guiding and competing for political power within the crusade are first and foremost the council of traditional values they are what you could think of as the spiritualist faction and the crusader council an authoritarian faction which believes in the subjugation and oppression of the other aliens we know must be out there as the writings teach us for over 20 years our exploratory fleet pushed deeper and deeper into the galaxy the surviving scraps of star maps have proved totally useless for navigation but we are building up a new map of the surrounding space on our western border there have been troubling reports of a first contact or perhaps indeed a second contact most records from before the sundering are actually woefully incomplete maybe these aliens will have something to teach us about our own past the first new race that we have discovered are called the gennogian hive according to our translators in studying them we have improved the resource output of our basic workers however this gushed out consciousness this single hive mind does not seem to share the tenets of our faith in fact they augment themselves with technological progress and therefore the blasphemers must burn to that end the exact hostess hernias has commissioned the construction of a grand fleet the time for crusade is almost upon us we will fulfill our holy mandate and save the galaxy from the horrors of technology there must be war god blessed [Applause] and so sound the drums of war crusader forces push deep into the enemy territory the first real and active resistance is encountered here just in their capital system of genocks however it is not enough to prevent the hive mind from being subsumed unfortunately our explorer decimus atreus in strict contravention to our laws whilst exploring the debris given up by this hive mind has uncovered the secrets of fusion technology this does of course mean that unfortunately he must immediately be put to death but we will take this secret this technology of fusion power and only use it in the most dire of circumstances hidden dark and deep in the vaults not to be used unless at the uttermost end of need the hive is dying they have issued an unconditional surrender to the crusade and with that we now have complete control of their worlds complete control of their space and just as we suspected they have been conducting research on their worlds this is the heresy we are fighting against ladies and gentlemen this atrocity will not stand following the disastrous first contact and military occupation of the gennogian hive the athari crusade has attempted to find a place for gennady and citizens in our society inexplicably however the ghanagian have become unresponsive within days of our successful liberation campaign concluding instead of becoming part of our great purpose they seem to have lost the will to live refusing food or communication until their bodies grow weak this has created something of an ecological catastrophe on all of our new worlds our colonists on these once gannogian worlds are having to dispose of billions of decaying gnogian corpses in the meantime our great exploratory fleet have found a new alien empire a kingdom of mammalian bipeds with remarkably similar language and grammatical structure to ourselves we can only hope that they too follow the path of light and reject all scientific research we now tentatively have sent out our authori citizens to uncover the true nature of these new neighbors if you're enjoying this video and you'd like to support this channel you can do so by following the link down in the description and purchasing something from the humble bundle store until september 1st you can get your hands on the paradox turn-based 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we have warned against for generations we have cunning and tactics on our side in a daring move our fleets have penetrated deep into the heart of zoom in space and we are about to take their capital planet this is the heart of heresy and it must be rooted out and culled at the stem and it runs deeper than we knew the zoomans have been constructing automatons to take the place of regular biological life this is a flagrant disregard for the rights and ideas that bind together our life forms and before any amongst the council might think to say this war was unjustified we have seen clear evidence here of research laboratories for their crimes the zooming people have been forced into a state of slavery of domestic servitude this is their new place in the grand hierarchy of the crusade additionally they have been sent far and wide from their previous homeworld their previous capital to take on new and important roles in our civilization our explorers tell us that there is a whole wealth of uh technology locked away in the debris of the zoom and ships we will of course do nothing to actually research these technologies and if any if anyone uncovers the exact workings they will be put to death like has been the case yet again we've had another heresy from an explorer to our south the velet citizen republic stands against the ultimate goals of the authority crusade and therefore our forces must move ever onwards our battle-hardened crusaders were met with little resistance by the velit peoples though they put up a valiant last stand far away from their capital it did little to deter our inexorable advance the marks of science are everywhere in this war from the bizarre new weapons to the inexplicable industrial machinery we have uncovered on the worlds we have occupied we cannot escape the conclusion that the citizen republic has lost its way thank all the prophets that we have arrived just in time to save them with another successful crusade we bring more worlds into the fold and this time we are going to give the velit citizen republic a unique chance a unique opportunity to change their ways they are now a vassal under our great crusading might and once more we found heresy here yes ladies and gentlemen more research labs more science more problems the salvagers and scrappers well they are i would say aliens after our own heart they take scrap repurpose ancient destroyed vessels and for a small fee give them to us to be used in our glorious crusade and it seems the zoomans really haven't had the message yet after one war we did take their previous capital and dismantle their laboratory facilities but now they have insidiously grown yet more scientific research facilities just a stone's throw away from what is now authori crusade space they flout our rules they flout the very fabric of our civilization clearly through violence we can teach them the error of their ways and force them to be our subservience and the zooming forces stand no chance against the might of our great crusade unfortunately our explorers have recovered yet more technology this means some of the best minds will be put to the sword and with the final outposts of the zoom in republic the united kingdom of great zuma and northern keg defeated this has brought the empire to heal with the inclusion of the zooming people they have progressed from being mere domestic servants cogs in the machine of crusade they now have the right to reside free from enslavement anywhere in authority space after 60 years of near constant expansion our holy crusade now controls a vast area hundreds of stars dozens of planets and two client kingdoms all swear allegiance to atharia only time will tell if we can succeed in our noble pursuit and regain our birthright a new authori empire for the sake of all life the natural order of things must be restored the political situation of the galaxy is shaping up to be rather interesting the next target for the crusade is the euro combine again materialist we can only assume and when i say assume don't worry we do have clear and proper intelligence here that they are yet more scientific people attempting to do disgusting scientific research not only that but an entire nation the mekazar sentience a nation of automatons is a vassal state under the euro we can only assume their unholy purposes intertwined with these robots somehow the euro do have a defensive pact with one of the preeminent nations in the galaxy the league of emir a plutocratic oligarchy that call the ring world of imaria their home we are only just beginning to uncover information about the league only by breaking apart these two large allied blocks as league space stretches from the south of the galaxy all the way up to the very north of the galaxy as well they are the power to be feared but only by breaking the eu apart from their allies can we hope to impose our will on these aliens it is clear to further the goals of our crusade we must convert the velet citizen republic into our prospectorium that should give us the resources to crack through the hard outer layer of the euro combine five years of politics and diplomacy five years of intrigue and plot five years without war has achieved nothing the urus still cling to their beliefs and refuse to abandon their heretical ways of scientific research much to the detriment of all life the league a vast and mighty conglomerate leading a smattering of lesser empires refuses to be moved our arguments and our pleas have fallen on deaf ears their defensive pact with the evil uru remains in place within our crusade the more righteous elements are now calling for war we have as yet held these voices at bay however i fear that we may soon find ourselves embroiled in a war of galactic proportions a war that we may not win i know i air close to blaspheming my lords but this is the truth of it the arrival of the space storm is probably the perfect time for the crusade to strike long have we waited to break through the uru combine and now we have the perfect opportunity whilst the league of emir are busy fighting in a foreign war which does seem to be striking quite close to home here we will attempt to deal a crippling blow here to our rivals though the odds are firmly stacked against us hopefully with the help of the united kingdom of great zuma and northern keg's fleets well when we at least combine their fleets with our own we should have a force that cannot be resisted under cover of the space storm what is surely a bounty from the gods and with the hope that a fast war could knock out the uru before their allies even have a chance to react our crusade marches on we must bring these heretics to justice before they risk the safety of the galaxy and we have engaged through forces in a lightning battle at the edge of our space due to the space storm neither of us knew the disposition of enemy forces and it seems we've engaged in multiple locations simultaneously fortunately it does seems like we have carried the day here at this wormhole and that may be a crippling blow to the euros military efforts though at the southern part of our empire the technology of our enemies cannot be underestimated somehow they have appeared through foreign space and are now targeting our systems one can only assume the spatial anomaly at diam is to blame the euro are pushing back they are retaking their systems piece by piece and this could be a slight problem for us the uru are splitting up their forces they do want to make an effort to retake the lost worlds that have been taken so far hopefully this is where we can catch them out it's quite a large stacking here but if we can take this system and retain it that'd be quite useful so we're going to try to jump through and there goes the space storm oh goodness me this is going to be a real big engagement there go the united kingdom first our forces are coming in slightly behind and that does seem to be quite an overwhelming victory minimal casualties on our side and hopefully large casualties for the enemy there are battles going on everywhere heroes and villains on both sides league forces are pressing down on the crusades home world and that means that our front deep in your space must succeed in their mission to knock the uru out of this fight the league are pressing very deep now they're in united kingdom space and they are about to reach the epsilon in these shipyards the main shipyards we have been using for this campaign the split front of the crusade has exposed some underlying weaknesses in our society with every effort and emphasis placed on the offensive there has been little thoughts spared for the world's united under our flag their purpose has been solely for the continuation of the crusade the upkeep and replenishment of the fleet we have been a people united under this single purpose but with our worlds burning and our children dying whilst the fleet is far away leading the righteous cause on a distant front questions are being asked about the safety and structure of atari society what good is our crusade if we cannot keep our people safe calls for surrender are mounting as more worlds fall to league forces where is the fleet where are our defenses with the occupation and subjugation of urar the home of the iraq combine we are now finally able to win this war before the league forces penetrate too deeply into what is regularly known as authority space the death of exarch hostess herrenius the great leader who has led us from the once simple backwater of atharia on a crusade as now a fully fledged and large member of the galactic community we represent one quarter of all the space available in the galaxy but we face something of a crossroads there is great debate in our society tulas sabusius the governor of schimel's world sector currently proposes an agenda of scientific discovery a research leap so to speak we should according to tolus re-engage with the idea of researching re-engage with the scientific process it should no longer be held back from our people it is the main cause of our current troubles opposing told us the front runner is proculous fluoroneus fertility preacher champion of the people and the agenda of fluoroneus however is a new generation yes we must put aside the mistakes of the past those mistakes being greater technological progress and we must focus on the generation of today unfortunately for tolus telus never survived to the election day this gave a simple and easy victory to floronius the disaster that befell some of our outlying systems our outlying sectors in the previous war as they were taken and subjugated briefly by the league of emir has forced the high council to reconsider its use of the forbidden technologies x-ray lasers small rail guns improved shielding basic computers on our spaceships have all been implemented now in an attempt to prevent the stagnation we have seen in previous years this has not been revealed and shall not be revealed to the regular rank and file of our civilization of the crusade only you esteemed members of the high council are privy to this secret the destruction of the uru does leave the way open for the mekazar sentience to be eliminated as they were a vassal these disgusting automatons will be taken they will be deconstructed they will be purged we're going to take their parts and we're just going to put them in little tiny pieces with the three mekazar planets claimed we have only one thing left to say deus vault [Music] we have movement from the mechazar they are pushing their forces forwards 30 000 in fleet power one major engagement should be enough to finish this war we're going to jump through and fly straight into combat here there is our detected incoming ships and here we go that does seem to be a decisive win for our forces we are being helped in no small part by the manticores fleet this offshoot of the previous and now defunct grew civilization folded neatly and quickly into our crusading structure we have had to pay what they described themselves as as mercenaries we have to pay them some energy credits and a small amount of uh support politically but for that they have become one of the major arsenals in our weapons against the machines our ground forces have now taken primus one the capital of mechazar space and it is very clear that this is possibly the major reason for the instability in the galaxy the number the sheer number of research complexes here must be creating some sort of psychic emanation throughout the galaxy disturbing regular and lovely biological life the automatons have been judged they have been weighed they have been measured and they have been found wanting following the conquest and destruction and eventual abandonment of the world primus one and the surrounding colonies owned and proliferated by the evil automaton race proculous fluronius has declared that the crusade is finally over by forming a defensive alliance with the league of emir which then represents all in all about half of the galaxy is a single unified diplomatic bloc it is time to once more be called the athari empire nestled in the center of the crusade space the pashati have awakened this once fallen empire now go by the name of the pashati reconquerers but will the decrepit fools have anything ready to add to galactic politics the prophet emperor proculous floronius no sooner than the agreement was signed received communication from the prashati reconquerors they've demanded the complete subjugation of our people and not just our people but all peoples under our flag and the league of emer flags as well the forbidden technology stashes have been pilfered yet again small disruptors able to penetrate both shields and armor have now been retrofitted onto our mighty vessels and they will go forth to conquest and glory against these pashatti wannabes well we are already receiving reports that the pashatti reconquers are pushing it deep into our space where are the league of emir we signed our defensive pact with them they have not arrived to defend us yet and what do you think about this video so far this story so far have i been giving the no tech challenge a good go let me know your thoughts down in the comments below and if you'd like to see more content like this on the channel please let me know down in the comments below unfortunately for our noble and brave fleets the pashatti have used their fearsome technology the heresy is strong with these people to jump behind our space and engage us above our capital world the planet of ganogia has been lost and with it a large chunk of our alloy production our alloy income our defensive forces are giving it a valiant effort yet the abominations technological abominations of the paschati are destroying our defenses lives are being lost empire space is being lost alone and outmatched the athari empire now stands on the brink of annihilation with pashati fleets above our sacred homeworld and our forces in disarray this is truly our darkest hour indeed could this be our end thank the prophets our hope is renewed our allies those that we feared had deserted us have finally arrived together our forces may yet turn the tide in this war the combined fleets of the league and of the empire are now moving towards the basharty perhaps we will be able to reach our homeworld in time and save the beleaguered defenders here the majority of the pashatti fleet now is in our home system our forces are still years away from being able to return to the capital if only we had some sort of improvement to our hyperdrive technology that could help us achieve faster flight the western territories have largely been lost to these reclaimers and developed citizen republic now a prospectorium a joyous and generous member is facing some serious threats meanwhile in the midst of the multi-horde the league of emir has unfortunately awoken a great khan this mighty war host sits next to our capital as well yet more threat yet more terror on the horizon and the great khan is coming directly for us luckily we are forming up here with a mighty fleet that should give the great khan some pause for thought and in one large riposte we have defeated the great khan's forces here on the cusp of our territory picking their way through the wreckage of the great khan's fleet our explorers have uncovered shocking new information the carnate this great martial threat that has existed on our borders disunited until now since our return to space 100 years ago is actually a remnant of the athari navy from before the sundering now united under a great khan they have unknowingly attacked the worlds their ancestors once swore to protect some of their records which had been sealed to the khanate are accessible with the sacred command codes of atharia of old they have given us new clues as to the true nature of the cataclysm and the history of the athari empire our empire some 10 000 years ago during the reign of emperor walpole the navy faced a formidable enemy this enemy was encroaching on authority space conquering world after world and routing any authority forces that tried to resist and then suddenly the hyperlane network a network of interstellar navigation routes that connected the galaxy the lifeblood in fact of our empire collapsed it can only have been the work of this ancient enemy a weapon unleashed to deal a crippling blow to our empire this stranded the navy which was regrouping for a renewed offensive in the depths of space somewhat close to our home world since then what was left of our navy has descended into barbarism and chaos confined to a space-born life they slowly became the carnate of today this new information shocking as it is cannot be made public at this time not with pashati forces besieging the capital and occupying our worlds it must be consigned to the vault until such a time as the high council sees fit to release it don long one of the first worlds to be liberated from evil technocrats has now fallen to the pashati after the quick repairs we are now ready along with the rest of the galaxy to jump in here to hades adjacent to our capital and put an end to this evil threat to this awakened empire and here come our allies first leading the fight we will be shortly behind them we can only hope that as a collective people as a unit we can defeat this fleet even though there is another fleet after this one it looks like we've achieved supremacy now we must press on and press the attack well that definitely triggered a response from the pashatti who immediately have jumped into the system and in this fight there can be only one winner unfortunately that winner will not be us the breglagh system sans in testament to our defeat to our destruction at the hands of the paschati meanwhile a second onslaught of the great khan's forces does indeed approach too late do we realize the true nature of the cataclysm not a weapon used against the authori empire but a final act of defense used in a misguided and desperate attempt to protect the homeworld and the billions of lives there from a threat of which they had no knowledge our explorers have found clues on a myriad of worlds there can only be one conclusion when combined with the data banks of a wrecked pashatti ship the picture of our past is brought into sharp relief once the athari empire our empire ruled the known galaxy this was the natural order of things for generations the empire prospered and thrived the pashati civilization grew undisturbed in the depths of a nebula when they finally made their way out into the galaxy they were shocked to learn they were not alone that the galaxy was already owned and ruled by others their shock became hatred and their hatred became envy whilst the apparatus of the athari state grew lethargic and stagnant the pashati waited hiding in their nebula binding their time and constructing a vast war fleet once the fleet was ready they launched their attack spreading outwards in all directions they attacked authori tributes authority client states and authority worlds careful to prevent any news or communication from alerting slumbering behemoth of the athari government the assault picked up momentum within the span of a few years they had struck deep into the heart of the athari empire they prepared to launch a final devastating attack on our capital and the surrounding worlds to finally take their undeserved place as the rulers of the known universe the zeno filth an athari scientist then decided to use the weapon though we cannot know for certain it is clear the cataclysm was wrought by our own hands indeed wrought to save and isolate our worlds and whilst our civilization fell into ruins rejecting technology innovation science the pashati had no such issues over the last ten thousand years since the cataclysm their empire rose reached its zenith and fell of its own accord it was only through our actions our revival our crusade that the pashati were alerted to our survival and continued existence their hatred of us runs deep it was enough to snap them out of their lethargy and we now face the full might and wrath of a pashati conquest fleet for the poor citizens of atharia it is really getting quite bleak half of the population has now been killed in orbital bombardments by the relentless attacks of these pashatti evildoers with the destruction of our fleets near the capital there was little to nothing that could be done to prevent the pashatti from bringing up an abominable weapon of war down below on the surface of the planet the authority people looked up in fear and wept the great enemy returned they have finished the job their ancestors started 10 000 years ago with the destruction of atharia and subjugation of countless other authority worlds we are now truly a broken people with the loss of the capital and unfortunately residing in the palace the royal palace on authority the prophet emperor was dead in his place the emperor in exile appiah fabius the first led the athari remnant for a few bleak remaining years those years were met with loss and general destruction atharia was gone the athari remnant now in hiding managed to broker a piece through the diplomatic channels of the league of immer this would not save them for long though broken and defeated they quickly gave up their sovereignty and right to rule in return for protection the disgusting and despicable galactic peace accords pushed by the league bound together an area almost as large as our old empire though it would not last very soon the scourge arrived clearly drawn to our galaxy by the imperial emanations of science and research at first they were just a trickle on the galaxy's outer edge and robustly pushed back by the forces of the peace accords but what started as a trickle soon became a flood within a decade they had reached the shattered world of atharia the league fell their satellite states fell even the mighty weapons of the pashatti could do little to stem the relentless tide of the scourge who have now consumed the galaxy it is clear now as we sit in the quiet spaces between systems hiding that if only our crusade had been successful we might have saved the galaxy from this fate clearly this is the work of our gods vengeful at the destruction of atharia and the loss of the natural order if only the galaxy hadn't been so stupid and blinded perhaps we could have saved them from themselves but that is a story for another time if you've enjoyed this video and you'd like to see what would happen if i confined myself to only a single star system then you should click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 180,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris challenge, stellaris no tech, stellaris no research
Id: lDwVclMeex8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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