Stellaris - How To Play Tall (3.6)

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you've probably heard the term playing tall being thrown around on all sorts of forums online when you're playing any sort of strategy game and yes it defines a certain playstyle within set games there are tons of different descriptions going around for it in many many titles however it usually boils down to the same terms you either purposely or accidentally are playing with a very limited amount of space and need to make the most of it it means maximizing the value of your resources and leveraging what you have versus a much larger Empires and Solaris is no different whilst playing wide and expanding in all direction is fairly easily done playing tall however requires a specific set of game decisions to make your Empire successful now today we're going to be taking a look at a basic tall Empire and what it can do to survive but more importantly to be successful and then at the end of the video we'll also give you a build which is arguably one of the more powerful tall Empire types that you can currently get so stick around for that however first let's lay out the definitions of a tall Empire within the game and build a faction around those principles so a tall Empire has three major challenges first of all it lacks space and therefore space resources space resources are super important within Stellaris in order to scale your Empire relatively quickly and wide empires have a lot of resources to to use in any way shape or form they also have a lack of planets and lack the overall area to build things you cannot have that many buildings you don't have that many districts you somehow are going to need to leverage getting more of them and then finally there is a lack of Pop growth areas again having a lack of planets means you don't have multiple places to grow pops and also no overflow of pops on places who can then migrate to other planets therefore these types of Empires can be very slow to grow compared to say a wide Empire however this does not mean that there is no advantages to playing Tau first of all you have a low impact on Empire size effects at least initially until you really start to get rolling what does this mean well it means that your technology as well as your tradition costs are going to be relatively low basically at the default number for quite some time whereas a wide Empire is going to bloom that number and having to upkeep constantly to keep those values at a reasonable level for instance let's say that you have a super wide Empire that has a 200 bonus on size effect it means that their technology will cost 200 percent more they'll need to build more labs to offset this a tall Empire doesn't have really all these problems which means a tech scaling for these types of Empires can be a little bit easier than the white ones also because you have such a little territory it means that you have a lot of influences spent on projects whether or not you're building habitats doing spying or spending influence on other projects you just simply do not need to go ahead and take more territory or claim more territory for that matter which is something that white Empires would do quite often so you have that additional resource available and you can spend it on things that wide Empires simply don't have the resources to spend on so let's take a look at this Empire that we're going to be building for this particular video this is the tall assembly and as you can see there is already a couple of things here that may stand out so an Empire that is dedicated to play tall or at least has the ability to scale towards tall usually has the following parameters or at least other parameters that I would suggest to you first of all the whole appearance Etc doesn't really all that matter uh still though in terms of traits unruly being one of the things that you bring in is usually quite good because Empire size from Pops doesn't really affect us all that much which means that we get two points that we can spend on whatever we want intelligent and Rapid breeders in this particular case is quite good having adaptive is also quite nice if you want to leverage the happiness that you can get from other planets and get more resources out is quite nice however due to Technologies within the game this kind of becomes moot later on and you could potentially uh bioengineer it in Rapid breeders in the meantime getting more Pops is always good an intelligent science scenes get more science that's always a very good approach now when it comes to Origins there are two main Origins that I would suggest in this particular case one of which is remnants now remnants starts you off with a relic world that you can turn into an equivalist for free without taking the um Ascension perk that is required normally of it which basically means that you have yourself a extra Ascension perk that you can spend on whatever you need and as a tall Empire having this very specific Ascension perks are going to be pretty impor important however starting off with the Relic World in addition to that will give you additional Technologies at the start of the game and as I mentioned you can roll into getting um eki Monopoly type districts relatively quickly such as for instance mostly the foundering district which is quite important secondly another option that is very very nice for this type of Empire is of course the void born now voidborn is a kind of interesting because you know they have a couple of really interesting approaches first of all they start off on habitats and they prefer habitats because you have such a small footprint it means that you will need to build habitats pretty much everywhere and void dwellers do really well on habitats however they don't do those that well on planets which means you will need a secondary species to come in in addition to that uh they also uh you know they get a lot of bonuses from science and stuff from working on these places plus putting in a habitat on a specialist resource will mean don't mean that you can get that resource on the actual habitat rather in space and once again um the most important thing here is getting resources from workers versus resources from space because that's what tall is all about then in terms of governing and ethics um I kind of personally really like at the moment to go spiritualist because of the monthly Unity modifier as well as the edix upkeep bonuses we really need edix for a tall Empire in order to get as much value out of our resources getting a 20 bump into minerals is great uh we could go even higher onto the fnatic spiritualist but that's not you know it's not all that great in addition to that in the mid game once we get the ability to get a third Civic people have access to ascensionists now ascensions are a heavy planetary specialization bonus where we can add additional bonuses to our planets by ascending them all the way up from Level 0 to 10 and this can have massive impact now planetary ascensionists will give a 25 bonus to those effects and that is not a insignificant amount especially when you have only a few planets and you can crank them all the way up to level 10. plus the planetary Ascension cost goes down which means that you need less Unity to do so and a tradition costs on Empire size goes down by 25 which once again is really really good because it means you can get more Traditions even quicker Plus spiritualists have access to a very special type of federation the spirits of this Federation ironically and now those will give you access to a additional bonus which can make the planetary Ascension perks even better which means that you can get even more resources out of your planets the Federation for uh for spiritualists is actually really really good and having access to it so so nice but you don't really need until the early game which is where massful crafters and minor guilds come in you can go for anything you want uh even you know say exalted priesthood or anything like that functional architecture is also quite good but uh personally I these two are usually quite good to start off with catalytic processing bit of a mixed bag especially if you don't get a lot of food Worlds at the start of the game then of course egalitarian getting additional Unity from actions is very very nice plus specialist pop resource output plus five percent is not something that you should overlook getting those additional resources especially the Alloys consumer goods Etc from uh pops is really really nice plus you can have the utopian living standards for pops that year that you're going to be using it because every single pop is going to be working all the time so you won't have a lot of unemployment but still and finally xenophile trade value modifier plus 10 is not really all that great but the available envoys plus one is really really good an Empire of this type really needs their friends in order to be able to function so do be aware of that that is happening here uh we probably should probably roll this back to remnants for this particular example shouldn't we yes for flag of course we need to go with the orange goatse flag we're gonna go dive in and see what a tall Empire plays like within Stellaris so welcome to the start of our game it is a fairly standard cartwheel Galaxy that we have these days and looks like we have a reasonable spot now we are going to be playing this as a single sector Empire and we already have two planets nearby which means that those are primed for colonization and are going to be our main goal the thing here is that we will probably want to get a little bit of focus on technology going forward these sort of Technologies especially the researcher bonuses or the global energy management is quite good but we however want to avoid are these space-based Technologies we want to use these Technologies to roll into other texts and what did I mean by that sometimes you just don't have the technology available that you want to research you want something cheap to roll the dice to get a new set of resources or at least Technologies and considering most of our resources are going to come from people on the planets rather than resources in space using the um quantum theory as in boosting researchers has far higher priority than getting resources from space space so we're going to be doing that and we're actually going to do that for all options here so that's actually really good we got all three of them right off the get-go and on top of that we're just going to go ahead and get a signed ship up and running and Survey the systems because we will want to get ourselves some visibility on what is going on with these Empires and what our position is within the Galaxy and then well then we can establish our first sector and see how it goes from there now we've gotten to the point where our first tradition has become available and it's always really important to pick the right decision at the start of the game considering we are playing tall in this particular case we have a lot of options but no other options better to us right now than Discovery for a variety of reasons first of all this discovery gives us access to map the Stars which is the adoption effect it unlocks in edict which will give us a higher anomaly research speed or at least a chance of finding them which is incredibly good plus science division will give us additional research Alternatives which means that we can cycle our technology faster and basically get more um basically focus our science approach a little bit more however once we've gotten science division we're actually going to bypass into Prosperity because we want to get standard construction templates as fast as possible to reduce the cost and builds increase the build speed of buildings and districts but we're not there just yet we're going to go for Discovery first and then immediately go into the edict screen and enable map the Stars this will go into our edict fund and will help out quite a lot because as you can see if we go in there basically what it says survey speed will increase by 25 plus we get additional chances of discovering uh anomalies and anomalies are so important as a tall Empire because we want to get all those juicy materials in space when we can we don't want to focus on them just yet but the more resources we can get in Space the better we're just not going to be able to leverage them all that well in the early game three years in what do we do well we have our first colonies on their way we found these two uh worlds nearby these guaranteed planets and on top of that we found a potential Alpine world as well and we're currently in the process of colonizing and we on top of that have gotten the first Traditions up and running we've got standard uh construction templates up and running as well as science division now we're going to go ahead and fill in the discovery tree completely to get our first Ascension perk however our signed ship will start to discover uh places all over the shop uh it's places that we can go into in terms of anomalies but the question is do we really want to go into every single one of these anomalies do we want to research them or just skip them for now I would highly recommend skipping them for now find as many anomalies as you can within five jumps of your Capital because that's the maximum size of a sector then go in and get every single anomaly within that range whilst your construction ships are starting to colonize everything in addition what you can do is you can also set up the automated construction on your construction ship and they will start to fill in all the gaps where needed plus you should probably already have at this point uh the first stage of having additional jobs available just start filling that up with research Labs if you can it's it's usually quite useful to have more research Labs so you can get through the science because that's kind of obvious but still uh you know there's a lot of stuff that we can do here but do you really want to spend the resources on this planet already no why because we are looking for something specific we are looking in this particular case because we have the remnant setup we're looking for a blocker removal Governor which would help us quite a lot but it's something that we don't oh good lord that is a ruined Dyson Sphere well this will probably not happen in your standard run getting a ruined Dyson Sphere two jumps away from your capital let's talk a little bit about first Contact situations because we are playing as a tall Empire means that we need to get as many friends as possible it is so important that we play this incredibly safe because we do not have the resources to pump into a giant Fleet we want to pile up those Alloys as high as we can until we can get habitats and then spam them all over the place but that does mean that we need to make friends as much as possible and thankfully due to the fact that we went a little bit into the xenophile uh Direction it means that the opinion to other species is higher to us plus we get an additional Envoy which really helps in situations like this where there are three first Contact situations going also it already starts to look like I'm already a little bit boxed in over here and I will need to take this territory as fast as I can because I do not know what these xenos are up to and especially I want to make sure that I have access to this ruined Dyson Sphere as much as possible or at least as fast as possible and then try to figure out what is going on with these aliens this could potentially be a place where we may or may not want to put a what's the word I'm looking for here a Bastion system fortresses however there is a potential system next door which has a neutron star in it which gives us a sublight modifier of 50 with all the planets that are in here as well as the placement of those planets we could be looking at a very interesting Fortress system here as well because any ships that are coming in here could be nice this could be a good choke note so we want to keep an eye on this and try to claim it we have made first Contact and this is probably one of the most important stages within the game we want to get as many good relationships with the people around us as possible and as you can see we're already kind of pushed into a little corner here which in general is fine because well as I said we want to make as many friends as we can and but we also don't want to invest in our military if we can avoid it which is also why we're not going for any military Technologies in this particular case we want to make sure that we have as many um basically embassies going on we want to get a mini assem of those in here right now we won't be able to do that yet but this Marshall Empire over here they'll most likely try to take us over so having a station on standby here with a bunch of Hangar Bays is probably a good idea but for instance this megacorp over here uh having a migration treaty or an embassy with them is probably going to be a good idea because not only having to have good relationships with these guys would also mean that they will start building uh Holdings on our worlds which we can get jobs out of which is kind of nice still though at the moment we still want to expand a little bit more before we start to fully specialize everything we've already gotten ourselves a few worlds this one is very clearly a mining world and we will specialize it as such by getting the mining World designation and this is very much a food world this means that we still need an energy world uh it looks like that this one is going to be okay for that but there's also still a candidate over here which once again does look like a strong mining world but we'll have to see in the end it doesn't really matter all that much as long as we've got places where there is energy in space because as long as there is energy in space and we can build habitats on it then well we can essentially get infinite energy but we'll get to that shortly in the meantime keep making friends now the game has been moving along for a little while and we've made some friends but more importantly we have unlocked the ability to become a federation which is exactly what we're going to do as a tall spiritualist Empire it gives us a lot of flexibility to become a federation specifically if we want to become a covenant because these people over here are also spiritual Seekers and they are overwhelming to us but I also want to form a federation at least we can bribe them into becoming a federation which is exactly what we're going to do so we're just going to call this Federation something interesting and then just take it from there and create this here organization well why is this so important well let's go and take a look at some of the abilities of the things that we can do here as this type of federation also it looks like we just made first contact with a whole bunch of additional Empires which also helps us because it's more friends to make now the most important part here is a level three of the Holy Covenant it and that is specifically the pursuit of pers of Ascension as well as the Heavenly Accord now the Heavenly Accord at level 3 will give us a 20 bonus to planetary Ascension effects which in combination with the other Ascension effects that we are going to uh reform our stuff into we don't have the pick available yet but we will do soon we'll boost our planets into the stratosphere and that is even before we add things like orbital rings to them or hyper specialization buildings so yeah already we're looking really good we've got friends we've got protection we don't need to build any fleets for our own defense and we can just focus completely on our economy and not waste a single shred of those Alloys it's been a couple years of in-game time now and as you can see our Empire has grown ever so slightly we're trying to play still as tall as we can obviously not as tall as these guys but still we've managed to get a bunch of resources that are going to be pretty important to us especially this dark matter as well as this stack of various strategic Goods because strategic goods are actually incredibly useful for a tall Empire so where do we go from here we're 57 years into the game we've gotten ourselves a bunch of traditions unlocked which is going quite smoothly and we have three planets right now three planets is not a lot but thankfully due to our positioning we are terraforming three more but what are we going to do at this point in time what do we actually need well we are going to need science and other resources in terms of other resources we're looking quite flush we got a lot of energy a lot of minerals a lot of food everything's going quite well but science is something that we always need more of which is why we're going to do the following we are going to start to mass produce habitats because we've just unlocked them and we are going to start placing these habitats in places where we can get science out of them we are very much after the special science District it's not necessarily the best way of getting science science within the game but the real problem that we have is we just simply do not have enough building slots for our population to use one of these have space to play to put them because we're using we're using a lot of science here already but we definitely want more in this particular case we probably want to use something along I something along the line of a mineral purification plant but we're building two habitats and From This Moment onward it's just habitats habitats habitats all the time our economy is looking pretty strong we can buy Alloys just as we go our biggest bottleneck here is influence which is why we're going to keep picking up on that as well in addition we've gotten to level three in our Federation which means that we can now get planetary Ascension effects now what does this mean well let's take a quick look here at our capital as the planetary Ascension effects will kick in right now on our planetary designation we can have a resource modifier of from jobs plus 10 however if we would upgrade this to the first tier of Ascension this would go up by 36 which is a pretty significant chunk and once we have the actual Unity to deal with this I can properly show you this the impact that it has that is so Ascension effects we now have enough Unity to upgrade our place here our Capital to a higher version of itself right now we are getting 10 additional resources from jobs that by itself may not seem like a lot but once we actually starting at our things on then it can get pretty crazy so let's Ascend our capital and all of a sudden uh we now have a 13 resources from jobs again that may not seem like a lot but we will get more knock-on effects stability has gone up by 1.8 percent the amenities amount has gone up automatic reselling chance has gone up basically overall this planet has simply gotten better more resources are streaming out of this place which means that we can build more over time and on top of that it looks like we've got enough influence to build more stuff as well jumping ahead a little bit here as uh obviously you can see we've colonized a couple more planets after terraforming them and now it's time for us to start ballooning in a relatively small footprint because we are now building tons of different uh types of habitats we've got science habitats we've got mineral habit habitats we've got energy habitats and every single one of these is a place that generates pops but also generates resources to spend on other things the planets themselves are incredibly useful as well because we are about to get orbital Rings now orbital rings are incredibly useful to further specialize our planets for instance our Empire Capital right now has the ability to generate a lot of Civilian Goods but also Alloys Etc and we are currently in the process of maxing out this entire place that we can turn into an ecuminopolist fed by all these mineral worlds that are all over the place now this for instance perfect mineral world right here it's got so many of them so we're just going to go ahead and select minerals here and then immediately also put on a mineral purification plant because we need these places to crack out all these resources for our Capital now it's something else that you may have noticed as well that we have a bunch of toxic terraforming candidates nearby as well that may be interesting in the long run but not for now because we are far far away of that anyway talking a little bit about the joys of the habitats we will also want to start specking in to avoidborn voidborn is actually really important for us and because it will allow us to get better habitability inside of our habitats plus we get those additional building slots that we desperately need because we need more building slots again strategic resources to get more science Etc next up it will most likely go into the engineered evolution tree because it is incredibly good and will give us a lot of flexibility and 35 months from now we will already be there and being able to genetically engineer our Pops to Perfection means that we can do whatever we want with them all of our construction ships are now busy building all sorts of things we got orbital Rings being constructed pretty much everywhere under every single planet that is available or habitats are coming up or they're currently loitering for some reason because and they really shouldn't be doing that we're spending all of our influence our new habitats that are popping up all over the place hopefully mostly in systems that already have planets in them so that we can use the local stations to apply effects to them however something really important in the game has just happened we have just discovered probably the most important thing that an Empire can get if they're playing tall and that's over here in this particular system called impaltov in impaltov is a very specific space creature called the central processing Hub now central processing Hub is a ancient drone platform and basically uh this is what it generates drones that spread out through all the Galaxy now this particular Hub will drop the most important Relic that a tall temp Empire can get and that is the surveyor the surveyor will basically generate a new set of resources within your territory every five years and that is one of the most ridiculous things that can happen because nine science nine minerals nine energy all that stuff starts to pop up and now all of a sudden that science of that increases the resources in space becomes a lot more interesting because not only can we use that to roll over our research goals into something more interesting it now starts to affect us directly because now we can leverage space for ourselves even though we're not playing wide the surveyor should be your number one goal to get in the mid game thankfully we've already set up a fleet that is ready to rock and roll uh we're actually going to go ahead and set some Gale speed on top of this uh We've managed to have a reasonable alloy income of 85 it's not great but it'll do for now or should actually start turning this planet into an ecumenopolist as soon as we can we need a couple more minerals and influence to do so so save up whatever influence and get those minerals up and running but once you see the surveyor be aligned for it you need the surveyor as soon as you can kill it take the Relic oh all right here we go and engaging uh these guys ancient mine drones shouldn't be too difficult to overcome in general as long as you stay safe and at the edge of the system uh they're not they're they're a little bit of a little bit of a push over here uh don't be too concerned about them in general and uh here we go he's trying to engage these guys so we'll try to aggro the other ones too much oh boy let's hope it didn't just chew off a little bit more than I can take should be fine though ancient protection assets well again we're after the surveyor that's the most important part here if we can get the surveyor then we are good uh this is maybe a little bit concerning as long as we can clean them up that's what's important technology discovered yeah we should we should have this surveyors going to be ours it's going to be the most important thing that we pick up in the entire game no sweat and Survey there you have it the strange device the survey we will immediately activate it because we will instantly get plus seven minerals to one of our planets we're also going to do reversing of Arcane technology because sometimes we can get some uh very very rare stuff out of that including the joys of um the Fallen Empire building so yeah plus seven minerals every five years a special resource is definitely not an insignificant amount in the meantime we still are needing to uh get a more of these here habitats up and running and we're starting to run out of systems that uh have special materials on them we still need a little bit more influence here and there but in general we're doing extremely well so where do we get from here we basically have everything that we want we've got orbital Rings everywhere uh sure we don't have habitation model modules on a lot of them but still it's helpful we also need to upgrade some of this stuff because we want to make sure that we can because we're after these buildings every single building needs to apply to whatever resource we are generating here the most so this would be an orbital ring that boosts uh alloy production this would be one that produces stuff for minerals Etc and this just goes on and on and on and basically at this point in time you can start stream rolling some of the empires next door to these inquirers have already realized that we are so powerful uh at the moment already that they have decided to join us yes they are our vassal they just straight up this joint that's great our Federation is doing awesome as well we want to keep on boosting our Ascension perks there we go but we are at right now plus 14.25 let's give it another boost so now at 18 Again it may not feel like a lot but every single tick helps and we can increase that across the board uh this place as well here more mining uh more minerals being churned out let's get some more minerals and again it's all about maximizing the amount of resources that you have in a very small area Beyond this you don't really need to increase the size of your Federation only one other Empire is enough to uphold it as long as you keep this heavenly Accord up and running for those Ascension effects start getting vassal start getting more friends start doing some Conquest if you can um also remember the goatsy flag that's I think it's also very important however at this point the Galaxy is your oyster start getting more science start getting Mega structures getting this Dyson Sphere online I think would be a very good next step to aim for we do need mega engineering for that though so we need a little bit more science get at least 100 signs per decade if you can that's usually quite a good goal to have but yeah keep on going keep on building more and more habitats preferably locally in places where you already have a station up and running so that you can apply the effects of the transit Hub apply the effects of the deep space black site as much as possible just keep on steamrolling and all of a sudden you will have the entire list full of habitats and completely outcranking the Galaxy on an incredibly small footprint and dilp put out pops as well so for instance if you all of a sudden think you know what I want to build a ring world uh yeah those habitats once they are set up properly they will fill up that ring world with no problem whatsoever and this EQ monopolist that we're currently building which is effectively the final step of this particular setup will be a good initiator of that but the real question is what does a hyper-powered tall Empire look like let's go and take a look at the ultimate high powered tall Empire and a special little setup that I've already done and we can take a look at what a spiritualist megacorp can do whilst playing tall welcome to the ultimate tall build as you can see in our space we are a little bit compact it's not too great but uh we have a little bit of space we have a few planets but what is so special about this build aside from the fact that I'm getting a lot of resources uh this is a mega Corporation a very special Mega Corporation again egalitarian militarist spiritualist Mega Corporation because of those Ascension perks and Ascension is again is a big thing Minecraft incorporated as well as getting additional invoice is a really big deal here but this particular setup has spiraled completely out of control with so many habitats uh that by itself is just super super good but you could think by yourself you are 200 years into the game where are the rest of your habitats there's only a couple of science ones here well the megacorp tall build has a big advantage over the standard tall build and that has to do with the fact that it can generate Holdings in this particular version a 53 Branch offices have been built across the Galaxy and every single one of these is producing science uh diplomatic power as well as amenities locally within my Empire and on top of that Xeno outreaching agency allows for additional immigration pull on every single one of my planets plus the joy of putting private research Enterprises pretty much everywhere means that we now have 8 000 signs coming out of all of these Branch offices that are all generating an insane amount of resources corporate embassies executive Retreats and Xeno Outreach agencies are insane and you can always bundle that with a standard building of the whatever resource you need but it basically translates that we have an incredibly compact Empire of maybe 19 structures most of which are habitats a bunch of which are also the um Cadia type defense habitat purely designed to get us more Naval capacity because while we do have a reasonable amount of uh fortresses on all of these but in general this is incredibly powerful in addition to that because we are so strong we can basically ask anybody to join us as a vassal or specifically a subsidiary and if they do they don't want to join well our Naval power allows us to force them and that basically translates to basically the entire galaxy being our yeah that's right this is a tall Empire that has essentially Diplo conquered the entire galaxy and is currently on par to becoming the only uh Empire within the council and immediately following that one up becoming the galactic Emperor whatever without ever firing a shot except for an uprising here and there in one of our vassal Empires and that is all done through the power of the branch offices they are generating so much energy uh in general I think we're producing 14 000 energy right now and all of that is going to a variety of things but still it's just insane it we're getting so much energy here but what is that energy even used for well strategic resources we're buying a ton of them because once again we have a very small footprint in terms of our building capacity which means that we cannot really generate a lot of strategic resources so we're going to need to buy all of that but because there are Mega Corp we've got so much money it doesn't matter what we do could I build more habitats absolutely I could spam out a million habitats right now because we're also getting plus nine influence uh apparently we're getting quite a lot of that from our subjects as well as power projection plus of course having the surveyor is amazing in this case I also have the Vault on reality perforator in case I want to go to do some warring but overall we are by far the strongest Empire in the Galaxy whilst only playing slightly on the tall side if you have more questions about how to play tall how to uh basically work around some of the issues within the game where should you go how should you block things feel free to leave your comments down below your questions down below and I'd be happy to answer for to you again this is a situation that you may find yourself and you don't necessarily um have to focus on building tall but sometimes you're just blocked in and instead of throwing in the towel and starting a new save file try out try out playing tall because playing white is fun and all but there is something special about building a hyper efficient Empire that can just crank out a million resources without any issues whatsoever my Lord this place is just churning out resources and we can probably just screw it let's add some more districts on this because I want at least a thousand Alloys by the end of the next five years Dang if you didn't like this video let me know um leave a comment down below and always leave a like uh that that always helps but uh yeah the tall build very strong extremely strong if leveraged well very walk quietly but a very big stick it's very diplomatic focused and also very intense on the economy side and once you start get rolling you are basically Unstoppable so remember get that survey here it's it's kind of important thank you so much for watching and thank you to my patrons and until next time take care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 243,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, stellaris, How To, Tall, Tall Empire, Surveyor, ASpec Stellaris, Stellaris Gameplay, Stellaris How to, Stellaris how to win, Stellaris Tall Empire, a_spec, aspec stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris guide, stellaris game, stellaris tips and tricks, paradox interactive stellaris, stellaris tips, stellaris tutorial, stellaris starting guide, stellaris beginners guide, stellaris 2022, stellaris gameplay 2022, stellaris 3.6, paradox interactive
Id: rDn65YDbiQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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