Stellaris Maginot Build vs All 10x Crisis

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impossible nothing can get to our Shield today we are going to try and build the ultimate defensive fortifications in Stellaris this will be the best defensive build I think we can manage we're going to get so powerful that not just one not two but three crisis happening simultaneously at 10 times will not be enough to even scratch our defenses the word impregnable will not be used enough to describe what we are doing today so let's jump in and look at the build and see how we can get over a million Fleet power on a single star base the Vulcan science directorate may not look like turtles but we'll be using them to Turtle up to the extreme now you can basically do anything you want when it comes to traits Civics and ethics the only thing I'd recommend is take the here B dragon's origin this origin is available if you have Stellaris Aquatics and what it will do is it will place a space dragon in your home system that space Dragon will protect you from harm and try to keep you alive and healthy that means that even on a grand Admiral no scaling game you can pretty much guarantee your home system is safe and sound for at least the first 30 years or so what we're going to be running for today is something of an aquatic build while also trying to get quite a bit of extra science I've gone materialist and parliamentary system you'll see why I've done that in a little bit and fnatic egalitarian fnatic egalitarian plus parliamentary system is a very potent mix to maximize our Unity gain from factions and oh boy we're going to be gaining a lot of unity masterful Crafters is very powerful we'll throw that in there as well and materialist is now necessary if you want to get the best Unity output you can in the game if you want to play along at home these are the settings I'm using today today's build will protect you from the crisis in space but what about the ghost signal are you ready to protect yourself from the most Sinister cyber threat the galaxy has ever seen 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your shield in the digital realm nothing here is mandatory though if you've taken the same Civics as me I'd recommend you switch over to civilian economy at the start of the game also throwing up isolationist can't hurt and then change the species rights of your species over to academic privilege that will come with quite a high additional cost in consumer goods upkeep for your Specialists but you'll get plus 900 ruler political power and 400 specialist political power additionally rulers and Specialists get 15 extra happiness and 10 more research points unless of course you get a consumer goods deficit but we won't get that and then going to our home World we'll swap that over into a factory Capital meaning we now only will have artifices available on this planet I will be struggling ever so slightly with Alloys but I can always buy some from the market now we are getting some factions being founded let's go in and take a look at our lovely faction screen oh my goodness me so we're already making what's this 29 36 Unity from our factions golly gosh I'm going to promote my egalitarian faction because I'm very good at keeping them happy and I will encourage political thought just to push more pops into that lovely egalitarian faction that now means that Unity for me will not be an issue and we want as much Unity as possible in order to unlock the Dragon part of this strategy and we found the first League absolutely excellent can't do much better than that I suppose so the reason that academic privilege is so powerful at this early stage is rather simple it grants us more political power so these pops here instead of having one power get plus 400 for being specialist which means they get five times the regular power and the way that factions calculate their Unity gain is support and approval multiplied together support is based on political weight so we can artificially boost our political weight in our Empire thus generating more Unity the system's a little interesting if I do say so myself and I think we'll jump into Transcendent learning just to get some Mimi leader stuff going speaking of Mimi leader stuff I'm thinking champion of the people be great let's make everyone slightly happier Jess we're running minus 13 amenities or minus 25 happiness and that's meaning overall we have a 61 approval rate simply Bonkers one of the best things about the new Democratic rule is the election system support gets calculated based on Faction power so as long as you don't end up picking up a renowned Paragon it is cheaper and easier than ever to get someone's government because these aren't random roles you see on Election Day the candidate with the most support simply is elected Chancellor there's no RNG here anymore you just get the job and their Chancellor shabalba or shabala is now in yet again and now the dragon's going to land so we're going to let this happen we'll spend some extra influence to make sure it doesn't kill any pops this would mean mean that our system seems like it's undefended don't be concerned ladies and gentlemen it's not undefended if uh if anyone tries to attack us in our home here the dragon will take flight again and fight the good fight so there's absolutely nothing to worry about well I decided to bite the happiness bullet and put some entertainers in and now we've got 91 stability on our home world including that crazy dragon foreign so we do have some future things to prepare for of course there's the 10 times Crisis coming in a hundred years early at 2300 and there's the rest of the grand Admiral Galaxy we're building up a Forge World here so far we've got a couple of pops on it we're building up a science world and also a Science World on our Capital we're not worrying about Unity because we're getting so much Unity just from our factions alone here it's it's pretty wild well our first alien race uh they don't seem massively happy to see us xenophobes fanatic egalitarians yeah I think we're just gonna have to fight them in space well they're declaring us a rival that could be bad but I'm hopeful it's fine it's not a problem just ignore it for now starhold and all of these spaceborne void-borne Technologies are going to be what we need to get our defensive shell online so I'm gonna grab that straight away ah but the great relkath hegemony they are much much happier to see us let's uh let's improve our relations in this area we can also now expand the council I'll do that straight away and I think I'm going to put in speaker of parliament armor hit point is nice but I want extra Council agenda speed at this early time ah now they're proposing that we become their vassal and by there I mean the interstellar hydarian Republic this isn't necessarily such a bad thing Let's see we would lose Damien and propus two systems we don't really care about they do have planets on but they're not planets we can even use and we get to become a vassal oh our flesh Harvesters are coming for your Cubs you know what though I think I think the Vulcan science directorate might decide to Simply surrender yes we're going to nominally give up our independence I suppose in order to get better things out of this whole situation oh no we are a vassal whatever will we do ah now we of course have an agreement with our Overlord here's what the agreement looks like it's it's fine but you know what that's great that's great it's a great plan I like your plan except it sucks so let me do the plan and that way it might be really good Jim the renowned Paragon has just shown up and unironically I'm I'm gonna be taking this fellow um yes this is actually really really good for us thank you I won't explain the method to my madness until a little bit later but but believe me it's a good thing and if you're enjoying this video please make that like button impregnable I think at this point it would also be reasonable to move back to what a mixed economy we could go full militarized we do have the Alloys actually you know what yeah I'm gonna go full militarized let's do it well it turns out our new Overlord though they're not particularly fantastic the great relicath hegemony over here they're a bit better militarily I'm thinking we pledge our secret field tea to these folks and we just see what happens oh yeah and we just make these star bases more and more powerful the dragon's taken off again in our skies eager to be flying around now in order to take control of this Dragon we need to unlock four Ascension perks and complete an Ascension path or just do six Ascension perks well we'll get to that when we get to it with the gene modding technology we can now go down engineered Evolution a great and glorious path allowing us to make our people the best people they can be well we've come to the interstellar hyderan Republic and we've said hey you know what we want a different deal I am altering the deal pray I don't offer it any further and you know what we've been so convincing they're going to be giving us some stuff it's just brilliant oh love it and we're now a ball walk that's going to give us more defense platform damage and Hull points as well as defense platform capacity and some shield and armor hardening yes we lose some monthly energy mineral and food but we get more than that in return oh it looks like we might have to support the chancellor just a little bit extra to ensure they stay in power and their their insider trading has no effect on our Empire that's that's actually pretty good they are evil but we don't mind and then we'll take advantage of our genetic engineering now to remove the weak trait and pop enduring on instead that's going to boost all of our leader lifespans so they don't start dying soon because they're actually kind of starting to get closer a few years out 20 30 years out now from Death we don't want that to happen oh this is it the war declaration so our Overlord has declared war let's see how this is all going to go down so we are on the side of oh no oh no oh no we're not fighting the great with the great ralcath hegemony we're fighting against them uh-oh I'm sure it'll be fine yeah let's pump out a few cruises while we're at it no harm in that and we'll be designing our defense platforms without armor but you're gonna see well there's there's something interesting that's going to happen here it's a known feature at the moment in the game Enemy fleets are coming down they're on the way this might not go so brilliantly and habitat technology now that is something we need desperately because we're year 36 we've rolled it that's good we were making 677 signs a month also good from our three little planets here and almost 200 Unity this is uh it's all going good very good it's going so fantastically in fact that I'm going to turn on education campaigns so we can get some really Bonkers leader experience game let's have a look what are we getting now 10 35 85 95 105 115 leader experience game on our leaders that's oh this one's got arrested development that's a shame well we'll move on we've just fired off genetic Pursuit giving us more organic pop assembly speed increase research speed for biology and a reduction to our modified species vessel project and we're now making quite a bit of Pop assembly on our little worlds over here at year 38. oh cloaking or wormholes it's a hard decision I'm gonna go with wormholes for now just so we can find out where a tune over here leads having this many research options means that a lot of time I forget to scroll down when I see the first floor and I'm missing extra pieces that I'm rolling it's uh it's kind of annoying actually it is definitely somewhat annoying and you know what we could go really funky with trading a bit and push Merchant Guild through oh that would be nice but for now for now I'm going to strip out parliamentary system we don't need anymore we've got most of the bonus from it already I will take meritocracy and Beacon of Liberty for that extra Unity production right we'll throw in the principal instructor here that'll help uh let's see who wants to be principal instructor I think you do alrighty that's evolutionary Mastery done and dusted which is excellent ah that leads to an open cluster here that we can probably inhabit let's go through and see what's over here at the other end of the wormhole Meanwhile we're gonna start building some habitats in order to better fortify these systems we won't be putting massive armies down on the habitats that's actually not going to help us instead we're going to be using them to improve the star bases that exist in these systems even if the Starbucks is kind of stuck inside of a broken ruined Mega catapult it'll be fine it'll be fine oh we have some absolutely fantastic choices here Border guard even though it is probably the worst of the three is the one I'm considering most for the Ultimate Defense we want to put in place this will give us extra defense platform build speed which is nice more star-based damage and more star-based whole points very tasty stuff military Pioneer though oh my goodness me minus five percent ship build cost plus five percent ship build speed wonderful or I could just reduce ship up keep across the board that's good as well I'm going to go for military Pioneer though let's stack those ship build cost reduction people all right and we're still like at war or something yeah oh fight the good fight we are well a bunch of refugees oh interestingly they lost some bits but gained others I don't really feel my Overlord won that war let's see what do they get uh attackers got one planet Defenders got one planet so you swap planets that's not really very genius if you ask me okay huh well that's something I'm not actually going to finish aptitude instead I'm going to take and finish Supremacy Supremacy is going to be more useful for our cause mainly due to this ship build cost reduction which would be very nice let's also dabble a bit more in the genetic art we'll make them aerodyte robust and fertile and we'll keep setting three and unruly the Vulcan Superior will soon be born that's only going to take 19 months as well beautiful on the other hand these people the jubarans I'm feeling that they yeah Nerf staple fertile that seems good we can make them fleeting because they can't be leaders yeah staple that nerves and then make them decadent what a brilliant idea I guess we could also make them robust as well that's all good yeah so they'll be fertile Nerf stapled robust decadent and fleeting and we'll call them hijabarons beautiful beautiful this game isn't evil in the slightest no no no no I will do the same with these aliens as well I suppose oh no the tin those slaving despots better not interfere with our endeavors they are pretty devilishly handsome if I do say so myself the vivisandian society would like to take hold of this space well unfortunately we're going to say no uh oh that should mean that ah yes we've conquered them without firing a single shot oh this is just stupid this needs to be fixed this part this really needs to be fixed right let's throw a hollow theater down and a monument here we are as a subject the in the galactic Community that's just stupid uh let's throw our envoys in as well yeah okay one second now oh so much Fleet power so much technology we've also got erudite scientists now why is that a good thing well erudite scientists Straight Up Just Produce research two and a half monthly research of every type per level oh my goodness me it's fantastic of course the Admiral still get their normal bonus generals well we don't have a general but we probably should let's get a general oh wait can't overly the cat oh Ford focused on a forge governing Governor that's pretty darn good if I do say so myself you know I actually think voidborn at this point is going to be the most helpful thing for us yeah we're going to turn these things Refinery stuff more oh my Lord look how much we get into this faction now sorry so it's year 60 we're making 343 Unity from this one faction alone why is that well fnatic egalitarian gives us 50 extra the living State 10 the ruler 12 Beacon of Liberty 15 planetary unification 5 closed loop 10 reformer 5 and reformer 2 for another ten that's a combined bonus of 117. holy moly that's uh that's a lot of extra support uh oh these folks really don't like us though I guess we should suppress them yeah I'll just press them into the dirt all right we'll grab Eternal vigilance that's gonna help with more defense platform cap star base damage whole points Etc and then we should start having a little Charity chat with our Dragon oh we're at War again oh I didn't I didn't notice oh we've been at War for a little while foreign well that's good also someone wants to join us well they're welcome to join us I'm going to take grasp of the Void as well for those extra star bases ah here we go now we've now we've done it right um we're honored to accept yes excellent horosca is now ours beautiful oh what to go for next I'm looking at Mercantile I'm feeling good things all right we're 25 years out from the end game we've been in with we're still at War apparently our borders are pretty impenetrable though we're a year 75 we've got these lovely 300K or 230k Star bases sitting around 111k that sort of thing and we are building them up as we move forwards strategic coordination Center yes please we'll have that thank you very much the Khan has awoken oh no anyway I don't even know where the Khan is somewhere I'm sure it's dangerous for someone somewhere yes aha we've also found fan habanus let's go and uh go and have a look see at that then we just hit bulwark tier three that's giving us plus eight defense platform cap on all of our star bases a hundred percent defense platform damage and a hundred percent Hull points as well as some Star based bonuses that we don't really care about additionally though it is giving us let's see bulwark disintegrator field this means that we're reducing enemy Hull points by 0.5 percent per day very very tasty we can't can't actually hover over it but you can see it's hidden here behind this disrupter and that's good that means we're closing on on half a million but half a million is not the final goal we can push that number up quite a bit I'm gonna pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers in this racket well we're gonna grab another perceptive Mentor I suppose we should put them back on the council as well we've got a working Quantum catapult in this system completely pointless and irrelevant but uh yeah there we go wait a minute I've upgraded my Quantum catapult but I can't actually use it because I don't have the technology what really well that just seems a little reductive we have the technology but we lack the vision we're also getting a strategic coordination Center up and running this is going to give us extra Naval capacity which is fine but more importantly defense platform cap aha now we can send our Dragon to anywhere in the universe let's give it a go we'll send him uh oh over here could land in any of these systems for ozgar is gonna be fine though oh Pete oh ping back yeah okay he didn't like that why is the price of Alloys this low I'm both happy and Confused the galactic Market seems to be having a bit of a a crisis of conscience cashnaka here nothing really fantastic we've got great research which is nice 100 research that's good it's about um about a tenth of a science Nexus driven educator gives a scientist experience gain and research per pop would be about uh what about 150 research I believe so about a sixth of a science Nexus better and some scientist experience game it's still not amazing especially because of that increasing pop amenities usage you know what I'm just going to go for driven educator well driven educated doesn't seem to be giving us any research it's a little bit broken who oh how fun I've now pushed up the defense platform cap in the chai dracona system here to 87. that won't get me the whole way to a million but gosh darn it is going to get me close now how on Earth did I do that you've seen some of the methods I've been using before well enter the secret weapon my secret weapon in this case is generals generals you see if they are the protector class get access to a lovely little ability called Guardian guardian means that while you are defending a planet you get plus eight defense platform cap and plus 40 defense platform Hull points at the top level with this trait currently I'm stacking level three level two and level 1 to give me a massive bonus here because of course that is just a base cap increase that increase will be modified by other things in a minute I'm going to use it to get more bonuses elsewhere as well but we'll get to that when it comes on our minister of defenses grabbed something really very nice genius armorer here is going to grant us plus 100 armor and shield hit points on every ship which is nice but then more importantly 20 armor and shield hardening across the board when we combine that with a 25 base we already get for being a bulwark that basically means we're on pretty much 50 armor and shield hardening without doing a darn thing and I'll finally get synchronized defenses this is such an important technology for this Ultimate Defense build I'm annoyed I haven't grabbed it yet but what do you think about this Ultimate Defense build is there anything you think I've missed so far let me know down in the comments below I'd love to hear from you wait a minute how did how did I get a level one General as my uh as my Chancellor I I don't remember losing an election I must have clicked something or not noticed something that's that's bad we'll fix that imminently um the crisis should be here any moment now we're pushing up we're only at 700k but we are now at quite a high nav cap I didn't even recruit that leader I'm so confused well would you look who the Cat Dragged In Queen Amidala herself uh yeah but you know what lavish lifestyle we don't need any more of this stuff dismissed now I've moved my three generals to another system you can see the system where I've got all these lovely habitats well their capacity has moved with them so I can build more Platforms in this system as well and that old system where they were stationed well interestingly we still keep the platforms then I can move them on to the next system and keep doing the same thing over and over wait a minute when did we become pacifist and egalitarian this is bizarre I didn't change my ethics this is very odd right let's go back to I wonder why we had people on utopian abundance because we should be academic privileges as I said earlier but somehow We've Ended up changing our leader our Chancellor and additionally all right now we're back with Chancellor oh wait no what there's a new one all right just ignore me then shabala can come back on using the power of magic there we have it in the quantum catapult system with a pulsar we have finally hit the fabled one million Fleet power and we're still going up I dare anybody any crisis anything come and take this on what is this the first wave that seems like it could be um problematic finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary yes half a million Fleet power apiece never mind The Scourge are pushing out out into the Galaxy uh jumping around and killing stuff it's uh it's all good it's all good though we have our lovely defenses a million Fleet power ready to go and fight whatever may come our way here are the second waves slightly bigger fleets quite a few million um perhaps we can't actually deal with those but we will give it a darn good go with the Galaxy somewhat crumbling on the Eastern side they are of course now debating in the Senate a repealing of the Guardian Angels act very important stuff I have to assume and the AI is having a fairly good go actually here it looks like of killing this 10 times crisis I mean I'm sorry maybe maybe we actually won't be able to uh fight them what ah no here comes in a two million Fleet now that should that should send them on their way yes excellent well uh they've gotten very close to us now they're just one two three four jumps away from our systems let's see which direction this two million stack decides to go in as well or they're even closer up here up North this could be uh dangerous very dangerous we're just gonna go and give them Oak they don't seem to be quite moving over yet so maybe if we say hello quickly with a few ships they'll come back just so we can test our defenses one of our Admirals died that's that's quite bad um done it now they have emergency measured enable Council veto power not focus prithory and Scourge never focus prithory and Scourge how could they possibly do that taken a more alveol but they haven't done anything with it darn it come fight me oh there's a big Fleet here maybe this Fleet will do something they're right on the edge of our space we have a star base ready to go here with 900k well they're fighting the Sentinels the Sentinels as ever are not quite strong enough to actually do their job it's um oh I take that back actually hold up hauled out the Sentinels are kind of winning my goodness me this is this is a change I love it one crisis of course wasn't enough they wouldn't come fight us a galactic power surge has now triggered whereabouts is that let's see if we can see it um yes well that's closer definitely closer which is good right the pretorian had the East the unbidden they're pushing through somewhat um and what's this we've also got the contingency running around yes it's all going swimmingly well ten times crisis I wipe my bottom with it oh no the Sentinels uh well they all died um keep up the good fight oh no anyway we formed a galaxy-wide federation to combat this threat that's that's also something that's pretty cool Sorry threats plural I apologize because of course the ambidden of flying around doing their thing with millions of Fleet flowers it's gonna be beautiful oh train is going a little faster I'm gonna set up a crisis Beacon inside myself give me a moment and then we'll uh we'll get them here in the end the darn things will come and attack us I promise there is war in basing say Come on come and attack me you're going the wrong way oh somebody fight me fight me in an attempt to force the hand of these darn crises I've pushed in a massive Navy here we're losing so many energy credits it's fine though it's fine the point of this is just for them to pay attention to us oh I think this is it I think they're on the way they are coming we get to finally see how our defense is going to hold up here come the prithorian scourge 1.3 million flying through and another 900 000 behind them we've also got the unbidden there coming towards us too that's good looks like we're gonna have our first engagement here at Gary I'm going to make sure to put all of my Admirals all of my generals I should say sorry in this location just to buff up these defenses somewhat here we go we're engaging oh my goodness me are they even they're not doing any damage we're firing from so far away and they are so slow oh my goodness we didn't lose a single platform ladies and gentlemen we are doing fine we are doing absolutely fine oh the contingency uh oh sorry sorry not another contingency we've got the extra dimensional Armada now here come the unbidden let's see how we do over in this corner we're engaging they're not firing at us oh my goodness me this is just overwhelmingly powerful we just annihilated them that's not even a scratch on any border Outpost here comes another 900k to have a crack at us unfortunately our defenses are quite operational oh my goodness look at this it's just so oh not a single damage beautiful beautiful beautiful I mean yeah I mean the crisis is also fighting each other that's probably not the best thing for them but great for us absolutely great for us we're getting even bigger fleets coming in now and there's a 1.7 million I think they're all going to try to do the impossible which is breakthrough even the smallest amount of our Defense Force but this level of power is just nuts the the Zeroni stormcaster as well oh you know what I should do oh I've just I've missed something ladies and gentlemen I should turn on RKO Engineers because that makes this thing even more powerful all of it all of the skirts pretty much are coming towards us now piece by piece and they just oh let's see what damn we're doing massive Shield nullification sublight speed reductions accuracy more sublight speed reductions that just death at the edge of the system we could probably handle a 25 times crisis like this you know ladies and gentlemen I'm fairly confident especially given that they're not doing any damage to us it's just diabolical we're kind of a fallen Empire now I suppose we're just sitting here tanking all the damage oh and now four unbidden fleets have decided to take on the challenge let's see how they do this is four million in Fleet power well they're they're shooting stuff but they're not hitting us and we're just oh my goodness we're just a bit that was four million in Fleet power 700k just slapped 4 million Fleet power around this is just crazy well at this point I think it's fair to say um we win yeah they can't do anything against us yeah whatever some people they can't do anything to stop us uh even really a little bit every time they try to jump in they simply die against our high level of science we don't even have that much science we're just just so overwhelmingly powerful ladies and gentlemen I give you the Ultimate Defense build and you can basically decide to never die again in a game of Stellaris thanks again to surfshark for sponsoring this video don't forget you can get three months free by following the link down in the description below if you enjoyed this defensive challenge but you'd like to see what happens if I attempt to go out and conquer the whole galaxy on some sort of Emperor type Crusade click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 201,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris maginot, stellaris defense build, stellaris 1m fleet power, stellaris 1m fortress, stellaris starbase defense, stellaris starbase only
Id: kOcoHryLFNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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