TWISTED MODE All Bosses Super Mario 3D World!!

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today we face all the bosses in twisted mode of super mario 3d world where the boss fights are more difficult and some of them have been recolored a big thank you to jacob the orange yoshi for making and sharing this mod so let's head to the world one castle and let's see what this boss fight is going to be like and i like that mario has been recolored to have the colors of wario that's really cool there are some other changes made in this i'm really excited to see how this is going to be like so let's just head on up to the first boss here okay we can already see there are some blocks there okay got some bullet bills going across there okay so this might be a difficult boss fight oh and bowser is of course recolored we've got dark bowser over here the nice blue colors on bowser here man that bowser looks scary i like the colors a lot though all right let's take on this bowser i'm ready man it looks scary to be facing a bowser like this oh man that wasn't even a good hit okay and that one went to the side too there's a lot going on here okay let's get over this wall let's get some explosions on bout what am i even hitting okay let's return this soccer ball okay all right all right this is going pretty well this is going pretty well okay there we go we got a good hit on him we need to get two more good hits on him or three more medium hits on him man the bullet bills are just eating up these soccer balls okay and i got hit so i've got to be careful now we need just a few more hits give me more soccer balls bowser whoa whoa whoa i didn't realize that all those bullet bills were there behind him okay there we go two good hits on okay we've got some magic koopas coming up so that's another thing that we have to pay attention to and we have to avoid we have to avoid the magic attacks from those magic whiskey got some fire coming towards us here gotta be careful here got some more magikoopas ahead gotta avoid this fire because one more hit will kill me okay and and there we go that's it we did it oh man pretty cool boss fight i really like the recoloring on bowser it's really cool to see bowser with these new colors let's stop by the world one blockade let's see if that's different wow okay okay i like how they're headless that's kind of creepy okay and now that we've done the world 2 castle let's stop by the world 2 blockade and let's see what that's going to be like okay we've got a bigger than usual galoomba over here wait that was so weird that was so weird i was wondering what was going on i think there are more galoombas than normal here okay but it looks like we are able to take out all the galubas just fine there we go okay and here is the world 2 castle bowser's bullet bill brigade oh man we've got more spikes than usual here i think oh and boo boom is a cool color okay and i'm little mario so i have to avoid taking any hits at all okay let's just jump up here i'll be safe here i should be safe here i hope i'm scared of boom boom i'm scared hey boom boom is invisible okay let's try again now i'm regular sized mario man so this mod was made for the wii u version so i've got to be careful because you can't do any dives so normally you could oh my goodness that was so bad normally you could do a dive and get to safety sometimes but right now i can't even do a dive because this is the wii u version and you can't do dives in the wii u version hey there we go two hits on him [Music] now just gonna stay around here where is he there there he is where's the shell at there's the shell oh man we got it we got it we got it i was scared that i would jump into his hands there really cool how the bosses have different colors like this i like how the bosses have been recolored all right how different can the magikoopa blockade be compared to normal okay so the cool thing about the magikoopa blockade is that some of them are different sizes making some of them more difficult to jump on and they also move around in different areas oh man they're high yeah they're up really high there i can't reach them are they going to go to okay one over here that one is fine there we go all right that's actually really cool how you get that one with a wall jump all right world three castle who is going to be the boss over here the bullet bill express it's so funny to see mario in wario's clothing jumping into the cannon in this cut scene i really like the recolors here whoa this level has been changed again okay are these guys going to damage me they do damage me okay so during the cutscene you get oh and you can't even see oh my goodness no no no no no i think this was done intentionally these blocks are put here so you can't really see what's going on here is this one the real pom-pom i think it is i couldn't even get on it this makes the level so much more difficult this is ridiculous this is ridiculous oh my goodness these blocks are here to obstruct your view so yeah during this cutscene it looks like you're safe but you take damage during the cutscene because of the parabones there but this camera is meant to be difficult it's so hard to see like this okay there we go one hit okay there we go there's two hits and if you jump up on the walls like this you could get a bit of a better view but you might not know exactly where you have to go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go that's gonna be it now i just have to find the exit where is the exit going to be there's the warp box okay there we go we safely made it okay that was definitely the most difficult one so far it's so hard to do that when you can't see what's going on all right let's go to the histocrat level and you know what since we haven't been playing as luigi let's give luigi some love and it looks like luigi has been replaced with waluigi oh my goodness we are playing as waluigi that jump is so cool look how high that jump is i think that's higher than luigi normally jumps but yeah look at this oh man okay so we've got a lot of spiky things around here and some ring burners up there that's definitely going to make the histogram fight oh and histocrat has red eyes it's going to be a very scary fight oh that's a lot of falling rocks i think more than normal okay i'm surprised that i got that hit actually oh are there going to be no super bells there might not be any super bells that spawn since this is a more difficult version i was hoping they would spawn but maybe we'd actually have to complete this fight without any super bowls i guess we'll see oh no there are still super bills nice i'm so used to diving i tried to dive but you can't dive in the wii u version [Music] on we are a purple cat we are a purple cat look at this look at this oh my goodness this would be so cool if this was in the game originally wow this makes me want to go play waluigi's taco stand climb up here and that should be the end of the boss because that was three hits right on we almost did a damager so i took damage at the end there that would have been cool if we could do a damageless but there we go oh man those ring burners are going off pretty quickly what does it look like when waluigi completes a level i like his face a lot and his pointy shoes all right what is this blockade level going to be like whoa the brolders are different colors like the brolders are this color because they want to match wall luigi whoa oh and now we've got brothers of different sizes and that should be it all we have to do is just throw up those three boulders and then there's probably just these three brolders and yeah that's everything and then we complete the level after that all you have to do is just throw up these boulders okay so there we go let's see if the first firebros hideout is going to be different okay you've got 100 seconds all right whoa whoa whoa there's a lot going on here there really is a lot going on right here oh and some of them are defeating each other which is nice for us oh look at that they're just oh and they even head up there whoa wait a minute oh it looks like you actually don't have to defeat okay you should have to defeat all them i'm guessing that's not intended maybe this guy here isn't connected to the all dead watcher but there we go okay so we actually did defeat all them little waluigi looks so funny his head is so tiny all right lava rock lair world four dash castle [Laughter] little waluigi just runs into the castle okay we've got a lot of splorches here and buzz brolder is a different color as well and we've got a little purple brolder there too these colors are really cool oh i took damage okay there we go we got one damage on the boss i'm not going to use my power up if i don't have to i'd like to go without it i think i think i'd be able to get through this fight without using okay let's get this guy to spawn some more boulders for us and a lot of the sports were pushed off the level actually so that makes the level a lot easier okay and there's another hit on him now if we could get this other splurge pushed off the level that'd be great yes there we go there we go okay this should be easy from here all i have is one more hit i just have to be careful to not die hopefully i don't die just one more hit and no i threw it the wrong way no and he started spinning oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man this is scary oh man oh man oh man oh man okay please give me give me another roller please sir please sir i am begging you for another brother just give me another brother and don't move as quickly as you normally do because you are moving too fast oh man yes there we go there we go that was so nice all right so we took care of that boss brother that was a nice boss brolder fight is he smaller than normal he looks very very small right now he looks smaller than this spricksy i don't know if he's supposed to be that small all right let's check out the charge and chuck blockade in the other charging choke blockade we had some interesting colors of the charging chucks and they didn't have head oh my goodness there's so much happening here if i just keep ground pounding will i be able to defeat all them like oh no okay and defeat the octomba hey we got everything that went great that actually basically i wasn't sure if that would work on the first try but it did okay here's firebros hideout number two all right let's go here i think this is wait a minute what happened to that first stack that first stack got like destroyed ah i was hoping that i'd be able to reach it but i think that stack is too high oh he's up there bro what are you doing up here [Music] okay now if i could take out this stack that'd be amazing there we go okay and i think that's everything i don't think there's another hammer bro here is there okay no there isn't very nice look at this smile he looks so happy okay king kathunk's castle so instead of facing king kafunk we are now facing emperor ca thunk okay when we did this fight in hard mode all bosses this was one of the hardest fights to do damageless so let's see how just defeating emperor kathunk is going to be okay so we take damage right at the start of the fight actually and kinka thunk has been recolored oh man this is giving me flashbacks to this is giving me flashbacks to hard mode all bosses hey but there we go got one hit oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man wait where am i how did i end up in here okay well there we go wall luigi fell down okay okay okay so you actually can avoid getting hit at the beginning if you do a spin jump there i'm starting to remember now that's what i did in hard mode all bosses so let's see how different twisted mode is going to be okay so we got to hit on him there oh having the cat suit is so useful here the way that you could do a cat swipe to stall your fall a bit more in moments like that is so useful let's see hopefully he comes here now i took damage okay this is fine got two hits on him i think we might still be able to win though okay maybe not now now that i took damage again and now i'm little waluigi okay now if he comes down here that would be nice come down somewhere over here okay now just don't get killed while he's going like this i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see okay good i can see i can see man when it is bright and flashing like that it is so hard to not take damage so let's take a look at what the prince bully blockade will be like okay so this seems to be similar to the principally blockade that we've seen before where it's like we get prince bully in there and if just one of them is blocked then it's funny you still see prince willie pop out through the block like that even though it looks like these pipes are blocked prince bullies the way that collision works in this game principally still can pop out of oh but that one can i reach him here where did he go oh man on the last oh wait he's dead what the did it only take two hits to defeat him that's so weird that was very unexpected and then he pops out from over there okay this time he doesn't die after two hits yeah this time we needed three hits on him to defeat him that was really weird i don't know what happened last time maybe last time he ended up falling below the level but that was really surprising oh and i like how there are explosions going on behind waluigi right now okay but pretty easy level that's probably one of the easiest bosses that we've faced so far so next let's head on over to the world six castle bowser's bob-omb brigade okay here we go oh is that going to damage me during this cutscene let's see okay it does okay at least i landed on boom move there okay this ring burner makes this scary this makes this very very scary there are a lot of things that you okay and there are two boom booms amazing okay okay okay okay okay okay okay at least we landed on that one whoa okay almost burned there and the shell almost got us and the ring burner almost got us it's like everything is attacking you all at once i'm just going to try to stay here okay there are three boom booms now okay there we go we got him we got him okay and all right the coins appear okay but no warp box appears i think this is a mistake because we did defeat everything in this room we did defeat all of the boom booms i'll have to let jacob the orange yoshi know that the warp box doesn't spawn when you complete the boss here all right let's do motley boss blobs big battle and in the hard mode version of this this was one of the hardest bosses to face so let's see how this boss is going to be in twisted mode okay we've got a lot of bullies down here and spikes so hopefully we don't get pushed into these spikes by the bullies whoa okay we've got this guy right here there we go one hit on him not bad still have our power up too which is very nice now we've got two catwall luigis oh man okay i give up on the other one i want to keep just this one safe no we took damage okay we are not cat waluigi right now but we are still a waluigi nice very nice i don't know how useful this is going to be this double cherry but we'll go for it anyways okay i give up on that other waluigi oh no we saved them wow okay and now all we need is one more hit on the boss is that right do we seriously only need one more hit on him and there we go okay we lost that waluigi but that's okay and let's just make it into the pipe let's grab the green star there we go and now we are in the pipe and all the bullies are just trying to crowd around the pipe like they really want waluigi to drop down like just just drop down waluigi i dare you i dare you to drop down but we could go into the pipe and then we are safe all right let's do fire bros hideout number four i think this is the final fire bros hideout and let's try playing as princess beach because we haven't yet we'll see what character that is okay oh when you play as daisy it gets stuck like that and the screen is very glitchy but you can see the daisy still is moving around i'm still able to move around and still defeat these enemies but daisy's model is actually stuck here like you can see that there's dust that's appearing wherever i jump to yeah if we play as another character you can see that the level does work normally but for some reason if you play as daisy then it just gets really glitchy which is weird because i have seen a model of daisy that does work so i'm not sure why that one's like that you know let's just climb up here and get this one up here and there we go took out all of them oh and very nice amount of time left to clear the level brolder blockade is back this is such a very creative challenge but such a nice ch okay i'm so glad that i did take damage from the lava there i did a ground pound there to delay my fall and it looked like this strategy worked okay so now we can get a second hit on him very nice let's just continue along and all that we have to do now is get a third hit on him and not fall into the lava and not die sounds simple enough right let's see is there one more boulder that i could get anywhere okay this guy just spawns more splorches he doesn't even spawn any more brolders man and he moves pretty quickly are you going to spawn brolders does he even spawn brolders it looks like he's just spawning splorches oh man he's coming for me he's coming for me yeah all that we have are just splorches that are spawning here okay hopefully that works okay there we go so you actually have to be really careful with the brolders that you use okay oh man i didn't expect one more to appear oh man oh nice and we're just standing in the lava that's actually a really cool course clear there all right prince bully blockade is back let's see what this one is going to be like i'm a bit worried for prince willie blockade is back okay so there are two of these okay so there are spikes oh my goodness and this time it's not this time it's not exploding soccer balls this time it's bob-omb enemies oh man this is going to be a little tough i think okay oh man oh man oh man how do i even get the ball bomb just grabbing a ball bomb and and opening one of those areas is going to be difficult oh you know what in the hard mode version of this boss fight i jumped on top of these blocks to cheese the level but now there are spikes up here so now i can't do that oh oh whoa whoa oh just don't explode them don't explode him yes there we go now i can lure them over here okay come on over here guys come on over here guys one right this way folks okay one hit on him ah i was hoping i could get a hit on him wait did i damage the fire one or did i just get it did i damage the red one or did i just get him in the pipe well i guess we'll find out okay nice another one opened up kate can i get to that red one in time i don't think i can i'll go for the blue one okay that's two hits on the blue one okay okay we're making progress we're making progress everybody just do a nice dive there very nice oh man oh man oh man oh man i got hit i got hit okay so there's another hit oh no bob don't kill me i was so scared that that ball would kill me okay that defeats the blue one now can we defeat the red one bob um don't kill me that defeats the red one and there we go we defeated both of them okay so that takes care of the principally blockade oh look at the ball bomb it's going to explode in the course clear oh man we've just got explosions in the background hey world castle dash castle bowser's lava lake keep there's our little waluigi running into the level all right here we go oh but i probably can't damage him with boomerangs i know you can damage that bowser by throwing i know you could damage that bowser by thr by i know you could damage that bowser by attacking him with a fire flower but i don't think you could damage him with a boomerang okay we've got lots of hammer bros around here this is certainly making things more difficult let's continue along this way okay we can take out that one oh man there's a lot going on here whoa whoa whoa how did that one come back where did that come from what did it bounce against a fire fire soccer balls now okay that should be a good second hit okay but we're almost done you've got just one okay not worried about that splorch i'm not going to use my power up unless i really need it i'll try to go through the rest of the fight without it oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man ah that could have been it that could have been it i could have returned that one at him [Music] okay let's just find a good moment to go [Music] and now we can go now give me a soccer ball give me a good soccer ball no not through this spike area oh man oh man oh man i maybe could have returned that one oh man oh man jumping over these spikes is gonna be [Music] so scary [Music] okay okay okay okay okay we made it to here we made it here all right all right okay we made it to the first one all right all right we have a chance i just need to launch back one good soccer ball at him and we're good man more spikes oh man okay you made it past those spikes now i just need to avoid all the fire here as well as bowser's fire okay some fire there okay we've got some ring burners coming up oh no and more spikes okay okay this has got to be it please no i don't even know if i damaged him with that one or not oh man what in the world am i going to do here [Music] okay oh no oh no that ring burner scared me okay and there's another ring burner up there somewhere okay are we gonna get to a third area soon if the spikes and the fire don't kill us that is okay can i head by this way bowser you're shooting a lot of fire but you're not giving us a lot of soccer balls we need some soccer balls bowser come on splurges oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no bad splurches okay third area bowser just a soccer ball please come on it's not that much to ask for just give me a soccer ball give me a good soccer ball right here right now there we go there we go there we go there we go that's exactly what i wanted that is perfect what a fight what a fight that was definitely a difficult fight i'm really glad that i did that without using the extra power up that i had in storage all right histocrat returns oh my goodness what okay there's lots of lava down there and at this point i think that should be expected that there's lots of parts of the game where the floor is lava always makes for a nice challenge when the floor is lava okay so we've got it looks like we've got three stone blocks that we could step on okay this histocrat is an interesting color as well whoa okay i thought i was on the lava for a second man this is going to be tough can i just jump up there oh man that's actually so much easier than i thought it was that's hilarious well you could jump so high that i could just get up to the boss there oh can i do that again oh man this is so funny you could just jump up like that okay i actually took damage from the bare bones there well what if i do that a third time he got me okay so i wasn't able to cheese the level you know what i want to try playing as a different character though let's see what toad will be like in this level because we haven't used toad yet oh wow we are wow toad is very fast and we're not towed we are toadette wait a minute i think my jump is incredibly low i might be making this level difficult if not impossible for myself i'm going to ignore the first one and the second one because i know that from here we get a super bell power up we can get a hit onto the boss like that which is very nice that's a fantastic start to the fight you get a super bell power up you damage the boss and you can keep your super bowl power if i do i have a super bell in storage but i'd rather not use it if i don't have to okay there we go two hits on the boss very nice very nice all we need is one more and we haven't taken any damage yet so we still have our super bowl power up oh my goodness and those uh the fireballs also damaged me and there we go the boss has been defeated that was really nice we did lose our superman power up but we did defeat the boss oh man do you have to go for that star no thank you i'm just going to go down the pipe here from certain camera angles you can't see it like from here it doesn't look like there's anything down there but once you get to here yeah right here you can see that there's actually lava down there from before you couldn't tell that there's lava down here so it's funny like this do you think that we'll die if we step down there because from this angle we can't see the lava but from here you can i'm guessing you do still die yeah that's so funny you actually can't see the lava from certain angles but you still die if you walk into it all right monthly boss blobs encore in all boss's hard mode this was by far the most difficult boss because you have to fight multiple motley boss blobs together so let's give this a shot uh there's a lot going on here there's really a lot going on here okay so we've got one hit on each of those okay at least you've got a lot of double trades oh and you want to be careful with double cherries because if you get too many double cherries then the game will crash okay we got two hits on that one which is nice i didn't get to damage that one that's fine okay if we get whoa whoa whoa okay i wasn't sure if there is an edge or if you could run off the edge here you know what let's get that one we haven't hit him before and this one now we'll defeat one of them wait okay there we go one has been defeated all right all right all right all right this is going great um oh i guess that was the only one that we had to defeat that's really interesting okay we got two hits on him and i think we only need one more on that one okay there we go that one's defeated now we only have one more motley boss blob to face so you just have to defeat this one oh wait a minute and he isn't even leaving those rings on the ground that's nice okay now let's just basically avoid the double cherries because if you get too many then the game crashes and there we go all of them have been defeated that was not bad at all wait let's get the green star that was honestly not bad at all maybe i've gotten better at facing multiple motley boss blobs all right and let's do the great tower of bowser land then and let's play as rosalina because we haven't had rosalina yet so let's see what she's going to be like oh rosalina just looks unchanged i guess all right here we go let's see what this cutscene is going to be like i wonder what bowser is going to be like is bowser going to be different let's see which bowser comes down okay we've got a lot of ring burners up there okay we've got this dark bowser very nice what's going to happen when he uses these super bells okay he puts one on like a collar what is he going to transform into what is dark bowser going to turn into oh my goodness we have a dark meowser that looks very frightening i like the red eyes the red eyes in the color blue are very nice okay let's make our way up here there he goes oh man that is a scary looking bowser okay and we've got a bully up there and some spikes so this is similar to hard mode all bosses let's get up here now that should be a safe moment whoa man i wanted that power up oh well i miss it that's too bad hey you know what we should do we should go for a green star right now can you tap the last one oh no oh man there's a splurge just coming down from there okay okay okay okay yeah yep that's definitely where bowser would be coming from just pop into that pipe okay very nice now we come out from here there is so much craziness happening here playing as rosalina definitely makes it a lot easier though being able to do a spin jump okay so you've got some ring burners there we've got soccer balls here and okay there we go there's bowser and an nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn okay there we got the pal block okay very nice very nice are we gonna get to a checkpoint flag now please tell me we're going to be at a checkpoint okay we got time we got an extra 100 seconds i'd like to get to a checkpoint flag very nice number of coins right now as we are heading up this tower and there are dark bowsers here very frightening dark bowser there dark meowser i should say multiple dark meowsers are climbing up the great tower of bowser land right now as little rosalina needs only one more hit and she's wait a minute oh those are charging chucks down there i was wondering what those even were okay but we are now at the auto scrolling section of the level well i guess the earlier part was also okay so we are now caprosalina try climbing up this way i think climbing up this way might be a good idea oh do i jump across or do i climb up that is a good question is there going to be another ring burner up here i'm guessing there is oh man this place is looking so spiky and scary let's let's just head out this way okay very nice all right rosalina's extra spin jump is so useful it's so useful because you can't dive in the wii u version of the game i feel like this is so much harder because it's the wii u version of the game oh man it's too bad that i couldn't make that last jump very nice not really a lot of stuff that could damage you if you take this path in fact it looks like we're pretty safe right now oh wait our meows is going to come out here okay let's just bounce up here okay okay okay all right let's just run along we've got some interesting colored hammer bros there oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness no no no no no no no no no no no no okay gotta be careful here whoa did i destroy a hammer with rosalina's attack okay i wanna get by here but i'm scared of this dark mouser okay perfect perfect opportunity uh okay i'll let you go go ahead can i climb up now still no i couldn't make it up i should have gone before him okay let's just head on up man one hit will defeat me i don't want to use my stored power up if i don't have to okay nice way to get rid of the hammers that are being thrown at you very nice okay let's go quick please make it across yes okay just jump over these very nice this is so scary this is so scary this is so scary oh no the views are came out from there okay okay okay we're doing great we're doing great just make it past there very nice jump up here very nice oh no i took damage i took damage please don't let me die in the same way as before okay i think that's where i died last time ring burners no no ring burners no rebers oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man here are the dark meowzers and we've got ring burners here there's a lot happening here hey we just need to find a good moment to go now oh no when is a good moment to go no no not now okay three four there we go there we go there we go oh man goodbye dark meowser gg oh man i'm surprised that i didn't die at the very final part and only at the parts before that that went really well that was really nice oh man i really appreciate the way that some of the enemies were colored in a different way i think that really adds such a nice twist on the level hence twisted mode some of these bosses were really similar to hard mode but some of these bosses were made more difficult so that was really nice okay let's just make sure that that really is the end and i didn't have to use the super bell power up that i had in storage so that is nice a big thank you to jacob the orange yoshi for making and sharing this mod fantastic stuff as always and it is super cool to see what creative and difficult levels people can come up with and i love testing what is possible in games this was a fantastic mod if you'd like you can click the subscribe button because you'll be notified when new videos come out and you'll also help me get closer and closer to 100 000 subscribers this youtube channel is almost one year old and it'd be really cool to get to 100 000 subscribers before the channel is one year old i'm really grateful that you watch this video all the way through thank you very much and a big thank you to my very generous supporters on patreon it is very much appreciated and thank you so much to all of you who watch my videos i'm hoping that you all have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 194,429
Rating: 4.8961415 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, hardmode bosses, all bosses, every boss, super mario all bosses, super mario every boss, mario 3d world every boss, mario 3d world all bosses, super mario 3d world all bosses, all bosses damageless, every boss damageless, bosses without damage, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, super mario 3d world all bosses damageless, all bosses hardmode, twisted mode, mario twisted mode, zxmany
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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