Modding Random Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury objects with Fire Bros! [Bowser's Fury]

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if you've ever wondered why there are so many plessies in the ocean this is where all the blessings come from this fire bro just throws all the blessies into the ocean and that's why it seems like no matter where you go in lake lapcat there's always a plessy there today we push the limits of super mario 3d world and bowser's fury by editing fire bros and what they throw a few days ago we looked at the movements of fire bros and how high they can jump and in this video things get weirder and weirder as we make fire bros throw strange objects and we replace fire bros with different objects oh my goodness the fire bro is throwing fish at us i'm looking at that when it's coming straight at you it kind of looks like it's a fireball but yeah right now we've got this fire bro throwing fish at us and the fish bursts into flames once it comes far enough after it bounces around for a bit this fish just bursts into a ball of fire so is this fish a water type or a fire type and these fish are dangerous they do damage you when they hit you it acts just like a regular fireball would okay what are we going to have here oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness look at this the fire bro is throwing boober eggs and the boomerang bro was throwing fireballs the boomerang bro was even holding a fireball in its hand and it's back it's back oh my goodness zeus whoa whoa and the fireballs they act like boomerangs and the boomerangs they act like fireballs it's so weird okay boomerang bro come back out of the ground yeah both of these do hurt you hold on there you go yeah so that one does hurt you and this fireball which is actually a boomerang should hurt us too look at it where is he going why is he going under the level like that come back please sir please come back boomerang bro please come back don't be shy you've got a nice boomerang look at that that's so weird you know how planets move around the sun right now we have a sun that moves towards the boomerang bro okay we've got a fire bro throwing key posing fire bros at us if only recursion were a thing if only we could make that fire bro throw even more fire bros and then we had an army of fire bros throwing fire bros at us these fire bros don't look too happy about being thrown at us but these fire bros they act just like fireball so if you hit them then you actually take damage even if you jump on them you take damage oh my goodness the kitchens are on fire oh my goodness you thought kittens were friendly look at these kittens bouncing along look at the look on that kitten's face as it bounces along towards mario and if these kittens touch mario they damage mario oh that one bounced right over mario but yeah oh oh my goodness the kittens are just bouncing right over me but if these kittens do hit you there we go the kittens do damage you if they do hit you they're dangerous kittens plessy has its eyes closed is plessy a friend or a foe we can see there's a fleshy in the background there what if plessy gets thrown at plessy if you've ever wondered why there are so many plessies in the ocean this is where all the blessings come from this fire bro just throws all the blessies into the ocean and that's why it seems like no matter where you go in lake lapcat there's always a plessy there yes this is exactly what i expected okay so you can see that we are having tea posing mario's thrown at us except mario has no face and he has no hands and that's because mario's face and hands are kept in a separate file from the rest of mario and it looks like there's a little fireball glow at the bottom of him here they say that a picture is worth a thousand words and i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments what comes to your mind when you see a picture like this when the fire bros are throwing luigi or toad it's kind of similar to when they're throwing mario but when the fire bros are throwing princess peach you'll notice that not only her hands are missing and her face is missing but also her dress because part of her dress is kept in a separate file also oh my goodness it's just a goomba there wait a minute if you replace the firebros model with a goomba then the goomba it just stands there you can just walk right up to it the goomba's just shocked it doesn't know what to do right now this is supposed to be a fire bro right now oh my goodness no no what did you do to that goomba why did you do that why that was actually a fire bro not a goomba he was defeated with fire it wouldn't shoot out fire oh my goodness okay so this is what happens if you replace the fire bro with a fireball it can still hop back and forth the way that a fire bro normally does but it doesn't shoot out any fireballs at us so this fireball is supposed to be shooting out fireballs at us right now it's just a fireball if it touches us it should wait oh maybe it won't damage us can we defeat it it's just hopping back and forth menacingly this would be something so cool to add to a troll mod if i saw this in a mod and i didn't know what this was i would be so confused as to what i have to do with this but it's just it just acts like a decoration one interesting thing to point out about when cat marios are being thrown as fireballs is that the tail isn't actually included you can see that our cat mario has a tail here but there's no tail on these fireballs here and that's because not only is mario's face and mario's hands kept in a separate file but also mario's tail when he is a cat is kept in a separate file as well oh wow this is super interesting okay when you throw giga cat mario it isn't the giant giga cat mario it's just this mario like this so this is the cat suit that you have after you get 100 cat shines in the game that's the one that's thrown at you but it's the regular size mario not the giant one when you have them throw gigga cat mario okay you might be seeing this and you might be thinking what in the world is this puffy face that is being thrown at us is this actually an object that's in the game well in a recent video i tested how big we could make toad's face and this object that's being thrown at us is actually toad's face but 10 times larger than normal and in this game for characters like toad and mario as well as some other characters faces and eyes are kept in separate files so that's why just toad's face but not his eyes are being thrown so these puffy baby faces that are being thrown at us are actually large toad faces that's what this fire bro is throwing at us i never thought that i'd see a fire bro throwing large eyeless toad faces at us since the fire bro won't throw anything at us while it's a goomba and it just stands there i wanted to create a fire row that threw goombas at us in memory of our fallen goomba friend we will never forget you goomba friend these goombas that are being thrown at us have their eyes closed well they're not really closed because their eyelids don't fully cover their eyes so it looks kind of creepy but we could see that mario wanted to stand in solidarity with these goombas by also covering his eyes so the next time you close your eyes and open them again you can click the like button on this video when you open your eyes if you enjoy this video oh my goodness when a fire bro is throwing bombs at you it actually looks like it makes sense it's like we're playing against link in smash bros right now where he's using his down b move and he's throwing bombs at us is down b still the bomb move for link in smash bros ultimate i know that's what it was in past smash bros games i'm wondering if that still links down b move but yeah this actually looks so natural this looks like this is something that could work in the game it's a bit weird how the bombs just keep bouncing along like that it looks like they should slow down and they shouldn't maintain that same bouncy momentum that they have but it actually makes sense that player bros are throwing bombs oh man hey mario do you want to go fast why don't you step on this dash panel here that'll make you go fast you'll set mario's pants on fire you'll start running so quickly i like how there's still the little fireball outline in the middle of the dash panel that's fantastic it's like you could tell that it's not a real dash panel coming towards you in case you were worried that this fire bro is trying to help you out now you'll know that this isn't a real dash panel and it doesn't give you a boost if you step on it what if the dash panel goes to these birds it just goes right over them the birds don't get a boost oh my goodness we are having catskills thrown at us t-posing catgoals that burst into flames when they hit a corner oh my goodness why does this bird burst into flames do you guys know that meme about how all birds are fake they're just government drones they're actually all of the sheets this is starting to make a lot of sense now this fire bro has caught a lot of birds this fire bro has caught more birds than a pet cat can okay and now some of the cat goals have come down and now all that's happening the fire bro just wants his cat goals to go play with the other cat goals but why won't they play you know why they don't want to play because these cat goals explode into fire and if you explode into fire your friends may not want to play with you in fact it might startle your friends wait what the what [Music] oh okay i see what's being thrown at first i wasn't sure what this was i was wondering what this was what is this that's being thrown at us but this what is being thrown at us here is actually super bell hill yeah so we can see that this is actually a silhouette of super bell hills so right there that's where the level starts off this is the beginning of the level here you start over here you make your way up here you make your way across there that's where the question mark block normally is then you head on up here and this is actually the first part of super bell hill that is being thrown at us i don't know how this fire bro is pulling out copies of super bell hill from his pocket but it's gonna have some big pockets whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa when you have cat shines thrown at you that is not at all what i expected i didn't think they would look like that and i didn't think they would move like that the way that they move is so weird this gives the word cat shine a whole new meaning oh my goodness we are having fury bowser himself thrown at us he is so large that we can only see bits of his feet oh head on up here maybe we'd be able to get a better view at what's being thrown at us yes yuri bowser is just appearing and you know what it looks like the fire broke is just throwing regular fireballs but then we have these large fury bowsers here marching towards us oh my goodness and it is eating the kittens this is so large that oh my goodness yeah you can see bowser's face over here but this is very large these fireballs that are being thrown at us they can go very far very large fury bows are being thrown at us here camera's clipping through it right now because of where we are yeah we've got a t-posing fury bowser that is being thrown at us it's kind of weird seeing fury bowser out here in the open when it's sunny because he normally comes out only when it's raining so it's a bit funny to see him here all right let's see what we've got here oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh man his foot is twitching quite a bit there is he going to jump back to his other position or is he just going to stand there bowser looks like he's ready to attack us why is he just standing there he looks very nervous he's so nervous he's shaking look at his foot he just can't handle it how is bowser levitating bowser is david blaine he is performing a levitation magic trick right now bowser are you going to throw anything at us or are you just going to stand there what are you going to do bowser what are you going to do hold on can we get damaged by him it doesn't look like we could get damaged by him or damage him yeah there we go do you guys remember this part of bowser's fury where there is a floating bowser and scamper shores look it's just bowser and bowser jr just having a nice vacation over at scampers shorts nice day isn't it i was hoping that we could make bowser throw stuff if we replace the model of the fire bros with bowser but bowser just ends up standing here like this he looks like he's about to do something and his leg is twitching but he doesn't do anything in a past video we had a bowser that looked like he was crying and that was hilarious and sad to see but now we just have this bowser that just jumps to the side like that and then he stands there whoa if you replace the model for fire bros with bowser's car then bowser's car does actually bounce back and forth like this just like the fire bro does and it makes this sound as if it's throwing a fireball but nothing actually comes out and it's really weird seeing bowser's car just bouncing back and forth like this this isn't something i ever thought i'd see can we get hurt by it let's see you actually get hurt by oh my goodness and the fireball defeats it the fireball from the piranha plant defeated bowser's car and three coins came out a big part of my channel is about testing what is possible in games and if you enjoyed this video you might like my video where we make bowser jr bigger and stretch him into weird shapes and sizes or some of my videos where i give characters the wrong animations in super mario 3d world i'd really appreciate you clicking the subscribe button if you are interested in more and you'll be notified when new videos come out and you'll also help me get my channel closer and closer to 100 000 subscribers this channel is almost one year old and we're getting really close to 100 000 subscribers every person clicking the subscribe button is really appreciated wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 210,324
Rating: 4.9289536 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowser, super mario, mario speedrun, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, lake lapcat, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, super bell hill, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, scamper shores theme, fire bros, zxmany bowser, mario mod, custom mario, hilarious mario, mario meme, mario memes, funniest mario
Id: kuNdeZpYYeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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