What If Super Mario Bros. Had New Boss Fights?!

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why don't we just go with the good old classic bowser fight oh my gosh wait a minute this is not what i expected at all is he gonna fight me all right just giant fireball oh no he's coming for me this is amazing oh we got him barely but we got him and boom if that ball kills me oh come on [Music] hey everyone it's darby from blue television games and today i'll be checking out super mario 4 hugadores if i'm saying that correctly what we're going to be looking at today is what if super mario bros 1 had more bosses we're gonna be seeing what other bosses from later games would look like in super mario bros 1 style we're going to be going over to extra mode and doing the boss battle boss rush kind of thing and we're going to play on all-stars modes we can pick which bosses we want to battle isn't that cool and you know you can start with any boss you want there's checkpoints uh let's grab some power ups i think we might need them reznor reznor mario one sign me up that sounds cool as heck he looks awesome this is really cool already boom i think we took him out a little quick but you know i didn't want to die looks like the bridge doesn't collapse below us which is nice beautiful job mario reznor in the books what about the king boo or big boo fight you can slide down the stairs that's cool what's up dude oh my gosh there's spikes up there whoa the spikes chop the boo ah what am i supposed to do okay we can jump on the boost that's so cool oh we got lucky that spike destroyed the boo i bet that's the whole trick to the fight i don't think we can jump on the one that comes in from the side this is really neat there's something oddly satisfying about being able to jump on a boo to kill it i think we're about to die unless i get lucky here [Music] nice we took him out oh no don't kill me please mushroom mushroom and uh please don't hurt me boo boom i like the crouching stance in this game it looks pretty funny there's birdo man i don't know some koopalings let's do wendy [Music] wendy wendy wendy get your adverbs here oh my gosh please don't die or she's already thrown out rings and they're going really fast but she's pretty much like she is a mario maker too she moves a little differently but for the most part easy peasy fight i like it all right maybe a little iggy battle why not what's up my friend boom one hit i wonder if he can stun you with his jumps doesn't seem like it oh it's very similar to the wendy fight so far you see one more hit okay easy peasy all right all right on to the next bring it on dude it's supposed to be larry he looks different boom another easy one easy peasy ooh but birdo let's do alberto fight why not birdo on mario one now alberto look just like berta look some mario too no gotta own little custom spray for mario one i like it boom one hit easy peasy i'm gonna grab the snippet that seemed easy boom okay we went over your head shoot an egg out oh no uh it's a little harder than the mario 2 fight i like we could pick up the eggs though oh i keep arching it over your head boom okay one more egg please easy peasy birdo sneezy eat the egg birdo what do you think of that birdo i'm gonna do an alberta fight why not firebird oh bring it on my friends there's fireballs in between okay that was an awful throw cool oh i missed the egg this is not going well if i die i think a three fight birdo all right this is such a cool boss rush boom one hit two hits and three hits fire birdo is done for [Music] all right we have not done this one right or did we just do this no this is all fire all the time you get a veggie boom how do i get more veggies though oh another one appears okay so they grow it's the fastest growing veggies in the world two hits i just need to get really lucky not to get fireballed okay boom okay we did it all the birdos in the books all right maybe we'll try out the mario 2 bosses in mario 1 style all right let's start with fry guy this is cool as heck okay oh we've already gotten hit once great and we missed cool and we're out of power ups even better and we're dead fry guy just toasted us all right bring it on fry guy we're kind of dodging stuff how do i cry guy you cheat you're a cheater oh we got one hit it's a miracle two hits i've seen a miracle again three hits the little fire things come out at the end no oh there are spikes over there too ah well fry guy on the books right guys done let's go ahead and try try clyde you'll try clyde wait do we have a little level here oh no it's just enemies to dodge that make it a little easier okay oh that's cool we can now pick this up just gonna get those out of the way i wonder if those enemies start respawning though okay oh wasn't expecting to get hit by my own bro that's okay take that yeah this fight is pretty easy overall oh boy it might die but it was still pretty easy oh we died no come on oh i got a double hit that mean only one more hit oh no it takes a lot of hits probably five maybe give me that mushy please there we go six hits interesting and we got the little m bag and the uh question mark or pretty cool mario all right on to mr claw grip what you got for me claw grip and i'm going to be getting those stupid fireball things thrown at me there's one hit at least oh we need that okay so we gotta go over here and get a veggie watch out for claw grips dang rocks throw a veggie get another and just kind of go for it boom got him barely but we got him dang little lava lotusy thing throwing fireballs at me trying to defeat claw grip dude settle down dibble pear rips checkpoint aru starting to get in the flow of this game all right it looks like it's time for good old wart how are they going to do this work fight it's like it's going to be kind of easy oh yeah i gotta throw it normally i have to throw it when his mouth's open but i don't know if that'll be the case uh it might just be able to hit him whenever in this game it might be a little bit easier two hits it's definitely easier than the original wart fight but it's still cool to see wart i like it i wish they would add more mario 2 stuff to uh super mario maker you know maybe his mouth does need to be opened i think that counted as a hit probably a couple more hits okay i'm gonna say this is the final hit and i was wrong cool i'm gonna say this is the final hit i could edit it to make it look like i got it right but i won't do that that was awful yep he only can get hit when his mouth's open so they did get that correct that's cool boom final hit still bubbles going everywhere i'm glad those phantom masks didn't come to life and swoop around you know what let's just knock out boom boom real quick easiest fight in the dang game probably or boom boom oh he's going crazy still easy or boom boom misunderstood bowser needs to give him like a flamethrower or something let's knock out mauser real quick hey mausa cool mouser looks pretty sweet oh no that was awful uh let's try that again all right malsa give me a bomb i'll give you a dollar he's gonna blow himself up there's one hit i want this two hits i don't want that one i didn't want that to happen either hopefully only three hits for mouse sir i was too late on the draw throw one close mauser all right throw one over here there's still ground over here i like these little bob on blocks they're cool okay just gotta be like boom three hits that's so nice we did it boom all right let's try i don't know if this is silver mario a mario oh my gosh he seems crazy oh this is cool maybe it's just shadow mario i know he's turning into a shadow after i hit him that's pretty cool three hits is not enough mario versus mario four hits he killed me what is going on here this is not right three hits he kind of just runs under your feet if you're patient four hits come get me five hits oh my gosh it's more than five hits uh six hits all right that was a weird one i liked it though all right let's do this one saddle this metal mario this might be metal mario we gotta throw cannonballs on them boom this does not seem very easy okay oh geez okay okay at least we know how to fight him now still kind of seems like when you jump he jumps jeez settle down dude two hits okay three hits is it okay we almost had it so we have to hit him three times that's not so bad boom he's easy once you figure him out all right cool we still got our trusty little cannonball that we carry oddly low we still got the cannonball we still have the cannonball that's interesting that's really interesting for sure i wonder if we can cheat with it let's find out we have fire flower now [Music] oh yeah we got fire flowers and it comes back okay so we can get fire flowers from the shadow mario fight really need that power up okay thank you oh they took it they took it oh my gosh i don't know what to do this one's overwhelming fireballs working against these two are they taking them out cells out you guys need to stand in the corner [Music] we got a little one i don't think the little ones can hurt me i don't know this is awesome i think there's only one left we got him that was a cool fight i love this oh we got fire flower now all right what now gotten all them what about good old bowser dunes good old b dunes maybe we can kill him with the fireball fireflower i mean maybe yeah fireballs from far away easy kill for b junes probably die bowser jr oh no okay well we lost our fire flower now what wait you can't jump on [Music] you can't jump on bowser jr wait a minute somehow i did a spin oh wait you hold up to spin i spin jump on him what is going on here exactly i don't think it's possible to hurt bowser jr without a fire flower isn't that weird yeah you can't hurt bowser jr without a fire flower that's weird okay why don't we just go with the good old classic bowser fight oh my gosh wait a minute this is not what i expected at all is he gonna fight me all right just giant fireball oh no he's coming for me this is amazing all right so we have mega bowser i guess i don't think he's quite big enough to be giga bowser must be mega bowser this is so cool oh my gosh giant fireball at me we are doomed now we have no power oh a little back up insurance no matter i love that he like comes over and crushes the land too it's super cool looking i really like this man there's some really cool boss fights in this mega balza mario one though pretty sweet he looks cool too whoa i almost fell off because i'm slipping slightest lady mario okay i'm doing a lot of ducky jumps because the ducky jump looks so awesome in this for one uh-oh let's go go go go go [Music] oh that was close i can't believe we could spin jump this whole time and i just now figured it out though that's really weird i guess we're gonna have to get fire flowers from the shadow mario fight to fight bowser jr i don't know how else will do that all right so i've been doing this without spin jumping the whole time that's pretty cool i'm new to this game that i've not played this game before i don't think i wonder what all we can spin on who on off block boom come get me dude how do we kill you oh no oh we killed him but he killed us it counted though he turned green sweet alright so i know it counted last time but it's just not as satisfying when you don't collect the orb and live we had to do it legit [Music] [Applause] all right we're running out of things to fight um we could try some of the koopalings let's do a good old lemmy what's up lemmy boom one hit we can kill him before he gets his balls all over the place dang lemmy and his dang balls oops okay two hits okay now we got a ball the balls do they damage you in this game oh no you can take them out oh we got him barely but we got him and boom if that ball kills me oh come on all right one more hit boom beautiful job mario did it the legit way i feel a little better about my performance that time all right good old ludwig ludwig let's do this boom oh no he seems like bowser jr like where you can't you can't hurt him by jumping on them dang it alright so i'm gonna assume all the big koopalings we need a fire flower for and bowser jr other than that what else do we have so next up we have two balances on a dry bowser let's just do a regular bowser fight easy peasy sorry bowser easiest fight so far that was awesome all right bowser two this looks more like mario three bowser he's throwing fireballs he's gonna try to jump on her head and he was successful cool yeah so this is basically mario 3 style bowser but mario won that's really cool he's really hard to dodge though fireballs are so slow okay so we have a little bit of time to jump out of the way okay this isn't so bad [Music] seems like he decides his target pretty quickly or how about right in the middle here bowser one two and then he goes for it all right we missed that's fine we can do this we've done this on mario 3. we can do it in mario one oh my gosh he almost got us i'll try to get right in the middle here i have nowhere to go well that's really cool bowser i hope you're proud of yourself okay we got a little strategy going this time so he'll throw a couple and we jump out of the way jump over him yeah i think we got this down now how you like that bowser what you gonna do bowser you're dead probably he's dead boom i guess it's uh dry bowser let's do it it's probably gonna be a lot harder he looks cool he throws bones the fireballs are way quicker wow okay this is gonna be a lot harder i think bring it on dry bowser oh my gosh okay let's try to get a big old chunk of land open here so it's easier to get some hits oh that's hard to dodge and he's kind of like cheating are you a cheater dude feels like you're kind of cheating a all little how about right here in the middle my friend [Music] well that was very lame and very not fair but cool close your happy dry bowser [Music] yeah dry bowser is hard as heck okay but we can do this probably maybe it's just really hard to dodge him and he kind of cheats if he doesn't land on it right not very fair yeah this is insanely hard maybe we should run to the okay hold on i have an idea i have an idea over the left didn't work out too well we're trying to do the same strategy as the mario 3-ish fight jump over them okay this is kind of working you just throw so much junk it's hard to dodge anything okay that's not gonna work i think we're gonna have to get insanely lucky he's kind of touchy on where he goes okay that's not fair when he jumps throws a fireball and a bone at the same time he's definitely a cheater oh ducky jump for life my friend i'm gonna do something jerky aren't you oh that's not fair it's impossible you can't dodge them all right i decided to go back and get a fire flower now i've got double fire flowers triple fire flowers i wish all right double fire flowers you know before we go fight dry bowser i think that's gonna be the hardest fight let's try to take out the rest of these koopalings with the fire flower my big idea oh i jumped i knew he was gonna jump i still fell for it all right one down morton next wait till he jumps and then we'll go for it okay i think we got him as long as we don't get hit all right another coupling down nice next up we got all roy my favorite they all fight pretty much the same for the most part oh they're not stunning me cool all them out of the way we got bowser jr we still got to do cool bowser jr done i think that's everyone but dry bowser let's do this okay we're gonna try a fireball to death i have nothing else i can try really my fireballs work with me okay pick one my fireflower just die please we got him firefalls worked yes i tried this fight so many times that i thought you know what i gotta try fireballs i just can't get it to work wait that was everything wasn't it all right as far as i can tell we've completed every boss fight i don't think there's any more that was really fun let me know your favorite boss fight in the comments below i think if i had to pick my favorite boss fights i would go with mega bowser shadow mario and probably this big boo fight where he split into all the little boos i thought those were my favorites all right if you enjoyed the video make sure you hit the thumbs up button if you're new to the channel and you like receive the subscribe button and the notification bell that way you'll know when i release new videos you can follow me on instagram twitter join the btg discord check out my merch down the description below thank you so much for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 893,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, super Mario bros boss fights, Mario boss fights, super Mario boss fights, new boss fights, what if super Mario bros had new boss fights, super mario jugadores 4, mario jugadores 4, super mario bros 4 jugadores, mario bosses, super Mario boss rush, Mario boss rush, btg super Mario, btg mario, blue tv games mario, blue television games mario, mario btg, mario blue television games, darby blue television games, what if mario, supermario
Id: qtowwpja9gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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