Mini Mario 3D World is hilarious! ALL LEVELS Super Mario 3D World smaller levels mod!

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whoa even the icon on the title screen is smaller than normal that's so funny oh man and even the level icons are smaller than normal oh wow but it turns big once the level starts okay so here's world 1-1 super bell hill but it is going to be tidy whoa whoa whoa whoa that gun seems so weird okay we've got a pretty big mario over here pretty small world over here man at the gooba's wow they move so quickly okay we can still get the super bell which is nice oh yeah and there aren't going to be any pipes because when you shrink down pipes in this game pipes get really weird when you shrink them down in this game wow you can get through here pretty quickly oh and there's a green star over there okay very nice very nice got the green star all right oh and there's no clear pipe over here okay so we could just jump over there wait a minute look at that super bell what is this super bell doing whoa and we can climb up the tree even though there's no tree we can climb up past where the tree is wow that camera wow that turned the wrong way for a second okay we've still got a pretty fast rabbit over here the world is looking pretty small you know what let's head into the pipe because there's probably going to be a stamp in here okay mario's bigger than the pipe itself oh man this room's looking very small and of course there aren't going to be any clear pipes here because clear pipes look really weird when you shrink them in this game okay let's just continue on this way that camera what is what in the world is happening to the camera here why can i not turn this way okay hopefully i can okay and we can get the grease okay okay okay that was a little weird with the camera there these coins are these coins okay what is wrong with these coins coins are you all right oh now they could move all of a sudden man these coins are looking quite large oh man that flag is looking interesting what will happen the flag itself goes higher than the black ball that's very funny let's head to world 1-2 koopa troopa okay looking pretty tiny over here oh the funny thing is there's normally an invisible wall up here that prevents you from climbing up yet you can even see in the background that's where the end of the level is which is very funny only there's a way to go around it and get to it okay we end up here wow wow that koopa is stuck over there this koopa's having some trouble over here this is a tight spot for a little koopa like that [Music] whoa the pipe the pipe is still here yeah so you can see how weird pipes become oh and the koopa shells themselves are smaller it's not just the koopas but the shells themselves are also shrunken down okay let's go into this bonus area here it's a bit difficult to move through this area as mario like this okay oh and it's a little green start and we're carrying a little shell okay let's just head across through here go through another pipe man that pipe makes you go fast oh and there's a wart box there okay it makes sense because instead of a pipe there's just a wart box there that brings you here so that's nice and can we exit and we can exit this is incredible okay there's a pipe up there but let's not take that let's just go through the level oh that goomba stack this honestly looks huge right now because the goomba stack its size isn't adjusted it shows up as regular size so in comparison to the oh no so in comparison no oh no that's not the top of the flag oh bad in comparison to the goombas that we are seeing this goomba stack is looking huge man the charging chuck is so tiny let's first check on the toad house let's see if that's going to be different or not oh man yes yes things are definitely smaller here can i get a present i can there we go we got the press can i exit okay good good i can still exit the fire flower is bigger than the toad itself all right now let's go to the charge and shock blockade oh and it just grows when we get into the level they got some little charging chucks here shouldn't be a problem for our cat mario and there we go i'm wondering what the plessy level is going to be like okay since we are a cat mario i'm expecting that mount beanpole is going to be pretty easy now that it's shrunken down let's see okay the green star is here man we could climb up so high you can float up over here wait a minute are we going to go here do we still have to go in here can i get in here i'd like to get in there okay getting into that pipe was actually kind of difficult see wait can i step on this okay good i can step on and i was thinking that i couldn't step on it oh okay that's pretty easy with giant mario well mario isn't giant mario's regular size it's just that the level is shrunken down okay this is so easy to climb on up hold on i don't think we even have to do the cat swipes there we could just make it straight into the cloud cannon like that with this spin jump oh man this is actually scary because it looks like it's going to be very easy to fall oh and you can see mount beanpole in the distance there that's very funny don't change the camera angle on me randomly okay and there's the boss that piranha play bus isn't looking too big but we can head up whoa okay and we can head on over to the end of the level just have to climb up the pole there okay i'm very curious to see what plessy's plunging falls is going to be like all right looking kind of smell anything back here okay it looks like we can't actually go back there let's just hop on to our little plessy man cat mario is looking pretty big compared to plessy right now and plus he's shadow is looking a little off right now it's looking almost like an 8-bit character the way that it's moving okay although we have a little plus here plus he still moves very quickly wow and our plessy jumps incredibly high it jumps a lot higher than i expected to is plessy moving faster than normal wait can i get down there maybe not can i go through here what what okay sure okay we'll go over if we can't go under i can't tell if plessy is faster than normal or not no i wanted to go over there okay i guess we'll go this way we'll get this stamp or not whenever a plessy level is modded it always becomes so much more difficult than normal i don't know why i don't know why that is whether we make plessy's plunging falls backwards or we make champions road into a plessy level plessy levels are just always more difficult can we go through okay okay okay we still wow wow that was really something that glitchy camera angle there we can jump so incredibly high no but we still miss the green star wait you know what is actually going faster or does it just seem faster because the level is smaller please okay okay okay okay okay we got the step there's step one no i don't want to face backwards actually thank you camera there we go okay okay okay that's what we wanted [Music] and there we go top of the gold pole very nice i'm wondering if the roulette room has been adjusted let's check on that okay here we go wow this is tiny can i even get these okay you can still get them [Applause] can't climb up very high here oh that's where the light comes from interesting light over there all right switch scramble circus is next okay um okay i was wondering can i even step on them the collision is so weird here it's like i'm floating what okay i can't drop down on it all right let's continue through the level man these hit boxes are kind of weird let me up let mario up i've gotta get up there [Music] okay let's get this great star up here and let's just drop down into that little box there okay man you could run through here so quickly these this collision is a bit weird i like how you can see over the heart door you can see what's coming up next whoa i didn't expect to go up that high right away let's try going for these red points man [Music] you move quite quickly oh it's just a fireplace i was hoping it'd be something else i was hoping it'd be a cat bell okay and it's probably going to be this one unless it's been moved yeah the green star's still there nice like that we can see above the edges of the level there oh and i think that's the invisible ceiling up there hold on is it yeah right there as you step over here you can see that mario gets pushed down by the invisible ceiling there we go let's just step on all these oh man that was scary i actually almost fell there wow this cannon is looking a bit different than normal and you know what i don't think i even need to step on all those because i can just do this get the stair and then from here should be able to get the top of the flag easily there we go didn't even have to step on all those very nice oh my goodness the captain toad is tiny there how did i not notice how small captain toad was over there let's check out this captain toad level wow it's looking kind of blurry let's see is the level going to be smaller than normal okay captain toad is looking pretty large captain toad is looking pretty large the level is looking pretty small here okay we can still fit under there but i don't know how different the level wait a minute does this go up whoa that's been changed so it goes up instead of left and right oh man and these little guys are moving very quickly here uh sure i'll take the damage that's fine i don't mind taking that damage oh and that platform's over there wait oh that's all of them okay i was thinking there's one more for some reason i wasn't keeping track of how many i had but there's the level all right let's head to the world one castle bowser's highway showdown and the castle inside there looks kind of small this castle itself it looks smaller than normal oh and there we go it turned big okay so i did remember that it is smaller than normal even in the cutscene the castle itself is shrunken down like this we can see beyond the castle man this is something this is something we can see the giant goombas from the goombas stack again uh oh want to be careful here very nice okay here we are got a nice got a nice cat suit power up here now let's just jump across to there i think that should be fine no i wanted the catsuit power up hey i've got to explode this here oh and that exploded the side too well now do we need the katsu powerup to get up here can i do this let's see oh that's good enough okay well why does the camera keep facing that way i'm not sure why it's doing that there we go so there should be a super bell over here i was worried that it would fall off the level i really want a super bowl power up i think a super male power up is nice [Music] there we go got the little grain starts but he's seeing a little green star on the big goomba stack whoa these exploding soccer balls are more dangerous than they normally are the way that they look right now it's easier to get hit by these than the regular sized one i think oh yeah well this is looking interesting okay what is this cutscene going to be like what is bowser going to be driving on oh there's the hype where's bowser oh okay okay okay okay here's bowser i think he's smaller than normal i think bowser and the highway are both smaller than normal yeah bowser's looking smaller oh my goodness the soccer balls in his head are huge but once he throws it it turns tidy hey throw another one bowser it's weird i expect it to be so much bigger when he throws it but once he throws it it just shrinks down because he's gonna pull out another huge oh he's just throwing he's just vomiting fire right in front of him bowser what's the point of that what's the point of that i'm not i'm just not gonna go there if it's fire just just stop just throw a soccer ball instead i don't want to go there i don't want to walk into the lava just give me an exploding soccer ball no i took damage okay let's go to the next area then so that we could get another super bowl power wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i saw something strange i have to go back so i can show you guys this because i saw something really really strange over there yeah so that's really funny over here it becomes even more obvious that that bowser in the background there's a fake bowser you can actually see the fake bowser coming down while the real bowser was leaving i have a video talking all about the mechanics of this level and this is a great example for showing how that works and there we go that should be it very nice spot the camera chose to focus on instead of looking at bowser who's back there we are looking at this edge of the castle with some water here we don't see bowser during this cutscene bowser's off to the side because he's smaller than normal so he doesn't go as far so we don't even see bowser during this cutscene but we head over to the castle now just a little cork right there on top of this sprinkly's head this frixie isn't even in the jar what's this rigs he worried about this brick she's like mario mario please help get this cork off of my head mario it's a cork with a bowser symbol we have to get it off of the head of this brick seat will we help now wow the cork is gone thank you so much mario you got rid of the cork and this glass jar that was off to the side also shattered spricksy looks vertically stretched a bit okay we've got a tiny tiny conktor canyon over here let's see what's inside hey it's not even okay i was about to say it's not even looking that much smaller than normal but it is looking pretty small over here hey this is a super bell right there we go my favorite power up wow these platforms stretch out farther than normal no my super bowl okay well let's continue on anyways oh we can probably do this easily hopefully okay very nice okay i was gonna say please don't fall off the level all right now we could just sneak by these without a problem get to the checkpoint flag this conqueror doesn't like that spot right there okay let's just jump across man this is actually kind of hard let's climb up here how high can you get oh there's an invisible wall preventing you from going any higher man this place will always give me flashbacks to wait a minute this box is looking weird there's a box inside a box this place right here will always give me flashbacks to my mod where i made the floor invisible oh okay that was super lucky okay okay okay we got everything there we got everything there i was a bit worried about those sting bees over there let's just take out this contour wow captain toad's looking pretty big over here oh captain coat i'd like a green star thank you man oh what what they spin through each other oh my goodness this is scarier than usual and usually this is just a little bit scary but now it is quite a bit scary okay let's climb up the gold pole and there we go top of the global very nice we now have access to puff prod peaks and we've beaten this level before without using any of the touch controls so i wonder if that's going to be easier now that the level is small oh wait but i think you do need to use touch controls if you want to get down there okay let's head into here oh and that's where this stamp is very nice can you climb back up imagine if you could climb back up here like this that'd be very funny if you didn't have to use the pipe oh and we could just climb up to the green star like that very nice and then we can just make our way over here checkpoint flag man you could do this level so quickly i'd love to see speed runs of this seeing speed runs of this would be really cool oh man this camera angle this camera angle great recovery i'm so lucky that i had the cat suit power up there all right now let's just be careful to not fall here because it is very small here so it's easy to fall off and we got the green star and we end up over here oh and we're still invincible that's how quickly we did that that was nice okay so we probably want to land on that platform so we can get this green star over here [Applause] [Music] what what how did i take damage i absolutely disagree that i took damage there okay but we are here so that's fine and we've still got this so we can get up to the top of the goal pool right world 2-3 shadow play alley oh and we could carry these guys nice mario's going to carry his little pet plant with him fuzzies how dare you how dare you fuzzies do that wait is this going to be what i want no it's just coins jump across mario nice okay now what is this area going to be like will we get to see what's going on wow i didn't think that we'd see it like this you can see exactly what's going on here and there we go okay so we got everything here wow so this place looks quite nice oh i didn't know that you could bounce on this wow i never knew that you could bounce on that that is very useful i could use that in a mod somewhere you know let's just get rid of these blurkers up here just eat up some of these blurkers take your time for on a plan just eat these blurbers i just want to just want to head in there i also want to get rid of some of the top ones because i don't know if i'll yeah that's what i was worried would happen oh and i could probably just there we go just slide in there get the green star man i wish i had the katsu pap can i do a rolling long jump through here i can that's so nice wow i've also got a tiny bowser over here and captain toad gives us the green star very nice we bounce on him for good luck how does mario fit through that door does anyone ask that question does anyone ever wonder how does mario fit through that door uh oh this platform isn't going very far but we still got the top of the golf ball i don't know where the top of the gold pole is because it extends up slightly higher than what it visually appears as so i just try to jump up higher than what it looks like it is okay really rolling hills world 2-4 more like really small hills because the level is shrunken oh man actually is looking pretty small okay so we can get this with mario hopefully we can get this with mario got a little tiny stamp there that is nice let's just head on up here to this green star we get any nice power-ups here i enjoy very much this new perspective of this level playing with the level shrunken down oh i forgot that those little tiny goombas would be there and those goombas are even tinier than the other goombas that are shrunken down no no no you are not taking mario's cat suit power up thank you very much okay very nice took care of that guy just head through here can mario even fit through there i don't think i can fit through there now it's too small i'm going to have to go up and around take care of these guys and another cat super this is amazing okay you can see that it's just coins up here now let's just get those coins there that's fine and i think in here there's the we have to light up all the things and then we get a green star we have to light up all the tiles yes there's this room nice little room to light up whoa we went very very quickly there for some reason okay but we lit them all up and we get our little green star here oh and you can see the level in the background there would you look at that would you look at that that's the level back there that's where we are going to go oh i didn't expect the pipe to bring us up here i thought we'd be over there there we go now let's just drop down here get the green star and continue to the end of the level once we go into this pipe here's the final room and we can just jump up here and climb to the top of the gold pole very nice another level complete this is a really fun one i liked this one a lot really rolling hills is a nice level especially when it's so small like this oh i forgot that there's a golumba blockade before the next level right let's try mystery house melee first i'm guessing this one is also shrunken down let's see oh we are in a very tiny box welcome to the mystery box very mysterious the mystery is why is everything so small i think this is going to be much easier than normal oh man except for the koopas the koopas might be hard to get uh actually never mind okay and we're just popping into these war boxes oh man okay well at least i got a super build back i lost the super belt but i got a super belt so everything balanced out oh man oh man oh man oh man okay okay this is going fine this is going fine conkers are some of the most difficult enemies to get rid of in this i think what what how dare the fire bro do that how dare they but we made it through the mystery house melee all right let's head to the big galoomba blockade oh and big is in quotation marks that's actually such a hilarious edition to add yeah the golumas don't look that big i guess you know what the way that i was bouncing on them like that that makes me think i wonder what the highest score that anyone has ever gotten in big galumba blockade has been because you can kind of keep bouncing on the gloombas until time runs out and if you go on them consecutively without touching the ground then your score will keep going up that could be a fun challenge okay double cherry pass we are going to control multiple marios in a very tiny level okay we've got two marios so far two marios and a tiny level mario stop doing long jumps i don't want you to do long jumps man that gloom is just running towards us that loom but doesn't want to rest do they want the fire flower you know what sure i'll take it why not okay we got the other double cherry here this pipe has been removed because clear pipes are really weird when you shrink them down okay those giant marios just go through this little pipe oh the block steppers aren't shrunken down okay and that's because these block steppers they probably come from an object called a block stepper generator i'm pretty sure so they're not shrunken down wait why is that mario not jumping that was very strange is there anything here oh and there's no pipe here also so i'm going to have to bring my mario's up here like this that's so funny man these block steppers are looking humongous i lost a lot of my block steppers i mean not my block steppers my double marios okay well now i only have two marios i could probably get a third one over here but you know what no i don't think i even need another market let's defeat that guy very easy to defeat him i think we can probably reach the final green star without filling up this platform we could probably oh i don't know if i'll need to use the cat soup out hold on let me get rid of two of my marios goodbye mario goodbye mario number one goodbye mario number two there we go now then can we maybe we could do it let's see okay good we can do it very nice very nice didn't have to use the catsuit power up that i have in storage and we could get the top of the goal pole too all right the world 2 castle bowser's bullet bill brigade i'm whoa why does it look bigger it didn't look smaller it actually looked bigger over there that's very interesting man these block steppers are humongous you've got humongous block sippers but the tanks are looking pretty small i don't want that i don't want that power up i do not want it because i want to keep my catsuit power up in storage oh that's where the bullet bills come from nice i'm guessing if you get all these do you get a fire flower again why is that bullet bill there phil what are you doing there why are these bullet bills facing this way where in the world are they going what is going on here wow mario's oh my goodness this is uh mario doesn't look how i thought he would mario's looking a little different right now there's something different about mario right now i just can't put my finger on it whoa okay there's another green star for us okay don't want the bullet bills to get us okay took care of those very nice and we can get the final green star that's back here what's beyond there wait a minute there's a bullet bill launcher over there that's launching them the wrong way i'm guessing that's because of how everything was shrunken down i don't think that's normally there all right time for box mario to take on boom boom boom boom what happened what happened to you and you can't go very high because the ceiling's pretty low over here so i can't use my usual safe strategy over here oh bad oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man this is quite dangerous this is in fact very dangerous but we took out boom without any problems it's very bright out here in the level isn't it let's just continue through to this little castle here oh no another spricksy with a cork on its head oh my goodness we've really got to help these sprixies why would bowser put corks on all the heads of these spricksies oh and mario's finally free from his box head curse and we saved yet another vertically stretched sprinxy okay world 3-1 snowball park this i like seeing this level a lot when everything is small like this i like the look of this hold on a second hold on a second this might be one of the most broken things ever there's a propeller box right here so [Music] okay first of all let's just take a moment to appreciate this in its beauty because this is just absolutely incredible i think we'll trivialize this level even more now wait a minute okay the green star is there i was wondering if the green star was there wow snow pokey its pieces are just floating apart to nuke you know what ah i wish i could have kept the capo power up instead all right let's just float on by where are we going oh there's a skate too how many power-ups can we stack what if we have the tanuki oh well i guess the goomba decided to jump off so that why are the goombas just floating off goombas do not jump off [Music] okay well i guess i can't test if this skate is possible wait hold on do you have to defeat these guys for that rabbit is crazy rabbit where oh my goodness that is the most wild rabbit i have ever seen i've never seen a rabbit that is this wild before uh oh okay let's get this stamp right over here and we can just fly up here very nice i'd like to get over there please this movement is so strange look at these raccoon body parts attached to the propeller box but that should be the end of the level our raccoon mario has completed the level oh man this is an auto scroller level i forgot about this world 3-2 chain-link charge so what's this going to be like when it shrinks down oh wait a minute the auto scrolling element has been removed okay now we can just float on by and jump basically wherever we want hold on okay so there's still the green star over there wait a minute is there floor here is there floor here i can't see where there's floor i can't see where there's floor i can't see what's going on i can't see what's going on okay okay okay this is fine how am i going to get that how am i going to get that i think i'll do this i think i'll do this and this should be fine oh man i don't know if this is harder or easier than what it's normally like let's try to avoid that warp box there we go now we can get there without the warp box i can't tell if this is making the level more difficult or easier oh no no no no i was hoping i'd be able to recover that that was so close all right let's just get that green star they're very nice now we shouldn't have any problems continuing this way right yeah super easy there we go if only i could swipe that hold on can i climb up this tree how high does this tree go okay that tree goes pretty high and that gets us at the top of the oval very nice even little mario is of a size that is comparable to the trees all right world 3-3 shifty boom mansion wow wow wow that's an interesting camera angle i like how we could see the boo to the left there that hasn't entered yet this boo is really a spirit we can see the smudge behind it the light that is coming from it oh yeah one hit and i'm dead so i should uh probably be careful wait a minute is there no mystery box there maybe i'm confusing what mods of this game are like with the actual game i don't remember where the green stars are anymore okay i'd like to go in there well i'm dead is there normally a wart box down there do you have to jump into the painting i don't remember you take damage right away oh my goodness i actually have to be careful to not die what is this okay let's try to go this way i guess you don't even need the couch you know what wait a minute can you fall there i don't know if you could fall there okay camera stop being like this camera please i'd like to there we go thank you camera there we go now we can get the green star okay so that's what you have to do for the green star i don't want that mushroom over there don't care for it little boost spawns over there a pipe i don't think it'll be a real pipe ha ha anything up here well more time okay okay let's continue on this way anything here this is quite suspicious this is very suspicious wow but the ceiling is so low here like right there mario does a wall jump there you can see he gets pushed down by the ceiling okay into the door we go i don't know how mario is able to fit into that door but he is [Music] okay and there we go very nice now then we probably don't want to head that way let's just continue on oh you could actually fall there i didn't know that you could fall through those i thought that it just graphically looked like it was split up but it's actually split up so you actually have to be careful to not die seeing speed runs of this would be so cool okay so over here we actually have to be careful to not die because you can die here okay good we made it across now how about these do i want to head up there do i want to head up there do i dare do i dare heading up there i think i do now is there going to be a green star here okay there is the green star there there we go man okay there we go now we can continue now we can continue now we will be able to go and reach oh man oh man oh man oh man i think you could actually fall there which is absolutely terrifying but this should be the final flag and there we go this was probably the toughest level so far captain toad makes a splash okay before we go to the next level let's do the captain toad level first and here we are we've got a pretty big captain toad i don't know if this is going to make things okay that hitbox extends out pretty far and i'm dead no i didn't get it i didn't get i still didn't get it am i dead i'm alive i'm alive haha don't know how but i'm alive let's head back here [Applause] okay let's get on to this platform very nice now over there yeah i can't get in there so let's go across this way okay i can walk through here which is nice now we can wait oh i didn't even realize that i got a green star there okay but i got a green star there ah fell is there anything to do here no i think i've got to go back over there what if i get this one let's see what happens if i get this wait a minute i'm still missing quite a few green stars it looks like there's a shadow there but i don't see the green star itself right there you can see a rotating shadow i think that's for a green star i'm guessing it looks like that's for a green star oh we can head in there okay okay so we did get that green star there we go okay okay okay okay you can run across the gap there we go all right we are done the captain toad level okay got a nice quick world here world 3-4 pretty plaza panic wait a minute is that green star normally there i don't even remember i played so many mods of this game i don't remember where the normal stars are wow that goes quickly oh and it looks oh i was gonna say it looks like we need princess peach here okay here we go now you can just head on over here get this stamp very nice can we float on over oh i don't know how far we can float wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait stop it stop it google stop it stop goobers there's a rabbit earlier there's a rabbit earlier that was over here that is a fast-moving rabbit very fast-moving rabbit and peach is so slow so you know what we've got to do let us stop that rabbit stop rabbit and there we go got the green star now let's just head into this cloud a very large cloud compared to the rest of the level very tiny block there as she heads across and we did get the green star so we've got everything at the level down whoa that goomba still tried to snipe me at the end there wait a minute how many coins are in this block all right is this the top okay there you go we got the top of the goble very nice i'll have to test how many coins are in this block i wonder if it's infinite or not a magikoopa blockade it grows as you go into it very nice okay let's go [Music] let's see what's going on we got a very nice one cycle magikoopas okay pipeline lagoon oh man that is a lot closer than i was expecting it to be the lighting here looks really nice very interesting lighting here oh i like how we can see back there too all right let's just get this power up here ah just a mushroom wow retro luigi just flew by us those spiky guys are still just as scary okay there's our first green star wow that cannon sure shot us by quickly okay let's go through this level again to get some of the green stars because i don't know how i missed everything at this level i missed basically everything here oh there you go there's the stem [Music] okay and there we go we finally got our cannon box back i don't like these guys around here they're a bit scary so let's do that there's a pipe let's go down this pipe over here let's just make our way down this pipe just go down the pipe mario very nice very nice green star over there [Music] lots of fun stuff here now we can continue along oh what okay that was a bit confusing because this place is a bit smaller than normal but there we go there's the final green star right very nice and now we are able to complete the level very nice number of green stars let's continue on to the next level that we have over here to the side we've got a small level here if this is a racing level now that the level is smaller maybe that means we'll go through the level more quickly well world 3-6 mount must dash okay i'm scared that i'm just going to run by everything in the level oh man oh my it looks like it's pretty easy to fall off here which is frightening okay so let's just head on down here very nice uh you know what i am going to go for the checkpoint flag very nice we got the checkpoint flag now where oh i went into a warp box i didn't even know that i did okay hello rabbit got the rabbit got the rabbit very nice and just get the green star and there we go there we go pretty low ceiling here too makes sense because they don't want you to go out of bounds there [Music] oh man no i wanted to do some wall jumps there trying to recover with all these dash panels that we have and the jump panels and these levels being so small this is actually a part of the game where it's more difficult to play on the smaller version than the larger version oh no no don't go into the wartbox mario okay but luckily since level is little we should be able to do this and that is nice that is nice there we go now we've got everything okay that wasn't as bad as i thought it would be i thought this would be more difficult well granted that we haven't finished the level yet but there we go we are done the level that is a nice level to be finished okay what is next world 3-7 switchboard falls this one is pretty difficult and i'm wondering what this is going to be like with the level shrugging down how small will these switchboards get i know mero had a video about that about oh i didn't expect that to happen i know mera had a video about making switchboards really small i lost the switchboard oh it responds i didn't know what response okay get away from me stigmas get away from me get away from me sting these things stay back stay back sting bees stay back hey can i jump out can i get out of the water i'd like to get out of the water but these bees they're just chasing me is this water too deep for mario to jump out of what's happening why you won't jump out of this water okay there we go we got the fire flower okay now i know that i want to be careful here and i can't get out of the water again ah okay now i've got to be really really careful here i got out i got out i got out i don't know how i did it but i did it [Music] now what am i going to do here how am i supposed to get across here [Music] let's do this why why does this happen you can jump off of the walls that makes life so much easier knowing that you could jump off of the walls i don't think this is working as intended let's see can we continue down maybe we can continue down if i have the catsuit power up maybe i could make that let's see if this can work oh you know what maybe we can do this if we get on over to here okay okay okay okay this is a strategy i don't think this takes us anywhere useful does it see where does this take us whoa okay got a bunch of coins oh and a green star nice okay okay wow i don't even remember a green star being there okay but we made it to the checkpoint okay this is amazing now how will these work let's see i'm scared that they'll just gonna say i'm scared that they'll just suddenly disappear okay at least i have a power up so i just won't randomly die there's a green star up there oh man oh man this is something i didn't think that would happen yes there we go there we go so nice that we can get that green star all right now then this part is going to be scary wait a minute oh there's a green star right up there so you know what i can't remember if this one will go up there or if it'll just drop let's see you know what i should just jump over to the block itself okay now then let's just head on over to that box so over there okay at least we got the green star now i don't have to worry about getting the green star i'm pretty sure that counts are you using my favorite method of transportation spin jumps what what what in the world is this what in the world is this okay good and we have that green star so that's good that's one less thing to worry about now can we get to there that is the question can we get to there i'd like to use the cat suit power-up but nice nice nice nice nice that works very nice actually okay so i want to head on over to about that waterfall there let's go like this okay it's about here okay and drop down nice and over there and there we go there we go we completed the level oh wait did i miss this stamp the stamp is down there how in the world are we supposed to get that stamp i don't know if we could survive after getting that stamp because i don't think we could ride the switchboards over to there yeah because that one disappears i can try to go for this stamp but hold on where's the stamp it's like a little bit before the waterfall okay i don't know if we can reach it from here but we can try it'll be like right over there how close am i to it i'm kind of close to it no that was so close but wait a minute even if i get the stamp can i complete the level i think i need my catsuit powerup to be able to complete the level after that okay here we go again now then how close am i to it i'm kind of aligned with it nice okay okay we got the stamp but you have to complete the level for it to count and i don't know if we can complete the level so it's not time to celebrate yet let's just do this let's just do this go for it yolo oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness and we got the top of the flag oh my goodness i didn't think we'd be able to get this stamp but we got this stamp and we cleared the level without using the catsuit power-up that's unbelievable all right we're at the world three castle the bullet bill express and yeah oh oh it's kind of foggy down here all right i wonder if this is going to be auto scrolling or not let's see how big the train will be and if it's auto scrolling or not the train is still moving [Applause] okay the bullet bills that are being shut out of the cannon are bigger than the cannons whoa floppers are coming okay uh is there a green star on top of them there is a green star on top of them can i get up there i'd like to get up there please please okay thank you let's get this mushroom man this is very chaotic right now these floppers look like they're just coming out of nowhere that is a very large bullet bill i don't think there's anything in these crates is there see we go there okay i'll go for okay okay we got it we got the stamp wait a minute our train was just floating on nothing all right let's head over to the other side here and we can save captain no i wanted to save captain toad okay let's go back i think we still have a shot at saving captain toad here we are and now we can just break this block break this crate wow how did you fit in that crate you are larger than the crate was you must have been really squished inside that crate whoa fireballs okay and there we go i don't have any power-ups i don't have any power-ups i am going to have to beat pom-pom without using any power-ups hey little pom-pom vs little mario who will win all right who do we go for one of them is out of bounds i wouldn't be able to jump on it if it's spawned there where's the real one the real one's over there off to the side i can't jump on it hey where's the real pom-pom okay there we go now we can jump on the real pom-pom all right where's the real pom-pom right here oh my goodness there we go we made it well we haven't made it to the flag yet it's not time to celebrate yet okay here we go over to the little castle and let me guess let me guess there's gonna be a spricksy with a cork on its head yeah we could already see it a bit in the background there all right hello sprixie mario mario help i've got a cork on my head don't worry sprixxy i'll take care of not only that cork on your head it'll also shatter that glass jar that's beside you and there we go i think it might be tiny that looks is that smaller than normal i think that might be smaller than normal yes the history oh man yes it is very clear that this level is indeed smaller than normal oh man there isn't a platform to step on here i almost jumped down right there okay let's try this then can i make it you can't begin oh maybe this is done on purpose because this level hasn't been edited yet i think that's what it is i want to see what happens if i head on over there can i stand on anything what the what in the world what uh there is a platform there oh my goodness i thought there is no platform there okay and we've got a little history right here this histocrat looks shorter than usual okay i think this is going to be a pretty easy boss fight i think mario could just jump up like this whoa histocrat's higher now what is going on how do you get higher what are you doing histocraft why are the snakes out there what is going on here am i supposed to climb up the boss now i don't think i can climb up the boss i don't know how much these snakes are going to help they don't go very high at all maybe i need luigi what if i stand here oh no i don't know if i can get on top of the boss since luigi can jump higher let's do this with luigi okay this first hit should be easy there easy first hit just like before now let's see can luigi get high enough because luigi can jump i think a bit higher than mario he could normally jump a bit higher than mario i don't know if he also can in this game okay very nice very nice that is a good way to get a second hit on the boss there very nice let's see does it go even higher it looks like it's getting higher and higher every time but i don't know if it actually is or if it just looks like it nope but there we go three hits odd histocrat a big thank you to mayro for making and sharing this mod this was absolutely amazing i loved this mod so much this was so funny to play through and this was such a nice change in the level it's something that is such a simple concept to do just shrinking down the level but it changes the gameplay at the level so much this was absolutely fantastic if you are somehow subscribed to me but not to mayro go subscribe to mayro the content on mero's channel is fantastic if you like the stuff on my channel you'll like the stuff on mero's channel if you'd like to see more custom mods made by myself and others tests in games showing what is possible and fun experiments you might enjoy some of my other videos and you can click the subscribe button if you'd like because you'll be notified when new videos come out hoping that you all have a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,360,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, funny mario, super mario 3d world mod, super mario 3d world modding, super mario 3d world custom level, tiny mario, small mario, tiny mario 3d world, smaller super mario 3d world, super mario 3d world every level, every level mario, all levels super mario 3d world, smaller mario 3d world, bowser's fury mod, smaller bowser's fury, mario animations, world 1 mario, zxmany mario, zxmany mario mod
Id: Lv2PZqFkclE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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