What if all Super Mario 3D World levels, Boss Fights, and CHAMPION'S ROAD were CAPTAIN TOAD LEVELS?

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there are some levels of super mario 3d world where you play as captain toad who can't jump but what if every level of super mario 3d world was a captain toad level today we play custom levels made by mj and mayro where every level of the game is a captain toad level we play through the castle levels captain toad faces bosses we play through regular levels and even the final level of the game champions road has been made into a captain toad level alright the first level captain toad goes to snowball park let's have a look at this one okay still no jumping for captain toad wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold on let's wait oh you can just defeat them by tapping them that's great any items in here for us no items in here for us maybe we could throw the snowballs at this enemy it's so unique to be playing as captain toad can you do ice glitch as captain don't know because captain toad can't crouch i guess so captain toad can't do the ice speed glitch there's a propeller box here but captain toad can't reach it captain toad can't do a spin jump into it or anything too bad it'd be funny to see captain toad using a propeller box let's see is the green star going to be back there because normally it's back there but i'm guessing the yeah it doesn't look like there's a green star in there because how would captain toad be able to get up there okay so let's continue along i like these slopes here a lot it's very nice it lets captain toad go up and down [Music] oh nice uh mushroom power up let's get that oh the mushroom power doesn't matter because captain toad it looks like he can't store power-ups whoa there's a goomba skate coming towards us can we defeat the goomba skate no no it's so fast oh man that was close will it follow me up here please don't [Music] oh man wait did it just fall off man it fell off trying to chase me that was very scary i wonder if you could throw a snowball at the goomba skates and defeat them like that let's try that i'm not sure if you can but let's try it yes yes yes and you can skate with captain toad okay let's just get the grade star now wait can you jump while you're in the skate you can this changes things let's see what if we get all these oh and you get a one-up instead of a power-up that's very nice because if you get a power-up with captain toad then the game crashes so that's very nice now let's just climb up here if we defeat all these do we get something nope nothing for defeating all those all right we've got a stamp over there i don't know why i'm doing this while in this skate this just makes it so much harder but there we go we got that okay normally there's a green star up there but i don't think we could get up there as captain toad so let's head in here wait i missed the first green star oh no we're gonna have to go back for it okay well here's one over here oh the first green star is right back there there it was it was behind this slope i didn't see it and there we go we got everything in the level very creative way to make this level into a captain toad level i enjoyed this one a lot all right let's check out this level first we need 30 green stars luckily we have 51. so let's check this out oh man oh man what in the world is this going to be like when it's turned into a captain toad level i am terrified to see this okay we got some jump panels okay and it's an auto scroller level so it might be scary oh okay good i can get up here i was worried that i wouldn't be able to get to step onto the jump paddle let's see anything in this block captain don't get up there please oh i can't i can't even whoa whoa i'm on top of the block i didn't expect that to happen see anything in these here nothing in those first green star very nice now then are those platforms going to start going down once i'm on this oh no it's only once you get to the side like that that they start falling okay take out these bitty bug bitty buds here took them both out very nice so funny to see captain toad going so high in the air he normally doesn't go that high oh there's a green star right here okay so we don't have to go off to the side over there which is nice this reminds me of when i played through this world with every level makes luigi faster that was one of my first videos in the every level does something challenge and yeah this level was pretty difficult with every level makes luigi faster there we go okay we have got two of the green stars and a stamp already so all we need is two more green stars so we have to get oh and we probably can't do this with captain toad oh but the green star is just right over there okay so we just have to be careful with our timing here oh man and you really have to be careful with your timing because you okay it's back here okay yeah and you really have to be careful with your timing because if your timing isn't good it's not like you could just jump onto the next platform all right so over here we'll probably just have to walk across like that okay now what about here do we just walk straight up or is there anything to avoid it looks like we could just walk straight up here i wonder if we'll use captain toad's light to defeat some boos or some kind of enemies in any of the captain toad levels okay oh well then there's something here but that isn't going to do anything for captain toad all captain toad has to do is grab this green star and there we go yet another level complete for captain toad and speaking of possibly using our light to defeat some booze here is shifty boo mansion all right whoa the booze right there okay if we drop down we can't come back so hopefully we're not missing anything i like how we could just defeat the booze now this is so nice can i jump at that no i have to touch it but it's just coins is there going to be anything down here oh there's a mystery box down there okay there we go defeated the boot let's head in here let's see what this is going to be for captain toad how am i supposed to get that if i can't jump and can we just walk to it please okay good good good good luckily there is enough time for you to get it okay oh and it makes you pop up here which is nice oh and i love that the couches are lower because captain toad wouldn't be able to jump onto the couches so the couches actually have to be in the ground to raise captain toad up oh and if you wait it brings you wait okay good good it does bring you to the step i was wondering i was going to say is it going to bring us to the stem it looks like it's going to bring us to this day but we can't jump high enough to reach it wonder if you get something for defeating all the booze because you could link these enemies to something called an all dead watcher then you could make like a green star or a warp box spawn when you defeat them okay so there's a green star there so we'll want to get there but the question becomes how do we get there okay blue please be defeated i am shining my light on you there we go and what about this one [Music] whoa this bookshelf is at an angle like this okay that fell is there going to be one that comes out oh no i accidentally walked into him okay i'm just gonna keep running i'm gonna keep running and i'm gonna go for the green star very nice now i'm going to get the boot i'm going to shine my light on the boo there we go now the boot has been defeated okay so we'll continue back up here if we get this checkpoint flag it doesn't actually act as a checkpoint because if tow dies then you have to start from the beginning of the level again oh is there anything over here possibly wait doesn't look like i can get over there now i wonder if there's going to be a green star there or something there's probably oh i could walk through there i didn't know i could walk through there oh it's just a one-up okay i was hoping it'd be a great star that's really cool though all right i like whoa whoa let's shine light on him yeah he doesn't oh oh you can get pushed down there i didn't know that you could get pushed down all the way there i thought you just get pushed against the wall okay now i want to be careful here here we want to head to the right right away there we go now do we get anything for defeating this large boo here can i shine my light on him oh maybe i can't shine my light on him or at least not from that angle okay now we've got a very slow moving escalator here and it looks like we're going to have to head up there to the right because i don't think we can go up there to the left i don't think we could climb up the escalator that's going down we'll have to head across this way hopefully this isn't a power up very nice that's not a power up so the game won't crash oh i i don't think we need to go that way it doesn't look like that leads anywhere all right and where could the last green star be or sorry where could the second last green star be because we still need two more green stars there's one green star at the very end of the level but there still should be another green star what if we go in here whoa hold on a second i didn't explore to the right of that room let's check what's up here first maybe this will bring us to a green star it's bringing us up here okay there's a one-up mushroom we keep being brought to one-up mushrooms but what about green stars will the couch go any higher is there anything up here no it doesn't look like there's anything up here it's just a one-up mushroom where could this star be oh and these stairs are coming down so you probably don't have to go that way that's a bit surprising i'm very surprised actually that there wasn't a green star here or at least that we didn't find one here maybe there really is a green star there i thought they would stop because they have the lights shining on them wait is this too fast for captain toad no captain toad can still head across here oh they have the booze though okay so let's continue across this way oh no no no no don't come here guys no guys what are you doing why are you doing that you know i should really defeat these boos yeah because last time they hurt me okay there's a fake gopul over there at least i think it's a fake goal pull okay do we have some more booze here i should come back here and defeat them because i don't want them to defeat me it's so easy to get defeated by those booze and when captain toad is at his maximum speed like this he can just barely make it across this conveyor belt it's like there are very fast groceries that are trying to come by okay so this is fake i can't even grab it now let's head on up here of this slopey part wait a minute i'm guessing that's the final green star is there one more green star around here somewhere could i have missed a green star that's somewhere nearby oh i can't go back up either i'm guessing there's still one other green star yeah that's the final green star huh so where was the third green star alright let's take this couch up then maybe this couch will bring us up somewhere to some green star [Music] but i don't see a green star around last time it just took us to that one up mushroom unless there's a green star under the one up mushroom but yeah around here i don't see a green star anywhere all right last time i don't remember if i got the green star or what happened here but look when you get that oh it's probably a fake one up and if you get it it defeats those boos and that's what causes the green star to spawn okay so there we go now we have everything here and you know what let's pop into this pipe i'm curious to see if the captain toad level is going to be any different we have a large captain toad peeking down at this little captain toad here what could this level possibly be wait a minute what is this oh wait is there a death area down there where's captain toad just going to keep falling for i think there might be no death area down there captain toad is just going to fall forever now okay so i think these things aren't constantly spinning i think they actually stop for a moment okay so they spin a bit like that okay okay okay okay that's scary that's scary all right now let's see where should we go next okay there's a green star over there so let's just head that way okay nice it looks like there's one in the bush up there so we're going to have to climb up here so let's just head on over this way i think this is a good one to come to and we can drop onto that make our way up here now then we can probably oh okay good good good good good good good some of these drops are a little close for comfort okay i think there's a green star in this bush there we go let's just head up here continuing to head on up okay so there are two more green stars i see one at the top there but where could the last one be there's still going to be one more after that where could the last one be let's see okay let's continue this way okay we got that one but wait that's green star number five i asked the mod creator about this and they said that the final green star is supposed to count as two green stars but it's bug so that's why right now captain toad is one green star short this is normally a very quick level let's see what is this gonna be like wait a minute okay good there are platforms here i thought we'd have to grab it and drop down or something wow look at the little goombas there all right let's head on this way okay let's just avoid that guy there wow yeah bouncing and moving coins over here oh i didn't even see that green star there but we got the green star okay and no if you fall in here i think you can't get out no why did i step in here captain don't get jumped so he can't get out of here there we go there's that green star over there now we can get that stamp there's no green star anything over there so let's just head this way now then is there still one more green star there's still one more green star that we're supposed to get before that one where could be the green star that we need we can't defeat these guys can we oh there's a cloud platform i didn't see the cloud platform up there oh and time is almost up let's see does the level end when you get this one or are you supposed to go to the cloud first let's see oh the level ends when you get this okay so it looks like you're supposed to go to the cloud first all right and there we go now we'll enter the cloud first then we'll get the final green star and we'll see what happens man it's weird seeing captain toad get shot out of one of these things but if i touch this then i should get the star power up which is nice we've got an invincible captain toad right now wow he's actually kind of glowing in some different colors nice that we get some extra time here okay but captain code's star power up has worn off and there we go we got this star very nice and then captain toad just drops out off the cloud the goombas are very confused they don't know where to find him captain toad's ready to head over to the final green star and complete the level and we've got everything here now which is very nice all right what is the magikoopa blockade going to be like how are we going to complete this with captain toad we've got shells oh no grab a shell no there are no shells to grab wait a minute they've all been defeated if i could just get the green star before dying okay oh that worked amazingly oh my goodness and you know what you could even just carry the shell into them but this works too this is amazing i'm pretty sure the game crashes if you get a green star while you're holding a shell that's happened to me before so let's do this let's just throw that shell oh no but you have to pop out of his shell to get the green star so let's do this okay that was whoa his head is shrunken what's going on here that looked weird how far can we get in this one okay so captain toad walks under the water here oh but there's no pipe here there's oh wait no there's a pipe over here all right let's head into this pipe [Music] love how captain toad is on this pipe right now he's inspecting this pipe captain toad is wondering if he should enter this pipe right here oh my goodness oh no ah ah we fell below the level we fell below them okay that was worth the exploration though i really wanted to see what would happen all right let's just sneak by these goombas here wait a minute there's also a pipe over here where does oh okay i thought that we'd jump over the level well that just brings us down here kind of wanted to see where the other one would bring us yeah so getting a power up crashes the game if you're a captain toad all right let's just sneak by these goombas here that want to attack captain toad and head into this pipe [Music] all right i want to see what happens if we choose to go into the pipe from this position can i not go into the pipe captain toad is having some trouble walking right now okay maybe now i'll be able to go down the pipe there we go we went down the pipe that's amazing this is how pipes work yeah so oh my goodness that time we get lodged out of the pipe okay if i walk am i going to fall below the level i hope not okay okay i thought captain toad would be stuck as i started moving i was thinking that captain toad would be stuck wait a minute that's the third green star where are the first two green stars okay well we basically beat the level let's go back for the other two green stars though okay so this time i'm guessing there are going to be some other green stars that we get if we go this way so let's head this way we'll head into the different pipe and see what we get here so as we continue along this way this is actually a really cool design for a captain toad level like how captain toad just walks underwater like it's nothing oh no okay we'll have to get by these cheap cheaps can captain toad swim okay captain toad cannot swim what if we head into this pipe whoa hey there's a green star whoa nice pipe hold on let me back let me back i want to see if i've missed uh i'm scared of that guy coming towards me you know what now let's continue let's continue that's probably everything we have to get there now where's the second green star you got the ship in the background there i made a pretty fun video about that i made a mod based on using that ship in the background swanky box also made a really nice video about the ship in the background there okay there's the checkpoint flag very nice now where is the next star going to be oh i thought that there is no water here at first but i'm seeing some bubbles here so maybe there is i wonder if this star is up there the green star could have been in one of those crates up there i didn't check those crates up there oh no the green star's just down there okay so it looks like i'm not going to have to oh no okay we got the green star now we just have to survive okay and these guys going back and forth is pretty scary pretty pretty scary but i could just stop them like this i think if i break that crate down there then i won't be able to get back up okay now just stay right there and that should be everything let's see where does this pipe bring us and it brings us to the end of the level okay so if you take the top pipe it just lets you skip the whole level basically but if you take the bottom pipe then you can get all the green stars which is really cool all right now what is going to be over here oh i remember this level captain toad musta dash all right wait there aren't any stars back here are there okay it doesn't look like there are any stars in the bushes back there all right captain toad let's do some oh man that dash panel really doesn't help him much at all these dash battles really don't make him go very fast all right man captain toad is so slow that he steps on the dash panel do you expect him to go faster but he just looks like he's still going at the same speed okay let's go this way wait can i make it across there i can't yeah the dash panels don't even force captain toad to run you can just stand on them like that oh man oh man oh man hold on am i supposed to run and bounce along this guy and end up there no way no way no way no way no way no there's no way we could get across like that okay so it looks like that level is impossible right now let's head to switchboard falls and my goodness this level is difficult enough as it is what is this going to be like as a captain toad oh man almost fell off already what in the okay good good good we're able to get pushed up here man there stink this is so terrified uh if i drop down there can i get back up i don't think i can get back up if i drop down there let's just head across to here hopefully now we'll be able to make it up here this is actually incredible it is amazing to be playing a captain toad level like this wait a minute if i tap that will anything happen no now let's see how am i meant to continue on over there then what am i meant to do over there let's see can we go any further we can drop into the water here but i don't think we could get up onto these oh i didn't know that i didn't know that you could touch this and then that would bring it over so you actually have to do that to get it to come over to you and then you step on it i see i don't know if these red blocks are going to do anything since touching them doesn't activate them and you have to jump up to them to get them to work and captain toad probably isn't going to be able to reach them by jumping on the oh wait we probably want to go this way let's go this way is this going to work all right we are continuing on now what way do we want to go do we want to go up there do we want to go up there do you get oh wait we could just go back up like this and find out it looks like maybe you can go there if you're standing right on the front like this whoa that was unbelievable that was absolutely unbelievable i don't know wait what what that's it that was so difficult to get and nothing even happens if you go into it you just pop out in the same spot man i thought i would never be able to do that again but nothing even happens if you do that there's no point in doing that i'm like that was actually a very difficult oh no come back [Music] i was thinking that's actually something very difficult to put in a level like this so i was surprised to see that all right and here we go okay oh well the checkpoint flag doesn't matter because it's not really a checkpoint flag is that the first green star there we go we got the first green star gotta check all the bushes because you never know where the green stars are going to be too bad the checkpoint flag doesn't work as a real checkpoint black now then how in the world are we meant to do this oh whoa we've got some overlapping stuff over here okay now we're going to want to head this way is there anything back there no i think we'll just want to continue this way that's really interesting how these switchboards overlap like that uh oh there's a green star now am i meant to drop straight down i can't tell if i'm supposed to drop straight down because i saw there was a switchboard over here oh doesn't look like we can go over there unless no i don't think we're supposed to go there unless we drop down from the very top onto it but i don't think we'll be doing that okay there's a green star over there i don't think that's the final green star [Music] so that's hopefully green star number three now let's see what way do we want to go left or right from here let's see see anything to the left here okay i don't think there's anything important to the left there so let's try going to the right here and let's head all the way up now then will this bring us to the green star it will and we don't fall that's amazing and that was green star number three we're getting everything we need now to stamp the stamp to stamp okay let's use the other switchboard to get this stamp i think oh no no no no no this could be an idea and then are you supposed to drop down on it oh if you just move it over a bit like this then you can drop down on it i think let's try this and we're going to drop down on it now oh no no no no no no no i'm going to have to drop down like from here i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it can i get back up on that i want to get up there there's all these colliding switchboards hey we just want to move that one there that's a nice spot for it [Music] okay and i think if we go all the way down and we head up slowly like this we can find a good moment to drop down on it and get it just like that there we go oh oh i know what we could do we could move that one out of the way and now we can continue along this way there we go now we can complete the level now that we have everything that was probably the most difficult stamp to get so far all right let's head to the world three castle the bullet bill express what is this going to be like playing as captain okay captain toad hops into the cannon launched out of the cannon okay oh man oh man oh man okay we've got a slope that we've got to climb up over here and there's a green star over there okay this might be one of the coolest ones yet oh man oh man okay so we have to avoid these bullet bills and these slopes are added in such a nice way like this feels like it's just something like it's such a it's a natural level the way that it's added it's added very nicely okay so let's just avoid those bullet bills that are coming towards us can we do this oh yes you could tap that and then you can get the green star oh man those are pretty fast but luckily we are up high so they can't re oh but the goombas that can reach us all right all right just continuing along just the train is just going across here i wonder if there's gonna be a green star wait a minute there are only two green stars in this level it looks like there are only two green stars here because we've already got both of them okay and we got the stamp so it looks like that's probably going to be everything in this level i like that this pipe here has a box behind it to cover it up oh can you not break the box let's go into the pipe and then we end up up here is there going to be a captain toad that captain toad rescues yes captain toad rescues captain toad and little captain toad waves at captain toad but look how tiny this captain toad's face is all right let's head into the warp box the workbox should bring us back across here fire bro here normally there's a stamp down there with that fire bro but that is it'll probably be pretty difficult to get to but now we can head into this pipe here with captain toad oh man oh man oh man we are going to have a pom-pom boss fight here with these shells okay this is going to be tougher than usual let's see which one is it oh no they ruined my shell okay i can't ruin any more shells you can't just bounce on them like that you have to actually jump out of the shell if you do a regular jump it won't get you high enough i think so we have to go like they ruined two of my shells hopefully your shell doesn't get destroyed oh wait hold on and i can do this so i don't die yes and you keep your shell okay okay okay okay yes there we go okay so you have to get into the shell and you have to pop out of the shell there we go there we go there we go we got pom-pom and we did some kind of weird ground pound there all right let's head into the box and we've still got one koopa shell to spare whoa look like that koopa show was the one that we just gave up uh right here we go that is a lot of koopa shells there that is a lot a lot of koopa shells there hopefully we don't have to use them all to climb up let's see can we just walk up like this goodbye koopa shells oh my goodness look at that shell there i wonder if you could jump on that from here and do the infinite lives glitch i'm very curious about that actually i want to see if i can i think i'll just get pulled into the flagpole you can let me know in a comment what do you think will happen do you think i'll start to get infinite lives as i bounce on the koopa shell or do you think i'll grab the flag let's see ah you grabbed the flag of it i was hoping the toad would just keep bouncing but it looks like the flag was too close wait a minute why are there two backpacks [Music] no wonder captain toad can't jump it's his backpack is so heavy that he carries two backpacks he has a backpack for carrying his backpack a lot of people might have been wondering what was in captain toad's backpack when he opened it up there's an exact replica of his backpack inside his backpack it's like those russian dolls where it's like you open it up and there's another version of the doll inside it captain toad just has backpacks and backpacks and backpacks all right let's see how's the world 3 histocrat fight been edited or no let's see one of the best songs in the game for sure this is such a good song that plays when this level appears oh man this one's fantastic i see a jump panel back there so i'm expecting that this jump handle has been put there so that we can defeat histocrat we just do this this makes the histogram fight so trivial if all you have to do is go on the jump paddle back here and then you just jump on his head like that this this like is is there any challenge to the fight all you have to do is stand back here and then you just bounce on his head like that oh man well that's certainly an easy fight man captain toad is really good at facing these bosses wait but can he reach the star okay good he can just barely reach the star it'd be funny if he could defeat the boss but he couldn't reach the green star okay and we've got a lot of koopa shells over here oh but here comes the real challenge oh man okay we made it up onto the first one but now if i bounce badly then i'll fall back off [Music] can i even make it up there okay we can make it up here i don't know if we can climb those steps i don't know if those steps are long enough to climb but we can do this my goodness getting up to the floor oh and again captain toad is leaving his cloned backpack behind he carries backpacks in his backpack but yeah this was definitely the hardest part of the level getting to the flag was harder than defeating the boss so here's captain toad heading into the cannon it's a bit weird to see captain toad jumping into the cannon when we start the level captain toad isn't going to be able to jump just like before and captain toad normally can't use power-ups normally the game crashes if captain toad tries to use a power-up but i made a slight change in this this level is made by mj but i made a slight change in this so that you can use power-ups as captain toad okay there are no tanks here normally there are tanks here so i guess there are just marchers now because it makes sense since captain toad can't jump he wouldn't be able to jump over the tanks so maybe now we just have to deal with the marchers if we didn't have a fire flower this would be a lot more difficult then we'd have to avoid the marchers here so having a fire flower actually makes this a lot easier it seems i wonder if the piranha plants are still going to be here yep that's a fireball coming from the piranha plant let's see is the green star still going to be in its regular position up there okay and whoa okay okay good we can get the green star still that is very nice this level feels so weird without the tanks okay oh there's a moving box here i wonder if the green star will be in here yep the green star's in there because normally oh wow look at how that piece of wood just floats by that's actually very funny okay took out those nice got this stamp just right over here okay so far this level as a captain toad level is a lot easier than the normal level oh man but there's a group of six marchers right there can i sneak by them i'm not sure if i can okay i could just sneak by them okay nice oh and there is a final there's a final tank over here and captain toad can climb up this slope very nice slope for captain toad to climb up over here on the green star you get it right as you go into the pipe okay so you don't have to worry about the bullet oh man oh man i think this is going to make up for the level being easier before oh and there's a checkpoint flag right here okay so that's nice it's nice that there's a checkpoint flag here because i think this is probably going to be difficult how in the world how in the world are we supposed to do this how in the world okay i think this fight is going to be a bit difficult wait a minute what the what no this isn't what's supposed to happen this isn't where the checkpoint flag is supposed to bring me the checkpoint flag isn't supposed to bring me here oh no oh no look where we are oh and there's a wartbox there oh wait is this what you have to do okay i think this actually isn't a mistake there's a warp box up here so it looks like you have to go here and maybe that brings you wait a minute what the what is going on what is going on what is going on are you supposed to be able to beat that boss or no what is going on here okay well we cleared the level i don't know if you're able to beat that boss or not look how happy little captain toad is here all right here we go captain toad up against boom boom this is going to be a very tough one just gotta stay away from him while he is spinning like this that's the strategy okay and then when you have the shell there we go okay we gotta bounce on him okay okay okay so i know how to damage him now we just have to be careful to avoid him let's see okay okay okay now he's going to start spinning and this is scary because he's coming towards us and he's very fast but luckily we are slightly faster than he is so we should hopefully be safe that means right okay okay two hits on him very nice you just have to pop into the shell and then pop out oh man oh man oh man oh man where is he going now where is he going where is he going where is he going where is he going there he is there he is you can barely see him okay okay okay now he's going to start spinning hopefully he isn't so fast that he could catch up to us now oh man oh man oh man oh man i have one shell moving no now they're all going to be moving unless okay okay there we go there we go yes yes okay stop the other shells we need to stop the shells we need to stop the shells before we are defeated and we have defeated boom boom that's unbelievable oh man i thought that would be a lot tougher than it was but that was actually not too bad at all honestly [Music] and now we can head to this right over here and get the top of the gold pole oh wait a minute what is that backpack doing captain toad's second backpack what is going on here he dances around his second backpack another thing that you can do if you play through this level is you could actually just walk by these marching guys without any problems shooting fireballs at them actually makes it a bit more difficult than normal because if you just walk by these guys they don't even notice you and we are now at world crown but instead of champions road here this level is called champions tone which is a hilarious joke by may romero is the one who created this level so let's have a play through champions road or as it is called now champions toad oh and there are wart boxes here okay so i think these wart boxes are to let you skip to later parts if you die okay oh man how am i going to avoid these [Music] if i can't jump oh man oh man this is bad this is bad oh but we're still alive not for long how am i going to avoid being shot at because i can't jump as captain toad captain toad can't jump man i've got to avoid this october okay okay okay okay okay okay all right pretty good pretty good okay fire bros oh my goodness wow hold on these clear pipes aren't normally arranged this way are they oh oh man oh man oh man oh man that is some scary stuff i've got to start running because that fireball is going to get me okay okay good good good now how am i supposed to get past these charging chucks come on over here charging chucks all right man i'm actually almost dead one hit and i'm dead how do i make it across to the oh i'm just shining light in the charging chuck's face maybe he won't be able to see maybe we will slightly blind him oh my goodness the way that i went around those charging trucks was absolutely unbelievable that was absolutely unbelievable i didn't think i would make that that was scary okay this is going to be amazing too this section with beep blogs is this the whole people up oh my goodness and there's more it's not just this there's another top part oh that's not too bad if you just walk across that was honestly not bad at all no no no do we have to time when we have to get into the block okay let's try stepping in right when it turns pink okay so you don't want to go in right when it turns pig and okay okay okay you can just walk across safely like that let's go right when it turns blue no then you're too fast blue one go oh and there's a green star right there [Music] why am i going for the green stars oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man no there's still another section no way no way no way we have to go up a slope like this no way there's no way there's no way we're going up that slope there's just no way we're doing it all right here we go again [Music] whoa yes yes yes no no no no no no this section is insane is there even anything i can do now i don't think there's even anything i can do now now that we lost the cannonbox power up that is actually unreal this section is unbelievable i can dodge these attacks but what can i do after that well at least we cleared the last section yeah i can't jump on this guy or anything oh my goodness that's actually unreal that we made it to here though all right here we go now we've just got to dodge all of these magic attacks that are being shot at us let's see where's this magikoopa coming one there and the next one there can we get him oh my goodness that was actually so much easier this time i got really lucky with how they lined up okay we lost that power up okay so here's the next section this is going to be interesting with captain toad okay and the funny thing about these things is you could actually hold them like that i saw it in a speed run of this game i thought that was pretty cool and we can run across there which is nice now then that one can just wait right there just stand right there citizen whoa i thought that you'd be able to hold the fuzzies you could hold these things but you can't hold the fuzzies man that certainly changes things i thought that you'd be able to hold these and they'd wait there but no you can't hold fuzzies oh man oh man i want to step onto that platform there we go and this section is honestly not bad that was probably the easiest one yet if you do the holding strategy like that okay now this time instead of climbing up do we want to bounce down what is going on here can i take a peek down here what do we just okay we drop down now what now what do we also want to drop down oh okay okay okay okay okay all right okay okay so we just go backwards in this part i guess dash panel oh but wait a minute wait a minute what am i supposed to do in the dash panel section here i can't grab these can i know you could just make them spin faster by touching them but i can't jump over the ring burners oh i think i know what you're supposed to do i think you're supposed to go very fast like this and then you can hide in the corner because it won't reach you in the corner here okay so this is what we are supposed to do kind of funny that the dash vandals don't affect captain toad right now okay so there's another one and hide in the corner okay now let's just get the one in the top right corner here okay okay and i'm continuing i probably shouldn't but okay okay and i'm going for that one too but i probably shouldn't oh man oh man oh man that's scary where's the final one oh the final one's just right in the center okay so that should be the easiest one right right why am i going that is not a good time to go now is when you go and run captain don't run okay and let's find a good opportunity to go over here this seems so much easier when oh hold on i probably shouldn't say that while i probably shouldn't say this is easier until i make it but this seems so much easier since the dash panels don't make you go fast oh my goodness that was so close and is that it i think that might be it oh my goodness oh my goodness we have made it thank you we're just going through the thank you pipe really cool how the i really like how the pipes spell out thank you now let's just pop out from here hopefully nothing kills us in the final room let's see just coins hopefully just coins okay let's just make our way down here wow that's a lot of money by that toad over there hello plessy how do you do plessy look at the rabbits let's catch the rabbits no the rabbits are just npcs [Music] and okay the stamp is right over here and there's the final green star we have completed it man the beginning of this level is extremely hard but it gets much much easier once you get past the first two sections a big thank you to mj and mero for making and sharing these mods they were both such a blast to play through the first few levels that we played were part of mj's mod and the champions road captain toad level was a mod that mayro made i also made a slight edit to the castle level so that the game's model is swapped to show captain toad instead of just regular toad because the game crashes with captain toad apparently and wouldn't it be really cool if nintendo made an entire game based on playing as captain toad where you go and track down some treasures if i ever come across a game like that it might be fun to make some videos about testing it out my channel is largely about testing what is possible in games and if you'd like to see more stuff like this make sure you click the subscribe button because you'll be notified when new videos come out and you'll help my channel get closer and closer to 100 000 subscribers i've never played minecraft before and i know a lot of people are interested in that so trying out minecraft at 100 000 subscribers might be really fun wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 751,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowser, super mario, mario speedrun, funny mario, mario animated, mario animation, lake lapcat, bowser's fury theme, lake lapcat theme, scamper shores, super bell hill, bowser's fury speedrun, zxmany, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario, captain toad, toad, toad mario, mario toad, champion's road, champion's road mario, champion's road mario 3d world, super mario toad, all bosses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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