Locked in My Art Room for 24 Hours

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oh hey it's me so today I'm doing something really fun and interesting I guess I'm gonna be locking myself in my art room for 24 hours starting right now it is 3 o'clock p.m. so I'm gonna be in here until 3 o'clock tomorrow also I should address the fact that I caught off 9 inches of hair kind of sad but I donated it it's gone let's all just move on from that ok my art room is actually not an enclosed room it's open to the basement also the nearest bathroom is not like attached to the room and I have to have a place to go potty I'm not pooping in the corner I'm sorry so Jordan actually built me this whole structure which is like a temporary wall it's made of wood and nails and then we stapled big rolls of paper so that I could be you know completely tracked he's so thoughtful I think so that blocks me off from the rest of the basement but still allows me to have access to the bathroom also the other exits are blocked by a big piece of plywood and then this door is just a utility room we're not gonna have any fun in there I do have access to my filming room also which just has a bunch of squishies and stuff in it and possibly where I'm gonna be sleeping it's actually a pretty cushy setup that I got going on here I even added a little hinged door like in a prison but the only thing that that's gonna be used for is food delivery I may need to be fed that's the only thing that I'm allowing to be brought into the space nothing else there's also an opening on the bottom so that OB can leave in and out if he wants to join us as well originally though he made the cat door too big and I could fit through there so he had to like board it up a little bit more so that I cannot get out right hey my since he did that I've been stuck in here the only way to get out is to crash through the paper so as long as the paper is still intact you know that I have not left this area so there's really no way for me to cheat I feel like this is gonna be so easy and not the struggle at all the internet doesn't work because I love this room and like there's so much to do in here I think I'm going to be able to make a lot of stuff in 24 hours I don't anticipate having any major problems to be honest doc pick I guess it's time to get started okay we're 20 minutes in it all right what do i do first [Applause] [Music] okay I'm already hungry ah you know what this is a perfect opportunity to paint my nails because they are starting to chip I'm gonna paint my nails this is a weird video what is this video I don't know what this video is yet I'm gonna get a little more comfortable cuz I'm cold and I'm gonna be here for a while ah my socks look dirty umm gross they're not dirty I just put them on this morning I have had these socks for like six years oh this is uncomfortable now my nails are wet so I can't really do anything you know what I just realized my nails are not in a pattern this pinky should be yellow well that's annoying I've been wearing my nails like this for like two weeks and I just now realize that I want to fix my hair but I can't because my nails are wet always in my collar in my next space the transitions in this video are probably going to be very abrupt and weird this actually looks pretty cool [Music] [Music] I think this is a photo opportunity I'm trying to post more on Instagram so I don't do this very often oh no oh quick commercial if you like the shirt that I'm wearing this is actually a limited edition design and it's going away very soon this Sunday at midnight it will no longer be available so if you want it you kind of have to get it quickly also there's a 10% off promotion going on if you use the code Moriah 10 when you check out you get 10% off and that's for anything and everything in my merch store if you care to check it out the link will be in the description thank you bye oh okay I'm back in my seat it's already 5:30 I haven't done anything yet what have I been doing with my time I'm so cold I'm cold what's the temperature I feel like it's getting colder down here 72 really what the heck is I feel warm up there oh I should have brought a jacket so I need to make something now that's what I was supposed to be doing this whole time but I haven't really been doing it what am I gonna make hi so I moved over here just for a little change of scenery I have a bunch of kits this blanket is the only one that I have down here it's like my painting bib it has caught a few spills I have a bunch of little kids here really small kits so what is this color me squeezable so unicorn head with three markers here's the squishy it's a pretty long snout on that Unicorn well I guess I'm just gonna go ahead and color it oh these markers are tiny I don't have very many options this thing's you only have three colors it's like incredibly difficult to be neat with a marker like this I don't think markers are the waves you just can't get that detail the pink marker works incredibly well wonderful vibrant color right there that's you know what nope you can die moving on this is basically the same thing here it is it's cute it's a smashing machine it's cute so here we go let's colors [Music] markers are not the tool to decorate squishies it's official I'll keep the squishy because maybe one day I'll fix it but no that was lots of fun let's move on I found these at five below and I don't think this is gonna work these are actually not squishy it's not a foamy material it's like jelly I basically bought these because I was like really curious to see if this actually works at all or if we're just like putting crap on the shelves at this point the color is actually applying a lot better than I anticipated Oh be high okay it's done honestly I think this works better than the squishies I don't know how well the color will last on there I'm happier with that I don't want to do any more though so I just made three terrible creations two of them are now laying on the floor then there's this guy what now you know what I'm gonna do some drawing somehow me has a sketch book I have a sketch book but I don't use it that often but I do have two drawings that I've done in here within the last month I did both of these drawings Oh what shall I draw hold up my dinners here Oh chocolate so I was gonna draw but my food is here little drink I'm full I think I'm going to go into the other room and start setting up good time tomorrow I think I'll try to make something much better than that but I think I'm gonna call it a day so this is where I'm going to make my nest for the night that's thick haze it's so thick you know what I just realized I didn't bring any blankets or pillows it's a good message I have my old green screens from years and years ago they've never been washed they're not particularly soft because you know they're not really supposed to be for sleeping in okey-dokey that's a bed right there yeah this works well I think it's time to change into my pajamas I'm ready you know I think I'm gonna do some editing before I go to bed let's get some editing done hey it's me it is now eleven o'clock and I'm getting tired hi I'm using the camera on my laptop I don't think she likes that I'm talking it's really hot down here I was cold earlier I'm cold so I asked Jordan to turn up the temperature I don't know how high he turned it up I'm like sweating and this sounds very petty but the internet doesn't work fun fact I cannot sleep in silence also I still have makeup on gross I'm sure I'll sleep eventually so it is about 11 o'clock I've been up since 8:00 or so but I've just actually been editing this whole time and you've seen how that goes so I didn't think that I needed to film that again I didn't get to sleep until like 2:00 a.m. I slept in my makeup and I feel disgusting but you know I'm okay oby is still sleeping in the bed of green screens wake up you lazy eye I guess it's time to actually do something today [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I think for the rest of the time I'm just going to draw and I'm actually gonna do it this time so here we go so [Music] it is 1:30 now we're getting down to the wire here and I'm drawing this so I'm pretty sure I'm drawing things wrong because I'm not really paying that much attention to how I'm drawing this this cupcake liner is kind of a mess so yes it's a cat sticking out of a cupcake it's basically the same drawing as this but with a different animal and a different food I don't know I wasn't feeling super creative today so thoughts on this overall experience I mean I have a full two rooms plus a bathroom I had plenty of space the only thing I struggled to do is actually stay motivated to make things at the time went by so fast I don't even know what I was doing for half of it yeah this cupcake liner is whack [Music] it's all done now it's not the best but I I'm okay with it it's cute it's fine I made for you I hope you like it so officially in 24 hours I made one drawing two incredibly crappy squiddy's in this which I actually is kind of like I hope you guys enjoyed this video it is now 250 we have ten minutes three minutes left one minute left okay it's three o'clock [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 15,493,323
Rating: 4.8812203 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour challenge, art rooom tour, all my art supplies, stuck somewhere for 24 hours
Id: CN1wxrCBnlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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