Turning Myself Into The Donut Queen

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today I will be turning myself into another one of my characters I started this whole series because I wanted to turn myself into a cupcake it was a very random idea and you guys really enjoyed that and we're simultaneously scared I felt the same exact way so I decided to keep doing it I did cupcake Fred the blobs with Chloe the whole costume makeup face paint wig manipulation I don't even know how to describe the genre that I'm in right now it's a pretty good indication that I don't know what I'm doing all of this stuff is way outside of my area of expertise if I even have an area of expertise the cosplayers come out and get very feisty please have mercy I am not here as a teacher I'm just here to be a spectacle okay I made a community post a long while ago asking you guys if I turned myself into another character which one would you want to see you left many many opinions on there the majority of which involved using other people to create families of characters like Shelly and Eustis and Derek and the polar bear family which is great however notice I said if I I were to turn myself I don't have anyone to drag into the situation today it's just me so I kind of had to just disregard all of those ideas the most popular request for a single character was the dumb nut Queen I was very shocked I hate to admit it but I kind of forgot that the donut Queen existed she doesn't get brought into my designs all that often because she is a human character she's one of the only human characters that I've made that I actually like turning myself into the donut Queen is gonna be a little bit of a different experience than it has been in the past she has a human face as do I so we are kind of starting a little bit more similar to each other however the accessory and clothing situation has been intense all these accessories do not exist nobody is currently selling the donut Queen full ball gown she's holding a massive donut and then she's got another massive donut stuck on her head so I got these two giant stuffed donuts for the headpiece I had to actually cut into the donut rip out a bunch of the stuffing then I used some wire shoved it in there then I wrapped the wire around a headband I think I bought like four different headbands trying to find one that was sturdy enough to hold a giant donut that's not something that's on everyone's criteria then I had to paint the entire donut because it was the wrong color I painted the headband pink so that it will blend into my hopefully pink hair it's not a thing yet but hopefully it will be and so here is how the final donut headpiece came out to create the second donut which she is holding I had to paint that purple and then draw on the white drizzle it looks pretty good from a distance there are those embroidered sprinkles still on there that I tried to paint over but you can still kind of see the little indents if it bothers you pretend like they're not there other than that I think this makes a pretty good impact that looks a little disturbing the next biggest project to accomplish was the big skirt here is the skirt that I've created which involved me laying it out on the floor and going section by section drawing on sprinkles and little gold dots this is a big skirt it's big it took a while using some tie dye I dip dyed the skirt it turned out pretty well although the sprinkles are a little bit tacky I wanted to draw them big enough so that you could see them clearly on camera which you can I might have drawn them big enough so that you could see them in the next Universe ow hit my hip bone the only other thing that I had to make significant progress on before starting this video was the top I had to go ahead and paint the sleeves which was disgusting this shirt is looking extremely rough look at this what is that it's making me sick so I'm gonna actually finish this on camera today after weeks of shopping and days of customizing I'm finally here and ready to start putting myself together you're a lot to live up to okay I'm nervous to be you maybe I should finish off this catastrophe oh I just got really hungry taking some pastas I'm gonna go ahead and draw on some little sprinkles also this shirt is ribbed which makes it even harder to draw on it just has to look good from a distance I just want things to be perfectly neat and perfect all the time is that too much to ask I probably don't need to go all the way down to the bottom of the shirt because it's going to be tucked into the skirt oh don't forget the gold dots yes yes gold dots are on now the edges of the sleeves are nasty and crusty I would never leave them like this I may be bad at this but I'm not a criminal if you notice on her sleeves the ends have these little gold bands I got some ribbon and my hot glue gun so the idea is I'm just gonna hot glue some ribbon on the ends of these sleeves and hope that that looks good that's going to take a second to heat up while I'm waiting for that to heat up I have a confession this entire time that I've been filming this video I've been holding my pee I think I need to go Rectify that I don't know if Rectify is the best word to use kind of sounds like never mind I'll be back I pee and I got this I couldn't possibly walk through the kitchen without grabbing some sort of food is the hot glue ready ow yeah it's hot that looks that yeah okay my only concern here is that after I do this the armhole doesn't stretch enough to accommodate [Music] my arm is this the size of my arm I'll just leave a little bit of extra room let's just go for this smells like burning skin not that I've ever burned someone's skin off oh no don't cut that much you idiot ah why is this hard I am so lost here ow okay there not bad let me just do the other side I really hate how creaky this chair is every time I move it's like will you quit complaining I'm gonna get a new chair bada boom the top is done hi I'm here I was here before but now I'm here on a different day in a different outfit I have something that I want to show you guys my blob mini plush set yes this is a new product that I'm launching on my store and they come as a set because they need each other for companionship we got the blob OG froggy blob fish blob I have a special understanding for her the angry lemon he's an angry lemon he's an angry lemon and the artist blob I will say that this is the last product launch of the year so my store is stocked everything is in everything is ready to go okay now we can get back to the weirdness okay so next is the part of this that I am most nervous about is a very white wig clearly the donut Queen has pink purple to green hair greenish teal-ish whatever the heck this color is this color is not a very common color it's very hard to match this color I do like it though I experimented a little bit with dyeing the wig didn't have great results Ayla move to plan B spray hair color hair spray color colored hairspray temporary hair color the reason I'm not just spraying my own hair with this is because these colors are very light my hair very dark I feel like the color just wouldn't show up very well and it would just look nasty also the donut Queen has bangs I'm committed to this idea but I'm not that committed for this process I'm going to bring in my wig helper who has been in all of these videos except for the blobs because they didn't have any hair Desdemona come on in haven't we just missed her how have you been has it been okay this is Desdemona she is my head we have a great relationship I never get angry at her you're weak and she's definitely not creepy at all let me go ahead and put this right so one thing I noticed about the donut Queen is that her hair kind of Curves under a little bit I wanted to replicate that although I don't really know how I do have here a straightener which may or may not be the right tool for this I'm pretty sure you can use heat on a wig I've never used a strainer it's not even my straightener that's cute sound here she is I have no clue what I'm doing foreign foreign [Music] I thought that I got a slight curl but I feel like it completely fell out I don't really know what the problem is do I need to use a product do I need to turn the heat up [Music] I feel like maybe it's not worth it to spend the time troubleshooting this let's just move on to the color this is my big plastic I'm gonna just protect my valuables [Music] I need to actually protect Desdemona too I'm having fun all right what is on my forehead ugliness I guess I'm going to start with the top some bright pink trying to just spread the color through because there's so much white showing on the bright side it kind of smells good [Music] oh am I running out I did not think it would take a whole can just to cover the top of the head perfect I'm Gonna Save the very last bit to do any touch-ups at the end and just move on to the purple this is where it's gonna get real hairy [Music] this one smells like sewage [Music] still a lot of white streaks but I'm just going over it and over it and over it I'm going to move on to the teal the original is definitely more green but I could not find anything in that exact color I'm sweating I'm all out of hair color now there's still a surprising amount of white creeping through I need to just kind of put this to the side and let it dry I guess okay so you know it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted the purple is splotchy the blending isn't perfect I could sit here and critique this thing all day long but I guess it does look somewhat close you all know what I was trying to do this is it time to focus on the face I'm just gonna be doing a little makeup I'm not wearing any makeup currently this is all natural I was born with eyeshadow basically she's got some very pink lips some real heavy blush I guess that's eyeliner on her eyes I'm really bad at eyeliner why am I bad at everything you see that I do have some eyeliner here I don't know how to do this you just kind of oh I just broke it not even but that's what I'm gonna do also her top lip is much darker than her bottom lip which I was kind of trying to do that to show the shadow but I thought it might be interesting to mimic that and do like a darker top lip and a lighter bottom lip kind of looks like her finally I have the brightest blush she's got it on her cheeks and on her nose whoa that is a powerful blush whoa Mama there it is now I need to put my wig cap on I'm just gonna slick back the hair okay oh this looks like a small one this is just tiny oh there were two of them maybe that's why all right let me redo this that's more like it okay I'm ready the final detail that I need to put together is actually this little belt so I'm gonna use this this is a little thin for a belt though so I'm gonna try to glue some pieces together and make a thicker belt I have my hot glue all warmed up already look at me I'm prepared there we go nice thick gold belt from the looks of it the belt might be like beaded who wants to glue thousands of little diamonds all over this belt anyone no nobody wants to do it okay well I guess it's not gonna get done because I'm not doing that this is what it's going to be is that it was that the last wow it's time to get dressed I have a full hoop skirt I'm here I'm going all out so let me go change and I'll be right back hi hi everyone I definitely can't sit in this skirt you can't really see how ridiculous all of this is but you will in a second I need the rest of my accessories though here's my crown every good Queen's Tiara comes in a cellophane bag I guess I need to put on my wig ah thank you desmona here we go oh my gosh foreign you know it doesn't look too bad actually I'm gonna put my tiara on this is like my coronation ceremony is it is it on and finally my donut headpiece ow the crown is currently stabbing into my scalp wow I actually look like the donut Queen though what up I'm the donut queen queen of donuts all that's left to do is just step into my roll now I really want to show you this full hoop skirt situation let's do it [Music] hi so each time I become a character I learn who they really are and now I know so much more about the donut queen queen of donuts she is the perfect Queen except when she's not she's capable of proper behavior and is great at all her queenly duties my interpretation of queenly Duties but also sometimes she just loses it and is acting totally out of pocket she's also terribly sarcastic and impatient she's busy okay she's a queen she don't have time for your nonsense anyway I did pick apart each component of this whole costume as I was making it but actually all together I think it looks really good I think it looks as close to the original design as I could have hoped for if you guys want to see me do this again please leave in the comments which character you would like to see next thank you so much for watching and I will see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 8,632,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kjqlBrTra24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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