Pack With ME (I'm Moving AGAIN!)

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[Music] hey it's me we need to talk no okay it's not that serious this video is kind of sad i mean not really it's it's happy it's sad it's um [Music] and all of my dreams are fading okay i'm sorry let me collect myself basically i'm leaving this studio how long have i been here i think i've been here for like two years it hasn't been that long and i did not think that i would be leaving this space anytime soon it's an amazing room it's actually two rooms because i have this room and the blue couch room which you see me in sometimes and this is all in the basement of our current house my studio wasn't really a part of the motivation for moving it was just about the rest of the house this art room i feel like it just has so many memories so many videos have been filmed here and i was just so excited about this room and i've enjoyed working in this room although things are getting a little crammed in certain areas space is getting a little tight i'm going to be setting up a whole new art room in the new house you will get to see it i'm gonna give you a whole tour of it and we'll explore it together and we're gonna you're gonna be there with me so don't worry but today we're focusing on packing up my art room you know i did that reaction video recently and now this oh what is going on am i no longer doing art no it's just that i'm busy moving right now and so i'm having to kind of improvise with the kind of content that i'm making because i don't want to just abandon you guys and leave you while i'm getting my life together you know what i'm really tired of my hair i'm really tired of it all right i think i should get started but i kind of don't want to because then once i start this room isn't going to look the same anymore [Applause] there's going to be new people in this house what if they don't do art in here these walls are used to being around art my drawers have only ever held art supplies and what are they gonna hold now someone's crusty dvds i don't know what do most people put in their basement so i think we have to do a ceremony of goodbye if you thought that was weird in the edited version it was even weirder in real life anyway right moving we've got boxes we've got bubble wrap this is a stiff box oh my gosh i think it's only right that the first thing i pack up is the squishies why is there a spot missing there who's supposed to go there where are they okay i'm gonna have to investigate that later these are not only some of the most important characters and come from the biggest videos of my channel these are actually like some of my prized possessions i am very attached to them unhealthy couldn't be unhealthy it's beautiful it's a beautiful bond we have i got some ziploc bags this is the best way to house squishies the paint can be a little bit tacky so they could stick together potentially and that's not good they all need to have their individual little homes oh i also got an air duster because there could be a speck of dust they will be treated for dust and then placed in secure packaging and gingerly placed in the box oh you guys yes yes oh no you do have dust [Music] [Music] [Applause] i just explained that squishies can't be touching or they might stick together look what happened to them the paint from her leg came off on this oh my gosh i'm gonna have to fix that later i just can't believe that this could be a long day i got big bags for my big children i don't even know if you will really fit in here okay well only your head [Music] oh my monkey i love you i love my monkey come here get in the bag it's okay it's not gonna hurt you fred how goes it my man we are going to have to tear apart a family right now i'm so sorry you guys are gonna have to be separated say goodbye daddy i'm so dumb i'm done being weird i'm gonna be normal the female chicken into the ziploc bag this little fellow also goes in the bag i don't want to do that anymore that's hard wow we are almost out of space seriously and cookie narwhals look at that y'all are weighty little people i don't want to overfill worst experience ever for a squishy to be squished with no relief i'm going to close this up yeah i need to write fragile why is my handwriting the ugliest thing that's ever existed i'm writing at a weird angle okay box number one is done [Music] may you move safely i'm gonna take this out of this area because it's packed now okay it took me an hour to pack a box of squishies am i moving slowly let's finish up these squishies [Music] it's okay if they touch each other for just a few minutes oh you are dusty sir not a bag big enough for this oh my gosh grumpy cherry berry oh okay that's another box more squishies let's keep going i forgot about this one that takes up like half the box and hi this is voiceover me taking a quick break from packing me this video is sponsored by honey so for anyone who doesn't already know and love using honey there may be a couple of you i don't know hear ye hear ye nope honey is like a little friend that's always with you when you're shopping online so cute basically honey is a shopping tool that automatically searches for promo codes so that you don't have to which greatly comes in handy when i have to buy an insane amount of paint and supplies for my videos i end up saving so much and it's seriously so easy it works on lots of your favorite online stores that you're already shopping on so you don't really have to do or change anything just keep on doing what you do the longer you go without honey the more savings you're missing out on and who doesn't love saving so if you don't have honey please do yourself a favor and add it to your browser for free at mariah and thank you to honey for sponsoring this video okay my shelves are cleared you may have thought that this was all of my squishies but it's not i have the overflow in these bins most of these are in bags already i was supposed to update these pins when i had new characters i need to do that closing this up you may think that that was the last of my squishies no we have this bin too oh you don't have a bag [Music] she doesn't need one and surely that is the last of my squishy collection this bin too oh my gosh this one is so old this was one of the first squishies that somebody ever sent me i gotta take you out of the bag and it was a little like ghost thing but i didn't know that it was a ghost it had arms that were like above its face and i thought that they were ears ninety percent of the comments were they're not ears they're arms those are arms not ears they're not ears they're arms those are arms okay i look back fondly that box is full that was finally the end of the squishy collection wonder how many there are okay now what i guess all this other crap ow we may need to back up a little bit get the full picture big box i need to put this in there nothing can enter into my new environment without being clean okay oh i found two more squishies they're not with the rest of them i'm gonna grab all my bins from over there and shove them in here whoops who else can we throw in here go in there where's pickle you doing okay remember this it's got all this random crap hanging all over it i swear i forget about all this stuff even though it's sitting out every single day i do dust in here will this fit in here no great i need something to fit in this box how about my pencil pouch collection i don't know why i collect pencil cases these are all painted i just love them these are great box fillers i have this basket of squeezamoles just sprinkle them in i still need something little my itty bitties elsa do i collect these as a full-grown adult yes does that embarrass me no am i embarrassed that i'm not embarrassed yes into the box into the box i hate myself oh man now we're too full are you kidding me no this is heavy oh boy oh oh boy why is the camera up so high it's like there we go i'm gonna start packing some of my most fragile creations how do i pack this i never eat the gum out of this [Music] i had a dream last night that all my teeth were falling out okay how do i pack this hi hi i'll probably just move it in my car what else is fragile this is just chalk i don't want it to rub off i mean the idea was i was supposed to wipe this off and like redo it and redecorate it but um now i'm really attached to this design and i don't want to wipe it off i've been meaning to actually seal it on there to to um too permanent i'm just gonna move this in my car okay okay okay all right all right well there's so many things in here let's keep on going my custom squishmallows this monster aren't these cute they have buttholes i hope they make it in there maybe i'll just move this one in my car i guess i should take my pins off [Music] okie dokie pins are off oh crap i couldn't find a white pin board when i was looking for one so i kind of diyed it now it is broken i don't know if i can bring this energy into my new space it's looking so empty [Music] this is when being a hoarder of plushies is actually a really good thing they fill in spaces perfectly [Music] okay i've been packing um off camera for a little while it's been so long since i've seen it like this it's empty hey yeah there is still quite a bit of this and that laying around this room but i want to switch gears a little bit and go somewhere else man oh man i'm tired whoa it's very echoey in here hi echo how are you this room has actually been completely cleared out except for what you're looking at because i thought that this was important lots of good memories on this blue couch and this is gonna be the last time that i sit on it in this house because i'm taking this with me so i'll be sitting on it still i am going to keep all of this but i'm also going to get new stuff and put new stuff up as well because this could be updated anyway it's been a while since i stuck all these on here so i've seen a lot of really amazing art from you guys that i would love to include on this wall but for today let me take it down [Music] okay it's back to a clean wall kind of there's still little bits of tape all over it pretty sure it's gonna have to be repainted oh that's okay all right well i am pooped there's still a lot to do but i'm gonna have to do this off camera and just hustle hustle hustle to get it done i hope that you enjoyed the time that you spent with me i hope to see you next week with something that you will enjoy hopefully more thank you for watching bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 8,636,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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