Trying ART Apps to Feel Like Moriah Elizabeth Except I Have No Talent

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This is my artistic vision OK?! Sharon, even when I try to make things look bad, They look good! I'm so talented! I don't know what this is. [intro music] So according to my secret YouTube statistics, You guy's seem to be really big fans of Moriah Elizabeth! And why wouldn't you? She's lovely, And talented, And bright and colorful! So then I wondered, Does that mean that my fans, Would like me to do some... Art content? But then I remembered... I don't have any artistic talent. [sad music] Leave a like to give me artistic talent! I don't know if it works but it doesn't hurt! So I had all but given up hope, That I, could try to be like Moriah Elizabeth for the day. Until I looked at the top app charts! And saw this! I CAN PAINT! Look at how visually appealing this game is! Wow! OK, so I've always wanted to do this, It's fluid bucket art. But it's free and it's digital! And I won't ruin my floors, So... Alright, we're on level four cause the first couple were like a tutorial, And who needs that when you have as much artistic talent as me? Somebody with no artistic talent. OK, so we have to swing and make five loops. How dare you put constraints on my art. Alright, ready? Heh! Woo! [gasps] Oh! Oh go! Go! Go! Oh beautiful! Wow, this actually came out pretty good! I'm a genius! I don't like where that ended though, that's gonna bother me. I don't like it! Wow! Awesome wo - oh thank you! Alright, once again we must do five loops. What if I just like swing it really wide? Like... Let's just yeet it. Yeet! Aw I was like wait! I didn't even do one loop yet! OK, here we go, here we go, here we go! Inertia will help me! That's what inertia is right? I-I forget! I've been out of school for a very long time! I wanna see if there's a way to like completely miss the paper. I mean... Uhm... You have done it! Have I though? Art! Amazing! Wow! Such skill! I know, I'm so skilled! Alright guys, moment of truth! This is a VIP customer, And I'm allowed to use rainbows but I can only do one loop! So we gotta make this one loop count. I'm just gonna like... Ew, it's ugly! I hate it! I thought it was supposed to be rainbow! Don't clap for me! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm just gonna leave it in the middle and not even through it just... [laughs] Oh my god, it's like the eye from Lord Of The Rings! There you go sir! Art! ART! An original LaurenZSide! Alright this one, we're gonna...I'm gonna....I'm gonna try and toss this as hard as I can. Ha! Oh, that was... [sighs] That's the problem with fluid bucket art, You just... If you don't throw it the right way, You gotta just live with... I mean this is coming out kinda cool! It's a diamond! You wanted a diamond right? You would think that all of my artwork, Would look the same. But it doesn't, that's just how talented I am! I mean you would buy that right? I keep getting money and I don't know what to use it on. Oh, I can use it on new flooring. Wow. Ha! I can't throw it! [gasps] Oh! Oh I stopped it! Oh my god! Yes! There we go! Yes! Dah! [laughs] I tricked the system! You wanted loops? Well too bad! You're gonna get lines! I can't! What is this mess? Maybe I have to keep buying new floors, Because I ruin ev- Oh my god! It looks like a six year old made it! Oh another VIP customer? Yes! I'm gonna try and make a heart for you sir! OK? Are you ready? You're my VIP customer, I gotta keep you happy! [gasps] Rainbow! OK, wait, wait, wait! Grab it! Grab it! Ah! It's...I mean... It's... It's....... It's not a heart! [laughs] I tried to say it's a heart, it's not a heart. It's not even art. I don't know what this is. [sings] Moriah Elizabeth, I'm coming for you! Look at all this talent! [sings] Look at it! I know it's probably scary how much talent I have! I'm sometimes very scared by it as well! Wow! Thank you! Thank you! Yes. Oh my god, we have a white canvas this time! Yeah! Yes! I finally did it! I finally missed it! I finally missed the paper. This is what I was going for...oh no, oh no, oh no, [gasps] Don't hit the paper! Don't hit the paper! Don't hit the paper! Don't hit the paper! You have done it! Work of art! [laughs] I love it! This is like getting a participation trophy right here. Awesome work! You get applause! You made two lines on this piece of blank canvas. Art! Millions of dollars! I'm so bad at art it's not even funny! Very good! Oh and I get a bonus too for all my hard work, right? Gimmie the money I need new floors cause I've just been pouring paint all over them! Yeah let's get, let's get new floors, let's get these floors. There we go! We've replaced the floors! We made a mess! Oh no! Now it's our new floors we're gonna ruin! Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh! The heck? Oh my god, I did it again! Oh, look at that pretty blue! It's ruining my brand new floors I just paid thousands of dollars for! WOW! ART! Alright, I have to move on. This applause is just growing my ego to a level it does not need to be. What else we got? Tie dying? Yeah! Oh OK. Infinity. [gasps] I'm so talented. Oh my god! [gasps] I can use any color I want? Well this game let's me be way more creative! Alright let's take the teal, Oh, yes! OK! Let's take the - [gasps] Yes! Yes! Let's do... Pink. Love it! Oh no! It blended up! It bled into the blue too much. Alright then fine, I'm gonna put my teal on this side. Ahh! No! Yellow! I think it's OK. Er...what? We're putting it in water? Why are we putting it in water? You're not supposed to put tie dye in water are you? I wouldn't know! [laughs] I don't do anything artistic! Wow. OK. [gasps] It's beautiful! Oh my god! I'm so talented! Wow! Look at her! WOW! Three stars? Hello! Would you like a LaurenZSide original T-shirt? I'm amazing! I mean this whole time I've been hearing 'Great job!', 'applause!', You know what that means? You guys should probably subscribe! Look how talented I am! You'd be crazy not to! Oh what the he-what in the world? Oh I'm scared, what is...what? I've never done this type of tie dye! Alright, let' we go. Get some blue! Get some of this pinkish purple, Get some purple, Yes...OK. Beautiful. Oh my god cat! Stop coughing on me! Oh. Well that was weird. [laughs] Alright, water time. I wanna see what this looks like. What does this look like? [gasps] I am so talented guys! Look at that! That could be sold in a store! Three stars. Gimmie your money! Oh, she has purple hair! Are we tie-dying a bathing suit? Shall we make it a LaurenZSide 'original' original? In that we do nothing. Oh wait, can I not... Darn it! I can't go to the next thing? I have to do something? Can I do like a tiny bit? Done. Wow, so much effort was put into this tie dye. Yes. Open it! Ew! [laughs] Ew! [laughs] Ew, it looks like an 'X'! It's like X's that they put on trees to chop down! [laughs] What is happening? Oh it looks so bad! Oh! Three stars?! No matter what I do I get an amazing rating, It's cause I'm a gen- I'm a creative, artistic genius! Wow! I got so many tips! I should open a tie dye stand, these people make bank! OK, let’s try something different... Let's try... Every color! Here we go! Here we go, Here we go, Kinda sad they don't mix with each other, I was hoping for some sort of brown, gross-brown color. Erm, this looks like a hot mess. The brown, urgh! Why is brown even an option? Literally just throwing random colors everywhere! Erm...gross! [laughs] Perfect! How's this gonna look? It actually looks fantastic! Even when I try to make things look bad, They look good! I'm so talented! Wow! Was that Billie Eil- is that Billie Eilish? Oh my god. I made a tie dye shirt for Billie Eilish! You must have heard of my talent and you wanted me to do your skirt, hmm? Oh my god, what if I just did like red? Just like a tiny bit of red at the ce- Oh no... She's gonna look like she got attacked by a shark! Yes! I mean, they are at the beach, So... Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! It looks like she got attacked by a shark. [gasps] Colors! I got a - You didn't give me a star for the colors? Oh my god, it's learning. OK, this time I'm gonna go for a lovely doodie brown! Even the -urgh- even the noise! It looks like a cinnamon stick! Ew! Ew! [laughs] Ew! Ew! Ew. EW! Ew, I'm so sorry! Oh she didn't like the color either! How dare you! Oh no! Oh it just does not look good on you, Princess Leia! Oh, we're doing dresses now! What? Alright let's actually try to make a masterpiece. We want all of these pastelly colors. Oh I just realised! [laughs] I just realised that they're giving me colours now that I'm supposed to be using! And I'm just like 'nah'! You know how you said you wanted purple and orange? I'm just - I'm doing...This is my artistic vision OK Sharon? I know you said you wanted purple and orange but you know what? I'm an artist and I will put whatever colors I want on your tie dye. It looks GORGEOUS! You better not hate it, you better give it three stars. Wow. She wants red, And blue, And yellow. Ugh, It's like toddler colors! I hate it. The red is in a bad spot. The red is in such a bad spot! Whatever it's what you wanted! I don't know! This is what happens when you question my artistic choices! Oh no! Oh the red's in such a bad spot! A VIP?! Hell yeah! Oh my god, we can pick whatever we want. A dress? This is what I'm talking about! This lady let's me just be creative I'm gonna give you the LaurenZSide because you're a special lady, That doesn't try to hinder my artistic vision. Beautiful! I would wear the hell out of this! Yes! Yes girl! Yes! Oh I'm retiring! That was my best piece yet. There's no way it's getting better than that. I mean, you saw my piece before that, [laughs] It's just gonna get worse. OK and lastly, Is another art style I've really wanted to try, Hydro dipping! But ya know, digitally. So we don't make a mess, And so I can keep pretending that I have artistic talent, Even though I have none. Oh! Oooooooooooh! Oh we can do more colors? [gasps] You didn't tell me that! What? [gasps] WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! Oh no, oh no! Wait, wait wait! I didn't like that! I don't like that! I don't like that, I'm mixing it too much, I'm mixing it too much! OK, there we go. Choose sheet. What? What is happening? What is this? Oh god. Oh no, I don't know what I did. Oh I hate it! Where's all the colors I just mixed? Oh! No, I just wan- I didn't want...I don't wanna sheet I hate it. Alright let's do some white, And some red, And we'll mix it, Choose a sheet? I don't want to! These don't look as good! I feel like hydro dipping looks so much cool - Alright let's just watch...oh god. Oh god, oh! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Can I just....can I just go back to my art? Oh my god, this rainbow color better be worth the ad I just had to sit through. This isn't even a full rainbow! I sat through an ad for not even a full rainbow! OK, no [gasps] I ruined it! I RUINED IT! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HYDRO DIP! This is falling apart. Sure... I hate it here. I hate it. I hate every single thing I've made. Make me this. Sure! Oh, I can't. I can't. I'm not watching an ad for that, no refuse. Go away, Yeah, go away. Do you see what I make anyway? You don't want this! Oh a shirt! I'm just gonna put like... Yeah! I'm gonna put nothing in the water. Ya know, it's a... It's a Lauren... A LaurenZSide original! A wet shirt! Ah! You wanted a wet shirt right? A plain wet shirt? I got three stars, I mean... Yeah! That's how you do art! Nothing! Here's a hat. Wow! A dollar hat! Loves me a dollar hat! So I can show people I have dollars! Make this. I don't have guitars! Go away! Idiot! Coming in here trying to ask me to make something I don't sell! Oh these things - Oh! They're just collecting money! Oh! People are coming in buying all my things! Wow, make me money all my terrible... erm...hydro dipping things! Alright, well I think its safe to say that, I'm not Moriah Elizabeth, If you couldn't tell! Even digitally I'm a bit subpar. Except for tie dye! I'm amazing at tie dye! But if you actually want to see me do art, Not well, But trying to do art, Check out one of these videos. In one of these, we painted squishies just like Moriah Elizabeth! And the other one was kids crafts, it was great! Also if you made it this far in the video, make sure to leave a like! Look how talented I am, there's people buying my stuff right now in my digital hydro dipping store. Wow, I just leveled up without doing anything! Subscribe if you're new to the channel and hit the notification bell, So you don't get lost in the void that is now YouTube, And as always, I will Z see you guys soon!
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,496,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, art apps, art, moriah elizabeth, tie dye, fluid art, hydro dipping, bucket paint, bucket art, digital art, painting
Id: fxN5dCn_rxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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