Squishy Makeover: Fixing Your Squishies #11

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[Music] hey it's me I couldn't decide which color to paint my nails this week so that's what this is about oh and I killed a bug today is yet another squishy makeover so let me just get right to my first victim here he is I opened this one up in my last unboxing video it's a chicken in overalls and you guys requested him a lot but hold on hold on I want to introduce you to someone oh I found his soul mate you're welcome so yes I got this one recently as well it's so soft I just think they make the cutest little chicken couple and I'm thinking they need to get married married yes right now so come come on come on we've got a chicken wedding to plan wedding yes and just like that it's time for sushi roasting honestly I love the design of this squishy it's just really cute and I'm kind of sad to paint over it but you guys asked for it I will say his feet are a bit small actually very small it is pretty worn and dirty a nice big stain right across his face lots of stains what is that I don't know but I just touched it his little head doohickey is ripping so I guess you know all of that does justify giving him a makeover but he just has such a sweet little face and those overalls but you don't want to wear overalls to your wedding do you yes so the first step is going to be to take those off so I'm carefully cutting his overalls uh-oh and his arms also yeah sorry about that I'm basically just turning him into a chicken ball or an egg Oh hmm exactly and I'm just smoothing this out the best I can it's never gonna be perfect but you know I'll do what I can Oh in what have I done to you I'm so sorry I'm gonna use some memory foam to build him some brand new wings I wanted to change his wings because I needed them to be more down at his side I actually think they looked really cute the way they were in front like that but they were just gonna get in the way and you know they didn't fit my vision my vision oh it's like fluffy clouds and a blue sky okay so here are his new wings these look like ears and taking my trusty fabric fusion I'm gonna glue these on and rubberband them down to hold them while the glue dries he is not having a good day once that's dry release him and voila here's his new Beach ready body now I'm going to use some slick paint anyway I'm spreading a ton of that paint over him because thanks to my chopping there's a lot of texture on there and I want to try to cover up as much of that as possible and make a smooth surface also to seal in those wings and make it one solid kind of piece oh that back that looks painful yeah so this was just a long process of applying a thick coat of paint waiting for it to dry and then more coats and more coats and more coats adding some drizzle oh no that's not what we're doing here and introducing muscle chicken I think the wings may be a little bit on the thick side he's been lifting weights I'm painting his whole body in a nice yellow color basically the same color as before maybe a little bit lighter oh his back is just terrible let's cover that up so yes just a million coats of yellow paint to really build up that color and yep just waiting for this to finish come on come on okay here's where it gets good I'm drawing on his little bowtie and his suit and finally gonna put some clothes on this guy he's so naked here I go with the black paint I really don't use black paint much at all except for eyes but um it's good since it's so dark you know you don't have to build up a million layers for good coverage just like two coats and it's completely opaque so that was nice and now I'm going in with some of the details his undershirt and his tiny little feet I feel like his feet were this size when he was born he grew and his feet never did it's okay it's okay I'm gonna paint on that beak in his little head doohickey okay what is that actually called a comb really I like head doohickey better the original had this as blue to match his outfit which was creative I'll admit but I'm actually just gonna stick with a more traditional color also can I point out that my nails match this setting perfectly I'm going light blue with his little bow tie actually it's a big bow tie he's muscle chicken go big or go home except for his feet I added his little up hmm I hate saying that word which is one of the reasons that I needed to change his wings because there wouldn't have been space to add one of those with his old wings here I go finishing up the details of his face gotta love those eyebrows and here he is this is probably my least favorite makeover of this episode just because I love the original so much so seeing them side by side I'm like do I really love the new one that much more I don't know when I see it by itself though I am really happy with how this came out look at those muscles doesn't look that tough when you squish him though the important thing is now he is dressed and ready for his wedding so let's get into position for the ceremony but wait the bride she needs to get ready here she is she's still in her gardening clothes girl you got to get dressed I do think this one is cute and I will say the squishiness out of this world but I'm not as in love with this design why does her apron say friend seems kind of weird and then this awkward looking flower cluster don't really love that there's a lot of ripping and cracking going on she's about to lose her feet got those Angelina Jolie lips and that was the moment when I realized it's a freaking death I've been calling this a chicken she's about to get married to a chicken this is not the time for an identity crisis but it's a duck it's clearly a duck you know what it's okay the wedding is still on so here we go again I need to take that hat off and ditch the apron as well so I'm cutting all of that away this is a familiar situation and once I cut the brim of her hat off I realize her head now looks really tall so I ended up cutting her whole head down yanking out that little plastic piece which left a nice hole and after ages of shaping and smoothing here is her new head shape her brain is exposed now to take care of that hole a donut I'm just gonna use a little chunk of memory foam to fill that in Wow that's quite the pile she lost some brain cells in this operation so I went back and forth about this but I ended up deciding to cut off her wings and reposition them in front of her so yes basically the complete opposite of what I did to her soon-to-be husband but at least with her I can still use these but I am gonna use some memory foam to make her some flowers I am using a technique that I learned from a clay kit that I used recently it's super easy to do this with clay but it was definitely a little different and more time-consuming to do this with memory foam basically you just make a thin strip roll it up and then add petals around it and bam you've got a flower for once I didn't use fabric glue on this I do not recommend using hot glue for squishies unless you have to because it will leave hard spots in your squishy but since the flowers have so many little pieces to stick together it would have taken so long for me to use fabric glue and wait for each piece to dry so I just tried to use very small amounts of glue so that it wouldn't be too bad and there we go three flowers so that it looks like a little bouquet now back to that arm situation I'm gonna reattach them so that she can hold her bouquet kind of now that those are dry that looks okay now to deal with those floppy feet I'm just gonna glue those down real quick and I do definitely have to fix her head up and the sides of her with some slick paint it's almost like adding a new skin over her freshly exposed brain oh I'm smoothing a bunch of paint over to fix up all of the rough areas Wow here we go more paint her brains are leaking okay okay let's just keep going once her body is under control I also have to coat those flowers and lots of paint because we definitely want to fill in those holes so that it looks like it's part of the squishy and not a piece of foam that I glued on to the squishy which is exactly what it is but you know what I mean and finally it's time to make this better so here goes that yellow paint I'm keeping the same yellow paint that I used on muscle chicken and let's turn her over and start painting the back and while I'm working on the next 200 coats of yellow paint I'm gonna take a second to journey outside the camera because this video is sponsored by audible if you don't know audible basically it's a way to listen to books being read out loud I mean it's not like overly loud I don't know why I emphasize that anyway it's perfect for me because doing these squishy makeovers takes forever and opie is not the best conversationalist so I've been using audible to listen to books while I'm working I used to love to read you know back when I had free time but nowadays I'm constantly working on something my eyeballs are always preoccupied that was a weird way of putting it it makes me feel so productive to be able to get my work done and you know keep my brain alive learning it's good for you so if you want to try out audible sign up for the free 30-day trial by going to audible.com/veritasium slash Moriah or text Moriah to 500 500 I'm currently listening to Jane Austen but literally they have the biggest selection of audiobooks on the planet so I'm pretty sure whatever it is you like they'll have something for you thank you audible for sponsoring and now it's time to put a dress on this chicken sorry duck and I'm starting with her veil even though I cut down her head quite a bit she still got plenty of forehead space to work with kind of looks like she's wearing a baby bonnet more than a veil how do you paint a veil on a duck I don't know basically I'm painting everything white except her face and her feet I'm adding some pink cheeks she's a blushing bride and adding some nice pastel color to those flowers and she is going barefoot lazy her feet are like three times the size of her husband's feet why am I still talking about his feet I don't know throw another couple of coats on those flowers and yes they're actually looking pretty good the top of her head looks a little bit plain so to add some detail I'm painting a little flower crown you know it's festive it's cute and I added details within the flowers as well so they don't look too blobby finally painting those eyes in and getting some lashes on then I'm using some white pearlescent paint and I'm trying to make it look like there's little pearl in between the flowers to dress it up make it look a little bit more Bridal and hey why not throw a couple in the bouquet as well I also outlined her baby bonnet I mean veil as well with the pearlescent paints final touch some little highlights and her eyes and here she is you'll notice the eraser under her but that's because she couldn't stand on her own before so just ignore that but yes I do really like her better now I think she looks really pretty she went through brain surgery just to get ready for this wedding so she can be some type of bridezilla if she wants to be the flowers are my proudest accomplishment of my life of this video because they look nice her flower crown is definitely slanted did I do that on purpose um yes yes I did and now it's time wait there's something we don't know muscle chicken has a son that's right here he is look at this little frightened chicken so yes this little chicken needs a makeover too I call him a frightened chicken for obvious reasons but the design is really basic I'm not sure why he's pink it kind of creeps me out because to me it looks like someone pulled all his feathers off maybe that's why he's so scared a fair amount of his paint has been rubbed off his wings are ripping a little bit so he definitely needs a makeover now first things first I'm gonna cut off his his his gobble I don't know I just don't like him but also his dad doesn't have one so I don't think he needs that and I'm gonna rough him up real quick with some sandpaper so that the paint will stick and then with some slick paint I'm going over his little scar from his gobble removal surgery and just like that he's ready to paint so I am back at it again with the yellow paint you know what for the next few seconds please enjoy this music selection entitled if I had a chicken [Music] hey it's me again now that he's fully yellow I'm going in with some red for his um comb whatever throw on some orange for his beak and feet look at those feet he has nice feet he didn't get him from his dad why couldn't his dad have feet like that okay you know what I'm not gonna talk about the feet anymore I'm done I'm done I promise since he is going to a wedding I'm gonna throw on a little bow tie so that he looks presentable of course using one of the wedding colors and his eyes are back yes I did keep the same scared expression you know I just thought let's let him stay true to himself let's let him live in perpetual fear of everything compared to the others it's a pretty simple design at least he doesn't look like he's been plucked anymore because you know that was kind of sad if you squish him he gets scared turn him upside down he's scared pet him whatever this is hi how are you take him to the wedding okay here it goes wait she has a baby here's the baby freshly hatched whoa I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to be it could be a penguin or I don't know the shape looks close enough to a baby duck why is it blue I have no idea there's a nice-sized hole in the beak which is lovely I'm gonna start by ripping out the plastic piece we don't need that and then just trimming up the hole and patching it with some paint nice right onto painting guess what color more yellow for whatever reason this blue was incredibly difficult to cover with the yellow I should have done a white base coat with the matte white paint that usually helps but you know I was too lazy to do a base coat which meant I had to do an additional five coats that's using your brain once I have my little egg yolk I'm adding a piece of eggshell on the top of the head because you know she's that fresh you and I thought it would be cute add some pink cheeks and a little bow on her head that's right nobody took the time to remove the eggshell but she's already wearing a bow add her little duck features she looks just like her mother and some final details and here is the final result I think this looks a hundred times better than it did before it's so cute and you know at least it's recognizable instead of being some weird blue random creature so yeah I'm very happy with this one and it was super easy to do okay so let's try this again places everyone and finally they say their vows and blah blah blah they live happily ever after oh okay this has been a long episode a lot of work went into this little chicken duck family but it was so worth it I think they look really cute together it's like the chicken duck Brady Bunch and I love that each member has their own unique little features so yes I hope that us enjoyed this episode of squishy makeovers and I will see you next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 30,924,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint squishies, squishy makeover, what are squishies, where to buy squishies, huge squishy collection, how to make squishies, homemade squishies, easy crafts, best painting crafts, painting projects for audults, easy upcycling projects, crafts for teens, fun creative activities, things to do when you are bored, artistic hobbies for adults
Id: 0CycafQWcls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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