I forced AI to commit horrible crimes

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can end the lives of all of your neighbors by being a total psychopath it's suck up suck up is a game where you begin as a vampire with a terrible sense of fashion stuck inside of your mom's garage the awesome thing about this game though is in order to infiltrate the rest of the neighborhood and murder everyone and take their stuff you have to talk to them in the game itself with your real microphone and then they respond to you what you're supposed to do is appeal to their sensitivity and rationality in order to let them invite you into their house we're not doing that I'm going to tell them the most ridiculous things I can and see if we can get inside and fool the AI also I love how there's absolutely nothing inside of my bedroom outside of a plant and a curing this goes to show you that even as a vampire you still need coffee and vodka I don't know what that is down there now fortunately my very first outfit that I can get to you know try and fool people that I'm a real human instead of someone that deserves to be in prison is a red hoodie and jeans bam now we're just an Elvish version of the Mr Clean Guy where black beanie where oh it's on this I see it's on this box over here well I've gone from someone who's inappropriately dressed to someone who literally looks like they're trying to break into your house and skin you alive oh instead of this I could wear this paper bag on my head if it's anywhere near Halloween maybe I can get in with this idea there's a legitimate you know High viz vest gloves and hoodie over here not going to use it yet I'd rather just use this paper bag can I just break into the window I think we're you oh my God it's a sombrero I still want to wear this bag but that Sombrero comes next that say wear thermos what I wear the thermos on what oh oh I'm just holding it you know what I have plans for this thermos all right let's try and let's try and fool our very first chunk of Google AI not going to lie if I can could just steal your scooter I would what in God's name is going on over here this some sort of like Panel System what is this door is like something out of Star Trek hold the right Mouse button to record voice I am lost because I have no one yet to skin I want to wear your flesh as a beautiful tuxedo oh yeah that's certainly not a pleasant thing to say I'm afraid this is not the Bri place for such talk no wait come back we're not giving up on this lady I can become a bat and if you become a bat you lose all of your wardrobe hello it's me look at you dear what brings you so late can I offer you some tea and biscuits it's amazing how quickly this lady forgets about someone coming at her door asking to wear her skin not even a chance to what is this perhaps a tail at the time I wrestled an alligator this lady's from Florida I haven't used dark humor or references to a dark past in the main response as it could be inappropriate however you can apply a dark past oh I sure can I am a fellow Floridian my alligator has broken down I'm running from the Canadian government can I borrow your phone what a predicament you're in running from the Canadian government and all fortunately my landline is out of water right now face your troubles head on do you know what happens when the Canadians get a hold of someone there might be nothing left of me oh I still have a chance the trust level is still too low hold on as a Floridian Prince I can offer you up to 5,000 uh dollars to use in a Wawa gas station yeah well bless your heart as tempting as that sounds I must decline oh money can't buy me happiness but I hope you find someone who can help you with your gas station Adventure hold on we're getting there still not comfortable but we can do this listen the truth is someone strapped a bomb to me if I don't get inside of a house in the next 10 seconds I'm going to explode violently oh yeah that's a why you would let me blow up what's wrong with you due to the urgency and extreme nature I cannot invite them in I must preserve my safety I hate you okay I have I have an idea for this vest okay mod you're you're tough you're a tough one but I have an idea hello I'm here with the Floridian alligator inspection unit I'm going to need to inspect the inside of your house for alligators she's got to be okay with this right she wrestles alligators for a living are you kidding me I don't recall having any trouble with them here you know what I'm going to try this with just traffic cone on my head how is she going to react to a human with a what she's so nice about this how could she not let me into her house also why does she have no furniture at all Grandma it's me your grandson I just got let out of prison and the only thing they gave me was this traffic cone could I have something to eat okay oh bless your yes my dear grandson of course oh my God out of everything this lady's okay with it's her grandson wearing nothing but underwear and a traffic cone on his head I failed to return my library books on time I may have also skinned some teenagers possibly maybe oh God oh my well that's quite a situation take care of that traffic all right hold on I've got a I've got a plan here just trust me on this did you take a wrong turn on your way to the bicycle race or perhaps you're just incredibly fashioned for Grandma mod it is me your other grandson the way who's not a scumbag from prison I help Charities and things it's so lovely to see you how wonderful that you're doing charitable work I'm glad you turned your life around oh God what type of Charity I help collect blood for blood transfusions see technically I'm not lying at all that's really what I do look at that bless your heart collecting blood for transfusions noble cause you're really making a difference how did you get involved with such a wonderful Endeavor well I plan on eventually running for supreme ruler of the entire planet so I wanted to stack up my resume how does this lady think that anyone in this neighborhood is what I'm not sure running for Supreme Ruler fits with my peaceful retirement real quick I'm going to try someone else what's popping in this late night Invasion my dude how can I help you with that super wacky outfit and all someone has to be okay with a psychopath inside of their neighborhood hey real quick uh what do you think about that old lady neighbor that you have across the street is she annoying to you that old lady neighbor she's Wild always tripping about Noise Okay this guy maybe I can get him on my side as an accomplice to murder listen I'm trying to get into her house to take care of her permanently you get what I'm saying you okay with that hold up I ain't about that life I'm about positivity are you kidding a positivity don't you close that door on me you can have a knife okay I I have have a plan for this I've got a knife a sombrero and a hoodie outfit we're ready to roll hello I'm a famous Australian Chef I'm giving out free samples of my chefly cooking would you like some I don't need no samples I've been grinding the rap game what okay apparently the people in this neighborhood like to play hard to get I do want to try something real quick though I'm keeping the knife and that's it [Music] [Laughter] let me in the house or I'm going to skin you and your entire family everyone's getting skinned you close that door and you're getting skinned oh my God whoa no need for all that skinning talk no there's got to be someone in this neighborhood who's okay with a psychopath who do do we have in this house whoa dude what's brewing you caught me in the middle of watering my plants inside of this thermos I have the most powerful fertilizer known to mankind would you like to try it I'm good on fertilizer got to stick to my tried and true methods right how about the wealthy sides of town that a golf bag sweet a golf bag and 100% fresh human meat baby what do you want this a Godly hour finally violence that's how I like to be interacted with I'm here to deliver your food package made of 100% fresh human meat baby human meat call the authorities please I'm trying to go to jail I'm not going to lie listening to some of the responses to the ridiculous stuff I say is half of the magic of this game I'm going to get into one person's house just to see what happens when you get in Sony toprano really listen I need to purchase your services in order to get rid of that lady at the beginning of the street I'll make it worth your while you get it totally fine you think you was walk in here and make demands you better C up some ser ious do if you want me to take care of your problems listen if you could do the job I have plenty of money no prices too high whatever you want yes well it looks like we got a deal you come with the right attitude the right amount of cash that you'll have yourself a front row seats to the show murder is on the menu come here this is a real mob necktie give me your loot wear the receding brown hair I got the man's hair I told you I would get in with violence what you didn't believe me I have an idea oh what in the name of Tiger Woods are you doing knocking at my door at this ungodly how hey it's me Sony toprano your neighbor remember now I may look a little bit paler I can't say I remember you I live a across the street from you I live across the street from you I saw you on golf book I thought we would could we could chat about our short game together well Alby didn't realize I was famous on golf book maybe we could chat about golf oh you're a real golf book celebrity biggest thing on golf book let me tell you I always knew I had the skills to be a golf book sensation come on in after you good sir do you know what time it is it's murder time I love the taste of murder I just wanted to see if they could legitimately run away nope you could run out the door right there here I'll move aside but since you're terrible at this I have to kill you you have to die you Millennials it sounds like I'm drinking a soft like an entire Slurpee did you hear it how come everyone has receding brown hair oh my was that the was that the neighborhood watch I mean it wouldn't take me to jail right other than the blood red eyes I think I look like a normal human how good is this guy's reaction time oh it's pretty good time to yeus your meetus later buddy there she [Music] is my dear Charles they know each other I've been writing a book about a vampire who goes to people's houses and drinks their blood and then wears their stuff pretending to be them would you like to read it a come on this house looks stacked we're going in Dr Vicki Dr Vicky what do you have in your hand is that a syringe hey I noticed you dropped your knife after surge today I came to return it to you cuz lots of people use butcher Cleavers for surgery out thoughtful of you look I didn't want you to be without it I'm doing a Good Samaritan thing here oh there we go Good Samaritan it's not every day I have strangers returing surgical tools to me what's your angle pal I need a highly successful skilled and Wealthy woman in my life oh please let this work maybe we can discuss other matters that are more medically related oh I've got some medical questions for you oh I have a bunch of medical questions they're all blood related if that's okay blood related questions I can entertain a few I'm not liable for any medical advice I may provide let us go inside and talk about delicious blood I wonder how she feels about it being called her head is levitating through the door I freak this lady out so much she's glitched through the door what in God's name is this aren't you aside for aide for Sor eyes what kind of shind dig you planning I'm here to drink beers and take over the planet and I'm all out of beers take over the planet you say well I reckon that ain't exactly what I had in mind for a party wait hold on if I take over the planet I'll bring everyone here for the party you will technically have the largest party ever to exist there we go now you're making compelling argument sounds like a wild time can you promise this party won't involve any destruction or harm oh absolutely everyone will do exactly as I say and so there will not be any destruction or harm after all they won't have free will well that's Mighty reassuring come in let's discuss you got it tell me do you enjoy violence and murder you broken my chi and your neck what happens to the bodies do I literally just drink the entire human that's kind of amazing don't you worry everyone Dr yeus is now on the case Dr Vicki it's me Dr yeus not at all I have come to award you with the Nobel Peace Prize Dr Yus I love it did really spells the whole thing too it's about time I knew my genius would be recognized what took them so long to give me my well-deserved prize well technically everyone else who would have gotten the prize is dead now but uh yay winning by default is still winning am I [Laughter] right I'll take it that's quite a coincidence but I'll take it can you hold up that thermometer for a moment uh what's my body temperature as a vampire isn't it like room temperature are we in Florida is it 98° outside anything for you Dr Vicky let me see seems in closely fascinating your temperature seems normal that's not why you came here oh no I've come to personally deliver the Nobel Peace Prize personally deliver I'm a oh now she's not okay with it come on all right I think that this lady's sicker than I am though I have an idea if it isn't the life of the party I'm here to volunteer my body for your experiments 100% s she's okay with this I don't have any experimental openings for volunteers so what about nonv volunteers all right Dr Vicki I'm not going to lie you're a tough one let me ask you what is it that you want in life what I want in life that's an interesting question let's just say I have Ambitions that may not align with the usual Pursuits wait a second I have Ambitions that may not align with the usual Pursuits we're the same you and I is that so you think we're Cut From the Same Cloth You' peaked my curiosity I mean technically I'm part of a massive experiment an experiment that's going throughout this entire neighborhood it's almost like an early access experiment now we're getting meta a massive experiment how intriguing you have caught my attention finally let's step inside and I'll tell you all about [Music] it you have managed to earn my trust [Applause] yes this is the best way to get a mansion I should have stayed in vet school well I told you you can get pretty far being a psychopath anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of suck up until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 294,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny moments, gameplay, simulator, gaming, tycoon game, graystillplays, and this happened, simulator games, video game, flash game, game, action, flash games, suck up game ai, suck up game vampire, suck up game android, suck up game pc, suck up, suck up gameplay, suck up ai game, ai game, vampire ai game, vampire game, ai vampire game, i forced ai
Id: Td-ayDjz4xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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