Surviving every drive thru in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where if you go through enough fast food drive-throughs you'll eventually lose your soul it's GTA say hello to KFC but I have a feeling the K means kill if we're going to start with KFC we need to go with America so there's multiple different drivethru themed challenges that I have to deal with and this first one is KFC wacka chicken I need a dissertation on how this one works I've been given the deletion gun and I'm going to have to delete chickens like that in order order to progress through this challenge hold on the fact that there's just random unmoving pedestrians inside of the KFC just completely destroyed with no life or soul is so appropriate no one he should even try to dodge those bullets is because she wanted to get hit by them three is like 3 seconds or cuz that's way too short do I have to kill three chickens so you're on the platform oh my God what is a burger bun doing over here at KFC ah uh you okay well that was exactly what I would expect from KFC so basically you stay inside the circle for a while the thing triggers the the burger patty is flying around and I have to delete the chickens to get rid of these teleporters in order to progress to the next stage kind of got a little bit of a cheat can I just shoot from here if I just take all the chickens out yeah there you go oh but the platform never comes back so basically as far as I can tell you got one opportunity to do this the burger patty goes around oh and there's like a like a wall stopping you from going onto where the chickens are and you just fall through maybe it is 3 seconds oh I can get a shot off for the chickens in the middle there that's not too bad hitting the rest of them while I'm moving and the burger patty is moving and the chickens are teleporting is a lot more difficult than you think how many of these do I have to arrange there's so many chickens because that is a lot of teleporter circles all right we're going to try a different car I need something with more speed and more traction I like this color scheme this thing has a lot of wobble to it my God hi not faed at all Lady does not care cares slightly more now I'm not going to lie the people inside of KFC have seen some things okay that's the impression that I get so can I hold on to the burger patty better with this vehicle I feel like I can you need those reflexes ooh I get a couple of chickens right off the bat right there you need those reflexes where you can do a lot of different things all at once like a drummer I don't have those so basically I'm just kind of flailing around hoping I hit enough chickens before this burger patty disappears I think I found out what the three means too I think you get three circles around the chickens and if you don't whack-a-mole enough chickens by the third yeah by the third circle the burger p Patty goes away and then you're screwed where' this guy come from who are you you messed up if you came into a great still plays board okay so get as many chickens as I can right off the bat there's three right in a row when you start and it looks like they're programmed to always teleport like into the same pattern so that's really good oh yeah we're getting good chickens here oh that's fantastic I don't know if this is the most humane way to deal with KFC chickens although comparative to maybe what actually happens to them it's not really that bad chickens get teleported into Valhalla and there you go that brings us to Dunkin Donuts don't forget your order what happens if I forget my order does my order come at me at light speed because there is something moving at light speed over here you can see it you see it every once in a while you see it flying out from the dunga donuts what is that oh it's the Donut oh the dunin donuts follows you oh my god wow dunin Donuts is very abusive anyone ever get murdered by Dunkin Donuts oh the train what perfect timing the best part is is if you leave your car the donuts are they're heat seeking Donuts they will murder you from across the entire screen look at them I thought KFC was bad I was sorely mistaken okay we're going to just go ow I can't even make it a couple seconds before getting bludgeoned by oh my God before getting bludgeoned by Donuts I got hit like 600 ft I am getting dissected by Dunkin Donuts I don't want my order you can have it just keep it I don't want a gift card either we need a smaller car I'm sorry that was insane on the plus side now that I know how the KFC challenge works I can totally do this on the first time almost every time time cuz I can get three or four chickens before the challenge even starts all right smaller car D get donuts let's do this that was a terrible idea listen in my head picking a smaller car did so much better are you ready okay here we go here we go here we go oh yeah oh we're fast enough we're windmills okay barrels no big deal big jump ah no I'm right there ah ah I landed on the Dunkin Donuts that doesn't help me at all but it was kind of interesting that you could do that and there's not a invisible wall there for God's sakes Duncan stop I love saturated fat in retrospect I guess I should have known from the beginning that compared to just chicken fried dough would be so much more deadly come on baby the whole on we got it we got it we got yeah that wasn't so bad I mean it was pretty bad but but after you know like the 30th try it wasn't so bad I'm really oh I should have known the McDonald's special combo I was going to say I was concerned about what drive-thru would be next I I saw this coming you can't have a drive-thru challenge without M did that guy just leave McDonald's immediately get hungry and then go right back into McDonald's oh he's back he's like oh the the food it goes through you so fast I'm just hungry all the time all right so we we got 30 I'm assuming 30 seconds ah a burger tyght rope now if you've never tried to drive on a burger I can tell you it is absolutely Dreadful cuz this is what happens the back end of the car constantly wants to drift out not today Satan ah I can feel Satan nipping at my toes but still my soul remains on the material plane however I don't think I'm going fast enough it's got to be 30 yeah you see the burger patty came up all the way the back I was going to say it's e it's either 30 burgers or 30 seconds this is way more than 30 burgers okay I got a strat check this out if you didn't put invisible walls hold on around the side then we're going to be set oh oh oh ah ah you should have put invisible walls around the side I do love froth oh yeah oh this makes it easy now the only issue is I don't know if there's enough space for me to get around the bun at the end we'll find out in a minute okay so we're good we've gotten all the way to the end ah there looks like there's a little oh no there's no space never mind it it cuts off and you can't go around it I need something that can go very very fast I need like very fast this looks fast the issue is I need something fast but I need something that can also take a couple of bumps the chickens come on pop up pop up don't stand a chance there we go easy all right dun donuts oh oh this car can tank a hit hold on this car can kind of tank a hit oh we're doing it we're doing it first try we're doing it first try yeah back go that we got it first try wow all right to go water coming up I'm sure he'll be fine he can eat that all right 30 seconds in Burger time let's do this go okay uh wow the acceleration Is Not Great ooh the top speed is pretty good though oh yeah oh oh god oh no oh okay that was going so much better until the car randomly decided to start flipping and murdering me the problem is the car can get a lot of speed off of the burger buttons but once it loses its speed you're done there's no way to get that back and I don't even know if we're get yeah we're not even halfway you know what happens to failures the cars are going through the drive-throughs and they're not coming out man you know this looks like something that could be a contender because we need shocks speed and we need to be able to take a hit from the Dunkin Donuts I think this can do all three I'm getting the chickens at this point on the second revolution that's what I'm talking about I I could just coast along right here and complete that yeah all right Dunkin Donuts hit me ooh oh wow oh God okay this is good this is very good oh this has it all it has exactly the things I wanted ow speed and what it should have been so much easier than it ended up being oh my god oh no never thought I would have gotten John Cena bu a wind turbine I haven't been beaten to death by a wind turbine in so long some of the trauma yeah had fled my system all right thus far the McDonald's special combo has been less than special o oh yeah here we go here we go I knew it this thing's suspension is on the money now you do have to do this kind of perfectly because 30 seconds yeah that's what I thought it's still bounces getting pretty good at the dunin donuts challenge though so I got to stay in the middle you don't want to go on the sides God but the Buns shift all over the place you don't want to go on the sides of the Buns because when you do the car really starts to bounce and when it starts to bounce you lose a ton of speed if you stay right in the middle right here look at the speed you can get and you need to know when to slow down too you can't just send it the whole way this might be a good run hold on hold on we might actually have this oh I might have it have it yeah with 1 second left to spare nice oh don't forget your 20 piece nuggets so I have to deal with the Nuggets too we're still on McDonald's I had to get out and kind of look at what we're dealing with this is more tight ropy than the other tight rope oh my God how are you supposed to do this in time the tight ropes are bad enough on their own well hold on cuz I can't oh okay so all right let me explain something for most of the rest of the challenges the deletion gun doesn't work but on these particular things it does work so you have to go oh God you have to go at full speed as fast as you can while trying to for lack of a better term eat the chicken nuggets I assume that's what these are laying on the road and I and there's 20 of them and you have to stay on the tight rope wow and then on top of all of this you have to do this in 30 seconds so you need to shoot these things as far away as you can man the problem I'm having is I'm looking to see where to aim and I end up leaving oh God and I end up leaving the tight rope some of these turns are really nuts too okay this is good this is the personal best this is personal best here we here no way I need to shave off like two or three more seconds okay I'm I'm getting there I'm starting to learn the pattern of exactly where I need to line the gun up and every once in a while I right there you turn you can get two right in a row because they're in the same here we go I'm still still not there I need to shave another second off this is the key right here getting all those ones out of the way you get to really kind of send it up this area and now from here on out it's really difficult because you just don't have the time to line everything up oh God while keeping all four tires on the tight rope cuz if you lose it oh my I didn't know that so he made these ground pieces targetable too come on go go looking good do not shoot the ground pieces right hand turn lean to the left I screwed up maybe we can salvage this not really sure future gray here to tell you that I was indeed not able to salvage it you just got to do it absolutely perfectly no big deal we're shooting as many out as possible through here if I can jump some of these Corners like that I will to shave off an extra like 10 of a second and the idea is if I do this three or four oh my God I almost lost it if I do this three or four or five times I will shave up another half a second this is looking good hold on hold here we go here we go here we go yeah a pizza smut really special ingredient stuff my crust I do not I don't I don't like this sentence being in this challenge find a spider in the pizza to to the company that's how I like making my money okay so the pizza has started moving go through the what the H I have no idea what just happen go through the teleporter all right so what do I have to do just slap the slap the what is going on I assume you're supposed to drive into the spider okay so you don't oh I think the pepperoni are teleporters okay so let's uh let's avoid the pepperoni yeah see now I'm not getting teleported and when you hit a pepp pepperoni you get teleported all right I got it so we have to get the spider without touching any of the pepperoni cuz then you just get teleported back to the the top of the challenge so where's the spider at does he just teleport randomly or what is it is that like bacon or is that a is that a Band-Aid I have no idea what that is got cheese or I don't know onions or something the cool part here is even if you fail you don't you get to at least just start back at the front of this challenge not going to lie trying to embroil a Pizza Hut in a in a lawsuit is a lot harder than I originally thought all right we're going to try this counterclockwise so we're going to we're going to go with the pepperoni see yeah it's like uh oh right there what happened did that not count I hit the spider do I have to hit it harder this is like a Tai Chi okay you don't want to fight against the energy you want to go with it you want to use the pizza's strength against it remember how I said you want to use the pizza strength strength against it that was a terrible idea cuz the problem is you don't go fast enough then to catch the spider I swear to God I could have bred spiders and implanted them in the pizza faster than it's taking me to try and get this thing also what spider has the ability to teleport how how come the spiders in Pizza Hut have Supernatural Powers so close I'm here to tell you this is way harder than it looks there's your stuffed trust I just want to let you know stuffed crust guy died stuffed crust man died for your sins get over here spider no I kind of have to get oh did I get did I get it did I get the spider does that count oh Taco Bell no more tacos well then it's not Taco Bell anymore it's just just Bell it doesn't what is going on over here that is a fantastic Taco Bell you have created I love the uh the iris destroying neon purple lights too oh no that got my blood pressure going I didn't expect Taco Bell to have bulletproof windows but it does make sense there's a couple of Porta potis are you going to poop tacos at me is that what this is is it oh doesn't do anything oh never mind oh my God the Flames are coming out from the toilet and my tires uhoh I'm done that is uh well that ain't good now I'm just burning alive they are Porta poing me to death I am on fire all of my tires are gone the engine is Flaming there are like Cinders coming up from someone's anus this is going to be a legitimate challenge go we need to send this so what you want to do is get it far in front of the flamethrower oh no so basically what you want to do is get in front of the flamethrowers they don't turn on right away but the issue is if you lose any time at all you just get flamethrower the whole way the power of Florida compels me all right okay oh yeah over to the left no over to the right back to the left back to the right no big deal what am I oh the thing moves the slow down Circle moved I don't know if you saw it like slowly yeah they're slowly gravitating from right to left this is a PB though I'm getting pretty far I'm about to lose all of my tires which means I am way more than screwed oh my God hold on hold on no please let me have this let me have this no I need tires to get enough speed okay Taco Bell is no joke Taco Bell is easily the final boss of fast food but we're doing this it's good I personally oh I'm a big fan of Popeyes but Popeyes is was wasn't one of the choices so I've got to deal with Taco Bell no bring it on Taco Bell I'm never going to give up I'm never going to surrender I didn't realize it at first but I believe the very first slowdown circle is moving as well a how far can I go on fire if I don't lose a tire I can get pretty far and my muscle memory for the really okay I don't have any muscle memory for any part of this course because the problem is a lot of it oh no a lot of it moves okay this is the Run of runs this is the Run no why do you SL Li in front of me in order to cause a infinite pain ah I never hated Taco Bell it's not a drive-thru fast food restaurant that I've held any animosity toward oh my God but after being burned alive for the 60th time I'm really starting to change my stance I've gotten free tacos at Taco Bell mainly because people will order 20 soft shell tacos and they'll only give them tacos hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on for God's sakes let me have the wait I do have it we have a winner well I hate Taco Bell a little bit less anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 424,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5
Id: 2t25qfCBKV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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