Extreme vs. Original Snacks Taste Test (Axe Throwing Game)

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can't believe they missed the opportunity to sing 'so dang dark'

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/bloodxandxrank 📅︎︎ May 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

I can not unsee Chase as Gimli with his ginger beard next to longboy Rhett.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Frappo 📅︎︎ May 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

These episodes don't really work for me, just because when they play stuff like international darts, shuffleboard, find the brand, etc. I feel like I'm learning something. For example In darts I get to see other cultures' interesting dishes and play the game along with R&L. With axes, I just see them try products I've never heard of and in all likelihood would never buy, while also not getting a chance to play along since its so flavor based.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Oldman76 📅︎︎ May 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Did link get the lowest score in the history of this game?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GravityTortoise 📅︎︎ May 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Which of these products screams extreme? - Let's talk about that. (bright music) - Good Mythical Morning. - And heads up, tomorrow we will finally be revealing what we're filling that empty spot on the wall behind us with. - Yes. - Boop, boop, boop, boop. I am axe-tremely excited about it. - Oh, I see. - Mm. - What you did there. You're making a transition. - Yeah, that's right. - A little transition. - Uh-huh. - But you know? I feel like we're at a point as a society where we're throwing the term extreme around too much and it's starting to lose its meaning. - It is true. All types of products are calling themselves extreme. - That's right, and I'm extremely serious about the extreme consequences of using extreme in extreme amount of times, especially for products that aren't all that extreme. - Well, that's an extreme stance. - I minorly upset about it. It's time for "The Axe-Ually Axe-Treme Axe-Perience: Extreme Edition." - Welcome to Axe Alley. - Okay, you know how this goes. We're gonna be presented with several lineups of items, maybe food, maybe merchandise. - Burnt, what, what? - Maybe even people. Ha, ha, mixing it up a little bit. - Ah! - Now one in each lineup markets itself as extreme- - Uh-huh. - But we're gonna compete to guess the extreme thing by testing them all and then throwing our axes at the corresponding target. - Yeah, if we hit the correct target, we get the amount of points we landed on. If we land on the wrong target, we lose that many points. - There are two axe-treme obstacles that we can use. We can each deploy one to obstruct our opponent's throw whenever we choose and Chase the Lumber Snack, that's why he's here. 'Cause he's going to hold up some things that represent these two obstacles. The first is the yank my chain. He has a chain. The second is the balloons of dooms. - All right. - He has a scary balloon. - All right. The winner. The winner gets to put his initials on the golden log. - Hell, yeah, let's do it. (rock music) - Oh! - Drinking time. - [Stevie] Gentlemen, before you are three different flavors of Jones soda. Only one of them has extreme in its name. Which one is it? - Those Jones, man. - Ooh, that's nasty. - They're always doing stuff, man. It's hard to keep up with them. - [Link] What is that? That's nasty. - I think that might be the one that tastes like dirt. They have one that tastes like dirt. - Yeah, okay, so you think it tastes bad, too. - Yes, I do. - 'Cause I swished right before I came out here. - Oh, is it swish time? - It's swish time. - Oh, man, I didn't, my teacher didn't tell me. - This one tastes nasty, too, dude. - Do y'all's teachers still make y'all swish? - They work here, Rhett, they're not- - [Stevie] No, they're not, that's an- - In school. - [Stevie] Age telling thing. - I'm talking to the people at home. - Oh. - When I say things, it's not just to the people that, I mean, I love you all. - I mean, you were looking at them. - [Stevie] I thought you said your T-shirt made you swish and I was like it is a little bit bigger today. - It is, yeah. - Swish, swish, yeah. - You know- - This is good. - The kids are wearing the bigger T-shirts and so am I. - This is a good one. - Just trying to be cool. - This one's like a discernible cherry. That may be what it's called. - Discernible cherry. - Discernible cherry. - [Rhett] That is a discernible cherry. - All right, so how do we vote? Do we axe these? - No, you axe that. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And you go first 'cause you won last time, Link. - Yeah, I did. How did that happen? Blue is extremely nasty. Green is extremely forgettable and red is noticeably cherry. - Discernibly. - Oh, yeah, discernibly, is that what I said? (Stevie laughs) I think I'm gonna go for the cherry 'cause it had this punch to it. - [Rhett] It was kind of noticeable. - And I, yeah, I discerned that I noticed it. So I'm squarely with confidence for the red bullseye. - Uh-oh. - [Rhett] Whoa, squarely. - That sucked. - He says. - I mean, what happened? - What happened? - Get the- - What happened? - What had happened was the board moved away as I was throwing. - Listen, I discern that I noticed that you did not hit the red bullseye. - [Link] Maybe green is the answer. - [Rhett] So I am actually trying to hit the, were you trying to hit it? - Actually? - Yeah. - I'm actually trying to hit the bullseye of the red. Yo! I did, I hit it. - It is dangling. - [Rhett] It's dangling on the axe. - If that falls, if that falls, you get one more re-throw, but it doesn't count. - [Stevie] One of these sodas claims to pack the- - You can't do that, you can't be messing with it. - Why not? - Extreme. - That's cheating. - [Stevie] Sour punch of a Warhead and that's the extreme sour black cherry soda. - Oh, no. - [Stevie] On the red podium. The others are turkey and gravy flavored soda on the blue podium and pineapple green soda on the green podium. - Turkey and gravy? (bell rings) - Okay, it's still out there. I'm gonna take my six points. (rock music) - More extreme stuff. Ooh, we got duct tape. - [Stevie] Yes, you have three rolls of Scotch 3M duct tape here. Only one of them claims to be extreme and you're going to test the strength of each tape by taping an array of moist fruits onto this unidentified morph man. You know, the duct tape test everyone does. - Oh, yeah, where you glue the fruit onto the guy in the morph suit? - Really? - Or tape, yeah, yeah, I know that one. - Okay. Oh, so, I wonder which one- - Why is your fruit so wet? Your fruit has been wettened morph man. - That's heavy. I think this is a legitimate test. This is definitely how I've seen. - Check out this tape, though, check out the first one, that's crazy. And look how it's like- - Listen to the sound of the camouflage one, though. (tape crackles) - And look at the perforation, watch this. When I do this, look. - Oh, wow. - It's so- - Yeah, you can't even. - It's so hard to- - You can't even... - Anyway, what I was trying to say is it pops off perfectly horizontally. - Oh, wow. - Like it's made to be- - It's got ridges. - I'm gonna just put an apple on your nipple. - Oh, man, this really comes off so easy. - It sticks pretty good. - All right, I've got my answer, but you're going first this time 'cause you're winning. - Did we put these in the right place, this one goes here? (morph man screams) - Okay, Rhett, you're winning, so you go first. Get on out there. And I wanna make this more difficult by bringing in my obstacle, yank the chain. Look at that. Swinging spiky balls. - Oh, tricky, Link. Oh, you're so tricky. - [Link] Uh-huh. (Rhett laughs) - Well, you know what? The only thing that's unusual about that one is it's got camo on it. The one in the middle- - It's extremely camo. - [Rhett] The other one in the middle just seems like a really good duct tape, but this has got features that I've never seen in duct tape, that whole horizontal tear thing. - Yeah. - And it feels extremely unusual to me. So I'm going to blue, but I'm not super confident, so I'm gonna go for the four of blue. - Now if you hit these, it's a two-point penalty. - [Together] Oh! - [Link] Oh, man. - I! - Threading the needle. - I shot the gap. - Crap. Take those things down. (rock music) Okay, you're very accurate this morning. - Yeah, I'm feeling good. I think it's the bigger shirt. - [Link] Dang, man. - You know what I'm saying? I'm used to, my armpits are usually kind of like held real tight. - Crap, and I think you're right because that is extremely convenient- - So cool. - The way that it tears. - So cool. - All right, I'm going for the blue, got to. - Oh, you could go for the blue 10. - Wait, dude, I was- - You could go for the blue 10. - I was cocked and loaded, man. - I know you, I know you got like, you're so agile and responsive, I knew you would stop. I was just saying you could go for the 10 blue. - I was just so weak last time. I can't make it to that little 10. Here we go. Oh! A little high that time. - Well- - So we are in agreement. - [Rhett] You're in the four, though, you're in the four. - [Stevie] One of these rolls of duct tape claims to have an extreme durable waterproof backing and resists the toughest weather conditions and that is the Scotch 3M Extreme Hold duct tape on the green podium. - No! - Oh, wow, man, you could have gotten it. - That was my opportunity. - You coulda done it. - There's nothing extreme about this. - [Stevie] On the blue podium is Scotch 3M vinyl duct tape. - That's extremely cool. - [Stevie] And on the red podium is Scotch 3M Duck Blind, aka camo duct tape. - Put it on your duck blind. Oh, and you know what? We didn't tie because we're both wrong and I was in the four and the two. - The gentleman's agreement is you get the least amount of damage if you lose and the most amount of points if you win, so you actually only get two off your score. I get four. - And you get four off. - Yeah. - Yes. (rock music) - I'm six points down, but I'm not out, ooh, and we get to taste some- - [Together] Chocolate. - [Stevie] Which one of these Chocolove chocolate bars is labeled as extreme in some way? - Mm. Well, they're all the same type of bar. - They're using the same mold at the plant. - [Link] That one's pretty dark. - [Rhett] That's pretty dark. Is it extremely dark? - Is this one darker? Extremely darker? - That's pretty dark. - That one's pretty dark. - That's pretty dark. (Stevie laughs) How dark is it? Pretty dark. - Yeah, this third one. - Third one? - I don't know if it's quite as dark. - It's a little dark. - It's pretty dark. - Pretty dark. - There's something else in that one. - [Rhett] Raisins. - Raisins? - Raisins? (both mumbling) (Stevie laughs) - What is that? - I'm going first. - It's got the tang of a raisin, you're right. - Oh, you know what? It just gave me a little spice. - [Link] Now it's spicy. - Oh, that's throwing me off. - Spicy raisin? - 'Cause the middle one, the green one is the darkest. Is the extreme, I don't know why I do this when I, does the extreme come from the spice or the darkness, Link? - Oh, lawd. - I think it comes from the darkness. So, I'm going for the green six. - [Link] Oh, yeah, he's at the four. - I hit the green four. - Alrighty. - And, Link, I hate to kick a man when he's down, but I'm gonna unleash- - No! - Whatever the next thing is, the ballooney doomy thing. (rock music) - All right. Oh. - Drop it like it's hot, Chase. - Whee! What is this, my bar mitzvah? So where did you go? Okay, you're down there in green. - Yep, I'm green four. You sunk my battleship. No, that's not how it works. - Even though it's not that spicy, I gotta try to go for something different. That's extremely dark, but I'm going on a limb here for red, okay. - [Rhett] You know what? - 'Cause it's spicy. - I think you're making the right call because- - It's extreme, I gotta try. I'm six down, crap. - Because this might be called like blackout, not extreme, you know what I'm saying? It might be called something else. - I gotta act like the balloon wall is not there. - Yeah. - See through the balloons. - Whoa! - Yes! Yes! - You went through the balloons and got a bullseye. - I hit a balloon and it didn't even pop it. (balloon pops) And then I bulls-eyed it. - He bulls-eyed it, guys. - Yes! - He bulls-eyed it, mom. - [Link] That was a moment for me. - With 88% cacao content, one of these bars is Chocolove's strongest premium Belgian dark chocolate and that is the Chocolove extreme dark chocolate bar on the green podium. - No! - On the blue- - No. - Podium is Chocolove's strong dark chocolate bar with 70% cacao content and on the red podium is Chocolove's chilies and cherries in dark chocolate. - Oh, those cherries. - Raisins. - Noticeably cherries. (Stevie mumbles) - Dang, I'm hurting, y'all. (rock music) Mythical Beasts, in celebration of Pride Month this year, we're releasing an all new limited neon tie-dye Mythical Beast tee as modeled by Rhett. It's only available for 48 hours, all right. So you gotta scoop this thing up. 100% of profits from the sale of this tee will go to our friends at Outright Action International, a leading international human rights organization dedicated to improving the lives of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. So, scoop that up, 48 hours, all right? - But, wait, there's more. Because Pride is all year long, we're also dropping a year-round Pride-ified Mythical logo collection, as modeled by Link. We're calling this the Always Proud Collection. A portion of the profits of the sale from all these items will go to our friends over at Outright Action International, as well. So head over to mythical.com, get your Mythical Pride merch while supporting a great cause. - Yes, okay, I am 14 points down. - Yeah, yeah. What does that mean? - I don't know, but what is this? - [Stevie] This is a little bit of a different realm because before you are photos of three people. Which one of them is famous for completing an extreme feat of strength? Is it A, Michael Lang on the blue podium, who holds the record for most continuous somersaults ever performed? - And tightest whitey tighties. - Okay. Not doing a somersault there, but he certainly looks capable. - [Stevie] Is it B, John Evans, on the red podium who holds the record for heaviest car balanced on the head? - [Rhett] He looks like he's got a car balancing head. - Or- - It ain't that flat. - [Stevie] Is it C, Sarah Norton, on the green podium who holds the record for the largest pot of chili ever made by one person? (Link laughs) - She looks like a judge. - She's a chili-making fool, man. - That collar, that's a judge collar, is it not? - Ah, crap. All right, all the obstacles are used. You're in the lead, so you're going first. - Okay, let me just explain a little bit about math here. Link, you're down by 14 points. And that's because even though I hit the bullseye last time, I was only penalized four points 'cause I got a little bit of the four. - Now, anybody who's paying attention should know, I shouldn't even worry about what the guess is. I should just go for one because even if you then hit 10, you can't catch up with me. But what's the fun in that? - Zero fun. - So I just want you to know, I could win if I wanted to. My, my, my boot is on his neck, but I'm relenting, okay, I'm relenting. And I'm gonna make a strong guess. - You're not wearing a boot. - Yeah, right. Somersault man, why's he running a marathon, that doesn't make sense? Car head guy, looks like it's possible. Chili lady, she looks like she could make a nice mean bowl of chili, but I think it's car boy and I'm gonna go for six on the red. - Oh, yeah, go all the way, I like that. Yes. And your accuracy hopefully is working against you. - Yeah, I mean, listen, the door is wide open, Neal. If I'm wrong and one of these is right and you get the green or the blue 10, you win son. - [Link] I have to go for the lemur's eye in the correct 10 spot. - You think it's chili lady, don't you? - Well, that's such a professional picture of chili lady. - You do that kind of thing, you get portraits made, man. You're making chili like that. - The biggest pot of chili ever, all right. - Head shots start pouring in. - Oh, shoot. All right, so if I'm going for the green lemur's eye, I'm gonna go for the one on my left. That's right down there at the bottom of the board. - And now if you miss the board. - [Link] This could be ugly. - Or you miss the lemur's eye, you get negative two, but you get another throw. I don't really know what that'll do to the score, we'll figure it out. - Okay. - We'll see if it happens. - See, I thought you were gonna talk. Be quiet. - I wouldn't do that at this point in the game, man. - Lemur's eye, bottom left, here we go. Oh, yes! Yes! - No, you missed it. - Ah! - Hey, but it's not over, that was great. That's negative two. - Hold on, hold on, let me see. - It's definitely not touching it. Definitely not touching it. - Ah. - Negative two. - Okay, so where does that put us on the score. - That was so good. - Where does that put us on the score? - That was such a good, can you see me? - Well, actually don't tell us where it puts us on the score. We'll let it be a surprise. You got for the 10 and then we'll do the math if you're right. Hey, that was impressive. A little to the right this time. (Rhett laughs) This is your last chance, trance. - All right. Yes! - Okay, he got it. - I freakin' hit it. - But he's negative four- - Hey, that's pretty good. - In the hole before he got to that, okay. - Man. - [Stevie] John Evans on the red podium holds numerous Guinness World Records, including the heaviest car balance on the head. Take a look at his extreme feat of strength. - Dang, John. No, don't do that. - What? - That's a go-cart. That's a British car. - I mean, hey. It's a mini Cooper, but it's still- - Look at his neck. His neck is intact. And what's he gonna do, just like get crushed or something? - Is he tap dancing? - You gonna go onto the floor? Are you gonna get smooshed. - He's not even sweating. My boy's not even sweating. - Dude was just licking his lips. - Now what if this lady came out and made a bowl of chili in the bar. - [Stevie] So- - Who is this woman? - [Stevie] Yeah, that is Nancy Cartwright, a/k/a Bart Simpson. - Oh. - Oh. - Man, I've seen her before. - Yes. - [Stevie] And then the guy on the blue podium is just a stock photo of quote an athletic man. - What a jerk. - Yeah, athletic man running from Santa. - What a jerk. You're such a jerk, too, for winning outright. - Yep, wow, that was, you know what, Link, I was- - I feel good about my throws. - Very impressed, your third time you got the lemur's eye. - All right, man, carve it up. Don't forget about getting this shirt. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Anderson. - And I'm Kelsie. - And we're throwing axes in Reno, Nevada. And it's time- - [Together] To spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - First take- - They got out. - They got it on the first take. - Bullseye. - Click the top link to watch us match the Mythical crew member to what they find extremely disturbing on "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. The Pride Mythical Beast tee available now for 48 hours only at mythical.com with 100% of profits benefiting our friends at Outright Action International.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,313,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: azWhBGgIOwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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