Don't Choose The Gross Food (Challenge)

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That tribute at the end -- 😭

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

I was nearly in tears with the team. It's crazy to think Ben and Stevie have been apart of the team for 10 entire years.. and Paisley tearing up was just so sweet. I love that the crew enjoys their job and team so much, it's difficult to find such cohesion in work environments 😭

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/CheeseWeenie 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Man, I weirdly love Link's jacket...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Minifig81 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deadpoolisms 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Could you tell a meatball sub from testes on toast from 20 feet away? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. Our 10 years of GMM celebration continues. - Yeah, okay, last time we played the game that we're playing today, you were so much better at picking foods out from 20 feet away that you almost clean sweeped me. And if that happens again today, I won't even care. (laughing) I won't even care. - Okay, so you do care. You're reverse psychology-ing me. - Maybe. - And that will totally work. You should do it again. See, I can do this too. - I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm, but I'm serious. Why do I need to see things from 20 feet away anyways? You're always right here. I hold my phone inches from my face whenever I'm looking at it. I mean, I keep everything I need close by, just like I like it. - Well, you may once again have trouble telling good food from nasty things from a distance. It's time for "What's That Food Way Over There? Is It Lots of Black Licorice Or a Wig Worn By Cher?" Welcome to the eye-zone lair. It's like the ozone layer, but for the eyes and it's a lair. And the largest or widest shot in GMM history. - Just as wide as it was last time. It's still the widest. Okay, there's gonna be two of us, or actually, there's two of us. - Hey, okay, good. - And there's going to be two similar-looking dishes sitting at that end of what Link calls the monorail thing. And one's going to be tasty, one won't be tasty, to say the least. And then the person on the side 20 feet away from the food will try to visually suss out, suss out what the tasty dish is, because whichever one they pick, they're gonna have to eat. - Yep. The choice will then be cranked all the way over to them and both players are then gonna eat the dish that's in front of them. - Let's get crunk. - Hello over there! - Hey, is that Link or is that Link's dad? - It's me. - Oh, you look very similar. - Are you you? - I look nothing like my dad. - No, you don't. - He's five nine and bald. - All right, before I reveal these two foods, you have to answer a trivia question related to sight. If you get it right, you get an advantage. If you get it wrong, you get a disadvantage. - Yep, okay. - From what distance can sharks smell blood? - Well, you know, I mean, you hear little kids in middle school say things like, "You know, sharks can smell blood from a mile away." That's what you hear, but. - Is that your answer? - No, because I'm assuming there's multiple choice. - Is it A, a mile away? Is it B, a mile and a half away? Or is it C, a quarter of a mile away? - This feels like something that if I were more of a Shark Week aficionado, I would know. It's probably said at least seven times during a typical day of programming of Shark Week, - Every shark can smell blood from over a hee-haw away. - From over? So I think what it was is they're like, "You may have heard the common misconception. You may have heard it commonly said that a shark can smell blood from a mile away, but it's actually true that a shark can smell a mile from," smell a mile. He could just smell a mile. - Cool. What's your answer? - [Rhett] They can smell measurements. - This isn't Shark Week. - Quarter of a mile. It's less impressive. They're less impressive than you want them to be. Quarter of a mile. - Rhett, ultimately shark sensitivity to smell is roughly the same as other fish. Nothing special here. The correct answer is a quarter of a mile away. - Yay, Discovery! - You stinker. You got it. All right, so you get an advantage. I'll give a jiggle to one plate or the other of your choosing after you see it. I'll give it a jiggle. - It's better than nothing. - All right. Here's your first plate. Take a gander. - Okay. There's not a whole lot going on there. It looks brown. It could be like a real flat cake or it could be a collection of brown balls. - [Link] What about this one, what do you see? - [Rhett] Exactly the same thing. Wow. - Which one do you want me to jiggle? - Jiggle the red plate. It looks like dookie. And this is what happened last time. I just saw things that looked like dookie. - [Link] He's no shark eyes. - It's like little pieces of dookie. And the one on the right, the one on the right looks like a piece of roast beef. I've no idea what, I think this is probably the wrong decision, but I want you to send me the red plate. Send me what you just held up. - I'm gonna send you what I jiggled. - [Rhett] Yeah. - Okay. Give it a crank. (upbeat yodeling music) I like that. A bop. - Getting tired. - What you seeing? What you seeing? You still don't see anything? - Can't tell. Meat. Meat. - It's sausage. - (laughing) Yes! - What you have left behind is the same type stuff, but dog food, so. - Oh, come on. He loves dog food. - I actually think we both win. - He loves dog food. - [Link] Ah, okay. - I'll eat some sausage. - Pop it and drop it. - Oh, that's nice. Oh, that's got a nice little sear on it. - This is not nice. - I think you might like cat food more than dog food. - It's like if beef jerky mated with turds and procreated in my mouth. - You know what, if beef jerky mated with turds, dogs everywhere would love it. Hey, Link. - What up, dog? - I got a question for you, dog. - Hit me. - Now, I think you're gonna get this one because I know how passionate you are about this subject matter. - Oh? - Which of these classic Nickelback albums featured Nickelback's classic song "Far Away"? You don't even need the choices, right? - You said classic twice, man. - A, "The Long Road". B, "All The Right Reasons." C, "No Fixed Address." - No fixed address, man. I'm going all over the place. I have no freaking clue, but the first one seemed too related to be, that song to be on that album. I gotta go with "Fixed Address" just because it resonated with me. C. - C, "Fixed Address" is the wrong answer. It was "All the Right Reasons", Link. So you get a disadvantage and that is you have to keep the bees from your face and the right guess from your eyes by wearing a beekeeper's mask. - A beekeeper's mask? ♪ Give him a beekeeper's mask ♪ - Come on, come on, you can do it. ♪ Look at that beekeeper's mask ♪ - Okay. You grab the top. (Rhett vocalizing) - [Rhett] I don't really know the words, or really the tune. ♪ I'm seeing the world through mesh ♪ - Is it hindering your vision? - It is, yeah. - Okay. here we go. - Uh, I think there's a red sauce on it. - A red sauce? - Is that, is that ketchup on meatloaf? - [Rhett] And. - Yep, some red sauce easier seen on the blue plate. Is that ketchup on meatloaf? That red on the blue plate looks real spicy, man. (Rhett laughing) I'm gonna choose the red plate. - You're choosing the red plate. I'm taking the blue plate. Crank it. - Crank it. Here we go. (upbeat yodeling music) Still not seeing it. Still not seeing it. Man, this mesh is messing me up. - Is the mesh affecting your cranking skills? - It's cubed. It's red. What, what is this? Oh, this is nothing like what I thought it was, man. What is this, beet salad? - Now, interestingly, Link, I don't think you would've been happy either way because what you left with me is pico de gallo. And what you received, my friend, is a beet, squid, and grass salad, which, I don't know, you're weird. Maybe you'll like that more than pico de gallo, because you hate tomatoes. - I mean, I like beets a lot better than tomatoes, but squid and grass? - Squid and grass. - All right, so I'm not gonna be shy. I'm gonna go for the squid and grass part more than the, um. - You're gonna have to take your mesh off. - Oh. (crew laughing) Well, can't do it. Can't do it. I gotta forfeit. I gotta, oh. Okay. Cheers. - Cheers. How is it? - Way too chewy and seafoody, but amazingly, the grass is kind of the hardest part. 'Cause the there's some sort of aroma. I think there's like, you know how, when you're mowing grass and you go over a dog turd? - Well, it was sidewalk grass, and so anything could be on it. - Ah. - Okay. - Look down my mouth! Hello? - Hello. - All right, this is the final round, and since I outplayed you last time we played this game, I've earned the advantage of being the non-picker twice. - That hasn't been going well for you this time. - Rhett, which of these animals is color blind? - Okay. - Is it owls, squirrels, or giraffes? - Oh my goodness. It's not owls. - Squirrels or giraffes? - Giraffes already have this advantage of being up there so high, but a squirrel is a rodent. Rodents aren't that advanced. - Don't let them hear you say that. - But they're smart. Probably smarter than a giraffe. - Do let them hear you say that. - Going against instinct here, I think it's the giraffe. - Rhett, most nocturnal birds are color blind, including owls. Inc-hoot-ing owls. - Oh, they see you in like a, in like an infrared? - They see with telescopes going the opposite direction. Oh, I'm sorry. That's just your disadvantage. (laughing) - Telescopes going the opposite direction. Okay. - That is what you gotta look at these encloched items with. Yeah. - Meaning only look at them with that? But keep the other eye closed the whole time? - Keep it closed. I'm gonna be watching you. - I wish that you could, let me try to just describe what, like, I can't see. I can barely see you. - [Link] How many arms am I holding up? - [Rhett] Two really, really tiny ones. - How many fingers am I holding up? - Two, well, two. I got a pretty wide view, it looks like. - Okay, I think you've got a fighting chance here. - Okay, all right. - All right. Now, I'm gonna be watching that other eye. - Release the cloche. Okay. - What do you see there? - A Toaster Strudel. - [Link] Okay. What do you see here? - It looks like a Toaster Strudel that somebody got into already. The one on the left is very smooth, and the one on the right is very rough. And I'm gonna just say that the rough one is the nice one and the smooth one is the bad one. I want to eat the blue plate special. You eat the red plate special. - Okay. Crank away. You can take the telescope down. What do you see now without the telescope? - My eyes are adjusting. Tater tots are coming my way? - I know how much you like a good tater tot. - Tater tots coming into my mouth. - It's a tater tot of the sea, I'll tell you that. - That is not a tater tot. Is that shrimps? - No. I'll give you a hint. - Is that intestines? - It's a key component in making baby cods. - I just brought myself cod sperm? - Yes you did! And I have marshmallow fluff. Which you were right. It was smooth. - Man. Cod sperm is rougher than I remember. - I think Mad Dog Lucas squirted out the cod sperm into nuggets for you. And you gotta eat at least one complete nugget. - I don't need a spoon for this. - I messed up the first few rounds, but I'm glad that you messed up this one, buddy. - I don't understand how this is sperm. But I'm not a cod, you know? I'm not a cod. - You liked it in dumplings, I think. Years ago. - This is not a dumpling, my friend, this is straight cod sperm. - What does that taste like? Is it salty? - Oh man. They're squirting to lots of different places in my mouth. - Is it mushy? Is it salty and mushy? You look like you're at a concert. Nickelback. - This is my Nixon, man. - [Link] I mean, if the Nickelback guy had a beard, you do have the same hair. - I do my Nixon to get through hard things. (Rhett groaning) ♪ Oh, happy day ♪ Hey, you know what we should do now? We should celebrate 10 years of GMM. - Okay. Let's do it. - All right. We are incredibly excited to announce the first quarterly collectible item of the year. It's our very own comic book, exclusive to the Mythical Society. It's called "Blood Oath: Rhett & Link vs. the Global Lovemaking Crisis." - It's a story of adventure, us turning into a weird mythical creature, and of course, a lot of lovemaking. And there are two different covers. And you won't know which one you're gonna get until you get it. - That's right. It is a wild story. And we know that you're gonna love it. We certainly loved writing it and collaborating with Fan Tunes on this thing. So join 3rd Degree Monthly by January 31st or 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by March 31st. for details. - Yes, very excited about this. Also very excited about the fact that this week we are celebrating 10 frigging years of "Good Mythical Morning". - It's too hard to believe. - And we're celebrating every day by taking a look back in a different way. - All we know for today is that the Mythical Group put this together. We haven't seen it yet, so let's watch it together. - This is my 10th year working at Mythical. - I've worked at Mythical for seven years. - I've been here since 2014. So seven, seven years? Eight years? - I've been at Mythical for almost four and a half years now. - I've been here for almost three years. - A year and a few months now. - Eight years now. - Four and a half years. - Over a year. - Five years. - Almost three and a half years. - And I have been here for 10 years. - I got hired because Stevie slid into my DMs. - I got hired in GMM because I slid into Stevie's LinkedIn DM. - I just kind of slid in Josh's DMs a I'm like, "Hey, give me a job." After a while, he was just like, "Okay, come on in." And then I dazzled him, and now I work here. - I lost my job during the pandemic and I was applying for like hundreds of jobs. And I remember this one being like the very, very last one before I was about to be like, "Okay, I'm packing everything up and moving back to Dallas with my parents." - I was probably hired in the most unconventional way. I won the Mythical Beast Takeover fan competition. I was one of three winners. I got an email from, I want to say Matt Carney and just saying like, "Hey, we have this writer's assistant position. Would you like to apply?" I was like, "Who, me?" - Working at Mythical, we've created something that I feel like doesn't live anywhere else. So we work really, really hard to make the things that we make, but we have a hell of a lot of fun doing it. - How has GMM changed me? I, it takes a lot to shock me now. I've seen two adult men do just about anything you can imagine them doing with one another. - There's just so many very, very weird things that happen here. - I think I look at the world in a little bit more of a lighthearted, fun, amusing way. And I think that has to do with being immersed in this culture for eight years now. - Not to get sappy on it, working here really has changed my life entirely. Now for the first time in my career I'm like, an optimistic person and that has literally influenced my social life, my romantic life. Rhett and Link made me a better lover. - So working at GMM has changed my life. Like, I'm Indonesian, I'm from Indonesia. I came out here for school, school turned into work. Still my first and only job here in the U.S., and I love it. - I'd have to say that one of my favorite GMM moments was the weird ways to start a fire episode where I unintentionally almost blew up my bosses, but it was Chase's fault. - I would try really hard to prep everything and figure out the exact perfect way to make fire in a bottle. And then Kevin just goes, and he says like, "Yeah, do what you want." And then Rhett and Link almost burn their faces off. That was Kevin's mistake, but I'm glad that we kept it in the edit. - Will It Shoe is one that always comes back to my mind. It was a lot to wrap my head around at the time of like, some of these aren't gonna work, and trying to make things that are basically impossible to make shoes from, like meatloaf. And I remember Stevie calling me and having to kind of talk me down from the ledge, so to speak, and explaining how like, look, Mike, we know that some of these aren't gonna work. That is okay. Like, that's funny. - I loved working on the, you know, on the flaming bowling ball episode, because it was such a massive project in the parking lot from planning to execution. - Rhett and Link us company owners are probably unlike any company owners you'd ever meet. - Working for Rhett and Link is like this. They strategize like businessmen, think like engineers, and they act like children. I think that's a perfect mixture. - Working with Rhett and Link is really fun. They really allow us to kind of do whatever we want. It's kind of like, no parents, no rules, but they're like cool parents, so there's some rules. - We're always having so much damn fun, just cooking and riffing and messing around. God, I'm glad I don't work anywhere else. - Congratulations on 10 years. I'm very proud of you, even though I didn't have that much to do with it. 10 years, and 10 internet years, you know, 10 years on the internet is very different than just 10 regular years. - You guys are like my two dads in this country. I have another dad in Indonesia. - I don't want to call them father figures. Can I call you father figures, Rhett and Link? But really, thank you for all that you've done. And 10 years is a massive success. Here's to another 30 years. - I don't think you guys understand how grateful I am. Thank you for building such a great company. - Thank you for making it a place worth being around. It is inspiring. And so I know a lot of people that have a more fancy job title, but they don't get stoked on what they're doing and I get to be one of those people that does. So thanks for making that. Thanks for making that for the people who watch our show. Thanks for making that for the people who work here. - Thank you, Rhett and Link. Thanks for letting me be part of this crazy circus we run here every day. - Guys, congrats on 10 years. Whoever thought that two guys sitting at a desk talking could become two guys at a desk talking 10 years later. So here's to 10 more. - Wow, that was. - Oh, man. Thank you, guys. Man. - That was very sweet. - You had me breaking up there, man. Man, you guys, we say it all the time, but I mean, you can see it on the faces of the crew just the kind of people that we have here, the kind of team that we have that enables us to make this show. I mean, the only reason we've been going for 10 years is because it's not just the two of us. We're just like just a little cherry on a very big sundae. And I, I mean. - Two little cherries. - (laughing) Yeah, two little cherries. - So credit to you guys in the room and scattered everywhere else because of how things are still, we're all still kind of, we're a family that's kind of scattered all over the place still, but we are a family and it's, and yeah, we do work hard. You guys work very hard and you make an amazing product and we're super proud to take most of the credit for ourselves on camera, but we don't want to do that right now. We want to give it right back to our team. So thanks to our Mythical Crew family and for such a sweet video. - Yeah, that means a lot. And thank you for being here for 10 years or 10 minutes, however long it has been. And thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, Mayim Bialik here. Kind of your biggest fan. Just wanted to say congratulations to Rhett and Link and of course Stevie and all of the Mythical Crew for 10 awesome, unbelievable years of "Good Mythical Morning". It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Yay! - Thank you, Mayim. - Yes, thank you so much. Click the top link to find out if Link should get new glasses or pick out new glasses for me. - I think so. - In "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Join 3rd Degree Monthly by January 31st or Quarterly or Annual by March 31st to get Mythical's first-ever comic book. Visit
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,916,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: f7kZ2YrsWk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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