Should These 90s Toys Be Brought Back?

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The bug thing unlocked a very specific memory for me. It was a weird spooky science thing where you made bugs and stuff, except these were edible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/not_a_library πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Nintendo Power Glove was one of the worst gimmicks Nintendo have released

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Expected_Toulouse_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The cabbage patch doll had me rofling. Rhett was in rare form

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deppfan16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Carney’s presence on More reminded me: has his wife given birth yet? I think she was due in January.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Program-5521 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Average power glove user experience

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smashmaster12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aye, that brief True Detective reference in the intro. Shout out.

Well, or Neitzsche. Probably Nietzsche.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

They skipped the biggest reason Creepy Crawlers went away by having some done ahead of time and that was kids were burning the shit out of themselves.

The damn thing got way too hot. I got it for Christmas when I was 7. Got a wicked burn the first time I used it and never touched it again. I wish I could find the thread I found shortly before Christmas where 90s kids started swapping horror stories over using the stupid thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DangerousBlueberry1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- This episode is for you, millennials. - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Listen, I'm not sayin' that these episodes where Rhett and I test out discontinued products from the past give us a midlife crisis. I'm also not not saying that. - I agree. I also disagree. - Oh. - Time is a social construct. It's also a flat circle, but I digress. Just because today's featured items were deemed obsolete does not necessarily make it true. Maybe some of these things from the past deserve a moment in the sun! - Yeah, a moment. - A moment in the sun! - Another moment! - A moment! We just don't know until we put 'em in the sun and see what happens. - Yeah. - This is the sun. It's time for, To be Discontinued: More More Products Edition. - The last time we looked at discontinued products, we featured the Talkboy, which was created for the movie, "Home Alone 2." Today we have the Nintendo Power Glove, which premiered in 1989's "The Wizard," starring Fred Savage. - Oh, yes it did. Oh, yeah. - Yeah, it did. I remember this thing. All right, and it also had television commercials that took themselves way too seriously. - [Announcer] The Power Glove for your Nintendo Entertainment System. - [Rhett] Oh yes. - [Announcer] Now you and the games are one. (dramatic music) - [Rhett] Oh yeah, I mean- - [Link] We are one. It's very dramatic. - No one had a TV that big in 1989. (dramatic music) Where is this guy? - [Link] He's in a hangar. - [Rhett] Whoa, wow, look. - Oh yeah! Knock him out! - Look at that. Well, he had quite a lot of gel in his hair too. - The music was intense and so was the hangar that I was in. - Okay, so this was introduced in '89, discontinued in '90. Didn't last very long. - No, it didn't. - We got it for $210. When it launched, it was $75, which was all a lot of money back then. That's why even Chad Landrum didn't have this thing. He had everything. - I never even thought it was in the realm of possibility to actually have it. But you didn't have to have it 'cause it didn't come with a game. - Right, well, compatible games included Donkey Kong, Super Mario Brothers, Metroid, and "A Nightmare on Elm Street." So you could play all those games of course, with the regular controller, and we may be about to learn that you should play them with the regular controller, but oh, Link! - I'm playin'. - You started. - Okay. - Mike Tyson's Punch Out. - [Link] What? - [Rhett] Okay, all right. - [Link] What do I do? - You just punch with your right arm. That's the only arm you got. Yeah! Hey, go high. Oh yeah! Yeah! - Yeah! - Yeah! - Come on, glove, go! - Yeah, oh yeah, hit glass, Joe, hit him. Oh, I don't know how you're throwin' your left hand. - What about this arm? - How did you do your left hand? I don't know, don't know, don't do the left hand. - You can only punch- - Don't do the left hand. Oh, he's coming back. You're gotta move out the way! Move out of the way! Oh no, no, don't, don't, yeah, yeah. - Oh gosh, come on, come on. - Hey, you're pretty good. - Come on, buddy. - Last Joe, he's gonna back away. When he backs away, you gotta move out of the way! (Link grunting) - Oh, oh! - You gotta, you gotta, you're gonna knock him out! You're gonna knock him out! - Yeah! - You knocked him out! - Power Glove, baby! Ha. - Okay, okay. - Here I go. - Okay, do it, again, do it again. - Oh, you see that? - Oh no, you can't let that. Don't let that happen! No, don't lat that happen! - I can't doing anything, I'm glowing, I'm glowing! - Don't let that happen! - I can't move! - Don't let that happen anymore! - I can't move! - Don't let it happen! Why did you let that happen? - Once I'm purple- - You gotta do this? - I can't move. - You gotta do this to move, by the way. You gotta do this to move. No, just flip it to move out of the way. - Get up. - You got knocked out, bro. You came out of the gate so freakin' hot! - Oh man, I'm hot. - I was like, I've never seen Link play a video game this well. All he needed was the Power Glove. - You want to give it a shot? - Oh yes, I do. Where do I go in? You know, each finger kinda goes in the glove. Hurry up, hurry up! - Switch places! Switch places! - Switch places? Okay. Higher. There you go. There you go. You're dodging nothing. - What? What? What? - I made it look easy. - There you go, there you go. Yeah, yeah, come on! Wait, what's, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, what are we doin'? Hey, punch! He's not punching! - Come on, man. He's from Paris. You can take him. (Rhett grunting) - Glass Joe. Oh, you're not lookin' too good. Where's the intensity, Rhett? Come on, McLaughlin. We finally have Power Gloves. - But it's not- - The 11 year old version of us is so envious. - He's not, here we go. - Punch it! - Yeah, but he's not punching! He's not punching! How did you get it? Oh, here we go, there we go, there we go. - You're obviously tired, dude. Look at you. - Whoa, whoa. (Rhett grunting) - You can't do it. - Why is he- - Don't give up! - All right. - Are you okay? - Yeah, you didn't strap me in, bro. - You need one of these. (Link buzzing) - You didn't strap me in, like you didn't, there was no straps. - Is that the problem? - I'm gonna blame the glove. - I only half failed. It looks so cool, though. - I don't know how you were throwing punches. I'm absolutely perplexed. - I mean, this was such a precursor to VR, but we now have VR, and it's more than just something you put on your right hand. - Yeah, but how cool do I look? - Pretty dang cool. I think you could wear it as a fashion statement around Silver Lake. Just cut the cord and tie already. - Yeah, this place, this thing has been completely replaced at this point. So you would be bringing it back for nostalgia purposes and listen, it made someone who's horrible at video games seem pretty good for a second, which is probably not something you need on the market. - Okay, so we're saying Nintendo Power Glove. - [Both] Nah, that's whack. - Here we have the Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker, released in 1992. It was originally one of Mattel's 1964 Thingmaker toys before getting discontinued in 1978. Then it was revised in 1992 by Toymax as Creepy Crawlers, which is the version we have here today. Okay. - It's basically like an Easy Bake Oven, but instead of making nice cupcakes, you're makin'- - Little bugs. - [Link] Bugs? - Yeah. - That you can't eat. - That you, oh well, you could eat it, but it probably hurts you. So basically there's like a little mold here. This is a metal mold and you've got this official plastic goop compound that you just kinda fill up in here to level. - We paid $36 for this now. So no one, they're not in high demand. So that's the first data point. - Right. - This is kinda cool. - And there's other colors that you can do. Like if you wanted to make the legs a different color. - The legs, kind of a red. - Like if I want to go with this pink here. - Yeah, go for that. - You know, and just kind of come in here and just- (whizzing) - Oh, there's a pink leg. Okay. - You know, I'm not being too precise here. - It definitely seems like one of those things that you get excited about, you make bugs in one session, and then you never break out this specified microwave anymore. - Okay, then you take- - [Link] Very Nineties lookin'. - This thing, and you pop it into the, all the way back into the oven, and pull it out. - [Link] Very Easy Bake-ish. - You do this and then you turn it on, and now you wait for approximately seven to nine minutes. It'll be done and then you have to wait like another 10 minutes for it to cool. - While we're doin' that, I will point out that there is an entirely new version of Creepy Crawlers that exists and it doesn't come with its own microwave. It just comes with this like Play-Doh extruder-type thing. And it's got this, it looks like Jabba's cryogenic freezer, whatever it's called. And so pop up, pop out some of these for me 'cause we've got this thing here that you take bugs that are already made and then you put them in the top of this thing. I want to put three in here. - I'm workin' on it. - You're gonna take bugs, microwave them into a goo, and then extrude that goo to make a different bug. So I'm gonna put this in here. Put the lid on this pup-arooney, put it in here, and then fire it up for 10 seconds. - [Rhett] Just 10 seconds? - [Link] Oh, that's one minute. - All you gotta do is wait 'til it hits 50. - I always do one minute and then I just wait, you know. It's like, I only know one button on our microwave anyway. - [Rhett] Pull it! - Maybe I'll go a couple more. - No, no, do it as instructed, man. - Okay. So now I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna put it down in here. - [Rhett] Oh, it made a little squirt noise. - [Link] And then I'm putting the- - [Rhett] This is pretty cool, man. - [Link] The coffin in here. - And the fact that you can see it happen. - Lock in that puppy into that. - It's upside down! It's upside down! - It's upside down?! How do you know it's upside down? - [Rhett] 'Cause the nozzle's not in there. - [Link] Oh, the hole's up here. - [Rhett] Yeah, you gotta put it in the hole. - It's upside down. It's right side up. - Make sure it's facing the right way up before you put it in the hole. - And then put that down and I'm just gonna smush it. Don't smush it? I did like it. - [Rhett] Okay, here. It's goin' in, it's goin' in, it's goin' in. - [Link] It's goin' in? - Look at that. Look at that extrusion, Neal. - [Link] Oh yeah. I'm covering it up but if you got that, did you see that? - [Rhett] Did you not do enough? - [Link] Smush. You mean, you couldn't get enough out of this thing. - [Rhett] Well, you asked for three! - [Link] And then I'm gonna push it, I'm gonna smush it. - Okay, while you're getting ready to pull that thing out, interesting, interesting note about this original version. - Now you gotta let it set up before you open that thing. - So they brought this back in 1992 and it did not have the quote burning plastic smell that the original 1964 version had, and the customers complained. So they re-introduced the burning plastic smell. I don't know how they did that safely- - To version two of that one. - Into this one. - Well, there's no burning smell in this one. - And I'm beginning to, hey, come get a, get a load of the burning smell. Come, just get close. Yeah, it smells like somethin's, we left somethin' on. - Like a hairdryer against another hairdryer. - But we're not gonna make you just sit here and wait for this because that would be boring. - So let's see what you've got. - This is an example of what might happen. - [Link] Ooh, look at that. - This was obviously done by somebody in the art department 'cause they did it so perfect. Okay, and then you take this little- - Mommy, I want a art department for a Christmas. I'm gonna open this one. Oh, look at that. - And then you take this little thing and you just start pokin' at it until you, I'm goin' for the worm 'cause I feel like the worm would be the easiest thing to dislodge. - Mine came out very easily. - [Rhett] There we go. Now. - Mine's already out. This one's easy. It's almost too easy. - Look at that. I mean, that looks like a toy. - Oh yeah. - [Rhett] It looks like a toy that you'd have to buy somewhere. - It's a lot more firm than this. - And look at this one that the art department made. - Seems inedible. Whoo, it really smells now. - That's the kind of fly that we could've created. Now mine's gonna be cooler 'cause it's gonna be blue with pink wings. - That would be a pendant on your nice sweater, Rhett. - Look at that, take me to the prom. - And then, I mean, look at me. - Look at him. He just wore a sweater and a pendant to the prom. - I don't know, I think the pendant says it all, right? Jack's Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker. - [Both] Bring it back. - You ever missed some of our merch the first time around? - I do. - Like this wonderful, This is Your Brain on Mythical T-shirt? Well, head over to the last chance section at and grab some of our best-selling tees before they're gone forever. When things are gettin' low and about to go, we put it in the last chance section. - And the thing we're about to sample was already gone, and for really good reason. 'Cause the only job that a baby doll really has to do is just look cute or unintentionally creepy. - Right. - But in 1995, Mattel added a tiny jaws of life into the mouth of a Cabbage Patch doll and called it Snacktime Kid. - Wow! She really chews! β™ͺ Feeding her is so much fun β™ͺ - [Rhett] Look at her. - It's all gone! - [Rhett] Where is it goin'? - Let me feed her. β™ͺ And when you think she's through β™ͺ - [Link] It's taking it all the way. β™ͺ Look inside your backpack β™ͺ - [Rhett] Oh, that's how the body works. - Yeah. (Rhett laughing) Never eat without a backpack because your food is just gonna fall out of your- - We're teaching kids how the body works. - We paid $99 for this puppy. It was discontinued in 1997. - This is pretty awesome. What a collectible. You were a Cabbage Patch- - They all come with- Boy. - Adoption certificates. - We didn't name this one. We're gonna have to name it. You got it, you got any names in mind? - How about Chase? (Rhett laughing) Dolores? He likes to eat. You like to eat a lot. - Well, the main thing is look how tightly her wrists have been. Did you really need to go that hard? - Here, you get that side. I'll get this. - What company makes this? - You get that side, Mattel. I mean, Cabbage Patch dolls were absolutely huge. - I mean, she can chew, but I don't think she can escape the box without help. You didn't have to go that hard, Mattel. - No wonder she's just gonna start gnawing indiscriminately. 'Cause the problem is kids would feed this thing and then it would eat their fingers. - I've got a pretzel. I got a French fry. I got a carrot. I got a Twizzler. I got a banana, it's very, very small. - Just stay right there for a second. Get your backpack on, girl. - I've got a little wafer and I got a piece of celery. - Okay. - We're ready to eat! - Feed me! Hungry! Human fingers! - She's not eating yet. Well, you gotta put some in her mouth. - Oh! - Chompy, chompy, chompy. - Oh! - That's pretty impressive. Major Chuckie vibes happening here. - Look! This is incredible. Oh, she has a little trouble with the French fry. - Come on. - She have little trouble with the French fries? - You gotta eat your starches. - Is this where you learned to chew everything 30 times? - No, my Cabbage Patch doll did not have a hard head or chewed anything, but it did have a wiener and balls. - Sometimes she needs a little encouragement. Whoa! - Yeah. I don't, I mean, I don't want to put my finger in here to see what's gonna happen. - I don't have a kid finger. I think I can take it. - [Woman] No! (crew laughing) - I got big man fingers. - You know what? Why don't we- - Why are you so afraid? It's just a little doll. - Before we go with your finger, let's try some real foods, 'cause I know we have 'em over here. - Real pretzel. - If it can chomp on a, oh my gosh. Well, this is really soft, oh. - Well, I think it can't be too soft 'cause it might clog up the situation. Put that pretzel in your backpack. Oh, whoa. She can masticate. She can masticate. - She lopped that thing off. Celery. - [Rhett] This is a little bit big, maybe. - [Link] Oh, she went into a lower gear. - The motor has stopped. Now, that's what's gonna happen to my finger if I put it in. - Yeah, but blinder. Here, I think this is the most child finger-like, a carrot. - A carrot, yeah. Every kid's finger is like a carrot. If you can break a carrot, you can break a kid's finger. (motor whirring) Get it right in there. - [Link] You really want to do it, don't you? - It feels kinda good. - Does it hurt? - Oh, whoa, there's somethin' hard back in there. There is somethin' harder back in there. Let me go deep. - That's her goozle, man. That's her Adam's apple. - Oh! - Don't look. - They're all so worried about me. - I wonder if we could get her to eat her own foot? - Hold on, see if you, hold on. - You know how babies do that sometimes. - Let's just see if she can do a whole banana. This is the real test. If you can't feed this thing a banana, get her goin'. (motor whirring) - [Link] I don't wanna know what's happening. - She stops when she don't want it. So okay, all right. - She's full. Let's see what's in here. Oh, she just crapped out of her backpack. - Hey look, the real pretzel made it. I bet you I can get my finger all the way into that backpack. Let's see. - Let's just decide if we want to bring this thing back. - I definitely want to bring it back. I mean, it teaches kids anatomy. - It teaches you not to put your finger in a baby's mouth. - Yeah, that's true. - [Link] Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kid. - [Both] Bring it back! - [Stevie] Okay guys, your last product is a little bit of a mystery. You don't know what it is. Go ahead and un-cloche it. - It's a lot of a mystery. Okay. - [Stevie] Don't touch it. - [Link] Still a mystery. - [Stevie] It's a reproduction of a product from 1991. And what do you think it is without touching it and looking at it. - Without touching it? - I think you can- - It looks like a bag. - I think you can put water in it and freeze it, and then stick your arms through it, and it's a way to make your nipples hard with ice. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. - Is that it? - [Stevie] Close, close. - 1991. Put it over your head. - That's for your arms, clearly, right? Maybe it's just to cool you down. Maybe, no. maybe you heat it up and you go out when it's hot and it's cold. - I think it's an exercise thing that you like, put around your shoulders and push with it. - [Stevie] Hmm, let's see the ad. - [Rhett] Hot air balloon. - [Link] Whoa, legs. - [Rhett] There he is. Whoa. - [Link] What? There she is. - [Rhett] What? Look how much fun. - [Link] Get out of her way. - [Rhett] Whoa, swing your water bag, swing your water bag. - [Link] Old people. What is this music? - [Rhett] Why is this music happening right now? I can swing my water bag wherever I want. - [Stevie] So yeah, this thing's called the Flow Motion, and we couldn't find an original one so the art team made this version for you guys to, two versions for you guys to try out yourself. - Look at this. You get a water bag and you get a water bag. (Link laughing) What's it called? - [Stevie] Flow motion. - Flow motion. - First we start like this. - Let's get in sync here. Let me make some room here. β™ͺ We're senior citizens swingin' our water bags β™ͺ Now let's go up over the head. Three, two, one. - [Link] Oh yeah. - Oh! Oh! - Oh! (crew laughing) - I mean. - I gotta go this way to his your nuts. - I just don't understand. There are so many other things that they could accomplish the same thing with. I mean like, I just, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life. But listen, I go back to what I was sayin'. - This is an exercise I've done at the gym, though. - Well, actually, here you go. - Like citizen mobility stuff? - Now, if you put ice in this thing and you've got, your crotch has been workin' really hard. - There you go. - You just put your hands up and it grabs it. (crew laughing) Come down to release, and you put your hands up. - Up I'm not quite tall enough. - I think you need a smaller size. Fill this thing with ice and it's like, oh man, I've had, I've been, I've been on the Peloton all day. It's a way to cool your crotch down if you've been on your Peloton. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Got my hair. - It's nice. - Okay. - So what was the official name for this product? - [Stevie] Flow Motion. - Flow Motion. Man, first of all, best commercial I've ever seen. The fact that they were like, should we go with some like, maybe some hip hop music, maybe something with a beat? No, no, beat at all, just a woman singing like seventies love music. - Seventies love is my favorite genre. I think we should bring it back because, well, we had fun. - We did. - We're only gettin' older. - We had a great time. - We got a limit. I mean the Power Glove, I think did something to my, my back. - You hurt yourself? - So now I'm gonna have to use this for therapy. - Okay, so we're sayin' Flow Motion! - [Both] Bring it back! - Why not? We decided to bring back the Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker, the Cabbage Patch Kids Snacktime doll, and the Flow Motion. - We were just in a great mood today, weren't we? (Rhett laughing) - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Cameron from Toronto, Canada. This is the prop room. This is Murray. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Murray's pretty still. - Prop room from where? - I don't know, it's the prop room, though. - Yeah, it is. - Click the top link to watch us discover the world of defunct shopping mall stores in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Out with the old, in with the new. But before we do, check out our last chance section at and get your faves before they're gone.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,796,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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