Try Not To Flinch Challenge

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- Today we're gonna swing dog doo-doo at our faces. - Let's talk about that. (fun theme music) (fire blazing) Good Mythical Morning. - Other people on the internet have done flinching challenges and we thought, hey, we're on the internet. We should get in on that flinching challenge stuff. - But you know us. We ain't gon' do no regular old flinchin' challenge. We gonna take flinchin' to a whole new level in something we like to call, We Gonna Put In A Pinch And See If You Flinch. - Now, there are three different types of flinching triggers. You've got audio triggers, visual triggers and tactile triggers to make you flinch. So we decided to test each one of these flinching triggers separately and then - Yes. - Have Stevie monitor us and score us on our ability to - Right. - Not flinch in each of those scenarios. - And you may remember the two for flinching game back in school where you go like this and if somebody flinches, "Two for flinching!" And then you hit 'em twice? - Yeah. - Well, the scoring system is gonna be based loosely on that. - The scoring. - Scoring system will be loosely based on that. (laughs) If there is a legitimate flinch Stevie will give us two for flinching. Again, points are bad. And if it's just a very minor, - Minor flinch. - Subtle flinch, your just like a flicker of the eye or a slight move, that's gonna be one flinch. - Let's do it! - Yeah. (intense drum music) - Okay, so we have each prepared audio experience tracks for the... - What? - The other person to listen to. You're not hearing anything right now, yet. - It's just a little muffled. - I'm gonna play, for you in your headphones, but also in the room so I can hear it, the flinching track. - Okay. - Prepared for you. You can't close your eyes. - Right. - You can blink like a normal person but blinking's not flinching but if there's a little neck or movement or yeah, well a lot of that - Yeah. - Would be a two pointer. - Okay. - You know the challenge. - I'm gonna make it seem like I've experienced nothing out of the ordinary. That's my goal at least. - Yeah. Look right at them and Stevie will also monitor as well. Okay, let's play my track. (peaceful music) - [Link Voiceover] Hi, Rhett. Welcome to Link's Takin' It Easy, No Flinching Parlor. Are you comfortable? Are you enjoying the sounds of my parlor? Don't worry, there's absolutely no flinching that happens in Link's (yells). Did you flinch? (laughs) Did I get you? I think you flinched. Didn't you (yelling). Oh, what about that time? Did I get you that second time? - No. - [Link Voiceover] I bet you flinched then, didn't you? In Link's blah bleh blah blah ah! Thanks for joining me today, Rhett. I hope you have a really good time. In my parlor. It's a parlor. (screams) - Oh! Come on, not even the last one? (laughs) - Yeah! That's right. - Was there zero freakin' flinches? - Zero flinches! - [Stevie] Zero flinches. - Come on, man. - Cool Hand Rhett. - What's wrong with you brain, man? - Hey, man. - Were you even listening? Were these on? - I'm tough to shake up, man. I keep it calm. - Hey, but you wanna go to that parlor, right? - (laughing) Yeah. - You wanna come to my parlor? - Bleh, bleh, bleh! I think you said that. - I said bleh. - I pictured you with a gat. - Alright, shall I? - Yeah. - I bet you. I bet you I'm good too. (laughs) - Let the experience begin. - Did you cross your eyes a little bit? - I did nothing. - 'Cause that's illegal. - I did nothing. (calm jazz music) - [Rhett Voiceover] Hey, Link. Thanks for tuning in to this smooth and relaxing experience. (calm jazz music) ♫ Yeah ♫ So stressed ♫ Need someone to ♫ Rub my chest ♫ Oh, yeah ♫ That's the spot ♫ I ♫ Like the way you work my booty knots (laughs) - Why you gotta booty knot me, man? You booty knotted me. (laughs) - It was pretty subtle though. - I was like, man you faded it out there. I thought it was over. - Yeah, I lured you into that place, into the calm place. - [Stevie] Level two flinch. - Yeah! - That's a two pointer? (intense drum music) Here I am in a high back chair just sittin' around. I didn't do a great job of not flinching when hearing but now let's see if I can do a great job of not flinching while seeing something. - Something. - What is that somethin', Rhett? Hey. There you are. - Hey, Link. - Way up there. - It's me, your buddy, Rhett. I'm 14 feet tall. - What're you doin' up there? (laughs) What're you doin' up there? - I'm on a ladder. I'm holding a bag of dog poo that I collected yesterday in my nice jeans. - Yes, I remember. - I call this the poop-dulum. That's poop and pendulum put together. - Now, you have a blue glove on. Can you smell it? - It smells strong. It still smells strong. It smells ripe. - Oh my goodness. - I'm gonna let this go. It has been calibrated to almost hit you in the face. Potentially, maybe snip your hair. I don't know. Get very close to you. - Should I open my mouth or? - Whatever you do, keep your eyes open the whole time. Just get your head off of the back because I feel like that helps you brace. Don't lock your face into a sunk position. - Alright. Well you have to do the same thing I'm doing. - Everything you do I will do. And now you have to watch it the whole time. You can't look past it. - Okay. - [Rhett] You know, make eye contact with it. Make it a true flinch test. (suspenseful music) - (laughing) Oh! Oh! - [Link] I didn't flinch, right? - I didn't see any flinching. - Oh, it stinks. - No flinch. That was zero flinch, Link. (laughs) Congratulations. - Your turn. - I see you're not wearing a glove. - Oh. (laughs) They didn't give me a glove. - You gotta ask for a glove, man. You gotta ask for a glove. - It does stink. - Yeah it does. - Mm, alright. Okey dookie? Alright. (suspenseful music) (beeping) (laughs) - I didn't flinch, man! I didn't flinch! It hit me in the... (laughs) - You flinched! - I didn't flinch, it hit me in the face! - That might have been a little bit of a tactile test. - It hit me right here. It didn't even get close to me. (laughing) We didn't adjust the height. I'm taller than you. - I might've moved the seat in a little bit too. - Did you move the seat in? - Maybe. (crew laughs) - But I don't think I flinched until after it hit me and I realized that it hit me. - Alright, so no flinching until it hit you which is the next test, so let's move on to that. (intense drum music) - I got any poop on my face? - No. - Thanks. Okay, when we were kids we played a game where we threw balls at each other's balls. - It was fantastic. - We wrote all about this in Rhett and Link's Book of Mythicality, available for pre-order at But we're bringing it back today. - Right. - Recreating it. - We are gonna test our ability to not flinch while experiencing the tactile sensation of a corn bag being launched at your crotch. - And your crotch. - Yeah. We're gonna alternate and whenever the person flinches they incur two points and if it then goes in the hole, whether you flinch or not, that's an addition point. And the points matter because the amount of points that we both earned at the end of this whole thing, we get walloped with a pool noodle that amount of times. - Oy. Okay, here we go. This is a difficult throw when you got your... I usually don't sit on the Corn Hole board when I play Corn Hole. - This is not Corn Hole, brother. (suspenseful music) (laughs) - Points for me. Did he flinch? - I guess so. - [Stevie] He flinched. - I went (grunts). (laughs) That's three points for me but you hit me in the bladder which is okay. Now, am I aiming for that hole in your shirt? - Aim wherever you want, friend. - I know where I'm aiming. (grunts) - [Stevie] Oh, there was a flinch there. - I made a noise. - That was a verbal flinch. No, no, no, no. Leave that there, I still have the opportunity to knock it in later. - Okay, alright. - Oh. (grunts) (laughs) How can you not flinch if you get hit in the privates? - [Stevie] Flinch. - Two points for me. - Like this. (laughs) (grunts) (crew laughs) I am sorry. I wanted to not flinch so bad. - Don't apologize. - You got right in the spot. - [Stevie] Mm, some minor flinching. I don't know. - I smiled. - I don't think that was a flinch. - I didn't flinch - Alright. Alright. - I just smiled. I was like alright. (buzzes) Relax. - Okay, I'm not gonna flinch this time. - Relax. (grunts) (laughs) - Dang it, why isn't it going in the hole? Two points for you, though. - Yeah I flinched, definitely. Oh. (crew laughs) - I didn't flinch, man. - That was a direct hit. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Yeah, I didn't see a flinch. I'm gonna give it to him. - I kinda liked it. - You didn't put your balls on today? - I knew I forgot something. It didn't feel good. - Okay, how do you not flinch, man? I'm very protective of this region. - You know how you get that delayed sick feeling? - Yeah. - I'm getting that too, so. - Okay. - This is my super power. Hit me in the balls, man. I won't flinch. (suspenseful music) (wheezes) (laughs) - I can't not flinch, man. I feel so vulnerable. But you didn't make any. I made one but I flinched every single time. Where are we at on the score? - [Stevie] Rhett, you have eight and Link you have seven. - Oh! - Oh! You get more wallops than me! - Alright. - In just a few seconds but for now, thank you for liking commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Ben Wa. - Ashwini. - We're in Chennai, India and - [Both] It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Try not to flinch when you watch Mike and Alex on their show Ten Feet Tall over at - Woo, I love that channel! I'm subscribed. Click through to - Me too! - Good Mythical More because Rhett and I are gonna wallop each other with pool noodles. - Win Face. Congratulations to Lea. You win Lin's Lip Balm. - [Link] Wow. - This is my personal one. You'll get your own new one. - No, I've used every container. - With your new haircut on it. Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 9,102,530
Rating: 4.9302654 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, try not to flinch challenge, try not to flinch, flinching challenge, flinch challenge, rhett link try not to flinch, try not to flinch rhett link, rhett link flinch challenge, rhett link flinch, flinching, flinch, rhett link flinching, flinch game, rhett link flinch game, flinch game rhett link
Id: 2ONXCig9pf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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