Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge

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wtf Iโ€™m scared

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AtrociousAtNames ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

WTF Wonder whatโ€™s in there?๐Ÿ˜ˆ Letโ€™s find out

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jakepaul2100 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
today we put it all on the line for some cookies let's talk about that good mythical morning today is November 18th and if you look at the 18 in November 18th you'll see that there's an 8 and if you look at the 8 you'll see that it looks a lot like two cookies on top of one another and so therefore as we do every single day we have significantly tied the date to the subject matter of today's show which is all about cookies the one the one looks like a long fingerling cookie finger right we were thinking that like oh yeah finger on cookie and the end in November Lee could I like to like well three fingerling cookies put together into shape and in good we could really spell anything with fingerling well let's just play okay as you can see we are facing off over the cookie roulette wheel that spins look at that it's got real cookies in it yes it does so we got everything we need except for a host to ask us cookie related questions if only my father were here to be the host wait he is welcome my dad Charles to good mythical morning y'all do it you're good did you wear this on the plane from North Carolina all the way I mean I knew it's gonna do a cookie thing do you know a lot about cookies I know I like babe okay oh you're gonna love eating all these no I'm not waiting YUM that's y'all's job so what are the rules well we have six questions and we're gonna say how many y'all can get right if you get it wrong when you're asked the question you have to spin the wheel and then eat the cookie that it lands on you get it right the other guy has to spend and eat the cookie that it lands on i'm told that these cookies could be nice or they could be naughty y'all figured out that when you taste-off figure that out and then after we eat it then we will be told what it is that we're eating okay dad who's going first you oh yeah chef Charles first question is what were the names of the original two Keebler had ales the answer a is Dinka and cream owes me Renault and Squire or cjj and Ernie jayjay and Ernie Renault and Squire or dink it and sentient tank it in cream Oh cream oh that's different God you got this way tells me you care so long you don't understand southern anymore I got you I just don't think that that's the answer I'm gonna go with Renault and Squire father for the win and that's an incorrect yeah what is the answer is C JJ and Ernie spin the wheel link what what's it gonna land on for looks like an overcooked sugar cookie that looks pretty simple then it can't be bad now I'm not gonna smell it first take a big roll is you don't smell it you just take a bite big bite yeah pretty good what's in that one ooh okay you got off easy mm-hmm ask me a question let him have it dad chef Charles for rent what is the title of cooks Cookie Monster's signature song a c is for cookie be counting my cookies or C cookie o clock didn't pay much attention in those days you were young c is for cookie is very Sesame Street so does that mean that it is more likely that that's his song cookie o clock I feel like I would know about that time I'm gonna go with a c is for cookie that's correct hey brother singing the song no I don't know the console c is for cookie it's good enough for me oh you even know the song yeah see you should spin the wheel man I gotta eat another good game you do give me give me give me give me a good one well it's got lots of ingredients lemon guys take a big bite Neil there's a little good man chocolate but there's something crunchy what's in this it's beans and cheese what well there's chocolate eclair there's no chocolate in this no taste it no I didn't lose beans and cheese cookie surprisingly good father trying to seriously have eat worse yeah all right ask a question again what is John Legend's favorite cookie hey it's peanut butter and oatmeal chocolate Chuck these are going white-chocolate macadamia-nut and C snickerdoodles when is John Legend disclose this information that's my question when it's MySpace page oh okay yeah um don't go to that I don't know dad this is just a blind guess at this point but I'm gonna go with snickerdoodles because I like how you say it well because he liked peanut butter oatmeal chocolate Chuck you always go with you spend the wheel last eat another cookie you're gonna start getting worse I feel like that's a small one little wafer over can't be bad it's got some whiteness on top you should almost get that whole thing in your mouth down it was a super sour one don't make your dad try everybody he's the host man that's not no words our cookie super sour that's dramatically shower oh okay well link is recovering I'll go ahead and answer my question and get it right so he has eat another cookie okay well this is Wally Amos founder of Famous Amos cookies started out as a talent agent and discovered which of the following musicians oh hey Peter Paul and Mary the Simon and Garfunkle Orsi Janis Joplin no no you ain't old enough to know know these people I know all of them but I would have thought that Famous Amos was older than all of them oh man who who would be discovered by a cookie maker Janis Joplin is not it doesn't mix well with cookies Simon and Garfunkel and Peter Paul and Mary both fit the cookie profile that I'll have in my mind but it's tougher to discover three people so I'm gonna go with Simon and Garfunkel for the win well I'm sorry but rich you got it right that's right spin the wheel Neal all right already got a belly full of cookies yeah you do I got nothing in my stomach right now thanks for coming dad you what you're doing a great job and three that just looks like white chocolate macadamia know that John Legend doesn't like he probably likes it but it's not his favorite Oh Barlett it's got healing properties chew it all up your brain tells you the wrongness level is very high I can smell it from here I know man well now you got another question to get wrongly okay you may know Oreos by their original slogan Oh Oh or you with their cycle through seven catchphrases since then which of the following is not an Oreo slogan Hey the original twister B it's a slam dunk for see who's the kid with the Oreo cookie everyone laughed at the last one but I think that one's for reals like a good one what was the first one the first one is the a is the original twister why did you twist it off you don't have to though a is my final answer you get Nate another case what what do you do with Oreo cookie you twist it off you twist it and do what don't get yes a slam dunk but that's not one of them see where I get it from we're in this together I mean are both even his next cut huh but you were wrong either way and so was me oh the cream-filled one I can't be bad won't you do the original twister and uh him break off a piece of that three two well we dink it then we think this got lotion is the feeling that was not easy to do not unless I eat worse than that Oh guys I'm still here I feel kind of bad dad sorry okay tarah GP Henson character on Empire cookie Lyon is known for her sassy catchphrases which of the following lines has not come out of cookies miles not yeah that's my name take a bite be telling boohoo kitty ain't no sugar in this cookie for you okay you know what it's one of those things that's been recommended many times Empire that I should watch it never watched it I mean I do know there's a character named cookie now I just have to think about like the ads that I've seen for the show and guess what kind of writing would be done it wasn't one about the kitty to tell him boo boo kitty that's the kind of thing that no one would make up you that has to be it on the show and then the sent the one about there's no sugar in this cookie for you almost seems too clever see is my answer let's see is the correct what is happening spin the wheel okay - looks like a red velvet yeah it's probably not though yeah I can take it now I listen I know that I'm just a bystander in this game but I feel like you should set this up so that you eat to the center whatever that is the big black hole in the mr. I haven't eaten any cookies at all I'm just doing all I can do I'm trying to just create the best experience oh gosh oh I'm so glad I got it right sing the cookie song dad cookie cookie I did it I stopped me alright boys you've made it to the final round where we put you in the hot seat here it comes also it's like a cookie sheet and we rant on it like a hot seat yeah kinda right that's right can I have one more question for you I'd like for you to write your answers down on the whiteboards in front of you okay and whoever is closest to the right answer gets first choice of which cookie to eat off the Hot sheet one of those three the question is the world's largest cookie was created in Flat Rock North Carolina in 2003 and had a diameter of 101 feet how much did it weigh oh I'm not good at these types of questions and we've got two engineering students can't figured out 101 foot diameter oh gosh I've written my answer I've got an answer you want to see mine first that's fine my answer is three thousand two hundred and eighty-five pounds wow that's so crazy I almost said 3300 pounds but then I was like no I'm gonna go with 2400 pounds both of y'all cause it's 40 files and piles what that's crazy did they make it on the Flat Rock okay well they were closer though link so I know sir I get to go first which doesn't guarantee I'm not gonna eat something nasty cookie one looks so approachable that I'm skipping it I'm gonna go with cookie three because it looks at the grossest interesting I agree with your logic about cookie number one being deceptively simple cookie number two pry it off chase okay you ready to bring in your cookie in and I guess because late one you get to eat first good what is it good keep eating it if you like it so much cats don't have it too bad I think that does increase the odds no mine is not gonna be bad I hate like a little fishy liver spot it's not pleasant it's not that bad I mean lotion garlic and blood so I think you're gonna be okay I'm hoping this is good I think this is just an oatmeal cookie with chocolates and some raisins the cat will get that yeah yeah that's John Legend's favorite cookie a peanut butter oatmeal chocolate this is a going dad you wanna try it oh yeah if it's a good cookie yeah all right dad thanks so much for being on the show yeah I endured so much pain for this pleasure thank you for being along for the ride and thank you for liking commenting and subscribing you know what time it is hey this is Louie from the Philippines and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality watch good mythical crew on this channel tomorrow morning you can see the tomb these cookies and also checkout on Sunday a new music video from buddy system this one's from the tough choices saw whoa click through to good mythical more we're gonna hang out with my dad we're gonna eat some more of these cookies freeze-frame if we ever need to poison a large group of people that's a great thing to say on the internet I mean just in case they never know what's gonna happen in the world
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 10,978,013
Rating: 4.9514265 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge, good mythical morning Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge, Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge rhett and link, rhett and link Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge, Crazy Cookie Roulette Challenge gmm, gmm Cookie Roulette Challenge, cookie roulette, challenge, blood cookie, roulette, cookies, cookie
Id: TqncXP3Pvwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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