Trump’s UNBELIEVABLE Woodward Interviews Revealed, Adidas Dumps Kanye & Herschel's War on Halloween

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can you feel the germs going into each other and out of each other you know coven's still going on and here we are uh cases of RSV are skyrocketing this is a respiratory virus not a CBS police show and um the flu is hitting hard the McRib is back everything we're going to be we'll be lucky to make it to Christmas President Biden got his uh updated booster shot today he rolled up his sleeve to show America that his werewolf arms are ready for Halloween very hairy guy according to the CDC only about 80 8.5 percent of Americans have received the most up-to-date booster shot which is I remember two years ago we were scrambling for vaccine appointments like like Billy Zane trying to get on a Lifeboat at the end of Titanic now it's like it's like they're asking us to help move a sofa up eight flights of stairs hey speaking of viruses Donald Trump uh has has a new you know that guy right as the new um box set he's we finally got a trump tell all told by Donald Trump himself Bob Woodward of the Washington Post released audio from 20 interviews he conducted with Trump one from before he was president the other 19 done in Trump's final year this is more than 11 hours of conversation according to Woodward Trump would call him randomly at unexpected hours to talk while he was President because there's nothing he likes doing more than talking about himself it's his version of phone sex it's so interesting to listen to though Trump talks about uh one of the things he talks about is explaining covid to his son Baron who was 13 at the time he told Baron he wished he'd known about kovid two months earlier so he could have stopped it which is also what he told Ivana about Don Jr and and by the way he did know about it two months earlier but this is crazy he asked Bob Woodward the guy interviewing him to tell him what to do about the pandemic I appreciate your time you're the most of the things you said God did you write them down or not yes I wrote them all down listed those things I'm going to talk about what I'll do is send him to Jared or you want me to read them out go go okay the first is testing number two the medical supply chain has to be made as perfect as it can be number five shelter in place next is the vaccine anti-body Czar somebody who's in charge thanks I got it I got people in charge next is China can you imagine that this happens yeah I I mean I can't even believe Trump also told Woodward he was hesitant to release a plan for the pandemic for fear it might not be politically beneficial which is that's why did Grandma die well because the president has a super cool bring me a diet coke button on his desk and he didn't want to lose that one of the interviews was from 2016 where Trump was a candidate he was asked whether he would act more presidential if he got elected president and this was his almost unbelievable response I'm just struck by we we're asking the questions about quote being presidential so many other people have asked can Trump pivot can he shift to a different kind of tone and correct me if I'm wrong but my view listening to you is that you actually don't really have that much interest in changing too much not yet but it seems your your natural inclination is to fight yes always the fight my natural intonation is to win and after I win I will be so presidential that you won't even recognize when when you'll be falling asleep you'll be so bored yeah so that's how I would describe the years 2006 3 and 2020 a real boring snooze Fest it's kind of amazing in that he was right about almost nothing he said how do you speak to those people who think they don't you don't want them in this country uh I am a person that's going to bring this country together I'm a person that is going to unify the country President Obama is a divider he is not a unifier and instead of a unifier trump turned out to be a dumpster fire [Applause] he really has a bug up his ass about Obama I don't think Obama's smart see I think he's highly overrated and I don't think he's a great speaker you know oh he said you know hey look I went to the best schools I did great I had an uncle who was a professor at MIT for 40 years one of the most respected in the history of the school 40 is my father's brother and my father was smarter than he was good stock you know they talk about the elite really the elite they have nice houses no I have much better than them I better everything than them size of your house is determined by how smart your uncle was right it's I mean is that not the saddest thing you ever if he wasn't such a creep you'd almost feel sorry for him almost and of course Trump who has the best instincts the best everything the smartest Uncle lashed out at Bob Woodward on his floundering social media platform today he wrote as he fully understands Bob Woodward never got my permission to release tapes those tapes were allowed only for purposes of making sure that he got my quotes and statements correct for the written word in other words for his nevertheless highly inaccurate book the tapes are much better than the book at least if they were not at least the bludgeoned to death by him to make me look as bad as possible but he and his publisher had no right to use my voice or them right it's all Bob Woodward's fault why are you agreeing to do 20 interviews on tape with the guy who took down Richard Nixon with tapes with Chase this is the emperor has no brain and Florida last night they had a gubernatorial debate between the Democrat Charlie Crist and the Republican the guy who could trip up Trump in 2024 Ron DeSantis Chris asked DeSantis a simple question that one that Ron either couldn't or wouldn't address you talk about Joe Biden a lot I understand you think you're going to be running against them I can see how you might get confused but you're running for governor why don't you look in the eyes of the people of State of Florida and say to them if you're re-elected you will serve a full four-year term as Governor yes or no yes or no Ron will you serve a full four-year term if you're real like the governor of Florida it's not a tough question it's a fair question he won't tell you maybe if I stand perfectly still they won't be able to see me he's either running for president or he just had an accident in his pants I don't know but Kanye West had another bad day you know how Connie said he could say anti-semitic stuff and Adidas Cannot drop him well today Adidas dropped him Adidas ended their very successful partnership with yay which is terrible news for people who love shoes that look like severed alien feet no one wants to work with Khan even New Balance thinks he's unbalanced the only shoe company left for Kanye to go is Hush Puppies who today unveiled their new hush easies Kanye's now been dropped by Adidas Vogue Balenciaga the Gap his agent his lawyer and Kim Kardashian but he already has his next big Venture lined up he's planning to buy the conservative social media platform parlor which is it's called parlor because the number of users they have can fit into one and this tells you only need to know about parlor when the story broke last week that Kanye wanted to buy them parlor sent an email to their VIP members that exposed everyone's personal email address which is the kind of mistake that happens when your website is run by a group of racist grandpas I'm interested to see how this will pan out from parlor I mean you really don't want Kanye West to acquire you this is sort of like when Godzilla acquires Tokyo and the truth is the right wing has a lot of different sites to post on besides parlor already there's truth social there's gab there's getter there's hater there's liar active shooter sore loser there's a million there have never been more places to go to complain you're being silent balanced than there are right now meanwhile Halloween Halloween is less than a week away and Herschel Walker is worried about it your Halloween is right around the corner and now the people of China and Mexico are dressing fentanyl up but look like candy so I want you to be very Vigilant when you're taking your kids on Halloween because there's a new war in time and that war is changing yes uh what I mean huh a very compelling statement about Mexico and China from a man who couldn't locate Mexico or China on a map of only Mexico and China following is a scary time for Herschel Walker because when kids show up at his house he's not sure if they want candy or child support is not the only um person or first person to float this theory about drugs being hidden in children's trick-or-treat bags I mean who can forget the classic scene from It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown I got five pieces of candy I got a chocolate bar I got a quarter I got a rock of crack cocaine [Applause] Charlie may have been a blockhead but he was not a crackhead this is the new right-wing scare story right now Mexico's sneaking fentanyl into candy bars and you know I looked at the effects of fentanyl on the daa website they include sedation drowsiness dizziness and confusion which sounds a lot like Herschel Walker to me um and of course he's worried about the Children of America half of them are his he gave quite a speech at a rally full of no one yesterday he even said a new world record for the most times a human used the word pronouns in a 30-second span we got people in Washington forgot about it now they're talking about pronouns bringing pronouns into our military pronouns what the heck is a pronoun my pronoun sick and tired of y'all talking about pronoun what I want you to do is make out men and women strong again the way you make them strong is forgetting about talking about pronouns but I can tell you this Iran Russia and China not talking about pronouns how do you identify and they're not talking about trying to charge a tank in the desert either they're talking about war and we're over here talking about charging a tank in the desert there's an electricity tank that won't work you know in order for the podium he'd he would just be a crazy person ranting in a parking lot right you'd walk by you go oh okay I'm gonna get my car but despite running one of the worst campaigns and maybe the history of the Senate Republicans have rallied around Herschel Walker he's got Trump's blessing bigly and today he picked up a key endorsement from none other than the my pillow man Mike Lindell hello there it's me Mike Before Time mount minneton treatment in a month that's my crack plaque the great state of Georgia needs leaders who've been hitting ahead a lot and that's why I'm endorsing Herschel Walker for Senator Herschel and me got common values we both know the presidency was stole from Donald J Trump we both keep big pictures of Jesus in our living rooms and we both sustained multiple traumatic energies that's how come raccoon Mushroomhead basketball ah come on let's get through this Herman was always pro-life he's so pro-life he'll put a baby in anybody he's got hundreds of them and a Heisman Trophy to move the other day Hercules is tough on the environment he says we got too many trees good point one time I climbed all the way up to fill my honey pot and a whole mess of hornets stung me in the eye holes I fell 52 feet and when I landed I was so blind I thought I was a prostitute named Carol for eight months so vote for Hershey's Walnut this November he'll protect our babies from getting abortion and keep trees where they belong out of our schools baseball Minnesota [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,798,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Monologue, Guillermo, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, LA, Viruses, Donald Trump, Trump, Audio Recordings, Bob Woodward, Washington Post, Barron Trump, Covid-19, Pandemic, Obama, Truth Social, Florida, Ron Desantis, Kanye West, Ye, Adidas, Parler, Halloween, Herschel Walker, Charlie Brown, Mike Lindell
Id: j9i1j-1En9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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