Triple Xp! Baldur's Gate 3!!! Save Glitch to triple XP!

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how's it going Gamers this is the one true sir salty here and this is my dark urge character scrambles the death dealer and today we're going to show you a little bit of a glitch what mostly involving XP in fact it's the entirety of this video is for triple experience all those gay players we'll probably realize that you can get experience after passing uh like a conversation and you know like persuading them not to fight you or whatever so you'll get experience for you know getting past them and whatnot and then you'll think to yourself well hey they're leaving maybe I should just you know fight them anyways and by all means you're gonna double dip you're gonna get that double experience but what would you say if you could get Triple The Experience well simply here's how you do it so this is one of the first fights in act one where you can have you know full party members I just did the persuasion to get them to leave and you saw that I got 50 experience there Bing by boom that's what we're looking for turn it on turn base mode and then I'm going to activate a passive that you have which is toggle non-lethal attack with this on your melee attacks or unarmed attacks well instead of killing somebody it will knock them out rendering them completely useless but still giving you experience and you were saying hey man what's so what's the big deal about that and you know I totally get it it doesn't make sense I never want to leave anyone alive I just want them gone and gone from this world but this is where the triple dipping comes in okay so here I'll show you that I'm knocking these fools out there's one bang bang boom there's the other oh he's done easy and you're seeing that I'm getting experience every single time oh yeah that Archer's gone oh and awkwardly climb up here bam done yeah simple I got experience for each and every single one of those now this is where the save glitch comes in you save your game after they're they'll still be knocked out and then this is the important step is that you load immediately so now that I have loaded into the game again I kind of half showed it a little bit not really but now you can go up to them after toggling the passive off with the non-lethal passive and then you're gonna proceed to stab them oh look more experience more experience what that's crazy and all scrambles is coming in for a close range Eldritch blast oh easy crate and then we'll you know do the last one for good measure oh how so what I think is happening is that your combat log will tell you about your experience gains and that it will see that you once you've knocked them out that counts as like The Kill but if you load the game the combat log loads like a blank slate so it is coming to completely unaware that you've already done something so when you load you kind of get that refresh and then bam now this is the example of me killing them right after the fight without loading no experience whatsoever after them being knocked out no experience oh yeah nothing just absolutely nothing so there you go this is done in the current patch of the game as of September 1st so enjoy triple experience you Min Masters don't forget to like and or subscribe thanks very much and have a great day
Channel: TheOneTrueSirSalty
Views: 777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, xpglitch, guide, xp, gaming, triplexp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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