Baldur's Gate 3 - How to Level 1 to 5 FAST & Get OP Early - Best Feat For ALL Classes - Build Guide!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming in a new bold Escape video today we're talking about power leveling considering just how powerful levels can actually be in a game like this especially when you hit Level 4 you'll have hit your first potential power Spike at every class seats provide a massive list of options new passive abilities that can completely change the way you're approaching combat the list is extensive and there's a lot to consider which is also a bit overwhelming you can only choose one until you hit Level 8 and 12 for the next choices and the fact is you have to choose one for each of your party members maybe you've been playing The Early Access for some time and you simply want to progress to act too quickly and want to know how to level up fast and progress to act 2 as quick as you can so that alongside information about what to pick for your first feat is what I'll be answering today first then you hit level four you've got your first feat what are you gonna do with it because now your entire party is level four in fact and you have a lot of choice to make even if you spend the time to individually read and consider and inspect every little detail you probably end up with so much Choice you're lost fortunately there's a simple fact that you have a very safe majority of time best pick which is the ability Improvement fee as you can see you can increase one ability by two or two abilities by one to a maximum of the cap of 20. what does this mean well as you'd expect you can take a stat and increase its level and we have two points to spend when we use this take your main stat when you level this it has a modifier that will go up here we have plus three to wisdom checks and then our plus five from saving throws as we level this up even just one point in this case you can see that we now have plus four to wisdom checks and plus six to saving throws however something that you should notice is that this doesn't go up with every individual Point as we can see it's plus three at 17 at 18 it's plus four so it's gone up 19 it's still plus four and plus six so it's not changed this is because every even number will increase the modifier you get plus zero at levels ten and eleven but plus one at 12 and 13. then plus two at 14 and 15 and so on from there as it says it'll cap out at level 20 but that's still worth considering because at levels 18 and 19 we get this plus four as you can see but at level 20 we will get a plus five leveling your main stat in this way is Major because it increases your bonus on every attack roll as well as the stat benefits out of combat in conversation or interaction with the world big picture some deniably a very useful thing then to improve your main stat you need to make sure when you're using the ability Improvement fee that you're going to be pushing stats into the next modifier so in this case it's actually better for me to level wisdom just once to reach the next modifier of 18 to get that plus 4 then consider something that is an odd number for example strength and dexterity by leveling either of these I can go from a plus one to a plus two this is why you might just want to level your main stat once and level something else to push it over to the next modifier level so the ability Improvement fee is a top tier pick for everyone and a very safe pick for while you're learning especially for your first feat you can always respect whenever and go for a different setup this could just see you through the initial opening section of the game when you're a bit stumbled and overwhelmed by choice however there are other Feats that I'd like to highlight that lead into built and concept let's take Sentinel here Sentinel gives me a new passive whenever an ally is attacked within melee range of this character that has Sentinel we can use a reaction basically getting an extra attack this leads to positioning your Sentinel character around your other allies especially those who expect to be attacked that turn by equipping my Paladin who uses Sentinel with a spear or glaive or any weapon with Long Reach that's even more likely to happen isn't it then we can go for other Feats that engage with that concept such as Paul our Master when attacking with one of the poor Lambs such as a glaive spear or whatever you get a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon which is amazing you also get an opportunity attack whenever a Target initially comes within range this is a build concept then isn't it choosing a weapon type and not one but two Feats that synergize with one another to make a build but while you get to grips with the game and don't actually have say a suitable pole arm and you haven't got the two Feats to really synergize maybe it's not worth worrying about so much and just going for Ability improvements at level 4 is still going to be a great pick even then another feat that I'd like to highlight is the great weapon Master this is great for your Fighters or barbarians as good examples heavy melee weapons can deal an extra 10 damage at the cost of -5 attack roll penalty and when you land crits or kill you can just make another attack bonus action that turn it's brilliant for the heavy weapon users another General good one would be alert you gain plus 5 bonus to initiative and even more importantly you cannot be surprised meaning even if you're surprised call out bumbled into a bad situation you won't be surprised and so you won't be on a back foot even so this can be incredible to go on the character that you're leading the group with so you're always prepared when bumping into characters what's great about Feats then is how you can slap on something useful instantly impactful on any of your four-party members maybe you have a build in mind for your main character but for the other characters maybe something useful like alert can be really helpful basically I want these Concepts to help you make your feet choices at level 4 without being overwhelmed without much fear knowing you're probably going to be best served with just going ability improvements on everyone but have now some ideas for builds to think about for respect now let's talk about leveling how do you level fast in bald Escape 3 well the answer initially is pretty straightforward do everything and ignore nothing you know waste a little time in between conversations will give you XP especially ones where you're avoiding combat through those conversations fighting and winning in combat so on and so on finishing quests long or shot the more dangerous the situation whether you resolve it peacefully or through combat that rewards even more XP ideally though you'd be following a main quest while exploring a new era at the same time while picking up and doing other side quests that follow a path that you're going to for the main quest anyway being efficient with your time it is truly as simple as that and I think it is good there isn't like a loot cave or a grind spot or something like that that draws the fun away from a DND Style Adventure however there is absolutely an optimal path or organized route to make you way for act 1 effectively and efficiently I'd worry that'll take the fun out of it as well but if you're looking to get to level five and above as soon as possible or move to act two as soon as possible maybe because you played act one for years on and off in Early Access then fair enough whatever your reason is here is my recommended route yours may vary but I think this provides a smooth experience keep in mind you want to do every side quest you lay your eyes on in each area generally and be warned I will now reference the main areas of act 1 throughout this in case that's going to bother you we begin here the crash site of the nautiloid ship at the very Southeastern point of the map from here we will follow the beach North East until you come to the door where you will meet your companion Shadow heart and your first Waypoint the overgrown ruins heading Southwest through the nautiloid ship clearing that out and making your way Northwest to a bump into your second companion a stereon with these two you can move through the top side of the nozzleload ship and clear it out for the XP and rewards then we'll make our way North East to the road side Cliff's Waypoint where Gail the wizard companion is actually needing help getting out of that Waypoint get him and you'll have a full party already next we'll move through the passage to the north up to this point where you will find lazel in a cage with some tieflings after you rescue her you can choose to swap out your team or not but now you'll have a more ideal full party we can head east from here to these ancient ruins of a chapel there's a potential fight on the outside and again upon entry at the northern door within the main room of the chapel though is a secret room with a button on the side this will unlock the hidden room but you'll need to fight some skeletons after clearing those and investigating the sarcophagus within you'll meet with us after that conversation he'll show up in Camp and now you will have respeking unlocked don't forget you can respect not only yourself but your companions if you want to change their play style or even class now return to the roadside Cliff's Waypoint and make your way straighten off all the way to the emerald Grove be aware that there is a waypoint on the east side there but as you enter this area there will be a fight goblins are attacking the town in this encounter you'll also meet the next companion will by defeating the Goblins you can make your way into the Grove and meeting will so he'll join your team if you want him head down into the actual Emerald Grove speak with The Druids and pick up the important quest to help save halsin the leader of The Druids from here we can head out of the Grove and head straight west to the blighted Village which is another Waypoint in the middle be warned there'll be an ambushing group of goblins here to deal with one way or another and after clearing the village and claiming the various useful items within we can either go down the well in the middle of the town or go into the northern building the blacksmith building into the cellar where there's a breakable wall as another entrance to the spider layer here you'll face spider enemies that are Level 3 with the final big boss at the end being level five that will prove a challenge but is easily doable after clearing out the spider cave though we can exit and go back into the blighted village to head north and Northwest across the bridge clearing the Knolls on the main road while heading east to this big Inn building this building is a heads up has paladins the that are not so trustworthy carlak the final companion you'll pick up in act 1 is down to the South across a log by the water here whether you have car like join your party or go back to the camp now you've collected her you can go back up to the inn and challenge the false paladins after defeating them we'll head Northwest and pick up the Risen Road Waypoint and head West from there to encounter a null attack on a cave defeat the Knolls and save the humans within and then head further west to joaquin's rest to get the next Waypoint heading into the main building you'll have to help these people break into the building saving their leader from the fire up top with a nice triple blue reward option and some good XP as a reward then we will head West once more to the mountain pass where we will find a githyanki attack on the bridge hopefully we can have a peaceful conversation and not fight these guys because they are insanely strong potentially you'll want to bring Lazelle to speak to them this is a good 300 plus XP for not fighting which is obviously a nice bump from one conversation after that we can head back to the blighted village and make our way south to the swamp heading south west to the Waypoint of the Riverside tea house and entering the Tea House itself we're here to defeat the hag of the swamp found in this house press her about the lady she's looking after to make this happen and as a reward at the end of all of this you can take the wand that revives Connor and take him as a useful Frontline distraction if you want true efficiency finally we can return to the blighted village and this time Head West and around to the goblin Camp there is another Waypoint here for the most XP we can fight the goblins and their leaders to save Hal sin but I would suggest you play it friendly and chill until you actually reach Houston in his cage and help him out and he will join you as a temporary fifth party member which can really help defeat the leaders of the goblin Camp after that you can celebrate saving the Grove and finally head into the underdark the safest way to do that is probably via the goblin Camp Itself by heading through the back room in the priestess's private Chambers head down and pass through the puzzle room leading to the underdog now we clear the underdark from the underdark you will start here based on my description where there is a waypoint you can pick up in The Outpost you can leave The Outpost to the north but I think it's safer to go west and make sure you head straight down making your way to the west and down to the beach where we have another Waypoint this is actually where you will go to get to the Grim Forge using this boat you can kind of steal it or work with the people here ultimately you need to use this bow they'll be aware there's an entire area here with side quests and it's worth exploring and very fun upon arrival in the Grim Forge though via boat you will find another Waypoint on the West Side here and follow the main events to the South where again there is another Waypoint for you to find upon completion of the forge you should be ready finally to take the elevator to the moon rise Towers which should lead nicely into act 2. from all of this you should easily be level 5 plus and honestly you should be level six at that point there's more you can do in act one that's for sure this just cuts to the Chase and does all the main stuffers efficiently and smoothly as I can think but there you have it that's my overview on leveling Act One passing in general and advice on the level 4 feet choices so hopefully you're a lot more secure in your initial level 4 choices I do hope this video has helped you and if you have any extra information or tips to help with new players in act one then you can drop them in the comments for now I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice tool again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 393,901
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 leveling guide, baldurs gate 3 xp guide, baldurs gate 3 xp farm, leveling guide, level guide, level 4, baldurs gate 3 feat guide, best feat, all classes best feat, best feats, feat guide, baldurs gate 3 act 1 guide, level up guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 camp guide, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, paladin, bard, sorcerer, subclasses, level, xp, ragegamingvideos
Id: 0iN5bSiVp1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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