Starfield - Don't Miss Out on These 9 Secret Outfits!

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hello everyone thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel so for today's video I wanted to show you all where you can find some very rare and Secret outfits in Starfield some of these outfits can range from having special and unique Perks to Being weird and Goofy to just straight up looking really cool so these are some of the best outfits that I found so far but fair warning I am going to talk about some awards for certain missions so if you don't want to be spoiled on literally anything and you want to figure out everything on your own this video might not be for you but if you just want to know the locations of these outfits or how to get the quest started then I've got you covered so with that said let's go ahead and jump right into it alright so the very first outfit that I want to show you guys in today's video is something that everyone's playthrough can benefit from and it's the operative suit or stealth suit and what's so cool about this outfit is that it makes you 25 harder to detect so if you're ever doing a stealth Mission or you're trying to steal something this is a really good outfit to wear it comes with both the operative suit and operative helmet now the helmet doesn't really have any other bonuses other than looking really cool now I personally like to use the operative helmet and I combine that with the security guard outfit and I feel like that helmet looks just really awesome now you can find the security guard uniform at pretty much any City or location that you see people wearing this outfit so for example I just went to the barracks on neon and I was able to find and steal a couple of these security guard uniforms so if you want the exact outfit that I'm wearing just go and steal one of these uniforms and then combine it with the operative helmet so how do we go about getting this stealth suit well it's going to take you a little while because it has to do with the ryugen industries quest line this is one of the major factions in Starfield and you basically want to play through most of the storyline until you get to one of the missions where they want you to set up a heist now this Heist is going to be set up as a stealth Mission so they're just going to give you this stealth suit before you even start the mission so you don't even need to complete the mission that they want you to do to get this outfit but how do you join ryujin Industries well you go to the city of neon go all the way down the street to the very end of the stretch and talk to the secretary at the front desk and that will start you off on the quest lines to get you started to joining the company and then just keep doing missions for this faction until you get this outfit this outfit has come in so much handy when I try to pickpocket people or if I'm trying to be stealthy in combat it is just a really good perk become 25 percent harder to detect so you definitely don't want to miss out on the stealth suit so the next outfit I want to talk about is one of the goofier ones on this list and it's the monster costume now I love the monster costume I think it is just hilarious I decided to put it on the adoring fan so now I just have this monster running around with me everywhere I go giving me compliments and kissing my butt it's honestly one of my favorite things to do in Starfield is to just put the adoring fan in this monster costume so the monster costume doesn't really have any good benefits to its stats so you yourself aren't going to really want to wear this costume in combat that's why I decided to give it to one of my companions but to find the monster costume you're going to want to head to the soul system and you want to go to the moon of Titan where new Homestead is located once you get to New Homestead you want to go through the facility downstairs into the lower levels and you want to talk to the lady that's running the clinic and then once you talk to her she's going to give you a monster costume for you to run around and scare all of the local tourists so once you do that return back to her and she's going to tell you to check back later because she's going to want you to do this two more times now you can easily just sleep in a bed or wait for about 48 hours this will make the quest continue so if you want to just speedrun this Quest and get it done and over with just wait and then talk to her again then once you complete all the steps to this Quest she will award you with the monster costume and trust me you're not going to regret it because it's absolutely hilarious this all feels like a stream tries to pinch me I will smack them in the face that was a good talk it'll be hard to top it but you always manage so next up on the list is another faction Mission but this one is for the Freestar Collective Now this is one of the missions that you're going to see very early on in the Freestar Collective quest line the mission is called On The Run and in this Mission they want you to board a private fancy spaceship and once you get onto the yacht they want you to go and talk to the owner but we're not going to be talking to him just yet because we're going to be sneaking back behind him in his privately locked closet now this does have an expert lock so make sure you have a bunch of Digi picks on you or you have a high enough lock picking skill and once you get in here you're going to find the first officer hat and first officer uniform laying on the bottom of one of the shelves now this outfit will give you a plus five percent intimidation chance but honestly that's not even why I'm showing you I just think this outfit is so cool looking this is one of my favorite outfits in the game I just love this outfit especially mixing and matching and stuff I think this is just a very good like Bounty Hunter kind of outfit I like to put like a cowboy hat with it and pretend I'm like an outlaw and just overall I I think this is one of the best outfits in the game and I think you guys are going to like it as well and if you didn't know how to join the Freestar Collective when you make your way to Aquila City for the first time there's going to be a confrontation going on outside of the bank and this is going to jumpstart you into the Freestar Collective quest line so just keep doing Quests for the Freestar Collective until you get this Mission so next up I want to show you guys how to get the striker outfit this outfit comes with both a mask and a uniform now you find this outfit on the city of neon and you want to head over to Madame Savage's place it's one of the local bars and you want to talk to Andrea and saval who's normally standing over here by the counter talk to her and she's going to introduce you to the Disciples gang join the gang do a couple missions for them and they will award you with the striker outfit so this outfit looks really cool but it also comes with the bonus effect of five percent critical damage so this is an outfit that you definitely don't want to miss the next couple of outfits have to do with the CIS death and the Crimson Fleet so if you haven't joined the Crimson Fleet yet or if you don't know how now just get arrested and thrown in jail for me it was the very first time I was caught with Contraband they just took me and threw me into a jail cell and this will start you on the quest line for the Crimson Fleet well once you're on the assist Dev spaceship when you're looking straight ahead in the control room all you have to do is take a left and there's going to be a door over here to a little office inside the office on the desk you're going to find the CIS death crew uniform now this uniform gives you plus five percent reload speed and you can combine it with the US system crew hats now I found the crew hat just randomly exploring and looting the system spaceship so if you want the hat too I recommend going around looting this entire ship and you will eventually find it so next up is an outfit that you're going to get from helping the Crimson Fleet now this is one of the very early Crimson Fleet missions so it's pretty hard to miss and in this Mission they're going to task you with hunting down and killing one of their former members this is going to lead you to the regana spaceship all you have to do is tell them that you're coming on board and then once you dock to the ship you have the option of of being nice guy and sparing their lives or being the bad guy and killing everybody well if you decide to go the bad guy route you can actually kill everyone on the ship and on the captain's dead body he will have the very cool looking ship Captain's uniform and this will give you a plus five percent reload speed now keep in mind though that if you do go this route and you kill everybody it is going to make everyone on the sis Steph pretty angry at you they're basically just going to warn you and say hey don't ever do that again don't kill innocent people but for me it was worth it because I just really liked his uniform and this is one of my favorite outfits so it was definitely worth killing him over so the next outfit is the red pirate Captain gear and this gives you five percent critical damage as well and this outfit is actually pretty easy to get all you have to do is you know be a pirate I was doing a ton of missions to the bounty board and they were having me go around and clear the systems of pirates so I was going around and killing and boarding all of the Crimson Fleet ships so if you do this enough times and you board enough ships you will eventually find the the pirate Captain outfit but do note that this can make the Crimson Fleet angry and it will probably give you a bounty with them so if you haven't already started the Crimson Fleet questline I would make sure you go and get this outfit first so the next outfit is very easy to get all you have to do is head over to the lodge and then you want to take a right and head down to the basement head down the steps and down a couple hallways and in one of the rooms you're going to find a bunch of storage crates if you look over to the left you're going to see a mannequin display now normally this is going to have a master lock on it but I've already picked it but if you don't have the ability to master pick this lock what you can do is actually peek through the cracks of the door and activate the mannequin that way and this will give you the Mark 1 spacesuit for the constellation now this spacesuit has some really good stats on it it's actually one of the better spacesuits in the entire game just the design alone of this suit is worth going and picking up because it just looks awesome especially when you display it on a mannequin uh so yeah this one's actually pretty easy to get normally it would require fire a Master Lock but because of this little glitch you can actually just peek through and pick this outfit up at any time and then the final outfit that I'm going to show you guys in today's video is the UC Vanguard outfit now this outfit is actually pretty easy to get as well all you have to do is join the faction of the UC Vanguard now to join the UC Vanguard it's pretty easy just head over to the mass District on new Atlantis and talk to the guy behind the desk he will give you the option to join the Vanguard and then after you complete the very first mission with the Vanguard return to him and he will be so impressed that he will give you the rank of Captain and he will give you the UC Vanguard outfit now this outfit does have some pretty high resistances so it is a pretty good spacesuit but the reason I like it is just because it's Unique and it looks pretty cool so that is going to do it for all of the unique and Secret outfits in this video there are quite a few more outfits out there but if you're new here be sure to hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications that way you guys don't miss out on any future star filled videos and that is going to do it for me guys guys and I will talk to you all next time foreign
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 204,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield tips and tricks, starfield factions, starfield tips, starfield secrets, starfield best weapons, starfield weapons, starfield factions explained, starfield faction rewards, starfield armor, starfield legendary armor, starfield unique weapons, starfield best armor, starfield best ship, starfield ship, starfield best gun, starfield free ship, starfield legendary, starfield gameplay, Starfield best weapon, starfield outfits, starfield best outfits
Id: Wvy-VdTz5yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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