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gun name review what's up you sexy YouTube mother lovers it's been a short months it's our last gun meme review sure glad we didn't miss a month because we couldn't put together the cameo that we said we would do glad that didn't happen I like keeping my spotless record watching us at home you might be wondering Brandon it's 86 degrees outside why are you wearing that jacket well the answer is simple because right now I'm concealing this sweet-ass shoulder rig that some of the guys from the discord in patreon actually put together for me that I am super thankful for because this is cooler as I profess my love for the Makarov quite often it is a Makarov holster that has my logo on it they did an amazing job on this with everybody's favorite surplus let me unload that real quick this is awesome and it was frankly it was humbling to see this in the mailbox that you guys had put together for me so I really appreciate it but this this even got over here spaces where I can put extra magazines of which I only have to cuz I'm a broke [ __ ] but I'm gonna be hopping on eBay later and getting some more so nobody start a bidding war with me I see you [ __ ] well when I got this in the mail that actually came with a letter from the guys who sent it and I'm gonna read a little bit of a dearest Brandon few guys are already so formal I was commissioned to produce this custom Makarov holster on behalf of your discord server as befitting a man who was called the a kay guy this shoulder holster was produced using surplus romanian Kalashnikov slings russian RPK sling pads and other various AKA related hardware we hope you are pleased and enjoy this token of our collective esteem Leeman rust with wolf King leather thank you very much and even get a really squirrelly signature there on the bottom that I can't say [ __ ] about because my signatures worse yes I have a small list of men who donated money to the effort I haven't included every donor as some wish to remain anonymous however here are a few names BBQ albatross tea TV shichi captain whisper danger dog Oh a top Adolf Hitler God Emperor of mankind I hate Joe joga soda yoga Sousa I hate Koga Scioscia Jonas OSHA I hate Nova Scotia all others wish to remain obscure well I'm my discord server that's really not that hard gentlemen thank you very much I will untie Roenick Lee Rock this on winter I appreciate it guys but without further ado this is gun meme reviews so cop a slob squat and let's get down to the memes oddly enough my favorite part of gun man review is reading the [ __ ] means my neighbor's sleeping peacefully at 4 a.m. me with my new six-inch er pistol let's make some noise I hate a our pistols that are super short like that because the 5 5 6 there's already a fairly concussive round for what it is but when you add an obnoxious wish calm muzzle brake on it and cut the barrel down to six inches holy [ __ ] that is like a flashbang and if you wanted to cut down on some of that concussion you can always just go back to wish calm and buy one of those shady-ass oh I like this meme wait a minute I don't remember liking that meme but it sure as [ __ ] says liked by real Brandon Herrera down at the bottom me driving around in the bad part of town with my new gun wishing someone would just try and carjack me yes so many mixed thoughts about that one considering they didn't even try this had to have been a alex krycek-- name because would try and carjack me they can't even go a nd just try and carjack me nice job Alex but ya know this is definitely gonna be used against me in court one day if I say anything else about this meme just in case so I'm just gonna go ahead and pretend like I didn't even [ __ ] read it how Pro to a are you me 1980 lockheed f-16 for sale in Palm Beach Florida of course it's in [ __ ] Palm Beach now here's a question I actually don't know the answer to it are you are you allowed to buy those still with armament on them I don't know if you've got to get like a DB license or something like that like you've got to pay those stamps for a destructive device or I really don't know how that works I of course if you buy the plaint you buy the plane but a lot of times they take the weapons and [ __ ] off because the FFA is kind of an [ __ ] about that guy's literally only want one thing and it's [ __ ] disgusting breaking news us lifts Russian rifle import ban Kalashnikov opens two new factories to meet demand hey I'd be cool with it I remember the days when the Saiga imports were like 500 600 bucks of course you already had he still had to convert the sons of [ __ ] but still that's more business for me and we get Russian imports back so I'm cool with it this is a win-win I see this is an absolute win me plans my course of fire round count where to reload foot placement my brain went shooting the course remember licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets citation needed that was painfully painfully true in Kailash Bosch I see I don't shoot competition I don't the 3-gun whatever so doing that a clash bash it was like just it was a struggle to hit the targets and not get DQ'd I'm a Marine infantry bit oh Jesus Christ nice work all right I'm a Marine infantryman with four combat deployments and I carried em 240 and an m4 / m203 in Iraq and Afghanistan I'm sick of our gun laws - everyday citizen should be able to own what I carry overseas hashtag bets for gun reform hashtag repeal the NFA hashtag repealed the Hughes amendment hashtag shall not be infringed delicious finally some good [ __ ] gun reform wonderful wonderful wonderful I couldn't just help but like breaking out into like just a little bit of like the star-spangled banner in my head as I was reading through those hashtags McLovin squad holy [ __ ] why why did you include this oh that's just bad that's so true though yeah those look like some stable young men with good father figures in their lives except McLovin McLovin [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] am i right when the soldering irons warming up and it's your first time stifling a Glock you've only got one shot this is wonderful honestly that's probably why I've never learned stippling is uh just that scares the [ __ ] out of me I could never I've seen way too many people [ __ ] sexually assault a poor innocent polymer 80 frame with the soldering iron and it just looks like garbage and I know that my first 10 would probably look like that so I that's a skill I haven't gotten around to plus there's not a lot of reason to stipple in the a.k world when most of your shit's made a stamp sheet metal forged steel wood assault rifle second next level dad joke it's like a dad joke and there's a dad joke that just stop and you know every day at least 50 boomers share that mean like it's the first time they [ __ ] saw him and it's the funniest thing in the world but it should be captured with can't wait to pepper some bad guys with this oh that was worse dude that was so bad one of the big topics that's been floating around a lot over the last couple of weeks has been red flag laws whether that's trying to fight them in states that don't have it or at a federal level talk about the repercussions of states that have already passed something like that or whether or not the lovable Dan Crenshaw hooked us in the back by suggesting some of his own one of the things that has been floating around a lot is at least two notable instances of people getting their guns taken away getting their guns confiscated by law enforcement for posting boogaloo memes specifically so in honor of our fallen comrades let's get a round of F's in the chat boys let's go right into some Boogaloo memes I ain't scurred [Music] when you've been talking mad [ __ ] online about 1776 part 2 electric boogaloo but the new assault weapons ban passes anyway in your tour bell rings today's the day except you're not gonna go very far with that cuz you got a [ __ ] high point and an RPD two things that work right about 60% of the time so today's the day you're gonna get [ __ ] slotted is it time to Boogaloo yet I'm pretty sure that's an airsoft gun is it because that doesn't look like that the the side of the bolt doesn't look like in a 12-2 me anyway uh the aa-12 thing you sure you guys have seen we're sol invictus the company that's making a reproduction for the aa12 has distributed a bunch of AAA twelves into a small small production run and the ATF has deemed those machine guns so that's a kerfuffle I think her father was just a really like old-fashioned way of saying [ __ ] so yeah that's a kerfuffle who's at fault for the aa12 thing do you think sol invictus jumped the gun on putting those into production without getting official ATF yay nay please don't shoot my dog approval or is this on the ATF for basically retro actively saying that's something that was a semi-auto weapon is a machine gun and even though it is not able to function as machine gun is now taking them from their previously a few days ago lawful owners so sound off in the comments where do you think that falls a person legally owns a semi-auto a a 1280 F let's shoot dogs gang Jesus I just love how she Photoshop it's up this oh this is like maybe add Microsoft Paint thing I you didn't even bother getting the Hat remotely close to his [ __ ] head you just like cut off part of his eye and just shoved it right there in the little head area is mmm low effort low energy meme Low Energy still funny as [ __ ] drew Hopkin that's [ __ ] amazing and I love drew Hopkins in for a life so that's uh he's my long-lost uncle or some [ __ ] like that I don't know what's the familial relation there is a there's garand thumb his dad Travis Haley I believe I was referred to as the uncle and then we've got Lucas and drew we all tie into this weird family tree can somebody just graph that out for me because I'm really not clear about the rules and I don't want to look like an idiot at the next family reunion aka shot show B is for Boogaloo again I don't even know where this falls with the the head where cuz you just kind of have that helmet sitting right there on his [ __ ] eyes which I guess then it was it was definitely higher energy effort than the last one because at least that knots are over his one eye but it's sitting I mean it's a fast helmet right that's what you call that little helmets I don't know I'm not a tactical guy whatever it's sitting right there it's [ __ ] eyeball I don't know what the user manual says for a team Lindy [ __ ] but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say attach it by your [ __ ] eye gun owners it's my gun legal I'm doing exactly what you said was legal well yes but actually no I also realized I I did that I think in the first gun name review or the second gun review I've never seen that movie that this mean comes from I've made that cadence up in my head so I'm not sure if that's actually how the line is read but that's how it's always gonna be read in my head from the gun counter getting a little brave on this one tagging the ATF HQ directly in the Instagram post so way to go boys also I'm probably expecting an audit very very soon so never mind I highly disapprove of that action when you don't know if something is legal so you write a letter to the ATM the retarder is full they have gone full [ __ ] oh that's [ __ ] wonderful yeah so let me break this down to you when the item that you've just bought comes with a letter of approval from the ATF next time simple Jack just put the [ __ ] letter you know in your desk or something like that and don't write another one please Thanks appreciate it I can't wait until the Boogaloo kicks off same guy when he loses AC a steady food supply internet fresh water please please be patient I have autism screaming yeah pretty much although the one advantage of that is that there is going to be no shortage in the actual big glue if things kick off of supply drops from people who have thousands of rounds of ammunition a very nice chest rig pretty decent guns nice optics setup never trained with them and have exactly two days of food that's probably expired sitting in their pantry so when they start to death and dehydrate and probably die of malaria within the first two days a big a glow I will appreciate being able to pick up all of your [ __ ] that probably should have hit home for a lot of you guys you should probably start thinking about that you know especially given the fact that we're about to write out a pretty kick-ass hurricane here probably should start looking at not even for a for Boogaloo [ __ ] just get some water get some basic medical supplies if you have you know any sort of medical condition you should probably stock up on a little bit of medication for that just in case things go down it's a backup power generator a little bit of fuel food MREs basic stuff to keep your family alive for a few days probably a real good idea rating for the Boogaloo means I'm gonna say at first they were like a solid eight they're getting kind of old now it's a lot of d-list meme pages that are just repeating the same content with different specific scenarios which is also funny for a little while but now I give it like a four five but for now I'm gonna rate it an F for our fallen comrades may the mean be with you now we're gonna kick off into some press valley memes which is hilarious because we're responsible for most of them not all of them but but most of them now for those of you who are still not aware of what brass Valley was the brass Valley initiative was something that I started up a couple months ago where I basically said I was thinking about having like an internship type scenario it was bad I was looking for a couple of guys that were looking to get their start in the gun industry that we're a little bit too young for people really to start taking them seriously because I remember what that was like I know there's a lot of kids out there that are really driven they've got the right skills as far as like CAD and the drive to learn more and really you know technical they're into the gun side of stuff but nobody who give him the time of day because they don't have a master's in engineering that was the crowd always looking for and my god did I get it the guys that we had out for the first brass Valley the first inaugural brass valve initiative was a massive success it was amazing it was a crazy crew guys and frankly if you're watching gun me review and you've made it this far they're here kind of guys too because it was just I spoken meme for about a week and a half and I needed like a re-education like a reintegration period back into society because heat had actually snuck into my regular vocabulary you should have seen the files my god well we're name and [ __ ] I think we had caldas short 6969 was the was my favorite of the week dummy thick handguard I think was the other one it's pretty pretty decent to sees of course but anyhow we did almost like a reality show type setup for this thing it was really cool having the guys down there for about two weeks and I would just got together and an airbnb and we worked on a couple of projects some of the AAA 50 some of the stuff we can't even show you yet so I'm looking forward to showing you guys the content that came out of that we're probably going to have that ready in the next month or so so be looking for that I'm really excited to see the future of Grass Valley and I'm excited to see how you guys respond to the sort of content so let's get into a little bit of the memory from that and if you're curious for a little bit of context I will include the link in the description or the welcome to brass Valley video it'll probably give you a little bit of much-needed context Grass Valley candidates being forced to execute their old caste trunnion aks thankfully a lot of them knew better you know which ones I'm talking to the executions were Swift and efficient nobody YouTube gun community in 2019 we made a tactical beam holder seriously I had very little control over that it was just kind of one of those things through the flow of the week you know you got a little bit of spare time and beans were a thing I don't know reddit has a I'm not a reddit name guy really apparently beans or a thing and so they asked if we could design a tactical bean holder so we're being real about this I think the the top is the only way it's actually going to work because if you put 3d printed on em lock on the side it would break is the weight of the being can in four hours and a very long 3d print later we designed a tactical bean holder and it got 35,000 views on YouTube we were talking about having all the brass Valley guys were unite for shot show and just have one of them carry around a 3d printer on their back just printing the tactical beam holders while we're walking through the show floor just passing them out have one of them walking behind it with a [ __ ] car battery to power the thing seriously guys brass Valley got [ __ ] weird but hi dad love those guys that was that was a very fun very fun couple weeks seriously it was my favorite I don't even know who made this autism excessive caffeine memes bushes beans arguments about CAD brass Valley that is just about exactly how that happened yeah that was um I think the way it was described best by one of those guys earlier today and the crude chat was it's like the /k manufacturing division except slightly less racist me trying to figure out what I can sell in my house to pay for a new gun I want that right there's a [ __ ] mood after the J Max shoot and I shot that grease gun I remembered how much I really want a grease gun so that's probably gonna be in my future sometime soon it's just a sexy firearm [ __ ] what can I sell while I flagged my camera crew can I interest anyone in a very nice Yugo rbk trade for a grease gun so I think that just about wraps up this episode of gunman review thank you guys so much for staying and watching all time and don't forget before you leave and click off to the next related video of mine like I'm sure you will I'm pointing to the wrong [ __ ] side of the screen it's gonna be down there but be sure to check out third pin threads there who do are our t-shirts now we're kind of transitioning fully over to them and we got a couple more designs coming in the pipes gonna be really cool Durell there's some good dudes too to support and yeah I'm gonna go ahead and include the link in the description and in the end comment and the more merch gets sold on third pin threads the more of my marks that get sold the more giveaways that I could do for you guys for the hash tag a kg notification squad which is still alive and well so if you comment a meaningful comment in the first hour of a video upload I randomly choose people through there and I can give you codes for merch and do you know decals giveaway it's just a little stuff like that so the more merch gets sold from 3rd 5th Reds at the more stuff I can give away to you guys so thank you guys so much and I will see you sexy [ __ ] in the next video how do we run things over here at the a keg I well I have no surefire way of getting out of these but I know it's gonna make a good thumbnail so send it I don't like the face you just [ __ ] made considering you're the one who's got to get me out of these sons of [ __ ] this is gonna get [ __ ] gnarly safety first kids [ __ ] lamby once again reintroducing our head builder Mike Oh son of a [ __ ] he might be able to mostly get funky day nice dude thank cups don't hold me uncomfortable again haha fatality a shoulder rig for the Makarov that's that's black bar okay it's cool so I can get back to my native African roots yeah on that one perfect I wake up every morning what does daddy Herrera want to do today and then that would go on the [ __ ] blooper reel
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,501,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, startup, Gun meme review, Review, Memes, Gun meme, Pewdiepie, Boogaloo, Red flag laws, Dan Crenshaw, Gun control, Arrested for memes, Brass valley, Electric boogaloo
Id: EbB5Ox5j5k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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