Gun Builder Reacts to Red Dawn (1984)

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hey everyone donut here today we're gonna be going over the 1984 classic Red Dawn alright that's enough for that bit we're gonna take this [ __ ] off but seriously today we are actually going over the 1984 cult classic Red Dawn which is also required viewing if you're interested in the a a platformer or Soviet weaponry as a whole if you haven't seen this movie already there's a chance that your conservative father has it on blu-ray and DVD he's probably seen it more times than he's ever told you that he loved you it's one of my favorite movies of all time I love any excuse I get to watch it again so we're gonna be going through it together but if you haven't seen it already I believe at time of recording it is still on Netflix so you can go watch it right now for free as long as you have a Netflix account that you could steal the password of pause this video go watch it it's a fantastic movie come right back and we're gonna talk about it while I cue this up before we get into it what are we drinking today we've got a little bit of rebel yell 100 little extra strength a little bit of kick actually drinking it out of my black rifle coffee mug love the crew over there I actually got this mug over from the guys at TAC PAC who is actually this episode sponsor if you haven't already heard tak PAC is a monthly subscription box for tactically minded folks we it all sorts of cool man stuff like knives shooters tape if you actually shoot at targets and not just mag dump into trash get bugs from companies with cool people at swag from companies cool people running you you want to be cool goddamn right you do and that's where you're gonna subscribe the tak pack and when you do subscribe you're gonna use that code right there cuz I forgot cool peer pressure tak PAC code let's get back to the video all right let's get into the movie I have to be all gamer and official now as you can see I've gotten into twitch streaming realms so I'm gonna be one of those big titty twitch streamers so if you've never seen Red John whole premise is this the Soviet invasion of the United States in small-town America in 1984 if you were a teenager in the 80s this was your wet dream do you hate communists and more importantly do you want to make sweet love and Lea Thompson then red dawn is your movie all right so here we see Russian / Cuban troops paratroopa ng in disrupting very rudely a high school class and if you've ever been a high schooler you've probably imagined this exact scenario unless your homeschool that's kind of weird okay so here we go they're unloading these crates of sweet Soviet goodness this is a great line to what's going on there my friend mag dump to the chest and to all the Europeans out there this is not in fact a typical day at American schools [Music] you love the RPG they're like it's such a weird noise too because the RPGs in this movie make just kind of like just a hell as they go through the air and it's not quite how RPGs are it's more just I think you actually see in this movie later on the RPGs are literally just like fireworks on a wire that you know it's all it's Hollywood private technics they're not gonna shoot an RPG at a bunch of high school kids that's one thing that's very iconic about this movie is just the sound design is so unique the gunfire you know it's very you know capped out on the high end 80s kind of action [ __ ] but that the rockets and everything the explosions are very I could I could hear one of those explosions and immediately think Red Dawn alright I'll try to stick to the guns here and not make this just a giant Red Dawn lovefest although I could do that now the funny part 1984 I think this was filmed in like 83 I guess if it came out in 84 the ak-74 was in wide use by the Russian military we didn't have those we hardly had access to a kms so what at the what they did in a lot of these shots they kind of rigged up a km's like the ak-47 762 style aks to look like ak-74 so they have the the triangle folding stock and they have seven six to bake lights and stuff like that they're rigging it up to make it look like as much as possible a real Russian ak74 it's kind of funny it works it works for the average viewer because one thing you have to remember this is the height of the Cold War you couldn't just go to the store and buy a Russian ak74 it's just not how this worked so their commitment to realism like that was pretty pretty pretty great for being a low-budget movie in the eighties and here we have the RPG and there's the wire the they didn't even this is before they could just clip it out in post like I don't [ __ ] worry about it we'll just we'll we'll airbrush out the the wire they didn't give a [ __ ] our pg7 too a cool tidbit about this movie they actually removed a scene and I don't think it exists anywhere online I've tried to find it on YouTube all over there there is a scene that they filmed where the Russians took over and shot up at McDonald's and it's just the most iconic you know you'd think about symbols of America apparently they thought straight to McDonald's there's a picture out there and delance will put it up on screen of a bunch of Russian guys from the set Russian guys from the set of Red Dawn in front of the McDonald's golden arches so this was a real scene but because apparently before it came out it was like a really bad McDonald shooting or something that was in the news like funny enough and I guess that's not funny at all [ __ ] but because you know that was kind of an insensitive thing when it was released I guess they just totally cut the scene and now it exists nowhere so I hate to keep harping on this but in 1984 people did just and they didn't have access to things like the Soviet APCs or tanks or [ __ ] like that this is just not a thing that they had when they were making this movie they just kid it up the tanks like preexisting tanks or Jeeps or whatever to look exactly like dead-on as close as they could the Russian stuff based on surveillance photos or whatever they had and it's just it's really incredible how good they got it even though most of that's probably [ __ ] cardboard apparently it was so convincing that while they were on the way back to the studio or something like that there's a there's a kind of a urban legend that says they were pulled over by two CIA guys asking where the [ __ ] they got Soviet equipment from which is that's pretty funny I hope it's true okay so the story here you know obviously the teenagers have kind of had to learn to survive and I think they've already had their first encounter with the Russian so now they're learning how to adapt to guerrilla warfare see just look at that tanks fantastic well it was fantastic [Music] if pulls out the switchblade like a [ __ ] 50s greaser and here's the part here's the part come in sixteen year old me was in love with this [ __ ] movie man we're almost to that part there's one thing I want to talk about beforehand here we go that right there so one of the things that they couldn't get out of Russia at the time or really anywhere in the world I guess at that point they couldn't get from the Soviet Union was the RPK the actual Russian RPK which is the light machine gun variant of the [ __ ] hold on this they couldn't get this not this specific one this one is a Yugoslavian made now modern-day Serbia m-72 which is their rpk variant but it's pretty much it's pretty damn close to this it's not like anybody was commercially making or importing Russian weapon variants at the time so they improvised and what the improvised width was none other than they now more rare Valmet so I'm pretty sure what they're using in this shot is the Finnish Valmet m78 and they just kind of rigged it up to look like an AR PK they put a drum mag and a lot of these shots and things like that so it's just kind of funny I never noticed that until like it maybe a year or two ago because it's it's I mean it's close you understand if they're getting at you see the bipod and everything like that so yeah I mean you understand but oh he's gonna do the thing it's gonna do the thing he's doing the thing Wolverine's yeah yeah there was all right I can put this back now so that gun right there that he's using is an Egyptian mati do with that information what you will now there is there you can see it better this is just a ballot and you can start to see a little some of these vehicles and APCs and stuff it's very much cardboard or however they bring it up I don't know all right so that right there that is supposed to be a disco the disc it was the Soviet heavy machine gun at the time it was 12.7 by 108 and it was a Haas the only catch we didn't have those so what you're looking at here I think for the majority of what they use for these mock-up dish cos were m60 s like the American 308 light machine gun they used those and they they kitted it up to look like a disco by putting that big [ __ ] prick at the end and again it's pretty convincing this is [ __ ] I didn't notice until much later so I I would have just thought that's a very Russian looking machine gun so I mean it works for 80s Hollywood top-notch and I love the attention to detail they even replicated the Russian grenades those look just like the real Russian grenades I'm Durden out I love this [ __ ] movie if this video accomplishes nothing but get a few thousand people who have never seen Red Dawn but love aks and love Russian guns to watch Red Dawn for the first time I consider my life to be success proud of me yet mom alright so now we get the real star of the show the Makarov my baby except I was very upset to know that that's not a Makarov that's a Walther that's a Walther PPK they thought I wouldn't notice and they were right for a while but I did I did notice yeah honestly I could sit here and talk about this movie all day I'm not gonna do that because God knows our the the runtime on this is probably long enough and watch time you know probably viewer venom is as soon as I start hurting out over this [ __ ] so who who cares whatever I like this [ __ ] movie if you haven't seen it at least the timer recording it's on Netflix and go check it out before they do some dumb [ __ ] like remove it so seriously worth your time you'll also notice that I didn't talk about the 2012 remake there's a reason for that hey because it does not deserve to be in the same video as this absolute classic but be because if you guys if you guys really want me to do another gun builder Reax video to the 2012 Red Dawn I have a lot to say but I don't want to do it but if you do want me to do that video go ahead and leave a comment down where you leave the comments and you know if you're in the first hour go ahead and leave it with the hashtag a cagey notification squad if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe and hit the notification ballot really does help so we can keep doing stuff like this I'm going to sit here and go back to watching Red Dawn so I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video Wolverine's [Music] got a little bit of people haven't started yet it hasn't even been uncorked
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 782,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red dawn, brandon Herrera, the AK guy, 1984, charlie sheen, Patrick swayze, AK, AK-47, Russian, russia, 2012, cgi artists react, corridor crew, gun builder reacts
Id: AfK4H2v585s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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