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okay we're gonna tie her back up shoot some more oh yeah we got some hits some call me a fanatic I consider myself a teacher demolition ranch ready for another lesson you have taken my children found them helplessly and slowly blown them apart only for the amusement of yourself and your demented audience you guys been requesting it you claimed this slaughter to be purely entertainment 39 hours ago two of your precious ar-15s were captured and subjected to a more gruesome torture exploiting every weakness until their inevitable demise all for our amusement of course entertainment for every one of ours you kill two of yours we'll meet similar fates you know who I am you don't know where I am and you'll never see me coming gun meme review what is up ye old sexy mother lovers sorry about that weird interruption in the beginning of the episode there that this dream got hijacked by somebody who I don't know who it is but I know it's demo ranch's fault we are coming to you with the first ever emergency session of gun meme review because damn the memes have been spicy this week in spicy goodness like a boss if you're a fan of self-mutilation and/or getting your teeth cold you probably watch the Democratic national debates live if you did you probably saw this magical gem of a clip that made it out to the internet from that debate a couple days ago roll it hell yes we're gonna take your ar-15 your ak-47 that was shockingly honest either way this was a very very bizarre clip because for the first time in political history you had complete excitement on both sides you had excitement from gun grabbing groups like moms demand action and you had complete and utter excitement from the Boogaloo boys because holy hell were the means good this week although I will have to point out they were happy for completely different reasons so needless to say my entire Instagram feed has been completely full of our favorite fake Hispanic dato but Beta Beta O'Rourke and they have been glorious so let's go ahead and get to my favorite part let's get into the memes first meme also worth noting only meme yeah cuz [ __ ] this guy gotta say it was a good day bado didn't take away my a K and if he tried to take away his a k it would have had to use your a K which would mean today was not a good day IceCube 2019 colorized white guys trying to get a Latina girl I'm about to say biblioteca so MF loud God he just looks creepy it looks like that guy from the big short we think that moves son mmm I was a weird little one the tooth there boy I would love to see a fistfight between O'Rourke and Ron Swanson I feel like that would be very entertaining it's gonna say that's gonna be the new Mayweather and McGregor and one of them is already Irish so that's cool Ron Swanson's not black how much for the gun it's not for sale that was a weird part too he didn't say he was gonna buy him back he said he was gonna just take him which also is directly on unconstitutional I might point out and well frankly even if you tried to buy him you can't afford it I mean he'll what do you put a price in the first a k-50 prototype and [ __ ] that things could end up in the Smithsonian or a garage sale then you can buy it pay to o'rourke ten year challenge you know it took me a concerning amount of time to realize that this was a Photoshop like a good part of that was was Photoshop because I would have bought it I really would have especially in his early years that was uh that was not an attractive man Obama now available in Irish cream and I don't have my hood pass with me today so that's where those jokes are gonna end on that one we're coming to take your ar-15 over half the US okay get in some of these have some really dark undertones but they're still a good name I'm gonna keep going believe in something even if it means starting a civil war just do it it really makes you wonder what goes through these guys heads like when he was up there and he said that did he really did they think this stuff through do they actually think of the implications of what they're talking about and do they think that's gonna go very well for them because that's either short-sighted or very misguided hell yes we're planing to take your ar-15 your ak-47 incoherent Boogaloo noises yeah okay I'm gonna tell you right off the bat I'm gonna have no control over this but my discord is gonna have its own Boogaloo regiment and there's gonna be some fucked-up [ __ ] that happens to bodies and I can't stop it I didn't condone it I didn't start it I wish it wouldn't happen those guys are like practically always making Boogaloo noises hell yes we're going to take your ar-15 Gun Owners I could calculate your chance of survival but you won't like it that's another problem is that they what are the odds you think he's gonna be in the front of the stack what are the odds do you think he's gonna be leading this whole Oh Boogaloo ignition we could call it's not gonna be odds at his survival it's gonna be what are the odds that he sends a bunch of law enforcement guys to go do some [ __ ] they really don't want to do they either know better and are coerced into it or they don't know better and they're about to find out I don't like it I don't like the idea of any of this stuff really honestly makes me kind of nervous I don't think we're gonna worry about him being an actual contender I hope not one of the things I am worried about as we're memeing him into the spot of a contender but that means they're just too good I'm actually kind of excited to see this kind of spirit still here because you know the big three birthing was a thing for a while and now it just has become this ultimate like boomer thing you know the 3% or halo you're the remote lone and all the lobby is it's kind of cool to see that kind of new internet generation kind of taking on its own form even if that form you know it's the American spirit that colonial rebellious you know hey we're only gonna take so much it's the ultimate checks and balance system that the founding fathers put in and installed some reason why we have the second amendment in the first place is that kind of spirits nice to see it alive even in the form of complete internet autism also do just want to take a minute to point out that they may be taking your ar-15s but you know air 15 parts I assume are still gonna be legal so might be worthwhile to just buy a under three little 3d printer you can get them on Amazon for two hundred and twenty nine dollars right now and just surrender your lower receiver and immediately go back and print three more I don't think they'd it that the lack of you know even just a little bit of intelligent thought going behind the stuff I don't really understand it but trying to ban guns in the United States is like trying to ban gravity anywhere that gravity is a nother thing t it's like banning tea in the UK for all you UK Watchers viewers I hope that analogy landed I feel like it's relatively culturally sensitive Robert Frances O'Rourke looks on in horror at the decimation of his armed security team 45 minutes into the second civil war started by his attempt at gun confiscation from American patriots Frances this was like the perfect coincidence that the way to kind of get on his nerves is to say his real name it's kind of like Rumpelstiltskin except skinnier and whiter leads me back to the Instagram video so we have this first one here that was pretty damn phenomenal I thought it was funny in time I'm fine with that ah the good old ricefield memes love that and especially in the I guess heartland of the American country it is cornfields cuz we don't we don't really grow a lot of rice here we could still wear the hats right I feel like that's you know culturally sensitive still right alright so this is not yet the end of this episode of gunman review but I did have a couple things to talk about real quick before we close out with the the other stuff there is a video that I kind of want to end with but there's a couple other things I want to talk about just wanted to get this out of the way real quick I just want to let you guys know that I will be present at the try Ark systems aerial gunnery event down in Texas on the 4th and 5th of October I don't really know a whole lot about this event I just got invited to it recently I'm excited to go down there's gonna be a lot of cool people there try arc seems like a really cool company the product page is pretty neat so I'm kind of trying to check out some of the stuff that they do there's gonna be helicopters and guns and basically that's all they had to tell me to sell me on it imma be there so if you're around in the area I would try to find out more information about that in the link in this trip the description excuse me next I have to rate this meme I didn't actually rate this yet because this meme is still kind of in its infancy but the memes are just getting better and better and I kind of like it so at this point I will rate this meme a perfect 5 out of 5 I think this is funny I think people absolutely run it straight into the ground but it hasn't happened yet so guys you still have a couple more days to enjoy them smoke them while you got as much as I sympathize and I'm totally on board with the natural patriotic duty of every American to be ready to throw the [ __ ] down if need be I do think this is something that we run the risk of a lot of younger guys perhaps taking a little bit too literally and almost getting excited for this sort of stuff this is something that you know is fun to joke about and it's definitely something that you know should be taken seriously but this is not an ideal situation and I don't necessarily think anybody should be literally hoping for a scenario where Americans can't work things out like adults and not have to put other Americans in danger I don't think that is the preferred outcome of that but that being said beta O'Rourke you're kind of a [ __ ] and I'm gonna let people keep memeing you and I'm gonna encourage it perfect five out of five go [ __ ] yourself oh and one other thing that on a serious note that I forgot to mention also to mr. O'Rourke you'll never get this you'll never get this lalala anyways guys hope this didn't get too serious for you after all this is gun meme review so let's close out with well let's close out with something different and I will see you sexy mother lovers in the next video drop it hell yes we're gonna take your ar-15 your ak-47 [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] terrorist video number one you know where I are still that's the opposite haha you know where I'm at and then the [ __ ] shop give me one second to figure out how to phrase this with a federal license leads us to some pretty cool internet scart little blah blah blah blah okay a little drop back into it alright
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 603,009
Rating: 4.9362202 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Gun meme review, Beto, Orourke, Ar-15, Ar15, Ak47, Assault weapons ban, Boogaloo, Meme review, Demolition ranch, Trump, Democratic debates, Gun control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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