Traveling to find myself- r/don'tfundme

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so between videos that cover heavier topics I like to make light-hearted fun whatever type videos where nothing has to be taken too seriously we can be silly have a laugh and things don't have to be deep so what I like to do when I make these videos is look through Reddit look through my favorite threads and see what I find what my favorite threads is art slash don't fund me and I like that thread a lot because people ask others to donate money to most the time ridiculous things that they don't need or that they really should be paying for themselves although there are some cases like paying rent where it's understandable that they would want help with something that necessary but other times they ask for things that they should probably buy themselves like jewelry and speaking of which today's video is sponsored by Ana Luiza jewelry I'm actually wearing an Anna Louisa necklace on my neck right now one of my favorite parts about this necklace is that there is a red link as you guys know I really like silver chain necklaces I wear them a lot one of my favorite thing about necklaces and jewelry generally is that I were a lot of minimal shirts as you guys know and I wear a lot of black and I feel like a great way to accessorize without getting yourself too much trouble is via a necklace or multiple necklaces here you can see three other necklaces that Anna Lisa sent to me one of the cool things I found out is that Ana Luiza uses a hundred percent recycled gold because actually it takes 20 tons of Earth mining to produce a single ring of gold and that's also why brands refused to tell you where their gold came from and therefore Ana Luiza chooses to 100% recycle which is something I really really respect if you're interested in checking out Ana Luiza jewelry I will put a link in the description below and know that you can use the code glair 10 to get money off anyway thank you again Andalusia for sponsoring this video let's get right into the topic at hand now the important thing to know about this thread is that of course there are trolls and course there are people just shooting their shot and honestly I can't blame people shooting their shot if you want to ask someone to pay for your trip to India or something and people actually donate you're still getting the money so I mean they're kind of winning in a way however I do think that in certain cases there's a little bit of a moral and ethical dilemma and we'll get more into that so here we have a post this would actually made me laugh if you were wondering what you wanted to get me for my 21st birthday let me help you out and say the most helpful thing you can do for me would be to make me a venmo cash app donation to help me on my birthday trip to New Orleans drinks are expensive fam now this one specifically made me laugh because it's assuming that people are just like racking their brains like and it's just kind of like maybe they don't even know that it's your birthday cuz this is a Facebook post so it's just kind of funny because there are eight likes and I don't know I just like the idea someone being like thinking about my birthday help you buy me things or rather pay me interesting okay here's another one I need a Gucci belt for JM Bly a I'm assuming must be some type of school and this was on snapchat so it says slide up and give me a dollar thank you I'm broke and this is my first year going to JMB yoa I'm just gonna call it gym blah and I want to stud anything will help me and will be v appreciated I will give you clout and a shout out hehehe xoxo frankly the hehehe xoxo kind of to me solidified the fact that they were shooting their shot in the sense that they know that this probably isn't gonna good idea and they probably won't make that much money but it's worth trying I never really understand why people post these types of things with like the worst justifications ever you know so if you're asking for money because you can't pay a rent okay that's fine that's a necessity you got to pay rent but when it's something like a Gucci belt and your soul just if ik nation is I want to look good when I am at school if people really give the most minimal explanation and just expect people to be like oh you're going to college oh well [ __ ] I didn't know that for college they don't let you through the door if you don't have a Gucci belt so you know they really need the belt to get an education so in a way if you pay them for the belt you're really helping them learn okay here we have another one and this one made me laugh as well because I always laugh at the stereotype of people going to India to like find themselves and then they come back and all of a sudden they're always wearing those like pants that have elephants on them and they're like spiritually awakened and all this crap just because they went to India and not seeing charlie can't be a spiritual experience but it's just kind of funny how many people actually fit the stereotype of I'm gonna go away to find myself and it's just like okay Sharon do that here's some one's titled that finding my true self and the goal is $2,700 during the past few months I have lost myself in college through a difficult process I've decided to take a term off to find my true self my plan is to travel and experience new culture in hopes finding my way back to who I truly am I will be starting an adventure of a lifetime in a few weeks this journey will last about five months and I hope to raise enough money to send me on my way I hope to earn enough and raise enough money to purchase a small sailboat which I will be sailing around New England and Canada my hope is to sustain this by finding odd jobs and work wherever I end up single-handed sailing on the ocean has always been a dream of mine and this is the perfect opportunity for me to experience it any donation would be very much appreciated and help send me on my way thank you is it just me or are you concerned for this person I'm concerned for this person because first of all I don't know how much little sail boats cost but $2,700 doesn't feel like it would cover it and also the idea of this person just going off to sea I don't know what their experience level is but I just fear for this person going off to sea and potentially just getting lost and I don't know I honestly hope they don't do this because it sounds like a terrible idea to be honest especially by yourself I hope he finds himself but I think this is kind of funny because this person might be in debt for college of course but it's just kind of like this person is already experiencing something that a lot of people don't experience which is college and to take a term off to do this to me doesn't sound like the best idea of course I don't know his life circumstances but the whole thing together just to me screams like this is gonna be a disaster so good luck to whoever this person is okay so remember how I said that asking for money for rent is understandable because you need to pay rent well here's an example that shows that there is always an exception to the rule I'll be homeless in 45 days please help me $10,000 goal is this person living in a mansion like what I've been told that I'll be homeless in 45 days and my job can't pay rent transportation I make less than $800 a month and rent in my areas more than I make even if I made it right I still wouldn't be able to afford food expenses any money would be greatly appreciated help spread the word what the hell like what are you spending ten thousand dollars on like I understand cushioning the amount a little bit because it's necessary to you know have food and have gas in your car if that's how you get to work whatever but also why why is James living in a place where the rent cost more than he makes that makes zero sense that's very strange and also how is it that this is happening all of a sudden considering that he didn't say he just lost a job so how has he made it until now I'm confused I'm confused this entire situation just makes me ask questions I feel like James should have been more thorough in his explanation because I don't understand what's happening and $10,000 James really I do hope he finds money though so he doesn't end up homeless so there's this one type of GoFundMe that I'm always a little bit mad about because I understand that it's a nice gesture but at the same time it's kind of maybe lazy or an easier way out so here's an example help my friend get money for her bday to CBTs my friend is having a birthday and she wants to go to the Korean boy band group called BTS it's always been her dream that's why I want to help her so she could go see BTS can you help raise money before deadline so I see that this is a nice gesture supposedly you're trying to get your friend what they want so I understand that you're doing it for someone else so it could be seen as a nice cause of course this could all be a lie pretending we know this is true that's cool like that's a nice thing until you see that they want sixty three thousand dollars so so I'm kind of thinking that this money isn't only to see the concert but to fly to wherever the concert is which is I'm assuming on the other side of the moon and then also paying for hotel which they'd probably have to go to the most expensive hotel like it's just funny because $63,000 is so specific it's not sixty thousand it's sixty three thousand so it just makes me kind of laugh to think about what did they add up to get that or what are they putting in to get such a specific number and it just makes me feel like they have this whole like map of like okay so we're gonna go see the concert and then we're gonna go there there and there I don't know does anyone else think that okay here we have another one PC gaming computer hi my name is blank I want a computer at home to use for gaming in school I need it because then I can complete homework whenever we do it online and I can download Learning Ally to help me read I can also install games so I can play them with friends I would like to be able to purchase this computer by summer 2019 it would mean so much to me if you could donate and their goal is three thousand dollars so I think this is kind of funny take a shot every time I say funny they're trying to portray this computer as like necessary for their education which mind you computers can be necessary for education because some schools have programs and things you can only access online but it doesn't have to be this computer it only has to be this computer for your gaming [ __ ] otherwise you could have any old computer so I thought that was actually kind of funny because it's it's just so obviously for the gaming and not education at all so yeah that's a good try however they already did raise two hundred and eighty three dollars so if anything they have some money to put toward a computer but this person really tried to play it as if like their education needs it thank you again to Ana Luiza jewelry for sponsoring this video make sure to check the description if you are interested in use my code glare 10 for money off I don't make anything out of that it's just for you anyways thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you [Music]
Views: 96,913
Rating: 4.9535308 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/don'tfundme, don't fund me, gofundme, reddit thread
Id: vNfYRarMMl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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