RE: h3h3 Instagram vs reality

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we were gonna be talking about Instagram facetune body image whatever and I've been wanting to talk about this for a while but I haven't mainly because I felt like everyone had already said what I thought or I felt like I wasn't adding it to the discussion however things have obviously changed because I'm here so h3h3 Ethan put out a video Instagram versus reality right and I actually follow that reddit thread every so often I think it is grounding but we'll get into that later so I wanted to respond to his video just a note off the bat me responding doesn't mean I disagree with everything on the contrary I think I agree with what my perceived message of the video is which is this have you guys ever browsed Instagram and wondered why everyone looks so beautiful why does everyone have such a perfect life why is everyone having so much fun has perfect skin who's always laughing and smiling why is my life so boring as I sit here in my underwear covered in breadcrumbs sad and alone why I'll tell you why because they're faking it we need to understand collectively nobody's that happy we are all miserable they're just so much better at faking it and you know what they're doing they're making all of us really even worse that's why today I am proud to present to you one of the best subreddits in the game Instagram reality where they take a snippet from someone's Instagram or social media and show you the actual reality behind the post today I guarantee you that you will be feeling better more confident we need to embrace that and lift ourselves up however even sometimes makes jokes that people are offended by sometimes his delivery is not what people want so I feel like sometimes the message gets lost and I think here the message got a little bit lost at least my perceived version of what the message of the video was as we can see Trisha Paytas was not very happy about it probably because she was included in the video it's great when you shoot a video you're editing then you happen to check Twitter and you see that things have shifted somewhat so until the part of Trisha Paytas was my prior filming so I went and looked at how people were receiving this h3h3 video online because I was like let me just broaden my perspective let me hear the argument of the other side of h3h3 and I went to Trisha penises page because as you saw she reacted saying the unedited photos of these women look like manatees Twinkies and other insults seems to go against the positive message what was your reasoning for including that and obviously that was directed at h3h3 I genuinely think that what Ethan was going for was to say that excessive photoshop is not necessary having butts that don't have cellulite is not necessary in order to be considered beautiful there is no need to have an hourglass body or whatever societal standard to be considered beautiful or attractive I think that was his initial message and like I said before I think that sometimes Ethan shoots himself in the foot with the jokes he makes because they then seem to contradict his main point now I know that a big selling point of h3 h3 is that it's rather uncensored it's quote-unquote offensive to a lot of people and honestly most the time I get his sense of humor in this video I wouldn't say that I am like offended flabbergasted whatever because there are very few videos on YouTube that can offend me that deeply but by making those jokes he was really taking away from the message because the message is kind of a serious message it's a message of embracing yourself and also not believing everything you see online and because of course 99% of what we see on Instagram sadly these days is extremely photoshopped or extremely different from reality and very curated this is something we know by making jokes about the appearance of those when they're not photoshopped or when they're not and you know like perfect lighting angles or whatever then it just seems like he's making fun of them which I don't think was his goal I think he was trying to bring light heartedness to it but it didn't really work out like that's how I see it and I think that generally speaking when you're talking about people's appearance making jokes at the expense of their appearance really undermines your point because it seems like you're hitting below the belt what I also wanted to talk about in conjunction because it's obviously related is the Instagram versus reality thread now I actually go on that thread from time to time to ground myself because much like anyone else if you spend time on Instagram which I do because I want to see my friends posts I want to see the posts of the people I follow which takes time you can find yourself kind of drifting away from reality in the sense that I have problems with body dysmorphia I had an eating disorder so like social media is like a death cocktail for me sometimes I feel like I'm drifting away because I'll see perfect societally speaking perfect influencer after perfect influencer you know beautiful thin tall white white white [ __ ] teeth hourglass body whatever and if you see that after a while I do feel like you start to forget that that's really not how they are and more than that I think you start to internalize whatever aspects if it's like the hourglass body shape you start to internalize that as what you are supposed to be or what you are supposed to look like and I know I'm not saying anything new like this shit's been happening for a long time even before social media I'm just saying because of social media it's very much in your face and very hard to avoid entirely I know that for me going on the thread Instagram versus reality it's not for me to see like a picture of super photoshopped Anna and then a picture or like a screen grab from a video of tan out where she looks significant bigger than the photoshopped picture when I go on that reddit thread it's not to be like oh my god she's fat in real life cuz she's not fat in real life she's not she didn't need to Photoshop herself she looked fine before whatever the reason I go on that thread is to remind myself every so often when I feel like I'm drifting into dangerous territory with my head of eating disorders my self-image whatever I go to remind myself they don't really look like that and that's okay in the sense that tannaz a pretty girl whether or not she photoshop's herself and i can say that for the majority of the influencers I see photoshopping themselves they're fine they're fine they don't need to and that grounds me because I know that they chose to Photoshop themselves for whatever reason but the real them we have something in common you know what I mean when I see the unfotunately not relate to you know a person with a million followers on Instagram who has the crazy hourglass body who's tall and thin but also fit but not to fit you know like I don't relate to that but I do relate to the non Photoshop versions of the influencers I'm seeing does that make sense [ __ ] probably not I hope it does and when I say photoshopped her face tuned I mean people who go all out like I'm not talking about like blurring out a pimple or something I'm talking about people who bend buildings so they can make their waists really small and make their arms smaller too but their boobs bigger and their ass bigger I'm talking about that type of Photoshop facetune job and honestly I don't like it I don't like when people Photoshop things to hell I don't like it when people facetune things to hell and it's not only because you know the typical argument of oh there are young people who see this and you know like we all know that argument and it is a valid argument but it's also because I can't possibly imagine that that does your brain and any good because let's say now I never Photoshop my body I never face between my body the most I've done is blur backgrounds and and maybe make my highlight look more intent that's the only thing I've ever done I've never modified my body specifically because I already have body problems and modifying my body would [ __ ] me up more let's say I am one of those people who does not have an hourglass body which I don't and I want to have one in a picture I make myself look like I have a tiny waist wider hips and a bigger bust I don't know what that would do to an average person mentally if they did that for almost every photo they post and even face wise if you're making your skin always smoother to the point where it doesn't even look like skin it looks like a [ __ ] blanket or something and if you always brighten your eyes and these are smaller things but I feel like if you have some kind of routine of editing a large amount because editing your eyes isn't a big deal but if you edit your eyes and all of your face and make your nose smaller it becomes a big deal you know what I mean so I think that all of that cannot add up to something good especially if you do it for a prolonged period of time I really do think it becomes something like an addiction and I think that you're gonna be left feeling like [ __ ] that's the reason I don't like it on top of the young people being influenced blah blah reason we've all heard a billion times and I think that returning to the h3 video I think that what he was trying to say was something similar to me in the sense of you don't have to do anything to be pretty you can just be you like you can be you with makeup you can be you without makeup you could be you with cellulite you can be you however being you is enough like that's what I think he was going for I'm kind of saddened that that message was lost you know because of how it was received because of delivery because of the jokes included because I do think it's an important conversation to have and since he has such a large platform he has a large amount of reach but I have to say that in my perspective and this is just my own opinion I'm really tired of seeing people that are really photoshopped it it bores me now because everyone looks kind of the same and this is not to degrade women you know like if you want to photoshop your face so it's unrecognizable if you want to Photoshop your body so that it looks like you're an alien you're allowed to do that and I respect that you can do that and you can make your own choices I just don't think it's going to end well and I don't think it bodes well generally speaking individually and societally it's not a good thing and I think that one thing that has to be added into this conversation is when we talk about body positivity right because body positivity has been such like a buzzword in the past few years accepting yourself bla bla bla okay well the thing that is troublesome here too is that a lot of the people who are posting or reposting these platitudes aren't really acting in a way that is consistent with what they're saying now of course there's the possibility that you photoshop the [ __ ] out of your pictures but you still love yourself and accept yourself like that's possible I think it's rare but possible but a lot of the people who are like you should be fine with who you are and you know like all those platitudes you know what I'm talking about [ __ ] you'd put on a magnet those are the people who also are photoshopping themselves so I think that we are also sending a lot of mixed messages on social media because plenty of people will talk about accepting themselves but then do things that kind of go against the general notion of accepting yourself we just see the same Photoshop over and over again which is almost like seeing someone in the exact same pose in the exact same outfit over and over again and you just wonder what's the point anyway sorry for this like weird video but I wanted to talk about it because as soon as I saw the each for each three video this morning I was just kind of like I need to talk about this because I've been thinking about it for a long time anyways let me know what you guys think about this in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 217,968
Rating: 4.8303962 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, ethan klein, commentary, photoshop, social media, facetune, editing, instagram vs reality
Id: WshVCd76tf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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