Cancel Culture - A rant

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel this is the second time I'm trying to film this video because I just started going off on tangents in the first version even if I have notes in front of me specifically to avoid the tangents it just happened Congrats me so cancel culture I [ __ ] hate it I want to talk about cancel culture and the first thing I want to say is when I talk about this I'm not gonna act like I'm not complicit in any way because I feel like there are moments where I've been outraged and I've responded via my emotions rather than logic or just rational response and when I say cancel culture I also include outraged culture and call out culture because I feel like they all really do come together whether there's subsections of each other or whether they're definitions are associated or similar I feel like in the end they all boil down to a very similar thing and I think I've not cancelled people in my brain as much as like I've been outraged and I've contributed to outraged culture so I'm partially complicit so when I talk about this I don't want it to come off like I didn't do anything wrong but you like you need to fix yourself that's that's not it at all been thinking a lot about it just the past few years but especially more recently as I've kind of tried to watch what happens when people [ __ ] up online whether they [ __ ] up or not people can be canceled even for what I think is not a [ __ ] up but anyway there's a difference between cancelling someone and disassociating yourself with someone because you don't agree with something they did or said morally and ethically so my example of this is just so we're clear if I don't like someone because I find out that they're a pedophile or I find out that they're a rapist or I find out that they're a murderer or some kind of criminal if I find out these things and I don't agree and I want to disassociate myself by unsubscribing unfollowing whatever that kind of disassociation from someone is not the same as canceling someone okay editing me coming in just to clarify one thing I'm not saying that you can't disassociate yourself from a beauty guru and that it has to be because they murdered someone or something the main point that I was trying to get across is that when you disassociate yourself from someone you think about it rationally and logically rather than just impulse and emotion and outrage so let me just underline that difference between moral ethical disassociation from someone because you thought things out and you decide that you don't like them as an individual versus impulse outrage and just bandwagon okay there are two different things and also just to say if there is a makeup artist that you don't like that didn't kill anyone didn't do any like huge crime but you still don't like them and you decide to disassociate yourself from them that's also okay but what I'm underlining is that disassociation to me has rational thought and logic behind it as for your reasons rather than cancelling I'm not trying to say that you have to support everyone that is entirely up to the individual who you want to support but I think it's the way we go about it that says a lot about who we are generally as individuals and then as communities societies whatever some errors I don't think are redeemable like I've said before even if I don't think people aren't necessarily redeemable I think that they should continue to try to be redeemable whether in the end they're redeemed or not is not really up to me as much as it's up to the person they wronged or the people they wronged but the thing is that cancel a culture makes people feel like they can't move forward and I think that's the thing that bothers me the most because even though my critique might be harsh on this channel I feel like most of the time I'm not trying to say someone's over and their life is done and their career is over and they you know should just give the [ __ ] up as much as these are things that I didn't like these are things that I deem wrong maybe think about them maybe try and fix them maybe don't do it again you know it depends it's all circumstantial really but cancel culture has this connotation of you [ __ ] up I did sited that you [ __ ] up whether you did or not is almost irrelevant once people decide you [ __ ] up its you [ __ ] up you know whether you did or not people have already ruled against you there's nothing you can do to fix it and your life is over and that's what I hate about Kancil culture because it's so final it's so obsessed with the we almost need to eradicate you from whatever platform which is ironic because most of the time people do bounce back sometimes it takes longer and sometimes they don't get back to the same level of success or like that they used to have before but most of the time after what two weeks everything's forgotten and that's also the ironic part because I feel like in canceled culture so much hate happens so fast and then after what like I said two weeks it's like that hate is gone the person's forgiven we're moving on to the next target that is gonna be harassed for days who's probably going to be in the worst position of their lives mentally for days and then we're moving on to the next person Lee what bothers me about canceled culture is not the the decision of not liking someone anymore or the decision of not supporting someone anymore but rather the decision that you don't like them anymore because you think they did something wrong and instead of just unsubscribing instead of just rationally critiquing what they did or what you think they did it turns into an emotionally fueled logic lists act that almost feels like people enjoying someone's downfall so much that they don't care to see the facts anymore as much as they care to see the downfall they want to see the numbers going down on socialblade they want to see the person in distress they want this kind of weird fucked-up sense of justice that they think should occur and I don't think that's healthy and I think that on the contrary it'll just lead to genuinely everyone being cancelled because as time progresses I feel like there's less and less of a grasp on what really is sniffing like what really is worth disassociating yourself from someone versus what is some petty thing you disagree on that you decide is suddenly so important that it's worth you know starting a hate campaign against someone hopefully I'm making sense because I feel like I make sense to myself but not the buzz words that people use while this cancellation is happening to begin the cancellation during the cancellation after the cancellation is that we use terms to loosely I say we because I'm sure I've made the mistake at some point misogyny racism homophobia transphobia whatever other very intense and serious term you can think of I've seen those terms being thrown around very liberally to the point where terms that really need to be respected like racism like racism is not a small thing that you just say oh that was racist like no let's think about if it was or not because if you just throw it around it starts to lose its meaning that's a very dangerous precedent to set right just like if a man critiques a woman does it automatically mean he's a misogynist no maybe he just disagrees with her but I feel like online a lot of people try to attribute meanings that are not there a lot of people project things that are not there and sometimes it becomes you know really an identity politics thing to the point where it's like a man disagrees with a woman on some political issue sometimes it's that simple but I feel like people will run to say it's misogyny because why because that makes people outraged that makes people pissed that makes people stop thinking logically and that makes people jump onto this bandwagon oh like [ __ ] this person he's a misogynist and that's just an example of how real misogyny will then just be undermined because you know now everyone is some kind of transfer homophobe whatever does that make sense you should just be very careful with the words we choose to use specifically because we don't want these important words to lose their meanings so when racism is actually happening when homophobia is actually happening we take it as seriously as it should be taken I think that cancellation also includes people thinking out they have more power than they do or people taking someone's life into their own hands and by that I mean I have seen situations multiple times where cancellation is not just oh we're not gonna watch your videos anymore oh we're gonna subscribe we're not gonna support you online anymore but rather it turns into almost like a plot to ruin the person's life generally and by that I mean like trying to find out where they live contacting their relatives finding their address contacting their job which are all things that I don't think are appropriate for cancellation type [ __ ] which like I mentioned before there's a difference between cancellation and disassociation and I feel like because people get so in the heat of the moment they feel like they're allowed or they should go as far as you know finding contacting their job making people lose their job making people get evicted contacting landlords and I just feel like this is all setting up a very dangerous precedent of what's okay to do and since outrage culture cancel culture call out culture whatever gets people so in their feelings it's it's like logic flies out the window and I just feel like people are taking things to levels that I deemed scary you know like if I was ever cancelled if I'm ever canceled I'm sure at some point I'll get canceled over something the idea that people would start contacting my family or contacting where I live or doing anything that is real-life [ __ ] if you think of it like that even you whoever is watching whether you post [ __ ] online or not just think of it as if it was you when you think of it that way it just becomes very scary because there's no consideration in what's appropriate there's no consideration of what is actually an egregious act compared to just something you disagree with there's just a lack of consideration that is scary because as we all know when we're in the heat of the moment it's very easy to say things we don't mean it's very easy to act out and imagine if you get in this the moment and you decide someone's canceled and you go out of your way to actually damage someone's life to the point where like sometimes it's somewhat irreparable bottom line is that I think that canceled culture reminds me a lot of black mirror and I don't think that that's a good thing let me know what you think down below about canceled culture and what you think the problem is with it very curious to know your guys's opinions thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Views: 107,718
Rating: 4.951591 out of 5
Keywords: cancel culture, drama, cancelled, call out culture, outrage culture, social media, influencer, social issues
Id: ycxm7CSrjdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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