This ex-priest got a young teen pregnant

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel I am standing here so you can read my shirt because I'm showing off my Chris Hansen merch so based on what I'm wearing I think you know where we're going the title should have probably told you as well but we have another Grimm situation on our hands just the title of the article gave me a stroke so that's the type of energy we're in for here ex-priest who got teen pregnant can keep job as middle school teacher ex-priest ooh got team pregnant that already in itself is a story then you have the can keep his job as middle school teacher right it's like we took all kinds of [ __ ] put it in a blender and now we have it as a situation the veteran New Jersey t-shirt who once had a sexual relationship with a 14 year old girl and got her pregnant all while he was a Catholic priest can keep his middle school job an arbitrator ruled I love how they just dive into it so nonchalantly like oh yeah he got a girl pregnant she also she was 14 also he was a priest and also he can just keep his [ __ ] job like this dude is really just having a great ass time without consequences former Reverend Joseph de Shan 59 began teaching in the cinnaminson I don't know school district in 1996 six years after he impregnated the teen who worked in his parish rectory in Bridgeport Connecticut the state ruling said cinnaminson school officials didn't learn of the illicit relationship until 2002 when it surfaced in the press so the article isn't super clear on whether the school didn't background check and that's why they didn't know or whether like nobody knew about what happened with the fourteen-year-old and only in 2002 when it came on the news did they find out so the school potentially is not to blame but the article isn't clear on when the thing with the 14 year old was Eshan who left the priesthood years prior was suspended for three weeks but eventually returned to the classroom so okay hold on you're telling me that the conversation went like this we know that you [ __ ] up really badly and by [ __ ] up we know you're a pedophile and got a teen girl pregnant years ago we didn't know about that before but now that we know we don't feel right how do you hear so just leave for three weeks and come back [ __ ] what even is the point of a three-week suspension like doesn't solve anything he's probably just gonna go on vacation like what no so stupid then last year district officials alleged that DeShannon made a 12 year old student uncomfortable while commenting on her pretty green eyes look at me - an allegedly told the girl let me see your pretty green eyes you don't see them too much anymore well maybe Joseph it's because you're almost 60 and you shouldn't be looking into the green eyes of young girls but rather of someone your own age or maybe just look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you're such a [ __ ] disappointment apparently - Anne made this remark in a creepy and weird voice this is all hearsay but at the same time it's like if he has a history of impregnating a fourteen-year-old girl isn't really unbelievable that he'd be creepy to a 12 year old I mean duh that's why he shouldn't be teaching anyone who is under 18 ever the former priest was accused of conduct unbecoming of a staff member to put it lightly by the district in December as parents requested that their children be removed from his classroom the parents said their children felt unsafe being taught by a rapist and a pedophile who had no business being around juveniles especially those close to the age of the girl he impregnated yeah yeah the parents and the children have it right like this you know sometimes you see cases and it's nuanced and it's so hard to come to a conclusion because you can see that there so many facets and you're like okay well let's consider everything but here it's like okay he impregnated a girl she was 14 what else do we really have to know to say yeah let's not put him in a [ __ ] classroom with people around that age however the thing that happened with the twelve-year-old because it was hearsay the arbitrator ruled that the allegation did not warrant termination so just because the 12 year old girl was uncomfortable this arbitrator was like you know what he is a pedophile we already know that but let's just let him hang out there they know that technically pedophile isn't the right time there's a subcategory for people who are attracted to teenagers doesn't matter still a pedophile some categories don't even matter to me in this particular situation so just thank the Board of Education insinuates that the comment to the 12 year old girl was laced with improper intentions and sexual connotations wrote State Department of Education arbitrator yet it provides no non hearsay evidence of the basis of the implication and despite changes in parental and societal views that district officials say now make - an unfit for a classroom the arbitrator wrote in his ruling that the teacher cannot lose his job for conduct they've known about for 17 years BOE Board of Education has not alleged that respondent engaged in any inappropriate conduct while holding public employment so because they have known about this for 17 years he can't lose his job now essentially is my understanding of this and that's [ __ ] crazy the fact that some parents now demand his removal from the classroom it does not give the Board of Education a second opportunity to revisit pre-employment conduct of which has long been aware essentially it's kind of like a law loophole here because he can't be fired because they already knew about this prior and thought it was okay for some reason and so since nothing has occurred because they don't want to consider that something occurred with the twelve-year-old now they just can't get rid of him there's a part that I think summarizes my feelings appropriately is that Heiner executive director of The Survivors Network of those Abused by priests told the post he was disappointed and he said I understand the logic of it but this is one of those cases where the technicalities have seems to have overridden common sense thank you exactly I think an interesting thing here is that most the time when something bad happens to someone whether it's sexual abuse or anything else we always think men I wish I had known X Y & Z earlier so I could have prevented this from happening and here we know this guy impregnated the fourteen-year-old girl we know that and now he's still working with sixth graders to be specific and it's just kind of like are you are you really gonna are you really gonna put those sixth graders in a position of danger knowing full well that [ __ ] Joseph gets boners for fourteen-year-old girls like what what are you thinking like it's just such an I don't I feel like I'm having a stroke I genuinely don't know what these people are thinking and if I were a parent there I would remove my child from that school I would start a petition to get him removed from the school the only thing I can say that is positive about this is a mother at the middle school said de Shan was put on leave in October and has yet to return the district did not respond to questions about his status on Friday so the good thing is like he's on leave but that doesn't mean he's fired and that doesn't mean he's not gonna come back anyways guys as always let me know what you think about this case let me know if you think he should be fired full stop or if you think he should keep teaching there I would be very interested to see any type of argument that says he should keep teaching there because I can't think of one reason why thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 225,644
Rating: 4.9793944 out of 5
Keywords: priest, teacher, school, education, news, Joseph DeShan
Id: eodMe9xS7QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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