Another teacher crossed the line

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're back with another teacher who decided to assault a student I genuinely don't like making claims like oh this is happening more often or it's at an all-time high I think it's probably that we're just giving it more awareness now that people are talking about it more but genuinely I am overwhelmed by the amount of reports coming out back-to-back about a series of different teachers who assault their students obviously I know that this happens but I think it's crazy how back to back like I said this has been every day that I check crime news because I do check every single day it feels like it's almost every day now the one thing that I am I'm not happy about because I wish these crimes didn't happen but I do think it's important to be aware that women pedophiles exist so the fact that it's being reported is important but obviously I wish there was no report to be made I wish there's no crime committed middle school teacher accused of sexually abusing teen at her home including while her own child was present Louisiana teacher Ella Rhea Silva I'm gonna just call her Silva from now on I don't know how to prance that name allegedly used her middle school email account to initiate an inappropriate relationship with a teen is it just me or the fact that she used her middle school email account leaves an extra level of creepiness a middle school teacher has been arrested on sex crime charges for allegedly sexually abusing a teenager multiple times while her own child was around Silva 34 turned herself in to authorities on Thursday according to local outlet it was the end result of an investigation between the Zachery Police Department and the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office according to the police department Silva was charged Thursday with indecent behavior with the juvenile carnal knowledge of a juvenile oral sexual battery and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile investigators allege Silva initiated contact with a 15 year old boy by emailing him at his school address using her own school email according to an arrest warrant they then switched to using personal email accounts so the school could not track their emails the teacher allegedly sent naked photos and videos of herself to the student she also allegedly sexted him sending him a text indicated she wanted to have sexual intercourse with him it's not clear if the teenager was ever a current or former student of hers obviously morally this is bankrupt it's morally bankrupt it's creepy it's inappropriate it's disturbed depraved a whole list of other words that I'm gonna spare even on the basic logistical level okay we already know that morally this is incorrect but let's remove the moral layer for a second just logistically you are emailing a student so you are leaving a paper trail of your interactions and how look why do you expect to get away with that like that's what I just don't understand now thankfully this person's a dumbass on top of being depraved so we got them but I genuinely don't understand how pedophile especially these recent cases with female teachers we've seen that they use social media typically to contact their victims and I just don't understand how they don't realize that that is leaving a whole last paper trail I genuinely don't know how they think they're gonna get away with that I don't know if it's just complete stupidity or if they just have this false sense of security this false sense of confidence if they bank on the fact that there are women and people will see them as you know these little fragile beings that could never possibly be depraved [ __ ] weirdos we do know also and I say this with pretty much every single pedophile case we cover especially with teachers since they're so surrounded by minors especially in her case because she does teach minors I wonder how many other people might have been victimized maybe to a lesser extent but nonetheless I wonder if how many other victims there are because it's hard for me to believe that you just have this creepy [ __ ] wat for a 15 year old and before then never had you ever given in to this depraved behavior I'm also curious about that she then allegedly sexually abused him eight or nine times at her over the summer of 2019 Silva's own child was allegedly at the home during each encounter police said I don't know how a person can think it's okay to be with a minor period that's obvious but I genuinely on top of that don't understand how you have your own whole last kid you have a kid but you do that to somebody else's kid I think that there would be more empathy as a parent so that you know that you would protect your child at all costs and you would never want them to be abused and yet you do that to someone else I just the cognitive dissonance there I'm confused I don't understand and I'm not saying having a child automatically makes you empathetic there are plenty of parents who are monsters we've seen it however I really have such a difficulty processing the fact that you're gonna have your kid at home with you but then you're gonna be like let me invite over this fifteen-year-old so I can abuse them because I was wondering you know like how did neighbors not think it was weird that a 15 year old was going over to her house but then again she could say she was tutoring him he could have been babysitting her kid I don't know hold her kids there are reasons why it wouldn't necessarily be suspicious depending on the time of day I suppose civil was a science teacher at northwestern middle school the school did not immediately respond to requests for comment Zachary schools superintendent Scott Duvalier told WAFB in a statement that when allegations surfaced the school reported it to law enforcement and placed the employee on administrative leave no one is covering up anything and nor sweeping anything under the rug we're following the law and I'm unable to comment beyond this information Silva's bond has been set at $225,000 it's not clear if she has an attorney who could comment on her behalf there could be other possible alleged victims too police suggested detectives are requesting that parents of students who were in contact with Silva to talk with their kids they urged to contact Zachary police detectives at their phone number I will leave the phone number in the description so I have to say one thing that genuinely creeps me the [ __ ] out is that she was using her middle school email so I'm gonna re explain that voicing over this part because the way I explained it originally in the video makes next to no sense was tired but essentially it's like the use of her school email which is a middle school is alarming to me because either she compartmentalized and tried to pretend that she wasn't using her work email to contact a student who very well could have been her student and didn't see a problem with that I genuinely genuinely hope there aren't other victims though it's hard for me to believe that there wouldn't be other victims or at least other people she was inappropriate with whether something actually ended up happening is a different story I wouldn't be surprised if she had been inappropriate with other students and I don't understand how someone with a child can do that and not see the issue especially with their own child at home like does that not disgust you like how do you live with yourself being an abuser first of all a child abuser no less but aside from that having your own kid at home when that's happening that just adds an extra layer of disgust for me one thing I'm concerned about and I'm sorry if this is like really [ __ ] but what I am concerned about is that she's conventionally attractive let me put a picture of her here let's remember what happens to women who are conventionally attractive when they're in trouble for sex related crimes I remember one of the prior cases I'd covered where it was again a teacher in the article the journalist was like describing how her hair fell on her shoulders or like how it fell on her face it was some Twilight ass [ __ ] frankly I was so bewildered at the fact that anyone cares like girl I don't care about her hair like I really could not give less of a [ __ ] of what kind of hair she has she's an abuser okay and I feel like that happens a lot with female criminals like I do not remember ever reading an article where a man is the criminal and the journalist being like his gray hair was swept to the side it's like [ __ ] the [ __ ] I don't care I really don't care it's one thing to say that someone looks regretful or sad or something about their emotion because that has something to do with the case because if they were ready I mean still go to jail because you're a child abuser but it's pertinent what kind of hair you have is not pertinent and I really hope that this person isn't let off because they're conventionally attractive or Cena's not dangerous first scene as you know like the boy should have enjoyed it because she's like pretty attractive which we all know is a garbage argument because abuse is abuse it can't be attractive it's abuse anyway sorry I kind of went off there but let me know what you think in the comments down below let me know if you think she's gonna get very little time like I do because that seems to be a trend thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the fan art [Music] [Music]
Views: 243,162
Rating: 4.9724612 out of 5
Id: OLzJpTHOaz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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